COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase

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COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
Vol. 21
Belgrade office                                    2020

     COVID – 19 Implications and the Next Steps?
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
In this issue:                    12
                                  Interview – Ivan Vitorović
                                  CEO, Mona Hotel Management
03                                15
Interview– Miloš Jelić            Interview – Milica Jović
CEO of Nelt Group                 People & Culture Director South East Europe
                                  Philip Morris International
05                                17
Interview – Dragan Filipović
                                  Interview – Nenad Vučinić
CEO, Generali Osiguranje Srbija
                                  General Manager, TeleSign Serbia
07                                20
Interview – Violeta Kovačević     Interview – Andrej Beslać
CFO, Mercator - S                 General Manager , Mlekoprodukt Zrenjanin,
                                  Part of Savencia Group

 09                               22
                                  Interview – Mirjana Lučić
 Interview – Narcis Popescu
                                  General Manager for Weber SRB, MNE and BiH
 General Manager, OMV Serbia      Saint Gobain Construction products Serbia

 10                               25
 Interview – Nikola Đenić         Interview – Aleksandra Mirić
 Partner, KPMG                    Director, Pharmanova
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
Miloš Tucaković
                                                                  Managing Partner
                                      Regional Practice Leader EMEA for Consumer
                                    Products & Services, Stanton Chase International

 Dear Readers,

 COVID-19 emerged out of nowhere and like a        We are witnessing the recovery of the Chinese
 tsunami devastated the whole planet. We           economy after the pandemic. The fact is that
 cannot yet perceive the aftermaths, we can        China is the greatest exporter in the world and
 only speculate about them, but we are about to    that their recovery means a lot, but it will be
 face them both in economic and in every other     enormously important that other economies
 sense of the word.                                do not stumble either. Germany has
                                                   announced the increase of public investments,
 The forecasts are that the economic growth        but the economy pressures for additional aid.
 everywhere in the world will be much lower        The French government has postponed tax
 than the planned one. Certain branches of         collection and other liabilities. Italy has also
 industry have been hit really hard and the        been taking different measures to protect its
 question is how much time they will need to       citizens and the economy. The Bank of
 recover. This applies mostly to the air travel    England has decreased interest rates by 0.5
 industry, tourism and catering industry. The      percent.
 estimates go that the air transport will lose
 over USD 100 bn. A huge economic damage           What are the implications of this tsunami to
 was made in the first quarter to all the          our businessmen both in the country and
 companies which dealt with China, and this        abroad? To which extent has COVID-19
 damage followed the expansion of COVID-19         already affected the business operations, work
 throughout the planet.                            procedures, employees? This is what our
                                                   interviewees from different industries inform
 The majority of the world governments have        us about. Through these interesting interviews
 undertaken certain measures to alleviate the      we wanted to give you a comprehensive
 effects of the crisis. For example, South Korea   picture of what is happening both in our
 has announced a package of various measures       country and in the region.
 in the amount of app. USD 10 bn.
                                                   Enjoy your reading!                                                                              2
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
Miloš Jelić
                                                                              CEO, Nelt Group

 SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                      Our warehouse men, distributors, shop assistants,
 situation for any company. What did you do             merchandisers are onsite daily. Business processes
 to protect your employees and the business             function regularly, we have daily contacts and
 once the pandemic started?                             coordination with principals, state authorities,
                                                        business organisations and other business
 M.J.: As soon as the pandemics started, all the        partners. Our focus is to supply the population,
 companies of the Nelt Group started taking             who is need of our products and to overcome the
 preventive     measures     in     communication,      current situation in the simplest possible way.
 notification and most concrete operational
 activities with the aim to prevent further             SCI: Have you been surprised by the
 contagion. The majority of employees from back-        reactions of your employees, either positive
 office have been directed to work from home. The       or negative?
 most vulnerable groups have been sent on paid
 leave. All of our field employees have been            M.J.: There were no particular reactions, everyone
 informed about and equipped with the necessary         has adjusted very quickly to new circumstances,
 means for protection and disinfection. All the         realising that the specific situation requires
 business trips have been cancelled.                    specific measures and a manner of conduct. Both
                                                        in the Serbian market and in other markets where
 We have established Crisis management team             Nelt operates, all the employees have accepted
 which includes Nelt’s key managers and specialists     their tasks very quickly, selflessly and with
 who have modified our business continuity plan in      motivation, making sure our business run
 the segments of distribution and logistics. We         smoothly and enabling the goods to reach the
 coordinate daily and meet via video conference         buyers.

 Key functionalities have been defined and further
 steps planned as regards the execution of our
 operations, so that we could in time and in the best
 possible way supply markets by the products from
 our portfolio. We have been complying all of our
 internal legislation with the recommendations
 given by the relevant state authorities and the
 WHO.                                                                                     3
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
SCI: Do you believe that this situation will            The speed of recovery will depend on many factors,
affect the way your company will operate in             the severity of the situation due to the effects of
the future? And if so, in which way?                    coronavirus in different regions, the effectiveness
                                                        of the measures taken at the state and corporate
M.J.: Naturally, the extraordinary circumstances        level, the government’s support to the economy.
required adjustment of business operations to the
new working conditions in all segments, including       Researches, expert appraisals and proposal of
more increased communication via online                 measures for overcoming contagion consequences
applications, phones and web services. As our           have already been available, which will certainly
company is the leader in innovations and                help companies get back on track. However, it is
implementation of new technologies, we have been        certain that the way of doing business will change
intensively working on digitalisation in all business   once and for all, and that we will have some new
operations – including the field of sales – even        'standards'.
before this current situation occurred. Once the
situation has stabilised, we shall continue in this     SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
direction, as that is obviously the future of doing     regional or global level?
                                                        M.J.: It is certain that there will be recession at all
SCI: In your opinion, what will be the                  levels, due to the significant impact of COVID-19
financial impact on the industry you work               on all industries worldwide. Delays in business,
in, and how long shall we feel the effects of           manufacturing and supply chain, impeded
COVID-19?                                               transportation and delivery of goods, reduced
                                                        movement of people, will certainly have long-term
M.J.: The turnover of consumer goods has surely         consequences on the world economy. The positive
been less affected by the current situation than        effect of this crisis is that companies have been
many other industries, but the negative impact is       forced to identify weaknesses in their operations,
certainly not negligible, and it is likely that the     quickly find ways to overcome them and use new
effects of COVID-19 will be felt till the end of this   opportunities to optimize operations without
year.                                                   sacrificing efficiency. In this way, the negative
                                                        effect has at least been partially mitigated.                                                                                           4
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
Dragan Filipović
                                                                     Generali Osiguranje Srbija

 SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                       We have provided protective masks, gloves and
 situation for any company. What did you do              disinfectants for all the employees and we
 to protect your employees and the business              regularly inform them of their proper usage. All
 once the pandemic started?                              the employees are obliged to report every case of
                                                         coronavirus infection either of themselves or of
 D.F.:     Generali    Osiguranje     Srbija/Generali    their family members, whereupon they go into
 Insurance Serbia has promptly and responsibly           self-isolation or to hospitals, as per the regulations.
 reacted in order to protect our employees‘ and our
 clients‘ health. Even before the state of emergency     Obviously, no one has planned such a situation to
 was proclaimed in our country we had organised          occur, but having in mind that the risk map of our
 work from home for over 90% of our employees.           company includes pandemics in general and the
 That was easy for us as we have been practicing         accompanying Business Continuity Plan made for
 occasional work from home for the past three years      handling such type of risk – we have quickly and
 already. We have been technically equipped for          responsibly implemented all the measures
 that already, having in mind the care for our           pursuant to BCP.
 employees and for their work-life balance. Apart
 from the option to work from home – the measure
 for the protection of both of our employees and our     SCI: Have you been surprised by the
 clients, we have also enabled the option of digital     reactions of your employees, either positive
 damage claims and digital sale and renewal of           or negative?
 insurance policies. We have closed our offices in all
 the cities which have been detected as hotspots,        D.F.: Our employees are generally great
 while in other cities we have either organised work     professionals with great sense for working ethics,
 from home or shortened the business hours and           so that in this extraordinary situation they have
 provided that all the precautionary measures            been behaving highly professionally and
 prescribed by the relevant authorities be fully         responsibly, which is not a surprise to us. In
 observed. We have organised meetings through the        addition, I have to say that so far we haven’t had
 applications Microsoft Teams and I Go To Meeting        any negative reaction from our employees, which
 so that we are regularly communicating. In              is really great.
 addition, we have been distributing all the
 necessary information every Friday, online,
 through Generalist – which is shared to all the
 employees – not only regarding COVID-19
 infection, but also regarding everyday business
 information.                                                                                               5
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
SCI: Do you believe that this situation will               SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
  affect the way your company will operate in                regional or global level?
  the future? And if so, in which way?
                                                             D.F.:     Global recession is not questionable
  D.F.: I personally think that some of the                  anymore, but its duration is. We are witnessing
  procedures which have been organized now due to            huge job losses throughout Europe and the USA.
  “Force Majeure“ shall stay implemented even after          People remain jobless, which decreases global
  the pandemic has been over. It turned out that             consumption which will then automatically show
  distant meetings could be professionally                   production decrease, lower new investments which
  organized, that damages could be efficiently               in turn automatically brings to GDP decrease. As
  claimed, processed and paid and that online sale           for our country, I also expect GDP decrease, a few
  and renewal of insurance policies is also possible         months’ halt in the investment and production will
  digitally – which our company has already                  inevitably bring to that. The Government of the
  advocated for several years in the past. Some in-          Republic of Serbia has enacted very good measures
  house trainings can also be performed online. All          so as to help small and medium-size enterprises to
  the processes organized in the mentioned way               survive, as they are the most endangered business
  could be used even after the pandemic has ended.           subjects in our country due to COVID-19 infection.
                                                             These measures shall help maintaining companies’
  SCI: In your opinion, what will be the                     liquidity and keeping jobs in our country, which
  financial impact on the industry you work                  can significantly influence faster exit from the
  in, and how long shall we feel the effects of              economic crisis once the pandemic has ended.

  D.F.: As for the negative financial impact on our
  industry – it shall exist. It is still early to say what
  the volume of the negative financial impact shall
  be, as we still do not know for how long the
  pandemic shall last. Companies’ liquidity shall be
  affected, collections of claims, new sales of
  insurance policies. Our industry shall definitely
  experience serious financial consequences because
  of COVID-19.

COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
Violeta Kovačević
                                                                                      Mercator - S

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                        We have adjusted prices, working hours and the
  situation for any company. What did you do               manner of working in the stores in line with the
  to protect your employees and the business               decisions taken by the government. In order to
  once the pandemic started?                               protect the most vulnerable groups of our
                                                           employees we have given the option of paid leave
  V.K.: Although this is a totally new situation for all   and work from home to a large number of our
  of us, we have faced it relatively prepared – so to      colleagues.
  say – as we have had the experience of Mercator
  Group from Slovenia already, having in mind that         SCI: Have you been surprised by the
  the precautionary measures were undertaken there         reactions of your employees, either positive
  earlier. They started preparing for prevention and       or negative?
  protection from coronavirus as early as end-
  February. Our company formed a team for crisis           V.K.: Along with medical staff, police and army as
  management and outlined 4 different stages and           a whole – shop assistants showed great courage in
  levels of pandemic escalation, then defined the          this situation. Aside from their daily duties, our
  rules of conduct for all the organizational units. In    colleagues were also a part of volunteering
  cooperation with our providers we have ensured to        activities. My colleagues Radovan Steljić and Luka
  have sufficient supplies of goods in our stores.         Veličkov joined the disinfection procedure of the
  Apart from that, we assumed that there would be a        towns Kula and Kikinda. Our colleague Milica
  great demand for medical items, which is why we          Kuzmanović, although nine months pregnant
  have also ensured to have sufficient amount of           joined the initiative and has been sewing
  protective medical items.                                protective masks for Homes for the Elderly.
                                                           Dragan Uglješin joined the group Vizionari Srbije
  At the moment when the first case of COVID-19            (Serbian Visionaries) and made medical face
  infection happened in our country, we have set up        shield visors for health care staff of the Clinical
  a process of clear and transparent communication         Centre of Vojvodina. We are especially proud of
  with our employees and all the relevant                  our colleagues Savo Kolundžić, the Head of VP
  institutions. Through immediately established            Centre Belgrade, and Gorica Branković, the Chief
  “day-to-day“ online communication platform for           of IDEA Super Store in Južni bulevar Street, who
  our employees, we have instantly informed them           have been nominated – having in mind all their
  of the prevention measures announced by the              merits – for “Belgrade Heroes“. They are our
  World Health Organization. We have given                 heroes, and Mercator-S is proud of them. All our
  protective gloves and masks to our employees and         employees showed sense of great responsibility
  placed protective barriers at all cashiers‘ desks. In    and belonging to the company and to the society,
  addition, we have set the two-meter minimum              they have exceeded all our expectations, and their
  distance between persons and defined the                 work attitude was crucial for us to meet the
  maximum number of people present in our stores.          expectations of all our buyers, having in mind the
                                                           importance      of   food   industry    in    these                                       circumstances.                                     7
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
SCI: Do you believe that this situation will
  affect the way your company will operate in
  the future? And if so, in which way?

