Page created by Jonathan Bradley
Class of 2022
I am pleased to be among the first to congratulate you on your decision to attend DePauw
University. You’ve joined an exceptional group of peers who will make up DePauw’s Class
of 2022. I am delighted to have you as a member of our community and am eager for
you to begin your journey with us in August.

At DePauw, we are committed to helping you make a smooth transition from high school
to college. We know this will be a stimulating new stage in your life and we are here
to help you navigate this exciting change. Throughout your first year at DePauw, you
will be introduced to a variety of new people, including faculty members, administrators
and student staff, creating a supportive network of relationships, programs and resources
designed to help you succeed.

We have created this guide to help you through the transition to campus. It will help
you prepare for your academic coursework and campus living in the fall. Read it
thoroughly and refer back to it often because it contains important information about
tasks you need to complete during the summer. If you have any questions, please feel
welcome to call us at 765-658-6267.

I hope you enjoy the remaining days of your high school career and I look forward to
greeting you when you come to campus.

Cara Setchell, First-Year Class Dean
Your Portal
Each incoming student has access to a personal portal in e-Services (, DePauw’s
student information system. You will receive an email message with instructions outlining how to
access your portal username and password in May. During the summer, your portal will display
information that will help you begin your DePauw career.

Enrollment Checklist
Each of the forms and online submissions referenced below are available when you log into your
portal in e-Services.

» Complete course requests:                         » Complete AlcoholEdu and Haven:
  May 14 – June 27                                    Aug. 3 – 16
  Questions can be directed to the                    Login information and instructions will be
  Registrar’s Office at 765-658-4141.                 available in your portal in e-Services later
                                                      this summer. Questions can be directed
» Complete the online Housing Preference
                                                      to the Office of Student Academic Life at
  Form: May 14 – June 9
  Questions can be directed to the Campus
  Living and Community Development                  » Log onto Hand Shake at depauw.
  Office at 765-658-4500.                    by Aug. 17
                                                      to complete your career interests using
» Grant parents (third parties) access to
                                                      your portal username and password.
  CASHNet for billing and payments:
                                                      Questions can be directed to Emily Hall at
  June 1 – 29
  Questions can be directed to the Cash
  Receipts Office at 765-658-4015.                  » Provide proof of primary health
                                                      insurance: Aug. 24
» Submit the Medical Health Record Form
                                                      Beginning with the 2018-19 academic
  to the Wellness Center: June 29
                                                      year, DePauw will require all students to
  Questions can be directed to the Wellness
                                                      provide proof of primary health insurance.
  Center at 765-658-4555.
                                                      If you already have insurance coverage
» Request your final high school transcript           individually or through one of your
  be sent to the Admission Office: July 30            parents, then you may choose to waive the
  Questions can be directed to the                    insurance provide by DePauw University.
  Admission Office at 765-658-4006.                   International students may not waive
                                                      insurance provided by DePauw University
» Complete the Common Read and
                                                      and students participating in intercollegiate
  Writing Assessment: July 2 – Aug. 3
                                                      athletics may have additional requirements.
  Instructions will be available in your portal
  in e-Services later this summer. Questions
  can be directed to the Office of Student
  Academic Life at 765-658-6267.

Studying at DePauw is an opportunity to examine subjects
you’re passionate about and explore new paths and
possibilities you’ve never considered.

