Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 - 2016 - EFDN

Page created by Harry Dunn
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 - 2016 - EFDN
Real Madrid

Corporate Social
     2015 - 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 - 2016 - EFDN
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 - 2016 - EFDN
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Real Madrid Football Club


  1.1 Institutional Profile

  1.2 Sustainability at Real Madrid

  1.3 Real Madrid Corporate Governance and Transparency Policy


  2.1 Stakeholders served by Real Madrid

  2.2 Real Madrid’s commitment to its stakeholders


  3.1 Members

  3.2 Players

  3.3 Employees

  3.4 Sports and public administrations

  3.5 Other clubs

  3.6 Clients

  3.7 Fans

  3.8 Suppliers

  3.9 Society

  3.10 The Media

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Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                                Corporate Social Responsibility Report

                                                                                                            1.1.3 Values

                                                                                                            WILL TO WIN Real Madrid’s main objective             TRAINING Real Madrid constantly devotes
                                                                                                            is to strive, to the best of its abilities, to win   a great deal of effort to the discovery and
                                                                                                            all of the competitions it enters while showing      instilling of new sporting values. This
                                                                                                            its commitment, its belief in hard work and          involves channelling the necessary attention
                                                                                                            its loyalty to its supporters at all times.          and resources into the youth teams of all
The 11 Real Madrid C. F. European Cups at the Santiago Bernabéu Board room.                                                                                      its sporting disciplines and nurturing not
                                                                                                            SPORTSMANSHIP Real Madrid is a worthy                only the sporting development of its youth
                                                                                                            and fair opponent on the field of play, upon         players, but also their social, ethical and
                                                                                                            which it competes with goodwill and respect          civic education.
                                                                                                            towards all rival teams and their respective
1. Real Madrid C. F.                                                                                        supporters. Away from the field of play it is        SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Real Madrid is
                                                                                                            Real Madrid’s overriding desire to maintain          aware of the high social repercussion of its
                                                                                                            relations with other clubs based on fraternity       activities and it is for this reason that it ded-
1.1 Institutional profile                                  1.1.1 Mission                                    and solidarity and to collaborate with them          icates all the resources within its power to
                                                                                                            and with the Spanish and international sports        complying with the very highest standards of
Real Madrid Football Club is a sporting enti-              To be an open and multicultural club that is     authorities on a permanently on-going basis.         good corporate governance and the promo-
ty whose objective and purpose is primarily                both appreciated and respected throughout                                                             tion of the best sporting values, to strength-
that of dedicating its activity and assets to              the world both for its sporting successes and    EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY Real Madrid                   ening its relations with its members, former
the promotion of football in all its different             for the values it disseminates which, based      aspires to have the best Spanish and foreign         players, fan clubs and supporters, and to the
categories and age groups and, generally,                  on the search for excellence both on and         players within its ranks, to imbue them              development and implementation of solidari-
the practice of all the sports specified by its            off the field of play, contribute towards ful-   with the values to which the club aspires,           ty projects in favour of the needy both within
governing bodies. Likewise, as a comple-                   filling the expectations of its members and      and to repay the support of its fans with a          Spain and beyond its borders.
mentary activity, it may promote the devel-                followers.                                       sporting project based on quality, discipline
opment of the physical, moral and intellectu-                                                               and sacrifice for the common cause. With             ECONOMIC RESPONSIBILITY Real Madrid
al culture of its affiliates by facilitating social        1.1.2 Vision                                     respect to the management of its activities,         is aware that it manages tangible and intan-
relations and a spirit of unity amongst them.                                                               the club adheres to the principles of good           gible assets of exceptional value and impor-
                                                           A leading football and basketball club which,    governance and transparency and strives for          tance, and it is for this reason that it pledges
Real Madrid Football Club, which was found-                by way of its sporting triumphs, fulfils the     excellence at all times.                             to administer them responsibly, transparent-
ed in March 1902 and whose first foundation                hopes and expectations of all of its followers                                                        ly, efficiently and honestly in benefit of its
charter is dated 18 April of the same year,                in Spain and abroad, sustains its significant    TEAM PHILOSOPHY All those who form                   members.
has full legal capacity in accordance with                 historical legacy, manages its assets            part of Real Madrid, be they sportspeople or
the legislation currently in effect and is reg-            rigorously and transparently to the benefit      other professionals, make a commitment to
istered with the Spanish Football Federation,              of its members and acts in accordance with       working as part of a team and to give the best
as well as with those federations required for             social responsibility and good corporate         they have to offer for the good of the whole
the different sports in which the club com-                governance criteria.                             without putting their personal or professional
petes throughout any given season.                                                                          aspirations first.

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1.1.4 Real Madrid Foundation                       The Foundation is audited on an annual ba-        1.2 Sustainability at Real Madrid                 1.3 Real Madrid Corporate Governance
                                                   sis and presents the results of the audit to                                                        and Transparency Policy
The Real Madrid Foundation is the instru-          its Board, to the Foundations Commission          Founded in 1902, the Real Madrid Football
ment via which Real Madrid exercises its so-       of the Ministry for Education and Sport and,      Club is an institution with over one hundred      1.3.1 Corporate Structure
cial responsibility and implements its social      furthermore, they are published in both the       years of history. Its corporate purpose and
and educational activities. In order to enable     Foundation’s Report and Magazine.                 the unerring will of its membership endow it      Real Madrid Football Club is a non for profit
it to do so, every year Real Madrid makes a                                                          with a permanent and perpetual character. It      private sports entity formed by its members
donation to the Foundation.                                                                          is for this reason that sustainability with re-   in order to promote and practice the sports
                                                                                                     spect to all of its decision-taking processes     established in its Articles of Association.
The Foundation’s primary purpose is to pro-        1.1.5 Real Madrid Graduate School                 is considered with a view to the long-term
mote, both in Spain and abroad, basic sport-                                                         future. This sustainability manifests itself in   1.3.2 Administration of the club
ing values and the practice of sport itself to     Following a period of in-depth internal reflec-   the strict compliance with the principles of
serve not only as an educational instrument        tion regarding the way in which the world of      good governance and transparency, in a re-        The management and representation of the
capable of contributing towards the full de-       sports was developing, the club decided to        sponsible economic management process             entity corresponds to the General Assem-
velopment of the personality of those who          extend its experience and knowledge to the        that enables the indefinite continuity of its     bly, the President and the Board of Direc-
practice it, but also as a social integration      higher education sector, and with this pur-       activities, in minimising the environmental im-   tors. These three bodies are democratically
tool in benefit of those who are in any way        pose in mind, in 2005 Real Madrid Football        pact thereof and in maximising the contribu-      elected by the members, whose wishes are
marginalised and to promote and dissemi-           Club reached an agreement with the Euro-          tion made by the club to society in economic      represented in the way that the club is ad-
nate all the cultural aspects linked with sport.   pean University of Madrid to set up the Real      terms and as regards employment, sports           ministered. The principles of accountability
                                                   Madrid Graduate School. The School offers,        development and community activities.             and transparency are systematically applied
The Real Madrid Foundation is made possi-          both here in Spain and overseas, higher edu-                                                        in all the areas of the club in accordance with
ble by the collaboration, in addition to Real      cation courses designed to provide students                                                         the standards of good governance.
Madrid C. F. of the different Public Admin-        with specialist sports management training
istration Bodies and thanks to the generous        of the highest quality, not only with respect                                                       Good corporate governance manifests itself
support which, in the form of patronage and        to sporting facilities and equipment, but also                                                      in the administration of the club by way of
sponsorships, it receives from the relevant        to the training and practice of the sport or
Spanish and foreign companies and, above           the conversion thereof into a spectator event,
all, thanks to the individual contributions of     and including every aspect related with com-      The Santiago Bernabéu stadium.
thousands of Real Madrid supporters who            munication, health and leisure, and all with
choose this way to express and strengthen          official university qualifications. This makes
their association with the club.                   Real Madrid the first club of its kind any-
                                                   where in the world to be involved in the cre-
The Foundation implements its activities’          ation of a graduate school for transmitting
programmes within five major areas, namely         the legacy of knowledge accumulated over
the promotion of sport as a whole, the devel-      its 114 years of history to future generations
opment of values through sports education,         of sports managers.
social projects, international cooperation
and institutional activities, in addition to the
documentation centre.

