Context-Aware Symptom Checking for Disease Diagnosis Using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning - Stanford InfoLab
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Context-Aware Symptom Checking for Disease Diagnosis Using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Hao-Cheng Kao∗ Kai-Fu Tang∗ Edward Y. Chang HTC Research & Healthcare HTC Research & Healthcare HTC Research & Healthcare haocheng kevin edward Abstract The primary goal of a symptom checker is to achieve high disease-prediction accuracy. Attaining the best possi- Online symptom checkers have been deployed by sites such as WebMD and Mayo Clinic to identify possible causes and ble accuracy requires full information about a patient, in- treatments for diseases based on a patient’s symptoms. Symp- cluding not only his/her symptoms, but also his/her medical tom checking first assesses a patient by asking a series of record, family medical history, and lab tests. However, an questions about their symptoms, then attempts to predict po- online symptom checker may only be able to obtain a list of tential diseases. The two design goals of a symptom checker symptoms, and therefore must rely on partial information. are to achieve a high accuracy and intuitive interactions. In This lack of information often means the online symptom this paper we present our context-aware hierarchical rein- checker cannot attain extremely high accuracy. At the same forcement learning scheme, which significantly improves ac- time, even obtaining a list of symptoms in a user friendly curacy of symptom checking over traditional systems while manner is a challenge, since there are over one hundred dif- also making a limited number of inquiries. ferent medical symptoms, and few patients may be willing to fill out such a long symptom questionnaire. Consequently, Introduction this problem leads to the second requirement for an effective With the quantity of information available online, self- symptom checker, good user experience. The primary con- diagnosis of health related ailments has become increas- sideration in achieving good user experience is for a symp- ingly prevalent. According to a survey in 2012 (Semigran tom checker to make only a limited number of inquiries. et al. 2015), 35% of U.S. adults in the U.S. have attempted The design goal is then to maximize information gain when to self-diagnose their ailments through online services This only a limited number of symptom inquiries can be made to process often starts by searching a particular symptom on a achieve high diagnosis accuracy. search engine. While online searches have fast accessibility In previous works (Kononenko 2001; Kohavi 1996; and require no cost, search quality can potentially be dis- Kononenko 1993), Bayesian inference and decision trees as satisfactory since search results could be irrelevant, impre- well as entropy or impurity functions were proposed to se- cise or even incorrect. lect disease symptoms and to perform diagnoses. However, As stated in (Ledley and Lusted 1959), there are three these works generally considered only local optimums by components in a disease diagnosis process: (i) medical some means of greedy or approximation schemes. These ap- knowledge, (ii) signs and symptoms presented by the pa- proaches often result in compromised accuracy. Expert sys- tient, and (iii) the final diagnosis itself. We refer to such tems are also used in medical diagnosis systems (Hayashi processes as symptom checking, and refer to an agent ca- 1991). In this regime, rule-based representations are ex- pable of performing such diagnoses as a symptom checker. tracted from human knowledge or medical data. The final In a symptom checker, a medical knowledge base serves as inference quality depends on the quality of the extracted the source of medical knowledge, which depicts the proba- rules. For example, in (Hayashi 1991), if-else rules are ex- bilistic relationship between symptoms and diseases. An in- tracted from fuzzy neural networks learned from medical ference engine is responsible for formulating symptom in- data. Their rule-based representation focuses on knowledge quiries, collecting patient information, and then performing acquisition and does not pursue a shorter section of interac- diagnosis by utilizing both the individual’s information and tions with users. Our prior work (Tang et al. 2016) proposes the medical knowledge base. If the prediction confidence is neural symptom checking, adopting reinforcement learning not high, the inference engine may suggest conducting rel- to simultaneously conduct symptom inquiries and diagnose. evant lab tests to facilitate diagnosis. Finally, the diagnosis The optimization objective captures a combination of in- process outputs a list of potential diseases that the patient quiry length and diagnosis accuracy. Though our top-1 accu- may have. racy reaches 48% (for 73 diseases), which is higher than the ∗ The first two authors contributed equally to this paper. 34% average accuracy achieved by online services surveyed Copyright c 2018, Association for the Advancement of Artificial by a Harvard report (Semigran et al. 2015), substantial room Intelligence ( All rights reserved. exists for further improvement. (Table 1 presents details.)