First-Year Seminar                                   incoming music students are placed in lessons
DePauw’s first-year seminar is a small,              on the primary instrument and first-semester
discussion-based class with an emphasis on           courses in theory and musicianship. Students
college-level writing. Small class sizes foster      considering a music education degree have
vibrant discussion, careful reading and analysis     additional required coursework assigned. A
of texts, and critical thinking about complex        School of Music representative will contact
ideas.                                               you during the summer with course details
                                                     and guidelines for fall ensemble auditions.
All first-year students take a first-year seminar.   Questions can be directed to Caroline Jetton,
Students in the Honor Scholar Program will           associate dean of the School of Music, at
be assigned to a seminar and will not need to or 765-658-4503.
request one.
                                                     Academic Interests
Course and Seminar Requests                          Students also complete an academic interests
The curriculum in the Asbury College of              survey. Students vary considerably in their
Liberal Arts (CLA) is relatively flexible as you     academic interests. Some know what they
get started at DePauw, although students with        want to major in from the outset; others want
specific interests in the sciences should start      to explore several areas before deciding. By
taking courses in these areas sooner rather          telling us your academic interests and plans,
than later. First-year students generally take       you give us information we need to get you
four full-credit courses, which include first-       started on the right track.
year seminar in the first semester.
                                                     The DePauw Gold Commitment
Descriptions of seminars and courses                 The DePauw Gold Commitment promises
appropriate for first-year students will be          that as a student, you will receive a distinctive
published in the portal. During the summer           and relevant liberal arts education that results
course request period, May 14 - June 27,             in a life of meaning and means. We expect
you will list eight seminars and 10-15 other         that you will fully participate in the DePauw
courses you are interested in. If you have           Leadership Portfolio of rigorous academics
questions about this process, you can call the       and robust experiences and graduate on time
Registrar’s office at 765-658-4141.                  and in good standing. To help you succeed,
                                                     we provide strong advisors for both your
This process differs slightly for students in the    curriculum and your co-curriculum to mentor
School of Music because the curriculum in            and support you. As you work through
the School of Music is more structured. We           your individualized curriculum and your
still ask that you submit course requests so         personalized co-curriculum, you will connect
you can start thinking about the courses you         with the DePauw Centers, including:
will take outside of the School of Music. All

• Hartman Center for Civic Engagement
• Justin and Darrianne Christian Center for                                                                            The Commitment guarantees that your
  Diversity and Inclusion                                                                                              education will lead to a successful next
• The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics                                                                               step after graduation. If not, DePauw will
• The Robert C. McDermond Center for                                                                                   provide you a first professional opportunity or
  Management & Entrepreneurship                                                                                        additional term tuition free.
• Eugene S. Pulliam Center for
  Contemporary Media                                                                                                   You will learn more about The Commitment
• Tenzer Technology Center and                                                                                         and meet your Commitment Advisor during
  Visualization Laboratory                                                                                             New Student Orientation. Until then, learn
• The Kathryn F. Hubbard Center for                                                                                    more at
  Student Engagement
• 21st-Century Musician Initiative
                                                                                           DEPAUW CENTERS
               Committed to 100 percent student involvement in hands-on co-curricular learning.
                                                                                          DEPAUW CENTERS
               Committed to 100 percent student involvement in hands-on co-curricular learning.

n Helps students blend their business                                                                                                                        n Helps students develop a wide array of media
  and entrepreneurial spirit through                                                                                                                           skills, fosters the essential tools of media
  a focus on leadership development                                                                                                                            literacy and develops leaders who understand
  and experiential learning.                                                                REPR                              MED                              the central role media plays in everyday life.
                                                                                     T /ENT                                       IA
n Helps students blend their business                                              EN                                                           n Helps students develop a wide array of media
  and entrepreneurial spirit through                                        NA                                                                     skills, fosters the essential tools of media
                                                                         M A
  a focus on leadership development                                                       The Robert C.SHIP     Eugene S. Pulliam                  literacy and develops leaders who understand
                                                                                                 NEU R
  and experiential learning.                                                          McDermondRE Center            Center for                     the central role media plays in everyday life.
n Helps students to engage
                                                                                       E NTREP                              MED
                                                                                                                                I                                          n Provides students with
  in rigorous inquiry and
                                                                                  ENT for Management &            Contemporary A
                                                                               E M      Entrepreneurship              Media                                                     engaging high-tech
  probing discourse about                                                     G
                                                                           NA                                                                                                   laboratories including

  ethical issues.                                                       M A
                                                                                         The Robert C.         Eugene S. Pulliam                                                visualization facilities,

