Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

Page created by Marcus Bell
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA
The oldest city of the future

Co-Innovation Program
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

                                               What is VeniSIA

                                               Venice, the oldest city of the future                                                     Below:
                                                                                           Venice and the target environmental SDGs for VeniSIA

VeniSIA is a sustainability innovation         VeniSIA’s mission is to accelerate
accelerator, based in Venice and devoted       entrepreneurial ideas, corporate labs
to the development of business ideas           and start-ups to achieve environmental
and technology solutions able to face          SDGs. VeniSIA aims to identify, scale and
climate change and other environmental         commecialize entrepreneurial ideas and
challenges. VeniSIA attracts institutions,     solutions to the market through business
companies and individuals who share the        model innovation. Venice will thus turn
belief that it is the perfect background       into the first 100% sustainable city.
to provide ideas and solutions for those
sustainable development challenges             VeniSIA’s vision is to become the most
that are applicable to Venice’s fragile and    important start-up accelerator for the
unique environmental ecosystem, and            next generation of entrepreneurs,
yet scalable, to the benefit of the whole      addressing climate change and other
planet. VeniSIA’s ultimate purpose is not to   related environmental global problems.
make an accelerator in Venice but to make
an accelerator out of Venice.                  VeniSIA’s ambition is to repopulate
                                               the city through a new generation of
                                               residents, smart workers and students, to
Download the White Paper                       participate in the accelerator’s programs
                                               and to live in Venice on the long-term,
“VeniSIA, the oldest city of the future”       turning them from temporary tourists into
                                               permanent futurists.
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

                                             Co-Innovation Program                                                                                                                                    UN Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        affecting Venice

                                                                                          Co-Innovation Program on
What is Co-Innovation?                                                                    Climate Change & Circular Economy

“The use of purposive inflows and outflows   Co-innovation promotes collaboration         VeniSIA Co-Innovation Program on              Both Corporate Partners and start-ups can       and attract business opportunities thanks
of knowledge to accelerate internal          between companies and the external           Climate Change & Circular Economy             also benefit from a wide range of events,       to VeniSIA’s global network.
innovation and expand the markets for        environment, in particular with start-ups,   scouts business ideas and technology          such as Innovation Camps and Demo
external use of innovation” (Chesbrough,     universities, institutions and research      solutions for Corporate Partners and          Days, to boost their international visibility
2003) is the current definition of Open      labs. These synergies can help companies     develops innovative POCs to meet the
Innovation.                                  to innovate their value proposition,         Partners’ sustainability challenges.
                                             business models and processes while
Companies need to embrace new models         solving present and future economic,         The Co-Innovation Program is a
to capture external business ideas and       social and environmental challenges.         12-month experience with the final aim
technology solutions in conjunction                                                       of identifying the perfect business or
with internal R&D. The companies that        In order to find sustainable solutions,      technological match and developing a
are most likely to thrive in this new open   VeniSIA fosters Co-Innovation leveraging     win-win long-term partnership.
innovation era will be able to gather        its global network of companies, start-
external business ideas and technology       ups, research institutes, consultants,       The matching framework successfully
solutions and at the same time they will     universities and innovators through a        shapes a Co-Innovation path leveraging
share and apply their own ideas in new       wide set of services and programs tailored   both the Corporate Partners’ sustainability
markets and contexts.                        to the needs of every single stakeholder.    challenges and needs for financial returns,
                                                                                          and the start-ups’ disruptive business
                                                                                          ideas and technology solutions.
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

                                                                    Co-Innovation Program                                                                           Phase 1 to Phase 4 = 12 months
                                                                                                                                                                    * Number of start-ups p/Partner

                                                      2 months           2 months                 3 months            2 months                            2 months                                          3 months                     For the duration of the program

                                                      Phase 0            Phase 1                  Phase 2             Phase 3                                                       Phase 4
                                                    Corporate        Start-up                Start-up                Business                                                Co-Innovation                                                      Communication
                                                    challenges       scouting                selection                 case                                                      (with 1 start-up)                                                activities
                                                     selection      In                 Out   In                Out   selection                              Phase 1                                          Phase 2
                                                                                                                       among                                                                                                                •   Logo on communication materials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Annual event
                                                                                                                                         1. Business case modeling:                        POC/Pilot:
                                 € 200.000                8         400                80    80                16        16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Demo Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Plenary workshop
                                                                                                                                         •   Goal achievement                                                                               •   Dedicated workshop
                                 Main Partner                                                                                                                                              •   Active participation of the partner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Media relations
                                                      challenges          start-ups*              start-ups*          start-ups*         •   Accountable HRs for each milestone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Sustainability Board
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   Selection of business line
                                                                                                                       among             •   Mitigation of the project’s risks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Logo on communication materials