  V.K.: Prior to this pandemic, work from home –
  for us as a system, not in individual cases – was
  inconceivable. Today, it is totally different.
  Approximately 60% of our employees in
  administration work from home, and they are as
  efficient as when working on our premises. All the
  operations are finished on time and there are no
  delays. I think that this situation both in Serbia
  and the world improved significantly digital
  transformation of companies. In these unexpected
  and difficult conditions, many companies have
  adjusted very quickly to the new operational
  conditions of doing business and for sure some of
  such alterations made in work procedures and in       For example, our e-commerce business has been
  communication channels shall stay, as we all see      developing now faster than ever before! IDEA
  that the system functions very successfully.          Online shop and the service “Pick-up order“ have
                                                        been operating in full capacity for weeks already.
                                                        We have constantly been working on expanding
                                                        our capacities and enlarging the number of terms,
                                                        but that could never equal the demand level.
                                                        Hence, the business operations shall go in the
  SCI: In your opinion, what will be the                direction of a large digitalization, and – in my
  financial impact on the industry you work             opinion – that will be the greatest change to adjust
  in, and how long shall we feel the effects of         to. Companies which can direct their operations to
  COVID-19?                                             digital platforms shall to a certain extent lessen
                                                        the negative effects of this pandemic and shall
  V.K.: Corona virus strongly affects world economy     maintain certain level of operations, both
  as a whole, e.g. McKinsey company forecasts for       currently and long-term as well.
  GDP in Eurozone to fall by 4.7%, and on the global
  level to fall by 1.8%. Naturally, the final effects   SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
  shall depend on the period of duration of the         regional or global level?
  contagion, with our hope that the pandemic shall
  end soon. For the trade sector, in which our          V.K.: Recession on global, regional and local level
  company operates, it is very important to have        is inevitable. The only thing we can hope for is that
  great cooperation with the providers – which we       the measures which our government has enacted
  are very proud of and very thankful for, as they      would be sufficient to alleviate the consequences
  have invested great efforts in these extraordinary    of the crisis. As far as the trade sector is
  circumstances so that the whole supply chain          concerned, although Mercator-S provides more
  would function without any delays.                    than 70% of its merchandise from the local
                                                        manufacturers and providers, I think that the
  Clearly, consumers’ habits have also changed, as      recession and the challenges in international trade
  well as the delivery manner and functioning of        are an opportunity for us to turn even more
  almost every business sphere.                         vigorously towards the development of local
                                                        manufactures and brands and in that way try to
                                                        recover the local economy as fast as possible.                                                                                        8
COVID - 19 Implications and the Next Steps? - Vol. 21 Belgrade office - Stanton Chase
Narcis Popescu
                                                                                General Manager
                                                                                     OMV Srbija

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                     SCI: Do you believe that this situation will
  situation for any company. What did you do            affect the way your company will operate in
  to protect your employees and the business            the future? And if so, in which way?
  once the pandemic started?
                                                        N.P.: Absolutely, the most positive aspects will be
  N.P.: First of all we implemented home-office for     further explored in order to be implemented to our
  all employees, 95% of the Head Office. Also we        business operations in the future, most
  delivered protective equipments to our employees      prominently digitalization as well as empowering
  such as:                                              people’s autonomy.

  ✓ All employees are supplied with rubber gloves,      SCI: In your opinion, what will be the
    masks and hand sanitizers,                          financial impact on the industry you work
  ✓ All employees received information on relevant      in, and how long shall we feel the effects of
    health institutions re COVID-19                     COVID-19?
  ✓ There is a regular communication with all Fuel
    Stations (FS) and health status of employees is     N.P.: In oil industry the expectation is that the
    being monitored                                     results of the COVID-19 will be felt throughout this
  ✓ At all our FSs the marks for keeping the            year, since what we are experiencing is actually
    distance are set on floors, as well as              overlapping of the health crisis, oil price drop
    notifications on doors for customers to wait        influenced by international players and the drop of
    outside                                             demand determined by COVID-19 crisis.
  ✓ OMV Serbia performed preventive professional        Consequently, some or all of this will accelerate
    disinfection of all FSs as a part of measures for   changes in the industry.
    protection of our employees and customers.
                                                        SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
  SCI: Have you been surprised by the                   regional or global level?
  reactions of your employees, either positive
  or negative?                                          N.P.: Global, European and local.

