Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies

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Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Competition Section 1st International
    Antitrust Conference 2021
        Speaker biographies
    In alphabetical order by first name, including session chairs
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Dr Adrian Majumdar, Partner, RBB Economics

Prior to taking his post at RBB, Adrian was the Deputy
Director of Economics (spending 6 months as acting
Chief Economist) at the UK competition authority, the
Office of Fair Trading (OFT), now part of the
Competition and Markets Authority.
Adrian is referenced in Who’s Who as “an
undisputable leader in the field” and “one of the
absolute best” when it comes to complex
investigations work, topping the rankings for EMEA
economists in 2019.
Adrian has advised on some of the leading
competition law cases in Europe, including Intel (for
AMD) and Post Danmark II. His experience includes
many Phase II mergers and other matters before the
European Commission and national competition
authorities around the world. Adrian has also
provided expert testimony under cross examination
and in the ‘hot tub’ before the UK Competition Appeal
Tribunal and other courts.
Adrian is a co-author of the textbook, UK Merger
Control, 2016 and several research papers published
by the UK competition authorities, covering selective
price cuts and fidelity rebates, buyer groups, cost
pass-through, and consumer savings from competition
policy. While at the OFT, Adrian was the principal
author of the Competition Act guidelines on Market
Definition and the Assessment of Market Power.

Aik Kor Sia, Aik Kor Sia, Chief Executive,
Competition and Consumer Commission of

Aik Kor is the Chief Executive and a Commissioner of
the Competition & Consumer Commission of
Aik Kor has served in various positions in the public
sector, including as a Justices’ Law Clerk to the Chief
Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court, Assistant
Registrar at the Supreme Court, Deputy Public
Prosecutor, District Judge of the Subordinate Courts,
and the Official Assignee & Public Trustee at the
Insolvency and Public Trustee’s Office at the Ministry
of Law. From 2005 to 2010, Aik Kor was seconded to
then Competition Commission of Singapore, where she
served as its first Director (Legal & Enforcement).
Aik Kor read law at the London School of Economics
and Political Science, University of London and holds a
Masters of Law from Harvard Law School.
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Anna Morfey, Partner, Hausfeld

Anna Morfey is a solicitor-advocate whose practice
focuses on all aspects of contentious EU and
competition law. Anna has a wealth of experience in
European and domestic antitrust investigations,
follow-on and stand-alone damages claims,
injunctions and merger transactions. Her current and
recent cases include acting for a number of corporate
clients in damages claims against the Trucks cartel,
acting for a major energy supplier in damages claims
against Prysmian further to the High Voltage Power
Cables cartel, acting for clients in damages claims
against the Automotive Bearings and Polyurethane
Foam cartels, and on several collective actions filed
and to be filed in the CAT. Anna also acted for the
original complainant in the Google Shopping case
intervening in support of the European Commission in
Google’s appeal to the General Court. Prior to joining
Hausfeld, Anna worked for two Magic Circle firms in
Brussels and London specialising in antitrust
investigations and defending cartel damages claims,
as well as representing complainants in the extensive
abuse of dominance cases into Microsoft conducted
by the EC, and General Court appeals, in the 2000s.

Anneli Howard QC, Barrister, Monckton Chambers

Anneli Howard is top-ranked by Chambers, Legal 500
and Who’s Who in six different disciplines:
Competition, EU law, Consumer law/Product Liability,
Public Administrative law, Aviation and
Telecommunications. In 2018 Anneli won The Legal
500 award for EU/Competition Junior of the Year and
was one of the Lawyer’s “Hot 100” in 2016. From 2005
to 2021, Anneli was a member of the AG Panels for
Public Administrative law and WTO/International
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Barry O’Donnell, Senior Economist, Competition
and Consumer Protection Commission

Barry is a senior economist in the Competition
Enforcement and Mergers Division of the CCPC,
where he has 15 years’ experience working on merger

Becket McGrath, Partner, Euclid Law

Becket advises clients on all aspects of EU and UK
competition law, with an emphasis on defending
companies against investigations, distribution issues
and merger control. Although he advises clients in a
broad range of sectors, he has a particular interest in
the media, technology and life sciences sectors. This
interest extends to the growing importance of public
interest and foreign investment reviews for these
sectors. He is a leading expert on distribution issues
raised by e-commerce, including in the context of
selective distribution, and has advised major online
retailers, marketplaces and brands on a wide range of
strategic competition issues.