Online Services #Diseases Accuracy Reinforcement Learning Formulation Esagil 100 20% We regard a symptom checker as an agent solving a sequen- MEDoctor 830 5% tial decision problem. This agent interacts with a patient Mayo Clinic N/A 36% as follows: Initially, the agent is provided with a symptom WebMD N/A 17% that the patient may have from the set of all symptoms I. This provided symptom is regarded as the initial symptom. Harvard Report (Avg.) N/A 34% In each time step, the agent chooses a symptom i ∈ I to inquire the patient about. The patient then responds to the Table 1: The current status of online diagnosis services eval- agent with a true/false answer indicating whether he/she is uated by the Harvard report (Semigran et al. 2015). The top- suffering from that particular symptom. At the end of the 1 accuracies of representative sites are shown in percentages. diagnosis process, the agent predicts a disease d that the pa- Note that Esagil and MEDoctor are the only services that ex- tient may have from the set of all diseases D. plicitly disclose the number of their supported diseases. The The goal of the agent is to use as few steps as possi- four listed services require a full list of the patients symp- ble while achieving high prediction accuracy. To this end, toms. our prior work in (Tang et al. 2016) employs reinforcement learning (Sutton and Barto 1998) and formulates this prob- lem as a Markov decision process (MDP). In this work, we introduce two novel enhancements to im- Formally, in time step t, the agent receives a state st and prove diagnosis accuracy. First, we introduce a latent layer then selects an action at from a discrete action set A accord- using anatomical parts. We employ hierarchical reinforce- ing to a policy π. In our formulation, A = I ∪ D. In each ment learning to use a committee of anatomical parts to time step t, the agent receives a scalar reward rt . If at ∈ I, make a joint diagnostic decision. While each anatomical part the agent performs an inquiry. If the inquiry is repeated, i.e., model is capable of selecting symptoms to inquire and diag- if at = at0 for some t0 < t, rt = −1 and the interaction nose within the expertise of its anatomical part, each can is terminated; otherwise rt = 0 and the state is updated ac- also inquire about different symptoms in a given state. Our cording to the response from the patient. If at ∈ D, the agent proposed model utilizes a master model to select the specific performs a disease prediction and the interaction is termi- anatomical part on which to perform inquiries at each inter- nated. In this case, rt = 1 if the predicted disease is correct; action step. Our second enhancement is to introduce con- otherwise rt = 0. text into the model and make our symptom checker context The goal is to find an optimal policy such that the agent aware. The contextual information includes, but is not lim- maximizes the expected discounted total reward, i.e., the ex- ited to, three aspects about a patient: who, when, and where. P∞ t0 −t pected return Rt = t0 =t γ rt0 , where γ ∈ [0, 1] is a The who aspect includes a person’s demographic informa- discount factor. The state-action Q-value function tion (e.g., age and gender), heredity (characterized by ge- netic data), and medical history. The when aspect can be Qπ (s, a) = E[Rt | st = s, at = a, π] characterized by a distribution of diseases in the time of is the expected return of performing an action a in a state s year. The where aspect can be characterized by a distribution following a policy π. Given that the Q-value is the sum of of diseases from coarse to fine location granularities (e.g., an immediate reward and a discounted next-step Q-value, it by country, city, and/or neighborhood). Any joint distribu- can be rewritten as a recursive equation: tions of any combinations of the who, when and where as- pects can be formulated and quantified into a context-aware Qπ (s, a) = Es0 [r + γEa0 ∼π(s0 ) [Qπ (s0 , a0 )] | s, a, π] model. Empirical studies on a simulated dataset show that our proposed model drastically improves disease prediction where s0 and a0 are the state and action in the next time step, accuracy by a significant margin (for top-1 prediction, the respectively. improvement margin is 10% for 50 common diseases1 and The optimal Q-value is the maximum Q-value among all 5% when expanding to 100 diseases). possible policies: Q∗ (s, a) = maxπ Qπ (s, a). Also, it can The rest of this paper is organized into five sections. be shown that the optimal Q-value obeys the Bellman equa- We first briefly review formulating symptom checking in tion: a reinforcement learning problem. We then introduce our Q∗ (s, a) = Es0 [r + γ max Q∗ (s0 , a0 ) | s, a]. 0 proposed hierarchical ensemble model of anatomical parts. a Next, we present the context-aware model. The experiment A policy π is optimal if and only if for every state and action, section presents our results. An earlier version of our symp- Qπ (s, a) = Q∗ (s, a). In finite MDPs, such optimal policy tom checker is employed in our DeepQ Tricorder (Chang always exists. Moreover, an optimal policy can be deduced et al. 2017), which was awarded second prize in the Qual- deterministically by comm Tricorder XPrize Competition (Qualcomm 2017). Fi- nally, we offer our concluding remarks. π ∗ (s) = arg max Q∗ (s, a). a∈A 1 The term common disease here means frequently occurred dis- Thus, some of the reinforcement learning algorithms use eases from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a function approximator to estimate the optimal Q-value dataset. through training (Mnih et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2016).
