Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte

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Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte
Corporates investing
in crypto
Considerations regarding allocations
to digital assets
Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte
The terrain of digital
assets is a new frontier
of possibilities, so it
requires that each
corporate department,
and its external party,
rethink the application
of the rules and policies
of its core competency.
Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte
Table of contents
Introduction                                  4

The high-level view from treasury             6

Accounting and tax: Potential opportunities
for alignment, challenges of divergence       7

Controls                                      11

Conclusion: The need for
cross-organization collaboration              13

Get in touch                                  14
Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte
Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

In 2020, more operating companies began allocating cash to digital assets
and cryptocurrencies. This is a new dynamic and a departure from more
conventional investing by funds and others in this space. One telling example
is MicroStrategy Inc., which announced, last December, that it had made
more than $1B in total Bitcoin purchases in 2020, a move that it characterized
as an investment that would “provide the opportunity for better returns
and preserve the value of our capital over time compared to holding cash.”1
Some companies have followed suit, and others may now be wondering how
to invest in Bitcoin and other digital assets. There are a variety of reasons
for adding digital assets to a company’s balance sheet, whether it’s seeking
asymmetric risk return observed over previous years or as a natural hedge
against fluctuating fiat currencies; whether it’s part of a corporate strategy to
embrace modern, open technologies; or as a complement to an operational
strategy that includes accepting digital assets as payments.

This paper focuses largely on Bitcoin                     rights on a protocol, or they may provide     Before proceeding, we want to make
investments, considering recent                           a level of access for participation in        one point absolutely clear: There is
increased investments in Bitcoin,                         a decentralized application. These            no playbook or foolproof approach
and its common reference as a store                       may provide some commercial or                for these kinds of bold moves. There
of value. It should be noted that                         economic benefit to the holder. Prior         is only painstaking effort, disciplined
there are numerous types of digital                       to investing in any digital asset, it is      analysis, fresh thinking and rethinking,
assets, each having their own unique                      important to understand the specific          dedicated collaboration across
characteristics. Ethereum is also viewed                  terms, conditions, and characteristics        competencies, and, above all, rigorous
as a store of value, with the added use                   of the investment since those will affect     execution. What follows, then, is not a
of enabling transactions on Ethereum-                     accounting, tax, risk, controls, and legal    step-by-step prescription, but instead
based decentralized applications. These                   considerations, among others.                 a high-level guided tour of the wide
contrast with central bank digital                                                                      terrain companies should cover when
currencies (CBDCs) and stablecoins,                       What follows here, then, is some              they are considering investing in Bitcoin.
which are digital representations of                      guidance on what undergirds any               Additionally, note that what is stated
fiat currency. Their value is derived                     corporate decision to invest in digital       here cannot necessarily be extrapolated
from an actual currency in circulation,                   assets like Bitcoin. In addition, we set      to all digital assets, given that they have
and they are issued by a central                          out the ongoing actions that teams            many different characteristics.
bank. Equity and derivative tokens                        across a company should undertake
are digital assets whose value may                         to monitor and go forward with a
represent actual corporate stock or a                     long-term investment. In other words,
legal right to another asset or financial                 our goal is to answer the question
instrument. Some digital assets have                      “How would you do that?” rather than
additional attributes, such as voting                     “Why do it?”


Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte
Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte
Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

