Cookies are Crumbling: The Demise of the Third-Party Cookie and What's Next

Page created by Francis Marsh
Cookies are Crumbling:
The Demise of the
Third-Party Cookie
and What’s Next
Everything You Need to Know About
Alternative Targeting Solutions
and the End of Cookies
Increased sensitivity to data privacy and protection amongst consumers
and legislators has brands, marketers and tech companies re-evaluating
how they reach their customers.

Having relied on third-party cookie tracking for years, the ad tech
industry is now adapting quickly and testing alternative tracking
solutions. The pressure is on to deliver outstanding, personalized
customer experiences with cookieless targeting alternatives.

          Intro.   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   03
          Third-Party Cookies are Out.                     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   04
          The Transition to Cookieless Targeting: Why Now?.                                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   05
          Safe, Effective Cookieless Solutions.                        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   06
          1st Approach: Substitute Third Party Cookies, .                                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   07
          with Alternative Tracking Technology
                   ƒ Demand Side Examples
                   ƒ Supply Side Examples

          2nd Approach: Contextual Targeting – Skip Personal Data Altogether.                                                  . . . . . . . . . . . .   10
          for 100% Privacy-friendly, Legal Targeting
                   ƒ 5 Advantages of Contextual Targeting
                   ƒ How Does Contextual Targeting Work?
                   ƒ Bottom Line
                   ƒ Targeting Video Ads with ShowHeroes

          Summary          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13
          Contact Us         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   14
Privacy regulation and consumer data protection are topics that have
been front and center this past year with cookies being the much-
talked about focus. Specifically, third-party cookies are in the hot seat.
Browsers like Firefox and Safari have already abolished third-party
cookie tracking along with Apple’s iOS update in 2020, while Google has
announced it will deprecate cookies by 2023.

Third-party cookies have been the principal tracking technology used
by advertisers and brands to deliver targeted, relevant messages to
consumers. They are also the thorn in a consumer’s side when it comes
to privacy protection.

Cookies will still be used for various functional services,
for example in analytics or e-commerce checkout processes; however,
for targeting and personalization purposes various alternatives are
already being adopted to create personalized web experiences.

We will take a deeper look into how cookieless tracking technology is
evolving and transforming today’s digital landscape.

Third-Party Cookies
are Out
Let’s face it, cookies are Out and privacy-safe tracking is In.

Third-party cooking tracking has always boasted that through granular targeting
based on browser history, consumers will be exposed to relevant messages and
brands will be reaching the right consumers for their products.

However, pulling back the curtain, cookie tracking has never been very user-friendly
and actually does not efficiently reach all possible, in-target consumers.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the cookie-tracking process:

  ƒ Third-party cookies, or small data files, are stored in a user’s browser while
    visiting a website
  ƒ Marketers and brands associated with these domains use this information to
    build marketing profiles and target ads based on user behavior
  ƒ User identification requires synchronization across hundreds of ad serving
    platforms and tech vendors in order to identify a single user across all
    networks. Yikes! That’s a lot of friction.

After all that, cookie-based targeting only captures a fraction of users, meaning the
majority of total traffic and advertising potential is left untapped. Let that sink in for
a minute.

Lack of standardization makes it difficult to respect the latest privacy regulations.
Meanwhile, individual user privacy gets thrown out the window. It’s time for new