  N.P.: We have only positive reactions from our
  employees. They support and recognize that
  company takes care about them. There are lot of
  initiatives in terms of digitalization to which
  people adopt extremely well, with a speed higher
  than ever during these circumstances. Everyone
  works with a high level of autonomy, they are all
  very responsible, feel motivated and show very
  great adaptability and communication skills.                                                                                       9
Nikola Đenić

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                       SCI: Do you believe that this situation will
  situation for any company. What did you do              affect the way your company will operate in
  to protect your employees and the business              the future? And if so, in which way?
  once the pandemic started?
                                                          N.Đ.: A change of work mode is inevitable, and I
  N.Đ.: Protecting our people remains an absolute         am satisfied how we have adapted to the new
  priority for all of us and I appreciate everything      situation.
  our people are doing in order to continue with day
  to day operations.                                      Interestingly, remote work has also shown an
                                                          increase in efficiency in some segments and with
  Covid-19 is definitely a situation we did not expect    some employees.
  and did not prepare for, and secretly hoped it will
  avoid us. Following the outbreak of the pandemic,       I strongly believe that we have a duty and an
  we followed the instructions of the WHO, the            obligation to step up in this crisis. There can be no
  KPMG Global Network, as well as the measures            compromises on audit quality – we have a public
  implemented by the Republic of Serbia and we            interest obligation to the capital markets and our
  enabled all our employees for work from home            stakeholders such as investors, shareholders,
  without interruption. Bearing in mind the nature        boards and regulators.
  of our business, which is a frequent work outside
  the office, we quickly and effectively adapted to the   ✓   Protecting our people
  new situation.                                          ✓   Protecting our stakeholders
                                                          ✓   Protecting our firm
  SCI: Have you been surprised by the                     ✓   Protecting our society
  reactions of your employees, either positive
  or negative?                                            I am particularly proud of the KPMG partnership
                                                          with UNESCO within the Global Coalition for
  N.Đ.: All employees’ reactions are extremely            Education.
  positive. Communication with employees is more
  important now than otherwise. That is why we
  organize video meetings for departments and
  whole staff over Skype and Microsoft Teams to talk
  about all the challenges they are facing, so that we
  can overcome them together.                                                                                         10
At a time when 91 percent of the world’s student      Given our significant experience in the 2008 crisis
  population is affected by COVID-19 school             and in the area of restructuring, we currently have
  closures, UNESCO is launching a global education      projects where we help our clients reorganize their
  coalition to support countries in scaling up their    businesses and prepare for the period of exiting
  distance learning best practices and reaching         the crisis, which will definitely not automatically
  children and youth who are most at risk.              mean returning to the pre-crisis level of business.

  KPMG is one of the private sector founding            Our company is also fortunate to be a part of a
  partners, along with Microsoft, GSMA, Weidong,        global network and can use the experience from
  Google, Facebook, Zoom and Coursera, who              regions that have already gone through the crisis
  collectively will be donating resources and           and where business is returning to normal.
  expertise linked to technology and capacity
  strengthening. It is a great example of KPMG          SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
  living its purpose, building on its longstanding      regional or global level?
  citizenship commitment to SDG 4 ‘Education and
  Lifelong Learning’ and its expertise in this area.    N.Đ.: A recession in 2020 is inevitable at all levels
                                                        and we can see that the latest projections of
  SCI: In your opinion, what will be the                economic growth, i.e. slowdown have already been
  financial impact on the industry you work             made. The Republic of Serbia has adopted a set of
  in, and how long shall we feel the effects of         measures that I believe will mitigate the negative
  COVID-19?                                             effects on the economy. Also, we need to look
                                                        ahead and make sure that recovery is as fast as
  N.Đ.: Like any crisis, the Covid-19 crisis will       possible and that the negative effects end as soon
  definitely have a financial impact on business in     as possible, so that the recovery curve has the
  our industry, as well as in many other industries.    appearance of a shallower and sharper letter V.

  It is very important to bear in mind that every
  crisis also represents an opportunity, but only for
  well-organized and efficient firms that can adapt
  quickly to the new situation.

  Although we see a definite drop in demand for
  certain services, primarily in the transactions
  segment, as most transactions are delayed and
  temporarily stopped, we have refocused our
  resources and concentrated on those types of
  services that are needed in times of crisis.                                                                                       11
Ivan Vitorović
                                                                      Mona Hotel Management

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                       Our standpoint is not to lay off our full-time
  situation for any company. What did you do              employees because they are the most important
  to protect your employees and the business              part of our company, which is why we will even
  once the pandemic started?                              take loans to overcome this situation until our
                                                          capacities have been employed full-time.
  I.V.: I honestly don't know if any company in the
  world was prepared for a scenario like this one!
  And like the rest of the world, we were also
  bewildered by the situation. I have to admit that I
  have been closely monitoring the situation in
  China since the beginning of January, as a              SCI: Have you been surprised by the
  significant part of the Zlatibor guests come from       reactions of your employees, either positive
  the Far East, and the similar applies to the Mona       or negative?
  Plaza Hotel in Belgrade. Then in the first week of
  March it became obvious that the expected               I.V.: It seems to me that the employees are fully
  decrease in demand was turning into reality of          aware of the situation, because we are not talking
  shutting down our hotels! Tourist industry has the      about reducing the volume of business, in our
  misfortune to be the first to experience such kind      industry we are talking about being closed, i.e. that
  of crisis and the last one to recover! In such a new    there is no income until further notice! If we look
  situation, the only logical solution was to close all   at it that way, any salary paid to an employee
  four of our hotels in Belgrade, because, due to low     during the period when hotels are out of business
  demand, it was not rational to keep the                 is a huge effort, and I really see that employees
  infrastructure employed, when variable costs were       appreciate it, especially the employees who have
  significantly higher than current business income.      been with us for many years. The real question is,
  The facilities were closed in the second half of        if such payments could be called earnings because
  March, workers were sent to collective vacations,       this term is used when a business is operating and
  and on-call duties were organized, while observing      you earn something, I don't even know what the
  the measures of social distancing.                      term is for compensation when you don’t operate
                                                          and earn nothing!? Then, there are the colleagues
  On the other hand, our business does not exist at       who have been affected by the measure of not
  the moment, so, when you have only the costs you        extending their labor contracts and it is certainly
  have to rationalize them as much as possible, by        not easy to remain without a contract extension.
  reducing wages, not renewing contracts to               Unfortunately, our hands are tied as we do not
  temporary employees and the like.                       know when we will start working again, and when
                                                          we will fully engage our full-time employees; it will
                                                          be very challenging in the forthcoming period, not
                                                          to say for years!                                                                                          12
I have been trying to present the situation to the
  managers as realistic as possible, so that they
  could understand that the unpopular measures are
  actually very mild, because we are fighting now for
  the survival of the company.