Becket has worked in both London and Brussels
during his career and is qualified as an English
solicitor and Belgian advocaat. He has experience of
enforcing UK and EU competition law at a senior level
in the UK’s Office of Fair Trading (now the
Competition and Markets Authority) and retains good
links with enforcement agencies and regulators in the
UK and across the EU. Becket was previously
featured in GCR’s ‘40 under 40’ feature and is listed in
the latest Who’s Who Legal/Global Competition
Review directory of leading competition lawyers.
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Brendan Fee, Partner, Morgan Lewis

Brendan is a leader of the firm’s US antitrust practice
and represents market-leading US and international
companies in complex, high-stakes antitrust lawsuits.
He also counsels clients across various industries,
with a focus on life sciences and technology
companies, on their most sensitive competition law
issues. Brendan has been identified by, among other
publications, Chambers, Legal 500, Law360, and
Benchmark Litigation as a leading US antitrust lawyer.

Carole Begent, General Counsel, PSR

Carole is the PSR’s General Counsel and Head
of Regulatory and Competition Enforcement
and a member of the PSR’s executive team
inputting on the PSR’s policy approach. She
oversees antitrust and regulatory enforcement
case work and the PSR’s role in respect of the
Interchange Fee Regulation. Recent casework
of the PSR includes the CA98 case involving
pre-paid cards.

Previously she was Senior Legal Director,
Mergers, Markets and Regulatory Appeals at
the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
Between March 2000 and March 2014 Carole
was Deputy Chief Legal Adviser and Head of
International at the Competition Commission
(CC). She led the successful defense of CC
decisions, including appeals by BAA, Ryanair
and BSkyB to Court of Appeal. Earlier
experience includes secondment to the
Department for Transport in 2009 as Head of
Railway Infrastructure and Safety Legal
Division; and legal and policy roles at OFWAT
and ORR.
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Claire Jeffs, Partner, Slaughter and May

Claire is Co-Chair of the Competition Group globally
and works in Slaughter and May’s Brussels and
London offices.
Claire has extensive experience of both EU and UK
competition law. She has been involved in a large
number of high-profile merger cases before the EU
and UK competition authorities, as well as
coordinating merger approvals worldwide. On the
contentious side, she has been involved in many
cartel and other behavioural cases, including on
appeal to the General Court in Luxembourg.
Highlights include advising:
- Vodafone on its acquisition of parts of Liberty Global
- Shire on its takeover by Takeda
- Google in relation to the European Commission’s
antitrust investigation into allegations that certain of its
business practices in the search and advertising
sectors violate European competition rules.

Chris Pike, Managing Director, Head of Digital
Markets, Fideres

Chris joined Fideres in 2021. Before joining Fideres,
Chris worked as a Competition Expert for the OECD
where he led the economic thinking on antitrust and
regulation within digital markets, as well the role for
competition law & policy in delivering inclusivity. He
also led a working party of the OECD Competition
Committee in developing a new international
standard on competitive neutrality and a revision of
the standard on competitive assessment (in light of
the digitalization of the economy). Prior to the
OECD, Chris advised the UK government’s
Department of Trade & Industry on the benefits of
competition policy, and the UK Competition
Commission (predecessor to the Competition and
Markets Authority) on digital mergers, retail market
investigations and competition cases. He was an
advisor to the Co-operation and Competition Panel,
where he advised on mergers, market studies and
antitrust in publicly-funded healthcare markets, and
later became Director of Competition Economics at
the UK Healthcare Regulator. Chris holds a PhD, an
MA and BA in Economics from the University of
East Anglia where he was a founding member of
the Centre for Competition Policy. He remains an
associate of the Centre, a member of various
advisory boards at non-profit making organizations,
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
and peer reviews papers for the Journal of
Competition Law and Economics & the Journal of
Antitrust Enforcement.
Cristina Caffara, Senior Consultant, European
Competition, Charles River Associates

Dr Cristina Caffarra is an expert in competition
economics who has led for several years the antitrust
and regulatory team at Charles River Associates in
Europe. She has directed economic analyses in
multiple competition investigations on some of the
landmark mergers and antitrust matters of the past 20
years, before the EC and the competition agencies of
the UK, multiple Member States, and across the
globe. She has provided expert economic evidence in
multiple litigated cases before the courts (from the
General Court in Luxembourg to the High Court and
the Competition Appeal Tribunal in London, and many
more). She has advised both corporate clients and
government enforcers in multiple cases concerning
digital companies, media, telecoms, and more.