Tradeoff between Disease-Prediction Accuracy and is sp = [bT1 , bT2 , . . . , bT|Ip | ]T , i.e., the concatenation of one- Symptom Acquisition hot encoded statuses of each symptom. Moreover, we denote The discount factor γ controls the tradeoff between the num- the policy of each anatomical part model mp by πmp . ber of inquiries and prediction accuracy. Since in our formu- Our prior work (Tang et al. 2016) chose one anatomical lation, a correct disease prediction has a reward of 1 and an part model based on the initial symptom and the model was incorrect disease prediction has a reward of 0, the optimal used throughout the whole diagnosis process. This approach Q-value of a disease-prediction action (a ∈ D) is the proba- can bring about several issues. For example, it is possible bility of a patient having the corresponding disease. On the that the target disease does not belong to the disease set other hand, the optimal Q-value of an inquiry action (a ∈ I) of the chosen anatomical part. In addition, if only a single equals the current step reward plus the discounted expected anatomical part is considered, the other anatomical parts are future rewards (by the Bellman equation). When the Q-value not fully utilized. In the subsequent sections, we propose is optimal, the current step reward must be equal to 0 be- remedies to address these issues. cause no repeated action is occurred. Therefore, the net Q- value of an inquiry action is the discounted expected future Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning rewards. This value can also be regarded as the “discounted prediction accuracy.” To address the issue of fixing on one anatomical part, we Thus, when we choose an action based on the Q-values propose a master agent to assemble models of anatomical (of I and D), the discounted prediction accuracies (for in- parts. The main idea is to imitate a group of doctors with quiry actions) and the prediction accuracies (for disease- different expertise who jointly diagnose a patient. Since a prediction actions) are compared. From this perspective, per- patient can only accept an inquiry from one doctor at a time, forming more inquiries may result in a higher accuracy in a host is required to appoint doctors in turn to inquire the the future but such potential is penalized by the discount fac- patient. The master agent in our model acts like the host. tor γ. As a consequence, a disease-prediction action may be At each step, the master agent is responsible for appoint- chosen instead of an inquiry action. ing an anatomical part model to perform a symptom inquiry or a disease prediction. This approach essentially creates a Anatomical Ensemble hierarchy in our model by introducing a level of abstrac- tion since the master agent cannot directly perform inquiry To reduce the problem space, we can divide a human body and prediction actions. Instead, the master agent treats those into parts and the possible symptoms of each part is then anatomical part models as subroutines, and the duty of the much reduced to conduct inferences. There are at least two master agent is to pick one of the anatomical part models at ways to perform this divide-and-conquer: by medical sys- each time step. tems and by anatomical parts. Hospitals divide a body into systems including nervous, circulatory, lymphatic urinary, The concept of this two-level hierarchy can be described reproductive, respiratory, digestive, skin/integumentary, en- more precisely using reinforcement learning terms intro- docrine, and musculoskeletal. However, such division is not duced in the previous section. The first hierarchy level is a comprehensible by a typical user. Therefore, our prior work master agent M . The master M possesses its action space (Tang et al. 2016) devised our model to be an ensemble of AM and policy πM . In this level, the action space AM different anatomical part models M = {mp | p ∈ P}. equals P, the set of anatomical parts. At step t, the mas- There are eleven anatomical parts P = {abdomen, arm, ter agent enters state st , and it picks an action aM t from AM back, buttock, chest, general symptoms, head, leg, neck, according to its policy πM . The second level of hierarchy pelvis, skin}. The model mp of each anatomical part p ∈ P consists of anatomical models mp . If the master performs is responsible for a subset of diseases Dp ⊆ D. Similarly, action aM , the task is delegated to the anatomical model we denote the subset of the symptoms associated with mp mp = maM . Once the model mp is selected, the actual ac- by Ip ⊆ I. Note that the disease sets as well as symptom tion at ∈ A is then performed according to the policy of mp , sets may overlap between different parts. For example, the denoted as πmp . With this two-level abstraction, our model disease food allergy can happen in parts neck, chest, and ab- M is denoted as M = {M } ∪ {mp | p ∈ P}. domen. In the literature of hierarchical reinforcement learning, A neural network is employed as the Q-value estimator there is a framework called option (Sutton, Precup, and for each anatomical part model mp . The action set of mp is Singh 1999). An option hI, π, βi