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cross-cutting policies and procedures that            budget, and risk minimisation actions. Deci-       Mandatory and auditable procedures exist with     monitor and control the corporate govern-
ensure the control of key decisions such as           sions regarding the recruitment or promotion       the same objective as regards the approval of     ance of Real Madrid in a democratic manner.
appointments, remunerations, purchases                of staff and appointments, staff redundancies      invoices received, the settlement of expens-
and investments.                                      and remunerations are taken by the Executive       es and attentions to protocol so as to prevent    1.3.5 General Assembly
                                                      Committee, which is made up of the club’s          abuses from occurring in sensitive areas.
As far as all critical processes are concerned,       senior executives and of members of the                                                              The General Assembly is the most senior of
the procedures to be followed have been de-           Board of Directors. Likewise, the Executive        This exhaustive operational control is not        the club’s governance bodies and its duties
fined in such a way that their implementation         Committee receives periodic reports from the       limited to expenditure. The progressing           include the approval and ratification or the
is fully verifiable, traceable and auditable. The     Procurement Committee and the Economic             of the collection of invoices issued is also      censure of the President and of the Board of
application of good corporate governance              Committee, draws up the action plans and im-       systemised in order to keep arrears and           Directors.
principles ensures that key decisions are en-         plements the operating decisions in order to       non-payments under strict control in all of
dorsed and are firstly subjected to the scru-         meet the objectives established by the Board       the club’s revenue areas, with this being ini-    The General Assembly consists of all the mem-
tiny of the director of the corresponding area,       of Directors and supervises and heads up the       tially supervised by administration and, ulti-    bers who are eligible to vote in accordance
secondly to the validation of the operational         administration and management of the club          mately, by the Economic Committee.                with the system of democratic representation
management structure that acts across the             in the broadest sense of the word by taking                                                          established in the club’s bylaws.
entire organisation (Human Resources, Legal           the ordinary decisions that do not require the     1.3.3 The Real Madrid transparency policy
Services, Procurement, Expenditure Control,           approval of the Board of Directors. Finally, the                                                     The General Assembly examines and, where
etc.), and thirdly to the approval of committees      correct implementation of all the processes is     Real Madrid fully assumes its obligations of      appropriate, approves the Management Re-
formed by senior club executives and mem-             supervised by the Department of Control and        accountability, publication of relevant data      port, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Ac-
bers of the Board of Directors. A Procurement         Internal Auditing. All these steps ensure that     and disclosure of its corporate activities. It    count of each financial year, as well as the
Committee and an Economic Committee have              the correct decisions are taken, that these        has therefore implemented an Integrated pol-      following year’s budget.
been established and meet periodically to             concur with the strategy and do not exceed         icy of transparency in recent years that culmi-
decisions regarding the purchases of goods            the approved budget.                               nated in the website: http://www.realmadrid.      The General Assembly is the utmost institu-
and services, investments, remaining within                                                              com/sobre-el-realmadrid/el-club/transpar-         tional instrument through which the principle
                                                                                                         encia which publishes all institutional, fi-      of accountability that guarantees good gov-
                                                                                                         nancial, organisational and contractual data      ernance with respect to how Real Madrid is
The Santiago Bernabéu stadium during a League game.                                                      according to national and international stand-    managed is systematically applied.
                                                                                                         ards, such as Transparency Act 19/2013,
                                                                                                         public information and good governance, as        Other exclusive powers of the General As-
                                                                                                         well as the International Transparency INFUT      sembly include the amendment of articles
                                                                                                         indicators. The transparency policy forms         of association, taking the most important
                                                                                                         part of the broader obligations of corporate      economic decisions, passing a motion of no
                                                                                                         responsibility and good governance, is sup-       confidence in the president or in the Board
                                                                                                         plemented by the Code of Ethics and control       of Directors, and the calling of a referendum
                                                                                                         programs that guarantee the prevention of         among the members in order to decide upon
                                                                                                         non-compliance and culminates in the quality      matters of extreme importance. All the fore-
                                                                                                         and stakeholder participation systems.            going endows the General Assembly with an
                                                                                                                                                           extremely wide range of powers, all of which
                                                                                                         1.3.4 Members’ Rights                             go towards guaranteeing the sound corporate
                                                                                                                                                           governance of the club.
                                                                                                         All members have the right to enjoy the club’s
                                                                                                         activities in accordance with the rules estab-
                                                                                                         lished for doing so, and to choose not only
                                                                                                         the bodies that represent and govern the
                                                                                                         club, but also the most senior bodies which

