Combined Detection and Genotyping of Chikungunya Virus by a Specific Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction

Journal of Medical Virology 67:370–374 (2002)

Combined Detection and Genotyping of
Chikungunya Virus by a Specific Reverse
Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction
F. Hasebe,1* M.C. Parquet,1 B.D. Pandey,1 E.G.M. Mathenge,1 K. Morita,1 V. Balasubramaniam,2
Z. Saat,2 A. Yusop,2 M. Sinniah,2 S. Natkunam,3 and A. Igarashi1
 Department of Virology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
 Division of Virology, Institute for Medical Research, Ministry of Health, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
 Hospital TAR, Klang Selangor, Malaysia

    A reverse transcription-polymerase chain reac-           [Harnett and Bucens, 1990; Schmitz et al., 1996;
    tion (RT-PCR) was developed for the detection of         Eisenhut et al., 1999]. In Asia, the disease occurs
    Chikungunya virus infection. Based on the non-           mainly in children [Halstead et al., 1969], and its areas
    structural protein 1 (nsP1) and glycoprotein E1          of occurrence overlap with those endemic for dengue
    (E1) genes of Chikungunya, two primer sets were          fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever [Myers and Carey,
    designed. Total RNA were extracted from the cell         1967; Mackenzie et al., 2001]. The symptoms of
    culture fluid of Aedes albopictus C6/36 cells            Chikungunya infection are characterized by fever,
    inoculated with the S27 prototype virus, isolated        headache, severe back and joint pain, rash, and
    in Tanzania in 1953, and the Malaysian strains           lymphadenitis. These clinical features are similar to
    (MALh0198, MALh0298, and MALh0398), isolated             those seen in dengue virus infection [Nimmannitya
    in Malaysia in 1998. For both sets of RNA sam-           et al., 1969: Carey, 1971]. Concurrent isolation of both
    ples, the expected 354- and 294-base pair (bp)           Chikungunya and dengue virus was carried out from a
    cDNA fragments were amplified effectively from           blood sample taken from a patient in the acute phase of
    the nsP1 and E1 genes, respectively. Phyloge-            a dengue-like illness was reported [Myers and Carey,
    netic analysis was conducted for the Malaysian           1967]. Thus, the differential diagnosis of these two
    strain and other virus strains isolated from dif-        infections is essential for clinical management and
    ferent regions in the world endemic for Chikun-          epidemiological study in the tropics. Although a
    gunya, using partial E1 gene sequence data. The          number of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic
    Malaysian strains isolated during the epidemics          systems have been established for dengue virus infec-
    of 1998 fell into a cluster with other members of        tion, no reverse transcription (RT)-PCR diagnostic
    the Asian genotype. J. Med. Virol. 67:370–               system for Chikungunya infection has been reported
    374, 2002. ß 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.                       [Chungue et al., 1993; Morita et al., 1994; Seah et al.,
                                                             1995; Sudiro et al., 1997; Harris et al., 1999]. The aim of
    KEY WORDS: Chikungunya virus; RT-PCR;                    this study was to develop a rapid, sensitive, and virus-
               nsP1; E1; genotyping; Malaysia                specific RT-PCR assay as a quick diagnostic method to

  Chikungunya virus is an alphavirus (family Togavir-          Grant sponsor: Department of Virology, Institute of Tropical
                                                             Medicine, Nagasaki University; Grant sponsor: Ministry of
idae, genus Alphavirus) serologically classified as a        Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan; Grant number:
member of the Semliki Forest antigenic complex               10041201.
[Karabatsos, 1975]. It is transmitted to human beings          A. Igarashi’s present address is Kyushu University of Health
by mosquitoes of the Aedes genus [Turell et al., 1992;       and Welfare, Yoshino machi 1714-1, Nobeoka city, Miyazaki,
Diallo et al., 1999]. Chikungunya is prevalent in sub-       Japan 882-8508.
Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and the Western         *Correspondence to: F. Hasebe, Department of Virology,
                                                             Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University,1-12-4 Saka-
Pacific, and where numerous epidemics have been              moto, Nagasaki 852-8523 Japan.
reported [Rao, 1971; Thuang et al., 1975; Adesina and        E-mail:
Odelola, 1991; Thein et al., 1992; Thaikruea et al., 1997;     Accepted 21 November 2001
Thong et al., 1999]. Apart from cases that occur in            DOI 10.1002/jmv.10085
endemic areas, cases of travel-related Chikungunya             Published online in Wiley InterScience
infection have been reported in nontropical areas              (

RT-PCR for Chikungunya Virus Diagnosis and Genotyping                                                                           371

identify Chikungunya infection especially in dengue
epidemic areas where equivocal assay results preclude
effective clinical management. This technique was used
subsequently to test serum samples for studies con-
ducted during a Chikungunya outbreak that occurred
in Malaysia in 1998.