The high-level
view from treasury
The main purpose of the treasury                            Risk is a constantly moving target,
function is risk management and the                         and adjustments frequently need
                                                                                                     Liquidity is not necessarily
preservation of capital. When deciding                      to be made within an agreed-upon
                                                                                                     a major issue, especially if the
and executing on an investment in                           band of risk tolerance.
                                                                                                     company is adopting a
digital assets, governance is key to all                  • With digital assets, treasury needs      longer-term investment mindset.
activities. More than creating a policy,                    to consider not just the investment      Nevertheless, there needs to be
governance begins with understanding                        side, but also how these assets may      appropriate provision for extra
the types of investment the company                         figure into daily operations such as     cash on hand. And assuming
is making and where this alternative                        payments, debt management, raising       investments are layered in
investment vehicle—digital assets                           funds, IPOs, etc.                        progressively over time, liquidity
like Bitcoin—fits within the broader                                                                 is likely to be less of an issue.
investment strategy. Leaders also                         • How can treasury be more
need to be comfortable with the                             strategic in using these assets
                                                            to advance efficiencies in payroll,      Yet, in the event of the need to
characteristics and nature of the vehicle.                                                           liquidate assets, the company
(More on this below in the discussion                       vendor payment, trade, customer
                                                            interactions, and cross-border           needs to know if the facility to
on controls.) Given that it’s a financial                                                            do so is available without a
investment, it’s imperative that the                        transactions with subsidiaries
                                                            and others? (More on this last           premium penalty or if the
treasurer, CRO, CEO, CTO, and board of                                                               transaction can be executed
directors all have a clear assessment                       point when we discuss accounting
                                                            and tax implications, as well as         without a depreciation of the
and understanding of the asset’s risk                                                                assets’ value.
profile, the company’s tolerance for                        controls, below.)
risk, and how these two may align or
diverge. Ultimately, governance is all                    Of course, the first and final refrain
about monitoring and assuring that the                    for treasury must always be that the
conditions and requirements set by the                    governance of digital assets is a living
organization are maintained.                              and adaptive process. It constantly
                                                          follows and must adjust to market
Tolerance for risk, depending on the                      and risk realities.
stake and type of digital asset, may well
have to be modified and periodically
                                                         “Global macroeconomic, monetary, and digital
adjusted. Risk tolerance takes several
forms and requires decisions on issues                    evolutions have converged, requiring all forward-
such as the following:                                    thinking corporations to consider alternative assets on
• What percentage of the cash on                          their balance sheet. The ecosystem and the regulatory
  hand, after accounting for operating                    environment for digital assets, especially Bitcoin, have
    costs, will be assigned to alternative
    investments in digital assets?
                                                          matured to the point that this strategy is becoming
• What range of risk is the company                       approachable and mainstream.”
  comfortable with? Governing risk is
  rarely a matter of “set it and forget it.”              Phong Le, President and CFO, MicroStrategy, Inc.

Corporates investing in crypto - Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets - Deloitte
Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

Accounting and tax: Potential
opportunities for alignment,
challenges of divergence
Accounting for digital assets                            if, the price goes up or a previously
under US Generally Accepted                              written-down asset subsequently
Accounting Principles (US GAAP)                          recovers. As a consequence, for
US GAAP does not offer specific                          accounting purposes, it is virtually
guidance for the treatment of digital                    impossible to book any ROI on digital
assets, and, to date, the Financial                      assets held as investments. Clearly
Accounting Standards Board (FASB)                        then, the rules and framework for
has decided not to add a project on                      digital assets present certain important
accounting for cryptocurrencies.2 For                    constraints: It is not possible for the
those reasons, a company’s accounting                    company’s accounting function to reflect
function must draw on various pertinent                  the economics of how it may value its
sections of US GAAP to facilitate                        digital assets.
accounting for digital assets. First, the
accounting will be determined by what                    Absent the ability to mark up the value
the company is accounting for. What is                   of a company’s digital asset holdings,
it investing in? Practice has settled on                 if the company believes fair value to
accounting for certain digital assets,                   be more reflective of the economics
like Bitcoin, as an “indefinite-lived                    of its investment, it has the flexibility                     MicroStrategy’s 70,469 Bitcoins
intangible asset.”3 That means it does                   to provide disclosures that it believes                       held as of December 31, 2020
not meet the accounting definition of                    are meaningful to its investors. For                          were acquired for $1.125B and
cash or a cash equivalent, financial                     example, the company can provide                              reflected in its financial
instrument, or inventory. Needless to                    investors with information about the                          statements at $1.054B. If the
say, the accounting principles prevailing                value of one digital asset (say, a Bitcoin),                  price of a Bitcoin on an exchange
today were largely established at a                      by flagging the price of one Bitcoin at                       was $29,000 at December 31,
time when digital assets were not yet                    a given time on a given exchange. But                         2020, MicroStrategy may view its
even contemplated.                                       then again, unlike equities, Bitcoins are                     70,469 Bitcoins economically to
                                                         typically traded on multiple exchanges,                       be worth $2.044B, rather than
Now here’s the accounting challenge                      and around the clock, seven days a                            the $1.054B on its balance sheet.
with digital assets being reflected as                   week. Hence, any snapshot of the price
intangible assets: According to US GAAP,                 can only provide rough guidance. But                          Perhaps investors understand
acquired digital assets (intangibles)                    with the knowledge of the number                              MicroStrategy’s accounting
should be accounted for at cost,                         of coins or other digital assets held,                        treatment by looking at the
subject to subsequent impairment, as                     investors can arrive at an approximate                        company’s disclosures and
appropriate. That means that when the                    determination of the valuation of the                         (based on its stock price
asset is impaired, the company must                      company’s digital asset holdings. Note                        performance) appear to be
write down the value on its books. The                   that companies should be mindful of                           valuing a company’s digital
converse is not true. The value of the                   non-GAAP measures when preparing                              assets based on the current
asset cannot be written up when, and                     these disclosures.                                            price rather than the book value.

