Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs

Page created by Robert Aguilar
Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs
Council Member
   candidate pack
Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs

                      A warm welcome
                      from the
                      Chair of Council

              Thank you for taking an interest in           potential and succeed in their chosen       the quality of our teaching. In the 2018
              being a member of the Council at              careers and professions.                    National Student Survey we are the ninth
              Buckinghamshire New University.                                                           best university in the UK for listening to
                                                            We have a distinctive high-quality          the student voice and tenth best for being
              This is an exciting time to join the          educational offer coupled with well-        clear on how we act on student feedback.
              University following the recent               developed regional, national and            We are a top 20 university for student
              appointment of Professor Nick Braisby         international partnerships.                 experience and our Students’ Union was
              as Vice-Chancellor.                                                                       rated the best for representing students’
                                                            Our staff are adept in using employment-
                                                                                                        academic interests.
              We are a modern university, with a proud      focused and skill-based teaching in a
              125-year history of transforming our          learning community which features           Like other institutions in the sector, we
              students’ lives. Our richly diverse student   small class sizes with highly interactive   are facing profound changes in our
              body has a high proportion of students        research-informed teaching and focused      external environment. We have in place
              drawn from ethnic minorities and from         employment-related studies.                 our Transformation Programme – already
              low-participation areas. We build social                                                  more than half-way through – which
              capital as well as skills and competences     This is reflected in the university being
                                                                                                        is progressing well towards making the
              to help our students reach their full         awarded Silver in the TEF to recognise
                                                                                                        university more financially sustainable as
Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs
well as agile and responsive whilst ensuring
we maintain our principal aim: to transform
the lives of all our students for the better.

Successful candidates will work closely
with the Vice-Chancellor and the
Executive team in the development and
delivery of the University’s strategy.

If you think you have the qualities and
attributes we seek, we would be glad to
hear from you.                                  Dr Michael Hipkins
                                                Chair of Council

Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs

                     A Welcome Note
                     from the

              Thank you for your interest in joining      student experience through innovative           We aim to become a University that is
              Buckinghamshire New University as a         and employment-focused education,               highly connected, permeable, student-
              member of our governing body, Council.      and realign our professional services in        and customer-focused, business-
                                                          support of our strategic aims.                  oriented, strategically aligned and
              Buckinghamshire New University has a                                                        impactful. We will build our reputation
              fine heritage of high-quality, vocational   The University is currently engaged in          on a sector-leading, flexible, inclusive,
              education, coupled with research and        an active conversation about its future         enquiry-based and employer-informed
              enterprise that has impact upon our         strategic plan, one rooted in a shared          education, designed around the needs
              communities and strategic partners.         understanding of our values and of our          of our students. We will develop our
              We celebrate diversity, proud of our        historic mission - to be a vibrant, inclusive   research and knowledge exchange
              achievements in supporting students from    community that inspires learning,               activities, securing research degree
              all backgrounds to succeed.                 develops potential, widens participation        awarding powers, and generating impact
                                                          and ambitiously transforms lives. We            with reach and significance to benefit our
              We are now poised for the next phase in     already know much of the direction we           partners and communities. We will be
              our development as we seek to develop       will take.                                      a University that always meets its social
              our impact still further, enrich the
Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs
To deliver our strategy we will better      performance, able to offer the executive
align our resources, developing and         constructive challenge, hold us to
implementing new strategies for our         account, and support us as we lead and
people, technology, finance and estate.     manage the University to realise our
We will develop our commercial activities   ambitious vision.
to strengthen and diversify our income.
We will grow a culture of excellence in     We look forward to hearing from you.
customer service.

Members of Council play a vital role in
supporting the executive to develop
and deliver the University’s strategy. We                                              Professor Nick Braisby
are looking for talented, experienced                                                  Vice-Chancellor
and engaged individuals to make
a real difference to the University’s

Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs

                                                                                                           Our hi
                                                                                                                                            Our University mo
                                                                                                                                            Industria’ - by art

                                                                               After the Second
                                                                             World War, increased
                                                                             demand for technical
                                                                             education led to the                   The college became
                               The Schools of                                 College of Further                      one of the UK’s
                              Science, Art and                                 Education being                       new independent                         Missende
                            Technical Instruction                            opened on a new site                    Higher Education                        was purc
                               were opened.                                   in Alexandra Road.                       Corporations.                          the Un

                                    1893                   1920                  1963                1975                1989                  1992              19

                                                       Tuition was given                          High Wycombe                          The college became a
                                                      to ex-soldiers and                        College of Art and                      polytechnic institute.
                                                      sailors of the First                     Technology merged
                                                      World War. It was                         with Newland Park
                                                        then known as                         College of Education to
                                                     Chepping Wycombe                         form Buckinghamshire
                                                      Technical Institute                       College of Further
                                                      and School of Art.                            Education.

