Page created by Mike Gardner
Ryecroft Jill (MinB) pg 25   Twilight Boy (MinD) pg 20

                                         CHRYSANTHEMUM AND
      William Nicholson Hall
@HallsOfHeddon                           DAHLIA CATALOGUE
I finished college, where I had met Suzanne, and joined the business. A rebuilding
                                                                                                                                                            programme started in 1987. Regular exhibiting at Harrogate became a great opportunity to meet
                                                    First seeds were sown in April 1921 when William Nicholson Hall started a                               many of our customers. Maxine began working with her dad, Tom, Dad’s brother.
                                            fledgling nursery at our current site at West Heddon Nursery. Our first general list
                                            was produced in 1923.                                                                                                   Gateshead Garden Festival was on our doorstep. Over the duration we staged 7 exhibits,
                                                                                                                                                            were awarded 2 Silver Medals including an RHS medal, 5 Gold Medals, and our planted display of
                                             First mail order catalogue produced in 1931. A new site was bought at                                          almost 600 Dahlias was judged as best Trade Bedding Display in the whole of the Festival! We           Gold Medal winning stand, National
                                       Ovington. Dahlias grown in clay pots and knocked out and wrapped for despatch                                        invested in our first computers to help with our mail order administration. Dad “sort of” retired so        Chrysanthemum Society
    by post. Chrysanthemums sold as rooted cuttings, and as transplants from cold frames.                                                                   overall running of the nursery was passed to me.
                                                                                                                                      First Trade Exhibit
           The war years - life went on as best it could but Will, my Dad’s elder brother, was shot down and killed on his            after World War 2             The decade started with a Foot and Mouth outbreak. At about the same time we were building a new shop area and expanded our car
    very last mission. Stock of Dahlias and Chrysanthemums were grown amongst vegetables.                                                                   park, allowing us to welcome many more visitors. Up to 500 orders were being despatched in peak weeks - about 10,000 plants! Cousin
                                                                                                                                                            Maxine, well versed in the art of propagation by her dad, Tom, took on the mantle of chief Dahlia propagator, and has now surpassed
     Dad at South Shields Show 1952                         Dad started exhibiting regularly at the National Dahlia Society Show at London. New             1 million cuttings. We gave up our stall in the middle of Newcastle, after having an              Maxine at Harrogate Autumn Show 2019
                                                    varieties were coming on stream, many raised by amateur breeders. Chrysanthemum varieties               outlet there in some form since the 1920s! First forays into selling online.
                                                    outnumbered Dahlias in our catalogue.            National Dahlia Society Show, London, 1969
                                                                                                                                                                                           Produced our first full colour catalogue showcasing ALL varieties
                                                           First trade stand exhibits at the                                                                                       in our range. Developed and updated our website which we now could
                                                     National in London where we were                                                                                              not do without. Dahlia sales growing year on year with an even bigger
                                                    twice awarded the Harry Stredwick                                                                                              range of varieties. I had my first dabble in exhibiting.
                                                    Trophy amongst intense competition.