David Little, antitrust and regulatory advisor,
Latham & Watkins

David Little advises clients on many of their most
significant and complex UK, EU, and international
competition law matters, including merger control,
anticompetitive agreements, abuse of dominance, and
litigation. He regularly works with entities from across
industries, with a particular focus on the media,
technology, financial services, energy, and life
sciences sectors. David handles a range of multi-
faceted, cross-border matters, including mergers and
acquisitions, divestitures, and joint ventures, as well
as related foreign investment control reviews. He
represents clients before the key regulatory authorities
in disputes involving UK and European competition
law, including the European Commission and the UK
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), as well as
in court, including before the European Courts in
Luxembourg and the UK High Court. He also regularly
navigates both standalone claims and follow-on
damages claims on behalf of both claimants and
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Davina Garrod, Partner - EU/UK Competition and
Regulatory Group, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer &
Feld LLP
Davina Garrod is recognized by Legal 500 for her
“encyclopedic understanding of competition and
merger control laws” and her “in-depth understanding
of the regulatory landscape in markets.” She advises
multinationals, corporates, financial institutions and
trade associations on mergers, acquisitions, joint
ventures, strategic alliances and restructurings.
With more than 24 years’ experience, in addition to
conducting multijurisdictional merger control analyses,
navigating and obtaining antitrust and regulatory
approvals for complex transactions within and outside
of the EU, and negotiating remedies packages,
Davina represents leading sovereign wealth funds,
private equity (PE) firms, global institutional asset
managers and banks in the context of their strategic
and financial investments (transactional and
Dirk Middelschulte, Global General Counsel,

Dirk Middelschulte has been Global General Counsel
Competition at Unilever, based in Brussels, since
2017. He started his career in private practice before
joining Deutsche Bahn AG at its headquarters in
Berlin in 2006 as in-house counsel for IP, regulatory
and competition law and led the group’s antitrust
advice & compliance team from 2010 onwards. Dirk
moved to Danone in Paris in 2015 as Global
Compliance Director, prior to joining Unilever. He
holds a doctorate in law from the University of Mainz
and acts as a non-governmental advisor to the
European Commission in the International
Competition Network.
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, Professor of
Competition Law and Economics; Dean for
International, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, Queen Mary University of London

Professor Ioannis Kokkoris holds a Chair in
Competition Law and Economics at the Centre for
Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of
London, UK. He is also the Dean for International for
the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Professor Kokkoris is an expert on competition law and
economics. His main research interests span all areas
of competition law and policy including comparative
competition law/economics and policy focusing on EU,
US, BRICS and ASEAN. Professor Kokkoris has
formerly served at the UK Competition and Markets
Authority, DG Competition, European Commission and
US Federal Trade Commission. Professor Kokkoris
has led and worked on funded projects by the
European Commission, the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, the
OECD, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
in Europe and other international institutions. He is a
special advisor to a number of competition authorities
globally and frequently advises companies on
competition enforcement issues in a number of
Isolde Goggin, Chairperson, Irish Competition and
Consumer Protection Commission

Isolde Goggin is the Chairperson of the CCPC. Isolde
was originally appointed a Member of the Competition
Authority in July 2010, and in October 2011 she was
then appointed Chair of the Authority and designate
chair of the CCPC.
Previous to this she was Commissioner and then
Chairperson of Ireland’s Commission for
Communications Regulation.
Before joining ComReg, Isolde was Director of the
Regulated Markets Division at the Competition
Authority. She began her career in with Eircom as an
engineer, and later moved into business management
and then regulation, working with Eircom, DG
Information Society of the European Commission and
Isolde holds a First Class Honours engineering
degree, a Master’s in Business Administration, a
Postgraduate Diploma in European Competition Law,
and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of
Competition Section 1st International Antitrust Conference 2021 - Speaker biographies
James Marshall, Partner, Covington and Chair,
Competition Section