  Furthermore, the analogy of lifting various bans
  suggests that the restrictive measures will be
  phased out one by one, and this will be the process
  resulting in a reduced demand. So, we must not
  forget that the measures are being gradually
  phased out, but unfortunately, such measures or
  even stricter ones can be re-instituted overnight, if
  need be!                                                SCI: Do you believe that this situation will
                                                          affect the way your company will operate in
  When we put all this in the context of tourism, my      the future? And if so, in which way?
  opinion is that the industry will slowly start to
  recover from end-June, beginning of July in resort      I.V.: Absolutely! Tourism, traffic, services in
  destinations and that 2020 will be exclusively          general, will be greatly affected. We will have to
  marked by domestic tourism, and these are               adjust on the cost side and maximize cost
  generally the forecasts and recommendations of          rationalization!
  many European countries. We can expect city
  hotels to start operating in the fall, but with much    We will also have to try to change the business
  lower volume! This is the fact that I am                model, where possible. An important element is
  communicating to others and the starting point of       that we will have to work very hard to establish
  our further analyses regarding the onset of our         and implement a new standard of hygiene, as an
  work and the planning of our costs and revenues.        important disease prevention measure, and this
                                                          will be crucial for eliminating the fear of travel and
                                                          becoming credible business to which guests will
                                                          trust and choose to come and stay. We have
                                                          already been working on these standards, oriented
                                                          towards several categories: accommodation,
                                                          restaurants, playrooms, and wellness. Each
                                                          category is treated separately and will have its own
                                                          standards and operating procedures to protect the
                                                          health of our guests as well as of our employees!                                                                                          13
SCI: In your opinion, what will be the                  I expect full market recovery in 2022, when I hope
  financial impact on the industry you work               for us to reach the level of 2019 in terms of
  in, and how long shall we feel the effects of           employment, foreign exchange inflows and growth
  COVID-19?                                               prospects. In the meantime, 2021 will be a year of
                                                          stabilization, business model predictability, and
  I.V.: This is a very difficult question to answer,      hopefully the end of the challenging period in
  because the situation is changing day-to-day, and       every sense.
  there are many unknown facts as regards the end
  of the pandemic!

  I will present here my personal opinion, based on
  the assumption of the stabilization of the
  pandemic in July and milder occurrences of
  contagion in the autumn when a second tide, of
  lower intensity, is expected, as the professionals
  say. So, the assumption is that this year is
  definitely going to be affected by some form of
  social restraints, and my expectation is that the
  crisis will end in 2021, either with the weakening
  of the virus or the discovery of the vaccine.           SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
                                                          regional or global level?
  The aftermaths of COVID-19 are certainly negative
  and as such, they will have the following               I.V.: According to all the indicators, the global
  implications in the domestic hotel market:              economy will be hit much harder than during the
                                                          2008-2009 crisis; some economists even compare
  ✓ First of all, this year's hotel business shall drop   this crisis to the Great Depression of 1929-1933. A
    by 35% to 40%, provided that the situation            world-wide decline in GDP is imminent and the
    stabilizes from July onwards. City hotels will be     effects will be felt for years. If we look at the
    more significantly affected.                          historical data of the world economy, we will see a
  ✓ The drop in the hotel business shall be               positive correlation of the GDP growth of America
    accompanied by a large drop in non-                   and China with other weights of the developed
    accommodation consumption, so that the net            countries in the world, but with a delayed effect of
    effect on foreign exchange inflow from tourism        several years. Meaning that when the US or China
    will surely be a decrease by 25% to 28%.              record GDP growth, the European countries also
  ✓ According to the data from the last quarter of        have a positive GDP growth, but several years
    2019, precisely 83.140 employees have been            later. And vice-versa ... So, the crisis will be
    currently working in the hospitality industry,        determined by the GDP of the developed
    and as a consequence, we can expect a 20%             countries, China and the US primarily.
    decrease in employment, with an additional
    decrease of 15% in average wages. Of the              Looking at the local level, I expect the GDP decline
    aforementioned        number      of    employees,    to be smaller than in the developed countries, for
    approximately 15.000 employees have been              numerous reasons. In the medium run, the issue
    working in hotels, so there we can also expect a      will be the recovery speed of the national and
    linear decline in employment and average              regional economics, since a number of non-
    wages in 2020.                                        economic factors influence this trend as well.
  ✓ Investments will slow down, the ongoing
    projects will be finished, and I believe new ones     Finally, it is good that the national economy has
    will be postponed for the next 2 to 3 years.          been growing in recent years, so that I see no
                                                          reason why we would not recover faster than the
                                                          region!                                                                                         14
Milica Jović
                                                       People &People & Culture Director
                                                                      South East Europe
                                                              Philip Morris International

