City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

Page created by Brett Torres
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City of Zeeland 2021
    Strategic Action Plan

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
                    Kevin Klynstra, Mayor
               Sally Gruppen, Mayor Pro-Tem
            Jim Broersma, City Councilmember
            Rick Van Dorp, City Councilmember
              Glenn Kass, City Councilmember
           Mary Beth Timmer, City Councilmember
              Phung Lam, City Councilmember

                CITY MANAGEMENT TEAM
                    Tim Klunder, City Manager
         Kevin Plockmeyer, Asst. CM/Finance Director
           Andrew Boatright, BPW General Manager
                      Pam Holmes, City Clerk
             Abby deRoo, City Marketing Director
            Doug Engelsman, CWP Superintendent
        Tim Maday, Community Development Director
Scott Nienhuis, Streets, Public Works Operations Superintendent
                      Tim Jungel, Police Chief
 Heather Wood Gramza, Library/Community Center Director
        Steve Venlet, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor
                 Ross Tibbets, Fire/Rescue Chief
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City’s Vision and Commitments to Spread Zeel

On an annual basis the Zeeland City Council and staff participate in a goal setting retreat/strategic planning
session. The annual retreat proves to be beneficial in setting a strategic course of action for City Council and
staff in the development of the budget for the fiscal year ahead; how we should focus project efforts in the
current calendar year and beyond; and most importantly, to ensure adherence to the City’s vision and
commitments to achieve the vision through the development of specific action steps.

For 2021, City Council and staff confirmed that the CITY’S VISION for the 2021 STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN shall
remain as “FEEL THE ZEEL”. To “Feel the Zeel”, the city will inspire a passionate and spirited pursuit to engage
with a big, small town full of everyday good living and unmatched enterprise and to create an abundant
enthusiasm among those living and working in the City of Zeeland.

The city will achieve the vision through our ongoing pursuit of our commitments (Vibrant Downtown; Strong,
Safe and Connected Neighborhoods; Economic and Community Development; Infrastructure and City
Services; Culture, Parks and Recreation; Financial Sustainability; Organizational Culture) and through the
completion of specific action steps for each commitment. Completion of all commitments and actions steps
will be done with our core values (Intentional, Accountable, Excellence, and Service) at the forefront of our
Strategic Action Plan pursuits.

Like any business plan, the City’s 2021 Strategic Action Plan provides a roadmap and solid framework for what
the city looks to accomplish within our commitments to spread “Zeel” in 2021. We believe reviewers of this
2021 Strategic Action Plan will obtain a better understanding of where the City plans to focus time, talent and
resources in 2021 (and beyond) in our relentless commitment to spread Zeel! If you have any questions on
City Council’s plan for Zeeland’s future, please do not hesitate to follow-up with us. Feel the Zeel!

  Timothy R. Klunder, City Manager
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
• Succession Plan (public works                                                     Pursue excellence through the provision of quality
        ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE                                        operations & facilities)                                                          infrastructure and comprehensive City services
                                                                    • Government Alliance for                           INFRASTRUCTURE                  that are well maintained, inclusive and accessible,
                                                                                                                                                        responsive, efficient and offer good stewardship of
                                                                      Race & Equity
                                                                    • Wage & Benefit Study
                                                                                                                         & CITY SERVICES                public resources.
                             To fulfill the
                       commitments to spread                                                                                                            • Snowmelt Plan             • Fiber Through City
                  Zeel, support an organizational
                 structure that consistently holds to
               the city’s core values, seeks to build
               leaders, and celebrates our historic
                attributes, while also providing an
                    organizational culture that is
                      equitable and inclusive.
                                                                                                                                                     VIBRANT                    Revitalize the heart of the
                                                                                                                                                   DOWNTOWN                   community and encourage
                                                                                                                                                                           a downtown that is financially
                                                                                                                                                                         affordable and competitive,
                                                                                                                                                                       physically attractive, fun and