                                                                                      McDermond Center             Center for

n Helps students to engage                                             The Janet for Management &                                  Tenzer Technology                            workshops and

  in rigorous inquiry and                                                                                    TE Contemporary
                                                                    Prindle Institute EntrepreneurshipCEN RS Media
                                                                                                                                                                        n    Provides   students with
                                                                                                                                                                                internship opportunities

                                                                                                                                      Center and                             engaging high-tech
  probing discourse about                                              for Ethics                                                    Visualization                           laboratoriesenhance
                                                                                                                                                                                that will  including

  ethical issues.                                                                                                                     Laboratory                                their technology    and
                                                                                                                                                                             visualization  facilities,


                                                                 The Janet                                                               Tenzer Technology                             workshops

                                                                                                        STUDENTS                                                                       internship opportunities

                                                             Prindle Institute                                                              Center and
                                                                                                                                                                                       that will enhance

                                                                 for Ethics                                                                Visualization
                                                                Justin and                                                                   The Kathryn F.                            their technology and

                                                           Darrianne Christian                                                              Hubbard Center                             computing skills.
                                                                                                                                                                               Y PUS

n Fosters student learning                                 Center for Diversity                       COUNCIL
                                                                                                      STUDENTS                                for Student
                                    TY A

                                                                                                                                                                        US STUD AM

  opportunities through                                       and Inclusion                                                                   Engagement
                                                                                                                                                                   AMP /OFF-C

  engagement, advocacy

                                                              Justin and                                                                    The Kathryn F.

  and empowerment
                                   I NC

                                                          Darrianne Christian                                                               Hubbard Center                      n Helps students clarify their

  to develop   activelearning                                                                 Hartman
                                                                                                      C O U N C I L 21st-Century
                                        L US

n Fosters  student                                        Center for Diversity                                                                for Student
  citizens of thethrough
                   world,                                                                                                                                                            life goals by connecting
                                           I TY A

                                                                                           Center for Civic           Musician


                                                             and Inclusion                                                                   Engagement                              their academic experiences

  skilled in dialogue    and                                                                Engagement                Initiative

  engagement,     advocacy

  relationships  with people                                                                                                                                                         to career development,
  and  empowerment
                                                     I NC

                                                                                                                                                                               n Helps    studentsstudy,
  to    are different
               active from                                                                    Hartman                 21st-Century                  TS

                                                          L US

  themselves.                                                                 CIV                                                              GA                                lifeinternship   opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                       goals by connecting
  citizens of the world,                                                          IC   ENGCenter for Civic              Musician            IN


                                                                                                                                          M                                          thatacademic
                                                                                                                                                                                           help them    prepare
                                                                                          AGEngagement                                                                           their              experiences

    skilled in dialogue and                                                                  EMEN

                                                                                                  T                          ND                                                  to for   theirdevelopment,
                                                                                                                                                                                     career     personal and
    relationships with people                                                                                        MUSIC A                                                         professional   life.and
                                                                                                                                                                                 off-campus      study,
    who are different from                                                                                                                        TS
    themselves.             n Supports exploration and CIV
                                                                                                                                             G AR                                internship opportunities
                                                                 I                                                                   n Involves
                                                                                                                                           N      students  in   a national
                              practice of civic identity throughC ENG                                                                 RM
                                                                                                                                          I                                      that help them prepare
                                                                        MENT                                                     ERFO dialogue about curiosity, creativity
                              Spiritual Life, Social Justice and                                                            ND P                                                 for their personal and
                                                                                                                    MUSIC A              and collaboration at the heart of
                                                                                                                                                                                 professional life.
                              Community Service.
                                                                                                                                         music-making, and establishing
                            n Supports exploration and
                                                                                                                                    n Involves   relevancein ata national
                                                                                                                                                                 the center of
                              practice of civic identity through
                                                                                                                                         our communities.
                                                                                                                                       dialogue  about curiosity, creativity
                              Spiritual Life, Social Justice and
                                                                                                                                       and collaboration at the heart of
                              Community Service.
                                                                                                                                       music-making, and establishing
                                                                                                                                       music’s relevance at the center of
                                                                                                                                       our communities.
Living with others as a member of a community is a vital
aspect of your DePauw education that fosters integration of
learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom.

