Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia

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Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
Corporate Presentation
January 2022
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
This corporate presentation (the “Presentation”) has          The Presentation does not purport to contain                  well as the trends in the sector in which the Group
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                                                                                                                   Corporate Presentation                         2
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
Highly experienced management team

             Gérard Soula                                   Olivier Soula                                           Valérie
                PhD, MBA                                        PhD, MBA                                          Danaguézian
                                                           Deputy General Manager,
               President & CEO                                Director of R&D                                     Chief Financial Officer
                 Co-founder                                      Co-founder

                            Jérémy Benattar                                                       Michael
                                    PharmD, Eng                                                   Nguyen
                                 Director of Marketing &                                          Head of BD,US

 • Co-founded by Gérard, Olivier and Rémi Soula in 2005
 • IPO on Euronext-Paris in 2012
 • 115 staff, incl. 42 PhDs/MDs located in Lyon, France
                                                                                     Corporate Presentation               3
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
Executive Summary

                          Our mission: to develop innovative formulations of approved
                      1   hormones for the treatment of diabetes and obesity

                      2   Our business model: product licensing after proof-of-concept

                          Our pipeline is based on our 3 patented technology platforms:
                      3   • 1 product approved to enter in Phase 3 in China NEW
                          • 5 products with clinical proof-of-concept
                          • 6 preclinical stage projects

                      4   €19.6m1 cash on-hand

1. As of 10/31/2021                                           Corporate Presentation   4
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
Adocia’s vision: addressing metabolic diseases from hormonal
to cell therapies

Improving islets of Langerhans transplant with hydrogel matrix for diabetes

Oral Formulations of hormones for diabetes and obesity

Hormones combinations for diabetes and obesity

Improving insulin-therapy

   Adocia is taking on high challenges, that requires innovative mindset and expertise

                                                                              Corporate Presentation   5
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
Diabetes and Obesity: worldwide chronic pandemics
        463 million people live with diabetes1                                             Diabetes is closely linked to obesity
                                    1 in 11                                                      •   In the US, 65% of adults with type 13 diabetes
                                                                                                     and 85% of type 24 are overweight or obese

                                                                                                 •   Several hormones are involved in both diabetes
                                                                                                     and obesity treatment
       1.9 billion are overweight or obese2
                                     1 in 4                                                                                        AMYLIN

                                                                                                                   Diabetes        GLP-1    Obesity

 Adocia’s goal is to deliver innovative hormonal formulations to patients affected by
 diabetes and obesity
    1. IDF Atlas, 9th Edition, 2019
    2. WHO
    3. Conway et al, Diabetes Med 2010 April; 27(4):398-404. BMI>25, Data for 2004-2007 period
                                                                                                          Corporate Presentation               6
    4. Epidemiology of Obesity and Diabetes and Their Cardiovascular Complications
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
A well-advanced and diversified pipeline with products ready to partner
                                                                         Preclinic        Phase 1         Phase 2         Phase 3   Upcoming milestones

                                                  BC Lispro                                                                         Phase 3 in China expected in 2022
              Ultra-Rapid Insulin
                                                  U100 / U200                                                                       Phase 3 in USA and Europe expected in 2022*

              Insulins Combination
                                                  BC Combo U200                                                                     Phase 1 expected in 2022
              Long acting + Rapid acting

              Hypoglycemia treatment              BC Glucagon                                                                       Development on hold until a partnership is secured

Diabetes                                          M1Pram                                                                            Q1 2022: Phase 2 T1D – MDI results

                                                  BC LisPram
              Multi-Hormonal Therapy                                                                                                Q2 2022: Phase 1 T1D - pump study results
                                                  BC AsPram

                                                  BC GlaLira                                                                        Development on hold until a partnership is secured

                                                                                                                                    Patent application filed
              Cell Therapy for diabetes
                                                                                                                                    2022: First in Human

                                                  PramExe                                                                           2022: First in Human

Obesity                                           BC GluExe                                                                         2022: First in Human

                                                  BC PramGluExe                                                                     Patent application filed

                                                                                                                                    Patent application filed
              Oral Delivery of peptides
                                                                                                                                    2022: First in Human

