Compound risks and complex emergencies require new approaches to preparedness - PNAS

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Compound risks and complex emergencies require new approaches to preparedness - PNAS

                                           Compound risks and complex emergencies
                                           require new approaches to preparedness
                                           A. Kruczkiewicza,b,1, J. Kloppc, J. Fisherd,e, S. Masona, S. McClainf, N. M. Sheekhg, R. Mossh,
                                           R. M. Parksi,j, and C. Braneonk,l

                                           Increasingly, we face compounding and interrelated                         institutions to be proactive, agile, and socially just when
                                           environmental, socioeconomic, and political crises.                        confronted with increasingly likely compound risks.
                                           Yet our approaches to these problems are often siloed,                         Because the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
                                           fragmented, and inadequate. The current pandemic,                          emergency is a protracted crisis that entails waves
                                           for instance, continues to collide with a number of other                  of infections over several months, the pandemic will
                                           threats to human life and livelihoods. These include                       inevitably continue to collide with other social and
                                           violent conflicts, displacement, insect swarms, droughts,                  environmental shocks and disruptions, leading to in-
                                           heat waves, and structural inequality in the form of racism                creased risk of compound disasters (1). Globally, we
                                           and gender discrimination. We believe we are at a critical                 have seen both extended and acute periods of stress
                                           juncture, faced with a need and responsibility to redesign                 on social and government systems driven by the

                                           We need to redesign institutions to be proactive, agile, and socially just when confronted with compound risks that have
                                           become increasingly likely. Image credit: Dave Cutler (artist).

                                             International Research Institute for Climate and Society, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964; bRed Cross Red Crescent
                                           Climate Centre, The Hague, The Netherlands; cCenter for Sustainable Urban Development, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY
                                           11025; dAdvanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY 11025; eNetwork
                                           for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 739-8530, Japan; fNational Aeronautics and Space
                                           Administration, Washington, DC 20024; gIntergovernmental Authority on Development, Djibouti, Djibouti; hPrinceton University, Princeton, NJ
                                           08544; iThe Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY 11025; jMailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032;
                                            NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY 11221; and lSciSpace, LLC, Bethesda, MD 20817
                                           The authors declare no competing interest.
                                           Published under the PNAS license.
                                           Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and have not been endorsed by the
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                                           National Academy of Sciences.
                                             To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
                                           Published May 5, 2021.