James Marshall advises on all aspects of competition
law and sector regulation and regularly counsels
clients on merger control, investigations and
enforcement, commercial deals, abuse of dominance,
sector regulation, and compliance. Earlier in his
career, James worked with the UK Competition and
Markets Authority (CMA), where he helped develop
the UK’s antitrust and regulated sector enforcement
regimes. Clients turn to James to help them find
innovative solutions to complex antitrust enforcement,
merger and counselling matters, particularly in
regulated sectors.
James represents clients before UK, EU, and global
regulators across a number of industries and has
particular expertise in the infrastructure, energy,
transport and utilities sectors. He has also advised on
numerous complex global financial services cases,
and has strong experience advising in the consumer,
digital, communications, and sports sectors.
John Davies, Executive Vice President, Compass

At Compass Lexecon, John has advised clients on a
wide range of competition matters, with a particular
focus on pharmaceuticals and the tech sector. He has
advised on Phase I merger investigations by the UK
CMA and DG Competition, as well as Phase II
mergers in Brussels. He has advised clients both
defending against and bringing claims of abuse of
dominance in the UK and Brussels and is an expert
witness in follow-on claims arising from the E.C.
power cables cartel case. He was also co-author of a
major report on the competitive effects of standard-
setting organizations. He is joint head of Compass
Lexecon’s London office.
John Fingleton, Founder and CEO, Fingleton

John Fingleton is the Founder and CEO of Fingleton,
which helps business leaders and investors in all
sectors expertly navigate strategic regulatory issues.
He previously ran both the UK Office of Fair Trading
(now the Competition and Market Authority), and the
Irish Competition Authority. He also chaired the
International Competition Network.
Please let us know if anything more is needed.

Jonathan Scott, Chair and Non-Executive Director,
Competition and Markets Authority

Jonathan was appointed Non-Executive Director of
the Competition and Markets Authority Board on 1
October 2016 and as Chair on 9 October 2020.
He is also a Non-Executive member of the Press and
Assessment Board of the University of Cambridge, the
Chairman of Governors of The Perse School in
Cambridge and the Chairman of The Remuneration
Committee of St Catharine’s College Cambridge.

Previous career highlights include:
   • Setting up the Brussels office of Herbert Smith
       and subsequently leading the competition
       group for 12 years

Senior Partner and Chair of Herbert Smith and post-
merger, Herbert Smith Freehills, a leading global law
firm. He led the firm’s European Union and
Competition practice until 2007 and has chaired the
firm’s Global Partnership Council, responsible for
management and strategic decisions since 2010. He
retired as Chair and as a partner in 2015.
Joseph Bell, Partner, Oxera

Joseph is an expert adviser in the field of competition
litigation, with extensive experience providing
economic analysis for both Claimants and
Defendants. He currently heads Oxera’s follow-on
anti-trust damages practice in the UK, with a focus on
collective actions. Joseph has led economic analyses
in relation to a wide range of competition matters
including cartels, information exchange, and abuses of
a dominant position.
He has a particular specialism in matters that require
the application of empirical analysis to assess
underlying competition issues or harms. A qualified
accountant as well as an economist, Joseph
frequently leads Oxera teams that combine
econometric and financial analysis in evaluating the
competitive effects of disputed conduct. In this
capacity, Joseph has led projects providing evidence
to competition authorities (including the CMA and the
European Commission) and national courts in the UK,
Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands. He has
experience of providing expert testimony in the UK
and to the European Commission and regularly
contributes to Oxera’s EU-sponsored courses on the
quantification of competition damages for member
state judges.
Providing advice across a wide range of industry
sectors, Joseph has particular experience working in
the fields of payments services and telecoms. Prior to
joining Oxera, Joseph worked in BT Group’s finance
division and conducted a research project at the Bank
of England.

Julia Brockhoff, Head of Unit, European
Commission's Directorate-General for Competition

Julia Brockhoff is Head of Unit at the European
Commission's Directorate-General for Competition
(DG COMP), in Unit A.2 in charge of merger case
support and policy. Until end of March 2021, she
headed DG COMP’s Communications Policy unit.
Prior to that, she held a number of different positions
in DG COMP, including those of Human Resources
Business Correspondent, Deputy Head of Unit in the
merger case support and policy unit, and Assistant to
the Director General with responsibility for Antitrust
and Mergers. Before joining the European
Commission at the end of 2007, she worked in private
practice in the Netherlands. Ms Brockhoff is a fully
qualified German and Dutch lawyer. She holds a law
degree from the University of Trier and an LL.M. from
the College of Europe in Bruges. She is fluent in
German, English, Dutch and French.

