COMMITTEE REPORT Planning Services - Durham County Council

Page created by Thomas Hampton
COMMITTEE REPORT Planning Services - Durham County Council
Planning Services
                  COMMITTEE REPORT

APPLICATION NO:                   CMA/1/56
                                  Change of use to waste transfer station and skip hire
NAME OF APPLICANT:                Mr D Ratcliffe
                                  Compound J, Bradley Workshops, Bradley Road,
                                  Leadgate, Consett, County Durham, DH8 6UG
ELECTORAL DIVISION:               Leadgate and Medomsley
                                  Chris Shields ,Planning Officer
                                  03000 261 394


The Site

   1. The application site covers an area of 0.35 hectares and includes 3 steel clad
      industrial buildings. The site is located on the north eastern edge of the Bradley
      Industrial Estate, to the west of Leadgate. The site is accessed from Bradley Road
      to the north, which leads to the A691 to the west via Werdohl Way and the B6309 to
      the east. There is an additional road to the south leading from the industrial estate
      to Garden Terrace and Garden Place, however, vehicular access has been
      prohibited through the placement of concrete pillars in the road.

The Proposal

   2. The proposed development is for the change of use of Compound J at Bradley
      Workshops, comprising of 3 buildings and associated yard area, from storage (Use
      Class B8) to waste transfer station (Sui Generis) and associated skip hire.

   3. The proposed site layout would largely reflect the existing situation; there are 3
      buildings, 2 of which would remain as storage and the central building would be the
      waste reception and HGV parking area. An office and weighbridge would be
      erected at the site entrance. A chain link fence with a height of approximately 1.8
      metres surrounds the site. The site also has a number of external concrete storage
      bays currently used for storing graded building materials such as sand and gravel,
      which would remain.

   4. The facility would have the capacity to accept around 25,000 tonnes of construction,
      demolition and excavation waste per year. Material processed at the site would be
      inert and sourced from the applicants skip hire business. All waste arriving at the
      site would be unloaded in the waste reception building and then sorted either by
      hand or with a mechanical shovel. Plastics, timber, timber derivatives and metal are
      sorted and segregated into skips for export to specialist recycling facilities. Inert
      waste including soils, bricks and concrete would be crushed, screened and
separated into individual fractions for re-use. All processing operations would be
     carried out inside the Waste Reception building.

  5. The proposed facility would provide jobs for 10 new employees. The operating
     hours for the site would be 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday and 7:30 am to
     12:00 pm on Saturdays. There would be no works carried out on Sundays or bank

  6. The site would have a combined maximum of 20 Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) and
     Light Goods Vehicle (LGV) movements per day (10 vehicles in and 10 vehicles out).
     Additionally there would be up to 10 staff vehicles arriving and leaving each day.


  7. The site is allocated for general industrial in the Derwentside Local Plan (Adopted
     January 1997). Planning Permission was granted in 1988 for a winter salt store
     compound (Planning Permission 1/1988/0763). Subsequently 3 storage buildings
     have been erected on the site (Planning Permissions 1/2002/0911, 1/2005/0672,



  8. Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development sets out the
      Governments overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable
      development through the planning System.
  9. Planning policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management sets out
      the Governments policy to be taken into account by waste planning authorities and
      forms part of the national waste management plan for the UK.
  10. The emerging National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), currently in draft form, is
      a material consideration in the determination of planning applications, and advances
      a presumption in favour of sustainable development to encourage economic growth.


  11. In July 2010 the Local Government Secretary signalled his intention to revoke
      Regional Spatial Strategies with immediate effect, and that this was to be treated as
      a material consideration in subsequent planning decisions. This was successfully
      challenged in the High Court in November 2010, thus for the moment reinstating the
      RSS. However, it remains the Government’s intention to abolish Regional Spatial
      Strategies when Orders have been made under section 109 of the Localism Act
      2011, and weight can now be attached to this intention. The following policies are
      considered relevant

  12. Policy 45 – Sustainable Waste Management: Encourages the development and
      implementation of initiatives which will help to minimise waste, taking into the
      consideration the waste hierarchy.
  13. Policy 46 – Waste Management Provision: Seeks to increase waste recycling and
      recovery by encouraging the provision of waste related businesses for this purpose.