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1.3.6 Election of the President and                The Board of Directors remains in office for a
Board of Directors                                 period of four years as of its announcement,
                                                   and its members can put themselves forward
The Board of Directors is the body directly re-    for re-election, either as a single unit or sep-
sponsible for the administration, governance,      arately as parts of other candidacies.
management and representation of the club.
The Board of Directors oversees the actions        The Board of Directors is endowed with the
of the club’s executive managers and in turn       widest range of powers with which to govern,
reports its findings to the General Assembly,      administrate and represent the entity as the
thereby ensuring the principles of good cor-       maximum body for expressing the will of its
porate governance are applied to the man-          members, with the only limit upon these be-
agement of Real Madrid at all times.               ing those matters that can only be decided
                                                   upon by the General Assembly.                      Real Madrid celebrates the 11th Champions League title in Cibeles.
The President and the Board of Directors
are democratically voted in as a result of         1.3.7 Control Systems                              As a whole, the control systems implement-                   delegating of powers under the principles
the corresponding elections for which those                                                           ed by Real Madrid ensure that the way in                     of good corporate governance, control pro-
members who are in compliance with that            As mentioned above, Real Madrid is a trans-        which it is run is permanently adapted to the                cedures and surveillance bodies which, to-
established in the articles of association put     parent institution that is committed to the        principles of good governance and transpar-                  gether with its Code of Ethics and reporting
themselves forward as candidates.                  principles of good corporate governance            ency to which the club unreservedly adheres.                 mechanisms provide the club with the neces-
                                                   and, above all, with the principle of account-     The control, the degree of consultation with                 sary means to suitably prevent and sanction
Elections to choose a new President and            ability being systematically applied at all lev-   respect to decision taking and the policy                    its responsibility in the fight against all types
Board of Directors are called under the fol-       els of club management. The control activity       of accountability are rigorously applied to                  of irregularities, both of a generic nature
lowing circumstances:                              is the result of the workings of the club com-     prevent the taking of arbitrary decisions and                such as fraud and embezzlement, as well
                                                   ing under constant scrutiny by its internal        ensure that nobody can take decisions that                   as specific types in the area of sport, such
A. Due to the term of office of the former Pres-   executive bodies, by all of its members, by        compromise the good name and administra-                     as illegal betting, rigging of games, doping,
ident and Board of Directors having expired.       the authorities, and even by public opinion        tion of the Club.                                            competition fraud, racism, xenophobia, har-
                                                   via the communication media. The internal                                                                       assment and violence in sport. Real Madrid
B. Upon the decision of the President or of        executive body is the Department of Control        Real Madrid implemented an Organisation                      maintains a firm position in the fight against
the Board of Directors.                            and Internal Auditing which, reporting direct-     and Management Model to Prevent Criminal                     all such burdens that threaten sport.
                                                   ly to the President of the club, defines and       Activities on 1 April 2014, which is shown on
C. When so agreed by the General Assem-            audits the control procedures and systems          the club’s intranet and is therefore known by                The Organisation and Management Model
bly due to the resignation or disqualification     necessary for ensuring a maximum degree of         all the club’s employees.                                    defines how the Club reaches and makes its
of the Board of Directors, or whenever the         institutional rigor. The membership exercis-                                                                    decisions through its collegiate bodies to en-
number of Board members falls below a total        es control via the Delegate Members’ Meet-         In a single document that complies with the                  sure analysis, debate and consideration as
of five due to resignations, abandonments,         ing and the Board of Directors. The sports         standards of good governance, the Real                       part of a team before the decisions are made.
deaths or physical disabilities.                   authorities (national and international feder-     Madrid C.F. Organisation and Management                      Management processes are meticulously
                                                   ations, national leagues and the (Spanish)         Model contains the regulations set forth in                  defined, with explanations on the necessary
D. Due to a vote of no confidence approved         National Sports Council) also permanently          its Corporate Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Proce-                 steps and authorisation by the managers in-
in accordance with that stipulated in the ar-      supervise the club’s activities, which are also    dures Manual and Corporate Responsibility                    volved. These processes are also present in
ticles of association - bodies, and with the       under the constant scrutiny of the different       Report.                                                      the computerised workflows that include fi-
control procedures implemented by the Gen-         communication media, further proof of the                                                                       nal authorisation and approval for each type
eral Assembly to ensure the good govern-           club’s transparency with respect to the man-       The Organisation and Management Model                        of task, meaning that decisions are validated
ance practices of the Club.                        agement of all its activities.                     includes a system of decision-making and                     at different authorised levels of management

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                                                                                                     2. Real Madrid Corporate
                                                                                                     Social Responsibility

                                                                                                     2.1 Real Madrid Stakeholders                         2.1.5 Other clubs

                                                                                                     2.1.1 Members                                        Real Madrid’s sporting activity inevitably en-
                                                                                                                                                          tails participation in local, national and inter-
                                                                                                     The Members of Real Madrid Football                  national competitions. The other clubs we
                                                                                                     Club are individuals who, upon meeting               compete with are another of our priority in-
                                                                                                     the regulations approved by the General              terest groups with whom we aim to establish
                                                                                                     Assembly, join the entity and are bestowed           and fulfil firm commitments.
                                                                                                     with the rights and obligations contained in
                                                                                                     the statutes. The members are the owners             2.1.6 Clients
                                                                                                     of the club and, as such, its most important
                                                                                                     stakeholders.                                        Our activity requires economic income that
                                                                                                                                                          originates from our clients. Our clients are
Aerial view of the Santiago Bernabéu stadium.                                                        2.1.2 Players and referees                           both companies and individuals. These com-
                                                                                                                                                          panies include television channels, sponsors,
                                                                                                     Real Madrid’s corporate purpose is to pro-           licensees, and lessors that rent out boxes
and that the processes are fully traceable         data security project and establish clear         mote sport. Therefore, all the players and           and facilities for all kinds of events. The
and documented for the purposes of registry,       policies on how to handle data and the nec-       referees are a group of great importance to          club’s individual clients are those that pur-
control and auditing. Similarly, the signing of    essary security controls, as an efficient pre-    the club.                                            chase a ticket for any of the sporting events
documents follows strict procedures of vali-       ventive measure to facilitate the reduction of                                                         that we organise, a ticket to visit our facilities
dation and registration to ensure permanent        risks for the Club.                               2.1.3 Employees                                      and exhibitions or buy the products with our
compliance with the club’s authorisation                                                                                                                  brand.
policy and the traceability of all transactions.   The project will increase the efficiency of the   In order to carry out its various activities, Real
                                                   prevention/detection of possible computer         Madrid not only depends on its athletes, but         2.1.7 Fans
                                                                                                     also the other employees that offer the entity
An essential part of the Real Madrid Or-           crime, as well as incorporate new mecha-
                                                                                                     their professional services.
ganisation and Management Model is the             nisms of compliance with the data security                                                             The fans are those that support our teams in
identification of the club’s risk of criminal      policy.                                                                                                the various competitions in which we partic-
liability which, in addition to the analysis of                                                      2.1.4 Sporting and public administrations            ipate. Real Madrid is a club that is open to
the likelihood of occurrence and impact of         Another significant step forward in relation to                                                        everyone. Among fans, fans club members
each such risk and the relevant prevention         control systems has been the culmination of       Our sporting activity entails a continuous           and those that maintain a direct relationship
and action plans, constitute the Real Madrid       the transparency policy, which has aimed at       relationship with sporting administrations:          with the club through the Madridistas loyalty
Criminal Activities Risk Matrix. Said analysis     going further than the legal requirements es-     national and international federations, the          programme are groups of particular interest
also gives rise to the club’s Criminal Activi-     tablished by the Transparency Act 19/2013,        professional leagues in which we partici-            to Real Madrid.
ties Risk Map in which each risk is measured       by publishing all the data and indicators re-     pate and the National Sports Council. Our
by its probability of occurring (high, medium,     quired by INFUT, the index established by         economic activity also entails a continuous          2.1.8 Suppliers
low) and its impact (slight, moderate, high).      International Transparency Spain. This en-        relationship with Public Administrations,
The Control and Internal Auditing Department       ables and activates an on-going corporate         both state (Inland Revenue, Social Security),        Suppliers are also a group of strategic inter-
systematically monitors the established ac-        control based on the permanent and updat-         regional (Region of Madrid) and municipal            est in our value chain, as essential partners
tion plans to minimise the probability of oc-      ed publication of the club’s relevant infor-      (Madrid City Council).                               in order to offer goods and services that
currence and impact of each risk identified.       mation, increasing its own level of demands                                                            comply with set parameters and assist in
                                                   and promoting the excellence of its control                                                            achieving the club’s overall objectives.
Last season, Real Madrid began a project           systems.
with the Deloitte firm to implement a new