Housing Options for                              environment. In choosing these communities,
                                                 students opt to live in an environment that
First-Year Students
                                                 is free from the secondary effects of these
DePauw offers multiple housing environments
                                                 substances and feel supported in their choice
for first-year students and each community
                                                 to refrain from using. Additionally, these
has unique characteristics. Each residence
                                                 communities offer specific resources, programs
hall community provides programmatic and
                                                 and events that support healthy life choices,
community development opportunities in
                                                 provide for quiet environments conducive
addition to peer support and mentoring. The
                                                 to studying, create intentional opportunities
common spaces and building environments
                                                 for social and interpersonal connections, and
have gathering spaces that promote
                                                 give students the responsibility to help set the
community formation among first-year
                                                 standards of the community and empower
students. Here is brief information about our
                                                 them to uphold those standards.
first-year residence halls:

» Bishop Roberts, Hogate, Humbert and            Submitting Your Housing
  Longden Halls are located in the South
  Quad and Lucy Rowland Hall is located
                                                 DePauw’s online housing system, Residence,
  in Ubben Quad. Bishop Roberts, Hogate,
                                                 gathers information about your residential
  Humbert, Longden, and Lucy Halls are
                                                 preferences such as floor and room type.
  larger residence halls, home to between
                                                 Additionally, you will complete a roommate
  110-145 students each. Most rooms are
                                                 matching profile where you will share
  double-occupancy rooms, but room size
                                                 information about yourself and what you look
  can range from single-occupancy to four-
                                                 for in a roommate. The roommate matching
  person rooms. Hogate Hall has a number
                                                 profile also allows students to find roommates
  of double- and single-occupancy rooms
                                                 with similar interests and living preferences.
  grouped together in clusters of two doubles
  and two singles throughout the residence
                                                 You will receive instructions about how to use
  hall community.
                                                 Residence during the week of May 14. You
                                                 will access Residence through your portal in
Healthy Living Communities                       e-Services.
Many students are interested in living in
communities that intentionally support           Housing Assignments
healthy life choices. Students who choose to     Housing assignments will be available on your
live in these environments, called Healthy       portal in e-Services on June 18. At that time,
Living Communities, commit to a lifestyle        you will receive the name and email address
that refrains from the use of alcohol, tobacco   of your roommate(s), and more information
and other drugs within their residential         about your room and residence hall

community. Be sure to keep your username
and password in a safe place because you will      Dining Options for
need to use them to log in to Residence in         First-Year Students
order to view your housing assignment and          Students living in University-owned housing
roommate(s) information.                           are required to be on a meal plan per their
                                                   housing contract. First-year students have the
Questions?                                         option of the following two plans during the
If you have further questions about your           first and second semesters and an additional
housing options, contact the Campus Living         plan during Winter Term:
and Community Development Office at 765-
658-4500 or                    RESIDENCE HALL MEAL PLAN (default
                                                   meal plan)
Requesting Housing or Dietary                      This plan provides 18 swipes a week, $200 in
Accommodations                                     DPU Flex dollars, $50 in Community Plus
Living in a residence with and dining with         dollars and $50 for unlimited access to the
other community members is integral to the         laundry machines per semester.
DePauw experience. Therefore, all requests
for housing and dietary accommodations are         RESIDENCE HALL FLEX MEAL PLAN
evaluated carefully. Accommodations for both       This plan provides 14 swipes a week, $400 in
housing and dietary needs are provided on a        DPU Flex dollars, $50 in Community Plus
case-by-case basis and only when appropriate       dollars and $50 for unlimited access to the
medical documentation is provided. If you          laundry machines per semester.
believe you will require a housing or dietary
accommodation, you can learn more about the        WINTER TERM MEAL PLAN
process at          Students living in the residence halls
resources/students-with-disabilities or call the   of Anderson Street, Bishop Roberts,
Student Disability Services Office at 765-658-     Bloomington Street, College Street, Hogate,
6267. All documentation must be submitted          Humbert, Longden, Lucy Rowland, Mason
by June 4 to be considered during the housing      and Senior are required to participate in
placement process.                                 the Winter Term Meal Plan. The meal plan
                                                   provides 18 swipes per week and $40 in DPU
                                                   Flex dollars.

