COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021

COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021

                                  Editors in Chief
                  Ashlinne Whitcomb, Deborah Wexler, Neill Warfield

                                     Copy Editor
                                   Jane Davis-Ward

                                    Layout Editors
                                    Karina Cooper
                                      Capri Arias

                                    Staff Reporters

                                   Head of School
                                    Briel Schmitz

                                 Spruce Street School


914 Virginia Street   Seattle, WA 98101   206–621–9211
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY                             CONNECTOR 2021

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Spruce
Street School Community Connector! This
magazine is filled with stories of people who
work in our community. Before you start
turning the pages to meet them, let us
introduce the authors: The writers are ten- and
eleven-year-old students in their final year at
Spruce Street School.

Community is a core value at Spruce Street
School. We believe “it is important for students
to feel connected and able to contribute to the
larger community around us.” In their time at
Spruce Street School—six years, in most
cases—these Moving On students have made
their mark and left our school community better
than they found it. The school is clearly
improved by the time they have spent here.

As these students prepare to join new school
communities in the fall, they ventured into the
neighborhood around them to interview                   Through in-person and zoom interviews, they
seventeen people who work within a short                learned about their work, their stories, and a
radius of our school.                                   few of the many ways people can make their
                                                        communities—and their world—a better
                                                        place. These conversations form the basis for
                                                        the profiles you hold in your hands.

    Spruce Street School is a nurturing educational community that instills in
    a broad range of children the social, emotional, and intellectual skills for
    lifelong participation in a diverse society.

 914 Virginia Street      Seattle, WA 98101          206–621–9211 
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
Meet Julie Jones: Performing Arts Librarian at Cornish College of the Arts
                                 knows where all books and all        go to Cornish library and Julie
                                 media live in the library. She       Jones will be your guide!
                                 helps people out when they
                                 need something. Sometimes
                                 she gets what they need for
                                 them, and other times she
                                 shows them how to find it

                                 “My job is to help people who
                                 want to be artists.” Jones
                                 enjoys her job. Her favorite part
                                 is teaching. She “loves to open
                                 eyes to new resources.” The
                                 students can learn new ways of BY BELLA
Julie Jones works at Cornish     learning through e-books or
College and she works hard.      regular books. Writing is a part
She is the librarian at the      of every student’s life and
Performing Arts Library. She     sometimes can be challenging.
helps people get important       Jones says it is “fun to help
information from books. Before   them write research papers.”
she knew her way around a
library, Jones had to go to
school. She wanted a high         There are many challenging
degree and got it at the          parts of her job,
University of Washington. She     especially “having to do a lot
got a job at Cornish College      with little.” This means that
after she graduated.              Jones sometimes feels there is
                                  never enough time to get all her
                                  work done. Or that there aren’t
A librarian is a person who       enough resources, such as
works professionally in a library newer books or new computers
providing access to               to loan, and this can be hard.
information. The library at
Cornish College has more than
just books. Information comes
                                  In her free time, Jones loves to
in different formats, such as     play with her dog, Rosie. She
DVDs, electronic books and        also enjoys eating sushi and ice
articles. Loans also include hot cream.
spots and connecting and
charging cables for computers.

                                 Jones believes everyone at
                                 Cornish College is an artist,
Jones’s job is to teach students and “creating video games and
where things go and how to       painting, making music and
use them. The purpose of her     drawing are very important.”
job is to help people get        So, if you need books or DVDs
information to learn. Jones

           2                                                         SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
                   Meet Dr. Raymond Tymas-Jones: President of Cornish College of the Arts

                                           Cornish,” he says. Most of his         20 percent. ‘It's coming out of
                                           job is to call people, tell them       our desire to make the
                                           about the school, and plan             education experience more
                                           fundraisers so that the school         affordable and a greater sense
                                           can have money to buy supplies         of access,” he told Cross Cut.
                                           for the classrooms.
                                                                                  Dr. Tymas-Jones has a passion
                                           Since his childhood, Dr. Tymas-        for music, education and
                                           Jones has loved music. “When I         leadership. He wants his
                                           first started, I wanted to be an       students to be able to follow
                                           opera singer. That was it,” he         their passions, too. That's why
                                           says. He liked to play piano for       he wants Cornish to be a
                                           church, sing in the opera, and         college where students can
                                           do musical theatre. He directed        have everything they need to
                                           choirs and sang at the church          achieve their dreams.
                                           where his father was the
During a performance of                    pastor. His favorite opera is La
Verdi’s beloved opera, La                  Traviata, and his very first opera
Traviata, a tenor, singing                 was The Magic Flute. He began
Alfredo, bewitches the                     his career in education as a
audience with the famous                   choir director and a faculty
Brindisi. The audience claps               member. After serving as a
and cheers excitedly. But what             faculty member, Dr. Tymas-
they do not know is that the               Jones was offered a position as
tenor’s passions would over                an associate dean. Soon, he
time lead him to Cornish                   became interested in college
College of the Arts, and he                leadership. “As things went on,
would become its president.                and I became part of higher            BY CECILIA
                                           education, I started desiring to
Dr. Raymond Tymas-Jones                    be a president.”
became the tenth president of
Cornish College on July 1,                 As the president of Cornish
2018. Being the president of a             College, Dr. Tymas-Jones is
college is a little different than         responsible for coming up with
being the president of the                 a plan that states the mission,
United States of America. The              goals, and priorities for the
president of the United States             school. He is very busy.
vetoes and approves bills that             Sometimes he has 10 meetings
were voted through by the                  a day to tell people about
senators and representatives. A            Cornish and to serve on other
school president’s job, on the             boards. “The most important
other hand, is very different.             aspect of my job is to make
“The search committee                      sure that Cornish College of
members were charged to                    the Arts is fulfilling its mission,”
agree (vote) and recommend to              he says.
the Board of Trustees their
choice to become the                       One of Dr. Tymas-Jones’
president. The board, in turn,             initiatives has been to make the
had to vote to approve my                  school more affordable. To do
appointment as President of                this, he reduced the tuition by