contains three components: Ap = Ip ∪ Dp . The state sp for mp is a combination of re- I is a set of states where this option is available, π is the lated symptom statuses. A symptom can be in one of three policy of this option, and β determines the probability of statuses: true, false, and unknown. The status of a symp- terminating the option in a given state. In this framework, a tom is true if the patient has responded positively about the master agent selects an option among all available options symptom or the symptom is the initial symptom. If the pa- in the current state. Then the chosen option gets to execute tient has responded negatively about a symptom, then the for a number of steps according to its policy π. In each time status of that symptom is false. Otherwise, the status is un- step we sample on β(s) with the current state s to determine known. We use a three-element one-hot vector2 bi to en- whether this option should be terminated. Once an option code the status of a symptom i. Formally, the state of mp has been terminated, the master agent selects a next option to execute. Our approach can be viewed as a simplified version 2 A vector v ∈ Bn is one-hot if P j vj = 1. of option. Each anatomical part model mp can be regarded
Name Type Input Size Output Size Algorithm 1: TrainingMasterModel FC1 Linear + ReLU |I| × 3 1024 × ω Input : {mp | p ∈ P} // Set of anatomical models FC2 Linear + ReLU 1024 × ω 1024 × ω {Ip | p ∈ P} // Set of symptom sets FC3 Linear + ReLU 1024 × ω 512 × ω AM // Action set of the master model FC4 Linear 512 × ω |P| DM // Disease set of the master model // Epsilon greedy parameter Table 2: The network architecture of our master model. γ // Discount factor δ // Termination threshold Output : θ // Parameters of the master model as an option hI, π, βi. The input set I is the set of all possi- Variable: x, target; // Data and ground truth ble states because every anatomical part model is available s, a, r, s0 , aM , cp, scp ; in all states. The policy π corresponds to πmp . The termina- θ− , y, loss; tion condition β always evaluates to be 1 since our master H; // Inquiry history model re-selects an anatomical model for each step. 1 begin Model 2 x, target ←− DataSampler() 3 s ←− InitializeState(x) As stated in the previous section, an optimal policy can be 4 H ←− φ obtained through an optimal Q-function. Therefore, to find 5 loss ←− ∞ the optimal policy, one approach is to find an optimal Q- 6 while loss > δ do function. One challenge of this approach is that the state and 7 if U nif ormSampler([0, 1)) < then action space are usually high in their dimensions. To address 8 aM ←− U nif ormSampler(AM ) this issue, Mnih et al. proposed a deep Q-network (DQN) 9 else architecture as a function approximator for Q-functions. 10 aM ←− arg maxa QM (s, a; θ) We adopt DQN as a model to approximate the Q-function 11 end of the master agent M . Given a state s, the output layer of the master model outputs a Q-value for each action a ∈ AM . At 12 cp ←− aM each step, the master model can pick an anatomical model 13 scp ←− ExtractState(s, Icp ) mp according to the Q-values of the master model. The 14 a ←− arg maxa Qmcp (scp , a) model mp = maM is selected when its corresponding ac- −1, if a ∈ H tion aM has the maximum Q-value among all actions. 15 r ←− 1, if a = target The master model consists of four fully connected (FC) 0, otherwise layers. The rectified linear units (ReLUs) (Nair and Hinton 16 if a ∈ DM or a ∈ H then 2010) are used after each layer except for the last. The width 17 x, target ←− DataSampler() of each layer is shown in Table 2. Note that since the size 18 s0 ←− InitializeState(x) of I varies across our experimental tasks, to cope with these 19 H ←− φ changes, we can adjust the width of each hidden layer by a 20 y ←− r linear factor ω. 21 else 22 s0 ←− U pdateState(s, x, a) Training 23 H ←− H ∪ {a} Individual anatomical part models are first trained by the 24 y ←− r + γ maxa0 QM (s0 , a0 ; θ− ) method of (Tang et al. 2016). Then, the master model can 25 end be trained after individual anatomical part models have been 26 loss ←− (y − QM (s, cp; θ))2 trained because training the master requires the inference re- 27 θ ←− GradientU pdate(θ, loss) sults of the parts. To train the master model, we use the DQN training al- 28 θ− ←− θ for every C iterations gorithm (Mnih et al. 2013). The loss function computes the 29 s ←− s0 squared error between the Q-value output from the network 30 end and the Q-value obtained through the Bellman equation, 31 return θ which can be written as 32 end Lj (θj ) = Es,a,r,s0 [(yj − Q(s, a; θj ))2 ], (1) where target yj = r + γ maxa0 Q(s0 , a0 ; θ− ) is evaluated by a separate target network Q(s0 , a0 ; θ− ) with parameters convergence, the target network is fixed for a number of θ− (Mnih et al. 2015). The variable j is the index of train- training iterations before θ− is updated to be θ. The parame- ing iteration. Note that if action a terminates the interaction, ters θ can be updated by the standard backward propagation yj = r. To evaluate the expectation in the loss function, we algorithm. sample a batch of (s, a, r, s0 ) tuples and use the mean square Algorithm 1 details the training algorithm of our master error as an approximation. To improve training stability and model. Before the interactive process starts, the state s is