Aug. 17-21, 2018
Learning about the value of liberal arts at DePauw. Your
new room and friends. The president’s address to the
first-year class. Bonding with your mentor group. These
are a few of the things that make opening weekend and
new student orientation one of the most exciting times of
your early college career. Not only will you meet many of
the students, faculty and staff who make up the DePauw
community, but you will also learn about resources that
will support your academic success, discover your way
around campus, start developing meaningful relationships
and begin to make DePauw your home. Look for a
complete schedule of orientation events in your student
portal in e-Services and on the First-Year Experience
website ( in July.

Opening Day Schedule
8-11 a.m.            Check in and move into your residence hall
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Spanish placement exam
11 a.m.              Community lunch
2 p.m.               Students assemble for Opening Convocation
2:30 p.m.            Opening Convocation
3:30 p.m.            Student meeting with faculty advisors
3:30 p.m.            Parent orientation
4:15-5:45 p.m.       Family goodbyes – Families can use this time
                     to say goodbyes. Families should plan to depart
                     by 5:45 p.m. so students can promptly begin
                     student orientation activities.
6-8:30 p.m.          Mentor group acitivities and dinner
9 p.m.               Residence hall floor meeting
10:30 p.m.           Residence hall socials
From computer accounts to health records and laptops, here’s
everything students need to know before move-in day.

University Email and Computer                       and family. In addition, because faculty
                                                    members assume that each student owns a
Accounts: Overview
                                                    laptop, some instructors incorporate using a
Around May 10, you will receive an email
                                                    laptop into course assignments and sometimes
message with instructions about how to get
                                                    require you to bring a laptop to class.
your DePauw usernames and passwords. As a
student, you will have two separate computer
accounts:                                           What kind of laptop should you have?
                                                    Either an Apple or Windows laptop will work
1. G Suite for Education (         fine at DePauw. No matter which platform
   Your email account at DePauw                     you choose, you’ll want a computer that is less
2. DePauw Account: Used to log in to your           than one or two years old so that it can run
   portal in e-Services (,            the latest software and serve you well during
   Moodle (, Residence,           your four years at DePauw.
   printers, campus labs and other DePauw
   online resources                                 We strongly recommend purchasing an
                                                    extended manufacturer’s warranty and an
Please be aware that each of these accounts is      extended accidental damage protection
subject to the privileges and responsibilities      plan. Warranties are a good way to ensure
available at            the reliability of the computer through your
                                                    DePauw career. Accidental damage protection
If you do not receive the informational email       covers drops, spills and other accidents which
message by May 14, please contact DePauw            most standard warraties do not cover.
University Help Desk at 765-658-4294, or
email                          The Laptop Support website (
                                                    laptop) provides information to help you make
                                                    the best decision about choosing a laptop.
Student Laptops at DePauw
Technology plays a significant role in many
                                                    Note: iPads, Chromebooks and other tablets
aspects of your life at DePauw. As such,
                                                    or light-use mobile computing devices are not
DePauw expects all students to have a laptop
                                                    a viable option for use as your primary laptop.
computer to use in their coursework and co-
                                                    These devices are not powerful enough to
curricular activities.
                                                    meet all of your course-related needs. While
                                                    you may decide to bring one of these as a
Students find that having a personal laptop is
                                                    secondary device, do not plan to use it as your
invaluable for accessing online course materials,
                                                    only laptop.
performing research, taking notes, completing
coursework, and communicating with friends