                                                    I would occasionally go along and                                                                              Well that remains to be seen. This last year has been a difficult
                                                    accompany Dad to some of the shows.                                                                     one for us though it has been very humbling to have received so much
                                                    Dahlia production was now in 2 ½” Fyba pots instead of clay pots.                                       support and encouragement. To this end we will continue to do as we
                                                                                                                                                            have done over the last 100 years and in the words of Grandad in
                                                       First export catalogue produced. Started offering Dahlias in Jiffy 7s as rooted cuttings, the        1937:- Nothing is as good in business as a pleased customer, and you
                                       forerunner of the mini plants we offer today. Mini plants soon became the favoured option. Many new                  can order in confidence, knowing that we will do our utmost to give
                            varieties were coming onto the scene.                                                                                           complete satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dahlia Fields September 2020
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W.N.Hall & Sons Ltd (T/A Halls of Heddon)
    Registered Office: West Heddon Nursery Centre                                                                                                                                                                           DAHLIAS
    Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland, NE15 0JS
    Telephone: 01661 852445                                                                                                                            The following pages give details of some of the finest Dahlias available. All     Recommended periods for delivery based on facilities available
    E-mail: Website:                                                                               varieties have been thoroughly tested on the nursery and they can be offered                             SOUTHERN              MIDLANDS         NORTHERN                SCOTLAND
                                                                                                                                                       with complete confidence. For our General Terms and Conditions and                                        ENGLAND                               ENGLAND
                                                                                                                                                       Carriage and Packing please see page 29.                                               HEATED                                  Not before the end of March
    Dear Friends and Fellow Enthusiasts,                                                                                                                                                                                                  GREENHOUSE
                                                                                                                                                       Dahlia Classification The classification of Dahlias in this catalogue is based          COLD                                  Mid- end April End April  - Mid
    Well, we made it. 100 Years of growing and supplying Dahlias and Chrysanthemums to customers near and far. I must say a big thank you to                                                                                              GREENHOUSE                 Mid April                             May               Early - Mid May
    everyone, including our team, who have supported us not just through the difficult last 12 months, but all the years that went before. I know      on the NDS Classified List 2020, 34th Edition. Some varieties included in this
                                                                                                                                                       catalogue are either not yet classified or are no longer included (prefixed u).     COLD FRAME               Early May          Mid May          End May                   End May
    there are a few of you out there who have been dealing with us for 50 years and more so it would be good to hear from you and learn how you                                                                                                   NO
                                                                                                                                                       Where this is the case we have included them in what we believe to be the                                Mid-End     May           End   May          End May*            End   May*
    first became interested in growing.                                                                                                                most appropriate section after trial at the nursery or from historical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         * Frost protection may still be needed, alternatively our Garden Ready Dahlias are available early June.
    We all know the last 12 months have been challenging but what has been unexpected is the massive increased interest in all things                  information.
    gardening, as well as a newfound enthusiasm for Dahlias in particular. We were taken aback by the number of new visitors to our display            Dahlia Pot Tubers AVAILABLE DECEMBER TO FEBRUARY                                  Quantity discounts - Apply when 3 or more of the SAME variety are ordered
    fields in September, all socially distant of course- with people really enjoying the experience of being amongst so much colour, a sight that      Compact tubers grown in a 9cm pot. Ideal for exhibitors or keen growers with      Each Rate             £3.10             £3.35            £3.70            £4.10             £5.25
    many had never seen or experienced before. It helped that the weather was decidedly in our favour with the result that we had one of the best      the facilities to produce and propagate their own stock. Early ordering is        3-4 Plants            £3.00             £3.25            £3.60            £4.00             £5.10
    displays we have had for several years. I just hope we can repeat it this year!                                                                    advisable. Some varieties already in short supply are only available through      5-9 Plants            £2.85             £3.10            £3.45            £3.85             £4.95
    One of the aspects of 2020 that we all missed was the Show experience and the camaraderie amongst fellow growers and competitors that              our website where tuber availability is updated regularly.                        10+ Plants            £2.70             £2.95            £3.30            £3.70             £4.80
    goes with it. The friendly rivalry and general banter is something that many of you, including ourselves, look forward to in September so let us   SPECIAL NOTE. Any tuber which fails to grow must be returned to us by             A general guide to the size of blooms for each section
    hope that 2021 sees a return to some sort of normality.                                                                                            March 30th. A replacement tuber can be sent, unless none available,                                   Bloom diameter                            Maximum diameter for exhibition
                                                                                                                                                       alternatively we can replace with mini plants, issue a credit note or offer a     Giant               Over 250mm (10”)
    Reminiscing a bit, I often wonder what our parents, would have thought of how things are today. The different varieties that we see, the           refund.                                                                           Large               Between 200 and 250mm (8-10”)                            260mm
    technology that we now rely on, and the ability to communicate and show off our prize blooms in a virtual world! Oh! how things have
                                                                                                                                                       Dahlia Mini Plants AVAILABLE FROM APRIL TO MID MAY                                Medium              Between 150 and 200mm (6-8”)                             220mm
    changed. The one thing that has not changed though, is our aim to bring to you the best Dahlias and Chrysanthemums currently available.
