Page created by Bobby Wagner
Middle School


Moving Up to Middle School .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                  2
Curriculum and Courses: Overview .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                     4
       6th Grade  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         5
       7th Grade  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         9
       8th Grade  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .        14
Procedures, Programs and Services .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                   19
Parents as Partners .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         24
What’s Next? High School  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .               25

                                                   MIDDLE SCHOOL DIRECTORY
                                           MIDDLE SCHOOLS                                                               Other Schools
 Ballenger Creek Middle               Monocacy Middle                     Walkersville Middle                   Carroll Creek Montessori School
 5525 Ballenger Creek Pike            8009 Opossumtown Pike               55 Frederick Street                   7215 Corporate Court
 Frederick, MD 21703                  Frederick, MD 21702                 Walkersville, MD 21793                Frederick, MD 21703
 Main Office Phone: 240-236-5700      Main Office Phone: 240-236-4700     Main Office Phone: 240-236-4400       Main Office Phone:240-566-0600
 Main Office Fax: 240-236-5701        Main Office Fax: 240-236-4701       Main Office Fax: 240-236-4401         Main Office Fax:240-566-0601
 Counselor Phone: 240-236-5710        Counselor Phone: 240-236-4726       Counselor Phone: 240-236-4479         Counselor Phone: 240-566-0611
 Counselor Fax: 240-236-5846          Counselor Fax: 240-236-4781         Counselor Fax: 240-236-4475           Counselor Phone: 240-566-0627
                                                                                                                Counselor Fax: 240-566-0601

 Brunswick Middle                     New Market Middle                   West Frederick Middle                 Frederick Classical Charter School
 301 Cummings Drive                   125 West Main Street                515 West Patrick Street               8445 Spires Way, Suite CC
 Brunswick, MD 21716                  New Market, MD 21774                Frederick, MD 21701                   Frederick, MD 21701
 Main Office Phone: 240-236-5400      Main Office Phone: 240-236-4600     Main Office Phone: 240-236-4000       Main Office Phone:240-236-1200
 Main Office Fax: 240-236-5401        Main Office Fax: 240-236-4650       Main Office Fax: 240-236-4050         Main Office Fax: 240-236-1201
 Counselor Phone: 240-236-5362        Counselor Phone: 240-236-4561       Counselor Phone: 240-236-4055         Counselor Phone: 240-236-2100
 Counselor Fax: 240-236-5397          Counselor Fax: 240-236-4548         Counselor Fax: 240-236-4124           Counselor Fax: 240-2361201

 Crestwood Middle                     Oakdale Middle                      Windsor Knolls Middle                 Frederick County Virtual School
 7100 Foxcroft Drive                  5810 Oakdale School Road            11150 Windsor Road                    1799 Schifferstadt Blvd.
 Frederick, MD 21703                  Ijamsville, MD 21754                Ijamsville, MD 21754                  Frederick, MD 21701
 Main Office Phone: 240-566-9000      Main Office Phone: 240-236-5500     Main Office Phone: 240-236-5000       Main Office Phone: 240-236-8450
 Main Office Fax: 240-566-9001        Main Office Fax: 240-236-5501       Main Office Fax: 240-236-5001         Main Office Fax: 240-236-8451
 Counselor Phone: 240-566-9015        Counselor Phone: 240-236-5503       Counselor Phone: 240-236-4958         Counselor Phone: 240-236-8421
 Counselor Fax: 240-566-9019          Counselor Fax: 240-236-5519         Counselor Fax: 240-236-5049

 Governor Thomas Johnson Middle       Thurmont Middle                                                           Heather Ridge School
 1799 Schifferstadt Blvd.             408 East Main Street                                                      1445 Taney Avenue
 Frederick, MD 21701                  Thurmont, MD 21788                                                        Frederick, MD 21702
 Main Office Phone: 240-236-4900      Main Office Phone: 240-236-5100                                           Main Office Phone: 240-236-8000
 Main Office Fax: 240-236-4901        Main Office Fax: 240-236-5101                                             Main Office Fax: 240-236-8001
 Counselor Phone: 240-236-4850        Counselor Phone: 240-236-5106                                             Counselor Phone: 240-236-8208
 Counselor Fax: 240-236-4942          Counselor Fax: 240-236-5158

 Middletown Middle                    Urbana Middle                                                             Monocacy Valley Montessori
 100 Martha Mason Street              3511 Pontius Court                                                        217 Dill Avenue
 Middletown, MD 21769                 Ijamsville, MD 21754                                                      Frederick, MD 21701
 Main Office Phone: 240-236-4200      Main Office Phone: 240-566-9200                                           Main Office Phone: 301-668-5013
 Main Office Fax: 240-236-4250        Main Office Fax: 240-566-9201                                             Main Office Fax: 301-668-5015
 Counselor Phone: 240-236-4206        Counselor Phone: 240-566-9346
 Counselor Fax: 240-236-4249          Counselor Fax: 240-566-9350
In this rapidly changing world, this generation                also includes:
of middle school students will live and work in                •    Academic supports for students not meeting
an increasingly interdependent, global society.                     grade-level standards in reading and
To do so successfully, students will need to be                     mathematics
culturally competent, critical, creative thinkers, and
skilled problem solvers. With this reality in mind,            •    Extension activities for students who
Frederick County Public Schools have developed a                    demonstrate the need for further challenge
Middle School Program of Studies that is designed              •    Multiple learning and teaching approaches to
to promote:                                                         meet the needs of all learners
•   Academic Excellence - challenging all students             •    Access to counseling and support services that
    with robust curriculum, instruction, assessment,                promote health and wellness
    and supports needed to meet rigorous
    achievement standards.                                     Without question, the time period between 10-
                                                               14 years of age is one of incredible growth and
•   Cultural and Developmental Responsiveness                  change. In order to support your child through this
    – creating learning communities of adults and              important developmental stage, the partnership
    students in which stable, close, and mutually              between home and school cannot be understated.
    respectful relationships support the intellectual,         We believe in the:
    ethical, and social growth of all students.
                                                               •    Importance of parents being knowledgeable
•   College and Career Readiness – providing a                      about the characteristics of young adolescents
    variety of experiences that encourage students to               and being actively involved in their child’s life;
    begin to look to their future to explore various
    career options, including Science, Technology,             •    Understanding that healthy bodies plus healthy
    Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) jobs,                        minds equal healthy young adolescents;
    and the preparation necessary to produce high              •    Realization that the education your child
    quality work and achieve success in the world of                experiences during this formative period of life
    college and work.                                               will, in large measure, determine his/her success
In addition to the core subjects of language arts,                  in high school and beyond; and
mathematics, science and social studies, the Middle            •    Knowledge that every young adolescent should
School Program of Study provides students with a                    have the opportunity to pursue his or her
variety of applied academic courses as well as the                  dreams and aspirations, and post-secondary
opportunity to study a world language. The program                  education should be a possibility for all.