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                                           3
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
Meet James Falzone: Music Chairperson at Cornish College of the Arts

                                   Falzone has other                    prevent this, Falzone has to
                                   responsibilities, too. He            make sure that the curriculum,
                                   presides as the main director        teachers and students are all in
                                   over musical programs and            balance. “If you have good
                                   oversees productions. He plans       students but bad classes and
                                   and produces special musical         teachers then you won't do very
                                   concerts and/or workshops            well. If you have good students
                                   throughout the year. Sometimes       and classes and bad teachers,
                                   he coordinates fundraising           you won't do well either, but if
                                   efforts. He may also interpret       you have good students,
                                   the work of composers for            classes and teachers then you
                                   productions. He figures out          can do good,” says Falzone.
                                   what it is supposed to sound         “My favorite part of my job is
                                   like and he might rewrite it in a    seeing students flourish and
                                   simpler version.                     succeed.” I believe if anyone
You may know James Falzone                                              was in his position they would
for his phenomenal penny          Though this job is hard and           agree.
whistle and clarinet playing.     requires a lot of work, Falzone
Listen as the sound rings         still has spare time. He loves        Clearly, being a music
through the room. But that's not  music. “I just kept going and         chairperson is a lot of work and
all Flazone does; he also is in   going,” getting deeper into           James Falzone gets it done! If
charge of making the next         music. Falzone plays penny            you like the arts, and helping
generation of performers.         whistle and clarinet, which he        people become better artists
                                  started at age ten. He also           and musicians, this is the
Falzone is the music              plays piano as a back-up              perfect job for you.
chairperson at Cornish College instrument. “Piano is basically
of the Arts, and though his       to learn harmony and to learn
responsibilities are many, the    chords.” He says, “I believe
payoff is good. Whether he        that music is important for the
gets to see students become       world.” He also goes to
great musicians, or if he is      concerts played by his
coordinating fundraising or       students. He also plays chess
developing the next generation with his 12 year old son.
of musicians, or if he's playing
penny whistle or chess, this is a In his free time, it isn't just
job well worth having.            concerts and fun. No, no,
                                  Falzone says that his main job
If you do pursue a career in this over the summer is to hire            BY DAVID
position, you should expect       someone who knows Swedish
these responsibilities: you will  folk fiddling and someone who
be responsible for developing, knows bassoon.
coordinating, and supervising
college music programs and        Darkness dwells in every corner
organizations such as             and though most of Falzone’s
orchestras, bands, choirs, or     students do good and apply
symphonies. You will also         themselves, some of his
recruit, train, and rehearse      students do not apply
members of musical groups         themselves and don't do very
and oversee productions and       good, and they get suspended
performances.                     for not doing good work. “It is
                                  always hard to see your
                                  students fail,” he comments. To

              4                                                        SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
                   Meet Kenneth Oglesby: Executive Chef at Cornish College of the Arts

                                           safe and nutritious food” is his    grandkids used to name the fish
                                           top priority. At Cornish, Chef      but they don’t anymore.”
                                           Oglesby spends most of his
                                           time making the menus and
                                           organizing food orders. He
                                           makes sure the food is fresh,       Clearly, if you like cooking and
                                           and that everything is in the       working with lots of people then
                                           right place. The Cornish kitchen    this is the number one job for
                                           is a very safe place to work.       you. Cornish College’s faculty
                                           Chef Oglesby and his team           and students are really lucky to
                                           have gone “1500 days without        be able to taste the wonderful
                                           an injury or a cut!”                food of Chef Oglesby before
                                                                               heading off to class.

                                     Chef Oglesby first started
                                     cooking at his aunt and uncle's
When you walk into the Cornish place. It was there that he
College of the Arts cafeteria,       tasted different types of food.
the first thing you’ll notice is the He loved the food so much that
warm, sweet smell of delicious he wanted to learn how to make
food cooking in the kitchen, all it. Before long, he was hired to
thanks to Executive Chef             make food for paying
Kenneth Oglesby.                     customers. Before he became
                                     Executive Chef at Cornish, he
                                     worked as a Chef “at a Bon
A chef cooks high quality food Appétit’ restaurant for 15
for people using fresh               years.”                           BY MAX
ingredients, and nothing rotten.
The food should taste and look
good. Chefs cannot be late to        Chef Oglesby is proud of the
work because the customers           work he does. His job helps
will be mad and hungry, and          more than just the Cornish
that would be really bad. They College community. They work
also have to study each recipe, hard to provide people in need
and set up the kitchen with          with fresh food and full bellies.
cooking utensils and                 “We do a food waste program
equipment. They give tasks to        to donate food every Friday to
kitchen staff and follow all         Food Lifeline so people who
requirements of the restaurant. are homeless around here can
                                     go there.”

Chef Oglesby is the Executive
Chef at Cornish College of the             When this wonderful chef isn’t
Arts. He and his team of                   arranging wonderful meals for
talented, responsible and caring           people, he plays with his
chefs make really good food for            grandchildren. They have five
students, teachers, and even               pet fish. “They are black mollies
the president of the school.               but they don't have names. The
Chef Oglesby says, “getting