                                           PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 19 e2106795118                                                                        | 1 of 5
COVID-19 pandemic as well as other natural and so-             risk assessments such as the Words Into Action
                                                                     cial hazards. When coupled with economic shocks,               Guidelines and the MIRA—as with many humanitarian
                                                                     political fragility, and conflicts, these multiple stressors   assessments—relate to issues of sovereignty, integra-
                                                                     become concurrent drivers of complex emergencies               tion, and timing (5). Other guidelines and processes
                                                                     that severely challenge domestic and international             related to risk assessment also exist within other orga-
                                                                     emergency response. Such crises present a need to              nizations. For example, the International Federation of
                                                                     better understand compound risks and prioritize col-           Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), World
                                                                     laborative action—we need to address neglected risk            Bank and UN entities such as the World Food Pro-
                                                                     assessment challenges around communication, fund-              gramme (WFP), World Meteorological Organization
                                                                     ing, governance, and social justice (2).                       (WMO), and Office for the Coordination of Humani-
                                                                         Thus, while the world continues to grapple with            tarian Affairs (OCHA), have operational protocols for
                                                                     the COVID-19 pandemic, we must draw on existing                preemptive action conditioned on inherently uncertain
                                                                     knowledge and frameworks to ensure that disaster risk          forecasts (6, 7).
                                                                     management can address compounded risks. We                         Although these guidelines and protocols have led
                                                                     must learn from the current crisis to prepare better           to advancements in disaster-risk reduction at the global
                                                                     resource-deployment strategies, governance direc-              level, it’s not clear how well they apply to compound
                                                                     tives, and policy responses. These responses, in turn,         disasters. For example, gaps exist in guidance specific
                                                                     must connect to short- and long-term risk manage-              to prioritization of resources for various disaster impacts
                                                                     ment strategies, especially for ongoing, emerging,             occurring at local levels (such as communities, cities,
                                                                     and future compound risk scenarios that are often              districts) within multi-hazard scenarios across a larger
                                                                     not adequately addressed.                                      geographic scale (8). At the same time, the ability to
                                                                                                                                    anticipate and respond is constrained by a lack of
                                                                     Risk Reduction Frameworks and Funding                          available resources at the right place at the right time,
                                                                     Increasingly, COVID-19 and other types of emergen-             limited governance and accountability, and an under-
                                                                     cies, such as violent conflict, have forced the risk           estimation of uncertainty in forecasts for both climate
                                                                     community to consider hazards across timescales,               and societal impacts, including social, economic, po-
                                                                     from several hours to multi-year and beyond, and see           litical, and infrastructural. The COVID-19 crisis further
                                                                     these hazards as both shocks and stressors (i.e., a            decreases disaster resilience and thus increases base-
                                                                     longer-term strain on resources). The growing intensity        line risk and the potential scale of impacts on systems,
                                                                     of these compound events—as well as the heightened             lives, and livelihoods, which in turn increases vulnera-
                                                                     vulnerability related to COVID-19 and associated               bility to future disasters.
                                                                     stress on existing disaster-response capabilities—                  To make better use of risk information, we need
                                                                     demand quick action that entails both cooperation              sustainable, flexible funding mechanisms from a replen-
                                                                     and creative, integrated approaches to assessment,             ishable pot at national and/or global levels. This is
                                                                     communication, funding, and governance.                        something organizations have started to consider and
                                                                         Frameworks to guide priorities for disaster-risk as-       in some cases initiate. For example, the IFRC, with
                                                                     sessment exist, each often associated with different           support from the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate
                                                                     actors and timing of a crisis. The United Nations Office       Centre and German Red Cross, has implemented
                                                                     for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) acts as the sec-           Forecast-based Financing (FbF) since 2015 and in 2018
                                                                     retariat for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk            established a multilateral funding mechanism for an-
                                                                     Reduction (2015–2030), which provides a multi-hazard           ticipatory action that expands the scope of the IFRC
                                                                     approach to understanding risk. Though the framework           Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF). Similarly, until
                                                                     itself is not intended to assess risk, a variety of global     recently, the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund
                                                                     private and public organizations worked together to de-        was almost exclusively used for activities in response
                                                                     velop multiple implementation guides for how to ap-            to disasters and emergencies (7). Building a financial
                                                                     proach the goals and indicators it sets forth. These           mechanism that is distinct from project and develop-
                                                                     Words Into Action Guidelines include a Risk Assessment         ment funds—one that disburses funds based on fore-
                                                                     for National Governments and use a multi-hazard ap-            casts of critical need and replenishes those funds based
                                                                     proach [including a range of biological hazards and cas-       on risk assessments of future impacts—has already
                                                                     cading events (3)].                                            produced some well-structured and governed mecha-
                                                                         Besides UNDRR, a number of other risk assess-              nisms. Examples include measures taken ahead of im-
                                                                     ment frameworks and tools exist across the UN                  pacts from flood in Bangladesh (9) and dzud (a period
                                                                     system, each intended to bolster coordination and              of extreme drought and cold) in Mongolia (10). We
                                                                     cooperation of multiple inter-governmental organiza-           need to further develop such mechanisms to address
                                                                     tions, non-governmental organizations, national and            compound risks and complex emergencies.
                                                                     local governments. One such assessment is the Multi-
                                                                     sector Initial Rapid Assessment [MIRA (4)]. The MIRA           Pandemic Lessons Learned
                                                                     acts as a joint needs-assessment tool that works across        It’s critical to learn from pandemic-related compound
                                                                     the humanitarian cluster system to provide assessment          risks, both locally and globally. For instance, in April
                                                                     and analysis of needs, strategic response planning, and        2020, Tropical Cyclone Harold wreaked havoc on small-
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                                                                     resource mobilization to address vulnerability, risk, and      island developing states in the Pacific. The COVID-19
                                                                     disruption to lives and livelihoods. Primary limitations to    pandemic meant that emergency preparation and

