Community and Social Infrastructure Audit - Mill Road SHD

Page created by Dustin Bradley
Community and Social Infrastructure Audit - Mill Road SHD
Community and Social
Infrastructure Audit

Proposed Strategic Housing Development

                        Social Infrastructure Audit for a
                        proposed Strategic Housing
                        Development (SHD) of 274 no. units
                        on lands at Mill Road, Saggart, Co.

                        Manahan Planners

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Community and Social Infrastructure Audit - Mill Road SHD
1     INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 0
2     AREA CONTEXT .................................................................................................................................. 0
3     Relevant planning Guidance ................................................................................................................ 0
    3.1      South Dublin County Development Plan 2016-2022................................................................. 0
    3.2      Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy RSES (EMRA) ........................................................... 0
4     DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF RATHCOOLE AND SAGGART ....................................................... 0
    4.1      Population Profile ........................................................................................................................ 0
    4.2      Age Profile .................................................................................................................................... 0
    4.3      Commuting ................................................................................................................................... 0
5     EXISITING COMMUNITY FACILITIES ............................................................................................. 0
    5.1      Infrastructure Index ...................................................................................................................... 1
    5.2      Open Space .................................................................................................................................... 1
    5.3      Education ....................................................................................................................................... 1
    5.4      Healthcare & Social Services ........................................................................................................ 1
    5.5      Childcare services .......................................................................................................................... 1
    5.6      Retail Services ............................................................................................................................... 1
    5.7      Employment Centres .................................................................................................................... 1
6     CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 1

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Community and Social Infrastructure Audit - Mill Road SHD
 This Report accompanies a Strategic Housing Development (SHD) planning
 application to An Board Pleanála by Tetrach Residential Limited for residential
 development of 274 no. units on lands at Mill Road, Saggart, Co. Dublin

 The purpose of this report is to provide an audit of the existing community facilities
 within a radius of 1m and 2km from the subject site at Mill Road.

 The proposed Strategic Housing Development (SHD) will comprise of 274 no. new
 homes on a 4.6 hectare site. The development includes a mix of terraced homes,
 duplexes, and two apartment blocks of 5 storeys and part 8 storeys and a crèche
 organised around a system of local roads and home zones which weave through the
 development, creating a residential network of paths and streets. Car parking for 276
 no. cars and 634 no. bicycle parking spaces are located throughout the site.

 The residential units will consist of:

    17 no. 2-bedroom                    2 no. 1-bedroom            62 no. 1-bedroom
     houses                               duplexes                    apartments

    27 no. 3-bedroom                    17 no. 2-bedroom           119 no. 2-bedroom
     houses                               duplexes                    apartments

    7 no. 4-bedroom                     19 no. 3-bedroom           4 no. 3-bedroom
     houses                               duplexes                    apartments

 The report first provides information of population and demographic profile
 occurring within the Settlement Areas of Saggart and Rathcoole.

 The report identifies that the site and its immediate residential area is supported by
 established neighbourhood centres which contain a wide range of facilities. This
 report contains an audit of the existing social facilities and infrastructure in these
 centres and the adjoining areas which serve the adjoining population.

 The Audit is not intended to be an exhaustive survey of every single facility in the
 area. Rather, the purpose of the report is to enable the Board to assess whether there
 is a sufficiency of social facilities available in the area to provide “access to services
 and facilities to meet the needs” of the future residents of the 274 no. dwelling units
 proposed. The conclusion of the report is that there is a sufficient range and quantum
 of social facilities for the future residents of this development.

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 The lands around Mill Road & Citywest have undergone significant changes in the
 last fifteen years or so. Substantial residential and commercial development has
 transformed the area from a rural area to a developing outer suburb. The site,
 c.4.2ha, is bound to the north by the N7 Naas Road and Mill Road to the west. The
 lands are considered an infill site situated in the overall lands of Citywest located in
 close proximity to Saggart Village, Rathcoole, and Citywest facilities and amenities.
 The Luas red line to the east is relatively close to the subject site.
 The character of the area is comprised of two storey semi detached residential
 houses, which are supported by the Local Centres of Saggart and Rathcoole villages.
 Residential development containing apartments have been recently granted at
 Garter‟s Lane, north-east of Saggart village.

 Figure 1: Google Earth aerial image of site and surrounding areas.