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                                        5
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
Meet Richard E.T White: Chair of the Theater Department at Cornish College of
the Arts
                                 would direct plays together. His     Midsummer Night’s Dream
                                 wife would direct a scene and        three times, and each time it
                                 he would assist her, then they       was a different experience, time
                                 would trade jobs and repeat the      period or setting.
                                 process. After about three
                                 years working in Japan, a friend
                                 called and told him that there
                                 was a job opening at Cornish         After 26 years, Richard White
                                 College of the Arts for the chair    is retiring at the end of this
                                 of the theater department. So,       school year. Our community is
                                 he signed up and was flown in        very lucky to have him. He
                                 for the interview, and he’s been     helped raise a new theater
                                 there ever since.                    generation of actors, directors
                                                                      and audience members. As he
                                                                      takes his final bow, the curtains
                                                                      close. Encore!
                                  Part of White’s job is to be the
Richard White is the chair of     academic leader of the theater
the theater department at         department. That means that he
Cornish College of the Arts.      has to stay informed about
Growing up he wanted to be a everything new that's
professional director. Little did happening in theaters around
he know that going to Japan       the world in order to better
would change his life forever.    prepare students for the future.
                                  At the beginning of each
                                  semester, he pairs up students
                                  into groups that he thinks will
White went to college at the      work well together in almost all
University of Washington to get subjects for the entire             BY MIA
a drama degree. He directed       semester. One of his students,
plays in Seattle for several      Diana Huey, was the first Asian
years. Then he went to grad       American to play Ariel in The
school at the University of       Little Mermaid.
California to learn to be a
director. White found that
“directing both in and outside
school took time away from his Another part of White’s job is to
studies and he and the            bring people together to have
university parted ways after 3    human experience through
years. He "left to become         theater, live or not. Before the
artistic director of a theater    pandemic, “all theaters used to
company in San Francisco.” He be live. Now because of the
moved around a lot and ended pandemic theater has switched
up 6,000 miles away from          to video, lots of film, podcasts,
home, in Japan with his wife.     etc.” White loves to bring
They taught at a school for       laughter and joy to his
junior high, high school, and     community. “It is fun to think
college students. During his      that Shakespeare’s plays are
time teaching in Japan, he also contemporary after 400 years.”
joined a theater company          White likes to do Shakespeare.
named Subaru. He and his wife He’s worked with A

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COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
                                                 Meet Rena Ortigoza: Office Manager at FareStart

                                           teams, and collaborated with
                                                                    about medical issues and they
                                           leadership to communicatecan focus on their job.
                                           goals. The title of that job was
                                                                    Ortigoza's most challenging
                                           Administrative Coordinator.”
                                                                    part of her job is answering
                                           Now, Ortigoza is having fun
                                                                    questions on the spot. She
                                           managing a team of people that
                                                                    wants to help everyone right
                                           want to help our community.
                                                                    away and she may not know the
                                                                    answer. If she doesn’t know the
                                  FareStart’s mission is to         answer, she takes a second to
                                  “transform lives, disrupt poverty think and then she begins to
                                  and nourish communities           answer the question.
                                  through food, life skills and job
“Office managers are a great      training.” FareStart helps our    Though Ortigoza loves her job,
part of the community,” says      community by hiring people that she does have time off. Her
Rena Ortigoza, office manager want a second chance and now favorite hobbies outside of her
for FareStart in Seattle. Here    are starting over. FareStart      job are swimming and
are some things Ortigoza does helps by teaching “how to             traveling.
every day as an office manager: cook, how to get jobs, and how
She takes a lot of phone calls    to make a living.”                Now, after two years, Ortigoza
each day, and she helps visitors                                    has gotten more responsibility
and her co-workers. Ortigoza      The purpose of Ortigoza’s job in her job. She has gotten to
also has “a lot of meetings.”     is “to create an efficient office the playground. Rena Ortigoza
She meets with chefs, and she and working space,” she says. has grown to be the best office
meets with FareStart’s CEO,       Also, she helps the community manager ever!
Angela Dunleavy, to go over her by giving food out to the
day and her schedule. Another homeless and to organizations
thing Ortigoza does every day     that help people in need of
is a walk-through of the          food. She also hires people for
FareStart building in case        jobs. “FareStart hires for many
anyone needs anything.            different jobs! We definitely
Working as an office manager have a kitchen and operations
means you have to be              team and chefs (they help cook,
responsible for a team and        prep, produce, and move
purchase office supplies.         packaged meals), delivery
Therefore, Ortigoza is busy all drivers (who deliver the meals),
the time.                         office jobs that help many
                                  different parts of the
Ortigoza wasn’t always an         company—finance, marketing, BY ELLIE
office manager. Like a ladder     volunteering, philanthropy
she took several steps. “Think (donations)—human resources
of a jungle gym. I started at the (people to help us find and
jungle gym and I made my way hire), educators/case managers
to the playground.” Before        (people who work with our
being an office manager, she      students), and normally we
worked at a mall and then a       have a restaurant team as
hospital. Her job in healthcare   well.”
was “to manage the office work
in the Clinical Quality           Ortigoza's favorite part of her
Department. In that job, I        job is to see her team members
created reports, managed          being able to do their jobs. This
projects, partnered with various means they don’t have to worry

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                            7
COMMU NITY CONNECTO R 20 - SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL - community connector 2021
Meet Angela Dunleavy: Chief Executive Officer of FareStart and OL Reign Legend
                                  always working to help people         skill set to be the CEO of
                                  into a stable job and a better        FareStart.” So, after a rigorous
                                  life.                                 interviewing and selection
                                                                        process Angela got the job.