              Isolation of CHIK Virus
  A suspected Chikungunya outbreak occurred in
Malaysia in 1998. Serum samples were collected from
patients clinically diagnosed as, suspected cases of
Chikungunya infection. In this study, 10 ml of each
serum sample was inoculated into C6/36 cells cultured
in minimal essential medium (MEM) containing 2%
fetal calf serum (FCS) and 0.2 mM of each minimum                Fig. 1. Alignment of nucleotide sequences of the nsP1 and E1 gene of
essential amino acid; the cells were then incubated at        alphavirus strains belonging to the Semliki Forest antigenic group.
                                                              A: CHIK/nsP1-S primer annealing site. B: CHIK/nsP1-C primer an-
288C for 1 week. The infected cells were examined by          nealing site. C: CHIK/E1-S primer annealing site. D: CHIK/E1-C
indirect immunostaining, using patient serum that             primer annealing site. Abbreviations and GenBank accession numbers
                                                              (in parenthesis) are as follows: CHIK, Chikungunya (U94597 for nsP1
contained anti-Chikungunya polyclonal antibodies and          sequence and L37661 for structural protein gene sequence); ONN,
horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled goat anti-human          O’nyong-nyong (AF079456); IGBO, Igbo Ora (AF079457); SFV, Semliki
IgG (American Qualex). Isolation of the virus was then        Forest (Y17207); UNA, Una (U94603); GET, Getah (U94598); SAG,
                                                              Sagiyama (U94601); BEB, Bebaru (U94595); MAY, Mayoro (U94602);
confirmed by a newly established RT-PCR assay. The            RR, Ross River (M20162). –, current sequence nucleotide is identical to
resulting infected culture fluid was harvested from           that of CHIK.
each sample and stored at 808C until use.

                      Virus Strains                                                 Extraction of RNA
  The virus strains used in this study are listed in            Genomic viral RNA was extracted from 100 ml of
Table I. The viruses were propagated in C6/36 cells           virus infected culture fluid using the Trizol LS
cultured as above, in 2% FCS MEM and 0.2 mM of each           reagent (GIBCO-BRL), according to the manufacturer’s
minimum essential amino acid with incubation at 288C.         instructions, and resuspended in 20 ml of RNase-free
The virus bearing culture fluid was harvested 5 days          water.
after infection.
                                                                        Reverse Transcription-Polymerase
                      Primer Design                                              Chain Reaction
  As only limited sequence data were available for              RT-PCR was carried out with Ready-To-GoTM RT-
Chikungunya, the available data were compared with            PCR Beads (Amersham Pharmacia Biotechnology) in a
other Alphavirus strains belonging to the Semliki             0.5-ml tube containing 0.5 mM of each primer and 5 ml of
Forest antigenic complex. Two primer sets were                RNA template. The MJ Research Mini Cycler (PTC-
selected within the nsP1 and E1 genomic regions of            150-16 HB MJ-2716-00) was used for RT-PCR. The RT
Chikungunya which had well-conserved nucleotide               reaction (428C for 10 min) was followed by 35 cycles of
sequences among the same complex of viruses but               PCR (948C for 30 sec, 548C for 30 sec, and 728C for
were specific to the 30 end of the Chikungunya viral          30 sec, for each cycle). The final elongation step was
genome (Fig. 1 and Table II).                                 extended to 5 min, to ensure complete extension of the
                                                              amplified products. In this study, 10 ml of PCR pro-
                                                              duct was subjected to 2% agarose gel electrophoresis in
TABLE I. List of Chikungunya and Dengue Viruses Used in       Tris-acetate EDTA buffer (0.04 M Tris-acetate, 1 mM
                       This Study                             EDTA), stained with ethidium bromide, and visualized
                                                              on an ultraviolet (UV) transilluminator at 302 nm.
                                       Year of
Virus                    Strains      isolation   Location             Determination of Assay Sensitivity
Chikungunya virus      S27             1953       Tanzania      The stock seed virus of S27 strain was titrated in C6/
                       MALh0198        1998       Malaysia
                       MALh0298        1998       Malaysia
                                                              36 cells. Total RNA was extracted from the virus stock
                       MALh0398        1998       Malaysia    containing 5.0  107 plaque-forming units (PFU)/ml
Dengue virus type 1    Hawaii          1945       Hawaii      and serially 10-fold diluted in RNase-free water. To
                       ThNh7/93        1993       Thailand    determine the sensitivity of each primer set, 10 ml of
                       InJ-I6-82       1982       Indonesia   each RNA solution containing from 5.0  104 to 5 PFU
                       CT93-74         1993       Thailand
                                                              were used for amplification.
372                                                                                                                 Hasebe et al.

