Contents of antinutritional factors in different faba bean cultivars - @scenoprot

Page created by Mario Mcgee
Contents of antinutritional factors in different faba bean cultivars - @scenoprot

             Contents of antinutritional
              factors in different faba
                   bean cultivars

Contents of antinutritional factors in different faba bean cultivars - @scenoprot
Hemp seed processing               Fermented quinoa           Phytochemicals and
                                    and buckwheat               antinutrients of
                                                               protein rich plants

       Enzymatic treatment            Fermentation using                  Analysis of
           Oil removal                different lactic acid           antinutrient and
           Germination                  bacteria strains            phytochemical levels
                                                                       from faba bean,
                                                                       lupin, rapeseed
                                                                      press cake, hemp
                                                                    seed, buckwheat and
       Evaluation of protein           Protein digestion                   quinoa
        solubility and other            and availability
             features                  analysis by using
                                       Infogest method

                                                                  Results from different plants
  Development of several concept                                          published in:
           products                                            “Contents of phytochemicals and
                                      Product development           antinutritional factors in
                                                                 commercial protein-rich plant

                                                                                   12.3.2021      2
Contents of antinutritional factors in different faba bean cultivars - @scenoprot
•   Seven faba bean cultivars
•   Three collection points
•   Vicine/convicine, trypsin inhibition, condensed
    tannins, lectins and phytic acid

                                                      12.3.2021   3
Contents of antinutritional factors in different faba bean cultivars - @scenoprot
Vicine and convicine                Trypsin inhibitors                 Condensed tannins
 toxic to the persons suffering     can limit protein availibility.   can have positive and negative
   from genetic loss of one       Especially when faba bean used            effects to the health.
 enzyme. Otherwise non-toxic.                 as feed.                Compromise intake of proteins,
                                                                      polysaccharides and metal ions.
                                                                      Can inhibit bacterial growth and
                                                                          thus ruminal digestion.

          Lectins                         Phytic acid
 can cause food poisoning like    chelates metal ions like iron and
symptoms when consumed high            calcium making them
           amounts.                         unavailable.

                                                                                          12.3.2021   4
Vicine and convicine

•   Tiffany is known low level variety.
    Genetical background known.
•   Vroma also had low levels of vi/co when
    fully maturated
•   Gloria had relatively low level of
    convicine when fully maturated.
•   Young seeds contain more than

                                              12.3.2021   5
Trypsin inhibition

•   Age do not effect
•   Overall, Tiffany and Julia shows
    strongest trypsin inhibition,
    Talia and Gloria mildest.

                                       12.3.2021   6
Condensed tannins

•   Talia and Gloria are zero-tannin
    varieties (white flower)
•   Tiffany and Julia contain most
    when seeds are young
•   In line with the trypsin inhibition

                                          12.3.2021   7

•   Lectins were analysed by mixing faba
    bean extract with red blood cells
•   Differences are more related to cultivar
    than age
•   Sampo and Julia contained the most
•   Least lectin was in Vroma

                                               12.3.2021   8
Phytic acid

Phytic acid levels are low when
seeds are young as expected.
No significant differences between

                                     12.3.2021   9
Oligosaccharides                                       100

    Oligosaccharides causes
    stomach pain                                          0
                                                              Sampo     Louhi     Gloria    Vroma   Tiffany     Talia    Julia

•   Some interesting cultivars,                                         Glucose        Sucrose       Fructose

    like Louhi when fully                                               Raffinose      Stachyose     Verbascose

•   Green beans are rich in                   2.8                                                     16.8
    sucrose           50
                           Sampo Louhi Gloria Vroma Tiffany Talia   Julia            Gloria   Vroma Tiffany      Talia   Julia

                                                                                                                   12.3.2021     10
     Feed preservation reduce
 Vicine and convicine nearly disappear                                      - 100
 with fermentation
 Reduction of tannins
 Variety: Kontu
 Rinne et. al. 2020: Fermentation quality of ensiled crimped faba beans
 using different additives with special attention to changes in bioactive

                                                                            - 82 %
                               - 29 %

•   Tiffany is safe for vicine/convicine regard
•   Talia and Gloria could be potential for animal feed since low tannin and
    trypsin inhibition levels.
•   Vroma contained lowest level of lectin. However safe level for lectin is not
•   Phytic acid levels are at its lowest when beans are used young and green.

                                                                    12.3.2021   12
Jarkko Hellström
Juha-Matti Pihlava
Minna Kahala
Pirjo Mattila
Anne Pihlanto
Academy of Finland

                     Thank you!
Apetit Oyj

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