                                    Since becoming FareStart’s
                                    CEO, Angela has made some
                                    changes, such as hiring Marcus
                                    Bryant, FareStart’s Chief           A CEO (Chief Executive
                                    People and Inclusion Officer        Officer) is the highest-ranking
                                    (CPIO) (see Jaxon’s article.)       officer in a company. A CEO
                                    FareStart is now more focused       can greatly influence a
                                    than ever on DEI (diversity,        company’s workplace culture,
 “Don't be afraid to get back up equity and inclusion); In              connections to donors, and
again, to try again, to live again” Angela’s words, “how do we          overall output. There are CEOs
                                    build race equity into our work–    in both nonprofit and for-profit
                                    how do we make this a more          corporations but the role shifts
                                    inclusive space, a space of         depending on if you are at a
If you walk down the street in      belonging?”                         smaller or bigger company, or if
any major city in the United                                            you are at a nonprofit or a for-
States you may see a person                                             profit corporation. Many CEOs
experiencing homelessness and                                           are very hands-on, shaping their
think why is no one helping         Angela may be the current           company’s path to success.
them? Well, meet Angela             CEO of FareStart, but that is       And some are more focused on
Dunleavy, the courageous CEO not always where she has                   strategic planning and directing
of FareStart who has made it        worked. Before she came to          other high-ranking officials on
her life’s mission to keep          FareStart, Angela co-founded        the company's position on
people off of the streets in        Ethan Stowell Restaurants with      major issues and events.
Seattle and get them into good her then husband, Ethan
jobs, which is good because         Stowell. She is in part
being the CEO of FareStart          responsible for gifting to the
gives you the opportunity to do Seattle area restaurant gems            FareStart a company of over
just that.                          such as How to Cook a Wolf,         150 employees, so Angela
                                    Tavolàta, Anchovies & Olives,       always has a packed schedule.
                                    Red Cow, Staple & Fancy, and        But, Angela still manages to
                                    many more. Angela was the           keep meaningful relationships
FareStart is a nonprofit devoted CEO of the company for over a          with many of them. “Rena, oh,
to helping the community. It        decade but after working at the     she helps me so much she is
provides food support to            same place for so long Angela       such the MVP,” ”(see
families, schools and other         was ready for a fresh start.        Playground at the Office)
community-based                     Ethan Stowell Restaurants had       recalls Angela. She greatly
organizations. FareStart also       been one of FareStart’s donors      values her team. “Marcus is
serves members of the               for years. Angela knew the          probably the best hire I have
community experiencing              former CEO of FareStart and         ever made. He is amazing” (see
homelessness, poverty and           had “good friends that worked       Pebble in the Shoe). Angela
other circumstances that have at FareStart.” So, when she               cares deeply about the
caused them to slip through the was ready, Angela did not have
many cracks of society, by          to search long to find the next
teaching them how to work in        place for her. “A good friend of
the kitchen, and helping them       mine said that this might be the
find a job to keep them off the     perfect job for me,” recalls
street and thriving. FareStart is Angela; “I happen to have the

              8                                                        SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
community of her organization.             have some great governmentgets to sit down with every
When asked what being a CEO                partners,” Angela explains.
                                                                     group of students that
meant to her, she answered                                           FareStart accepts into their
that it means “being a                                               program. She listens to their
courageous leader that talks to                                      stories, and tells them hers.
everyone at the table and          Angela does not always agree She cares deeply about her
people not at the table yet.”      with the government's position community and many people
This and other things will lead    on some issues. When asked        are now off the streets and in
you to realize that Angela         what the government should be good jobs because of her
Dunleavy is a champion of          doing to prevent people from      passion for helping people.
sticking out her hand and          needing to seek out FareStart’s
helping people, giving them a      aid in the first place, Angela
FareStart, which is fitting        responded that the government
because that is where she          “should be working to close the Unfortunately, FareStart can
works.                             school to prison pipeline.” This only reach so many people.
                                   refers to a degrading system in “1.8 million Washingtonians are
                                   which, instead of graduating      experiencing poverty right now–
                                   from high school to go to         maybe more.” Many of those
Angela is always very involved college, students graduate into people are on the streets, and
in the culture of her company– prison “either because of             this is one of the fundamental
but that is not the only thing she choices they made themselves challenges of working at a
has to manage. When asked          or that were made for them that company like FareStart. Why
about some of her daily            have caused them to engage in are the people you can help any
responsibilities, Angela           illegal activity.” Angela thinks  different than the ones you
answered “right now I have to      that the government could be      can't? Is there any reason you
do a lot of Zoom meetings. But doing more, but she                   can help so many people but
as you definitely know, we are acknowledges that “the                not one or two more? You
using Zoom for PhD defenses government is a huge                     cannot help everybody; you can
to dance recitals these days,      organization with lots of layers, only help as many people as
and just like the rest of us       stakeholders and constituents; you can. And when it comes to
Angela has a wide range of         it doesn't always have the        that Angela is the… Queen!
things she uses it for. Angela     flexibility of a smaller private
has a lot of meetings to discuss company.”
strategy for FareStart, like
where the company will be 1 to
3 years down the road. She
also meets with elected officials Angela has always wanted to
to discuss topics that involve     help people. When for one
FareStart’s role in the            reason or another the
community.                         government can't or is not
                                   helping, that is where FareStart
                                   comes in. FareStart can directly
                                   impact the communities the
FareStart has many cafés and government is not reaching
even a few restaurants that        enough, and help them to          BY AUDREY
used to be its main source of      thrive.
funding; but now, because of
pandemic business closures,        When asked what her favorite
FareStart’s main sources of        part of her extremely
funding are individual donors      multifaceted job is, Angela
and government funding. “We answered that it is connecting
                                   with the community. Angela

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                             9
Meet Marcus Bryant: Chief People and Inclusion Officer at FareStart
                                  When Marcus starts to talk            Thank you, Marcus Bryant for
                                  about his job, he seems calm          being the pebble in our shoes.
                                  and happy to talk all about his
                                  work in human resources.
                                  Marcus’s motivation is that he
                                  wants more black men in
                                  leadership roles. Marcus
                                  explained that his job is to be
                                  “the pebble in the shoe”. Which
                                  means he wants to be just
                                  annoying enough to make
                                  people realize other
                                  perspectives are important. He
                                  has to interrupt conversations,
                                  interrupt patterns of thinking,       BY JAXON
Marcus Bryant recently started and add different perspectives
a new job at FareStart as the     to the conversation. This leads
Chief People and Inclusion        to people working better and
Officer. “My job is to help       helps FareStart accomplish its
organizations think better        goal of helping homeless
around the ideas of diversity,    people in the community.
equity, and inclusion,” said      Marcus also helps other
Marcus Bryant. Diversity is to    companies do fair business. He
have more than just white men wants to make the worker feel
and women in the workplace.       happy and included.
Inclusion means everyone gets Sometimes Marcus’s job is
heard. On a typical day the goal hard because changing beliefs
of a Chief People and Inclusion is hard. But he loves his job at
Officer is to encourage people FareStart because he feels like
to recognize their own value      he is fulfilling his purpose in life.
and release their potential
throughout the organization.      When he got his job at
                                  FareStart Marcus moved from
In addition to the typical day    Charleston, South Carolina to
Marcus has, he also has the       Seattle in March 2020 when
goal of helping people pick up Covid hit. Marcus’s path to his
traits and qualities to be their  job was not traditional. He did
full selves outside of work.      not start from the ground up.
“Imagine if you were to bring     Marcus used to work at an
your full self to work...and show architecture firm. He ran his
up exactly the way you are with own consulting company before
your joy, with your happiness,    FareStart. He also worked as a
with the things that you care     Chief Diversity Officer in Higher
about, how much more              Education before FareStart.
enjoyable would the workplace Marcus is proof you don’t have
be?” said Marcus.                 to take the traditional path to
                                  get your dream job.