Software                                           these will be sent to you by a member of
We recommend that all students have a copy         the coaching staff. For more information
of Microsoft Office and antivirus/antispyware      on NCAA and DePauw requirements for
software on their laptop. There is no need         participation, visit,
to buy these because DePauw provides both          click on the ‘Inside Athletics’ tab, then ‘Sports
free of charge. See it/laptop for      Medicine’.
                                                   For more information about the Student
To speak with a member of the University’s         Health Record and Immunization Policy
Information Technology staff about laptops at      and to print a Student Health Record Form,
DePauw, please feel free to contact Michael        visit your portal in e-Services. The form and
Moore at 765-658-4296 or mikemoore@                additional DePauw Health and Wellness                                        information can also be found at
                                          under the student tab.
Student Health Record and                          If you have any questions, please contact the
Immunization Policy                                DePauw Health Wellness Center at
DePauw requires that all students submit a         765-658-4555.
completed Student Health Record Form and
Immunization Record to the DePauw Health           Student Disability Services and
and Wellness Center by June 29 of their            Academic Accommodations
incoming year. Students who fail to submit         DePauw is committed to providing equal
the Student Health Record or Immunization          access and reasonable accommodations to
Record will not be permitted to register for       University programs for students with a
classes.                                           variety of learning, physical (health and/or
                                                   mobility) and emotional challenges. Student
Both required and recommended                      Disability Services coordinates policies and
immunizations are specified in the Student         procedures, provides services and promotes
Health Record. Required immunizations              accessibility for all qualified students. We strive
include measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) and          to provide reasonable accommodations for
tetanus-diphtheria. International students will    students who have been diagnosed with long-
require tuberculosis screening in the United       term disabilities, chronic health conditions,
States (see the Student Health Record Form         temporary impairments and episodic
for more information).                             conditions. The list of possible conditions
                                                   that could require accommodations is non-
Proof of immunization may be provided              exhaustive, and eligibility is determined on
through one of the following options:              a case-by-case basis. If you believe you will
» A Student Health Record Form signed              require academic accommodations, you can
   by a healthcare provider that includes the      learn more about the process at
   student’s immunization record                   academics/academic-resources/students-with-
» A physician’s certificate or official            disabilities or by calling the Student Disability
   immunization record                             Services Office at 765-658-6267. It is most
» Immunization records forwarded by                helpful to the student’s college transition if all
   another school                                  documentation is received by Aug. 16.

If you plan to participate in varsity athletics,
there are additional forms that must be
completed prior to any official team practice;

Students have several options for managing their student
accounts, and the Cash Receipts Office is available to assist
students and their families with questions about tuition, fees,
housing, meal plans and other tuition-related charges.

The Billing Process                              This includes electronic issuance of student
The Cash Receipts Office at DePauw is            account statements, the ability to make
responsible for issuing monthly account          payments by ACH (electronic transfer from a
statements for tuition, fees, housing, meal      checking or savings account) and credit card, the
plans, other tuition-related charges and         ability to participate in an installment payment
charges for some Greek houses. All invoices      plan and to view recent account activity.
will be available online via CASHNet (see
CASHNet information below). An email             Please note that a 2.9 percent service charge is
notification is sent to students (and their      added to all credit card payments. There are no
authorized designees) each month if an           additional fees for ACH payments.
invoice is available to view. Please note
that parents will NOT receive payment            Students are able to log in to CASHNet directly
notifications unless granted access by their     from their portal in e-Services. Simply click on
son/daughter.                                    the CASHNet (billing/payments) link.