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Procurement management and service               2.2 Real Madrid’s commitments to its            2.2.3 Employees                                              with authorities on community projects and
contracting are regulated by internal rules,     stakeholders                                                                                                 especially with respect to order and security
control systems and procedures in order                                                          Real Madrid aspires to be an excellent place                 at the sporting events we organise.
to achieve the best possible supply option,      2.2.1 Members                                   to work, offering its workers permanent paid
optimising the investment made.                                                                  employment at market conditions, adherence                   2.2.5 Other clubs
                                                 Real Madrid promises its members that it will   to the strictest principles of equality and
2.1.9 Society                                    maintain and foster the club’s values, fulfil   the promotion of diversity, opportunities to                 As a sports competitor, Real Madrid upholds
                                                 the strictest standards of good corporate       reconcile their professional and personal lives,             fair play, competitive spirit and respect in all
We also feel a great responsibility that we      governance and transparency, encourage          training opportunities and emphasis on work                  its performances, and participates in com-
look to articulate in the form of commitments    members’ participation through the means        health and safety.                                           mon initiatives and projects for good causes.
made with society at large. Real Madrid is       established in the statutes and, above all,
the institution it is because of the community   strive constantly for sporting achievements.    2.2.4 Sporting and Public Administrations                    2.2.6 Clients
it belongs to, which offers it considerable      The club commits to maintaining healthy
support. In response, Real Madrid commits        finances with on-going supervision in a         Real Madrid promises sporting administra-                    Real Madrid promises its clients that it will
itself to helping the needy and assisting        transparent process of auditory systems         tions that it will adhere strictly to the prin-              maintain and promote high standards in
community projects in which its values and       and controls under the general principle of     ciples of fair play, institutional cooperation,              quality and innovation, promote customer
sporting experience may be useful.               continuous and systematic accountability.       respect for authority and participation in all               satisfaction and maintain professional pro-
                                                                                                 sports organisation authorities. With regards                cesses of claims management and the as-
Real Madrid is also committed to training        2.2.2 Athletes                                  to public administrations, Real Madrid’s                     sessment on on-going improvement of its
new generations of sports managers that will                                                     commitment is to fulfil its fiscal, social, good             services.
contribute to improving their communities’       Real Madrid promises athletes and referees      corporate governance and transparency and
health, recreation and economies.                that it will embrace the sporting values of     environmental obligations, working closely
                                                 fair play, respect and competition. The club
Our present and future vocation leads us to      maintains the on-going commitment with its
work with youngsters and commit ourselves        players of all levels to develop the academy,
to their future. We are therefore careful        foster athletes’ physical well-being,
that our impact on the environment does          adhere strictly to their contracts, maintain    Real Madrid shield at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium Presidential box.
not compromise its enjoyment by future           competitiveness in order to aspire to the
generations.                                     highest sporting achievements, offer the
                                                 athletes good facilities, excellent coaching
2.1.10 The media                                 professionals and visibility through media
                                                 presence. These commitments extend to
The club is aware of the interest it attracts    those who have left professional competitive
from society and public opinion and,             sport at the club and belong to its Veterans
therefore, of the essential role fulfilled by    Association.
the media. It is committed to them as a
relevant stakeholder that carries out social

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2.2.7 Fans                                                  2.2.8 Suppliers                                  Furthermore, purchasing from local suppliers     2.2.10 The Media
                                                                                                             is encouraged as far as is possible, fostering
Real Madrid promises all sports fans that                   Real Madrid is firmly committed to devel-        the creation of wealth in the surroundings.      Real Madrid responsible undertakes a rela-
it will adhere to the principles of fair play,              oping responsible procurement policies that                                                       tionship of collaboration based on the pro-
always endeavour to promote sporting val-                   include suppliers in compliance with appli-      2.2.9 Society                                    fessionalism and reporting transparency with
ues, reporting transparency, respect and                    cable standards of human rights, ethics and                                                       the social Media, notwithstanding its com-
maximum safety at the events it organises.                  environmental care.                              Real Madrid effects its social commitment        pliance with data and information protection
Real Madrid maintains a closer relationship                                                                  through the activity undertaken by the Real      regulations and the recognition of the impor-
with those fans signed up to the Madridis-                  The policy overseeing supplier selection         Madrid Foundation, especially in the creation    tant work carried out by media organisations.
ta programme, offering them first-hand in-                  and the assigning of orders and contracts        and management of integration academies
formation, advantages in purchasing the                     is based on the principles of professional       and sporting academies, as well as its
club’s products and services as well as var-                ethics, advertising and competition and is       support of charity initiatives, dedicated in
ious promotions with recreation companies                   carried out in a transparent, fair and respon-   particular to children, active and veteran
Real Madrid has agreements with. The club                   sible manner under the supervision of the        athletes, and disadvantaged groups.
also commits to maintaining a close relation-               Procurement Committee. Collaborative re-
ship with the Real Madrid fans clubs set up                 lationships are established with suppliers,      The Real Madrid Graduate School is another
around the world, in their shared objective                 avoiding payment conditions that put their       vehicle of social action through its work
of defending the Real Madrid colours and                    solvency at risk. Communication channels         training future sports managers.
supporting the entity.                                      are set up that favour transparent commer-
                                                            cial relations and the understanding of mutu-    Real Madrid is also committed to
                                                            al needs. The purpose of this policy to com-     environmental issues in order to achieve
                                                            ply with the club’s objectives, in accordance    resources by recycling materials and waste,
                                                            with established rules and procedures.           using energy efficiently and saving water, as
                                                                                                             well as applying ecological and sustainable
                                                                                                             principles to the care of lawns and garden
The European champions are acclaimed by their fans near the Plaza de Cibeles.
                                                                                                             The club gives an account of its compliance,
                                                                                                             amongst other means, via its Transparency
                                                                                                             Portal which, in addition to a great deal
                                                                                                             of other information, reports on its ethical
                                                                                                             commitments and values and how they are