                        TABLE II. Nucleotide Sequences of Chikungunya Virus-Specific Primers

               Primer code                   Sequence (50 to 30 )               Tm (8C)          Product (bp)
               nsP1 primer set
                 CHIK/nsP1-S          TAGAGCAGGAAATTGATCCC                        61.1                 354
                 CHIK/nsP1-C          CTTTAATCGCCTGGTGGTAT                        61.7
               E1 primer set
                 CHIK/E1-S            TACCCATTCATGTGGGGC                          62.7                 294
                 CHIK/E1-C            GCCTTTGTACACCACGATT                         59.4

            Direct Sequencing Analysis                               Virus Isolation From Malaysian Patients
  The specific DNA amplicons were purified using a             Three RNA samples from the culture fluid of C6/36
centrifugation purification device, Microcon (Millipore).    cell inoculated with Malaysian patients sera were
Sequencing reactions were undertaken with the Taq            found to be Chikungunya positive by RT-PCR, using
Dye Deoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied           the nsP1 and E1 primer sets (Fig. 2). The results were
Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and purified using Centri-      consistent with those obtained for immunostaining
Sep columns as recommended by the manufacturer               assay carried out on cultured cells. These Malaysian
(Princeton Separations, Adelphia, NJ). The sequences         strains were named MALh0198, MALh0298, and
were resolved with an ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer         MALh0398 (Table I).
(Applied Biosystems) and further processed using the
DNASIS 3.6 Software, Mac version (Hitachi).                         Direct Sequence Analysis of the Amplicons
                                                               Direct sequence analysis of RT-PCR products was
               Phylogenetic Analysis                         carried out; among the Malaysian strains, only one
  The 257-bp partial E1 gene sequence obtained was           nucleotide sequence was found to be different in the
used for phylogenetic analysis. A phylogenetic tree          nsP1 genome, whereas the amino acid sequences proved
comparing the 19 Chikungunya strains isolated from           identical. For the 314-bp-long sequences of the nsP1
different endemic regions of the world was generated.        gene, the S27 prototype and the Malaysian strains were
Apart from the Malaysian strain, all the nucleotide          found to be 96.8–97.1% for the nucleotide sequences,
sequences used in this study were obtained from the          and showed 100% homology for amino acid sequences.
GenBank. The names of the strains, place of isolation,       For the 257-bp-long E1 gene sequence, the sequence
year, and accession numbers are indicated in Figure 3.       homology between S27 and Malaysian strains was
A sequence of O’nyong-nyong virus, strain SG650, was         96.5% for the nucleotide sequences and 97.6% for the
included as an outgroup.                                     deduced amino acid sequences. The sequence results of
  The PHYLIP package of software programs (version           MALh0198 and MALh0398 were identical.
3.5) [Felenstein, 1995] was used to calculate the
nucleotide evolutionary distances and to prepare phylo-
grams. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the
Neighbor Joining Method [Saitou, 1987] and viewed
using TREEVIEW [Page, 1996]. A 1,000-times bootstrap
resampling of the data set was carried out to ascertain
support for the major branches of the tree.