              Buckinghamshire New University is the            Heathrow Airport. Our second campus          participants, those who will benefit the
              only publically funded higher education          at Uxbridge is even closer, and we have      most from working with us. These will
              institution located in Buckinghamshire and       a third smaller campus in the centre of      include those from under-represented
              has a total population of 9,700 students         Aylesbury (UCAV).                            groups, those looking for second
              and an annual income of approximately                                                         opportunities and those already in work.
              £57.3 million. We are a teaching-oriented        Our students are drawn from national and
              institution which is supported by a base         international sources, and we aim also       We offer a wide range of undergraduate
              of research that is focused in areas of          to serve the needs of Buckinghamshire        and postgraduate programmes on
              specialist activity and established expertise.   and the wider regional community, i.e.       courses linked to the creative and cultural
                                                               the Thames Valley corridor from West         industries, arts, social sciences, sports,
              The University’s main High Wycombe               London to Oxfordshire and across             aviation, business, computing healthcare
              Campus is only 40 minutes from London            Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and            and the public sector including nursing,
              by train, and just 30 minutes from London        Hertfordshire. Our aim is to select, as      social work and policing.
Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs
otto is ‘Arte et
 and industry.

                                   University title
                                 was achieved and
                                  the new name,
                                 Buckinghamshire                            The Gateway building                        University Campus
                                New University was                          at the High Wycombe                         Aylesbury Vale, an
                                approved, meaning                              Campus won an                             education centre
 en Abbey                       that the institution                         architectural award                          in the heart of
chased by                       was now officially a                       from the Royal Institute                    Aylesbury, opened in
niversity.                          university.                              of British Architects.                       Autumn 2015.

995               1999                  2007                   2009                  2010                   2011               2015

         Buckinghamshire College                          An additional site                          Buckinghamshire
          was awarded University                           was established                           UTC was given the
           College status by the                         in Uxbridge, west                            go-ahead by the
        Government, in recognition                       London, providing                            Government. The
          of its high standards of                          state of the art                         UTC is jointly led by
          teaching, training and                           theaters for the                           Buckinghamshire
          research, and became                            nursing division.                          College Group and
        Buckinghamshire Chilterns                                                                   Bucks New University.
            University College.

               Given the employment focus of our               Externally, partnerships with employers,        of Government approved by the Privy
               courses, our programmes are developed           public sector bodies and other educational      Council.
               with direct engagement with employers           providers, notably our strategic
               and accredited bodies. It is the innovative     partner further education colleges, are         Council is responsible for the educational
               and creative mix across our spectrum of         fundamental to the delivery of our strategy.    character and mission of the University.
               expertise to create unique provision which                                                      It oversees financial probity, the
               is our hallmark.                                The University’s strategy is currently          employment policy for staff and the
                                                               being revised, and the previous University      corporate policies, rules and procedures
               Our Aim is to put our students first and        Strategy 2016-2021 can be found online          that underpin how the University is
               work responsively with the very best            on our website.                                 governed.
               partners to influence, inspire and nurture
               talent for professional and creative careers.   Council is the governing body of the
               To achieve this, we have put the student        University. It carries out its business by
               experience at the heart of all our plans.       following the Instrument and Articles                                                        7
Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs

              Key facts
              Financial results 2017 - 18		                      				£m
              Income:											57.3

              Employee costs:										30.5

              Other operating expenses:									28.2

              Actual gain in respect of pension schemes:							                           9.2

              Other Gains & Losses & Share of Operating Deficit of Joint Ventures 					   (9.2)

              Total comprehensive income for the year							                              4.7

              Deficit for the Year										4.5

              Capital Expenditure										1.4

              Student profile 2017 - 18
              Total registered enrolments									9,712