 Figure 2: Site location map and surrounding areas.

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Figure 3: map showing 1km and 2km radius with neighbourhood centres and employment districts highlighted

   The subject site is located within zoning objective RES-N lands “to provide for new
   residential communities in accordance with approved area plans”, a small area of
   land within the subject site is zoned Objective RES “to protect and/or improve
   residential amenity”.

          Figure 4: Zoning map 2 South Dublin County Council Development Plan. The site marked in red

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The Core Strategy contained within the South Dublin City Development Plan is
focused on residential development and ensuring that there is an acceptable
equilibrium between the supply of zoned, serviced land for residential development
and the projected demand for new housing during the lifetime of the Plan.

On December 9th 2019, SDCC made Variation No. 4 – was adopted to align the Core
Strategy of the Development Plan with new strategic policy set out in the National
Planning Framework 2040 (NPF) the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy
(RSES). This Variation sets out the areas Saggart and Citywest will be defined as a
“Self-Sustaining Growth Town”. This is changed from “Emerging Moderate
Sustainable Growth Town” previous.

        “Saggart/Citywest can be defined as a self-sustaining growth town. The
        population taken in conjunction with the extent of economic activity, the
        quality of public transport provision, the designation of Citywest Shopping
        Centre as a Level 3 Retail Centre in the Retail Strategy for the Greater
        Dublin Area 2008-2016 and future growth potential, align strongly with the
        definition of a Self-Sustaining Growth Town in the RSES. It is considered
        appropriate to reflect this under the County Settlement Hierarchy by
        designating Saggart/Citywest as a Self-Sustaining Growth Town.”

The new definition of Saggart/Citywest areas is indicated on the Core Strategy Map
in figure 5.

  Figure 5: Core Strategy Map South Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 variation no. 4. Site location
                          marked with yellow star. Annotated Manahan Planners

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The Development Plan variation no. 4 also sets out the development capacity with

        “The self-sustaining growth town of Saggart/Citywest will develop based on
        the capacity of the public transport network and social infrastructure. While
        additional long term capacity exists in this area, the capacity of zoned lands
        is considered to be sufficient to meet demand during the period 2016-2022.”

The Core Strategy of the Development Plan was updated in order to align with the
provisions of the Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly Regional Spatial &
Economic Strategy (June 2019), hereinafter RSES EMRA. The RSES EMRA states
that the new district at Fortunestown near the self-sustaining town of Saggart /
Citywest has a short term population capacity of 45,000 and a medium term capacity
of 21,000 giving a total of capacity of 66,000 persons.

The proposed residential development is located within the south western corridor
catchment and will have a net density of 61 units per hectare. The proposed
development also provides an appropriate mix of unit types and sizes, supported by
appropriate open space provision, and are considered to be consistent with the
designation of Saggart / Citywest as a Self Sustaining Growth Towns.

The overarching strategy with regard to the provision of community infrastructure in
new developments is set out in Chapter 3 of the County Development Plan:

        “The overall aim of the Development Plan with regard to community
        infrastructure is to support the planned provision of accessible community
        and recreational facilities, parks and open spaces, and to ensure that all
        communities in South Dublin County have access to a range of facilities that
        meet the needs of the communities they serve…

        Community infrastructure, for the purpose of the County Development Plan,
        includes community centres and halls, libraries and cultural facilities,
        religious buildings and burial grounds, sporting facilities, health facilities,
        childcare and educational facilities, and open space and recreational

Chapter 3 of the Development Plan also contains a number of relevant policies for
the provision of social infrastructure in support of sustainable communities, which
are listed below:

        Policy C1 Community Centres – It is the policy of the Council to ensure
        that all communities have access to multifunctional community centres that
        provide a focal point for community activities.

        Policy C2 Libraries – It is the policy of the Council to continue to provide
        an innovative, community focused public library service to all who live, work
        and study in South Dublin County.
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Policy C3 Arts & Cultural – It is the policy of the Council to facilitate the
        continued development of arts and culture in the County.

        Policy C4 Places of Worship – It is the policy of the Council to support
        and facilitate the development of places of worship and multi-faith facilities
        at suitable locations.

        Policy C5 Fire Stations – It is the policy of the Council to co-operate with
        Dublin City Council in the development of the fire service in the Dublin

        Policy C6 Burial Grounds – It is the policy of the Council to facilitate the
        sustainable development of cemeteries and crematoria to cater for the needs
        of the County.