The Transition to                                                                      Big Tech Says
                                                                                       “Buy-bye” To Cookies
Cookieless Targeting:
Why Now?
                                                                                       Mozilla (Firefox) and Apple (Safari) have already eliminated the ability
                                                                                       to perform cross-site tracking with their respective browsers. Google
                                                                                       announced that its Chrome browser cookie deprecation will be phasing
                                                                                       out support for third-party cookies in stages over the next two years,
The kick in the pants to third-party cookie targeting has been consumers’ increased
                                                                                       abolishing cookie tracking by 2023.
concern over privacy and therefore updated legislation and regulations.
                                                                                       As market leader with the largest share in user installations across
Here are the latest global legislation initiatives aimed to protect consumer privacy
                                                                                       platforms, Google’s move to do away with all third cookie tracking can be
and regulate how user data is processed, collected, and used:
                                                                                       considered “the last straw” and manifests the often quoted “death of the
  ƒ Europe: GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation                                  third-party cookie” or “cookiepocalypse”.
  ƒ United States: CCPA – California Consumer Privacy Act;                             Overall, this development has been accelerated by the ever-increasing
    CDPA – Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act                                       adoption of mobile devices over the last few years. Mobile has historically
  ƒ Brazil: LGPD – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais                             offered even stronger limitations of third-party cookie usage than
                                                                                       desktop devices.
  ƒ South Africa: POPI – South Africa Protection
    of personal information                                                            Apple’s most recent IOS 14.5 update has changed its opt-in policy making
                                                                                       Apple products literally cookieless. Now developers must ask permission
These laws, and many more that are this close to being approved, are putting
                                                                                       before tracking iOS users for ad targeting.
consumers’ privacy and data protection front and center on a global level while
continuing to raise the bar for compliance.
                                                                                              “This opt-in requirement marks a big shift for smartphone users’
The European Union’s ePrivacy Directive, requires user consent for “non-essential
                                                                                              privacy because it makes developers responsible for addressing
storing of information”. Consequently, users have become accustomed to the
                                                                                              privacy, not users. It’s estimated that iOS users granting permissions to
ubiquitous consent banners popping up while browsing the web.
                                                                                              developers will experience a massive drop, from 70% to 10%.”
Consent will be integrated even more closely and seamlessly with future alternative
tracking technologies, and will remain the main focus for worldwide data protection
                                                                                       Needless to say, there is a sense of urgency to get ready for the
laws like GDPR, LGPD and CCPA / CDPA, and POPI.
                                                                                       cookieless shift.

Safe, Effective
Cookieless Solutions
While third-party cookies for targeting audiences will be phased out,
free internet needs efficient alternatives in order to sustain ad-based
business models and secure independent, quality journalism.

By and large, two major solutions can be identified to reach this goal:

1        Substitute third-party
         cookies with alternative                                         2   Contextual targeting:
                                                                              Skip personal data
         tracking technology to ensure                                        altogether for 100%
         continued individual-user and                                        privacy-friendly, legal
         behavioral ad targeting                                              targeting

Let’s take a closer look at both options.

1ST Approach:
Alternative Tracking Technology for
Individual-User and Behavioral Ad

Due to the growing legislation outlined above, user consent for storage
and processing of personal data is (and will remain) a permanent
requirement when formulating alternative cookieless solutions.

Whichever technology is implemented to replace third-party cookies, it
must respect individual user consent in compliance with ePrivacy, and
state or national legislation, via the likes of privacy data centers and
consumer-unique IDs that ensure transparency and control over each
users’ data across the entire (advertising) value chain.

Depending on the perspective on the industry, such technologies and
approaches can take on many different forms.

To name a few examples:

Demand Side

Login-based brand experiences such as loyalty             Proprietary Universal ID solutions                        Cohorts and Data Clean Rooms
programs, platforms and magazines or similar
                                                          Universal ID, or shared ID, solutions attempt to map      Data clean rooms are places where walled gardens
                                                          1:1 what was previously done with cookies by using        like Google, Facebook and Amazon share aggregated
This option requires a lot of resources to build,         first-party data and offline data to create a user        rather than customer-level data with advertisers,
distribute and promote but it comes with many             identifier (user ID).                                     while still exerting strict controls.
                                                          Key players in the global programmatic landscape are      First-party data from the advertiser is added to the
First off, collecting first-party data with a sign-in     offering their own Universal ID solutions. The Trade      same space in order to compare how it matches with
process can potentially help with tracking and analysis   Desk, for example, has its own proprietary                aggregated data from other platforms. With this
of Point of Sale (PoS) traffic and offline purchase       “Unified ID 2.0” technology which can be used by any      process, one can evaluate how different data sets
data. Login data is considered the highest standard       SSP, DSP or DMP. Its solution offers potential for very   match up, and then determine whether the right
of consumer data as it implies consent and accuracy,      high market penetration and net reach.                    ads are reaching the same audiences and how many
and it can be used as granular input for targeting and                                                              times.
                                                          There are other, similar offerings from the Advertising
                                                          ID Consortium, DigiTrust, and ID5. You can check out      Data clean rooms can deliver ad impression data at
Secondly, the level of insight can be vast due to         a full list of the top Universal ID companies here.       massive scale; however, they are expensive to build
the depth of data that can be sourced. Collecting                                                                   and working with large corporations like Google,
                                                          Many of these IDs are leveraging first-party cookie
and segmenting this data has the potential to give                                                                  Facebook and Amazon can be time consuming and
                                                          technologies and are available through’s
advertisers a high degree of understanding of their                                                                 complex. Discover more information on Cohorts and
                                                          header bidding stack.
audience and target groups.                                                                                         Data Clean rooms in our article “Cookieless Targeting