              Full-time undergraduate									6,993

              Part-time undergraduate									1,691

              Total undergraduate									8,684

              Full-time postgraduate									411

              Part-time postgraduate									617

              Total postgraduate										1,028

              Total Further Education enrolments								48

              Female : Male (%)										54:46

              Non BME: BME (%)										61:31

              Student age groups 2017 - 18
              Age 16-20										3,638

              Age 21-25										2,248

              Age 26-29										925

              30+ years:										2,901

              Staff profile September 2018
              Permanent staff:										598

              Permanent academic staff: 									253

              Permanent professional service staff: 								345

              Female : male (per cent): 									57:43

              Non BME: BME (%)										83:17

Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs
Council Member candidate pack - Committee of University Chairs

                   Summary                                       Three additional workstreams have been
                                                                 added to the programme as listed below:
                   The Transformation Programme is an
                   ambitious agenda for change in the            •   Academic Partnerships.
                   University: an agenda that is ensuring the    •   Leadership and Development.
                   financial sustainability of the institution
                                                                 •   Client Relationship
                   on a platform of quality, innovation and
                                                                     Management System.
                                                                 All workstreams are still active and all are
                   The University’s Transformation               due to complete by July 2019.
                   Programme was launched in February
                   2017 and is a unified approach to
                   achieving operating surpluses in the
                   financial year commencing August 2019
                   and beyond, whilst enabling delivery of
                   the University Strategy 2016-21.

                   •   To create an operating model that
                       returns sustainable recurrent annual
                       operating surpluses from August 2019
                   •   To deliver improved economy
                       and efficiency in the delivery of all
                       academic and service activities.
                   •   To create a financially sustainable
                       New Academic Portfolio and high
                       margin portfolio of other products and

                   The Transformation Programme is led by
                   the Vice-Chancellor supported by the
                   Council Advisory Group.

                   The Programme at launch had six work
                   streams. These work streams in some
                   cases are inter-dependent and were
                   planned to undertake work in parallel in
                   order to deliver outcomes in the shortest
                   possible timescales.


At Bucks, we create the conditions for         •   Proportion of BME students (16th).
success with a learning community that         •   Proportion of ethnic minority students
has small class sizes, is highly interactive       (32nd).
and has research informed teaching, and
                                               •   Proportion of mature
focused employment-related studies.
                                                   students (29th).
The University has been awarded Silver         •   Working class students (16th).
in the TEF to recognise the high quality       •   36th in the country with the most EU
teaching and learning we deliver.                  students.

Bucks leads in the London region for           •   41st for state school admissions.
teaching quality and student experience,       Key points from NSS:
ranking first for both areas in the 2018
Good University Guide (GUG). We’re             We were delighted that 85 per cent
also in the top five universities in the       of final year students completed the
South East for student experience (2nd);       NSS 2018 survey. We improved our
teaching quality (3rd); and graduate salary    performance in every category.
rankings (4th) in the GUG.
                                               We care about what our students think,
Our skills-based and employment-               and encourage their feedback. Bucks
focused programmes prepare our students        is proud to be 9th best in the UK for
for the world of work and success in their     listening to the student voice in the 2018
chosen careers and professions from the        NSS. We turn the knowledge we gain
moment they start at Bucks.                    from listening into action for positive
We’re proud that Bucks ranks 37th (out of
132) for the highest graduate salaries in
the UK, according to the GUG.

The University is proud to be expanding
in our partnerships, this includes
links with Thames Valley Police and
Buckinghamshire NHS Trust.

Bucks ranks 29th for social inclusion
in the GUG which reflects our proud
mission to transform lives and widen
participation. The GUG also recognises
the diversity of our student community:


                      Council Structure

                                                                                               Awards       Appointments
                Audit              Governance          Resources             Remuneration                                  Advisory
                                                                                             Committee       Committee
              Committee            Committee           Committee              Committee                                    Group (Ad
                                                                                            (also reports     (Ad Hoc)
                                                                                             to Senate)

              Non-standing Panels
              •   Employee Appeals Panel
              •   Staff Grievance Panel
              •   Senior Employee Special Committee

              Subsidiary companies
              •   Missenden Abbey Ltd
              •   BCUC (Services) Ltd
              •   UCFB Bucks Ltd (DORMANT)
              •   Buckinghamshire College Ltd (DORMANT)
              •   BCUC (Conferences) Ltd (DORMANT)
              •   Thames Valley Training and Development (DORMANT)

              Trustee Board
              •   Chiltern Student Village

              Associated companies
              •   Buckinghamshire Education Skills and Training (BEST)
              •   University Technical College (UTC)