                                              TIPS FOR SUCCESS
•   Encourage your child to challenge himself or herself by working up to his or her ability in all classes.
•   Recognize study habits as a necessity for academic achievement. Your child will need to learn to organize his or her
    materials, write down homework assignments, and complete homework assignments independently.
•   Encourage your child to take advantage of opportunities to explore interests. Well-rounded students are the
    happiest students.
•   Continue to attend parent conferences and stay involved in your child’s academic success. Do not hesitate to
    contact your child’s teachers or school counselor if you have questions or concerns.
•   Help your child set short- and long-term goals. Praise your child for successes and provide support when needed.
•   Be patient. Adolescence is a time of great growth and change.

                                                                     2020–2021 FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE GUIDE  1
Frederick County’s middle and elementary school administrators, teachers and counselors work together to ease students’ transi-
tions to the next level of their public education experience. The following activities provide consistency throughout the county and
promote communication among teachers, students and parents.

     • Develop plans for a smooth transition.
     • Review student data to make appropriate placement recommendations.

     • Provide information about the Middle School Program of Studies.
     • Review and clarify the middle school scheduling process.
     • Explain course sequences and options.
     • Answer questions about how staff supports students with their transition to middle school.

     • Tour the school and meet the staff.
     • Learn about the academic program, behavioral expectations and extra-curricular opportunities available to sixth graders.

     • Welcome parents of all sixth, seventh and eighth graders.
     • Provide specific information about the Middle School Program of Studies.
     • Answer parent questions related to the middle school.
     • Introduce the staff.

Within each FCPS middle school, students benefit from a                    Finally, the ELT period within the middle school schedule
30-minute period of time that allows them to receive indi-                 allows for staff to meet the needs of adolescent learners in a
vidualized instruction that meets their academic needs. This               less formal setting. An advisory time is provided in order for
30-minute extended learning time increases instructional                   students to develop a positive relationship with a trusted adult
time for students and teachers and allows teachers to provide              at the school. This time period allows students to receive sup-
enrichment, extension and intervention within their respective             port and encouragement academically and socially, to develop
curriculum and area of expertise.                                          positive habits such as goal setting and time management, and
                                                                           to celebrate personal achievements and appreciate differences
Also during ELT a school wide “pull-out” tutoring program is
                                                                           and similarities in others. School counselors use ELT as an
offered. Teachers have the ability to pull small groups of stu-
                                                                           avenue to educate all students about bullying, internet safety
dents to receive more intensive support, again allowing them
                                                                           and college and career readiness. Additional lessons are pre-
to meet individual student needs. ELT is delivered in a rota-
                                                                           sented based on the needs of the students and the school.
tional model allowing teachers of each and every content area
to provide small group tutoring and support. In addition, ELT
provides students with opportunities to participate in enrich-
ment activities.

Frederick County Middle Schools offer a Highly Able Learner          Each middle school’s articulation committee reviews all stu-
(HAL) Program to students with advanced academic abilities           dents to determine if placement in one or more Highly Able
in language arts, math, science, and/or social studies. The HAL      Learner clusters is appropriate based on advanced performance
Program provides academic rigor and challenge at a rapid             on multiple FCPS data measures and demonstrated ability to
pace to meet the unique academic needs of highly able middle         learn at accelerated rates and deeper levels of understanding.
school students. Students enrolled in the HAL Program follow         Fifth grade students in the Elementary Magnet Program who
the FCPS curriculum, with an emphasis on greater depth and           are performing at expected levels will be enrolled in the HAL
complexity based on students’ abilities and interests. Students      Program. Students may be identified as highly able in one,
are exposed to a variety of instructional activities that include,   several, or all four of the content areas. In addition, teachers
but not limited to, hands-on exploratory activities, problem-        are trained to identify students throughout their middle school
solving challenges and projects which require research and           experience for inclusion in the HAL Program if and when they
application of knowledge that promote a deeper understanding         exhibit the interest and ability to participate.
of content.
                                                                     HAL Program math students enroll in the Math Grade 6-hon-
Cluster grouping is a research-based delivery model to address       ors course. In 7th grade, these students enroll in Math Grade 7
the academic needs of gifted and advanced learners. Groups           Accelerated, which covers the entire 7th grade curriculum and
of identified students (varying in number from 3 to more than        half of the 8th grade curriculum. Finally, in 8th grade, these
10) are placed together. This allows teachers to plan and pro-       students enroll in Algebra I, during which they will complete
vide challenging learning opportunities and set a more rapid         the rest of the 8th grade curriculum and the entire Algebra I
pace if appropriate for this group of students. Teachers in the      curriculum, which incorporates many topics from higher-level
HAL Program receive ongoing, specialized professional devel-         mathematics courses that are typically taught in high school.
opment in instructional strategies which are shown to be most
                                                                     For further information about the HAL Program, contact your
effective in meeting the needs of highly able learners.
                                                                     middle school’s Advanced Academic Specialist.

                                                                           2020–2021 FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE GUIDE  3
The FCPS middle school curriculum aligns to the Maryland                            diverse and interdependent global society
College and Career Ready Standards and its emphasis on
                                                                                  • Use technology and develop skills to be an ethical digital citizen
developing students who are critical thinkers, creative problem-
solvers, fluent readers, and skillful writers within the context of           Students who take courses required for high school graduation
a variety of disciplines (English Language Arts, Mathematics,                 during their middle school years may earn high school credit
Science, Social Studies, STEM and applied academics courses).                 provided they pass the course and any required state testing.
Middle school courses promote the ability to:                                 FOR MATHEMATICS (SPECIFICALLY, FOR ALGEBRA 1),
                                                                              IT IS NOT TRUE THAT STUDENTS MUST PASS THE
  • Listen, speak, read, write, perform, observe and problem-solve
                                                                              “REQUIRED STATE TESTING” IN ORDER FOR THEM TO
  • Learn to gather and use information more easily and                       EARN A HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT. IN THE CASE OF ALGE-
    analyze ideas more critically                                             BRA 1, THE “REQUIRED STATE TESTING” IS THE PARCC
                                                                              ALGEBRA 1 EXAM. STUDENTS MUST TAKE THIS EXAM,
  • Explore individual interests and talents in music, art and
                                                                              BUT THEY NEEDN’T PASS IT IN ORDER TO EARN A
    world languages
                                                                              HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT. The grade earned in the high school
  • Understand and value the contributions of others in this                  course will be recorded on the student’s high school transcript.