        Policy C7 Sports Facilities – It is the policy of the Council to ensure that
        all communities are supported by a range of sporting facilities that are fit for
        purpose, accessible and adaptable.

        Policy C8 Childcare – (a) It is the policy of the Council to support and
        facilitate the provision of good quality and accessible childcare facilities at
        suitable locations in the County.

        (b) It is the policy of the Council to require the provision of new childcare
        facilities in tandem with the delivery of new communities.

        Policy C9 Primary & Post Primary – (a) It is the policy of the Council to
        work in conjunction with the relevant education authorities to promote and
        support the provision of primary and post-primary schools in the County.

        (b) It is the policy of the Council to engage with the Department of Education
        and Skills and to support the Department’s School Building Programme by
        actively identifying sites for primary and post primary schools at suitable
        locations, based on forecast need.

        Policy C10 Third and Fourth Level Education – It is the policy of the
        Council to support the development and ongoing provision of third level
        education in the County, and to develop Tallaght as a hub for education and
        employment to provide further opportunities for the County’s workforce.

        Policy C11 Healthcare – (a) It is the policy of the Council to support the
        Health Service Executive (HSE) and other statutory and voluntary agencies
        in the provision of appropriate healthcare facilities, including the system of
        hospital care and the provision of community based primary care facilities.

        (b) It is the policy of the Council to support and encourage the integration of
        healthcare facilities within new and existing communities that are
        appropriate to the size and scale of each settlement.
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Policy C12 Open Space – It is the policy of the Council that a hierarchical
           network of high quality open space is available to those who live, work and
           visit the County, providing for both passive and active recreation, and that
           the resource offered by public open spaces, parks and playing fields is
           maximised through effective management.

           Policy C13 Accessibility – It is the policy of the Council to promote the
           highest levels of universal accessibility in all community facilities.

   We note that the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2019-2031 (RSES)
   prepared by the Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA) was published 28
   June 2019 and supersedes the previous Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater
   Dublin Area 2010-2022. This document takes account of the Dublin Metropolitan
   Area Strategic Plan (MASP), which identifies strategic residential and employment
   corridors within the area and provides guidance for development opportunities
   including housing delivery.

   With respect to the provision of social infrastructure within Dublin City and Suburbs
   (including the emerging town of Saggart/Citywest) the RSES advocates for a wide
   range of services and facilities to meet local need and contribute towards an
   improved quality of life for all residents, including:

           “…facilities in relation to health, education, libraries, childcare, community
           centres, play, youth, recreation, sports, cultural facilities, policing, places of
           worship, burial grounds and emergency facilities.” [Section 9.6, RSES]

   Specific policy objectives for the development of social infrastructure throughout the
   region are also included in Sections 9.6 and 9.7 of the RSES, as follows:

           RPO 9.20 Childcare – Support investment in the sustainable development
           of the Region’s childcare services as an integral part of regional
           infrastructure to include:

                  Support the Affordable Childcare Scheme.
                  Quality and supply of sufficient childcare places.
                  Support initiatives under a cross Government Early Years Strategy.
                  Youth services that support and target disadvantaged young people
                   and improve their employability.

           RPO 9.21 Schools – In areas where significant new housing is proposed,
           an assessment of need regarding schools’ provision should be carried out in
           collaboration with the Department of Education and Skills and statutory
           plans shall designate new school sites at accessible, pedestrian, cycle and
           public transport friendly locations.

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RPO 9.22 Third Level Education – To support the role of Higher
        Education Institutions and Educational Training Boards in addressing skills
        shortages and life-long learning needs in the Region, and to support the
        further development of multi-campus Technological Universities to drive
        research and innovation.

        RPO 9.23 Healthcare – Facilitate the development of primary health care
        centres, hospitals, clinics, and facilities to cater for the specific needs of an
        ageing population in appropriate urban areas in accordance with RSES
        settlement strategy and core strategies of development plans.

        RPO 9.24 Arts & Culture – Promote and facilitate the role of arts and
        culture in recognition of its importance to people’s identity and the potential
        for economic development through a unique cultural tourism offering
        throughout the Region.