              10                                                     SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
               Meet Tyler Parker: Superintendent and Finisher for Holland Construction

                                           A project superintendent for
                                           Holland Construction does
                                           many different things and has
                                           many responsibilities. First, they
                                           select workers for the job.
                                           When Holland Construction
                                           needs employees, they
                                           advertise. They hire
                                           experienced people and people
                                           with some experience. “Mostly
                                           my job is to manage the
                                           schedule and workers on site.” BY ASHER
                                           Next, they direct workers on
                                           specific tasks. The tasks might
                                           be concrete laying, pit digging,
                                           or constructing the actual
                                           building. As you can see, a
                                           project superintendent for
                                           Holland Construction does
                                           many different things!

                                  Now what are some of Parker's
“Willy Wonka! That is who I       daily challenges and joys? First,
wanted to be when I was a         one of his challenges is
kid!”                             problem solving. He might have
                                  to help uncooperative workers.
                                  “My job is to make sure all the
                                  workers work together.”
How did Tyler Parker become a
superintendent and concrete       Second, another challenge is
finisher for Holland              having enough time. Usually, he
Construction instead of a candy has to finish one floor of
factory owner? Well, first, a lot concrete in five days. That is
of his family is in construction, not a lot of time. Third, his
which helped him on his path.     favorite part is the end. It brings
This motivated him because it     him joy because it is all finished
had worked out well for them.     and completed. Now you know
                                  what Parker's joys and
Second, he was and still is a
                                  challenges are.
concrete finisher. Now, what IS
a concrete finisher? Well, it's
exactly what it sounds like, it's
the person who gives concrete Just as Willy Wonka is in
that finished look. Third, he     charge of all the pieces of
found an opening at Holland       candy, Parker is in charge of all
and worked his way up. Now        the pieces of construction.
you know how Tyler Parker
became a project
superintendent for Holland

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                             11
Meet Amber Gregory: Development Manager for Holland Construction
                                   developers going in and out of       highest quality amenities while
                                   the buildings and she decided        still staying on budget. Ever
                                   she wanted to do that job. So,       since COVID-19 started
                                   she got a job at Holland Partner     Gregory has been working from
                                   Group. “I wanted to be able to       home. She says it is hard
                                   create a lifestyle brand,” she       because she is not able to work
                                   told me.                             together with people in person.
                                                                        And when designing buildings,
                                                                        they have to be designed with
                                                                        COVID in mind. Another thing
                                   Some development managers            she loves about her job,
                                   are in charge of purchasing          Gregory explains, is “I get to
                                   land for Holland Construction,       use my creative side to help
                                   but Gregory focuses primarily        build buildings in Seattle or
                                   on the project management            wherever.”
Imagine walking into the lobby side of being a development
of an apartment building. You      manager. A typical day for
look around, and all around        Gregory includes making sure
you, windows show off the          everything is on schedule and        Gregory does not just help
outside world, but inside it feels on budget. She also checks           build buildings, she works hard
like a different universe. Now,    documents and makes sure             every day to keep everyone on
imagine the people who built,      everything looks the way it          task, and she embraces
designed and managed this          should. Gregory’s job also           challenges. She works with
building during the construction includes working with design           many different people from the
process. Amber Gregory was         consultants and marketing.           office to the construction site.
one of them.                       Gregory says that the purpose        Throughout the whole building
                                   of her job is “creating buildings    process, Amber Gregory is
                                   that are timeless in someone's       there, always ready to fix a
                                   neighborhood.”                       problem or lend a hand.
Gregory works as a
development manager.
Gregory’s job is mostly project
management and branding.           Gregory enjoys creating
Branding is Gregory’s favorite buildings that people like and
part of the job. She especially    actually enjoy living in. She
loves choosing names for the       also likes working to create
buildings. She loves working       apartment homes that speak to
with other people to come up       the needs of residents. One of
with names that honor the          the most challenging parts of
neighborhood’s history,            her job is trying to see into the
background and the people          future. Gregory and her
who live around it. When           colleagues start working on a
Amber Gregory was a kid, she project about 4 years before
dreamed of becoming a lawyer. the project actually begins,              BY CAMILLE
Once she got older, she got a which means that Gregory has
job at a leasing office at an      to think about whether or not
older apartment building. She      her buildings will still be cool
decided she would rather work and innovative 4 years from
at new, modern buildings, so       then. Another challenge is
she got a job at a newer           having to work around the
building. While working,           budget. Gregory and her team
Gregory would see the              have to work to include the

              12                                                       SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
        Meet Shawn O’Leary: Construction Project Manager at Holland Construction