                                                                 COURSE OVERVIEW
                 6TH GRADE                                              7TH GRADE                                    8TH GRADE
              REQUIRED COURSES                                       REQUIRED COURSES                             REQUIRED COURSES
Language Arts                                          Language Arts                                  Language Arts
Mathematics                                            Mathematics                                    Mathematics
Physical Education          (3 Terms)                  Physical Education            (3 Terms)        Physical Education               (3 Terms)
Health                      (1 Term)                   Health                        (1 Term)         Health                           (1 Term)
Science                                                Science                                        Science
Social Studies                                         Social Studies                                 Social Studies
Learn, Apply and Build 21st Century
                                                       Creative Arts                 (2 Terms)
Skills (LAB 21)             (2 Terms)
Food Science                (2 Terms)                  Invention and Innovation      (2 Terms)
                                                                     ELECTIVE OPTIONS
Band                                                   Band                                           Band
Beginning Band                                         Chorus                                         Chorus
Chorus                                                 Computer Science Investigation                 French 1 and 2
Music Performance Lab                                  French 1                                       Latin 1 and 2
Orchestra                                              German 1                                       Life Skills in Society
Technology Exposition                                  Latin 1                                        Music Performance Lab
Theatre Arts                                           Life Skills in the Family                      Orchestra
Visual Arts                                            Music Performance Lab                          Problem-Solving Skills
World Language Exploratory                             Orchestra                                      Spanish 1 and 2
                                                       Spanish 1                                      Spanish for Bilingual Speakers 1 and 2
                                                       Spanish for Bilingual Speakers 1               Theatre Arts
                                                       Theatre Arts                                   Visual Arts
                                                       Visual Arts                                    World Language Exploratory
                                                       World Language Exploratory
  • Students take all required courses.                                           • Students who require interventions in English or Mathemat-
  • World Language Exploratory in grades 6, 7, and 8 is the same                    ics may be scheduled to receive support during an elective,
    course and may be taken only once.                                              exploratory course and/or extending learning time.
  • Some non-required courses may not be offered if there is                      • Questions about the accelerated mathematics pathway in the
    insufficient enrollment and/or staffing.                                        middle school can be addressed to the Mathematics Specialist
                                                                                    at your child’s middle school.

                                                                         of choral music and styles, including classical, jazz, spiritual, and
            ARTS: VISUAL AND PERFORMING                                  pop. In addition to developing high levels of performance qual-
                                                                         ity, students experience balanced instruction that includes study-
6503 BAND                                                                ing music from the historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives.
This course is for students who have successfully completed
prior instrumental instruction at the elementary-school level.           6508 MUSIC PERFORMANCE LABORATORY
Students continue to develop the basic skills and knowledge              This yearlong elective course covers the elements of music
necessary to perform music (on instruments commonly found                and applies this information through the use of hands-on
in bands) in unison and in an ensemble. Each student is respon-          experiences with a variety of classroom instruments. These
sible for obtaining his/her instrument before school starts; in          instruments may include guitar, electronic keyboards, hand
addition, each student must obtain required music books and              bells, recorders, Orff instruments (i.e., xylophone, marimba),
supplies as announced by the director. Students are required to          computers, world percussion, and other musical media. Per-
attend and participate in school programs. The band practices,           formance quality is reinforced through balanced instruction
rehearses, and performs a variety of Grade I band music. In              that includes studying music from a historical, aesthetic, and
addition to developing high levels of performance quality, stu-          critical perspective.
dents experience balanced instruction that includes studying
music from the historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives.         6504 ORCHESTRA
Students with no prior instruction in instrumental music should          This course is available to students who have successful prior
enroll in Beginning Band (6506). If that course is not available, they
                                                                         experience with string instruments from their elementary
may enroll in Band (6503).
                                                                         school music instruction, as well as students who are interested
                                                                         in beginning string instruction. Students develop the basic
                                                                         skills and knowledge necessary to perform music (on string
This course is offered to students who want to begin studying            instruments commonly found in orchestras) in unison and
instrumental music, perhaps after some exploration at the elemen-        in an ensemble. Each student is responsible for obtaining his/
tary school. The band director guides each student in selecting an       her instrument before the opening of school; in addition,
appropriate instrument. Students are responsible for obtaining the       each student must obtain required music books and supplies
instrument before school begins; in addition, each student must          as announced by the director. Students are required to attend
obtain required music books and supplies as announced by the             and participate in school programs. The orchestra practices,
director. Besides ensuring that a student knows about techniques         rehearses, and performs a variety of Grade I orchestral music.
needed to perform music accurately and effectively, the band             In addition to developing high levels of performance quality,
director helps each student to develop the specific skills required      students experience balanced instruction that includes studying
to play music on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. All        music from the historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives.
students are required to practice daily so that they can master the
6th-grade essential curriculum for instrumental music. They are          6520 THEATRE ARTS
required to attend and participate in school programs. In addition
to developing high levels of performance quality, students experi-       Students experience a variety of the performing arts. They
ence balanced instruction that includes studying music from the          are expected to participate in a number of activities that may
historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives.                        include singing, dancing, acting, announcing, stage crafts,
                                                                         improvisation, mime, and scenes. Students may be expected to
                                                                         participate in one or more productions that integrate all of the
                                                                         material learned during the course.
This course is available to students who have successful prior
experience with vocal music from their elementary school music           6530 VISUAL ARTS
instruction, as well as students who are interested in beginning
vocal music instruction. Students develop the basic skills and           Students create and explore art techniques, styles, cultures, and
knowledge necessary to perform music in unison and in an                 visual qualities of two and three-dimensional artworks. Stu-
ensemble; they focus on proper breathing, posture, enunciation,          dents develop fundamental art skills in areas such as drawing,
intonation, and expression. They also concentrate on two-part            painting, printmaking, graphics, crafts, sculpture, and architec-
singing, simple sight-reading, and rhythm reading. Each student          ture. Projects may allow students to integrate visual art skills
is responsible for obtaining required music books, supplies, and         with academic themes. Originality, effective communications,
items necessary for concert dress as announced by the director.          problem solving, critical thinking, social cooperation, self-dis-
Students are required to attend and participate in school pro-           cipline, and community/environmental issues are involved in
grams. The chorus practices, rehearses, and performs a variety           lessons. Students participate in portfolio and communication