County Durham Waste Local Plan (April 2005)

   14. Policy W2 – Need – requires the demonstration of need for a particular development
       which cannot be met by an alternative solution higher up the waste hierarchy.

   15. Policy W3 – Environmental Protection – states that proposals for new development
      will be required to demonstrate that the natural and built environment and the living
      conditions of local communities will be protected and where possible enhanced.

   16. Policy W4 – Location of waste management facilities – states that proposals for new
       waste management facilities will be determined having regard to protection of the
       environment and local amenity, traffic impacts, opportunities to integrate with other
       facilities or developments which will benefit from the recovery of materials and to
       extend or develop existing waste management facilities.

   17. Policy W29 – Modes of transport – requires that waste development incorporate
      measures to minimise transportation of waste.

   18. Policy W31 – Environmental impact of road traffic – states that waste development
       will only be permitted if traffic estimated to be generated by the development can be
       accommodated safely on the highway network, the amenity of roadside communities
       is protected, the strategic highway network can be safely and conveniently accessed
       and the impact of traffic generated by the development on local and recreational
       amenity is otherwise acceptable.

   19. Policy W32 – Planning obligations for controlling environmental impact – states that
       in granting planning permission for waste development, planning conditions be
       imposed to cover, in addition to other issues, the prevention of the transfer of mud,
       dust, or litter onto the public highway by measures including the provision of wheel
       cleaning facilities, suitably metalled access roads and the sheeting of laden vehicles.

   20. Policy W33 – Protecting local amenity – requires that suitable mitigation measures
       are incorporated into proposals to ensure that any harmful impacts from noise,
       odour, litter, vermin, birds, dust, mud, visual intrusion and traffic and transport are
       kept to an acceptable level.

   21. Policy W38 – Waste Transfer Stations - seeks to ensure that proposals for the
       recovery and recycling of inert waste materials including construction and demolition
       waste will be permitted, provided that they can be satisfactorily located on land
       identified for general industrial use, previously developed land or at an existing waste
       transfer station.

   22. Policy W39 – Waste recycling – states that proposals for the recovery and recycling
       of inert waste materials, including construction and demolition waste, will be
       permitted, provided that they can be satisfactorily located at existing waste transfer
       stations, on land identified for general industrial use or on previously developed land
       in sustainable locations.

Derwentside District Local Plan (Adopted January 1997)

   23. Policy IN4- states that development on Bradley Shops Industrial Estate will only be
       approved for business (Class B1), general industry (Class B2) and storage and
       distribution (Class B8).
The above represents a summary of those policies considered most relevant in the Development Plan the full
                        text, criteria, and justifications of each may be accessed at



   24. The Environment Agency has raised no objections to the proposal.

   25. The County Highway Authority has raised no objections to the proposal.


   26. The Spatial Policy Team consider that the development appears to be in general
       conformity with the current and emerging policy framework for the County and has
       no objection in principle to the development.

   27. The Pollution Control Team have raised no objections to the proposal but have noted
       that whilst the site is located within an existing industrial estate it is worth noting that
       there are nearby residential receptors, the closest being in Garden Place some
       12.5m from the compound boundary. Officers have stated that the applicant will
       require a permit to operate a crusher on the site. It was also noted that the applicant
       has made reference to a noise report and an air and dust environmental
       assessment, neither of which have been included with the application. Officers have
       therefore recommended that a full noise assessment and dust management plan be
       submitted prior to the commencement of development, as well as other conditions to
       ensure the protection of the environment.

  28. The Local Ward Councillors have advised that they have been contacted by
      residents expressing the view that the proposed facility would have a detrimental
      effect to local residents/neighbours adjoining the business and material planning
      concerns include the aspects of excess noise and dust, also that this type of
      business will be difficult to monitor/control and therefore may be subject to
      environmental disregard/abuse. It was also questioned why there is a need for this
      facility in such close proximity to residential properties given that there are Durham
      County Council recycling facilities nearby at Stoney Heap and Morrison Busty.