                                           Shawn O’Leary’s family was in      Another of O’Leary’s goals is
                                           construction. So, he followed in   that the building can be used
                                           their footsteps. O’Leary started   for a long time. He makes sure
                                           working on construction sites      the design looks good so
                                           when he was growing up. He         people will want to use the
                                           liked the work and wanted to       building. So that the building
                                           keep doing it. He took a break     won’t fall apart, the project
                                           from working and went to           must be built with strong
                                           college. He got a degree in        materials that will last for at
                                           Construction Management at         least 50 years.
                                           Washington State University.
                                           After college he got a job at
                                           Holland Construction.
                                                                              O’Leary must collaborate and
                                                                              communicate with many
                                                                              people: the builders, the
                                 At Holland, “I manage large                  plumbing subcontractors, the
                                 construction projects.'' O'Leary             architects, the development
                                 is in charge of organizing                   managers and the project
Construction sites are loud and people and he also makes sure                 superintendents. Collaboration
seem very chaotic. Bang!         that the project is done on time.            is important so everyone knows
Bang! Sites are full of vehicles “I organize a bunch of people.”              what everyone is doing and
and big machines. There are      O’Leary makes sure people are                they can build off of that.
cables attached to giant metal on time for work so the project                COVID-19 has made it harder
boxes. Some equipment is         deadline can be met. He also                 to collaborate over Zoom
being lowered into the           makes sure people are doing                  because it takes longer to
construction site, while         what they are supposed to be                 discuss everything.
concrete tubs are being moved doing. O’Leary has to have
by cranes. On the road there     patience and an understanding
are often concrete trucks lined of the schedule to be able to do
up. Who can manage all of        this.                             Next time you walk by the
this? Shawn O’Leary.                                               Holland Construction site, you
                                                                   can imagine Shawn O’Leary
                                                                   working hard behind the
                                 O’Leary makes sure the            scenes.
Shawn O’Leary is a               projects don’t go over the
construction project manager. budget. He may have to
A project manager is             rearrange the schedule if the
responsible for planning,        project is close to its budget or
preparing and maintaining        deadline. During the day
progress on a project. Shawn     O’Leary spends time
O’Leary does that with Holland comparing the budget to how
Construction. Project managers much they have spent. “On a
set the budget so the project    daily basis I'm helping manage
doesn’t go over the amount of costs.” When someone asks if
money they have and then they they can purchase materials, he
can’t do anything else. They set can check to see how much
the schedule to make work        money they have left. O’Leary     BY EVAN
times so people aren’t working checks prices from different
for too long.                    sources.

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                                      13
Meet Jake Dehnert: Plumbing Subcontractor for Stirrett Johnsen
                                   to clean water. He talks with        people who are dedicated to
                                   engineers to define project          plumbing the building to get it
                                   needs. Then he monitors the          done on time. COVID-19 has
                                   project to make sure it is           impacted his job in many ways.
                                   working properly. If it isn’t, he    First, his team cannot meet in
                                   will make it right. Finally, he      person so all the meetings are
                                   makes sure projects are              on Zoom, which is much
                                   finished on time.                    harder. Second, it's hard to do
                                                                        things on the construction site
                                                                        with all the “masks and social
                                                                        distancing.” Now that he and
                                   Being a subcontractor for            his crew have gotten used to all
                                   plumbing means that Dehnert          these guidelines, it is getting
                                   “manages the design and              much easier.
                                   installation of plumbing that
                                   services the entire building.”
                                   His responsibilities are to
                                   manage all plumbing for              Dehnert is not always at work;
                                   Holland Construction. He hires       he also loves to spend time with
                                   people to plumb the building,        family and “mountain bike and
                                   and manages all those people.        ski.” He plays in the snow that
                                   In downtown Seattle, some of         will melt into the water that you
Feeling thirsty at home? Walk      the buildings he is plumbing are     will use to quench your thirst
on over to the sink and get        the Boren Tower, the Virginia        someday. All thanks to Jake
yourself a nice glass of water.    Tower, and Kiara.                    Dehnert.
Have you ever wondered where
it comes from? After the snow
melts in the Cascades, the         The path Dehnert took to get to
water flows down into the          be a subcontractor for
Cedar River and right to Jake      plumbing was not straight.
Dehnert’s crew.                    First, he went to college for a
                                   few years. He decided he didn’t
                                   like his studies so he applied
The goal of a plumbing system      for a plumbing apprenticeship
is to provide clean water to       at Local 32. He was interested
people in any building and take    in plumbing so he applied and
away wastewater. Dehnert’s         got a job at Stirrett Johnsen.
crew works with construction
companies to design proper                                              BY NEIL
sewage systems by installing       Dehnert’s favorite part of the
clean and effective pipes in all   job involves the mechanical
buildings.                         systems. He enjoys this
                                   because of the creative
                                   problem solving and
Jake Dehnert is a plumbing         mechanical skills required to
subcontractor for Stirrett         make these systems function.
Johnsen. Dehnert says, “the        The most challenging part of
purpose of my job is public        the job is “getting the right
health.” On a daily basis          manpower to finish the job, and
Dehnert does many things to        staying on schedule.” This
make sure people have access       means he needs qualified

              14                                                       SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
                                                                             Meet Todd Mayne: Architect