Supply Side

Unified Logins and First-party data                                                           Publisher consortiums

Just as advertisers strive to create closed, controlled ecosystems to help identify users     In a similar, yet technologically different approach, publishers are joining
permanently, publishers can use login IDs or single sign-on technologies to track users       forces, looking to deploy consent and first-party cookie based concepts
across devices and over time.                                                                 in an attempt to be able to track users across their digital offerings.

Email addresses, in particular, will become the main focus for publishers. It’s even more     This is how it works: consortiums provide a framework to include
valuable when consumers validate this data; for example, when a user signs up to              people-based identifiers in programmatic transactions and provide an
receive emails or text messages in return for a discount or other benefit.                    open and standardized pool of cookie IDs and device IDs.

They can be a suitable alternative for long term, reliable user identification, albeit with   An example from the German market would be Ad Alliance. Another
some drawbacks. For first-party targeting to be effective and accurate, one needs a lot       well-known company is the Advertising ID Consortium.
of data to gain enough insightful information combined with AI and machine learning.

One solution is joining a consortium or finding a first-party data partner to stay
profitable. In many regions, publishers and media houses join forces to expand the
reach of such systems across their combined inventory, for example, NetID in the
German market.

2ND Approach:
Contextual Targeting –
Skip Personal Data Altogether
for 100% Privacy-Friendly
and Legal Targeting

About a decade ago, when new concepts, then collectively dubbed as
“web 2.0” paved the way for user generated content, scalable SaaS-
offerings and flexible data management (“folksonomy”), topics like
contextual data and contextual targeting were en vogue. However,
the adoption of contextual data sources for targeting online ads never
became the definite choice – until now.

Contextual targeting today uses semantics, natural language processing
of on-page text, the URL and meta information, combined with artificial
intelligence and data processing in real time.

As cookies vanish from the scene, contextual targeting concepts are
quickly becoming an interesting and even superior targeting alternative.
The digital sector is focusing on quality editorial environments and this
is where contextual technologies really get to shine as they respect data
privacy legislation and help sustain independent editorial models.

5 Advantages of                                          How Does Contextual                             Looking at the user’s referrer opens up a rich
Contextual Targeting                                     Targeting Work?                                 set of possibilities. Having information on the
                                                                                                         website a user has browsed before visiting
                                                         Let’s underline the last point in the list of   the current page, provides an opportunity to
1.   Content is the vehicle which creates the            advantages:                                     analyze that very page as well, which does
     right environment for user awareness and                                                            not lead to one, but two different user groups
     engagement.                                         Contextual targeting removes the need to        as pieces of information about the current
                                                         profile and track individual users              user. And these are even in chronological
2.   Consequently, placing content and advertising       Cookieless targeting does not work with         order, which can be interpreted as a priority
     messages in the “right moment” maximizes            users but with user groups.                     against one another.
     brand awareness and campaign performance
                                                         User groups are identified by the particular    In practice, it is very unlikely for an individual
                                                         content of the website they are visiting        user to perform the exact same user journey
3.   Brands can easily learn which content drives                                                        over and over, which means that, despite the
     awareness and engagement and invest                 at a given moment, in combination with
                                                         additional properties that are not connected    absence of a frequency capping mechanism
     accordingly, in turn, increasing ad efficiency.                                                     in the traditional sense, it is very unlikely that
                                                         to the user as such, e.g. device type, OS,
                                                         browser, referrer (URL), etc..                  a user will be flooded with ads of the same
4.   Machine learning algorithms read, process,                                                          kind. While navigating the web, users jump
     expand and capitalize on the ever-changing          This means that users change the group they     from group to group and from moment to
     contextual moments. In other words, artificial      belong to depending on the website they         moment. In other words: from context to
     intelligence is a brand’s best friend, helping to   are surfing. On the one hand, implementing      context, while being served related ads along
     sift through the maze of available data points.     frequency capping is impossible. But on         the way.
                                                         the other hand, it’s not even necessary.
5.   Contextual targeting removes the need to            The advertisement that will be delivered        As a moment passes, it is unlikely for it to
     profile and track individual users.                 is determined by the user group that is         return in the exact same form - just like in
                                                         predicted (calculated) for the given website.   real life.
                                                         When a particular user switches to another
                                                         website, he/she changes user group and,
                                                         along with it, the campaign that is being
                                                         targeted for that user group.