DePauw students with an outstanding balance      CASHNet allows students to grant parents or
will receive a monthly bill. The invoice shows   other authorized users access to make payments,
all charges and financial aid credits at the     view payment history and account balances.
time the invoice was created. If you have been   To grant access, students simply click on the
awarded financial aid and your statement         Third Party PINs link on the My Account
does not reflect a credit you anticipated,       screen. Complete the required information
please contact the Financial Aid Office to       (including appropriate access), and an email will
determine if and when the credit will appear.    be sent automatically to the third party with the
Students must sign up for a payment plan         appropriate PIN and password.
or make payment in full by the beginning of
each semester in order to avoid late payment     Third parties can access the site directly by
penalties.                                       going to
                                                 depauwpay?LT=P. CASHNet third party is only
                                                 for student accounts receivable.
DePauw has contracted with CASHNet to
provide student account e-commerce services.

Payment Options                                      Payment by Mail
Students and parents have three payment              Payments by check may be sent to:
options to choose from:                                 DePauw University
                                                        Cash Receipts Office
Option 1: Payment In Full Prior to Start of             313 S. Locust St.
the Semester                                            P.O. Box 37
Payment is due by August 1 for first semester           Greencastle, IN 46135-0037
and February 1 for second semester. Pending
loans or grants/scholarships that will be            Payments by cash or check may be made in
applied to the account may be deducted before        person at the Cash Receipts Office in the
submitting payment.                                  lower level of the Studebaker Administration
                                                     Building. Office hours are Monday through
Option 2: Semester Payment Plan                      Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The DePauw payment plan, referred to as
My Payment Plan (MPP), is set up online              Tuition and Fees per Semester
through CASHNet. My Payment Plan allows              (2018-19)
students or third parties to pay for semester        Tuition                              $24,430
charges over four months for the first semester      Housing                                3,425
and four months for the second semester.             Meal Plan                              3,085
Fall semester payments are due on the first          Activity Fee                             148
of each month, August through November.              Health Fee                               163
Spring semester payments are due on the first        Recreation Fee                           111
of each month, February through May. A $40           Total Semester Charges               $31,363
per-semester fee is assessed to sign up for My
Payment Plan.                                        Cash Receipts Office
                                                     Phone: 765-658-4015
Option 3: Prepaid Tuition Plan                       Fax: 765-658-4376
The Prepaid Tuition Plan offers parents the          Email:
opportunity to prepay tuition for two, three
or four years at the current rate of annual          cash-receipts
tuition set for the first year of participation in
the plan. This protects families from probable
future tuition increases. Specific details of this
plan may be obtained by contacting the Cash
Receipts Office.

Please note that late fees and registration
holds may be assessed for a delinquent student
account. A delinquent student account is
defined as one exceeding $100 and more than
30 days past due.

Opening day. Family weekend. Old Gold and Monon Bell.
We’ve compiled all of the most important dates on the
DePauw calendar for the 2018-19 academic year.

Fall Term
August      17            Opening Day for new students
            22            Classes begin
            22-29         Adjustment period

September   29-30         Old Gold and Family Weekend

October     8 (10 a.m.)   Midterm progress reports available to students
            13-21         Fall break (no class)
            26            Last day to withdraw from a course with
                          grade of W

November    21-25         Thanksgiving recess

December    7             Last day of classes
            8-9           Study days
            10-14         Final examinations
            14 (5 p.m.)   Winter break begins

Winter Term
January     3-24          Winter Term
            3 (4:30 p.m.) Add/drop deadline for On-Campus
                          Winter Term courses
            31            Last day to turn in Winter Term projects

Spring Term
January     28            Classes begin
            28-Feb. 4     Adjustment period
            14            Winter Term grades due

March       11            Midterm progress reports available to students
            22            Last day to withdraw from a course with a
                          grade of W
            23-31         Spring recess (no class)

May         9             Last day of classes
            10            Study day
            13-16         Final examinations
            19            Commencement
            29            May Term begins

June        19            May Term ends
Office of Admission
204 E. Seminary St. • P.O. Box 37
Greencastle, IN 46135-0037
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