2.   The FASB decided at its October 21, 2020, meeting not to add a project on digital currencies to its agenda.

3.   That assumes that the company is not required to apply specialized industry guidance, such as the
     guidance in ASC 946 Financial Services – Investment Companies.
Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

SEC reporting                                             because of their treatment as intangible
As we’ve seen, absent standard-setting                    assets, that presentation may not be
                                                                                                                Regarding partnerships: The
on specific accounting for digital assets,                appropriate or allowed.
                                                                                                                accounting and tax treatments for
the accounting function draws on                                                                                digital assets may change if a
various rules and frameworks under                        Tax treatment and challenges from
                                                                                                                company invests in these
the US GAAP rubric of intangible assets.                  an investment perspective
                                                                                                                alternative vehicles using a fund
Similarly, the related disclosures need                   The rules governing tax treatment of
                                                                                                                versus holding the assets outright.
to be drawn from various sections                         digital assets do not depend on US
within US GAAP to align with the                          GAAP accounting rules and frameworks.
accounting, resulting in a patchwork of                   One key difference: In accounting, digital         and time each unit was acquired or
disclosures. For example, the disclosure                  assets can only be marked down when                wallet created, basis cost and fair market
requirements within ASC 350, Intangibles                  impaired (impairment accounting)                   value of each unit at the time it was
– Goodwill and Other, apply to the                        and not marked up when their value                 acquired or wallet created; and finally
digital assets held as an investment.                     increases; but in tax, such a move only            the fair market value of each unit when it
And additional disclosures under ASC                      results from an election that may be               was sold or exchanged.
820, Fair Value Measurement, would                        available to dealers or traders whereby
be required for the nonrecurring fair                     the tax function can mark up or down               Absent the use of the specific ID
value measurement used to determine                       to fair value. For tax purposes, gain or           method and wallet structures, there
impairment of those digital assets. To                    loss is normally recognized only when a            are very limited ways to distinguish the
the extent the company sells digital                      digital asset is sold or exchanged.                different assets. Hence, taxpayers are
assets or uses them in its business                                                                          likely bound to use a FIFO approach.
transactions, additional disclosures                      In the United States, there are two tax            In other words, absent the specific ID
would be required.                                        accounting methods or treatments that              information (time, date, cost basis at
                                                          can help account for gains and losses:             time of purchase) and an adequately
These disclosures, drawn from various                     specific identification (ID) and first in, first   segregated and identified asset, each
areas of US GAAP, should articulate the                   out (FIFO). The specific ID method can be          time a company disposes of a digital
accounting to an investor and explain                     used to determine the cost basis of each           asset, the presumption is that the
why the digital assets, and related                       digital asset the company is selling or            company is disposing of the oldest asset
transactions, are presented the way                       exchanging. That means that every time             or coin(s) it holds. While complex and
they are in the financial statements.                     the company disposes of such an asset,             sometimes messy, tracking the cost
A reader should be able to understand                     it is specifically identifying the exact units     basis versus the current market price is
the company’s investment in digital                       it is selling or exchanging. So how does           important for both tax and accounting.
assets. That includes where it is                         one specifically identify a digital asset like
presented on the financial statements                     Bitcoin that is deemed to be a fungible
and the overall investment strategy.                      asset? By segregating tranches into
When considering the presentation in                      distinct wallets. It’s common for investors
the financial statement, there are plenty                 to develop wallet structures to house
of potential pitfalls, and mere logic does                different tranches of their digital assets
not suffice. For example, one may be                      with different cost bases and holding
tempted to conclude that write-downs                      periods. Hence, when it comes time to
on a digital asset are akin to a loss on                  sell, a given wallet or tranche is readily
an investment and hence should be                         distinguishable from another, and the
classified as nonoperating income. But                    relevant information is at hand—date
Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