              Our campuses

              High Wycombe Campus
              Our main campus sits prominently in the centre of High             Bucks Students’ Union is housed on site, along with a student bar,
              Wycombe and continues to develop in line with the University’s     cafés and an entertainment venue. The University has three self-
              strategic direction. High Wycombe has a vibrant, friendly and      catering halls of residence in High Wycombe which provide 885
              inclusive atmosphere. Students benefit from new and evolving       single study bedrooms.
              facilities that enable them to achieve their potential, both
              practically and academically.                                      The Human Performance, Exercise & Wellbeing Centre opened
                                                                                 in 2015 to bring together our existing health and sports provision
              Over the last few years, we have invested heavily in renovating    with new undergraduate programmes. The Centre also houses
              and expanding the High Wycombe Campus to provide students          a sports injury and physiotherapy clinic open to the public, a
              with cutting-edge resources and facilities.                        human performance laboratory and a three-lane running track
                                                                                 with motion-capture technology.
              Our state-of-the-art building, the Gateway, won a RIBA Award in
              2010 and comprises a learning resource and technology centre,
              events hall, gym, sports science laboratory, dance, drama, music
              and video production studios, a library and meeting rooms.

Uxbridge Campus                                                     University Campus
Our Uxbridge Campus opened its doors to students in 2009. It        Aylesbury Vale (UCAV)
is the home of our prestigious nursing and health care practice
                                                                    Our newest campus continues our vision of offering education
courses and is based in the centre of Uxbridge. The School
                                                                    that equips students with the skills that employers are looking for.
of Nursing & Allied Health benefits from the fantastic facilities
this campus offers, including an impressive range of specialist     University Campus Aylesbury Vale is a partnership between
medical equipment and high-tech learning facilities such as         Aylesbury Vale District Council and Buckinghamshire Education,
clinical skills rooms and simulation manikins.                      Skills and Training (BEST), which was jointly formed by the
                                                                    University and Buckinghamshire College Group.
The campus is contained within one building and students
enjoy the same friendly and inclusive atmosphere that flows         The new campus provides access to degree level courses and
throughout the University. Permanent representatives of Bucks       professional development programmes, allowing individuals
Students’ Union are based at Uxbridge, and it also has its own      to access employer-led education and training locally, and for
café.                                                               employers to work in partnership with us to meet their needs.

A shuttle bus runs regularly between our High Wycombe and           From September 2019, the University will also be delivering its
Uxbridge campuses, ensuring students are able to benefit from       nursing courses at the UCAV campus.
facilities on both sites.
                                                                    Based at the head of the Grand Union Canal basin, next to the
                                                                    Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury, UCAV includes specialist and
                                                                    general teaching facilities.

              About the role
                    We are seeking exceptional candidates         Business/commercial
                    from August 2019 who are passionate
                    about contributing to the development of
                    Higher Education and Learning.                Individuals should bring knowledge
                                                                  and experience of managing large and
                    As a member of Council you will play a        complex commercial organisations.
                    key role in ensuring that the University      Specific skills in the following areas are
                    continues to pursue its vision.               desired:

                    We are actively seeking expressions           •   Joint ventures/mergers/acquisitions/
                    of interest from all sections of our              commerciality.
                    Community, particularly individuals with
                                                                  •   Customer service.
                    regional connections to Buckinghamshire.
                                                                  •   Corporate Social Responsibility.
                    We are also really interested in hearing      •   Risk management.
                    from women, people with disabilities,
                                                                  •   Financial acumen.
                    people from BAME Groups to enable us
                    maintain a diverse membership.                •   Accountancy skills and qualifications.
                                                                  •   Legal skills and qualifications.
                    Ideally applicants should have Board level
                                                                  •   Marketing/PR/advertising/brand.
                    experience or hold prominent or senior
                    positions within their workplace and          •   Compliance/regulatory/governance/
                    should be experienced in one or more of           experience working in a regulated
                    the following areas;                              industry/lobbying.
                                                                  •   Change and Transformation
                    Bucks-related knowledge:                          Management.