               STRONG, SAFE                                                                                                                                      •
                                                                                                                                                                   Downtown Passageway
                                                                                                                                                                   Library Alley Project
               & CONNECTED                                                           Inspire a passionate and spirited pursuit to engage
                                                                                   with a big, small town full of everyday good living and                       • Parking Needs and Assessment Plan
              NEIGHBORHOODS                                                      unmatched enterprise and to create an abundant enthusiasm                       • Cherry Avenue Improvements
                                                                                   among those living and working in the City of Zeeland.                        • Downtown Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                 • Downtown Redevelopment
                                                                                                                                                                   Opportunities (large parcels)
Encourage and maintain pedestrian friendly neighborhoods that                                                                                                    • Gateway Improvements at State & Main
are attractive, welcoming and inclusive, while offering a variety                SERVICE       ACCOUNTABLE     INTENTIONAL       EXCELLENCE
of housing types including high quality, historically-preserved
housing stock that reflects residents’ pride in the community and
where social interaction and resident engagement are valued.
• BL196 Crossing
• Improvements to Business
                                    • Housing Stock Inventory
                                    • Non-motorized System Plan
                                                                                  STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN
  Loop Corridor                       (policy decisions)                                                                      2021
                                                                                                                                                                        PARKS &
                                                                                                                                                       Provide a robust array of engaging activities and
     DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                                       public spaces throughout the community that are
                                                                                                                                                       accessible, affordable and designed for people of
                                                                                                                                                       all ages and stages of life. Individuals and families
Lead and facilitate strategic growth that is consistent with                                                     Exemplify long-term financial         living outside the community will actively seek
the City’s vision by building collaborative relationships and                                                    strength through continuous           opportunities to travel to Zeeland for cultural and
promoting a climate that is accommodating, identifies and                     FINANCIAL                          improvement and innovation,           recreational endeavors.
utilizes resources to create development opportunities, and                 SUSTAINABILITY                       planning for projects/programs
is responsive to emerging issues and trends.                                                                     beyond inception, diversifying        • Huizenga Park Phase III • Park’s Master Plan
                                                                                                                 financial resources and holding
• Sligh Building               • 3 E. Main.                                                                      adequate financial reserves.
• Alcohol Ordinance            • Redevelopment Ready
                                                                       • Long-Term Financial Plan
  Review                         Community
                                                                       • Continue to be Fiscally Responsible
                                                                                                                                                   BUILDING UP OUR COMMUNITY.
                                                                                                                                                             ONE PIECE AT A TIME.
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    City of Zeeland’s detailed Action
    Steps, Outcome Indicators and
    Operational Goals to Spread
    “Zeel” in 2021

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    Vibrant Downtown
    Revitalize the heart of the community and encourage a downtown
    that is financially affordable and competitive, physically attractive,
    fun and energetic.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                               Value Statement                                      Lead

                                            During fiscal year 2021-2022 explore           Improve access between existing                       Marketing Director,
                                            property owner’s long-term plans and current   parking lots and Main Street businesses;              CM, & Community
                                            tenant needs to determine possibilities/       strengthening connections will enhance the            Development
          1. Downtown Passageway
                                            timeline for downtown passageway and/or        customer experience and make best use of              Department
                                            site improvements.                             existing parking spaces and rear entrances
                                                                                           to businesses.

                                            By August 31, 2021, substantially complete     Accessible and attractive walkways assist             Marketing Director,
                                            the Library Alley Project including the        in the creation of a more vibrant downtown            Asst. CM, Community
                                            reconstruction of sidewalks and installation   and connected neighborhoods.                          Development & City
           2. Library Alley Project
                                            of snowmelt around the existing Howard                                                               Manager
                                            Miller Library/Community Center and the
                                            passageway to Main Avenue.

                                            By June 1, 2021 determine if summer of         Improves visitor experience and supports              Community
                                            2021 is the most effective time to conduct a   downtown businesses by utilizing the city’s           Development Director,
                                            parking study, based on current pandemic       parking resources in the most efficient ways          Marketing Director,
                                            restrictions and level of restored downtown    possible.                                             SARB and Planning
             3. Parking Needs &
                                            activity. If so, authorize a professional                                                            Commission
              Assessment Plan
                                            parking study to be conducted in July 2021.
                                            If sufficient downtown activity has not yet
                                            been restored, postpone the study until
                                            summer 2022.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                   Value Statement                                  Lead

                                            By August 31, 2021, substantially complete        Accessible roadways and walkways assist in         Asst. CM, Public Works
                                            the Cherry Avenue Improvement Project             the creation of a more walkable downtown           Superint., Marketing
         4. Cherry Ave. Improvement         including the repaving of Cherry Avenue and       and connected neighborhoods.                       Director, CM
                                            the installation of a snowmelt sidewalk on the
                                            northside of Cherry Avenue.