                                                                                                                                                                                           •   Selection of HRs from VeniSIA, start-up      •   Annual event
                                 € 100.000                4         200                40    40                8          8                                                                                                                 •   Demo Day
                                                                                                                                         2. Business case validation:                                                                       •   Plenary workshop
                               Premium Partner                                                                                                                                                 & partner                                    •   Media relations
                                                      challenges          start-ups*              start-ups*          start-ups*         •   Project definition / Scope                                                                     •   Sustainability Board
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   Operations calendar
                                                                                                                       among             •   Strategic, financial & non-financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Logo on communication materials
                                  € 75.000                3         150                30    30                6          6
                                                                                                                                             benefits                                      •   Meeting scheduling                           •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Annual event
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Demo Day
                                 Core Partner                                                                                            •   Fit with corporate strategy                                                                    •   Plenary workshop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Sustainability Board
                                                      challenges          start-ups*              start-ups*          start-ups*
                                                                                                                                         •   Implementation approach
                                                                                                                       among             •   Risk & financial analysis
                                  € 50.000                2         100                20    20                4         4                                                                                                                  •   Logo on communication materials
                               Supporting Partner                                                                                        3. Business case presentation
                                                      challenges          start-ups*              start-ups*          start-ups*

                                  € 25.000                1         50                 10    10                2         X                                                                                                                  •   Logo on communication materials
                                                                                                                                                                X                                                X
                                 Seed Partner
                                                       challenge          start-ups*              start-ups*

                                STUDENTS’           Co-Innovation
                                PROGRAM                                                                                            Internships
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

                                           Co-Innovation Program

                                           From phase 1 to Demo Day
              Phase 1 - 2 months                        Phase 2 - 3 months                                          Phase 3 - 2 months                                      Phase 4 - 5 months                                       Demo Day - 1 day

         Start-up scouting                         Start-up selection                                    Business case selection                                            Co-Innovation                                              Demo Day
Launch of global open call for start-ups   1. Pre-screening                                             1. Presentation of the program to Start-ups,           1. Business Case - Phase 2                             1. Demo Day
                                                                                                        Investors, Mentors, Partners & SMEs (online event)     Business case modeling: implementation plan for        •   Global Demo Day (VeniSIA, Partners, SMEs,
•   Kick off (online event)                2. Face to Face interview                                                                                           option selected in Phase 1                                 Investors, Mentors)
                                                                                                        2. Matching between start-ups and Project              •   How the goal will be achieved
•   Active Scouting                        •   Assessment of technology solutions & business ideas      Managers                                               •   Who will be accountable for each milestone         2. Awards Ceremony (sponsored)
                                           •   Info collection (Video Pitch, Pitch Deck, Investments,                                                          •   How to mitigate the project risks                  •   Best in Digital Marketing
•   Applications                               Phase, TRL, Patents, Tracktion, etc.)                    3. Restricted Demo Day (Companies, Mentors,            Business case validation: creation of business case    •   Best Business Model
    •   Via VeniSIA Website                •   Collaboration ideas with Venice                          Investors, SMEs)                                       documents                                              •   Best in Sustainability
    •   Via Partners                       •   Collaboration ideas with VeniSIA’s Partners                                                                     •   Project definition/Scope                           •   Best in Legal
    •   Others                                                                                          4. Video-calls scheduling                              •   Strategic, financial & non-financial benefits      •   Best Innovation
                                           3. Pre-selection for Partners                                                                                       •   Fit with corporate strategy
                                                                                                        5. Business case - Phase 1 (Problem – Options –        •   Implementation approach
                                           4. Selection for the program by VeniSIA & Partners           Solution)                                              •   Risk & financial analysis
                                                                                                                                                               Business case presentation
                                           5. Legal admission to phase 3                                6. Networking Development

                                                                                                                                                               2. Business Case - Phase 3
                                                                                                        7. Selection for the Pilot/POC by VeniSIA & Partners   POC/Pilot: joint implementation of business case by
                                                                                                                                                               start-up + company/City/University
                                                                                                                                                               •   Business line to be involved in the project by
                                                                                                                                                               •   HRs to be involved in the implementation within:
                                                                                                                                                                   •   VeniSIA
                                                                                                                                                                   •   Start-up
                                                                                                                                                                   •   Company/City/University
                                                                                                                                                               •   Operations calendar
                                                                                                                                                               •   Scheduling of meetings
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

Start-ups Benefits

Selected start-ups (from phase 3)

                                         Possibility to develop a POC with cor-
      Co-Working spaces
                                         porate partners

      Contribution for living expenses   Networking with start-ups,               20k money price for each finalist
      (i.e. housing & food)              companies, mentors and investors         (1 finalist p/partner)

                                         Potential collaborations with
      Mentoring & Strategic Advice                                                Demo Day

      International visibility           Introduction to strategic partners
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

                                      2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy


                                      Confirmed Partners

VeniSIA is one of the work areas of
Venice world Sustainability capital

                                      New Partners
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

Call for Startups & Ideas

                                                    3967         Scouted start-ups

                                                     63          Countries of origin

                                                    +262%        Start-up candidates
                                                                 compared to 2021 edition

                                                     Watch the video

                                                     “VeniSIA, 2022 Co-Innovation Program on
                                                     Climate Change & Circular Economy”
Co-Innovation Program - The oldest city of the future - VeniSIA