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                      The second category of employees facing
  situation for any company. What did you do             significant challenges are our colleagues in the
  to protect your employees and the business             factory. In the production process, there is no
  once the pandemic started?                             space for creativity, and the type of work one does
                                                         at the machine cannot change overnight. What we
  M.J.: We did not wait for the pandemic                 have done is to provide the maximum level of
  announcement in order to protect our 77 thousand       protection to our colleagues, from the moment
  employees throughout the world from the virus.         they take specially provided transportation to the
  Frequent guidance on how to act in new                 factory, throughout working in adequate protective
  circumstances      and    continuous      process      equipment and in disinfected environment.
  adjustments that ensured employees safety were
  initiated with first COVID-19 cases outside of         SCI: Have you been surprised by the
  China. At the moment when our country had its          reactions of your employees, either positive
  first reported case, we had multiple preventive        or negative?
  measures already implemented. At the start, all
  meetings became virtual, business travel stopped,      M.J.: The strength of our organization is in all of
  and work from home was introduced wherever             us who have taken this situation in a very
  possible. Furthermore, we have allowed paid leave      responsible way. Our people are our absolute
  for all employees belonging to more vulnerable         priority and we have clearly communicated this at
  groups and to those who have to take care of their     all times. Throughout multiple channels, we are
  children.                                              maintaining the dialogue and solving challenges.
                                                         We have also conducted an internal survey in
  However, there are two groups whose work was           order to check whether our colleagues are satisfied
  not possible from home. A part of our employees        with the quality and the quantity of information
  used to be in a daily contact with our consumers.      they are receiving, as well as with our reactions to
  And while it was challenging to adapt to the new       their inquiries. With satisfaction rate of 88
  reality, we have managed to minimize physical          percent, I believe that we can say that the reactions
  contact through additional emphasis on digital         are positive. However, satisfaction goes beyond
  channels and implementation of protective              sheer numbers, as in our virtual meetings
  measures. By doing so we have managed to               connections are stronger and deeper than ever, as
  achieve, and in some cases even overcome,              can happen during crisis.
  expectations of our consumers.                                                                                        15
SCI: Do you believe that this situation will                SCI: In your opinion, what will be the
  affect the way your company will operate in                 financial impact on the industry you work
  the future? And if so, in which way?                        in, and how long shall we feel the effects of
  M.J.: Throughout last month, there has been a lot
  of talk on how the crisis diverted a large portion of       M.J.: At this moment, I think it is too early to talk
  business activities into digital channels, and at           about scale of financial impact to our or any other
  least temporarily sped up digitalization across             industry. Consequences will be unavoidable, but
  multiple industries, as many transactions are               they are not our priority at the moment. When this
  taking place online. If there is at least one good          situation comes to an end and we are all healthy
  thing to point out in this situation, it is the fact that   from it, we will tackle this problem, large but not
  PMI, albeit a large corporation, can divert its             insurmountable. And we will rely on science,
  resources into online channels very quickly. We             innovation, and listening and adapting to the
  have been developing „start up“ approach and                needs of our consumers which may be drastically
  agility for some years back and we are collecting           different tomorrow, in the aftermath of this
  benefits of our work now through quickly adapting           historical turning point.
  to the situation. There are multiple limitations
  imposed by this newly developed situation, but our          SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
  focus and level of organization are better than             regional or global level?
  ever. As we are already in the sixth week of state of
  emergency, this is slowly becoming „the new                 M.J.: Forecasts differ on how long the pandemic
  normal“ and regular environment for us all.                 will last – optimistic ones state that the situation
                                                              shall normalize by the fall, while more realistic
                                                              ones expect solution will come from the
                                                              development of vaccine or adequate medical
                                                              treatment. Each scenario holds different economic
                                                              consequences. To complicate the answer even
                                                              further, different international institutions are
                                                              coming up with different forecasts. While ones say
                                                              that recession is inevitably going to happen, it is
                                                              only a question of how long and how deep it will
                                                              be, the others are more optimistic in predicting
                                                              only a slowdown in growth. I do not feel
                                                              comfortable to forecast anything, I just want to
                                                              hope for less bad scenarios.                                                                                             16
Nenad Vučinić
                                                                                General Manager
                                                                                 TeleSign Serbia

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                     Examples:
  situation for any company. What did you do
  to protect your employees and the business            ✓ Communication channel guidelines that allow
  once the pandemic started?                              employees to optimize remote communication
                                                          and create consistent norms and efficiencies
  N.V.: At TeleSign, we have business continuity        ✓ A stipend to employees that could be used for
  plans (BCP) in place for any scenario that might        anything related to wellness or optimizing a
  afflict our global operations, with the purpose to      home workspace
  protect our business, and in which, among many        ✓ Leadership training end e-learning resources
  other measures, everyone of us had to self-isolate    ✓ Daily, socially driven conversation topics on
  and work from home. COVID-19 appeared to be             Slack
  such a scenario.                                      ✓ Weekly wellness Zoom sessions ranging from
                                                          meditation and wellness to cooking classes
  In Belgrade and Los Angeles, prior to any             ✓ Weekly employee surveys to gauge satisfaction,
  government mandates or curfews, we restricted all       productivity, and gather general feedback, plus
  travel and transitioned to a global work from home      increased our rhythm of 1:1s across the
  (WFH) dynamic. Additionally, we created and             company
  distributed a Coronavirus Action Plan (CAP) that      ✓ Remote social events at a departmental level
  provided clear instruction on safety precautions,       and across the company
  self-quarantine protocol, business operations, and
  emergency procedures. Under normal conditions,        Being a customer centric company, it is also
  WFH is an appreciated and frequently used benefit     important to stay engaged with our customer base.
  in our company. However, an on-going WFH setup        To that end, we developed key touchpoints such as
  is also connected with some challenges, so we do      TeleFest, a six-week remote festival, including
  our best to support our people as best as we can.     wine tastings (where we ship customers a flight of
  For instance, we’ve implemented structures and        wine), magician performances, yoga classes and
  programs      to    optimize     our     employees’   more. Open to employees, customers and their
  communication, productivity, engagement, and          families, TeleFest is designed to encourage the
  wellness.                                             TeleSign community to stay connected.                                                                                    17
We know that this is a challenging time for many,      My sense is that we will balance allowing and
  and this festival is our way of letting everyone       encouraging more of a remote team and having
  know that they matter to the company. We’d like to     more flexibility for what works best for each
  ease the stress of staying at home with meaningful     individual and team. We’ve gained new
  and fun activities that help bring people together     perspectives on the value and efficacy of
  no matter where they are.                              operational flexibility and want to adapt it further
                                                         to meet the needs of the company and our
  SCI: Have you been surprised by the                    employees in the best possible way.
  reactions of your employees, either positive
  or negative?                                           SCI: In your opinion, what will be the
                                                         financial impact on the industry you work
  N.V.: At TeleSign, from the very start of our          in, and how long shall we feel the effects of
  operation in Serbia in 2012, we have fostered a        COVID-19?
  culture of flexibility, dedication and perseverance
  in our teams, and it was important for us to           N.V.: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an
  continue to engage the team when we rapidly went       exceptional situation that we haven’t experienced
  to WFH. We’re fully aware that everyone has            before. We’re witnessing enormous negative
  unique circumstances and challenges and that it’s      effects on the entire society, politics and economy:
  important to be flexible and accommodating. With       the public sector, corporations and companies,
  that said, all of our team leaders have the freedom    SME, start-ups, etc. We are aware of the decreased
  to organize their teams in a way, that every           demand many companies are experiencing, or
  employee gets the opportunity to take care of its      some of them needing to rethink their supply chain
  personal and family related needs during a regular     structures, no matter whether in IT sector or
  working day. The teams and their leaders have the      overall.
  freedom to organize their work in a way, they
  believe is the best to meet the set tasks within the   The key here is what we are learning during this
  team itself and the shared tasks with other teams.     period, and how we will implement these learnings
  The feedback on this and above-mentioned               in the future. Short-term, we all need to manage
  measures is very positive, and we’re incredibly        the crisis, as there is no other option. At the same
  grateful for their continued focus and                 time, we have to set a path for the long-term to
  entrepreneurial mindset.                               ensure future development.