                                            During fiscal year 2021-2022 explore              Encourage the link between Zeeland’s               Marketing Director,
                                            professional market study or recruitment          industrial sector and downtown, pursue the         Community
             5. Downtown Hotel              services for a downtown hotel.                    development of a hotel (suitable for business      Development Director,
                                                                                              travel and tourism) within walking distance of     City Mgr, SARB
                                                                                              Main Street.

                                            Create a large parcel inventory, including        Improve the City’s proactive approach to           Marketing Director
                                            contact person and intentions of future use (if   downtown development.                              & Community Dev.
        6. Downtown Redevelopment           available), by December 2021.                                                                        Director

                                            Enlist professional assistance to design          Create an inviting gateway experience that         Marketing Director &
                                            possible gateway treatments for the SE,           accurately represents quality and standards        City Manager
          7. Gateway Improvements           SW, NW corners of State and Main that             of the City of Zeeland.
               at State & Main              complement the development at 3 E. Main
                                            by December 2021. Approach property
                                            owners for participation by June 30, 2022.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    Strong, Safe and Connected
    Encourage and maintain pedestrian friendly neighborhoods that
    are attractive, welcoming and inclusive, while offering a variety of
    housing types including high quality, historically-preserved housing
    stock that reflects residents’ pride in the community and where social
    interaction and resident engagement are valued.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                  Value Statement                                    Lead

                                            Continue discussions with potential regional     A BL-196 crossing assists in creating more           City Manager, Asst.
              1. BL-196 Crossing            partners (townships, Mac Greenway, OCP)          connected neighborhoods by offering                  CM, Community
               (Non-motorized               on crossing and determine a preferred            pedestrians and cyclists alike a safe link           Development &
                 east entrance)             location by June 30, 2022                        between the north and south side of the              Planning Comm.
                                                                                             business loop.

                                            By December 31, 2021, present a finalized        Engaging public spaces providing a                   Asst. City Manager
                                            master plan of proposed beautification           welcoming environment for those living inside        & Public Works
         2. Improvements to BL-196          improvements to the BL-196 Corridor that         and outside the community.                           Operations
                 Corridor                   comply with Michigan Department of                                                                    Superintendent
                                            Transportation (MDOT) standards.

                                            By December 31, 2021, engage the                 Encourages pedestrian friendly                       City Manager,
                                            Planning Commission/City Council in policy       neighborhoods, quality city infrastructure,          Community
                                            discussions on suggested strategies for non-     and alternative means of transportation.             Development and
       3. Non-motorized System Plan         motorized pathways in the Non- Motorized                                                              Planning Commission
             (policy decisions)             Pathway Plan (ie, eliminating on-street
                                            parking on one-side to incorporate bike
                                            lane) with the potential of a pilot project in

                                            By December 31, 2021 complete a housing          A housing stock inventory assessment                 Community
                                            stock inventory assessment of all detached       identifies blocks, neighborhoods or other            Development Director
                                            residential properties in the city to evaluate   areas where additional focus can be placed
                                            the condition of the city’s housing stock.       to strengthen the quality of housing in the
         4. Housing Stock Inventory
                                                                                             area, and the neighborhood as a whole. The
                                                                                             Assessment also creates a baseline that the
                                                                                             overall condition of the city’s housing stock
                                                                                             can be evaluated against in future years.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    Economic and Community
    Lead and facilitate strategic growth that is consistent with the City’s
    vision by building collaborative relationships and promoting a climate
    that is accommodating, identifies and utilizes resources to create
    development opportunities, and is responsive to emerging
    issues and trends.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                 Value Statement                                   Lead

                                            Work with new owner of Sligh Bldg to assist      Help see to fruition the redevelopment             City Manager, Asst.
                                            in the redevelopment of the property through     of a parcel that has long been identified          CM, Marketing
               1. Sligh Building            such things as an evaluation of closing          as a “gateway” property to the east end            Director, Community
                                            Maple, use of the ZCDC lot for parking, tax      of downtown and a high priority in past            Development Director
                                            incentives, etc.                                 Strategic Action Plans.