18 Real Madrid                                                                                                                                                                                          Real Madrid 19
Annual Report 2014 - 2015
3. Fulfilment of commitments in 2015/2016                                                                                                                                                         Corporate Social Responsibility Report

3.1 Members                                       3.1.1. Institutional acts with Members

The membership of Real Madrid is made             Ordinary and Extraordinary General
up of a total 91,671 members, of which            Assembly of Delegate Members:
66,560 are adults, 19,764 junior members
and 5,347 are persons aged more than 65 or        The Ordinary and Extraordinary General
with more than 50 years of membership. Of         Assemblies were held on 19 September 2015
these members 73,143 are men and 18,528           and included approval of the following:
                                                  The Budget, Annual Report, Balance Sheet
The number of football season ticket holders      and Profit and Loss Accounts of Real
amounts to 62,388, all of them members,           Madrid Football Club, as well as the Annual
and there are 7,714 season ticket holders         Consolidated Accounts with companies in
for basketball, of which 3,894 are members,       which the club has a holding, all the above
2,287 holders of the Madrid Supporters Card       corresponding to Financial Year 2015/2016.       Francisco Gento, accompanied by Florentino Pérez, during the ceremony of assignment of his historic sports heritage to the club.
or Carnet Madridista and 1,533 are members
of the general public.                            Consolidated budget of Revenue a nd              Elections of Delegate Members                                      The Executive Committee, comprising the
                                                  Expenses and the Activities Report for the                                                                          President, Members of the Board of Direc-
The delegate members are those that make          Year 2015/2016.                                  On 22 February 2016, elections were called                         tors and executives of the club, draws up
up the General Assembly, which is the                                                              for Delegate Members at the General                                the action plans and executes operational
supreme governing body of the club. This          Taxable base of membership fees for the          Assemblies for the period 1 July 2016 to 30                        decisions with a view to achieving the objec-
currently comprises 2,103 members, among          2016/2017 season.                                June 2020.                                                         tives mapped out by the Board. During the
them the Board of Directors, honorary                                                                                                                                 2015-2016 season, the Executive Committee
members and the first hundred members of          Ratification, as the case may be, of the         Given that for the majority of the groups                          held 14 meetings. The Executive Committee
the club.                                         appointment made by the Board of a member        of thousands, there were more than 29                              is assisted by an Economic Committee and
                                                  of the Electoral Board (chosen from the          candidates, for which there were 21, on 24                         a Procurement Committee, both made up
The Membership Disciplinary Commission is         substitutes ratified at the General Assembly     April 2016, a vote universal and direct took                       of members of the Board and executives of
elected by the General Assembly of Members,       of Member Delegates held on 30 September         place to elect the delegates required for such                     the club. The Economic Committee held five
in response to proposals by the Board and         2012 until 28 March 2017, for the purpose of     thousands.                                                         meetings to monitor economic progress dur-
is in charge of studying and qualifying           covering the vacancy produced.                                                                                      ing the year, introduce corrective measures
any acts committed by club members or                                                              The total number of members thus elected                           and perform a quarterly review of partial clo-
attitudes adopted by them that are reported       Awarding of Insignias                            was 1,993.                                                         sures of accounts and updating of the year
and referred to it for consideration. The                                                                                                                             on year forecasts regarding compliance with
commission meets twice a week to study            On 19 December 2014, an event was held to        3.1.2. Activities relating to corporate                            the club’s annual budget. The Procurement
and decide on matters inherent to its             award insignia to all those celebrating 25, 50   governance and transparency                                        Committee held five meetings to supervise
functions. During the 2015-2016 season,           and 60 years as club members. A total 835                                                                           and, where appropriate, approve the acqui-
664 disciplinary proceedings were initiated       insignias were awarded, of which 128 were        Real Madrid is firmly committed to the                             sition of the goods and services required for
and a total of 299 cases ratified. In addition,   of the gold and diamond, 289 gold and 418        highest and most demanding standards                               the performance of the activities described
there were 797 disciplinary proceedings for       silver.                                          of good corporate governance and                                   in the club’s annual budget.
organised re-sale of tickets that are pending                                                      transparency. The Board of Directors
a decision.                                       The president of the club, Florentino Pérez,     is the body directly responsible for the                           All the different stages of the budgeting cycle
                                                  presided the event along with representatives    administration, governance, management                             fulfil the strictest standards of good corpo-
                                                  of the Board of Directors, accompanied by        and representation of the club. The Board                          rate governance. The annual budget is drawn
                                                  the club’s living legends.                       of Directors held eight meetings during the                        up with the participation of all the club’s di-
                                                                                                   2015-2016 season.                                                  visions, with strategic guidance from the

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Annual Report 2015 - 2016                                                                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2015 - 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                              Corporate Social Responsibility Report