        RPO 9.25 Arts & Culture – Seek to work with all relevant stakeholders to
        promote equality of access to and engagement with arts and cultural
        services and in the promotion of culture and heritage led urban and rural

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   This section provides an outline of the demographic profile of the study area having
   particular regard to CSO Census data from 2006 onwards. The subject site is located
   within the „Saggart‟ Electoral Division (CSO ED ID: 267119), which was home to
   4,640 No. people at the time of the 2016 Census. The site is adjacent the „Rathcoole‟
   Electoral Division (CSO ED ID: 267112), which has a population 5,009 during the
   2016 Census. The total population of the surrounding area in 2016 was c.9,649
   people. The population of the study area has increased by over 41% between 2006
   and 2016.

   Figure 6: Electoral Division Boundary Map

   ED ID                ED Name2006                                  2011           2016
                               Population                            Population     Population
   267119        Saggart       2,020                                 3,060          4,640
   267112        Rathcoole     3,614                                 4,740          5,009
                         Total 5,634                                 7,800          9,649
         % Population change 2006-2016                                            41%
   Table 1: Population of ED Study Area and % of population change

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The 2016 CSO established „Settlement Area‟ boundaries which compiles statistical
information within defined boundaries of towns, villages and settlements. The
subject site is located at the north-west of the Saggart Settlement Area boundary and
directly east of the Rathcoole Settlement Area boundary. Figure 7 below. This study
area is much smaller in size than the Electoral Division study area and should allow
for a more refined illustration of the demographic profile of the two local centres.
The following sets out the relevant population and housing data for these areas.

 ED                             Size (ha)
 Saggart Village                85ha
 Rathcoole Village              120ha
 Total                           205ha

Figure 7: map of Settlement Areas. Source: CSO SapMaps

The overall study area of Rathcoole and Saggart villages is c.205 hectares.
Table 2 below shows the population change of Saggart and Rathcoole Settlement
Areas since the 2006 Census.

 Settlement            2006                      2011       2016         % change
 Saggart               868                       2,144      3,133          261%
 Rathcoole             2,927                     3,421      4,351          48.7%
 Total                 3,795                     5,565      7,484           51%
Table 2: Total population of Saggart Settlement Area

Table 3 shows the total housing stock within Saggart and Rathcoole Settlement areas.

 Settlement        2011           2016                   Density
 Saggart           1,167          1,249                  15 units p/ha
 Rathcoole         1,456          1,679                  14 units p/ha
 Total             2,623          2,928
Table 3: Total housing stock within study area
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Census 2016 for Rathcoole and Saggart Housing Type
House Type                       RATHCOOLE   SAGGART      Total       % of total
House/Bungalow                   1,180       501          1,681       63.5%
Flat/ Apartment                  344         575          919         34.6%
Bed-sit                          8           1            9           0.3%
Caravan/Mobile                   1                        3           0.1%
Not stated                       18          23           41          1.5%
Table 4: Total housing by type

Almost two thirds of the housing type in the Settlement Areas are houses with one
third of accommodation listed as apartments. In 2016, the population density of
Saggart Settlement Area would be 37 people per hectare while the housing density
would be 13 units per hectare. The population density of Rathcoole Settlement Area
is similar to above with 36 people per hectare and a housing density of 13 units per

Although the population in the area grew by over 41% between 2006 and 2016, the
housing density of 13 units per hectare in the study area is remarkably low.

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   Table 5 below shows the age breakdown of the population of the Settlement Areas of
   Rathcoole and Saggart during the 2016 Census.

   Census 2016 for Rathcoole and Saggart Settlement Areas
   Age       RATHCOOLE          SAGGART              Total                                     % of Total
   0-9       882                711                  1,593                                         21%
   10-19     364                281                  645                                           9%
   20-29     439                361                  800                                           11%
   30-39     1,069              943                  2,012                                         27%
   40-49     534                463                  997                                           13%
   50-59     338                159                  497                                           6%
   60-69     368                125                  493                                           6%
   70-79     308                67                   375                                            5%
   80+       99                 23                   122                                            1%
   TOTAL     4,351              3,133                7,484                                        100%
   Table 5: Age breakdown of the population found in Rathcoole and Saggart village; Source: CSO 2016 Census

   As Table 5 shows, the dominant age cohorts that resides in this area are the 30-39
   year age bracket with 2,012 people (27%), followed by 1,593 0-9 year olds (21%). The
   high population of these two age brackets suggest a relatively high number of young
   families living in the study area.
   There are 904 pre-school children (0-4 yrs) that may need childcare facilities. The
   20-29 year age bracket is a modest 800 people. The 20-29 year age bracket is a
   modest 800 people. 20-29 make up less than 11% of the population within the two
   Settlement areas. This suggests that there may not be suitable accommodation,
   facilities or amenities in the area for younger people.
   In summary, this information indicates that the subject site is a typical suburban
   area of the city centre that has grown rapidly over the past 15-20 years. There are a
   large number of families living within the study area.