Keith Jones, Partner, Baker McKenzie and vice-
chair, Competition Section

Keith Jones co-heads the EU, Competition & Trade
Practice Group of Baker McKenzie's London office
and has extensive experience in UK and EU
competition law. He is a member of Baker McKenzie’s
Competition team and Competition Litigation Unit.
Keith has published a number of articles on
competition litigation and is co-author of
the Competition Litigation, Europe.

Kevin Coates, Senior of Counsel, Covington

Kevin Coates advises clients on critical antitrust
matters drawing on his extensive public sector
experience in the Directorate-General for Competition
of the European Commission ("DG COMP"), most
recently as Head of a Cartel Unit.

His practice has a particular focus on advising
companies in the electronics, technology, software
and e-commerce sectors.

Kevin advises on all aspects of EU, UK and
international competition law, including merger control,
compliance, cartels and leniency, and abuse of
Luis Gomez, Partner, Baker McKenzie

Luis Gomez serves as partner in the London office's
EU, Competition & Trade Department. He advises on
general competition and merger control law at both
the EU and UK levels, as well as varied competition
issues in a wide range of industry sectors, including
the oil and gas, mining, chemicals, infrastructure,
agribusiness, media, consumer goods and financial
services sectors.

Luis is co-author of "State Measures and Public
Bodies" in PLC’s EC and UK Competition Law
Practice Manuals and lectures on Distribution and
Licensing as part of the King’s College Diploma on EU
Competition Law. He joined Baker McKenzie in 1994
and became a partner in 2003.

Luisa Affuso, Chief Economist, Ofcom

Luisa is Ofcom’s Chief Economist. She is a member of
the Executive Board and Head of the Economics
Group- a group of over 80 economists who help to
ensure Ofcom’s decisions are underpinned by expert
economic analysis.
Luisa has over twenty years of experience in the
application of competition, regulatory, and industrial
economics. Her main area of expertise is the
application of economic and econometric analysis to
complex competition and regulatory questions. She
has advised on a large number of cases including
mergers, abuse of dominance and restrictive
horizontal and vertical agreements, as well as
damages litigation from antitrust infringements, market
studies and market investigations, and State aid.
Marcus Bezzi, Executive General Manager,
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission

Marcus has been an Executive General Manager at the
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
(ACCC) since early 2009. He is responsible for the
ACCC’s Specialized Enforcement & Advocacy
Division; this division enforces cartel laws, manages
the ACCC’s International engagement, coordinates the
ACCC advocacy network and runs the ACCC
intelligence unit. It also has responsibility for the
ACCC’s work in units established to focus on
substantial lessening of competition, agriculture,
commercial construction and financial services.
Marcus has a background as a government and private
sector lawyer. He was General Counsel at the ACMA
for three years and a Senior Executive Lawyer at the
Australian Government Solicitor for ten years.

Margaret Kyle, Chair in Intellectual Property and
Markets for Technology, MINES ParisTech

Margaret Kyle is a noted authority on competition and
intellectual property in the pharmaceutical industry.
Her research includes the role of geographic and
academic spillovers in R&D productivity, firm-specific
and policy determinants of the distribution of new
products, and competition from generic drugs.
Women@Competition named Professor Kyle among
forty notable women competition professionals in their
In her recent work, Professor Kyle has examined the
impact of trade and intellectual property policies on
R&D investment and competition. In the context of
COVID-19, she has analyzed how incentives can
promote the development of new medical
technologies and advance the rapid manufacture of
tests and treatments.
Maria Jaspers, Director for Cartels, DG

Since autumn 2020, Maria Jaspers is the Director of
the Cartel Directorate of the Directorate General for
Competition of the European Commission (DG
Competition). Prior to this appointment, she was the
Head of Unit of the Antitrust Policy and Case Support

She joined the European Commission and DG
Competition in 2001 and worked in different units
dealing with antitrust policy and enforcement issues
before starting her management career as the Deputy
Head of the (then) Antitrust and Merger Case
Coordination Unit in 2007.