initialized based on the initial symptom of a training exam- Here, we denote c = [cTage , cTgender , cTseason ]T . First, the ple. In the initialized state s, except for the initial symp- age information cage ∈ N is useful because some dis- tom being true, all other symptoms are unknown. To be- eases have higher possibilities on babies whereas some have gin a training iteration, we first infer the master action aM , higher possibilities on adults. For example, meningitis typ- which is essentially the anatomical part selected to be used ically occurs on children, and Alzheimer’s disease on the in this iteration. In training time, the balance of exploration elderly. Second, the gender information cgender ∈ B is im- (exploring unseen states) and exploitation (utilizing learned portant because some diseases strongly correlate with gen- knowledge to select the best action) is important. We choose der. For example, females may have problems in uterus, and to use epsilon greedy to cope with this: With probability , males may have prostate cancer. Third, the season informa- the master action aM is picked uniformly from AM ; other- tion cseason ∈ B4 (a four-element one-hot vector) is also wise, aM is assigned to the best action learned so far, i.e., helpful because some diseases (e.g., those transmitted by aM = arg maxa∈AM QM (s, a). mosquitoes such as malaria, dengue, filariasis, chikungunya, The next step is to infer the action of previously selected yellow fever, and Zika fever) are associated with seasons. anatomical model. For annotation simplicity, we shall de- Given the new state representation, our algorithm requires note the chosen part as cp = aM , and thus the selected to be modified slightly. In our definition, each action a has anatomical model is mcp . The state scp used by mcp is dif- two types: an inquiry action (a ∈ I) or a diagnosis action ferent from the state s used by M . This is because the symp- (a ∈ D). If the maximum Q-value of the outputs corre- tom set Icp is a subset of IM , the one used by the mas- sponds to an inquiry action, then our model inquires the ter model. We can obtain scp by extracting relevant symp- corresponding symptom to a user, obtains a feedback, and toms from s. Therefore, the inferred action given scp is proceeds to the next time step. The feedback is incorpo- a = arg maxa∈Acp Qmcp (scp , a). rated into the next state st+1 = [bTt+1 , cT ]T according to our With the action a emitted by mcp , we can interact with the symptom status encoding scheme. Otherwise, the maximum patient and update the state and the master model. In order Q-value corresponds to a diagnosis action. In the latter case, to update the state, the response of the patient is obtained our model predicts the maximum-Q-value disease and then and the next state s0 is updated accordingly. However, if a is terminates. repeated or a ∈ D, the interaction with the present patient is terminated. In this case, the next state s0 is set to a new initial Context-Aware Policy Transformation state created by a newly sampled patient. After the state is Previously, the model directly takes the contextual informa- updated, we can use Equation 1 to update the master model. tion into consideration. In this subsection, we propose an al- Note that a in Equation 1 is actually aM when we update the ternative direction. Given an optimal policy π ∗ , which does master model. not consider context, can we transform it to an optimal pol- The algorithm described above is the training procedure icy πc∗ , which does consider context? We call this approach for one example. However, using stochastic gradient descent the context-aware policy transformation. We shall prove this with one example can result in unstable gradients. We use a transformation holds under certain assumptions. batch of parallel patients to overcome this problem. At each step of training, each patient independently receives an in- Proposition 1. Let d, s, and c denote disease, symptom, and quiry or diagnosis and maintains its own state. Since the context, respectively. If we assume s and c are conditionally length of the interaction is not fixed, each patient can fin- independent given d, then ish its interaction at a different time. When the interaction of a certain patient is terminated, we can replace the old pa- p(d | s)p(c | d) p(d | s, c) = . tient with a newly sampled one on-the-fly. Therefore, the p(c | s) number of inquiries taken by each patient within a batch can Proof. be different. This makes a training batch more diverse and uncorrelated, resulting in a similar effect of replay memory p(s, c | d)p(d) (Mnih et al. 2013). p(d | s, c) = p(c | s)p(s) Modeling Context p(s | d)p(c | d)p(d) = To model context, we can modify the underlying MDP and p(c | s)p(s) state representation. The state is augmented with an extra en- p(d | s)p(c | d) = coding of contextual information, i.e., s = [bT , cT ]T , where p(c | s) b denotes the symptom statuses capturing the inquire history of the interaction and c denotes the contextual information possessed by a patient. Given a state s = [bT , cT ]T , our mas- ter model M outputs a Q-value of each action a ∈ AM . Now, let Q∗c denote the optimal value function consider- More specifically, the encoding scheme of b is the same ing context and Q∗ the optimal value function without con- as the original one. The newly enhanced part is the con- sidering context. We have the following lemma. textual information c that currently comprises the age, gen- Lemma 2. If πc∗ (s) ∈ D, then der, and season information of a patient. (Any other who, when, and where information can be easily incorporated.) πc∗ (s) = arg max Q∗ (s, a)p(c | a). a∈D