BC: BioChaperone®; Lispro: insulin lispro; BC Combo: BC insulin glargine insulin lispro; MDI: Multiple Daily Injection
M1: A21G human insulin; Pram: pramlintide; Glu: Glucagon; Gla: insulin glargine; Exe: exenatide, *: upon partnership signature                                 7
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
BioChaperone® platform (BC) potentializes performance of insulins
and other hormones

      BioChaperone®                                                      Proteins and peptides
                                                                        (insulin, amylin, GLP-1 RA, glucagon…)
 • Pharmaceutical excipient
 • 50 patents filed

                                  [BioChaperone® Protein]

         Improved solubility                         Accelerated absorption
        Improved stability                           Protection against enzymatic degradation

         Efficacy improvement of insulin alone or in combination with other hormones

5 proprietary products based on BioChaperone® technology in clinical development

                                                               Corporate Presentation         8
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia

           Corporate Presentation   9
Corporate Presentation - January 2022 - Adocia
BioChaperone® Lispro

The next best-in-class Rapid Acting
Insulin for a tighter glycemic control

                Corporate Presentation   10
BC Lispro has competitive advantages in the new
              Ultra-Rapid Insulin class
                                                                                                                                                  Post-meal glycaemia in T1D
              • Better efficacy profile for less hyperglycemia
                and less hypoglycemia (“Faster-in” / “Faster-
                out”) vs. comparators

              • Good tolerance for optimized daily use                                                                                                           AUC0-2h:
              • Range of strengths (U100 & U200), adapted
                to pump miniaturization and patients’

                                                                                                                                            Liquid Meal
                                                                                                                                            + Insulin s.c.

               The combination of a good local tolerance, a U200 formulation and a faster release of insulin
               will put BC Lispro in a strong position to compete with the other Ultra Rapid Insulins
Trial in 38 subjects with type 1 diabetes (NCT#02213146) ; *CI-95% for LSM ratio
These results were the subject of an oral presentation by Dr Tim Heise (Profil Neuss) during the 76th Scientific Sessions of the American
Diabetes Association (June 2016).                                                                                                                                              11
BC Lispro, a competitor in the Ultra-Rapid Insulins class
           Only 3 ultra-rapid insulins will compete in the $9bn1 prandial insulin market,
           addressing the needs of 34 millions mealtime insulins users (T1D + T2D):

                        BC Lispro

            • Licensed to Tonghua Dongbao (THDB) for development & commercialization for
              Chinese market2:
                    • $10m upfront
                    • $35m upcoming development milestones                                               78%
                    • Double-digit royalties                                                            of revenue
            • Global supply agreement for GMP lispro for the development and                             insulin3
                                                                                                                          Market Cap4
              commercialization of BC Lispro outside licensed territories
          Chinese regulatory authorities’ approval granted to start phase 3 in China

              Finding partners for BC Lispro for US, Europe and Japan remains Adocia’s priority
1. Adocia estimates based on major companies’ 2019 annual reports
2. China and other territories (excluding US, EU, Japan)
3. Data THDB
4. August 2021                                                                 Corporate Presentation                12
BC Combo: basal-bolus
insulin combination

Insulins glargine & lispro

            Corporate Presentation   13
BC Combo, a unique combination of glargine and lispro, the gold
standards of basal and prandial insulins

   BioChaperone® Combo
    1 product
    Once or twice a day
    U200 fixed ratio
    (150 U/mL glargine - 50 U/mL lispro)
                                                                                           Less hyperglycemia

         Simple
         Affordable                                                                                                                  Less hypoglycemia
         Limited number of injections
         Improved glycemic control

                                                                                           Trial in 28 people with T1D (NCT#02514954); * p=3.10-3;**p=8.10-3

   BC Combo offers better performance than Humalog Mix, current
   standard of care on the premix market
   1. Adocia estimates, based on market leaders annual reports and IQVIA MIDAS data 2019

                                                                                                            Corporate Presentation                             14
BC Combo is licensed to Tonghua Dongbao in China

                 Premix market                                                       Tonghua Dongbao deal