Maria Jaspers is a Swedish lawyer and has a Master
of European Law from the Europa-Institut in
Saarbrücken, Germany. Before joining the European
Commission, she spent two years in private practice in

Maria Ouli, Competition Section Committee
member and Antitrust and Anti-Corruption
Compliance, JPMorgan
Martijn Snoep, Chairman, Netherlands Authority
for Consumers and Markets (ACM)

Since September 1, 2018, Martijn Snoep has been the
Chairman of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers
and Markets (ACM). Mr. Snoep obtained his law
degree from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Until his
appointment at ACM, he worked at De Brauw
Blackstone Westbroek for 28 years. Operating from
both their Amsterdam and Brussels locations, Mr.
Snoep gave advice to businesses about the
application of competition law in the Netherlands and
abroad. As managing partner, he stood at the helm of
the firm between 2010 and 2016.

Masaru Ogo, Deputy Secretary General for
International Affairs, Japan Fair Trade
Commission (JFTC)

Masaru Ogo is the Deputy Secretary General for
International Affairs of the Japan Fair Trade
Commission. He took this position in July 2020.
After joining the JFTC in 1992, he has served in
various important positions in the JFTC and
accumulated distinct experiences, especially in the
investigation arena, including as Director of
Investigation Division V, Director of Special
Investigation Division and Director of Management
and Planning Division in the Investigation Bureau. He
also served as First Secretary at the Permanent
Delegation of Japan to OECD from 2000 to 2004.

Matt Evans, Partner, DLA Piper

Matt Evans is recognized as a leading adviser on UK
and EU competition law, focusing on both merger
control and behavioural matters. Prior to joining DLA
Piper in London, Matt led the UK antitrust &
competition team at a US law firm. On transactions,
Matt represents clients before the Competition and
Markets Authority and European Commission to
obtain regulatory clearance for mergers and
acquisitions and joint ventures. On the behavioural
side, Matt advises on investigations into
anticompetitive agreements and practices, including
cartels and supply arrangements, market
investigations, abuses of dominant position and
subsidy controls. He has extensive experience
advising clients on e-commerce, in particular on
structuring brand owners' distribution arrangements.
He works with clients in a range of sectors, including
energy, healthcare, telecoms, technology, music,
betting and gaming, fast moving consumer goods and
real estate.

Matt has authored or co-authored numerous articles,
including more recently the implications of Brexit for
M&A deals and the rights of the UK government to
review and block acquisitions of businesses trading in
the UK and raising public interest concerns. Matt was
the 2019-2020 Chair of the Competition Section
committee of the Law Society of England & Wales.

Dr. Michael Grenfell, Executive Director
Enforcement, Competition and Markets Authority

Dr Michael Grenfell is an Executive Director on the
Board of the Competition and Markets Authority – the
UK’s primary competition and consumer agency –
where he is responsible for enforcement of
competition and consumer laws. He joined the CMA
in January 2014, where he was initially a Senior
Director for competition in the regulated sectors,
before moving to his current position in July
2015. Before he joined the CMA, he was a solicitor in
private practice for 25 years, specialising in UK and
EU competition law and sector regulation, including,
from 1998 to 2013, as a Partner at the international
law firm Norton Rose Fulbright. He has written and
broadcast widely on competition, regulatory and
consumer issues, and was co-author of Coleman and
Grenfell on The Competition Act 1998 (OUP). He has
an M.A. in history and law from Cambridge University,
and a Ph.D in political thought from the London
School of Economics.
Nelson Jung, Partner, Clifford Chance

Nelson Jung specialises in EU and UK competition
law across a wide range of industry sectors.

Nelson rejoined the firm from the UK's Competition
and Markets Authority where he was the Director of
Mergers Group. He previously held a number of senior
positions at the CMA's predecessor, the Office of Fair
Trading, including Director of Competition
Enforcement and Head of Mergers.

Nelson is a member of the core leadership team for
the firm's Tech Group.