    Sadly, to be able to bring in the new, we have to lose some of the old favourites, though some varieties continue to survive the test of time,     Supplied as strong rooted cuttings for potting up and growing on under glass      Small               Between 100 and 150mm (4-6”)                             170mm
                                                                                                                                                       (minimum 10˚C, 50˚F). On receipt, they should be unpacked immediately and         Miniature           Not exceeding 100mm (4”)                                 115mm
    having appeared regularly in our catalogue for over 60 years!                                                                                      potted on into a 9-12cm pot using a good quality compost. Please see table        Small Ball          Between 100 and 150mm (4-6”)                             170mm
    We continue to trial new varieties on behalf of amateur breeders and look forward to seeing them in bloom in September, when we can                on the right for our suggested guide to delivery periods for Mini Plants.         Miniature Ball      Between 50 and 100mm (2-6”)                              115mm
    assess them and decide whether to take them forward for general release. This is something we have been doing since the 1950’s, having             Garden Ready Dahlias AVAILABLE FOR 2 WEEKS COMMENCING 31st                        Large Pompon        Between 50 and 75mm (2-3”)                                83mm
    introduced in excess of 200 varieties over the years.                                                                                              MAY                                                                               Pompon              Not exceeding 50mm (2”)                                   55mm
    We will leave it to you now to decide if any of this year’s introductions are worthy of inclusion in your plantings, knowing that they have been   Larger plants, grown in a 7cm paper pot ready for planting into the               Waterlily           100-150mm                                                   -
    well tested here and by the raiser over a number of years. Hopefully, we will all be able to enjoy seeing them on the show bench once again,       garden.They are popular with customers who do not have the facilities for         Collerette          100-120mm                                                   -
    but more importantly we hope you all get the pleasure of growing then and enjoying the show of blooms in your own gardens later in the year.       growing on. These come at an additional cost of £2.50 per plant and have a        Abbreviations used throughout catalogue
                                                                                                                                                       carriage and packing fee of £9.50 per order. We are unable to supply Garden       C - Good for cut flower                             AGM - Award of Garden Merit
    To that end, on behalf of all of us at Halls of Heddon, I would like to wish you Good Health and Happiness for the season to come. Happy           Ready Dahlias to destinations outside of mainland UK.                             E - Suitable for exhibition                         CEM - Certificate of Exhibition Merit
    Growing!                                                                                                                                                                                                                             G - Good for garden display                         AM/E - Award of Merit for Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                       Orders for Mini Plants and Garden Ready Dahlias, other than our ‘Our
    Take Care and Stay Safe                                                                                                                            Choice’ collections must be received before April 16th. Beyond this any           �- First Catalogue appearance                       u - Variety not yet classified
    David Hall                                                                                                                                         orders will only be accepted on a “Substitutes Acceptable” basis.                 �- Sole release variety
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5
AGGIE WHITE       ALVA’S SUPREME             BLACK MONARCH                BONAVENTURE                 BRYN TERFEL                CAFE AU LAIT               LOUIS MEGGOS                 LOUIS WHITE                     MILLY               NEWFIELD MAGGIE                 PINK SPUR              SHIRWELL GRETA
                    GIANT AND LARGE DECORATIVE                                                                                              Mini Tuber                                                                                                                                Mini    Tuber