                                                                               2020–2021 FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE GUIDE  5
assessments and develop personal expression through their
                                                                           1441 EL NEWCOMER CALP SC
enjoyment of art. Students may be asked to provide a small fee
($3-$5) for unique project materials.                                      This course is offered to all middle school students with little or
                                                                           no proficiency in English based upon state-mandated language
Course materials fee: $6.
                                                                           proficiency assessments. Students will learn language through
                                                                           science content. The science content is based on the Next Gen-
           CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION                                  eration Science Standards and uses the SIOP-sheltered instruc-
                                                                           tion observation protocol program.
                                                                           8450 A EL FOUNDATIONAL READING I
Food Science is a 6th grade exploratory Family and Consumer
Sciences course. Hands-on activities in this course provide                Using highly interactive materials, students will build funda-
opportunities for students to understand principles of food                mental reading and spelling skills. Students will master the
preparation, nutrition, and the food system. Food Science will             fundamental reading and writing skills required for success
also engage students in activities designed to practice decision-          with the new standards, and college and career readiness stan-
making strategies in the areas of nutrition and financial literacy         dards through explicit instruction in phonics, comprehension,
that promote personal wellness.                                            and writing. Students will also receive instruction in guided
Course materials fee: $9.
                                                                           reading and project based learning.

6942 LEARN, APPLY AND BUILD 21ST CENTURY                                   8450 B EL FOUNDATIONAL READING II
     SKILLS (LAB 21)                                                       Using highly interactive materials, students will build funda-
Learn, Apply, and Build 21st Century Skills (LAB 21) is a                  mental reading and spelling skills. Students will master the
6th grade exploratory course developed to support trans-                   fundamental reading and writing skills required for success
disciplinary STEM instruction. LAB 21 is focused on                        with the new standards, and college and career readiness stan-
Project-Based Learning and 21st century skill development in               dards through explicit instruction in phonics, comprehension,
connection with the Elementary level “Project LAB.” In this                and writing. Students will also receive instruction in guided
course, students will prepare for post-secondary studies and               reading and project based learning.
careers by working on projects designed to improve skills such
as communication, collaboration, creative problem solving and              9911 EL CCR MATH FOUNDATIONS 1
computational thinking skills.
                                                                           This course is offered to all EL students that have significant
                                                                           skill gaps in mathematics. The course will focus on developing
6971 TECHNOLOGY EXPOSITION                                                 students’ mathematical and language proficiencies through
This activity based course explores technology systems. Student’s          research based and evidenced based instructional strate-
foster problem solving and computational thinking skills through           gies. Instruction will strengthen conceptual and procedural
design briefs while integrating math and science utilizing Prob-           knowledge to close an existing gap so that students can easily
lem Based Learning. Unit topic and possible projects include;              transition to grade level experiences in future mathematical
communications – Digital Communication Tools and 3-D mod-                  coursework. Students will focus on content within the CCSS
eling, manufacturing – assembly line projects, transportation –            domains of Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and
gravity racer and rockets, construction – toothpick bridge design,         Operations in Base Ten, Number and Operations-Fractions,
and energy and power – balloon sled, and Biotechnology.                    Measurement and Data, and Geometry.
Course materials fee: $8.
                                                                           9912 EL CCR MATH FOUNDATIONS 2
                                                                           This course is offered to all EL students that have significant skill
            ENGLISH LEARNER PROGRAM (EL)                                   gaps in mathematics. The course will focus on developing stu-
                                                                           dents’ mathematical and language proficiencies through research
             BEGINNER/ADVANCED BEGINNER                                    based and evidenced based instructional strategies. Instruction
1440 EL ENGLISH LANGUAGE I                                                 will strengthen conceptual and procedural knowledge to close
This course is offered to all middle school students with little or        an existing gap so that students can easily transition to grade
no proficiency in English based upon state-mandated language               level experiences in future mathematical coursework. Students
proficiency assessments. These classes offer intensive instruction         will focus on content within the CCSS domains of Ratios and
in oral and written English language and reading skills. They are          Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions
aligned with the FCPS mainstream curriculum to the extent pos-             and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
sible and WIDA’s (World Class Instructional Design & Assess-
ment) five English Language Development Standards. At this
level, WIDA Standard 1 (Social and Instructional Language) and
Standard 2 (The language of Language Arts) are emphasized.

These classes build on the English language skills acquired in       6331C MATH GRADE 6 (HONORS)
the EL English Language 1 class. They focus on developing the
students’ cognitive academic language proficiency; these lan-        Focus is on four critical areas with opportunities for extension
guage skills are crucial for success in academic classes. They are   as students are able: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole
aligned with the FCPS mainstream curriculum to the extent            number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio
possible and WIDA’s (World Class Instructional Design and            and rate to solve problems; (2) completing the understanding
Assessment) five English Language Development Standards.             of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to
At this level, the WIDA Standards focus on both English              the system of rational numbers, which includes negative num-
language development and academic language development               bers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equa-
necessary for success in mainstream classes.                         tions; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.