   29. The application was advertised in the local press, letters were sent to neighbouring
       residents and site notices were placed in the locality. Four objections were received
       in response to the application and these raise issues in relation to impacts upon local
       amenity including pollution, litter, noise, dust and traffic. There have also been
       several questions raised over apparent mistakes in the supporting statement as it
       suggests that the majority of the waste to be brought to the site would be from the
       Sunderland area. The objectors have also questioned the need for the development
       when other facilities are available in the nearby area.


   30. The applicant has submitted the following information to describe measures that
       would be put in place to mitigate the concerns raised by objectors to the proposal.
31. Mud accumulation will be monitored and the site regularly cleaned to prevent
       deleterious materials being carried out onto the highway. Dust and debris in other
       areas of the yard will be swept-up on a regular basis to prevent build-up of waste in
       and around the site.
   32. The access area and adjacent highway will be monitored for evidence of mud and
       other debris and cleaned immediately by a site operative who will manually sweep
       away the debris. A road sweeper will be called if necessary. Site vehicles will be
       cleaned regularly to prevent the transportation of mud and debris onto the highway.

   33. The hard-standing and indoor areas of the transfer station shall be swept regularly to
       prevent the build-up of dust and debris. In the event of the build-up of any dust,
       measures shall be taken to suppress with water bowser and/or road-sweeper and
       recorded in site diary.

   34. Waste accepted at this facility will be dry waste and should therefore have no odour.
       In the event that any waste is found to give off offensive odours it will be taken to the
       Quarantine Skip and removed from site immediately. It will also be recorded in the
       site diary. In the unlikely event that offensive odours are released from the site the
       offending odour source shall be immediately identified and removed from the site to
       a suitable tip in order to prevent further nuisance.

   35. All plant and equipment shall be purchased and maintained to H.S.E. Guidelines.
       Noise levels will be monitored. In the event that noise levels are reported it will be
       investigated and recorded in the site diary.

   36. Because of the nature of the transfer station building, wind blown litter will be kept to
       a minimum; The site shall be checked daily for litter, which shall be collected and
       Disposed of in the normal way.

   The above represents a summary of the comments received on this application. The full written text is
            available for inspection on the application file which can be viewed at County Hall


   37. Having regard to the requirements of Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory
       Purchase Act 2004, the relevant Development Plan policies, relevant guidance and
       all other material planning considerations, including representations received, it is
       considered that the main planning issues in this instance relate to the impact of the
       use upon residential amenity of occupants of nearby premises and highway safety.

Principle of Development

   38. The site is located approximately 0.3km to the west of Leadgate centre on an area
       designated for general industrial use as designated by the Derwentside District Local
       Plan. The site is bounded to the south and west by neighbouring industrial units and
       to the north and east by Watling Wood. The proposed development would involve
       the use of the site for the importation and processing of inert construction waste
       sourced from the applicant’s skip business.