  SCI: Do you believe that this situation will           This pandemic, though causing a global crisis
  affect the way your company will operate in            situation, is an event that allows us to recognize
  the future? And if so, in which way?                   chances and opportunities for our business and
                                                         people. It helps us determine any area where we
  N.V.: What we’ve learned so far is that the remote     need to improve and to set the steps needed to
  environment has been a positive transition for         further increase the resilience of TeleSign for this
  many of our team members. In addition, the             and any future crisis.
  productivity of the entire company has been
  growing steadily.                                      We believe that preparation is key, and the one big
                                                         learning for us is to regularly test our preparations
  On the other hand, our employees are excited and       in terms of business continuity. Regular BCP
  eager to collaborate and connect live. I also          testing shall prepare us for similar pandemics or
  personally miss seeing everyone, but I’d be            potential regional disasters in the future.
  surprised if the entire team returns to working out
  of the office five days a week as the norm.                                                                                        18
SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,          On the other hand, the shelter-in-place measures
  regional or global level?                             have also led to a huge growth of business related
                                                        apps that are supporting communication, virtual
  N.V.: The economic consequences of the                meetings and collaboration, enabling many
  pandemic are unfortunately already everywhere         companies and their employees to continue to
  around us visible: production restrictions or stops   efficiently WFH.
  due to fall in demand or supply chain
  interruptions, negative effects on the working
  population through short-time working or even
  worse, unemployment, limitations in traveling
  affecting tourism industry, but also overall
  limitations in movement of goods. We can only
  echo what other institutions are predicting, which
  is a shrinking of economies worldwide from -1 to -
  2.4% on average.

  The IT sector seems to be hit less severely than
  other industry sectors. For instance, on-demand
  services have had in general a steady growth over
  the last few years. Now, companies delivering
  groceries and food, are growing extraordinarily
  and are hiring additional employees to be able to
  meet the rising demand for their services. But on-
  demand platforms in the area of travel and
  transport are facing volume declines due to
  curfews or travel limitations implemented around
  the world.                                                                                    19
Andrej Beslać
                                                                             General Manager
                                                                      Mlekoprodukt Zrenjanin
                                                                       Part of Savencia Group

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                      ✓ Establishment of Crisis management team with
  situation for any company. What did you do               daily meetings
  to protect your employees and the business             ✓ Clear and intensive communication with all the
  once the pandemic started?                               employees about the implemented measures
                                                           and the rules of conduct.
  A.B.: Being the integral part of the Savencia
  Group, Mlekoprodukt had some kind of                   In addition, we have implemented a number of
  preparation for the emergence of COVID-19              measures to protect our business. We have
  pandemic, as our branch in China was already           continued buying all the milk from our primary
  experiencing sanitary crisis at the time.              producers, and have increased the production of
                                                         our key products so as to provide the smooth
  The first preventive measure we took was to            supply of retail stores due to the increased demand
  increase the stock of protective equipment and         at the onset of the pandemic.
                                                         All these measures have enabled us to continue to
  After the pandemic emerged in our country, we          operate smoothly in the Serbian market and in the
  have launched a series of activities to reduce the     Balkans.
  risk and suppress virus transmission:
                                                         SCI: Have you been surprised by the
  ✓ Mandatory body temperature measurement at            reactions of your employees, either positive
    the entrance into the factory and subsequent         or negative?
    personal disinfection
  ✓ Disinfection of wheels of all vehicles entering      A.B.: The biggest surprise was the increased
    the factory                                          solidarity and enthusiasm we could see with all our
  ✓ Mandatory wearing of protective equipment in         employees.
    all production facilities as well as in warehouses
    of finished products                                 For example, colleagues tried to help each other
  ✓ Temporary isolation barriers at the spots in the     when planning shifts, having in mind the living
    production facilities where distance between         circumstances of each employee (e.g. living with
    employees is less than two meters                    elderly people, who are in the risk group).
  ✓ Work from home for all employees who do not          Furthermore, the very process of shifting to work
    need to be physically present in the company         from home went really smoothly, the cooperation
  ✓ Preventive quarantine for the employees who          and communication continued, regardless of the
    came from COVID-19-struck regions or whose           physical presence in the company.
    family members returned from Western
    European countries                                                                                      20
SCI: Do you believe that this situation will
  affect the way your company will operate in
  the future? And if so, in which way?

  A.B.: I think that the current situation will bring
  about significant changes in the world economy as
  regards the general business procedures and the
  general business thinking. For example, it has
  turned out that we can sustain work processes
  without major problems, with 15% of employees
  working from home. I am also sure that the newly-
  established measures will remain implemented for
  a long time, such as precautionary measures
  regarding health safety.
                                                          SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local,
  We should not leave out the change in the               regional or global level?
  consumer behavior, which affects us greatly and
  makes us adjust to that. I am quite sure that the       A.B.: Although we as a country have all the
  manner of consuming of our products will be             prerequisites to go through the economic crisis less
  different in the future.                                painfully than some Western European countries,
                                                          the companies which operate in Serbia but are
  SCI: In your opinion, what will be the                  founded by foreign multinational companies shall
  financial impact on the industry you work               surely postpone the planned capital investments
  in, and how long shall we feel the effects of           and reduce consumption. Moreover, disturbances
  COVID-19?                                               happening in foreign markets – such as the
                                                          collapse of oil prices, milk and dairy products
  A.B.: Although at the onset of the pandemic our         prices, meat and meat products prices, will also
  products were in high demand due to the impulse         affect local Serbian producers.
  buy triggered by the crisis, I think that recession
  will hit all parts of the economy.                      Not to be too "gloomy" about the future, there are
                                                          also positive sides to this situation: for example,
  Apart from having to maintain our business, we          the return of 400.000 of our fellow citizens to their
  must not forget that we are a branch that processes     homeland, some of who will certainly make the
  raw milk and that thousands of households selling       decision to stay in Serbia and thus increase
  raw milk on daily basis depend on our business,         consumption and relieve the labor shortages we
  which provides them the only constant income. It        had registered before the crisis. In addition, it
  is clear that the cattle breeding is one of the key     seems that most of the nation will decide to spend
  branches in our agriculture, partially because of       vacations in Serbia, which means that the planned
  the production of natural fertilizers and the           funds will be spent in Serbia.
  importance of drip irrigation. If our volume of
  business decreases, raw milk surpluses shall
  increase as we will not be able to take over the milk
  – which altogether will have a medium-term effect
  of reducing the livestock.