                                                                                                                en, the study of new information systems to      Real Madrid reached top position, with a
                                                                                                                facilitate the management of different pro-      maximum score of 100 from 100 points in
                                                                                                                cesses, as well as special reports relating      the audit performed in July 2015 by the en-
                                                                                                                to internal organisation, the code of ethics,    tity International Transparency Spain of the
                                                                                                                inventories of sports apparel, corporate re-     42 clubs in the First and Second Divisions,
                                                                                                                sponsibility, etc.                               which is based on 60 indicators assessing
                                                                                                                                                                 the publication of the club’s most relevant
                                                                                                                This season the LOPD Data Protection Con-        data on organisation, corporate manage-
                                                                                                                stitutional Act Compliance Office set up in      ment, relations with members and fans, fi-
                                                                                                                2012/2013, continued its on-going monitor-       nances and contracts.
                                                                                                                ing, follow up, maintaining and upgrading of
                                                                                                                LOPD compliance. In addition, the Deloitte       3.1.3. Member services and information
                                                                                                                firm carried out the mandatory bi-annual au-
                                                                                                                dit of the security measures applicable to the   Member Services Office
General view of the Real Madrid General Assembly Meeting.                                                       files containing personal data, with satisfac-
                                                                                                                tory results.                                    The Office provides an integrated customised
Board, which subsequently approves the                      Furthermore, the auditing function is                                                                attention service and has attended to
final budget and submits it to the Delegate                 strengthened within Real Madrid by the De-          With regard to the Organisation and Manage-      more than 14,000 visits and more than
Members Meeting for final approval at the                   partment of Control and Internal Auditing,          ment Model to Prevent Crime (MPD) imple-         13,000 telephone calls; more than 14,000
beginning of each season.                                   which reports directly to the president and         mented in the 2013/14 season, the Depart-        requests for information and miscellaneous
                                                            the Board and is independent from the other         ment of Control and Internal Auditing again      arrangements have been performed and
The budgeting cycle was once again adhered                  club divisions. As a result of the efforts of the   audited all the club’s departments to verify     resolved by e-mail. Likewise, more than
to strictly during the 2015-2016 season. The                division, a Procedures Manual was estab-            the efficiency of the MPD, with satisfacto-      4,000 telephone calls were made to delegate
degree of compliance with the budget has                    lished with currently 54 internal procedures        ry results. In addition, at the request of the   members and others in relation to different
been highly satisfactory, as is underlined                  that determine the operations of the club in        Department of Control and Internal Audit-        events, such as the presentation of insignia,
by the excellent economic results achieved,                 relation to its most important internal pro-        ing, the club approved the outsourcing of the    signings, etc.
the objective being to maintain the financial               cesses. Compliance with these procedures            function of On-going Supervision and Evalu-
balance and solvency of the club in the long                is ensured by the supervision of the Depart-        ation the MPD to comply with the principles      The Members Service Office houses the
term, in order to address all the obligations               ment of Control and Internal Auditing, which        of objectivity and independence.                 Delegate Members’ Office, which deals
deriving from the development and achieve-                  every season draws up an audit plan con-                                                             with requests by representative members:
ment of its sporting objectives, in all cases in            templating the work to be performed during          With respect to compliance with the Trans-       information, ticket requests, attendance
strict adherence to the applicable standards.               the season.                                         parency Act, during the season the club          to institutional events, Basketball and Real
All the above is confirmed by the annual ac-                                                                    continued with the initiative implemented        Madrid Castilla tickets, documentation for
counts of the club, which show significant                  Specifically, during the 2015-2016 season,          last season to permanently update its trans-     the General Assembly, office matters, etc.
growth in turnover and clear improvements                   the auditing of several club divisions was          parency website to enable accountability in
in efficiency, profitability and solvency.                  completed (Football Management. Procure-            the most sensitive areas of public scrutiny,     On-line Member Services Offices
                                                            ment and General Services and the VIP Area)         as determined by the Transparency Act and
The annual accounts of the club for the 2015-               and as a result of the Audits and the club’s        international standards. The website pro-        The on-line Member Services Office ena-
2016 season were audited externally by the                  activities, three procedures of the Proce-          vides extensive and detailed economic and        bles members to make enquiries and per-
firm Ernst & Young and its report, without                  dures Manual were updated. In addition to           financial information, as well as data on con-   form transactions without having to visit
reservations, is attached to the Economic                   the audits mentioned above, the Department          tracts, remuneration, ethical commitments        the club and at any time, with total security
Report of the club for the year. Once ap-                   of Control and Internal Auditing carried out        and values and management and services,          and confidentiality.
proved by the Board, the annual accounts of                 other tasks, such as the developing and im-         going much further than the legal provisions
the club are subjected to scrutiny and final                plementing of new procedures, control of            and requirements.
approval by the General Assembly Meeting.                   defaulting debts and measures to be tak-

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Annual Report 2015 - 2016                                                                                                                                                                         Annual Report 2015 - 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                                 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

During the 2015/16 season, the on-line office     quency of which depends on the information           overall season results, the Portuguese player               nament in which it reached the semi-final.
recorded more than 380,000 visits by mem-         needs of the club and its members. This sea-         scored 51 goals in 48 games, exceeding 50                   In the national championship, it was third in
bers who were able to comfortably resolve         son, more than 5,750,000 e-mails were sent           goals in one season for the sixth year in a                 Group V of the Division of Honour. The Un-
their arrangements with the office.               with information of great use and interest to        row and reaching 350 goals in 349 games for                 der-18 B and C teams won their respective
                                                  the members, making communications more              Real Madrid. The team was runner-up in the                  national competitions. Under 18 C also won
Real Madrid City                                  agile and efficient.                                 League, after a sensational end of season                   the Under-17 Mini-Club World Title.
                                                                                                       performance, in which it almost won the title.
All Real Madrid members and fans can vis-         SMS                                                  In the Copa del Rey, it reached the last 16.                The Under-16 A and B, as well as Under-14 A
it the Real Madrid City facilities, upon re-                                                                                                                       teams were also champions of their respec-
quest. In the 2015-2016 season, it was host       Also last year, the club intensified the send-       Real Madrid Castilla won Group I in the                     tive leagues.
to more than 3,000 people.                        ing of SMS to mobile telephones with the             Second Division B, after achieving the best
                                                  latest club news relating to ticket sale dates,      results of the 80 teams in the entire division.             The Under-10 A, Under-10 B and Under-8
Ticket incident office                            assignment of seats and other relevant in-           In the playoff, it was unable to complete the               teams were champions in their respective
                                                  formation. In total, more than 441,000 SMS           season, losing to UCAM Murcia and Lleida in                 groups in Football 7. The Under-8 team also
This service is provided on match days,           were sent to our members throughout the              the two games for promotion to the second                   won the Final Phase of the Madrid Under-8
mainly to assist members who have forgot-         season.                                              division.                                                   Championship for the fourth consecutive
ten or lost their season card or had it stolen.                                                                                                                    year.
Once the member has been duly identified,         Halamadrid Magazine                                  The Under-18 A team won the Copa del
the ticket assigned to the season ticket is                                                            Rey in its category, in its fourth final of the             During the season, 65 players joined the club,
issued. During the 2015/2016 season, the          The Halamadrid magazine is sent to mem-              competition. In the UEFA Youth League, the                  of which 15 were Under-8.
office dealt with 5,200 incidents.                bers and contains all the news on the club.          team qualified for its second Final Four of the
                                                                                                       three editions played, with an excellent tour-
Member Hot Line: 902 21 2002

This line is exclusively for members and its      3.2 Players
use requires identification by means of a
membership number and PIN. 36,190 calls           Football                                             Cristiano Ronaldo kisses the Champions League trophy on the San Siro pitch.
were handled.
                                                  The 2015-2016 season will go down in the
e-newsletter exclusively for members              history of the club. Real Madrid won its elev-
                                                  enth European Cup and continued the leg-
Weekly electronic magazine for Real Madrid        end of the most successful club in Europe.
members, offering the latest news on the          An amazing performance in the competition,
club, exclusive videos, ticket sales dates        in which it only had 6 goals scored against
and the results of the weekend’s football and     in 13 games and scored 28, saw the team in
basketball matches, etc. More than 73,000         the final in Milan in a repeat of the clash two
members currently receive the electronic          years before in Lisbon. Led by Zidane, the
newsletter by e-mail, making a total volume       team again beat Atlético de Madrid, this year
of approximately 2,350,000 e-mails sent.          on penalties, to place another Champions
                                                  League Cup in the club’s trophy room.
Member Notifications
                                                  Cristiano Ronaldo was again fundamental in
As a supplement to the e-newsletter, the          winning the title, by scoring 16 goals and be-
Members Department also sends notifi-             ing the top scorer in the Champions League
cations to the members by e-mail, the fre-        for the fifth time and the fourth in a row. In the