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   It is noted that the subject site is located along Dublin bus route 69 and 69x on Mill
   Road and Dublin bus routes 125, 126 and 126x from Rathcoole Village with a
   frequency of every 30 minutes towards Dublin City Centre. The 69 and 69x bus
   routes also connect the site to Saggart Luas stop via Saggart village.

   Furthermore, the subject site is located on the future BusConnects route which will
   greatly increase the frequency and capacity of public transport adjacent the site and
   facilitate greater accessibility to other areas of Dublin other than the city centre.

   The proposed development will include a pedestrian and cycling route through the
   former Citywest golf course lands connecting with the existing footpaths that serve
   the hotel, and through to the Saggart Luas stop, indicated by red dashed line on map

   Figure 7: Proposed BusConnects route map.

   The NTA Greater Dublin Cycle Network Plan runs east west along the N4 which
   bounds the site to the north and also in an east west direction located south of the
   site on Ballyowen Road and Willsbrook Road.

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Figure 8: Greater Dublin cycle network plan routes

The below mapping shows the possible distance travelled from the site by:

             15 minute walking
             5 minute cycling
             10 minute cycling

Figure 9: 15 minute walk from site

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Figure 10: 5 minute cycle from site

Figure 11: 10 minute cycle from site

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Cycling infrastructure in the surrounding area varies from good to very poor. Cycle
routes south of the site connecting Saggart Village are moderate to good. However,
from there, cycling infrastructure is non-existent towards Saggart Luas stop and is
potentially hazardous to cycle along this route. The cycling infrastructure from the
subject site to Rathcoole village is considered to be adequate.

A number of photographs showing the existing provision of pedestrian and cycling
infrastructure within a 1 km radius of the subject site are shown in the following
pages. The map below shows the location of the corresponding number given for
each image.

Figure 12: Map showing locations of the below photographs

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The above imagery of the existing pedestrian and cycling network in the surrounding
 area of the site shows that the existing street network does not lend itself to safe
 active travel. This is the driving rational and justification of why the proposed
 development will comprise of a dedicated safe cycling and pedestrian route at the
 south of the site, heading west to east, through the former Citywest golf course lands
 connecting to the existing pathways that serve the Citywest Hotel and through to the
 Saggart Luas stop.

 An audit was carried out of the existing social and community infrastructure within a
 1km and 2km radius of the site.

 The study area surrounding the site comprises of Rathcoole Village and Rathcoole
 Park to the west, Saggart Village to the south, Citywest golf course and hotel, an open
 green land zone to the east and the N7 Naas road and Baldonell Aerodrome to the

 A search was carried out for facilities in the area and they were categorised as

 Category                    Description
 Open Space                  Parks, pitches, residential green areas, playgrounds
 Sport & Recreation          Sport clubs, stadiums, racetracks, swimming pools, gyms
 Education Services          Primary schools, post-primary schools, special schools
                             Universities, other educational facilities
 Healthcare/social           Hospitals, medical centres. Other health services, childcare
 services                    services, Garda stations, fire stations
 Community Facilities        Libraries, community centres, religious facilities, post offices
 Retail Services             Supermarkets, convenience shops, speciality shops,
                             restaurants/cafes/takeaways, pubs
 Table 6: Category of uses

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      Type                       Within 1km                                  Within 2km
      Open space                 Ratchoole Park                              Citywest and Hibernian golf course lands
                                 Dawson Park                                 Carrigmore Park
                                 Rathcoole Woodland                          Rathcoole Football Club lands
                                 Citywest golf course lands                  Church Road green
                                 St. Mary‟s GAA Club lands

      Sports & Recreation        St. Mary‟s GAA Club                         Greenouge Equestrian
                                 Commercials GAA Club (Dawson Park)          Riot Fitness & Yoga
                                 Citywest Hotel recreational facilities      Rathcoole Football Club
                                 Saggart Karate club                         Unlock Fitness
                                                                             Red Rhino Kickboxing club