Nigel Seay, Partner, Head of Competition, Travers
Smith LLP

Nigel is the head of the Travers Smith LLP
Competition Group. Nigel advises on UK, EU and
multi-jurisdictional merger control matters, as well as
the full range of behavioural UK and EU competition
law matters. Nigel also has a significant competition
litigation practice before the English courts. He has
sector knowledge across a variety of industry sectors
including financial services, technology, automotive,
industrial goods, construction/building supplies and
Nigel is consistently recognised in the Chambers and
Legal 500 directories, as well as in the GCR Who's
Who Legal: Competition guide.
Okeoghene Odudu, Deputy Director of the Centre
for European Legal Studies, University of

Dr Odudu returned to Cambridge in September 2006
as Herchel Smith Lecturer in the Faculty of Law. In
Cambridge he served as Deputy Director of the
Centre for European Legal Studies from September
2006 until December 2010 and since 2008 has been
co-editor of the Cambridge Yearbook of European
Legal Studies. From September 2004 to September
2006 he was Lecturer in Competition Law at the
School of Law, King's College London, teaching EU
Competition Law and US Antitrust, having previously
been Fellow in Law at Downing College, Cambridge.
He read law as an undergraduate at Sidney Sussex
College, Cambridge, and received an MA in
Criminology from Keele University (funded by the
ESRC), before moving to Keble College, Oxford, to
engage in competition law research. The research into
aspects of Article 101 TFEU was funded by the AHRB
and supervised by Professor Paul Craig; a doctorate
(examined by Professor Stephen Weatherill and
Professor Richard Whish) was conferred in 2003.

During his time as a doctoral student, Dr Odudu was
awarded a Scholarship by the Kennedy Memorial
Trust and spent a year at the European Law Research
Center, Harvard Law School, conducting research on
various aspects of US Antitrust. He has recently
returned from a period of leave in the 2011-2013
academic years, having been awarded a British
Academy Mid-Career Fellowship to conduct research
into the application of competition law to NHS
institutions in England.

Omar Shah, Partner, Morgan Lewis

Omar Shah is a partner in the Global Antitrust &
Competition at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. He
represents clients on antitrust matters, particularly
those involving the intersection of competition law with
intellectual property and life sciences regulation as
well in merger control procedures and in complex
global cartel investigations and civil proceedings for
damages for breach of antitrust laws. His practice
involves representing clients before UK, EU, and other
competition authorities, courts, and tribunals and in
commercial and regulatory litigation proceedings,
including judicial reviews.
Robert O’Donoghue QC, Barrister, Brick Court

Robert O'Donoghue QC has extensive experience of
competition law, EU law, utility regulation, and related
aspects of commercial and public law. He has
appeared in major cases in the High Court,
Competition Appeal Tribunal, Court of Appeal,
Supreme Court, EU Courts, Irish courts, international
arbitral bodies, and in oral hearings before competition
authorities and sectoral regulators in these
matters. He also frequently gives expert evidence on
his areas of expertise in foreign courts and arbitral
bodies, including in class actions in Canada and
Israel, as well as litigation in Sweden. Whilst his
practice focuses mainly on private clients, Robert also
frequently acts for and advises public authorities
within and outside the EU, including in Hong Kong,
Australia, and Ireland. Robert is also a full member of
the Brussels Bar, and so retains full rights of audience
in the EU Courts and the courts of the EU Member

Ruchit Patel, Partner, Ropes & Gray

Ruchit Patel is an antitrust partner in the firm’s London
Office. Ruchit advises some of the largest companies
in the world on matters before the European
Commission, UK Competition and Markets Authority,
UK sectoral regulators, UK High Court, He also has
litigation experience before the UK Competition
Appeal Tribunal.
Ruchit also has significant experience advising clients
on antirust law matters in Asia. His clients include
technology, financial services, private equity,
healthcare companies, amongst others.
In 2020, Ruchit was included in GCR’s list of the top
young antitrust lawyers in the world: the 40 under 40.
Ruchit is also recognised in Chambers UK as an “up
and coming” individual in the area of competition low,
and Global Competition Review notes he is a “Future
Samantha Mobley, Partner, Baker McKenzie

Samantha Mobley is a partner in the EU, Competition
& Trade Practice of Baker & McKenzie's London office
and she is a member of the London office
Management Committee. She headed the Baker &
McKenzie's Global Antitrust and Competition Group, a
team of over 300 competition and antitrust specialists
worldwide for six years.
Samantha has extensive experience in all areas of EC
and UK competition law including merger control and
investigations. She regularly advises the boards of UK
plcs in numerous industry sectors on antitrust
compliance matters.