   39. National, regional and local planning policies are generally supportive towards
       sustainable waste management initiatives and seek to promote the movement of
       materials up the waste hierarchy.
40. National policy for the management of waste is contained in DEFRA’s Waste
    Strategy for England 2007 which aims to meet and exceed diversion targets set by
    the EU Landfill Directive and is generally supportive of waste transfer stations and
    material recovery facilities. Regionally waste targets are contained within the North
    East of England Regional Spatial Strategy, and require a 46% increase in the
    recovery of Household Waste and a 73% increase in the recovery of Municipal Solid
    Waste by 2016. In this respect Durham County Council has its own targets of a 75%
    reduction across the County by 2020.
41. The Government announced in Waste Strategy 2007 that it was considering, in
    conjunction with the construction industry, a target to halve the amount of
    construction, demolition and excavation wastes going to landfill by 2012, as a result
    of waste reduction, re-use and recycling. Final targets were set out in the Strategy
    for Sustainable Construction (BERR, 2008), and include: by 2012 a 50% reduction of
    construction, demolition and excavation waste to landfill compared to 2008; and by
    2009 setting an overall target of diversion of demolition waste to landfill. The
    Government in June 2011 published its Waste Policy Review. The Policy Review
    notes that the existing halving waste to landfill commitment is on track to meet its
    2012 target and highlights that the Waste Framework Directive target is to recovery
    at least 70% of construction and demolition waste by 2020. The Policy Review
    acknowledges that there will be some wastes for which landfill remains the best or
    least worst option which are likely to include some inert materials and wastes to
    restore quarries and mineral workings.
42. Government guidance in PPG10 (2005) has been transferred to the WLP principally
    through Policies W1 to W4 (Policy W1 has not been ‘saved’). The strategy for the
    WLP reflects the principles of national guidance that decisions on waste proposals
    should be guided by the waste hierarchy which encourages reduction, re-use and
    recovery of waste as a resource, before consideration is given to disposal as landfill.
    PPS10 and the waste hierarchy have been updated in 2011 to incorporate changes
    in the revised Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). This now encourages
    prevention before preparing for re-use, recycling, other recovery and finally disposal
    as a last resort. Policies contained in the WLP remain relevant and refer to moving
    the management of waste up the waste hierarchy without specifying the stages.
43. Policy W39 of the County Durham Waste Local Plan states that proposals for the
    recovery of inert materials, including construction and demolition waste, will be
    permitted provided that they can be satisfactorily located at existing waste transfer
    stations, on land identified for general industrial use or on previously developed land
    in sustainable locations.

44. The application site falls within Bradley Industrial Estate which is identified for
    general industrial use by Policy IN4 of the Derwentside District Local Plan 1997.
    Objectors to the proposal have stated that there is not an established need for the
    facility given the proximity of the Brooms Dene and Annfield Plain Household Waste
    Recovery Centres. The purpose of Household Waste Recovery Centres is as a
    deposit point for small quantities of domestic waste, which is then taken to waste
    transfer stations for processing. The proposed development would only accept
    construction and demolition waste arriving primarily in skips and would then be
    processed on site. There is an established need for facilities that would assist in
    diverting waste away from landfill as set out in Policy W2 of the County Durham
    Waste Local Plan.
Residential Amenity

   45. The nearest Residential properties are located approximately 70 metres to the east
       in Dere Park and approximately 30 metres (to the nearest property) to the south east
       on Garden Terrace/Garden Place. Policy W33 of the County Durham Waste Local
       Plan requires development to incorporate suitable mitigation measures to ensure that
       any harmful impacts from noise, odour, litter, vermin, birds, dust and mud are kept to
       an acceptable level. Waste processing operation at the site would be limited in scale
       (it is proposed to process up to 25,000 tonnes of material per annum). Working
       hours would be restricted through appropriate planning condition to between 07.30 –
       17.00 Monday to Friday and 07.30 – 13.00 Saturdays with no working on Sundays,
       Public or Bank Holidays.
   46. Material processed at the site would be inert and sourced from the applicant’s skip
       hire business. Given the inert nature of the material it is unlikely that the proposal
       would have any adverse odour impact on the surrounding locality. All processing of
       material would be carried out internally, which would limit the capacity for the site to
       generate noise, dust and litter beyond the site boundary to a degree that would
       cause a nuisance to the nearest sensitive properties. Notwithstanding this, the
       Pollution Control Team have suggested that a full noise assessment and dust
       management plan be submitted prior to the commencement of development, as well
       as other conditions to ensure the protection of the environment and residential
Traffic and Transport
   47. Policy W31 of the County Durham Waste Local Plan states that waste development
       will only be permitted if traffic estimated to be generated by the development can be
       accommodated safely on the highway network, the amenity of roadside communities
       is protected, the strategic highway network can be safely and conveniently accessed
       and the impact of traffic generated by the development on local and recreational
       amenity is otherwise acceptable. The site is located within an area identified for
       general industrial uses and dedicated estate roads are provided that link to the A691
       and B6309. The industrial estate was originally linked to the Garden Place and
       Garden Terrace but concrete bollards have been erected prohibiting access via this
       route. It is therefore considered that the development is in accordance with Policy
       W31 of the County Durham Waste Local Plan, however it is considered that a
       planning condition be imposed restricting vehicle movements at the site to 20 per
       day (10in/10out) to prevent an undesirable intensification of the use of the site.