Bottom Line
                                          Targeting Video Ads with                           moment, and are also likely to convert into
                                          ShowHeroes                                         an impression, gaining high view through
                                                                                             rates for the advertiser.
                                          Following the path of context-based ad             It works entirely without cookies and draws
                                          distribution, Showheroes Group offers rich         knowledge from aggregated performance
                                          performance gains over traditional targeting       data that cannot be connected to any real
 It turns out that without cookies,       strategies while respecting privacy and            user. For the sake of illustration, here’s an
 brands are actually able to present      personal data protection..                         analogy seen in e-commerce solutions to
                                                                                             cross-sell products regarding a well known
 more interesting, relevant ads to        Our core business has focused on
                                                                                             behavioral targeting approach:
                                          sustainable solutions with contextual
 users. Cookieless user tracking forces   targeting technology instead of identity           People who bought “X” were also
 solution providers and marketers         resolution methods as a means to deliver           interested in “Y”.
                                          precise audience profiling.
 to think deeper about their target                                                          Webpages on which ad campaign “X”
                                          As part of its video advertising solution,
 audiences’ needs and related user        ShowHereos has developed a yield
                                                                                             performed well, are also likely to deliver good
                                                                                             results for campaign “Y”.
 journeys.                                optimization system that takes into account
                                          the current website and the content video          This collaborative filtering approach
                                          played within an individual ad based on            generates a lot of data to be used for
                                          historical data. Combining these two factors,      campaign-based delivery optimization, while
                                          the ShowHeroes AdHero predicts which               simultaneously preserving user anonymity
                                          available campaigns and programmatic deals         and privacy.
                                          are eligible for a specific placement at a given


                                         Following suit, the cookie is literally crumbling under the weight of
                                         ever increasing technological requirements and privacy legislation As
                                         it continues to fall short of these, plenty alternatives are available to
                                         bridge that gap and ultimately improve on what once has been the de
                                         facto standard for an entire industry.
Despite the fact that Google, Facebook
and Amazon occupy “just under            While user tracking will still be available through a multitude of
                                         different technological approaches and in varying degrees of scope,
70% of all digital ad dollars spent”     reliability and effectiveness, all signals seem to be pointing in the
according to eMarketer, the market is    direction of contextual targeting as the leader of the pack for future
                                         targeting technologies. The fact that it does not rely on any personal
vast and heterogeneous as it keeps       user data whatsoever, gives it a huge advantage in terms of adoption.
evolving and becoming more complex.      With contextual targeting, there is virtually no risk involved with
                                         existing and future global data privacy legislation. Instead, it offers a
                                         wealth of benefits in terms of delivering online messages, including
                                         ads, to users in a way that respects and protects their privacy and
                                         personal data.

One More
Thing...   Are you an Advertiser?

           Do you want to learn more about cookieless,
           user-friendly targeting strategies and
           ShowHeroes solutions for advertisers?


           Are you a Publisher?

           Learn more about what
           ShowHeroes can do for you at

           Did you know that ShowHeroes Studios
           offers scalable, fast, tailor-made production of high
           quality video content?


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