                                           2 of 5 | PNAS                                                                                                                    Kruczkiewicz et al.
                                                                   Opinion: Compound risks and complex emergencies require new approaches to
response faced barriers—experts were not able to               underrepresented, and adversely impacted communities
                                           arrive in advance of the storm, nor could they ar-             (19). In summary, social justice must be a more central
                                           rive quickly afterwards (11). Furthermore, COVID-19–           part of our frameworks, assessment, and anticipatory
                                           related shifts in global and regional shipping and             action.
                                           transportation led to a lower than usual number of
                                           resources (such as personal protective equipment,              Taking Action
                                           food, masks) to be deployed immediately after the              We must also find ways to better communicate about
                                           storm, and national and international responders had to        compound risk and the need for improved assessments
                                           deal with quarantine restrictions both immediately after       to a wider public and policymakers. For members of the
                                           and at various intervals throughout response and re-           public to support and participate in emergency mea-
                                           covery (12, 13).                                               sures, they need to understand what’s at stake and how
                                                Similarly, the compounding impacts from a 5.3-            and why forward-looking action can be effective. To
                                           magnitude earthquake in Croatia last March led to a            mitigate impacts from future disasters, it is critical to
                                           complex set of dilemmas for many Croatians owing to            identify structural elements, whether political, cultural,
                                           the ongoing pandemic. Even as they sought to mini-             or economic, that hinder improved risk-assessment
                                           mize COVID-19 exposure by avoiding buildings and               processes and governance around compounding di-
                                           crowds, they sought to avoid dangerous building                sasters (20). Furthermore, risk assessments must better
                                           collapses as they fled from their homes into crowded city      capture the roles of decision making dynamics at mul-
                                           streets. How would this single disaster risk-reduction         tiple levels of government and how these dynamics
                                           action (fleeing their homes) increase the risk of an-          also influence risk reduction and crisis management
                                           other crisis, in this case a COVID-19 infection? Croatian      strategies.
                                           Minister of Health Vili Beros noted that although the              Researchers and policymakers can take multiple steps
                                           earthquake is dangerous, “coronavirus is more so.” His         to better our response. Collaborative dialogue among
                                           declaration raised additional questions about how to
                                           best prioritize actions in the face of multiple disasters
                                           (14). Such dilemmas suggest that the disaster-risk             To make this all work we need new forward-looking,
                                           community should start to compile insights for future          flexible funding mechanisms and strategies.
                                           compound risk scenarios. For example, lessons from
                                           both Cyclone Harold and the seismic event in Croatia
                                           could have been better applied in India and Bangla-            experts, decision makers, the media, and communities
                                           desh to prepare for Cyclone Amphan, by establishing            is critical for effective risk communication. In this era of
                                           quarantine protocols in advance that were designed             deliberate misinformation, it is especially important
                                           specifically for disaster responders (15).                     to partner with trusted community groups, engage in
                                                We must also identify “weak points” within critical       multiple communication approaches, and clearly com-
                                           infrastructures and socioeconomic networks that so-            municate what’s known, what’s not known, and why.
                                           cieties depend on (16). Understanding stress toler-            Cognitive science can help in understanding how to
                                           ances and vulnerabilities of these networks is key (17);       frame these narrative approaches in a way that takes
                                           it is likely that some disasters, such as pandemics, lower     into account mental models and biases and builds trust
                                           the resilience of these networks and expose them to the
                                                                                                          to drive action (21). We should move past merely pro-
                                           risk of critical failure, leading to weaker social and civic
                                                                                                          viding decision makers and citizens with potentially
                                           capital to leverage in crisis response, difficult economic
                                                                                                          useful data, such as overlapping maps of various hazard
                                           circumstances that reduce availability financial resources
                                                                                                          types; risk researchers should tailor their explana-
                                           in affected areas, and reduced capacity of critical infra-
                                                                                                          tions to the questions the public and decision makers
                                           structure such as hospitals. This would exacerbate the
                                                                                                          are asking—which many times are nonbinary in con-
                                           challenges for emergency response in a compound
                                                                                                          text and involve complex analysis of who, where, and
                                           disaster scenario. If these network stresses and thresh-
                                                                                                          when in prioritizing disaster risk preparedness and
                                           olds are misunderstood, there is a heightened risk of
                                           unanticipated cascading impacts resulting from subse-          response activities.
                                           quent effects on interconnected systems, such as food              We need to create and redesign the institutional
                                           systems (including production and distribution), health        rules and administrative structures of response orga-
                                           care, cultural norms, transportation networks, or, as          nizations and research institutions. They should be
                                           with COVID-19, supply chains and economic activity             able to nimbly integrate multiple types of data and
                                           as a whole.                                                    information into resource deployment and decision-
                                                COVID-19 has also emphasized how social dis-              making. Doing so successfully entails streamlining
                                           parities lead to differential impacts, a reminder that         bureaucratic channels for cross-organizational collabo-
                                           the Sendai Framework and current risk assessments              ration, as well as promoting organizational cultures that
                                           do not adequately address structural inequalities or           encourage cross-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder
                                           social injustice (18). For example, in the United States       planning. We can facilitate this by developing analyti-
                                           and other nations, much more could have been done              cal frameworks and planning strategies that are more
                                           to identify the potential direct and indirect impacts of       interdisciplinary and employ systems-thinking vis-a-vis
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                                           the COVID-19 pandemic on disadvantaged persons                 compound disasters and their cascading impacts. This
                                           and to prioritize impact assessments on underserved,           could include bringing in community groups and