6012E LANGUAGE ARTS 6                                                6332C MATH GRADE 6

This is a sheltered Language Arts class offered to students who      This course will concentrate on student understanding of
need more support as they are learning the English language.         concepts related to ratio and rate, whole number multiplica-
                                                                     tion and division, solving problems involving ratio and rate,
                                                                     understanding of division of fractions, extending the notion
                         ADVANCED                                    of number to the system to rational numbers (including nega-
1840 EL ENGLISH 2                                                    tive numbers), writing, interpreting, and using expressions
These classes prepare students for transition and complete           and equations, and developing an understanding of statistical
immersion into mainstream academic classes. They are aligned         thinking. Students are provided opportunities for deep under-
with the essential curricula in related areas and WIDA’s five Eng-   standing via multiple representations of concepts.
lish Language Development Standards. This course emphasizes
the academic language of mathematics, science, language arts,
and social studies necessary for success in mainstream classes.                    PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH
Special attention to state-mandated assessments is emphasized.
                                                                     6801 PHYSICAL EDUCATION
                                                                     Students learn how to develop an acceptable level of fitness
                      LANGUAGE ARTS                                  through an understanding of the components of fitness and
                                                                     an appreciation of the lifelong value of fitness. Students are
6011     6TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS (HONORS)                            involved in active, positive learning experiences with a focus
6012     6TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS                                     on goals that are challenging but attainable. They develop
Emphasis in this College and Career Ready Standards based            physical skills and acquire knowledge of and an appreciation
course is on increasing student facility with strategic reading      for efficient and creative movement through participation in a
processes to promote reading comprehension and critical              sequential program of varied activities.
thinking skills when students read for information and for lit-      Activities are designed to improve individual fitness levels, and
erary experience. Students also focus on improving writing and       students are tested periodically according to Frederick County
language skills through completion of multiple compositions          fitness standards. Students gain an understanding of physical
in a variety of genres and for a multitude of purposes (with an      fitness benefits and values. In addition, they learn, practice,
emphasis on narrative, argumentative and informative writ-           and execute basic skills specific to a wide range of sporting
ing). Language usage, spelling, vocabulary, research, speaking,      experiences. The students also learn rules and strategies of
and listening skills also are taught and practiced throughout        sports and fitness activities.
the course. Students read and write daily, with a balance of
brief and extended texts read and composed.                          Physical education classes emphasize and expect students to
                                                                     demonstrate good sportsmanship, self-control, and respect for
                                                                     others. Students set goals, apply fitness concepts to daily lives,
                                                                     and solve tasks through independent thinking.

                                                                           2020–2021 FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE GUIDE  7
                                                                                                 SOCIAL STUDIES
Middle school health education provides for the continued
development of attitudes and behaviors related to becoming                 6107 HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD
a health-literate individual. This course is part of a planned,                 (TO FALL OF ROME 476 C.E.)
sequential, comprehensive health education curriculum to
support student development of essential health skills within              This course is structured chronologically from the Neolithic
health content areas. In grade six, students focus on con-                 Period to the Roman Empire and includes units on Mesopota-
tinued skill development and skill applications that assist in             mia, Ancient Egypt, India, China, Greece, and Rome. Students
building competencies for health literacy. These may include               explore the social, political, economic, and cultural structures
decision-making skills, goal setting, accessing information,               made by societies during each of these time periods, as well as
interpersonal communication, self-management, and advo-                    their accomplishments, impact over time, and contributions to
cacy. Developmentally appropriate concepts of personal and                 the history of our world. Geography concepts taught include
community health; safety and injury prevention; nutrition and              types of maps, elements of maps, landforms, regions, etc. Skills
physical activity; mental health; alcohol, tobacco and other               infused throughout the course include constructing time lines;
drug use; and family life and human sexuality are areas used               interpreting maps, charts, and graphs; analyzing forms and the
for skill development. Participation in the Family Life compo-             roles institutions play in culture; analyzing settlement patterns;
nent requires parental permission. The adolescent student has              summarizing issues; evaluating viewpoints; drawing conclu-
instructional opportunities to investigate how health behaviors            sions; and using cause and effect, sequence, and correlation as
impact health, well-being, and disease prevention and to accept            tools for examining historic events.
personal responsibility for health related decisions.
All family life curricular materials are reviewed by a Family                                  WORLD LANGUAGE
Life Advisory Committee.
                                                                           6650 WORLD LANGUAGE EXPLORATORY

                                 SCIENCE                                   This course provides students the opportunity to explore, on a
                                                                           limited basis, the five world languages that are offered in high
6207 SCIENCE                                                               school. During the course, students (a) acquire an understanding
                                                                           of how to be a successful world language student, (b) learn to com-
This course begins the integrated study of life, Earth, and physi-         municate in each language on a minimal level, (c) learn important
cal sciences through four overarching strands: change, move-               cultural information about the people who speak/spoke each
ment, organization, and systems. Each of the four 6th grade                language, (d) discuss how their own language developed and how
modules lays the foundation of concepts for middle school                  each of the five world languages studied has influenced English,
science. In Our Extreme Planet mod­ule (Change), students                  and (e) explore some basic elements of sign language. Throughout
identify and explore weather, natural hazards, and human and               the course, students also have the opportunity to complete a proj-
natural impact on the planet. The Water module (Movement)                  ect pertaining to each language studied.
explores the chemistry and physics of water on our planet. The
Ecosystems module (Systems) examines abiotic and biotic fac-
tors, populations, nutrient recycling, water quality and human
impact on ecosystems. The Balanced Body module (Organiza-
tion) explores how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems work
together to keep the human body in balance as an entire system.
Science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas and
cross cutting practices are integrated in all modules to provide
a comprehensive, hands-on laboratory experience in middle
school science. Students also participate in field-based experi-
ences facilitated through the Outdoor School Program where
classroom inves­tigations are applied to real-world settings.