                                            Spring 2021, present development proposal        Create a mixed-use, multi-story dynamic            Marketing Director,
                                            to City Council. If project scope is approved,   building on one of the most important              Community
                 2. 3 E. Main               prepare negotiations and development             corners in downtown Zeeland that stimulates        Development Director
                                            agreement by December 2021.                      the economy and acts as a catalyst for new         and CM

                                            By December 31, 2021 consider                    Appropriate amendments to the ordinance            Community
                                            amendments to the City’s Alcohol Beverage        will promote a business climate that               Development Director,
                                            Ordinance for things such as the inclusion of    is accommodating, identifies growth                Marketing Director,
            3. Alcohol Ordinance            Redevelopment Liquor Licenses and transfer-      opportunities and is responsive to emerging        City Manager
                   Review                   in licenses as allowed licenses beyond           trends.
                                            quota licenses; and other items such as a
                                            special provisions to allow Sunday sales for
                                            limited special events, or social districts.

                                            By December 31, 2021 obtain                      Ensures that city policies and procedures          Community
                                            Redevelopment Ready Community                    are in place to appropriately assist with          Development Director
          4. Redevelopment Ready            Certification from the MEDC.                     economic development projects.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    Infrastructure and City Services
    Pursue excellence through the provision of quality infrastructure and
    comprehensive City services that are well maintained, inclusive and
    accessible, responsive, efficient and offer good stewardship of public

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                          Outcome Indicator                                Value Statement                                    Lead

                                            Throughout 2021 complete the following        Snow-free roadways and walkways assist in            Asst. City Mgr, City
                                            snowmelt related items: 1) Adopt a snowmelt   the creation of a more walkable downtown             Manager, and
                                            system installation policy; 2) Adopt an       and connected neighborhoods.                         Snowmelt Committee
               1. Snowmelt Plan             Annual Assessment Policy for Operation
                                            and Maintenance of a Snowmelt System; 3)
                                            Determine the scope and timing of the next
                                            phase of snowmelt within the City.

                                            By December 31, 2021, participate in the      Fiber throughout the city helps meet the             BPW General
                                            Ottawa County Digital Inclusion Study and     economic and community development                   Manager, Asst. City
                                            continue monitoring progress in Ottawa        needs of property owners; and provide                Manager, IT Director
                                            County fiber broadband efforts. To also       high-quality infrastructure/city services; while
                                            engage a consultant to assist the city in     the study will assist the city in analyzing if/
           2. Fiber Throughout the          conducting a Fiber Broadband Strategic        how this can be performed in a financially
                     City                   Workshop culminating in a written report      sustainable means.
                                            to provide guidance on models and trends
                                            for the provision of municipal broadband
                                            services, technology considerations,
                                            funding considerations, and partnership

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    Culture, Parks and Recreation
    Provide a robust array of engaging activities and public spaces
    throughout the community that are accessible, affordable and
    designed for people of all ages and stages of life. Individuals and
    families living outside the community will actively seek opportunities to
    travel to Zeeland for cultural and recreational endeavors.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                 Value Statement                                       Lead

                                            In coordination with the implementation of      Additional and updated amenities increase               Asst. City Mgr, Public
                                            the Parks Master Plan, make a decision as       the park’s attraction to not only those living          Works Operations Sup.
                                            to the scope and timing of Huizenga Park        within the community but also those living              and Parks/Cemetery
          1. Huizenga Park Phase III
                                            Phase III.                                      outside to a public space that is accessible            Commission
                                                                                            and affordable for people of all ages and
                                                                                            stages of life.

                                            Finalize the Parks Master Plan and submit       An evaluation of a future plan for our park             Asst. City Mgr, Public
                                            to the State of Michigan by February of         system will ensure that our parks remain                Works Operations Sup.
                                            2022. A plan which includes an evaluation       accessible and affordable to people of all              and Parks/Cemetery
             2. Parks Master Plan           of items such as a dog park and restrooms       ages and stages of life.                                Commission
                                            at all parks and as part of the final product
                                            contains artist renderings of future park
                                            Parks/Cemetery layouts and amenities.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    Financial Sustainability
    Exemplify long-term financial strength through continuous
    improvement and innovation, planning for projects/programs beyond
    inception, diversifying financial resources and holding adequate
    financial reserves.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                          Outcome Indicator                                Value Statement                                     Lead

                                            By June 2021, provide City Council a report   Long-term financial strength is measured by           Asst. City Manager/
                                            that outlines the steps that could be taken   our ability to weather both good and bad              Fin. Director & City
         1. Long-Term Financial Plan        in order to preserve long-term financial      financial situations, and a plan is needed to         Manager
                                            sustainability in the event of a loss of      ensure prosperity in both.
                                            significant revenue.