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Annual Report 2015 - 2016                                                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2015 - 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                   Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Under its policy of cooperation with other         There were also cine-anthropometric controls    Players from Real Madrid’s                        Basketball
clubs, Real Madrid has promoted the                in higher divisions, such as Real Madrid        Youth Academy
development of the sport, with the number          Castilla and the Under-18 A team. With this                                                       Real Madrid began the 2015-2016 season by
of cooperation agreements signed now               information and daily monitoring of eating      In the 2015-16 season, there were 92 players      playing 4 friendly pre-season games.
reaching 39.                                       habits and certain individual ergogenic aids,   trained by the Real Madrid Academy playing
                                                   the club attempts to provide its players with   in the First and Second Division of the           As Euroleague Champion, the team played
In it third year, the Academy residence            optimum conditions for performance.             League, 44 in the First Division, belonging to    for the Intercontinental Cup against the
increased from 73 to 86 players that stay in                                                       16 clubs: Real Madrid CF (9), Rayo Vallecano      Brazilian team Bauru, which it defeated on
the facilities every day, 68 in football and 18    With the aim of promoting fair play and the     (5), Sporting de Gijón and Granada (4),           points, after two games in Sao Paulo, to win
in basketball.                                     fight against all types of fraud, Real Madrid   Atlético de Madrid, Deportivo and Valencia        the title.
                                                   gave the LFP course on integrity to its         (3), Eibar, Español, Getafe and Málaga (2),
Under the agreement between Real Madrid            Academy and related staff, also providing       Barcelona, Betis, Las Palmas, Real Sociedad       The Endesa Super Cup was first competition
and Sanitas, during the 2015-16 season,            course content on its corporate intranet for    and Villareal (1).                                of the season. It was played in Málaga and
besides the attention provided to our injured      all personnel. Posters and brochures were                                                         Real Madrid was eliminated in the semi-
players (first-aid, diagnosis, treatment, etc.),   also printed to support football without        In the Second Division, 48 players from           finals after losing to Unicaja.
a specific plan was developed for injury           violence and fair play.                         Real Madrid’s Youth Academy played for 20
prevention and dietary and nutritional control                                                     clubs: Ponferradina (6), Girona and Zaragoza      The second title of the season came with
at the Real Madrid Academy.                                                                        (5) Alavés y Alcorcón (4), Huesca (3), Almería,   the Copa del Rey played in la Coruña. Real
                                                                                                   Córdoba, Llagostera, Mallorca, Nástic             Madrid’s first opponent was Montakit
                                                                                                   de Tarragona and Numancia (2), Albacete,          Fuenlabrada, in the semi-finals Laboral
                                                                                                   Elche, Leganés, Mirandés, Osasuna, Oviedo,        Kutxa Baskonia and Herbalife Gran Canaria
                                                                                                   Tenerife and Valladolid (1).                      in the final. Gustavo Ayón was named MVP
                                                                                                                                                     of this year’s Copa del Rey.
                                                                                                   In addition, outside Spain, there were 57
                                                                                                   players trained at the club playing for foreign   In the Endesa League, Real Madrid ended
                                                                                                   league teams.                                     the regular season in second position, with
Real Madrid U-8. Madrid champions.                                                                                                                   29 wins and five losses.
                                                                                                   Our outstanding contribution to national
                                                                                                   teams continues: Under-21 (1), Under-19           In the quarter-finals of the playoffs for the
                                                                                                   (7), Under-17 (6) and Under-16 (9). We also       title, Real Madrid beat UCAM Murcia CB 2-1
                                                                                                   contributed players from our Academy to           and in the semi-final Valencia Basket 3-1.
                                                                                                   other national teams like Austria, Norway,        In the final, Real Madrid came up against
                                                                                                   France, China, Holland, Morocco, Argentina        Barcelona Lassa for the fifth consecutive
                                                                                                   and Mexico, etc.                                  time, which it defeated 1-3. With this victory,
                                                                                                                                                     the team claimed its 33rd League title. Sergio
                                                                                                                                                     Llull was also named MVP of the final.

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Annual Report 2015 - 2016                                                                                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2015 - 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility Report                                                                                                                                                              Corporate Social Responsibility Report