  In addition, the recovery of the restaurant industry
  and hotel industry is an extremely important factor
  for our business. Finally, consumers are likely to
  change their purchasing habits, so we will have to
  adapt to their new expectations.                                                                                         21
Mirjana Lučić
                                                                  General Manager for
                                                            Weber SRB, MNE and BIH
                                             Saint Gobain Construction products Serbia

  SCI: COVID-19 is an unprecedented                       ✓ We decided that employees who can carry out
  situation for any company. What did you do                work from home (home office) remain in the
  to protect your employees and the business                home office
  once the pandemic started?                              ✓ All official trips abroad, as well as travels to the
                                                            countries of the region, were suspended
  M.L.: As one of the world's leading industry            ✓ We have clearly banned attendance at any fair,
  groups operating in 68 countries and with more            large presentation or meeting with customers
  than 195,000 employees, Saint Gobain is fully             for more than one person from the company.
  committed to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.            ✓ We have established digital communication via
                                                            - Skype, Zoom, Microsoft team 365, Viber…
  The key goal is the health of our employees and         ✓ Masks (FFP2) as well as other protective
  that our business is running at its best, without too     equipment (gloves, disinfectants ...) are
  much disruption to any segment of the business.           distributed to all our employees
  On the other hand - what can be delayed should be       ✓ Business premises were disinfected at the
  delayed to reduce the risk of Corona virus                factories in Topola and Apatin, as well as at the
  spreading.                                                Belgrade headquarters
                                                          ✓ Thermometers are provided for all external
  Saint Gobain is one of the first companies to apply       visitors to the factories to protect our employees
  very strict rules to protect our employees. At the        and keep the production process running
  end of February 2020, the rules and                       smoothly
  recommendations suggested by the Group, were            ✓ Recommendation for regular washing of hands
  applied and are still valid.                              with hydro-alcoholic solution
                                                          ✓ Contact with external visitors - for example
  Some   of    these   rules,        measures      and      truck drivers - forbidden handling, mandatory
  recommendations are:                                      holding of distance of 2 m, hand disinfection,
                                                            wearing a protective mask, and staying close to
  ✓ One employee has been nominated to                      the truck, with aim to minimize contact with our
    coordinate all actions concerning security              employees
    measures related to COVID-19 in Saint-Gobain          ✓ Other measures consistent with the Group's
    Serbia,   Bosnia    and   Herzegovina    and            internal recommendations.
  ✓ Daily keeping status reports of SGCP Serbia,
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and
    informing the Group                                                                                          22
SCI: Have you been surprised by the                    SCI: Do you believe that this situation will
  reactions of your employees, either positive           affect the way your company will operate in
  or negative?                                           the future? And if so, in which way?

  M.L.: The company's strategy, We care, is all          M.L.: In this different world, we must also
  about taking care of people and their environment,     continue with our digital transformation. We have
  taking care of what's important to people,             been moving in this direction at Saint-Gobain for
  concerning long-term responsibility. All employees     some time and will continue to improve things.
  are regularly informed about the current situation
  both at SGCP SRB and the situation in the country,     And there will be no turning back. The same is true
  as well as the next steps that will be taken to        of telework, which has proven to be very effective
  ensure in the best possible way our future             and will certainly be partially maintained.
                                                         Information, sharing and cooperation are our great
  I can proudly say that the employees of the            strength and the three essential keys to any way
  company, everyone in their field of work, have         out of a crisis. The health and social situation are,
  made the maximum contribution to make the              of course, our first concern and certainly our
  current situation as safe and as easy as possible to   business sustainability and satisfaction of our
  overcome.                                              clients' interests.

  In order to maintain a positive atmosphere for         We used this period for additional employee
  employees, we reminded all our employees of            development (on-line training and workshops) and
  positive things, teamwork, showed that the             preparation for starting a regular business.
  company cares about them, proved that they are
  not alone in this and that we will overcome all the    The incredible adaptability we have shown in
  challenges together. We look and we all go             record time gives me optimism.
  forward, together.

  A short video was made to see how everyone is
  struggling from home with the challenges they
  face. Video is made of all the materials that
  employees sent.                                                                                        23
SCI: In your opinion, what will be the financial impact on the industry you work in, and
  how long shall we feel the effects of COVID-19?

  M.L.: The construction market will take some time to stabilize, that's for sure. Considering that
  construction in Serbia has been expanding in the last few years, it is realistic to expect large
  construction companies to recover quickly, while for small and medium-sized construction companies
  this period will certainly be longer. Many businesses will need government support to overcome
  business problems and use a package of economic measures.

  We expect the financial impact of COVID-19 to be no more than 15% on total turnover.

  SCI: Do you expect a recession on the local, regional or global level?

  M.L.: We keep track of what is happening in all markets where we are present. As the economies of
  Europe's most developed countries slow down, the effect will spill over to other countries.

  Since the interconnectivity of all economies and processes is great, the stabilization will depend on
  many factors. The aid measures announced should certainly contribute to the rapid and easy
  overcoming of this situation.

  The crisis will certainly cause many firms to reconsider their supply chains. Many companies will find
  new breads and opportunities to improve their processes and readily welcome a new cycle of activity.

  We listen to the market and, together with our customers, look at the needs of the market so as soon as
  the construction sector begins to work we can answer to all its needs.

  Everything in life passes and this will, and the way we behave in crisis situations will remain, so make
  sure you pay enough attention to everyone and have an understanding for your employees and your
  business partners.

  Take care of yourself and your loved ones!                                                                                         24
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