                                      Western Markets:
                                       T2D patients
                                                                                      • $40m upfront
                                                                   $2,3bn1            • $50m upcoming development
                                     Emerging Markets:                                  milestones
                                       T1D & T2D                      ~65%            • Double-digit royalties on sales
                                         patients                  Market share in
                                                                   India and China

                      Clinical trial preparation is ongoing to qualify Tonghua Dongbao’s insulins

1. Adocia estimate based on major companies' annual reports 2019
2. China and other territories (excluding US, EU, Japan)                                 Corporate Presentation   15
3. Data THDB
Multi-hormonal combinations

Insulin in combination with other

               Corporate Presentation   16
Adocia has in hand the next generation of insulin-based treatment
 Medical                                                                                           M1Pram, BC LisPram/
 benefits                                                                                              BC AsPram
                                                                        Ultra-Rapid Insulins
                                                                             BC Lispro,
                                                                         Fiasp®, Lyumjev®
                                                   Rapid Acting Insulins
                                                   Humalog®, Novolog®
                                                      & biosimilars
                                Human Insulins
            Animal Insulins    Humulin®, Novolin®
            Hypurin® Bovine
              or Porcine

            1st   generation    2nd   generation      3rd   generation     4th   generation          5th   generation     generations
                                                                            Potential                   Potential
                                                                           Best-In-Class              First-In-Class

 With flagship products M1Pram, BC LisPram, BC AsPram, Adocia has the
 potential to deliver First-In-Class products
                                                                                     Corporate Presentation              17

BC LisPram / BC AsPram

Insulin-Amylin 2-in-1 products:
a therapeutic breakthrough

             Corporate Presentation   18
Glycemic control requires the synchronized action of insulin and amylin

                                                                        Meal                                             Without diabetes
              Pancreas                                                                      Insulin

                                                       Level of secretion
                                                        (relative scale)

                    Insulin                                                            Glucagon

                                          Produced                          0           1          2          3          4           5       6
Produced                      Glucagon    by α-cells                                                     Time (hours)
by β-cells                                                              Meal                                                      With diabetes

                                                       Level of secretion
                                                                                                                        Glucagon is dysregulated in

                                                        (relative scale)
                    Amylin                                                      Glucagon                                   the absence of amylin

                                                                            0           1          2          3          4           5       6
                                                                                                         Time (hours)
             T1D: β-cells are destroyed by the immune system
             T2D: β-cells mass progressively decreases

                                                                                Corporate Presentation                       19
Symlin® (pramlintide, an amylin analog) was approved by FDA in
             2005 as an adjunct to insulin treatment for T1D and T2D

                                      The amylin effects in physiology                                      The evidences demonstrated by pramlintide

                                                                        Activates amylin receptors in
                                                                        different brain areas
                                                                         Satiety
                                                                                                          Improvement of HbA1c
                                                                         Protects cognitive functions    Better glycemic control with an increase of the
                                                                         Well-being                       Time-In-Range
            Inhibits glucagon secretion by
            pancreatic alpha cells
                                                                                                          Significant weight loss
               Better glycemic control
               Lower Post Prandial
                Glucose rise
                                                                                                          Diminution of prandial insulin consumption

                                                     Slows gastric emptying time towards normal
                                                        Synchronize the blood glucose rise and the
                                                         arrival of insulin

             Two hurdles have impeded the use of Symlin®:
             • A compliance issue with 3 injections per day over and above 4 insulin injections
             • The high price of the drug ($2,000 USD/month)

1. Average Wholesaler Price, Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S11-S124                                         Corporate Presentation      20
Adocia is developing insulin-amylin combinations for pen
        and pump

         Optimal product profile for MDI in pen         Optimal product profile for pump

                   Regular insulin analog + Pram         Rapid insulin analog + Pram

                                        M1Pram                           BC LisPram
                                                                         BC AsPram

                       Q1 2022: Phase 2 T1D results        Q2 2022: Phase 1 T1D results

MDI: Multiple Daily Injection M1: A21G human insulin;
Pram: Pramlintide
BC: BioChaperone
Lis: Insulin lispro; As: Insulin aspart                    Corporate Presentation     21
Promising Phase 1b results of M1Pram in pen vs Novolog
Phase 1b – CT038: n=40 T1D
3-week outpatient trial - M1Pram vs. Novolog (Part B n=16; High dose of insulin)