Other Matters

   48. The proposed development would create 10 jobs in the surrounding area.

   49. Whilst the proposed mitigation measures should help minimise the adverse impacts
       of the site it will be essential that these are properly implemented and maintained. If
       planning permission is granted the requirements of planning conditions will need to
       be fully implemented and monitored and if necessarily enforced to ensure
       compliance at all times.

   50. The proposal is of a type that would be subject to a permit required through the
       Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 which would
       regulate issues at the site relating to pollution control. There are powers to enforce
       should this not be complied with. The operator will be required to apply for an
       Environmental Permit from the Environment Agency although this cannot be issued
       until the planning position at the site has been established, in this case through the
       determination of this application for planning permission.

   51. Planning policy is generally supportive towards sustainable waste management
       initiatives and seeks to locate waste transfer and material recycling facilities on land
       identified for general industrial use or on previously developed land in sustainable
       locations. The proposal would be located on an existing industrial unit and make a
       small contribution to diverting waste materials up the waste hierarchy, away from
       landfill. In this respect it is considered that the proposal would broadly accord with
       Policies W38, W39 of the County Durham Waste Local Plan.

   52. Notwithstanding this Policy W33 of the County Durham Waste Local Plan requires
       that waste development will be required to incorporate suitable mitigation measures
       to ensure that any harmful environmental impact is kept to an acceptable level.
       Having regard to proposed mitigation measures and the views of the EHO and
       Environment Agency it is considered sufficient control would be put in place. Subject
       therefore to the proposed imposition of proposed planning conditions it is considered
       that the development would be acceptable in this location.


That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions;

1. The development hereby approved must be begun no later than the expiration of three
   years from the date of this permission.

Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following
   approved plans:

      Drawing No. 001 ‘Existing Plan’
      Drawing No. 002 ‘Proposed Plan’

To define the consent and ensure that a satisfactory form of development is obtained.

3. Prior to the commencement of development a full noise assessment should be
   undertaken, as per BS4142:1997 'Method for rating industrial noise affecting mixed
   residential and industrial areas', the assessment should provide mitigation measures if
   required. No works should be undertaken until suitable methods of mitigating any issues
   raised by the assessment have been agreed in writing by the Waste Planning Authority
   and where required suitable methods of mitigation have been implemented.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)
4. Prior to the commencement of development a suitable 'Dust Management Plan' shall be
   submitted to the Waste Planning Authority for agreement in writing prior to being
   implemented on the site. It is recommended that an assessment is undertaken in order
   to determine the potential for emissions of PM10 to occur from proposed processing
   activities. Where any potential for emissions of PM10 are found a full air quality
   assessment shall be undertaken to determine the impact on nearby sensitive receptors.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

5. Details of the proposed office and weighbridge shall be submitted to the Waste Planning
   Authority for agreement in writing prior to their erection on site.

To define the consent and ensure that a satisfactory form of development is obtained.

6. All waste material is to be deposited and processed within the Reception Building, as
   shown on Drawing No. 002 ‘Proposed Plan’.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

7. No waste other than inert construction and demolition waste, plastics, textiles, metal,
   timber and timber derived products shall be imported to the facility. No household or
   perishable waste/recyclable materials shall be stored on site.

The acceptance of other waste materials at the site raises different environmental and
amenity issues, which would require further consideration (County Durham Waste Local
Plan Policy W33).