                    These ‘Dinner Plate’ Dahlias will certainly create the wow factor either in the garden or on the show bench. To achieve full size       Louis Meggos (L) Creamy white with well formed blooms. Petals fold back to stem. E G. 1.2m.                               £3.35   £7.95
                    blooms Giants should generally be restricted to 2-3 flowering stems per plant whilst Large should be restricted to 4-5.                 Louis White (uG) Stunning yellow blooms on strong plants. Needs an early stop. E. 1.2m. 2020                              £4.10    N/A
                    Aggie White (G) Rich orange bronze sport of Bryn Terfel. Winner of the Harry Howarth Memorial Medal at the NDS         £3.70 N/A        Milly (uL) Full bodied white blooms with occasional lavender flush. E G. 1.2m. 2020                                       £4.10   £9.95
                    Exhibition Trials at Golden Acre Park, Leeds 2018. E. 1.2m. 2018                                                                       �Newfield Maggie (L) Pink and white blends originally seen as a medium but has the potential to be a good large when       £5.25    N/A
                    Alva’s Supreme (G) Soft yellow with classic decorative form. AGM. E. 1.5m. 1956                                        £3.35   £6.95    restricted to 4 up. E G. 1.4m. Raised by John Sayers. 2021
                    Black Monarch (uG) Dark crimson with black shading. G. 1.2m. 1946                                                      £3.35    N/A     Pink Spur (G) Unusual blends of light pink and bronze. E. 1.2m. 2008                                                      £3.10   £7.95
                    Bonaventure (G) Very large light bronze and yellow blended blooms. Early flowering. E. 1.6m. 1982                      £3.35   £7.95    Shirwell Greta (uG/L) Well formed bright yellow does well as a giant when grown 2 up. E. 1.2m. 2014                       £3.10    N/A
       ELMA E       Bryn Terfel (G) Outstanding red giant with silvery reverse. Needs an early stop. E. 1.2m. 2004                         £3.70    N/A     Silver City (L) An early flowering old variety. Still a popular and a very reliable white. G. 1.5m. 1967                  £3.10    N/A        SILVER CITY
                    Cafe au Lait (L) Colour changes from pale pink to pale peach when the nights get cooler. C G. 1.5m. 1968               £3.70    N/A     Sir Alf Ramsey (G) Popular lavender pink with white base. Needs an early stop. E. 1.2m. 1999                              £3.35   £7.95
                    Elma E (L) Superb deep cerise pink of fine form. Needs an early stop. E. 1.2m. 1993                                    £3.35    N/A     Spartacus (L) Dark red beauty with pointed reflexing petals. Superb. E G. 1.2m. 1992                                      £3.10   £7.95
                    Fairway Pilot (G) Unusual peach and pink blends. E G. 1.5m. 1979                                                       £3.10    N/A     Vassio Meggos (L) Rich lavender sport from Spartacus with reflexing petals folding back to stem. Grown 4 up for           £3.35   £7.95
                    Fairway Spur (G) Immense salmon peach flowers on compact plants. E. 1.2m. 1996                                         £3.10    N/A     exhibition. E G. 1.4m. 2005
                    Go American (G) An old variety with blooms of deep golden bronze. E G. 1.2m. 1959                                      £3.10   £6.95    Westerton Lilian (L) Primrose blooms overlaid pink. Strong grower with full 10” blooms. Grow 5-6 up and don’t restrict    £3.35 £7.95
                    Hamari Gold (G) Immense deep gold giant still with winning form. AM/E. AGM. E. 1.2m. 1984                              £3.10   £7.95    growth too much. E G. 1.5m. 2013
                    Jocondo (G) Bright reddish purple that needs restricting to 3 up. E. 1.5m. 1960                                        £3.10   £6.95    White Alva’s (G) Reliable white with classic decorative form. AM/E. AGM. E. 1.5m. 1979                                    £3.35 £6.95
                    John Hill (G) Well-formed bronze/orange blooms with good depth. Grow 3 up. E. 1m. 2012                                 £3.35    N/A     Zorro (G) Bright blood red. Substantial deeply formed blooms. AM/E. AGM. E. 1.2m. 1987                                    £3.10 £6.95
    FAIRWAY PILOT   Kenora Valentine (uG/L) Rich orange red with good form. Needs an early stop. AM/E. AGM. E G. 1.25m.                    £3.10   £7.95                                                                                                                                                SIR ALF RAMSEY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We can also provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      garden ready Dahlias
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Add £2.50 per plant to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        mini plant prices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Carriage and packing
    FAIRWAY SPUR        GO AMERICAN                HAMARI GOLD                   JOCONDO                    JOHN HILL             KENORA VALENTINE                SPARTACUS                VASSIO MEGGOS             WESTERTON LILIAN               WHITE ALVA’S                     ZORRO