                                                                        the director. Students are required to attend and participate in
            ARTS: VISUAL AND PERFORMING                                 school programs. The chorus practices, rehearses, and performs
                                                                        a variety of choral music and styles (typically at Grades I and
7503 BAND                                                               II), including classical, jazz, spiritual, and pop. In addition to
                                                                        developing high levels of performance quality, students experi-
This course is available to students who have successfully
                                                                        ence balanced instruction that includes studying music from
completed prior instrumental instruction at the 6th-grade
                                                                        the historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives.
level. Students continue to develop an increased range of
musical skills and knowledge, concentrate on individual part            Students without prior instruction in chorus must obtain written
playing, and continue to develop refined solo and ensemble              permission from the choral director before enrolling. Students
performance skills. Each student is responsible for obtaining           enrolled in this course are exempt from enrolling in .5 Creative Arts
                                                                        and .5 Invention and Innovation. (I&I)
his/her instrument before the opening of school; in addition,
each student must obtain required music books and supplies as
                                                                        7508 MUSIC PERFORMANCE LABORATORY
announced by the director. Students are required to attend and
participate in school programs. The band practices, rehearses,          This yearlong elective course covers the elements of music and
and perform a variety of Grade II band music. In addition to            applies this information through the use of hands-on experi-
developing high levels of performance quality, students experi-         ences with a variety of classroom instruments. These instru-
ence balanced instruction that includes studying music from             ments may include guitar, electronic keyboards, hand bells,
the historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives.                   recorders, Orff instruments (i.e., xylophone, marimba), com-
                                                                        puters, world percussion, and other musical media. The course
Students without prior instruction in instrumental music must
obtain written permission from the band director before enrolling.      reinforces performance quality through balanced instruction
Students enrolled in this course are exempt from enrolling in .5        that includes studying music from historical, aesthetic, and
Creative Arts and .5 Invention and Innovation. (I&I)                    critical perspectives.
                                                                        This is a stand-alone course and is not sequential with other 6th or
7504 ORCHESTRA                                                          8th grade courses.
This course is available to students who have successfully com-
pleted prior orchestral instruction at the 6th-grade level. Stu-        7520 THEATRE ARTS
dents continue to develop an increased range of musical skills          Students experience a variety of performing arts and are
and knowledge, concentrate on individual part playing, and              expected to participate in a number of activities that may include
continue to develop refined solo and ensemble performance               improvisations, mime, and scenes. This course may require
skills. Each student is responsible for obtaining his/her instru-       participation in one or more productions that integrate all of the
ment before the opening of school; in addition, each student            material learned. Careers in the arts will also be studied.
must obtain required music books and supplies as announced
                                                                        This is a stand-alone course and is not sequential with other 6th or
by the director. Students are required to attend and participate        8th grade courses.
in school programs. The orchestra practices, rehearses, and
performs a variety of Grade II orchestral music. In addition to         7530 VISUAL ART
developing high levels of performance quality, students experi-
ence balanced instruction that includes studying music from             Students create independent and challenging projects includ-
the historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives.                   ing drawing, painting, graphics, crafts, ceramics, sculpture, and
                                                                        architecture. While developing their own sense of artistic style,
Students without prior instruction in orchestra must obtain written
                                                                        students also learn about design terms and art criticism. Origi-
permission from the orchestra director before enrolling. Students
enrolled in this course are exempt from enrolling in .5 Creative Arts   nality, effective communications, problem solving, integration,
and .5 Invention and Innovation. (I&I)                                  critical thinking, social cooperation, self-discipline, and com-
                                                                        munity/environmental issues are involved in the lessons. Stu-
7505 CHORUS                                                             dents participate in portfolio and communication assessments
                                                                        and develop personal expression through their enjoyment of
This course is available to students who have successfully com-         art. Students may be asked to provide a small fee ($3-$5) for
pleted prior instruction in chorus in the 6th grade. Students           unique project materials.
continue to develop a full range of vocal skills including proper
breathing, posture, enunciation, intonation, and expression.            This is a stand-alone course and is not sequential with other 6th or
                                                                        8th grade courses.
They also concentrate on three-part singing, more complex
sight-reading, and advanced rhythm and melody reading. Each             Course materials fee: $6.
student is responsible for obtaining required music books, sup-
plies, and items necessary for concert dress as announced by

                                                                              2020–2021 FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE GUIDE  9
7905 CREATIVE ARTS                                                          7972 INVENTION AND INNOVATION
In this required 18-week exploratory course, 7th grade stu-                 Students apply the design process in the invention or innovation
dents explore the four major art forms: visual art, music, the-             of a new product, process, or system. Students study the history
atre, and dance. They develop an understanding of the creative              of inventions and innovations, including their impacts on society.
arts as important parts of history, culture, and the human                  Students learn the core concepts of technology, computational
experience. They learn how people of all cultures use the arts              thinking, and practice various approaches to solving problems.
to express themselves and to communicate about themselves                   They participate in engineering design activities to understand
to others. Using several historical and multicultural strands to            how criteria, constraints, and processes affect designs. Students
integrate material and experiences from the four art forms, the             also develop skills in researching and communicating design
curriculum provides students the opportunity to identify and                information and reporting results.
nurture their individual creative potential. This course empha-
sizes learning and using core knowledge through a balanced
instructional approach. Some traditional reading, writing and                         ENGLISH LEARNER PROGRAM (EL)
research strategies, using print and audiovisual sources as well
as the full range of available technology, are balanced with a                         BEGINNER/ADVANCED BEGINNER
variety of integrated production and performance experiences                1440 EL ENGLISH LANGUAGE I
in one or more of the four art forms.                                       This course is offered to all middle school students with little or
Course materials fee: $4-$6.                                                no proficiency in English based upon state-mandated language
                                                                            proficiency assessments. These classes offer intensive instruction
                                                                            in oral and written English language and reading skills. They are
           CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION                                   aligned with the FCPS mainstream curriculum to the extent pos-
                                                                            sible and WIDA’s (World Class Instructional Design & Assess-
7020 COMPUTER SCIENCE INVESTIGATION                                         ment) five English Language Development Standards. At this
Computer science is an integral part of our lives, shaping                  level, WIDA Standard 1 (Social and Instructional Language) and
virtually everything from the objects around us to the ways                 Standard 2 (The language of Language Arts) are emphasized.
in which we communicate, travel, work, and play. The com-
puter revolution has just begun, Computer Science is now a                  1441 EL NEWCOMER CALP SC
key enabler for discovery and innovation in most other fields               This course is offered to all middle school students with little or
of endeavor. We know that giving students choice in their                   no proficiency in English based upon state-mandated language
learning is a powerful tool for creating fun, engaging, and                 proficiency assessments. Students will learn language through
lasting learning experiences. Computer Science Investigation                science content. The science content is based on the Next Gen-
focuses on the skills that enable students to create and express            eration Science Standards and uses the SIOP-sheltered instruc-
themselves in a variety of contexts and media. Whether they                 tion observation protocol program.
are developing their own website, designing an app, building
a game, or creating a physical computing device, students are
                                                                            8450 A EL FOUNDATIONAL READING I
empowered to bring their ideas to life and work on their com-
putational thinking skills.                                                 Using highly interactive materials, students will build funda-
                                                                            mental reading and spelling skills. Students will master the
This is a stand-alone course and is not sequential with other 6th or
8th grade courses.                                                          fundamental reading and writing skills required for success
                                                                            with the new standards, and college and career readiness stan-
7221 LIFE SKILLS IN THE FAMILY                                              dards through explicit instruction in phonics, comprehension,
                                                                            and writing. Students will also receive instruction in guided
This course is activity based, applying academics to real-life              reading and project based learning.
situations. Students explore Family and Consumer Science top-
ics such as financial literacy, family, child development, living
                                                                            8450 B EL FOUNDATIONAL READING II
environments, nutrition, food preparation, clothing, and textiles.
They use a variety of technologies including the construction               Using highly interactive materials, students will build funda-
of a machine-sewn textile project. Planning and implementing                mental reading and spelling skills. Students will master the
projects as a team using problem-solving skills for family and              fundamental reading and writing skills required for success
living environments to promote critical-­thinking skills. This              with the new standards, and college and career readiness stan-
class is recommended for all students, regardless of educational            dards through explicit instruction in phonics, comprehension,
or career goals, because all indi­viduals are faced with the chal-          and writing. Students will also receive instruction in guided
lenges of managing their p  ­ ersonal, home, family, and work lives.        reading and project based learning.
This is a stand-alone course and is not sequential with other 6th or
8th grade courses.
Course materials fee: $16.