Proof. If arg maxa Q∗c (s, a) ∈ D, then S S Task |Dp | | p Dp | | p Ip | ω arg max Q∗c (s, a) = arg max E[1a=y | s, c] Task 1 25 73 246 1 a a∈D Task 2 50 136 302 2 = arg max p(d | s, c) Task 3 75 196 327 3 d Task 4 100 255 340 4 = arg max p(d | s)p(c | d) d = arg max Q∗ (s, a)p(c | a). Table 3: The settings of our four experimental tasks. a∈D Experiments From Lemma 2, we can see that if the action a chosen Medical data is difficult to obtain and share between re- from πc∗ is a diagnosis action (a ∈ D), the optimal policy searchers because of privacy laws (e.g., the Health Insur- πc∗ (considering context) can be obtained from the optimal ance Portability and Accountability Act; HIPAA) and secu- value function Q∗ (without considering context) by using rity concerns. While there are some publicly available elec- the posterior probability distribution p(c | d). Next, we ana- tronic health record (EHR) datasets, these datasets often lack lyze another case when the action is an inquiry action. symptom-related information. For example, the MIMIC-III Lemma 3. Assume γ = 1. If πc∗ (s) ∈ I, then dataset (Johnson et al. 2016) was collected at intensive care units without full symptom information. To evaluate our al- p(ŝ0 | s, c, a) gorithm, we generated simulated data based on SymCAT’s πc∗ (s) ≈ arg max Q∗ (s, a)p(c | s0 ) . symptom-disease database (AHEAD Research Inc 2017) a∈I p(ŝ0 | s, a) composed of 801 diseases. Each disease in SymCAT is associated with its symptoms Proof. Let y be the target disease. If arg maxa Q∗c (s, a) ∈ and probabilities, i.e., p(s | d). We further cleaned up the set I, then of diseases by removing the ones that do not appear in the arg max Q∗c (s, a) = arg max Es0 ∼p(s0 |s,c,a) [p(y | s0 , c)] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) database a a∈I (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2017) and the p(y | s0 )p(c | y) ones that are logical supersets of some of the other diseases = arg max Es0 ∼p(s0 |s,c,a) indicated in the UMLS medical database (National Institutes a∈I p(c | s0 ) 0 of Health 2017). The resulting probability database consists p(s | s, c, a) p(y | s0 ) = arg max Es ∼p(s |s,a) 0 0 of 650 diseases. a∈I p(s0 | s, a) p(c | s0 ) Next we assembled four sub-datasets for four experimen- p(ŝ0 | s, c, a) tal tasks, each containing a different number of diseases. ≈ arg max Q∗ (s, a). With the aid of experts, we manually classified each dis- a∈I p(ŝ0 | s, a)p(c | s0 ) ease into one or more anatomical parts. For each anatom- ical part, we reserved its top 25, 50, 75 and 100 diseases in terms of the number of occurrences in the CDC records. Table 3 shows the detailed numbers of our four tasks. The five columns depict the task name, the number of diseases in Lemma 3 states that when πc∗ selects actions from I, the each anatomical part, the number of diseases in the union of transformation will require three probability distributions all anatomical parts, the number of symptoms in the union p(c | s), p(s0 | s, a), and p(s0 | s, c, a). From Proposition 1, of all anatomical parts, and the value of parameter ω in our we have network. Note that a disease may occur in more than one anatomical part, which is the reason why the number of dis- X p(c | s) = p(d | s)p(c | d) d∈D eases in the union set is less than the sum of diseases in all X parts. = Q∗ (s, d)p(c | d). For training, we generated simulated patients dynamically d∈D by the following process. We sampled a target disease uni- formly. Then for each associated symptom, we sampled a In practice, p(c | d) can be available and therefore p(c | s) Boolean value indicating whether the patient suffers form can also be available. However, the other two distributions that symptom using a Bernoulli distribution with the proba- p(s0 | s, a) and p(s0 | s, c, a) are the transitions of MDPs bility taken from the database. For those symptoms that are with and without context which may not be available. not associated with the chosen disease, we performed the Remark 1. Although the theoretical result of policy trans- same sampling process with a probability of 0.0001 to intro- formation from π ∗ to πc∗ is established, in practice, the MDP duce a floor probability so as to mitigate the negative effect transitions p(s0 | s, a) and p(s0 | s, c, a) may not be avail- of a erroneous response. If the given patient does not have able, and γ may be unequal to 1. In these cases, we can still any symptoms, the symptom generation process starts from use Lemma 2 to transform the disease-prediction probability scratch again. Otherwise, an initial symptom is picked uni- in the last diagnosis step. formly among all sampled symptoms. In all tasks, we used