                                            Adopt a Fiscal Year 21-22 budget, that does   Financial sustainability ensures we take care         Asst. CM/Finance Dir,
                                            not increase the millage rate that ensures    of our past liabilities, invests in the present,      City Manager & Dept.
          2. Continue to be Fiscally        adequate reserves per our budgetary policy    and builds adequate reserves for the future.          Heads
                Responsible                 and provides proper staffing for the next
                                            Fiscal Year.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    Organizational Culture
    To fulfill the commitments to spread Zeel, support an organizational
    structure that consistently holds to the City’s core values, seeks
    to build leaders, and celebrates our historic attributes, while also
    providing an organizational culture that is equitable and inclusive.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                   Value Statement                                       Lead

                                            Create and implement a succession plan           Leadership cultivation and development is                City Manager &
            1. Succession Plan              prior to the retirement of the Public Works      critical in order to fulfill the commitments to          Asst. City Manager,
              (Public Works                 Operations Superintendent and Facilities         spread Zeel.                                             Public Works Super &
           Operations & Facilities)         Maintenance Supervisor.                                                                                   Facilities Supervisor

                                            During 2021, participate with other Ottawa       Assessing the city’s current policies and                City Manager and
                                            County Municipalities in “communities of         programs to determine proactive steps                    BPW General Mgr.
           2. Government Alliance           learning” around the GARE concepts to            moving forward will help the city become a
             for Race and Equity            determine where the city is with its practices   more equitable and inclusive organization.
                                            on race and equity to better determine the
                                            next steps in the process.

                                            During FY 2022, engage the services of           Analyzing the city’s wages and benefits                  City Manager, BPW
                                            a professional consultant to perform an          helps keep the city competitive in the market            General Mgr, Asst. CM
                                            analysis of wages and benefits; and to           place to recruit/retain strong talent and                & City Clerk
         3. Wage and Benefit Study
                                            evaluate the city’s wage implementation          evaluating the city’s wage implementation
                                            practices.                                       practices will help the city determine if an
                                                                                             equitable system is in place.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

    City of Zeeland 2021
    Department Operational Goals

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                      Commitment                   Department

                                            Throughout 2021, develop accounting               Financial Sustainability                Finance
                                            protocols for the newly established
            1. Establish IT Internal        Information Technology Internal Service
                 Service Fund               Fund which adhere to Generally Accepted
                                            Accounting Principles.

                                            By July 2021, obtain a decision from City         Financial Sustainability                Finance
                                            Council which considers the possibility of
        2. Decision on the Elimination      eliminating the collection of credit card fees
             of Credit Card Fees            for all City transactions except for property
                                            tax payments.

                                            Review and revision of all policies and           Infrastructure & City Services          Library/CC
                                            procedures for both the Library and the
            3. Policy & Procedure           Community Center (12.31.2021).

                                            Host and facilitate a minimum of 4                Strong, Safe and Connected              Library/CC
                                            community conversations to glean insights         Neighborhoods
                                            on needs within the area. Results from the
        4. Community Conversations
                                            conversations will be shared with various
                                            stakeholders including Zeeland City Council

                                            Provide professional development to all           Organizational Culture                  Library/CC
                                            current Library and Community Center staff
             5. Staff Professional          in the areas of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
                 Development                and Implicit Bias (12.31.2021).

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                            Outcome Indicator                                    Commitment                        Department

                                            Upgrade to a dynamic HRIS (Human                  Organizational Culture                      City Clerk
                                            Resources Information System) that will
             6. New HRIS System             handle our current benefits, and programs,
                                            as well as serve us into the future.

                                            Scan all currently held FOIA requests into our    Infrastructure and City Services            City Clerk
                                            document retention file and enter the details
               7. Scan all FOIA             into an indexing database.
              Requests Received

                                            Due to substantial growth, especially in the      Economic and Community Development          CWP
             8. Long-Range State            425 ZCT Area, review the entire transmission
              Street & Roosevelt            in that area to ensure that we will be able to
               Lift Station Study           reliably service our community on the north

                                            During construction of the new biosolids          Infrastructure and City Services            CWP
                                            building, staff will need to work diligently to
                                            ensure maximum reduction of biosolids will
                                            be maintained, excellent communication
          9. New Biosolids Building         between the contractors and the CWP staff
                                            will be imperative and forward thinking will
                                            be crucial as biosolids production cannot
                                            be stopped due to normal wastewater

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                   Commitment                      Department

                                            Department accreditation requires that          Infrastructure and City Services          Police
                                            we record and provide documentation
                                            yearly that substantiates the continuation
            10. Police Department           of established policy and procedures. We
                Accreditation               will establish a system for recording the
                                            requirements of our new accreditation and
                                            develop a means of sharing that data with
                                            the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police.