9911 EL CCR MATH FOUNDATIONS 1                                                                 ADVANCED
This course is offered to all EL students that have significant   1840 EL ENGLISH 2
skill gaps in mathematics. The course will focus on developing    These classes prepare students for transition and complete immer-
students’ mathematical and language proficiencies through         sion into mainstream academic classes. They are aligned with
research based and evidenced based instructional strate-          the essential curricula in related areas and WIDA’s five English
gies. Instruction will strengthen conceptual and procedural       Language Development Standards. This course emphasizes the
knowledge to close an existing gap so that students can easily    academic language of mathematics, science, language arts, and
transition to grade level experiences in future mathematical      social studies necessary for success in mainstream classes. Special
coursework. Students will focus on content within the CCSS        attention to state-mandated assessments is also emphasized.
domains of Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and
Operations in Base Ten, Number and Operations-Fractions,
Measurement and Data, and Geometry.                                                        LANGUAGE ARTS

9912 EL CCR MATH FOUNDATIONS 2                                    7011     7TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS (HONORS)
                                                                  7012     7TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS
This course is offered to all EL students that have significant
skill gaps in mathematics. The course will focus on developing    Emphasis in this College and Career Ready Standards based
students’ mathematical and language proficiencies through         course is on further increasing student facility with strategic
research based and evidenced based instructional strate-          reading processes to promote reading comprehension and
gies. Instruction will strengthen conceptual and procedural       critical thinking skills when students read for information and
knowledge to close an existing gap so that students can easily    for literary experience. Students also focus on improving writ-
transition to grade level experiences in future mathematical      ing and language skills through completion of multiple com-
coursework. Students will focus on content within the CCSS        positions in a variety of genres and for a multitude of purposes
domains of Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Num-        (with an emphasis on narrative, argumentative and informa-
ber System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statis-      tive writing). Language usage, spelling, vocabulary, research,
tics and Probability.                                             speaking and listening skills also are taught and practiced
                                                                  throughout the course. Students read and write daily, with a
                                                                  balance of brief and extended texts read and composed.
This course addresses all four language domains; the impor-
tance of social language in student interaction with peers and
teachers in school and the language that students encounter
across instructional settings are primary focus. This course
satisfies one credit towards a world language completer.

These classes build on the English language skills acquired in
the EL English Language 1 class. They focus on developing
the students’ cognitive academic language proficiency; these
language skills are crucial for success in academic classes.
They are aligned with the FCPS mainstream curriculum to the
extent possible and WIDA’s (World Class Instructional Design
& Assessment) five English Language Development Standards.
At this level, the WIDA Standards focus on both English
language development and academic language development
necessary for success in mainstream classes.

This is a sheltered Language Arts class offered to students who
need more support as they are learning the English language.

                                                                       2020–2021 FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE GUIDE  11
MATHEMATICS                                                  PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH

7330CA        MATH GRADE 7 ACCELERATED                                      7801 PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Placement in this accelerated course is by school recommendation only.      Students learn how to develop an acceptable level of fitness
This is the first year of a two-year, two-course sequence during            through an understanding of the components of fitness and
which time students will receive mathematics instruction in                 an appreciation of the lifelong value of fitness. Students are
Grade 7, Grade 8, and Algebra 1. This two-year sequence only                involved in regular activities designed to improve and chal-
occurs during the student’s 7th grade and 8th grade years.                  lenge individual fitness levels. These levels are tested periodi-
                                                                            cally in accordance with Frederick County fitness standards.
This course differs from the non-accelerated 7th Grade course               In addition, students learn, practice, and execute basic skills
in that it contains content from 8th grade. While coherence                 specific to a wide range of sporting experiences. Students
is retained, in that it logically builds from the 6th Grade, the            also learn rules and strategies of sports and fitness activities.
additional content when compared to the non-accelerated                     Physical education classes emphasize and expect students to
course demands a faster pace for instruction and learning.                  demonstrate good sportsmanship, self-control, and respect for
During the 7th grade year, instructional time will focus on                 others. Students will apply fitness concepts to daily lives and
developing understanding and applying of proportional                       solve tasks through independent thinking.
relationships, developing understanding of operations with
rational and irrational numbers, including work with positive               7802 HEALTH EDUCATION
and negative exponents. We will be examining relationships
                                                                            This course encourages students to develop knowledge, skills,
with proportions, expressions, lines, and linear equations
                                                                            attitudes, and behaviors that enable them to make responsible
including solving pairs of linear equations simultaneously.
                                                                            decisions about health. In addition to learning about personal
Students will solve problems involving scale drawings and
                                                                            and consumer health, students learn how personal issues, oth-
informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and
                                                                            ers, culture, media, and other factors influence their decisions
three dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area,
                                                                            and the consequences that these decisions may have. Students
surface area, and volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres. Also
                                                                            study the physical and psychological effects and potential
congruence, similarity, angle sum and exterior angle theorems
                                                                            dangers of medicine misuse, tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana
will be explored. Angle relationships when parallel lines are
                                                                            along with ways to resist and refuse peer pressure. During the
cut by a transversal will be included. Drawing inferences about
                                                                            family life sexually transmitted infections (STI) prevention
populations based on samples and probability models.
                                                                            unit (parental permission required), students learn about the
                                                                            changes that occur in adolescence (including human reproduc-
7331C         MATH GRADE 7 (HONORS)                                         tion), that can occur at different times, and that are normal and
Focus on four critical areas with opportunities for extension as            experienced by everyone. Students identify abstinence as the
students are able: (1) developing understanding and applying                surest way to prevent pregnancy and STI’s, and become aware
of proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of              of the existence of birth control. Through this course students
operations with rational numbers and working with expres-                   will understand sexual harassment and sexual assault, includ-
sions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale            ing prevention skills, appropriate intervention, and be able to
drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working                  demonstrate effective advocacy skills. All family life curricular
with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems                    materials are reviewed by a Family Life Advisory Committee.
involving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing
inferences about populations based on samples.
7332C         MATH GRADE 7
                                                                            7207 SCIENCE
This course will concentrate on student understanding of con-
cepts related to developing an understanding and applying of                This course continues the integrated study of life, Earth, and
proportional relationships, developing understanding of opera-              physical sciences through four overarching strands: change,
tions with rational numbers and working with expressions and                movement, organization, and systems. Each of the four 7th
linear equations, solving problems involving scale drawings and             grade modules builds upon and extends the concepts devel-
informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and                 oped in the 6th grade modules. In the Human Impact on Earth
three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area,                  mod­ule (Change), students explore natural resources, how they
surface area, and volume, and drawing inferences about popula-              are obtained, transported, recycled and sustained. The Earth’s
tions based on samples. Students are provided opportunities for             Processes module (Movement) focuses on the geology of earth
deep understanding via multiple representations of concepts.                including minerals, rocks, geologic time and the structure of
                                                                            Earth’s interior. The Flow of Energy module (Systems) examines
                                                                            potential and kinetic energy, electricity and magnetism as well
                                                                            as matter and energy cycles. The Chemistry and Matter module