      Education Services         St. Mary‟s National School                  Holy Family National School
                                 Colaiste Pobal Fola                         Holy Family Community School
                                 Scoil Chronain                              Citywest Educate Together National
                                 Gealscoil Lir

      Healthcare & Social        Rathcoole Health Centre                     Swiftbrook Medical Centre
                                 Rathcoole Dental                            Enlightenment Psychotherapy
                                 Little Swallows Mental Health Therapy       VetCare Rathcoole
                                 Smiths pharmacy                             Reidy‟s Pharmacy
                                 Saggart Medical Centre                      Citywest Medical Centric Health
                                 Slade Castle Family practice                McCabe‟s pharmacy
                                 Elain kerin Physiotherapist                 Little Rascals Pre-School
                                 Saggart pharmacy                            Little Saints Pre-School
                                 Kidorama Creche & Montessori                Teach na Leanai
                                 Krafty Kids breakfast & after school care   Littlefingers childcare
                                                                             Happy Feet Early Learning Centre
                                                                             Grian na nOg

      Community                  Rathcoole Community Centre                  Lisheen Nursing Home
                                 Saggart Village Heritage & Arts Centre      Citywest Post Office
                                 Rathcoole Garda Station                     TLC Nursing home
                                 Church of the Holy Family Rathcoole
                                 Church of the Nativity of the Blessed
                                 Virgin Mary
                                 Millbrook Manor nursing home
                                 Saggart Post Office
                                 Rathcoole Post office

      Retail (incl.              Avoca Rathcoole                             Citywest Shopping Centre
                                 Centra Rathcoole
                                 Tesco Express Rathcoole
                                 Spar Rathcoole
                                 Centra Saggart
                                 Dunnes Stores Saggart

        Table 7: Infrastructure index table of uses

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The site is within an area that has substantial amounts of regional, neighbourhood
and local parks located within the surrounding area of the site. There is also 2
separate golf course lands to the east and south-east. A large amount of agricultural
lands are located over 1km to the south that extends as far south as the Dublin

A simple desktop study was carried out to identify the surrounding public parks
within a 1 km and 2 km radius of the subject site. These parks contain many
functions which include formal and informal children‟s play areas, walkways and
cycleways, seating playing pitches and passive recreation areas.

Figure 13: Map showing parks and green lands within 1km and 2km of the subject site

The application site is located in close proximity c. 5-10 minute walk to Rathcoole
Regional Park. There are also a number of other green spaces used for sports and
leisure activities within reach of the subject site. The Citywest golf course lands also
offer an important future amenity space. This is a high level of open space provision
which could accommodate higher density development at this site.

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The area surrounding the site contains several existing primary and secondary
schools. Within the 1km radius, there are three primary school and one secondary
schools. There are a further 3 primary schools within a 2km radius.

Schools located within the study area radius:

Type                                   1 km                                      2 km
Education Services       St. Mary‟s National School          Holy Family National School
                         Colaiste Pobal Fola                 Holy Family Community School
                         Scoil Chronain                      Citywest Educate Together National School
                         Gealscoil Lir
Table 8: Schools within 1km and 2km of subject site

Primary schools:                                                         Secondary Schools:
      St. Mary‟s National School                                           Colaiste Pobal Fola
      Scoil Chronain
      Gealscoil Lir
      Holy Family National School
      Holy Family Community School
      Citywest Educate Together National School

Figure 14: Location of schools. Primary schools in red, secondary school in yellow.

There is a proposed new 300-student primary school and a 1,000-student secondary
school at Fortunestown Lane, c.1km east of the site, Reg. Ref. SD19A/0393 which
was granted in 2021.

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   The responsibility for the provision of Health Care Facilities lies with the Health
   Service Executive (HSE). In terms of Primary Health Care Provision, the study area
   is served by a number of Medical Clinics, Mental Healthcare Services, Family
   Practices and GP Services.

   There are a number of health services available within the surrounding area of the
   subject site. There are two medical centres about 1 km away in Rathcoole village and
   Saggart village and a further medical centre located at Citywest shopping centre
   c.2km east. There are also a number of other healthcare services provided in the
   study area such as dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy and mental
   health services.