Tasks Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Best Prior Work Hierarchical Best Prior Work Hierarchical Best Prior Work Hierarchical Best Prior Work Hierarchical (Tang et al. 2016) Model (Tang et al. 2016) Model (Tang et al. 2016) Model (Tang et al. 2016) Model Top 1 48.12 ± 0.15 63.55 ± 0.15 34.59 ± 0.11 44.50 ± 0.11 25.46 ± 0.08 32.87 ± 0.09 21.24 ± 0.07 26.26 ± 0.07 Top 3 59.01 ± 0.15 73.35 ± 0.13 41.58 ± 0.11 51.90 ± 0.11 29.63 ± 0.08 38.02 ± 0.09 24.56 ± 0.07 29.81 ± 0.07 Top 5 63.23 ± 0.15 77.94 ± 0.13 45.08 ± 0.11 55.03 ± 0.11 31.82 ± 0.09 40.20 ± 0.09 26.15 ± 0.07 31.42 ± 0.07 #Steps 7.17 ± 0.02 7.15 ± 0.01 7.06 ± 0.01 5.73 ± 0.01 5.98 ± 0.01 5.14 ± 0.00 6.94 ± 0.01 5.01 ± 0.00 Table 4: Experimental results on anatomical model (Tang et al. 2016) and our proposed hierarchical model. The top-n accuracies are shown in percentage with a 99% confidence interval. Inquiry Stage # Without Context Context-Aware Step Selected Part Inquired Symptom Response 1 Urinary tract infection Kidney stone 2 Kidney stone Benign blood in urine 1 General symptoms Symptoms of prostate False 3 Benign blood in urine Venous insufficiency 2 Chest Painful urination False 4 Gastroesophageal reflux disease Abdominal hernia 3 Chest Side pain True 5 Venous insufficiency Metastatic cancer 4 Back Fever False 5 Back Blood in urine True 6 Back Nausea True Table 6: Top-5 diagnosis with/without context. The patient is a man whose age is between 45 and 59 and suffers from Diagnosis Stage kidney stone. Top 5 Disease 1 Kidney stone 2 Urinary tract infection is small (25 and 50), our model outperforms our prior work 3 Problem during pregnancy by at least ten percentage points in top-1, top-3, and top-5 4 Sprain or strain results. When the number of candidate diseases is large (75 5 Acne and 100), our accuracy outperforms by at least five percent- age points. Table 5: An interaction sequence. The target disease is kid- ney stone and the initial symptom is frequent urination. Example To demonstrate that our master model utilizes the power of different anatomical part models, we display the details of ten million mini-batches, each consisting of 128 samples for one diagnosis session in Table 5. Note that our prior work training. (Tang et al. 2016) fails to diagnose this patient. Table 5 We separately produced a testing dataset using the above shows that our master model first chooses to use general procedure without generating the floor probability (i.e., the symptoms. After three rounds, our master model is able to probability for symptoms that are not associated with the focus on the most relevant part, back, and select that model chosen disease is 0). We sampled 10, 000 simulated patients to produce a correct prediction. for each disease in the testing dataset for each task. Since training our 11 part models is time-demanding, we Context-Aware Policy Transformation used DeepQ Open AI Platform (Zou et al. 2017) to manage We evaluate the context-aware policy transformation by us- our training process. The auto-scaling and task management ing Lemma 2. The context considered in our experiment in- features of this platform enabled us to conduct our experi- cludes age and gender3 . To transform a policy, we are re- ments in parallel. Also, the visualization feature helped us quired to evaluate p(c | d). Assuming age and gender are monitor the progress of training conveniently. independent given that the target disease is known, p(c | d) Table 4 compares the experimental results of our proposed equals p(age | d)p(gender | d). Note that age is a non- model with the best results of our prior work (Tang et al. negative real number, which makes the probability continu- 2016), which enjoys the top result published thus far. For ous and hard to evaluate. To make p(age | d) discrete, we each task, four numbers are reported. They are top-1 accu- quantized ages into several bins, each representing a non- racy, top-3 accuracy, top-5 accuracy, and the average number overlapping range of ages. We then obtained those probabil- of inquiries over all symptom-checking interactions. Each ities from SymCAT’s disease database. After that, for each of the top-n accuracy numbers represents the percentage of simulated patient in the test dataset, we sampled a gender top-n predictions containing the target disease. All numbers and an age range according to the probabilities p(gender | are reported along with 99% confidence intervals. d) and p(age | d). We next show some examples demon- As shown in Table 4, the accuracy of our proposed ensem- strating how context can influence diagnosis, and then pro- ble scheme is significantly higher than that of the previous model. The average number of symptom inquiries made is 3 Note that other contextual information such as season can be also slightly lower. When the number of candidate diseases applied using the same methodology as well.