                                           Kruczkiewicz et al.                                                                                                                     PNAS | 3 of 5
                                           Opinion: Compound risks and complex emergencies require new approaches to                          
universities, as well as convening discussions that break                is providing three to five grants of up to $15 million for
                                                                     down silos. Anticipatory action should be a top priority,                development of financial mechanisms focusing on
                                                                     with contributions from public health, climate science,                  lending operations to dampen the impact from com-
                                                                     social work, law, and other realms. This type of en-                     pound shocks (24).
                                                                     hanced collaborative network approach has been in-                           Additional areas that need funding include 1) com-
                                                                     creasingly used in peace-building and natural-resource                   bined natural and social scientific core research on dy-
                                                                     management, for example, in areas impacted by min-                       namics of compound disasters, especially in complex
                                                                     ing, environmental contamination, climate change, and                    emergency settings, 2) urgent and/or short-term tech-
                                                                     social conflict (22).                                                    nical assistance for governments and other frontline
                                                                         Diverse cooperative networks should be involved,                     actors, and 3) longer-term secondments for researchers
                                                                     such as religious groups and neighborhood-focused                        to work in operational settings, as well as for decision
                                                                     grassroots organizations. For example, environmental                     makers to contribute to research agendas and projects
                                                                     justice organizations such as West Harlem Environ-                       that address pressing problems on the ground. This
                                                                     mental Action, Inc. (WE ACT for Environmental Justice                    would support a two-way, iterative process between
                                                                     [WEACT]) in northern Manhattan provided advice,                          research and action that improves both.
                                                                     resources, and advocacy for vulnerable citizens in the                       Finally, but very importantly, concerns about social
                                                                     face of extreme heat and COVID-19 (23). With a                           justice and inequities should be integrated into each
                                                                     paucity of governance structures for risk assessments                    of the recommendations above. The COVID-19 crisis
                                                                     that are specific to compound risk scenarios and                         once again highlights that social disparities linked to
                                                                     complex emergencies, we have an opportunity and a                        racism and exclusion enhance vulnerability to other
                                                                     responsibility to build these in an equitable and                        risks (25). These inequalities heighten the risk and
                                                                     inclusive way.                                                           magnitude of compound disasters and complex
                                                                         To make this all work we need new forward-looking,                   emergencies, severely impacting the very commu-
                                                                     flexible funding mechanisms and strategies. These                        nities that are least equipped to handle them. This
                                                                     strategies should incentivize and strengthen the ability                 compounding effect, as COVID-19 has made abun-
                                                                     of institutions (public, private, civic, and academic)                   dantly clear, makes society as a whole more vulner-
                                                                     that currently work on specific risks to cooperate on                    able. Governments and institutions would be wise to
                                                                     risk assessment and disaster preparation that address                    devote more resources to addressing the social in-
                                                                     compound risks. Current funding tends to focus on                        justice and structural inequalities that lead to this
                                                                     single-hazard types of disasters, such as floods, heat                   vulnerability in the first place.
                                                                     waves, and the effects of volcanic ash. However, there
                                                                     are signs of change, with initial steps from organiza-                   Acknowledgments
                                                                     tions such as the Global Risk Financing Facility, which                  We thank John Furlow for insightful discussion and comments.

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                                           19 United States Congress, Letter to HHS re racial disparities in COVID response.
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                                           Kruczkiewicz et al.                                                                                                                                PNAS | 5 of 5
                                           Opinion: Compound risks and complex emergencies require new approaches to                                      
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