         2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

         Start-ups funnel

     Scouting                     Pre-Selection                           Selection                 Co-Innovation               Demo Day

             Applications                     Pre-selected                       Selected
3967         received        450+             Start-ups            50            Start-ups
                                                                                                    4       POCs

                                                                                                          € 20.000 each

Launch of global open call   Face-to-face interviews & start-up   Business case development , one        Pilot/POC between        Demo Day &
      for start-ups              pre-selection for phase 3        to one meetings and networking        start-ups & companies   Awards Ceremony

2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

1. Low-carbon mobility

a. Technologies and/or fuels for low-emission vehicles, in particular for heavy vehicles

b. Technologies and solutions that facilitate/accelerate/improve the recharging of electric vehicles
   (e.g.: dynamic systems, contactless, battery-swap, …)

c. Technologies and solutions for multi-service (intermodal hubs) and distributed (connecting networks) mobility
   infrastructures that enable the production and storage of renewable energy

d. Carbon capture technologies to be integrated into mobility infrastructures

e. Solutions (e.g.: AI, IoT) for the analysis and exploitation of data related to mobility flows (people, goods and transport
   modes), for the estimation of related emissions and the identification of active interaction systems with travelers
   (e.g.: accessibility to airport terminals)

f. Electrification of ports and related activities (e.g.: cold ironing, sustainable mobility development)

2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

2. Innovative and sustainable materials

a. Concrete for energy assets

b. Packaging of electric equipment

c. Circular plastic-based grid equipment

d. Technical clothing for operators

e. Workwear and personal protective equipment (PPE)

3. Stakeholder engagement and social acceptance

a. Increase of the stakeholder engagement

b. Increase of the social acceptance of renewable plants

2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

4. Data analytics and smart predictions to fight climate change

a. Analytics applications, AI and IoT technologies for the processing, analysis and monitoring of climatic parameters
   (e.g.: sea level rise, coastal erosion, ...) from a predictive point of view

b. Implementation of monitoring systems for the quality of the marine and coastal env ronment

c. Biodiversity conservation (offshore platforms)

5. Sustainable supply chain to reduce environmental impacts

a. Solutions to make logistics sustainable (e.g.: automation, digitization, efficiency of activities, …)

6. Circular economy & waste management

a. Industrial symbiosis

b. Use of feedstock and alternative/innovative technologies for recycling plastics

c. Wastewater treatment solutions

2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

7. Smart cities & communities

a. Connected roads & connected ports

b. People flow analytics

c. Sustainable, energy efficient and connected buildings (historic, private, corporate)

d. IOT platforms for sustainable next generation smart cities
   (e.g.: energy saving, connected lights, pollution monitoring, …)

e. Water monitoring and water pollution monitoring

f. Safer cities (physical security)

g. Solutions for “circular communities”

h. Development and digital integration of renewable energy sources

2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

7. Smart cities & communities

j. From hyper tourism to sustainable tourism

k. Talent attraction

l. Digital inclusion (solutions to build a digital and sustainable city for all)

m. Solutions to foster meetings for the residents of the “Cities of the Future”
   (e.g.: connecting communities and initiatives)

n. Storm Water Management

     2021-2022 milestones

     Community Activities

                                                     50+ events
28M people reached                                                                                       200 students
                                                     online, in Venice & abroad,
through +260 press & media                                                                               of Ca’ Foscari University
                                                     among which
appearances, among which                                                                                 engaged with
                                                     the ‘Opening of the Italian Pavilion’
‘The London Times’ and ‘SkyTV’                                                                           internships & project works
                                                     at Expo 2020 Dubai

                                                                                    6.400 companies attending
                            100+ mentors
                                                                                    VeniSIA Days
                            sharing expertise
                                                                                    in Venice & online
                            with selected startups
                                                                                    (2021 & 2022 editions)

                2022 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

                Selected start-ups
                From Venice Area:
                Bettery, Circular Materials, Green Energy Storage & River Cleaning

2022 Selected

                2021 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

                Selected start-ups
                From Venice Area:
                221e, 9-Tech, E-concept, Energintech, Next Future Transportation, Crafted & Urbnx

2021 Selected

                             2021 edition on Climate Change & Circular Economy

                             2021 finalists

Waste Management                            Circular Economy                   Air Pollution              Sustainable
                                                                                                    Digital Communication

60% acquired by                                                          +20M€ of evaluation        15M€ of revenue
                                           1M€ of evaluation
Greenthesis Spa

1.3M$ raised since joining                 100K€ raised since joining    1M€ raised since joining   30 employees under
the program                                the program                   the program                30 years old

+40 publications on their                  250k€ prize by                4 international            Based in the sestiere San Polo,
HTC technology                             Intesa San Paolo              patents held               Venice



Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari
Calle Larga Ca’ Foscari Dorsoduro 3859/A, 30123 Venezia
CF 03387580271
P. IVA 03387580271



The oldest city of the future
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