                    Individuals should bring knowledge and        Personal qualities:
                    expertise to the Council that is aligned to
                                                                  •   Effective interpersonal and
                    one or more of the University’s curriculum
                                                                      communication skills, including the
                    areas, partnerships and research including:
                                                                      ability to establish good working
                    •   Health care and the public services.          relationships with the Chair and
                    •   Creative Industries.                          other members of the Council, the
                                                                      Vice-Chancellor and members of the
                    •   Aviation.
                                                                      Executive Team.
                    •   Military/security.
                                                                  •   Personal values should be in line with
                    •   Sports and fitness.                           the University’s core values and mission.
                    •   Social sciences/education.                •   Ability to listen to others.
                    •   Business/law/computing.                   •   The capacity to prioritise Council work
                                                                      i.e. making time to read the papers and
                    Sector knowledge:                                 attending meetings and other related
                    Individuals should bring knowledge and            functions.
                    experience to the Council related to the:     •   To be constructive and supportive of
                                                                      the Vice-Chancellor and the Executive
                    •   Delivery of education at an operational       Team, and to offer constructive
                        and/or policy level.                          challenge as appropriate.
                    •   In-depth knowledge and senior             •   An understanding of the distinction and
                        management experience of the                  boundaries between governance and
                        Higher Education or Further Education         management, avoiding any involvement
                        sectors.                                      in the executive management of the
                                                                  •   An understanding and appreciation of
                                                                      the principles of governance, including
                                                                      collective responsibility, discharge of
     20                                                               fiduciary duties and the seven principles
                                                                      of public life.
University governing bodies are entrusted        resources, the solvency of the            depending on allocated sub-committees
with funds, both public and private,             University and the Corporation and, for   and additional responsibilities including
and therefore have a particular duty             safeguarding their assets;                chairing duties and the University’s
to observe the highest standards of                                                        business cycle. Appointees would also be
corporate governance. This includes           c. approving annual estimates of income      encouraged to attend University events
ensuring and demonstrating integrity             and expenditure;                          such as graduation ceremonies. Expenses
and objectivity in the transaction of their                                                are paid for travel and subsistence
                                              d. the employment of those designated
business, and wherever possible following                                                  in relation to duties undertaken as a
                                                 by the Council as Senior Employees
a policy of openness and transparency in                                                   member of Council. The initial term of
                                                 and their appointment, grading,
their decision-making.                                                                     appointment is four years extendable for
                                                 assignment, appraisal, suspension,
                                                                                           a second term up to a maximum of eight
Council members are Charitable Trustees          dismissal and determination of their
                                                                                           years. The Council meets six times a year
and are governed by UK Charity Law               pay and conditions of service;
                                                                                           and its committees typically once per
responsibilities.                                                                          term with the majority of meetings being
                                              e. setting the framework for the
                                                 employment, including pay and             held on the High Wycombe campus.
The University’s Council subscribes to
and complies with the Committee of               conditions, of all other employees and
                                                                                           If you require further information, please
University Chairs (CUC) “Higher Education        contractors;
                                                                                           contact Ellie Smith, Academic Registrar
Code of Governance”.                                                                       and Secretary on
                                              f. corporate policies, regulations and
The University’s Articles of Government,         procedures to assure the effective
as approved by the Privy Council, detail         governance of the University and
the responsibilities of Council as being:        to meet statutory and other legal
                                                 obligations, including an anti-fraud
a. the determination of the educational          and anti-corruption policy.
   character and mission of the University
   and for oversight of its activities;       This is a part-time non-remunerated
                                              position requiring at least 8 days a year,
b. the effective and efficient use of         although more time may be required

How to apply
Applications can be made by sending the completed application form with the equality monitoring form to:

Ellie Smith
Academic Registrar and Secretary
Buckinghamshire New University
Queen Alexandra Road
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 2JZ
or by email to:

All applications will be considered by the Governance Committee and individuals may be invited to an informal meeting at the
University prior to interview.

Should you require any further information please contact:

Kam Ahumibe
Registry Officer
Tel: 01494 522 141 extension 5654

Marcus Wood
Principal Registry Officer
Tel: 01494 522141 extension 5066

Ellie Smith
Academic Registrar and Secretary
Tel: 01494 522 141 extension 3554

High Wycombe Campus    University Campus Aylesbury Vale   Telephone: 0330 123 2023
Queen Alexandra Road   59 Walton Street                   Email:
High Wycombe           Aylesbury
Buckinghamshire        Buckinghamshire                        BucksNewUni
HP11 2JZ               HP21 7QG

Missenden Abbey        Uxbridge Campus                        BucksNewUni
London Road            106 Oxford Road                        BucksNewUni
Great Missenden        Uxbridge
Bucks                  Middlesex                              BucksNewUniversity
HP16 0BD               UB8 1NA
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