8. Details of any external lighting shall be submitted to the Waste Local Authority for
   approval in writing prior to installation on site. Notwithstanding this, no lighting operated
   on the site shall be directed towards residential premises.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

9. No burning of waste shall be undertaken anywhere on the site.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

10. Plastic bales shall be stored in an enclosed area, in order to prevent becoming
    saturated and generating offensive odour.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)
11. All plant and machinery used on site shall be fitted with an effective silencer and have
   the doors or cowls of its engine(s) in the closed position. Pumps or generators in
   position for more than one working week shall be screened by acoustic barriers where

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

12. All plant operated on site shall comply with BS5228-1:2009 'Code of practice for noise
    and vibration control on construction and open sites. Noise'

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

13. Stockpiles of material which is likely to produce dust shall be stored in the existing 3
    sided bays as shown on Drawing No. 002 ‘Proposed Plan’ and shall not exceed the
    height of the bays or be greater than 3 metres in height. No material with a diameter of
    less than 3 mm shall be stored outside.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

14. No waste materials shall be received at the site or processing operations undertaken
    except between the hours of 07:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday, 07:30 – 12.00 Saturdays
    and not at all on Sundays or Public and Bank Holidays save in cases of emergency
    when life limb or property are in danger. The Local Planning Authority shall be notified
    in writing as soon as is practicable after the occurrence of any such emergency working.

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

15. Operations involving the use of crushers, screens, chippers and baling equipment on
    site should only be carried out between the hours of 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday,
    09:00 – 12.00 Saturdays and not at all on Sundays or Public and Bank Holidays

In the interests of the amenities of the surrounding area (County Durham Waste Local Plan
Policy W33)

16. Vehicle movements to the site in connection with the receipt and processing of waste
    material hereby approved shall be restricted to no more than 20 movements per day (10
    in/10 out). The operator shall maintain a record of all vehicles using the site in
    connection with these activities and a certified copy of this record shall be afforded to
    the Local Planning Authority on request within 2 working days of such a request.

In the interests of highway safety (County Durham Waste Local Plan Policy W32)

17. All vehicles leaving the site shall be sufficiently cleaned in order to ensure that mud, dirt,
    and treated or untreated waste is not transferred onto the public highway.
In the interests of amenity and highway safety (County Durham Waste Local Plan Policy
W31 and W33).

18. At all times the best practicable means shall be employed on site to control and
    minimise any possible dust arising from untreated waste. Measures shall be taken to
    suppress dust arising from the development hereby approved, such that none shall be
    detected beyond the site boundary as shown on Drawing No. 002 ’Proposed Plan’. In
    the event that dust is detected beyond the site boundary, and that it is directly
    attributable to the use hereby approved, causal operations shall cease until additional
    measures are submitted to and agreed in writing with the Waste Planning Authority and
    implemented thereafter in full.

In the interests of local amenity (Durham County Council Waste Local Plan Policy W33)


1. The proposed development would accord with Policies W33, W38 and W39 of the
   County Durham Waste Local Plan and Policy IN4 of the Derwentside District Local

2. In particular the development is considered acceptable having regard to the
   consideration of issues of the principle of development, residential amenity and traffic
   and access.

3. Whilst acknowledging the views of individuals who have raised concerns about the
   potential impact upon neighbouring units and nearby residential properties it is
   considered such concerns can be sufficiently mitigated through relevant planning
   conditions and the siting of the proposal on an area identified for general industrial use
   is considered acceptable in relation to policies contained within the County Durham
   Waste Local Plan.


   − Submitted Application Forms, Plans and Supporting Statements.
   − Design and Access Statement.
   − Planning Policy Statements / Guidance, and Development Plan.
   − Submitted application forms and plans and subsequent information provided by the
   − North East Regional Spatial Strategy to 2021 (RSS) July 2008.
   − County Durham Waste Local Plan (April 2005) and Derwentside District Local Plan
   − Statutory, Internal and Public Consultation Responses.


                                                           Proposed Change of use to waste transfer station at
                                                           Compound J, Bradley Workshops, Leadgate, Consett
                            Planning Services
This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the   Comments
permission o Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her majesty’s
Stationary Office © Crown copyright.
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Durham County Council Licence No. 100022202 2005           Date December 2011             1:2500
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