                                           because I loved to draw.”             basis is collaborating with the
                                           When he was much older and            other large system designers of
                                           in college, Mayne went to             a building. Funnily enough, this
                                           schools specifically for              is also one of his favorite parts
                                           architectural design. First, he       of design. He likes it because
                                           went to the University of New         he likes talking with the others
                                           Mexico for his undergraduate          to disagree and make changes
                                           degree. Then he attended the          to his design. The building is
                                           University of Washington for his      always better after these
                                           full graduate degree.                 discussions. And of course,
                                                                                 another challenge of the job is
                                           Now, Mayne works for Weber            the approximately one billion
                                           Thompson, which was hired by          check-ins with the client. One
                                           Holland Construction to design        of the new challenges he faces
                                           buildings. It typically takes         is COVID-19 and the remote
                                           about four years from design to       meetings it brought with it. With
                                           completion of the building.           only being able to use Zoom
                                           Mayne makes sure that the             and/or Google Hangout to have
                                           building will fit in with buildings   meetings, collaborating became
“One of our big goals is to work with      of the future. Wow, he can see        increasingly difficult and I'm
clients and help them bring their vision   the future! “I make sure that the     sure, like on my Zoom calls,
to life.”                                  buildings will be sustainable         everything is insane when more
                                           and will last a long time.” At the    than one person is talking at a
You’ve seen construction sites,            moment, three of the buildings        time. Even with COVID though,
but do you know what happens               he and a few others designed          Mayne has been able to design
before construction? Why,                  are being made: Boren,                and meet with Holland and
that’s where architects come in.           Virginia, and Kiara. Virginia is      work through the challenges.
Todd Mayne is an architect at              one of the buildings right next to
Weber Thompson who works                   my school, which is interesting       When not at work, Mayne plays
with Holland Construction                  because I can watch the hole          with his three kids ages 19, 14,
Company. Mayne often visits                being filled in with a building.      and 13. He has a cat and three
the Holland team at their office,          Kiara is a completed project a        fishies and, as of publication,
which is in an older building.             few blocks away.                      the cat has not eaten the fish. If
There is a conference room for                                                   you have an idea for a building,
collaborating with a big table             Mayne’s goal is to help bring         Todd Mayne is here to
and chairs. On one end of the              the client's idea to life. He         collaborate with you.
table is a big model of a current          works with the client to create
building under construction. On            that vision. After sketching the
the other end is a TV with live            blueprints, he sends them to
camera footage of another                  Holland so they can get to work
building. This makes it easier to          digging out the hole. His main
make sure the construction is              job is collaborating with all of
happening in the right places.             the building service designers,
On this day, the camera                    including plumbing, mechanical,
showed a hole in the ground                wi-fi and electricity designers.
where supports were being                  Of course, he must always
added.                                     check with the client to make
                                           sure the client approves.
When he was a child, Mayne                                                       BY OLIVER
knew that he wanted to be an               One of the biggest challenges
architect “from your guy’s age             Mayne faces on a day-to-day

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                                          15
Meet Stephen Smith: Neuroscientist at Seattle Children’s Research Institute
                                    hard to relate to others. Smith       it out to scientists around the
                                    and his team are learning to          world. They tell him what they
                                    understand autism. They want          think he did wrong and/or he
                                    to know how and why it                doesn’t have enough evidence.
                                    develops. With this                   Pretty rough, huh? Another
                                    understanding they hope to            hard thing is knowing when he
                                    build understanding and               has enough evidence to write a
                                    appreciation among people.            paper about it. Doing a lot of
                                    They are not focused on a cure        experiments and finding
                                    because everyone is different         something similar helps him.
                                    and it makes the world better if      But it is also different for
                                    people are different and have         everyone because everyone
                                    different perspectives.               thinks differently. Statistics
“Science is all about building on                                         helps him know how sure they
discoveries that people have      Smith first went to high school are about something. When his
already made”                     in Boston. After that he went to paper is accepted by his peers,
Did you know that being a         a college called Occidental. “I he writes a grant “to request
Neuroscientist is both super      knew that I wanted to go into           money from the government to
interesting and complicated?      some   sort  of biological    science   fund research.”
Stephen Smith is up to the        because   it came    naturally,”   says
challenge as a neuroscientist     Smith. When he got his degree In his free time, Smith loves to
brain researcher and professor in cellular biology, he went into snowboard, play soccer and
at Seattle Children’s Research the research side of science               hike with his dog. All of this play
Institute.                        because   he   thought   it would   be  is a good mix with his hard
                                  a more interesting day-to-day           work.
Professors teach at the           job. From   there   he  went   to
university or graduate level.     Caltech, where he had a                 If this is confusing that's okay,
Professors often conduct their    mentor  named      Paul  Patterson      because it's a lot of interesting
own original research at the      who   got him   into the                stuff to get in your brain. If this
same time as teaching. The        neuroscience      he does    today,     sounds interesting and you still
word professor was first used     20  years later.   This whole           have questions, maybe this is
in the 14th century! It means     process   of  becoming      a           the job for you, who knows? Be
“one who teaches in a branch      professor   and   running    his own    on the lookout to see what
of knowledge.” Also, a scientist lab takes him to about his mid           Stephen Smith discovers with
is someone that does scientific 30s.                                      his big brain next.
research to solve a question
they have.                        Nowadays Smith does not do
                                  much research or experiments.
Smith says the purpose of his     Instead, he writes papers and
job is to learn more about how grants and has meetings with
the brain works and learns. He the people working in the lab.
specifically studies Autism. In   His favorite part of the job is
fact, autism looks different for  finding something that no one in
each person who has been          the world knows about!!!
diagnosed. Smith says there       Compared to that he says the
are over 100 known genetic        most challenging part of his job
changes that someone with         is something called peer
autism can have. People on the review. Smith writes a paper               BY JAMES
autism spectrum have social       about  how   a  very  specific   thing
differences that may make it      works and why. Then he sends

               16                                                       SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
       Meet Liz Nguyen: Doctor and Scientist at Seattle Children’s Research Institute

                                           learned more and became a
                                           fellow. Finally, she started
                                           working with kids and
                                           kidneys. The best part of her
                                           job is that kids don't
                                           complain as much as adults.
                                           This really helps her do her
                                           job, which is to understand
                                           kidney disease. Once she
                                           and her team get information
                                           from experiments and
                                           children who are sick with
                                           kidney disease, they can start
                                           to work on a treatment for
                                           the children. She hopes to
                                           come up with a cure.

Liz Nguyen is a doctor who
works with children with                   People who have doubts
kidney disease. The kidney is              about whether or not things
a very important part of the               like vaccines work can really
body because it is the waste               make Dr. Nguyen’s job
treatment facility of the body.            harder. She also hates
To understand the kidney,                  meeting a kid who she can't
Dr. Nguyen also works with                 help any more than she
African spiny mice because                 already has. “Because,” she
the specific type she works                explains, “I have to look
with can regenerate their                  these kids in the face and tell
kidney if they lose it! This               them that I can't give them
breed of mouse is very                     anything more than I have.
helpful for learning about                 But then I can turn around
how kidneys work in the                    and say, ‘but…I am working
human body and how to cure                 on it.”
all the diseases that center
around the kidney.