In the Euroleague, Real Madrid finished               following senior players remained on loan to
fourth in Group A in the first phase, with five       other clubs: Fernando Campazzo to UCAM
wins and five losses. In the Top 16, our team         Murcia C.B.; Álex Suárez to Dominion Bilbao
was fourth in Group F, with seven wins and            Basket; Emanuel Cate to Baloncesto Sevilla
seven losses.                                         and Jonathan Barreiro to Club Ourense
Fenerbahce, winner of Group E, was our first
rival in the playoffs of the competition, won         In the Academy, rights were acquired for 20
by Real Madrid 3-0.                                   players, distributed as follows: 12 players
                                                      in Under-14 B team, 2 in Under-14 A, 2 in
After a season in which Real Madrid played            Under-16 B, 3 in Under 16 A and 1 in the
the finals of the Copa del Rey and the Endesa         Junior team.
League, several members of the first team
received individual awards:                           The second basketball team playing in the        King Philip VI received Real Madrid at the Zarzuela and took part in Sergio Llull’s traditional selfi.
                                                      EBA League finished sixth in Group B of the
- Gustavo Ayón was chosen MVP of the Copa             regular league.
 del Rey.
                                                      The Junior team were Champions of the
- Sergio Rodríguez was included in the                L’Hospitalet Junior Tournament, played           the XXVI Under-14 Ciutat de L’Hospitalet                          Players from the Real Madrid
 Endesa League all-star team.                         the final of the Spanish Championship, was       Tournament. Boris Tisma was named MVP                             Youth Academy
                                                      runner-up in the Community of Madrid             of the Mini-cup, Pablo Rodrigo MVP of the
- Sergio Llull was named MVP in the final of          and played in the Euroleague International       Madrid Final Four and Usman Garuba again                          Special mention must go the participation
 the Endesa League.                                   Junior Tournament, in which it finished third.   MVP of the Spanish Championship, best                             in the Basketball First Team, in both training
                                                      Felipe Dos Anjos was named MVP of the            rebounder and also the MVP of the overall                         and matches, of Dino Radoncic, Daniel de la
International Players                                 L’Hospitalet Tournament and also included        Spanish Championship.                                             Rúa and Samba Ndiave (Junior - EBA).
                                                      in the competition’s all-star team.
Five first team basketball players were                                                                The Under-16 B and Under-14 B teams                               In addition, 20 players from the Real Madrid
included in the Spanish team (Sergio Llull,           The Under-16 A team was champion of the          reached their objectives established at the                       Academy were chosen to play for their
Sergio Rodríguez, Rudy Fernández and                  Community of Madrid and finished fifth in        beginning of the season.                                          national teams:
Willy Hernangómez, one in the Lithuanian              the Spanish Championship. The team also
team (Jonas Maciulis), one in the team                won the VIII Villa de la Orotava Basketball      Under-16 B finished top of the A2, completing                     Montenegro senior team (1): Dino Radoncic;
from Senegal (Maurice Ndour), two in the              Tournament, the 2016 Under-16 Szent              the season 17th, the best possible result                         Spain U-18 (1): Ignacio Ballespín; Serbia
Argentinean team (Andrés Nocioni and the              István Basketball Cup in Hungary, the XIII       in this category. In addition, the team won                       U-18 (1): Mihailo Iovicic; Spain U-17 (2):
player on loan to UCAM Murcia Facundo                 National Under-16 Basketball Tournament          the V Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation                            Acoydan McCarthy and Francisco Salvador;
Campazzo) and one in the Brazilian team               in Genova, the IV Adif Mezquita Tournament,      Basketball Tournament and the Gúdar-                              Spain U-16 (3): Usman Garuba, Carlos
(Augusto Lima).                                       the Novipiú Europe Cup 2016 in Torino and        Jayalambre Regional Tournament.                                   Unanue and Diego de Blas; Serbia U16 (2):
                                                      the 2016 Zrenjanin Basketball Cup played in                                                                        Mario Nakic and Lazar Zivanovic; Great
This season, Real Madrid acquired the rights          Serbia. Usman Garuba was named MVP in            The Under-14 B team also finished in top                          Britain U16 (1): Kareem Queeley; Spain U15
to five players for the first team (Jeffrey Taylor,   the Madrid Final Four.                           position in the A2 division, finishing the                        (3): Jorge Mejías, Jorge Viejo and Rubén
Trey Thompkins, Maurice Ndour, K. C. Rivers                                                            season in the same way as the Under-16                            López de la Torre; Croatia U14 (1): Boris
and Lima). Hernangómez returned to Real               The Under-14 A team was champion of the          B team in seventeenth position. The team                          Tisma; Spain U13 (3): Eshete Calvo, Carlos
Madrid after being on loan for two seasons to         Community of Madrid, the Endesa Mini-Cup         also won the II Pre-Under-14 Castelldefels                        Santiago and Diego Maganto and Spain U12
Baloncesto Sevilla and Luka Doncic became             played in La Coruña and won the Spanish          Tournament and the 2016 Ciutat de                                 (2) Ab Sediq Garuba and Juan Núñez.
a full-time member of the first team. The             Club Championship. The team also won             Viladecans Tournament.

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Annual Report 2015 - 2016                                                                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2015 - 2016
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                                                                                                          The non-athlete staff members include work-        Model of Organization and Management, a
                                                                                                          ers of nine different nationalities, which gives   guide for employees, as well as implement-
                                                                                                          an idea of the internationalization of the         ing control mechanisms to prevent irregular
                                                                                                          club’s activities. During the season, three        activity, such as the whistleblowing system
                                                                                                          female and seven male employees took               and corporate portal.
                                                                                                          maternity/paternity leave. One employee
                                                                                                          took leave of absence to care for an under-        Real Madrid has also continued to invest
                                                                                                          age child and 16 employees reduced their           in the on-going training of its staff. This in-
                                                                                                          working hours as legal guardians of under-         vestment has surpassed €200,000, divided
                                                                                                          age children or dependent family members.          into 135 training programs. As a whole, this
                                                                                                          There were also two retirements and one            represents more than 12,000 on-going ed-
                                                                                                          worker took voluntary leave.                       ucation hours in the season. The two major
                                                                                                                                                             strategic areas in which internal training is
                                                                                                          In the month of December 2015, elections           based are the globalisation and digitalisa-
Real Madrid U-14 won the Spanish Championship, the Min-cup and the Madrid Championship.                   for permanent intermittent worker represent-       tion of the club’s business and operations.
                                                                                                          atives took place, due to the fact that the        Special mention must also go to the training
                                                                                                          term of the previous company works council         programs on integrity, good practice and the
                                                                                                          had expired. The elections were carried out        prevention of fraud in sports competition,
                                                                                                          normally and according to the regulations          given in partnership with the Professional
The club continued another season with its               3.3 Employees                                    governing trade union elections.                   Football League to spread the code conduct
policy of commitment towards young talent                                                                                                                    developed for sporting bodies to all levels of
from the Community of Madrid, as training,               During the 2015/16 season, Real Madrid had       In the 2015/16 season, action has continued        the club.
adaptation and assimilation of the Real                  an average staff of 695 contributors to the      in the area of good corporate governance
Madrid values is easier.                                 social security system, of which 322 were        and transparency, aimed at employees. As           Other important training initiatives focused
                                                         athletes. Of the club’s employees, 0.33%         a result of new legislation introducing the        on the handling of claims, dispute resolution
In the 2015-2016 season, the Real Madrid                 have temporary contracts and 99.67% in-          criminal liability of legal entities for the ir-   and customer service, as well as occupa-
Academy initiated a collaboration agreement              definite-term contracts.                         regularities committed by their employees          tional hazard prevention and the advanced
with C.B. Las Rozas, the results of which                                                                 in performing their professional duties, the       courses on resuscitation. The Academy
have been highly satisfactory to date.                   It should be highlighted that the club com-      club has designed and put in place preven-         players that live at Real Madrid City received
                                                         plies strictly with the Public Administration    tive action defined by experts, such as best       training on the Real Madrid values from the
During the 2015-2016 season, the club                    criteria on Social Security Contribution by      practice to prevent criminal liability in any      best communicators of the first team that
awarded 17 scholarships to players from                  players receiving remuneration and all foot-     possible situation. An analysis was there-         also formed part of the Academy. Acade-
other communities and countries. All of                  ball players over the age of 16 that play in     fore carried out on the potential risks to         my players at the residence also took part in
them were provided boarding at Real Madrid               Real Madrid teams are registered with the        the club in this regard, action plans being        qualification tests and professional guidance
City and education at SEK, one of the most               Social Security.                                 assigned to teams in order to maintain the         and, in addition to their academic education,
prestigious education centres in Spain.                                                                   highest standards of prevention. Similarly,        English classes focused on football and
                                                         37% of the club’s CBA employees are female.      following recommendations by experts in            training in Psychology and Communications
The agreement between the club and Sanitas               Of these, 45 hold positions of responsibility.   the prevention of such risks, the club has         in sports competition were also provided.
developed satisfactorily.                                                                                 designed and implemented the Real Madrid

30 Real Madrid                                                                                                                                                                                          Real Madrid 31
You can also read