# Without Context Context-Aware Models Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 1 Metastatic cancer Osteoporosis Hierarchical Model 76.16 57.51 32.18 33.76 2 Chronic constipation Metastatic cancer Context-Aware Model 83.62 63.37 36.58 37.96 3 Abdominal hernia Chronic kidney disease 4 Chronic kidney disease Decubitus ulcer Table 9: An ablation study of context-aware policy transfor- 5 Gastroesophageal reflux disease Venous insufficiency mation and a comparison of top-5 accuracy on hierarchical and context-aware model. Table 7: Top-5 diagnosis with/without context. The patient is a 75+ woman suffering from osteoporosis. viously. The comparison of hierarchical model and context- # Without Context Context-Aware aware model on the chosen diseases is presented in Table 9. We can see that the accuracy is improved by at least three 1 Osteoporosis Decubitus ulcer percentile with context-aware policy transformation in this 2 Spondylosis Venous insufficiency ablation study. 3 Lumbago Chronic ulcer 4 Decubitus ulcer Colorectal cancer 5 Venous insufficiency Spondylosis Conclusion We have shown that the proposed master model can orches- Table 8: Top-5 diagnosis with/without context. The patient trate anatomical part models to jointly perform symptom is a 75+ man suffering from osteoporosis. checking. This hierarchical ensemble scheme significantly improves diagnosis accuracy compared to our prior work (Tang et al. 2016), while making a similar or fewer number vide the result of an ablation study on the effect of context- of symptom inquiries. aware transformation. When considering contextual information, we have shown Table 6 demonstrates a case where context refines the re- that there are two different ways to integrate contextual in- sult. Without contextual information, the top-1 prediction formation. One way is to treat context as an input to the based solely on the interaction process is inaccurate. If we model, the other is using context-aware transformation. We consider the gender of this patient, we can rule out urinary demonstrated the benefit of such transformation by some tract infection since it is relatively rare in males. As a result, qualitative cases when the result can be refined by strong the target disease kidney stone becomes the top-1 after the hints from context. context-aware transformation. In Table 7, we show another case in which context fixes the incorrect diagnosis result. If the predictions do not con- sider context, the top-5 predictions do not include the target disease. When context is considered, osteoporosis is boosted since instances of osteoporosis have a distribution that tends towards women rather than men. In this case, the context- aware prediction results in a correct top-1 prediction. Conversely, in Table 8 we provide a failure case due to context-aware transformation. In this case, osteoporosis is successfully diagnosed without context. However, due to the fact that this patient is a male, which is relatively less often to have osteoporosis, the context-aware transformation mis- leads the diagnosis by suppressing the probability of osteo- porosis. We further conducted an ablation study to investigate the usefulness of the context-aware policy transformation. In this study, we chose a set of diseases that are influenced by contextual information, and did not include diseases that are evenly distributed among genders and age ranges. The cho- Figure 1: XPRIZE DeepQ Tricorder. DeepQ consists of sen diseases in this study were problem during pregnancy, four compartments. On the top is a mobile phone, which prostate cancer venous insufficiency, actinic keratosis, lung runs a symptom checker. The drawer on the right-hand-side cancer, skin cancer, chlamydia, and heart failure. As exam- contains optical sense. The drawer on the lower-front con- ples of contextual influence, problem during pregnancy is tains vital sense and breath sense. The drawer on the left- only associated with females, while prostate cancer is only hand-side contains blood/urine sense. The symptom checker attributable to males. Venous insufficiency is unlikely to oc- guides a patient on which tests to conduct. cur in children. We created another test set that only con- tains the chosen context-influenced diseases and evaluated In our future work, we plan to further improve accuracy the top-5 accuracy of our hierarchical models trained pre- by exploring three approaches.
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