To get her job, Dr. Nguyen
got an MD in medicine. Then
she went back to school to
get a PhD. After graduating
with a PhD, she got to start
designing experiments. She
started working as a resident
doctor learning from a        BY LUCAS
teacher. She eventually

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                     17
Meet Sara Rolfe: Computer Scientist and Researcher at Seattle Children’s
Research Institute
                                  Rolfe still had no image of what       there are challenges, like being
                                  path to take with her love of          different. Rolfe is different; she
                                  math and science. Since her            has a different expertise than
                                  parents were so supportive and         the people she works with. Her
                                  caring of her—especially her           main colleagues are biologists
                                  dad, who was so nice and               She is not a trained biologist.
                                  influenced her to be better—           They have to explain what they
                                  she was confident. After her           need in words she can
                                  freshman and sophomore years           understand. This also makes it
                                  in college, she got an internship      difficult for her to get feedback!
                                  at University of Washington’s
                                  Department of Surgery. She             Aside from that, Rolfe has a
                                  worked with a group of patients        favorite part of her job: after
                                  that had artificial arteries mainly    making a connection and her
                                  in their legs. The surgeons            researchers use her science,
Sara Rolfe proves that loving     were monitoring them and Rolfe         Rolfe says “It gets me excited
something is all you need to      looked at ultrasounds and took         to go to work each day.”
pursue your dream.                measurements. She wrote a
                                  program to organize their data.   Teaching’s purpose is to help
Rolfe is a computer scientist     That was her spark to pursue      people learn. Rolfe teaches
and researcher at Seattle         computer science.                 computer vision and technology
Children's Research Institute.                                      once a month, kind of like a
She uses a cool science called    Rolfe’s daily routine starts on   club. Rolfe is the connection
computer vision, “to look at,     the computer writing code. She between biologists, researchers
measure and gather data about     also spends time reading          and the software. As you can
animals.”                         papers looking for ways to        see, Rolfe works really hard
                                  understand biological questions analyzing data, coding, drafting,
Computer science involves         that need answers. But the list teaching, and writing.
developing and analyzing data, doesn't stop here. She also
and analytical and theoretical    writes papers when she comes When I met Sara Rolfe, I barely
thinking methods. Computer        up with a completely new idea knew any specific aspects to
vision is a field of artificial   for how to analyze images. She her job, just the basics. Then
intelligence that trains          uses that new way to produce a she said something that got me
computers to understand our       set of results and then shares it thinking: it's not about being the
visual world. Researchers write with researchers and teaches        best at something, “you need to
code in the language of           scientists how to use it. She     love it.”
computers that tells computers also works with images of
what to do.                       animals. She finds new ways to
                                  describe differences between
Rolfe’s interests started in      them. “Like a circle and a
college. She did not know what square, you'll be able to
she wanted to spend her life      describe the difference. But
doing. She considered a lot of then if you think about an apple
different majors. The one that    and an orange, all of a sudden
had the most classes was          it’s more complicated to
electrical engineering. She liked describe differences.”
math and she liked science, so
why not? Rolfe took the first     So, you might think this sounds
class and was blown away!         complicated, and it is. But since BY SEVERN
                                  Rolfe is so smart, she can
                                  handle it. However even for her

              18                                                        SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR
                 Meet Alison Paquette: Scientist at Seattle Children’s Research Institute

                                           which they have found can           walks and hikes, and just
                                           affect the growing                  explore all around her. “I like to
                                           baby. Doctors now know this         go outside because there're so
                                           from reading information that       many things in Seattle.”
                                           scientists like Paquette have
                                           researched and published.
                                           Paquette works with scientists
                                           who interview pregnant women        Paquette has a passion for
                                           about their daily health care and   being a scientific scientist.
                                           nutrition, and collect lots of      Paquette has always worked
                                           data. Paquette compares data        very hard to protect the mom
                                           and writes code to analyze and      and baby to make sure they’re
                                           understand it. The scientists are   both healthy. We are learning
                                           writing about their findings so     so much every day to pass
                                           they can be published for           along to the next generations,
                                           doctors around the world.           and that is thanks to Alison

Alison Paquette has had a
passion for science all the way   In my mind I picture scientists
since elementary                  working in a lab. Paquette
school. Growing up in Rhode       doesn’t actually work much in a
Island she was excited by         lab. On a daily basis she reads
science and one of the only       what other scientists have
kids that loved the science fair. written. So, she is on her
“Everybody else hated it but I    computer a lot. Her favorite part
liked it.” Paquette moved to      of the job is researching and
Seattle to be a scientist.        trying to find out how a
Eventually she was hired at       woman’s body works while
Seattle Children’s Research       pregnant. “There are not a lot of
Institute. She studies prenatal   studies of pregnant women,
care. And that’s how Paquette     until now!” Something             BY UMA
became the scientist she is       challenging about her job is
now!                              waiting after she's done
                                  experiments. Waiting is hard
                                  because it can take a year or
                                  longer to figure out the data
Prenatal care is the regular      and get her paper published to
health care women receive         share. Paquette wishes it could
while pregnant. Pregnant          take shorter because the
women have regular check-ups information might be important
with their doctors. Paquette has for moms and babies and
loved studying the babies’ and families.
moms’ bodies. Did you know
almost everything the mom
ingests affects the fetus?
Specifically, soft plastics? Soft Even though her job is probably
plastics are not like hard water the most interesting job I have
bottles. Soft plastic sheds from heard of, Paquette is not always
harder plastics. Researchers      working hard. In Paquette’s
measure the little plastics,      free time she likes to go for

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL COMMUNITY CONNECTOR                                                        19
You can also read