From a tax standpoint, digital assets                     umbrella of a barter transaction. That’s      across borders—say, to a foreign
held for investment purposes are                          the case every time digital assets are        subsidiary in Europe—it encounters
normally deemed a capital asset. In                       used in a business transaction. This          complexities in other jurisdictions.
corporate solution, capital losses can                    has a related impact on accounting as
only be used to offset capital gains. So                  well, and the process can become very         The transfer process may well involve
while a company may mark down to fair                     complex on both fronts.                       a number of steps: converting fiat to
value for accounting purposes, tax does                                                                 a cryptocurrency, transferring the
not follow that methodology (except in                    Accounting for digital assets used            cryptocurrency, then reconverting the
certain limited circumstances relating                    for business transactions                     cryptocurrency to fiat. The benefit,
to an election to mark to market as a                     When companies use digital assets that        of course, is that such a process
dealer or trader in digital assets). Rather,              are accounted for as intangibles for          avoids bank transfer fees. Yet the act
it’s a matter of layering in a deferred                   business transactions, such as paying         of transferring funds may well have
tax asset (DTA), which may require a                      vendors, these transactions will require      triggered an unrealized gain or loss. And
valuation allowance if there are no other                 a different accounting treatment, which       since the subsidiary may not be subject
sources of capital gains.                                 is more complex. That is a consequence        to the same tax and accounting rules as
                                                          of the intangible asset now being used        the US parent company, there may be
So how does this play out in a set of                     as a tangible one—i.e., a financial           implications in the following areas:
financial statements? Members of a                        versus nonfinancial asset. The resulting
company’s tax function must live and                      financial reporting oftentimes doesn’t        • Gain recognition rules
abide by the rules and framework of                       align or “make sense.” Many have
                                                                                                        • Cost basis tracking methods
US GAAP first, and then layer on the tax                  expressed concerns that the financial
treatment in terms of deferred taxes.                     reporting may be misleading, rather           • Indirect taxes, such as VAT
                                                          than useful, to investors. That said,         • Withholding taxes that may apply
Tax treatment and challenges from                         more and more mainstream financial              upon transfer
a business transactions perspective                       services and fintech companies are now
Let’s move now from the investment                        offering customers the possibility of
                                                                                                        The bottom line is this: The tax and
angle to consider the use of digital                      holding or exchanging Bitcoin.
                                                                                                        accounting rules surrounding digital
assets in business transactions, such
                                                                                                        assets are still evolving. This evolution
as fund transfers, paying vendors,                        Cross-border transactions
                                                                                                        is occurring simultaneously around the
and as an accepted form of payment                        So far, we’ve applied a US-centric view to
                                                                                                        world, but with inconsistent conclusions
from customers. When used for such                        digital assets from both an accounting
                                                                                                        being reached across jurisdictions.
transactions, digital assets should be                    and tax perspective. Outside of the
segregated into separate wallets to                       United States, the treatment of digital
maintain a clear distinction between                      assets varies substantially. Accounting
digital assets used in the operation of                   under International Financial Reporting          Wallets are typically structured
the business (ordinary assets) and digital                Standards (IFRS) may similarly view              according to the different cost
assets held for investment (capital                       digital assets, like Bitcoin, as intangible      bases at which the digital assets
assets). Naturally, if digital assets are                 assets. However, the intangible asset            were acquired. Differentials can
being used in place of fiat, such actions                 guidance under IFRS differs from                 be set by a range of dollar
will generate a gain/loss recognition                     US GAAP. When a company uses digital             denominated cost basis (say, at
event for tax purposes under the                          assets like Bitcoin to transfer funds            $100 or $1,000), or a new wallet
                                                                                                           can be created every time a new
                                                                                                           tranche is purchased.
Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets


It should be obvious from our discussion
that risk and controls are at the very      assistance of third-party technical help               in supporting new digital assets?
foundation of any investment project in     and evaluation.                                      • What occurs if private keys and
digital assets. Let’s quickly review the                                                           passwords are lost or stolen?
main areas that should be on the radar.     Custody
                                            Custody raises a number of important                 A great way to start addressing these
Risks unique to each digital asset          questions. Will the company custody the              potential issues would be to obtain and
The risks underlying digital assets,        asset itself, or will it rely on third-party         review the SOC 1 and/or SOC 2 reports
including cryptocurrencies, vary            vendors? Self-custody may provide easy               of any potential exchange or custodian.
considerably. Consequently, companies       access to the assets, but it also presents
need to conduct rigorous due                additional risk in terms of accidental               Authorization risks
diligence about how the given asset         loss, who conducts transactions, and                 Authorizing and executing transactions
or coin operates and related market         how transactions are monitored and                   and transfers (such as the cross-border
vulnerabilities, as well as terms and       recorded. Given the inherent complexity              transfers to subsidiaries discussed
conditions. From a technical perspective,   and risk associated with self-custody,               above) may well create a host of risks.
companies need to understand the            more and more companies are resorting                That’s why it is vital for companies to
blockchain supporting each asset and        to third-party custodians. Then, it’s                segregate duties in such a way that
how the associated governance system        a matter of evaluating the strengths                 there is a clear chain of command and
works, as this may have a direct bearing    and weaknesses of different custody                  documentation regarding who has
on the resilience of the coin system.       processes and procedures.                            access to the keys of the accounts and
This will also help to identify the types                                                        what transaction each person can or
of events for which companies should        If the company chooses to rely on an                 cannot undertake. That effort includes
be monitoring.                              exchange or custodian to store its                   the timely monitoring of transactions
                                            digital assets, careful consideration of             that are committed to the blockchain
For example, the computer code that         a large number of potential risk issues              and ensuring, independently—there
enables the Bitcoin network to process      and questions is in order. Some of                   are third-party tailored custodial
transactions is fundamentally different     these include:                                       solutions that employ, among other
from the Ethereum code base. Further,                                                            devices, automatic alerts—that those
as many blockchains enable extensibility    • How does the third-party exchange                  transactions were, in fact, authorized.
in the form of smart contracts (e.g.,         or custodian secure private                        Given that there is no FDIC insurance
ERC-20 tokens), mechanisms that allow         key material?                                      for digital asset holdings, it’s important
for the taking of unilateral actions                                                             that a company ensure that its holdings
                                            • Can the company trust the accuracy                 are segregated from other participants
can have a negative impact on the             of account statements furnished by
holder of the assets. Other instances                                                            rather than being part of a commingled
                                              the third-party vendor?                            account in an omnibus fashion; and that
where assets can be lost include
proof-of-stake blockchains, where           • What plans are in place in the event of            the custodian carry adequate insurance.
assets can be “slashed” for violating         a liquidation of the custodial services?           That becomes very important if an
network rules. That will result in a                                                             exchange or custodian suddenly goes
                                            • How does the exchange handle
reduction of the amount of assets held                                                           offline for a time or ultimately fails.
                                              market anomalies, such as
in a given address. A full appreciation       flash crashes?
of the technical and business risks
associated with each digital asset, and
                                            • What is the vendor’s hard-fork policy
their dimensions, may warrant the

Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

Regulatory compliance
It’s critical that the company be able                  “What has pleasantly surprised us in the process is
to ascertain that the exchange or
custodian in question is abiding by                      how encouraging and welcoming the digital asset
all appropriate laws and regulations.                    community has been. Longtime Bitcoin enthusiasts,
Items on the regulatory radar for
exchanges and custodians include,
                                                         macroeconomists, and luminaries; blockchain and
among others, compliance with all                        technology fans; financial institutions, exchanges, and
anti-money laundering and know-your-
customer regulations, measures related
                                                         custodians; accounting, tax, and legal experts; and retail
to counterterrorism, and rules set by                    and institutional investors and shareholders have all
the Office of Foreign Assets Control.
                                                         emerged at scale to support and champion our efforts.
As with accounting and tax, the rules
and regulations vary by jurisdiction.                    The combination of these groups’ support, as well as
Hence, to ensure compliance, it                          our own internal vision, strategy, and teamwork have
would be wise to seek advice from
informed legal counsel.                                  led to our initial successes.”

                                                          Phong Le, President and CFO, MicroStrategy, Inc.

Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

Conclusion: The need for
cross-organization collaboration

Any sizable investment in digital               that each corporate department,                     facing operating companies interested
assets presents more than just                  and its external party, rethink the                 in investing in such assets are complex
technical issues related to treasury,           application of the rules and policies of            and in flux. But they are navigable with
accounting, reporting, tax, and controls.       its core competency. Few of the norms               the right level of commitment from all
It also involves a significant cultural         associated with legacy investments in               departments and external parties. And
realignment—internal and external—              securities, fiat currency, or treasuries            with appropriate attention to issues of
among the many different groups                 may apply. Once each group gains a                  process, procedures, and risk all along
and departments, including, but not             level of comfort with the application               the decision spectrum, digital assets
limited to, the board of directors,             of the rules to digital assets, they                can offer innovative, bold, and dynamic
the audit committee, risk, corporate            then need to actively listen to one                 alternatives to traditional investments.
reporting, finance, tax, internal audit,        another, gain an understanding of the
operations, controls, technology, and           sensitivities, evaluate any operational
investor relations. Since many of these         or technical dependencies, and finally                  Our thanks go to Phong Le,
departments interact with external              rethink how they collaborate and tackle                 President and CFO of
parties, such as the external auditor,          challenges together.                                    MicroStrategy Inc. and to Jeremy
tax and legal counsel, etc., it is vital that                                                           Blank, Deloitte lead client service
there be a corresponding realignment            Many more operating companies are                       partner serving MicroStrategy Inc.,
in thinking when dealing with these             beginning to evaluate the potential                     for their support in writing this
external groups.                                benefits of investing in digital assets                 paper. The authors bear sole
                                                like Bitcoin. And as their cumulative                   responsibility for the content and
What does that realignment entail?              experience grows and sparks further                     views expressed here.
Typically, the various functions and            interest, the more likely strategic
departments of a company establish              investments in digital assets are to
procedures and assumptions for                  become more routine realities. That
collaborating across and outside                said, companies must have the right risk
the organization based on normal-               measures in place, as well as the right
course, well-understood transactions.           risk tolerance levels, for it to be
The terrain of digital assets is a new          worthwhile pursuing this type of
frontier of possibilities, so it requires       investment. For certain, the realities

Corporates investing in crypto | Considerations regarding allocations to digital assets

Get in touch

Tim Davis                                                                              Rob Massey
Risk & Financial Advisory                                                              Global & US Tax
Global Center of Excellence for                                                        Blockchain and Digital
Blockchain Assurance leader                                                            Assets leader
Deloitte & Touche LLP                                                                  Deloitte Tax LLP                                                        

Amy Park                                                                               Carina Ruiz Singh
US Audit & Assurance Blockchain                                                        Risk & Financial
& Digital Assets specialist                                                            Advisory partner
Deloitte & Touche LLP                                                                  Deloitte & Touche LLP                                                        

Ella Bergmann                                                                          Seth Connors
Audit & Assurance                                                                      Risk & Financial Advisory
senior manager                                                                         senior manager
Deloitte & Touche LLP                                                                  Deloitte & Touche LLP                                                       

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