                   Average glycemia                          Weight                                         Time In Range
             164                                  0,5                                                16,2
             162                                               0,4                                    16
                                                    0                                                15,8
                                  -7 mg/dL                                     -2 kg                 15,6
                                                                                                            +58 min


                                  p=0,01                                       p=0,0065              15,4   p=0,04

             156                                                                                     15,2
                                                  -1,5                -1,6                           14,8
             152                                                                                     14,6
                        162   155                                                                                     14,99    15,95

             150                                   -2                                                14,4
                                                               p=0,0065                                                   p=0,04

                                                         Novolog®     M1Pram

 • Good tolerability
 • 75% patients recommended M1Pram
                                                                                          Corporate Presentation                       22
M1Pram offers better glycemic control and weight loss

                 M1Pram leverages pramlintide’s clinical benefits
                                                                                                                                                “This combination has the potential to
                 Targeted phase 2 results:                                                                                                      finally deliver on the promise of pramlintide
                                                                                                                                                for a large number of patients.”
                             HbA1c decrease: [-0,3% ; -0,5%]
                                                                                                                                                Prof. Robert Ratner,
                             Significant weight loss: [-4kg ; -7kg]                                                                            Georgetown University
                                                                                                                                                Washington DC
                             Flatter Post Prandial Glycemia

                                   “The glycemic results with M1Pram to date are quite                                                         “Remarkably, after only 3 weeks of treatment
                                   promising as is the observed weight loss, which is                                                          with M1Pram, all known pharmacological
                                   important given the characteristics of the population                                                       effects of pramlintide were observed.”
                                   taking prandial insulin. I look forward to the next series
                                   of clinical trials.”                                                                                        Prof. Thomas Pieber,
                                   Jay S. Skyler,                                                                                              Medical University of Graz,
                                   University of Miami                                                                                         Austria
                                   Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine

                      Phase 2 T1D ongoing – First results Q1 2022

1. Guthrie R et al Diabetes 2005, 54(Suppl 1):A118 T1D, pramlintide +insulin vs insulin alone, after 6 months -0.3% A1c, -3kg. See also
Pullman J et al Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2006, 2 (3), 203-212 and in T2D : Karl D, et al. Diabetes Technol Ther 2007; 9(2):191-199.
                                                                                                                                        Corporate Presentation               23
2. NCT03981627
BC LisPram: the optimal combination for pumps
              Clinical Proof-of-Concept established at Mc Gill University, Canada, by Dr. Ahmad Haidar, comparing Lispro in
              one pump vs. Lispro and Pramlintide administered simultaneously in two separate pumps, over one month1

                            n=29 T1D

                                                                                                          • 10% improvement of
                                                                                                            Time in Range

                                                                                                          • 93% patient satisfaction

               BC LisPram is currently tested in clinic with Dr. Ahmad Haidar with one single
               product/pump system and results are expected end of Q2 2022
                                                                                 Corporate Presentation             24
1. A. Haidar et al at McGill University Diabetes care Jan 2020
Cell Therapy

Innovative Scaffold for
Pancreatic Cell Therapy

              Corporate Presentation   25
Adocia developed an innovative hydrogel scaffold to
protect and host islets of Langerhans transplants
          Hydrogel scaffold

                                   Transplant                     Organoid

            Islets sourcing

            External source

 Adocia’s goal is to propose a life saving therapy to insulino-resistant patients

                                                    Corporate Presentation   26
Development achievements
Innovative Hydrogel
     Well tolerated                                                                                 Insulin secretion            Encapsulated Islets
                                                                                                  in response to glucose          Naked Islets
     Long term stability and fully retrievable
     Patents application filed                                                          3G                   15G            3G

Islets encapsulation

                                                  Normalized insulin secretion

      Simple and cell-friendly process                                          4
      Human islets viable and functional
      Fast insulin delivery to glucose stimuli

In vivo grafting results                                                         1

      Minimally invasive surgical procedure                                     0
      Well tolerated in rabbit                                                      0                 20              40         60