Sarah Cardell, General Counsel, Competition and
Markets Authority

Sarah Cardell was appointed as General Counsel at
the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in
September 2013. She heads the CMA’s Legal
Service which provides legal advice across the CMA’s
functions. She is also a member of the CMA’s senior
executive team and is the legal advisor to the CMA’s
Previous career highlights include:
•   Partner in the Competition Group at Slaughter and
    May, where she advised across a wide range of
    EU and UK merger and antitrust cases.
•   Legal Partner of the Markets Division at Ofgem,
    where her responsibilities included leading on
    competition law matters.
Satyen Dhana, Partner, Simmons & Simmons

Satyen is a Partner and head of the Simmons &
Simmons Competition, Antitrust & Trade group. He is
also a co-chair of the Simmons & Simmons race and
ethnicity network, EMerge.

Professor Sean Ennis, CCP Director and Professor
of Competition Policy
Centre for Competition Policy and Norwich
Business School
University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park

Sean Ennis has extensive experience in competition
law and policy. From 2003-2018, he was a Senior
Economist in the Competition Division of the OECD.
For two years during this time, he served as Executive
Director of the Competition Commission of Mauritius,
where he was the chief executive in charge of running
an independent competition authority. Prior to 2003 he
worked as an economist at the European
Commission’s DG Competition and at the U.S.
Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, developing
economic analyses for competition law investigations.
Sean has published research studies and reports and
provided capacity building related to a broad range of
business activities (including regulated industries,
digitalisation, financial and professional services,
communications, media and health care). He has
presented expert views to the European Parliament
and the UK Parliament. His studies or statements
have been submitted to or published by economics
journals and organisations such as the G20, the
European Parliament, the OECD and the World Bank.
He has co-authored or overseen reports for regulatory
and government agencies in Australia, Greece,
Mexico, Romania, the United Kingdom and the United
He has been involved in competition law and
regulatory proceedings including with the European
Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice and the
U.S. Federal Communications Commission.

Sophia Real, Competition Counsel, Google

Competition Counsel in Google's EMEA Competition
Team, based in Brussels. Before joining Google,
Sophia spent more than 10 years working as a
competition lawyer in private practice in London,
Rome and Brussels, at Freshfields Bruckhaus
Deringer and then at Baker McKenzie, advising clients
in relation to abuse of dominance and merger control
cases. At Google, Sophia advises her internal clients
on all aspects of competition law, with a particular
focus on competition law issues in Germany.

Steven Salop, Professor of Economics and Law,
Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington,

Steven Salop is a Professor of Economics and Law at
the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington,
DC, where he teaches antitrust law and economics and
a Senior Consultant to Charles River Associates. His
research and consulting focuses on antitrust,
competition, and regulation. He has written numerous
articles in various areas of antitrust and competition
which take a modern “Post-Chicago” approach,
including a number of articles on vertical mergers and
other exclusionary conduct. Professor Salop earned a
BA degree at University of Pennsylvania, Summa Cum
Laude and an M.Phil. and PhD in Economics from Yale
Tom De La Mare QC, Barrister, Blackstone

Throughout his career Tom has worked in a wide
range of areas. Tom has presented his cases in the
ECJ/CJEU/General Court, the ECtHR, the House of
Lords/Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and most
divisions of the High Court.

On the public law side most of Tom’s current work is
for claimants. But Tom was on the Attorney-General’s
‘A’ Panel of Counsel until he took silk in 2012 (and
before that the B and C Panels); he also acted as a
Special Advocate in a significant number of national
security cases, starting with the Belmarsh case and
culminating in the Binyam Mohammed litigation. Tom
was appointed as the Special Adviser to the
Constitutional Affairs Select Committee when it
reviewed the use of Special Advocates.

After completing pupillage in Blackstone Chambers in
1996 Tom won the Bristow Scholarship which enabled
him to work for c.9 months in the EU institutions,
working both in the Commission Legal Service and in
the Cabinet of AG Jacobs.

Tom is recommended in both of the leading
independent legal directories, Chambers and Partners
2019 and The Legal 500 2018, and is also ranked in
Chambers Global 2017 in Competition/EU. In addition,
he has been recognised as the Legal 500 2019 Silk of
the Year for EU and Competition.
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