(Organization) explores atoms, the periodic table, conservation
                                                                      The following courses are the same as those offered in high
of mass and compounds and mixtures. Science and engineer-
                                                                      school. Students should expect a rigorous academic class
ing practices, disciplinary core ideas and cross cutting practices
                                                                      with daily homework. They should also be aware that their
are integrated in all modules to provide a comprehensive,
                                                                      final course grade will appear on their high school transcript
hands-on laboratory experience in middle school science. All
                                                                      and will be figured into their cumulative grade point average.
four modules of study emphasize the understanding and appli-
                                                                      It is recommended that all students have at least one world
cation of class­room concepts to real world settings.
                                                                      language experience during middle school.

                      SOCIAL STUDIES                                  7632     FRENCH 1
                                                                      7633     GERMAN 1
7107 HISTORY OF THE MEDIEVAL WORLD THROUGH                            7631     SPANISH 1
     EARLY MODERN TIMES (476-1453 C.E.)                               These courses begin the development of the skills needed for
Seventh-grade social studies is a survey course beginning with        proficiency in French, German, or Spanish. The target language
consequences of the fall of the Roman Empire. The content is not      is the principal means of communication between teacher and
strictly chronological. The period of medieval history through        students. Linguistic skills are taught within the context of the
early modern times is studied in the following areas: the rise of     culture of the people who speak the target language. Students
the Byzantine Empire; the conflict between Western Europe and         acquire a better understanding of their own language and
the Byzantine Empire; Europe during the Middle Ages through           have the opportunity to apply some of what they have learned
the Enlightenment; the medieval Arabian Peninsula; the decline        in their world language class to other subjects. The goal of a
of Feudalism; the kingdoms and societies of early West Africa;        multi-year world language program is to prepare students to
the medieval Asian world; and the medieval Americas. The Age          communicate and interact in the target language.
of Exploration and first era of globalization through 1750 are        Students completing the course with a passing final grade are
also studied. Students explore the social, political, economic,       awarded high school credit.
and cultural structures of a variety of cultural regions across the   With sufficient enrollment and adequate staffing, schools may offer
world. The accomplishments, impact over time, and contribu-           Level 2 World Language classes in the 8th grade.
tions of these major societies as well as the outcome of cross
culture contact are also studied. Infused skills include construct-   7634 LATIN 1
ing time lines; interpreting maps, charts, and graphs; analyzing
                                                                      Latin 1 familiarizes students with the beginning elements of
forms and roles that institutions play in cultures; analyzing
                                                                      Latin vocabulary and grammar, enabling them to develop the
settlement patterns; summarizing issues; evaluating viewpoints;
                                                                      ability to read short passages, to write simple sentences, and to
drawing conclusions; and using cause and effect, sequence, and
                                                                      translate brief selected passages. Time is devoted to increasing
correlation as tools for examining historic events.
                                                                      students’ English vocabulary through the study of deriva-
                                                                      tives from Latin words and their exposure to expressions and
                    WORLD LANGUAGES                                   abbreviations commonly used in English. Mythology as well as
                                                                      Greek and Roman culture and civilization are also important
7650 WORLD LANGUAGE EXPLORATORY                                       components of the curriculum.
This course provides students the opportunity to explore, on a        Students who complete the course with a passing final grade receive
limited basis, the five world languages that are offered in high      high school credit.
school. During the course, students (a) acquire an understand-        With sufficient enrollment and adequate staffing, schools may offer
ing of how to be a successful world language student, (b) learn       Latin 2 classes in the 8th grade.
to communicate in each language on a minimal level, (c) learn
important cultural information about the people who speak/            7630 SPANISH FOR BILINGUAL SPEAKERS 1
spoke each language, (d) discuss how their own language               The purpose of this course is to enhance the proficiency of
developed and how each of the five world languages studied            students who are heritage speakers of Spanish and persons
has influenced English, and (e) explore some basic elements of        who have had significant exposure to the language. Via the use
sign language. Throughout the course, students also have the          of literature, readings, and other authentic materials, the goal
opportunity to complete a project pertaining to each language         is to ensure a fundamental understanding of grammar, writing,
studied.                                                              spelling, speaking, and general literacy. This class may take the
Students who took World Language Exploratory in 6th grade are not     place of Spanish 1 to satisfy one of the two credits required for
eligible to take this course.                                         the WL completer.

                                                                           2020–2021 FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE GUIDE  13
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