                                            Clerical staff will purge archived files        Infrastructure and City Services          Police
                                            to match the current COZ and State of
            11. Police Department           Michigan retention schedule.
                Archive Purge

                                            Last year we began the migration of RMS         Infrastructure and City Services          Police
                                            to an electronic system. That process was
                                            delayed/postponed due to COVID. The
      12. Police Department Electronic
                                            arrest and felony reports need to be moved
       Records Management System
                                            to the electronic system. We are returning to
                                            the in-person normal schedule on March 1st
                                            and will begin moving the remaining reports
                                            to the new system.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                            Outcome Indicator                                    Commitment                      Department

                                            For the remainder of 2020-21, provide             Organizational Culture                    Facility Maintenance
                                            a seamless transition to the staff and the
                                            department leadership. Some things that
                                            will be included are future capital projects
          13. Facilities Maintenance
                                            and the bidding process, the budget
            Department Transition
                                            process, building inventories, building
                                            cleaning procedures and the operation and
                                            maintenance of the mechanical and energy
                                            management systems.

                                            HVAC preventive maintenance will be               Infrastructure and City Services          Facility Maintenance
                                            scheduled in late May or in June so the new
             14. HVAC Preventive            leadership can learn what is involved.

                                            By the end of 2021, Zeeland Fire Rescue           Strong, Safe and Connected                Fire/Rescue
                                            (ZFR) will distribute fire prevention materials   Neighborhoods
        15. Community Risk Reduction        to all residents within the City.

                                            ZFR will build-out the business occupancy         Infrastructure and City Services          Fire/Rescue
                                            records component of our records
          16. Records Management            management system (RMS).

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                    Commitment                      Department

                                            By the end of 2021, ZFR will evaluate            Infrastructure and City Services          Fire/Rescue
                                            our mission statement, values, goals and
                                            objectives, review the 2020 ISO report,
            17. Strategic Planning
                                            assess NFPA standards compared to
                                            department statistics, and begin developing
                                            a plan for long-term sustainability.

                                            Pursue graphic design classes and software       Infrastructure and City Services          Marketing Dept.
                                            to equip the Marketing Department to
            18. Marketing Design            handle additional projects inhouse.

                                            Assist Zeeland Festivals in replacing their      Vibrant Downtown                          Marketing Dept.
                                            Program Director and explore succession
             19. Zeeland Festivals          planning for the organization.

                                            By December 31, 2021 convert all                 Infrastructure and City Services          Community
                                            Community Development Department                                                           Development Dept.
        20. Community Development           related applications to be fillable PDF forms
             Application Forms              and place them online for use by residents
                                            and contractors.

                                            Update the city stormwater ordinance to          Infrastructure and City Services          Community
                                            bring it into compliance with the requirements                                             Development Dept.
         21. Update City Stormwater         of the new County MS4 permit.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
City of Zeeland 2021 Strategic Action Plan

                Action Step                           Outcome Indicator                                  Commitment                      Department

                                            Renew the State of Michigan’s record           Infrastructure and City Services          Community
                                            retention requirements, and then assess the                                              Development Dept.
       22. Personal Property Records
                                            city’s personal property records to relocate
            Requirements, Purge
                                            and purge records in compliance with state

                                            Establish rules and regulations for cemetery   Infrastructure and City Services          Parks, & Cemetery
          23. Felch Street Cemetery         operations by July 1, 2021.

                                            Make a decision on building an on-site         Infrastructure and City Services          Parks & Cemetery
          24. Felch Street Cemetery         maintenance facility by the end of 2021.

                                            Conduct a traffic study regarding signal       Infrastructure and City Services          Streets Dept.
                                            timing on State Street by the end of 2021.
         25. State Street Traffic Study

                                            Hire IT Director and have IT Dept.             Infrastructure and City Services          City Manager
               26. Information              implemented by July 1, 2021.
              Technology Dept.

                                            Continue to implement appropriate Covid19      Organizational Culture                    City Manager
                 27. Covid19                organizational mitigation measures through
             Mitigation Measures            2021.

Adopted by Zeeland City Council on 4/5/21
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