   In addition to the health care and security provision, the subject site has numerous
   crèches/Montessori/nurseries‟ in its surrounding area. There are approximately 20
   of these childcare facilities within a 2km radius of the site. 5 of these are within 1 km
   of the site.

    Healthcare & Social Services                     1km                            2km
                                            Kidorama Creche &         Little Rascals Pre-School
                                            Krafty Kids breakfast &   Little Saints Pre-School
                                            after school care
                                                                      Teach na Leanai
                                                                      Littlefingers childcare
                                                                      Happy Feet Early Learning Centre
                                                                      Grian na nOg
   Table 9: Childcare facilities within 1km and 2km of subject site

   Figure 15: Locations of childcare facilities (orange) and community centres (black) within 1km and
   2km of subject site

   Manahan Planners
   Social Infrastructure Audit, Mill Road                                                         Page 28
   The subject site is located in an area that provides an assortment of shops and retail
   services. Saggart village and Rathcoole village are located within 1km-1.5km of the
   site. Outside the villages, Citywest Shopping Centre and Avoca provide local level
   access to retail and service facilities for the area.

   Saggart and Rathcoole Villages are designated as Level 4 retail centres. A level 4
   retail centre is described in the South Dublin County Development Plan as:

           “Centres that usually contain one supermarket ranging in size from 1,000-
           2,500 sq.m with a limited range of supporting shops and retail services and
           possibly other services such as post offices, community centres or health
           clinics grouped together to create a focus for the local population. These
           centres meet the local day-today needs of surrounding residents.”

   Citywest Shopping Centre provides a large range of retail, services and
   cafe/restaurants including Dunnes Stores, McDonalds, Regatta Outdoors and
   Specsavers. The main convenience stores located closest to the subject site is Dunnes
   Stores and Centra in Saggart village. Avoca, which provides high-end food and
   produce is also located near to the site.

   Saggart and Rathcoole villages also contain other small convenience shops, including
   a Spar and a Centra. The other units within the villages are made up of cafes,
   restaurants and takeaways and independent comparison retail including ladies
   fashion, charity shops and pharmacies, as well as units that are occupied by services
   such as hairdressers, IT repair, estate agents and banks.

   The subject site is located in an area that is in close proximity to a range of
   employment centres. There is significant employment at Citywest Hotel and Citywest
   Business Campus and at the various business parks at Greenogue and around
   Baldonnell. Baldonnel Aerodrome, a military facility home to the Irish Aer Corps,
   also provides employment within this area. These are major employment generators
   due to the scale and variety of retail and services offered.

   Manahan Planners
   Social Infrastructure Audit, Mill Road                                         Page 29
Figure 16: map showing 1km and 2km radius with neighbourhood centres and employment districts

The 2016 CSO figures for commuting times for work/school show that well over half
of the population of Saggart and Rathcoole villages travel 30 minutes or less for

 Settlement       Under 15         %     16 – 30         %        Total %
 Area             minutes                minutes                 under 30
 Saggart          550            25%     586            27%        52%

 Rathcoole        770            28%     707            26%         54%

Table 9: Journey times

The data would suggest that many of the local population are employed within the
local area. This is not surprising given the extensive variety of retail, commercial,
industrial and healthcare services within the area which this section outlined.

Manahan Planners
Social Infrastructure Audit, Mill Road                                               Page 30
 This Social Infrastructure Audit has identified the infrastructure provision within a
 2km accessible zone of the proposed development which serves the existing and
 future populations of Saggart and Rathcoole villages. The social infrastructure
 provision within the locality has the capacity to account for the development without
 undue stress on facilities.

 The site is well located with regard to proximity to existing community and social
 infrastructure. It is considered that there is ample provision of existing community,
 recreation, educational and social infrastructure within the surrounding area of the
 site. The proposed development will consist of a dedicated cycling and pedestrian
 route through the Citywest golf course lands which will provide much greater
 permeability through the site but also improve the overall connectivity of the
 surrounding area.

 It is also worth noting that the site cannot be assessed in isolation with respect to the
 services available in the immediate locality as it is situated approximately 15km from
 Dublin city. The future residents of this development will be able to avail of the
 numerous options that the city centre also provides.


 November 2021

 Manahan Planners
 Social Infrastructure Audit, Mill Road                                            Page 31
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