                                                                                                                time (min)
      POC of Immunoisolation in mice

    Adocia aims to obtain human proof-of-concept in 2022

                                                                                              Corporate Presentation         28

                                                    Personalized multi-hormonal obesity treatment:
                                                    a new paradigm

“At Adocia, we believe that long lasting victory against obesity will come from the patients –
so let’s give them the tools they need”

                                                                           Corporate Presentation   29
Combinations of “diabetes” hormones appears to be a revolutionary
               way to treat obesity
                                                                                                                         Product                                                    Class           Mean           Mean
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Weight Loss    Weight Loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                    expected       Targeted
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (standalone)   (combo)
                                                                                                                         PramExe                                                    Amylin analog   -7,9%1
                                                                                                                         Pramlintide Exenatide                                      GLP1-RA         - 8%2
                  Diabetes                           GLP-1                      Obesity
                                                                                                                         BC GluExe                                                  Glucagon        -7 to -9%
                                               GLUCAGON                                                                  BioChaperone® Glucagon Exenatide                           GLP1-RA         - 8%

                                                                                                                         BC PramGluExe                                              Amylin analog   -7,9%
                                                                                                                         BioChaperone® Pramlintide Glucagon                         Glucagon        -7 to -9%      -20%
                                                                                                                         Exenatide                                                  GLP-1 RA        - 8%

                Adocia has selected hormones with potential synergistic effects, to offer
                patients powerful treatment options

1. Smith et al. Diabetes Care. 2008 Sep; 31(9): 1816–1823. doi: 10.2337/dc08-0029 – 360µg TID over 12 months – obese population
2. Exenatide not tested on obese population – results expected to be comparable to Liraglutide 3,0mg on SCALE Obesity and Prediabetes phase 3 study: N Engl J Med.   Corporate Presentation             30
2015 Jul 2;373(1):11-22. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1411892.
A first Proof-of-Concept has been established in obese mice with
          Biochaperone® Glucagon Exenatide (BC GluExe)


         100                                                                           Saline (vehicle)

                                                                                         BC Exenatide*                  Exenatide “standalone” showed a significant
                                                                     -10%                Exenatide                      -10% weight loss compared to vehicle
BW (%)


                                                                         -25%          BC Glucagon Exenatide***                   showed a significant -25%
                                                                                                                                  weight loss compared to
          60                                                               Values expressed as mean of n = 6-12 + SEM             vehicle
                                                                           Dunnett’s test one-factor linear model
                                                                           ***: P < 0.001 compared to Saline
               -5   -4   -2   0   2    4          6   8   10   12   14
                                      Study day

                    A first combination should enter in Proof-of-Concept in Human study in 2022

                                                                                                         Corporate Presentation                31
Adocia is developing patient-centric treatments

                                            CURRENT PARADIGM                                                                                              ADOCIA’S PARADIGM

                Long acting GLP-1 RA are being developed to limit the                                                                                               The patient wears a patch-pump
                number of injections                                                                                                                                to deliver combinations of short
                                                                                                                                                                            acting hormones
                However, despite demonstrated efficacy, GLP-1 RA class
                goes along with side effects:                                                                                                                       It provides a convenient, easy to
                • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain…                                                                                                                 use and affordable way to adjust
                                                                                                                                                                        their treatment dose, for
                Patients using long-acting forms cannot interrupt side                                                                                                    maximum efficacy and
                effects, representing a significant burden                                                                                                               minimum inconvenience

                 Short stay-time                                                                                                        Prolonged stay-time
                 Discontinuation leads to weight regain                                                                                 Maintained weight loss

Real-World Adherence and Discontinuation of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in the United
States, T. Weiss, 2020 Nov 27;14:2337-2345. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S277676. eCollection 2020.
                                                                                                                                                   Corporate Presentation           32
Patient’s reasons to adopt short-acting hormones in pump

       n days infusion                     n days infusion
                               1 day off
                                                             Concentration 4x
                                                                                Patient can:

                                                                                •      Intensify the treatment by increasing
                                                             Concentration 2x          the dosage to obtain maximum results