      RT-PCR Detection and Its Sensitivities
  The expected 354- and 294-bp-long cDNA fragments
were amplified for the nsP1 and E1 gene, respectively,
using RNA extracted from the S27 prototype strain’s
infected culture fluid (Fig. 2). RNA templates of dengue
virus types 1–4 were all negative for both primer sets.
                                                                Fig. 2. Application of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reac-
The nsP1 primer set was able to detect viral RNA at          tion (RT-PCR) to the RNA samples extracted from C6/36 cell culture
dilutions containing as low as 5 PFU, while the E1           fluids inoculated with Malaysian patients’ sera. RT-PCR was carried
                                                             out with the nsP1 primer set (lane n) and E1 primer set (lane e);
primer set was able to detect viral RNA from dilutions       amplified products were subjected to gel electrophoresis. Ethidium
containing 50 PFU of S27 strain. Chikungunya viral           bromide-stained agarose gel showing the expected 354 and 294 bp of
RNA was also detected from patients serum samples            cDNA fragments that were amplified from nsP1 and E1 gene, res-
                                                             pectively (samples 3, 5, and 6). RNA template of S27 strain was used as
by application of a direct RT-PCR procedure [Morita,         a positive (Posi.) control in the reaction. The molecular weights of the
1994], using the nsP1 primer set.                            100-bp DNA marker are shown.
RT-PCR for Chikungunya Virus Diagnosis and Genotyping                                                                    373

                 Fig. 3. Phylogenetic analysis of 19 CHICK strains. The tree was constructed for a 257-bp-long E1 gene
               sequence using UPGMA. Locations, year of isolation, GenBank accession numbers, and genotypes are

               Phylogenetic Analysis                                distinguish them from the other alphaviruses. The
                                                                    epidemiology and clinical features of Chikungunya
  The evolutionary relationships among the 19 Chi-
                                                                    have a number of similarities to those of dengue
kungunya strains were analyzed. These Chikungunya
                                                                    viruses. Both viruses are prevalent in the tropics and
isolates were divided three different genetic clusters
                                                                    subtropics and there is the possibility of large simulta-
which fell into geographical groups. The nucleotide
                                                                    neous outbreaks involving these two viruses [Myers
evolutionary distances between the Malaysian strain
                                                                    and Carey, 1967; Halstead et al., 1969; Carey, 1971].
and the other strain clusters belonging to the Asian,
                                                                    Unlike dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock
Central/East African, and West African genotypes
                                                                    syndrome, Chikungunya infections are rarely fatal and
ranged from 0.0197 to 0.0361, 0.0440 to 0.0564, and
                                                                    patients do not usually require hospitalization. There-
0.1323 to 0.1508, respectively. The Malaysian isolate
                                                                    fore it is very important to differentiate Chikungunya
presented in this report clustered within the Asian
                                                                    infection from dengue virus infections especially in
genotype (Fig. 3).
                                                                    areas where dengue is endemic. The Chikungunya
                                                                    outbreak occurred in a densely populated urban area
                                                                    near Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia from 1998 to 1999. It
   Chikungunya is related antigenically to other mem-               was the first outbreak to be recorded in this country
bers of the same antigenic complex (Semliki Forest,                 [Mackenzie et al., 2001]. RT-PCR assay for the detec-
O’nyong-nyong, Ross River, and Mayaro viruses). An                  tion of Chikungunya infection was developed and
indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)                  subsequently used to analyze the samples for studies
for the detection of anti- Chikungunya IgM antibody                 conducted during this outbreak. The two newly design-
and a genus-specific RT-PCR assay for detection of                  ed primer sets were able to detect both the African (S27)
alphavirus species have been developed [Thein et al.,               and the Malaysian Chikungunya strains, but did not
1992; Pfeffer et al., 1997]. About 75% of Chikungunya               detect any of the 4 dengue virus serotypes nor Sindbis
patients failed to seroconvert within 24–48 hr of onset             virus (data not shown). RT-PCR assays using the nsP1
of symptoms, and the clinical value of the neutraliza-              and E1 derived primer sets were sensitive enough to
tion test in obtaining a differential serodiagnosis of              detect 5 PFU and 50 PFU, respectively, for the S27
Semliki Forest antigenic complex viruses is not entirely            strain. Although the amplified gene region is longer,
clear [Karabatsos, 1975]. The genus-specific RT-PCR                 the amplification efficiency was slightly higher when
assay was able to detect 27 alphavirus species, in-                 using nsP1 primer set (Fig. 2). Direct sequencing
cluding Chikungunya; however, it was unable to                      analysis was carried out on both amplified products
374                                                                                                                            Hasebe et al.

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