                                                             Concentration 1x
                                                                                •      Stop temporarily by switching it off, to
                                                                                       suspend immediately unwanted effects
                                                             Time (h)

  Go                     Stop        Go

   With Adocia’s solution, patients can personnalize their treatment to
   obtain desired weight loss, without compromizing their quality of life
   *For illustration purposes only

                                                                                    Corporate Presentation     33
Oral delivery

           Corporate Presentation   34
Adocia’s oral delivery technology of hormones for diabetes and

 The context                                                 Adocias’ proposal

 •   Peptides and proteins widely used as drugs but only     •   Adocia has developed a formulation enhancing the
     available in injectable forms                               efficiency of peptides absorption by the
          Burden for patients                                   gastrointestinal tract
          Limited adoption                                       Switch from injectable to oral forms

 •   Challenge: peptides are not absorbed in the digestive
     tract and are degraded before reaching the              •   Promising results in large animals with the oral
     bloodstream                                                 administration of a GLP-1 RA for diabetes treatment

                                                             •   First-in-Human study: planned for 2022

Adocia’s technology is currently presented to biopharma companies

                                                                       Corporate Presentation      35
Financial & news flow

           Corporate Presentation   36
News flow

  BC Lispro                     M1Pram                                   PramExe – BC GluExe

  • In China: Phase 3 start     • Phase 2 study in T1D in MDI            • In-Human Proof-of-concept
    expected in 2022              (Multiple Daily Injection)               in 2022
  • In USA/EU: Phase 3 launch
    scheduled in 2022           • Results expected Q1 2022
                                                                         Cell Therapy

                                                                         • FIH study 2022
  BC Combo                      BC LisPram

  • Tonghua Dongbao insulins    • Phase 1 study in TD1 pump:
    qualification studies         ongoing                                Oral delivery
    preparation ongoing
                                • Results expected end of                • FIH study 2022
                                  Q2 2022

                                                            Corporate Presentation             Corporate Presentation
Key financials & shareholder information

            Key financials features1                           Shareholder ownership                              Market information

            Already received                                                                                      •   Listed on Euronext Paris (ADOC)
            • €85m raised since inception                                                  Soula Family
                                                                                                                  •   7.2m shares outstanding
            • $120m received from partnership                                                 22,5%               •   ADR program in the US (ADOCY)

            Expected milestones payment                 Free float
            • $85m as per contract with THDB +            59,5%
                                                                                           BPI 10,9%

            Cash position: €19.6m                                                    Sham 4,4%                    Analyst coverage
                                                                                        Oreo Finance 0,6%
                                                                                                                  • Kepler Chevreux - Arsène Guekam
            Debt: €33m                                               Viveris 0,1%
                                                                                                                  • Oddo - Oussema Denguir
            •    Financial debt for building acquisition &                  Key managers 2,0%
                                                                                                                  • HC Wainwright – Douglas Tsao
                 renovation: €5m (2006)
            •    IPF Debt: €15m (2019)
            •    State-guaranteed loan (PGE): €7m (mid-2020)
            •    Convertible bonds: €6m (Oct 2021)

                                                                                                   Corporate Presentation            38
1. As of 10/31/2021

           • A well-advanced and diversified pipeline with products ready-to-license:

                      • 5 products with clinical proof-of-concept based on its proprietary BioChaperone® platform
                         o BC Lispro is planned to enter in Phase 3 in China in 2022 and Adocia is seeking partners for Europe, US, Japan

                         o BC Combo clinical trial preparation is ongoing to qualify Tonghua Dongbao’s insulins

                         o M1Pram and BC LisPram clinical results in Type 1 Diabetes are expected in 2022

                      • First hormonal combinations for obesity treatment to be tested in human in 2022

                      • Cell Therapy scaffold is expected to be tested in human in 2022

                      • Oral Delivery technology is expected to be tested in human in 2022

           • $85m in development milestones to come from Tonghua Dongbao partnership

           • Cash position: €19.6m1

1. As of 10/31/2021                                                                       Corporate Presentation       39
Thank you
for your kind interest
115 avenue Lacassagne
69003 Lyon – FRANCE
Ph.:+33 4 72 610 610
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