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7
                        GIANT AND LARGE SEMI-CACTUS                                                                                              Mini Tuber                                                                                                                                  Mini Tuber
                        Dinner plate sized flowers that will certainly create a wow factor, either in the garden or on the show bench. To achieve full size       Jubilee Boy (LSC)Salmon pink with good depth and good strong stems. C E G. 1.4m. 2014                                      £3.35 N/A
                        blooms Giants should generally be restricted to 2-3 flowering stems per plants whilst large should be restricted to 4-5.                  Kenora Challenger (LSC) Excellent ivory white of classic deep formation. Regarded as the best in this section and a        £3.10 £7.95
                        Black Jack (LSC) Very dark red with dense purple foliage. Needs an early stop. G. 1.5m. 2007                             £3.35    N/A     regular winner. E. 1.5m. 1991
                        Clearview Edie (LSC) White with faint pink overlay. Plenty of depth and good form. E. 1.5m. 2014                         £3.35   £8.95   �Newfield Sharpie (LSC) Bright yellow with 2 silver medals already, including at the NDS trials at Golden Acre Park 2019.   £5.25 N/A
                        Clearview Louise (LSC) Rich lemon yellow with orange red tips. Needs an early stop. E G. 1.5m. 2012                      £3.10   £7.95    Grow 4 up for exhibition. Raised by John Sayers. E. 1.2m. 2021
                        Coral Jupiter (GSC) Coral pink sport of ‘Daleko Jupiter’ with good vigour. E. 1.5m.                                      £3.35   £8.95    Pink Jupiter (GSC) Tremendous deep pink with white base. AM/E. E. 1.5m. 1981                                               £3.10   £7.95
                        Corson Gold (LSC) Bright yellow with strong growing upright habit. Jaldec Trophy winner at Wisley in 2017. Grow 4 up     £3.35   £7.95    Purple Duncan Edwards (LSC) Rich purple with velvet sheen. E G. 1m.                                                        £3.35   £9.95
    DEBRA ANNE CRAVEN   for exhibition. 1.5m.                                                                                                                     Reginald Keene (LSC) Golden apricot flushed tangerine. Superb. E G. 1.25m. 1974                                            £3.10    N/A     ROSE JUPITER
                        Daleko Jupiter (GSC) Perfect blooms of rich salmon rose; superb habit. E. 1.5m. 1979                                     £3.10   £6.95    Rose Jupiter (GSC) Magnificent rose sport from ‘Pink Jupiter’. E. 1.5m. 1986                                               £3.10   £7.95
                        Debra Anne Craven (GSC) Tremendous blooms of deep wine red. E. 1.2m. 1988                                                £3.10   £6.95
                        Janal Amy (GSC) Bright yellow with winning form and great depth. E. 1.2m. 1999                                           £3.10   £8.95
                        Jim Branigan (LSC) Crimson scarlet capable of producing top class blooms. E. 1.2m. 1981                                  £3.10    N/A             Dahlia growing guides can be found on our website under the Dahlia heading.
                                                                                                                                                                      Alternatively hard copies can be supplied by post at a cost of 25p each by ticking the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  relevant box on the order form
                        Astound the neighbours with these supersized ‘dinner plate’ Dahlias with flowers easily
                        reaching 20-30cm (10-12”) across. To achieve the biggest flowers, allow only 3 or 4 stems
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Why not consider becoming a member ...
        JANAL AMY       to develop on each plant. The following collections are of OUR CHOICE from this                                                                  TIONA
                        catalogue and supplied in a wide colour range with a label for each variety.
                                                                                                      Mini Garden                                                     NA       L                     Membership includes reduced rate entry to the National Shows at
                                                                                           Tuber Plant                                                                                               Harrogate and Wisley. You will also receive two bulletins each year
                                                                                                            Ready                                                                                    which include advice from top exhibitors and hybridisers. New
                        GLD5 5 Distinct Giant & Large Decoratives                          £30.00 £14.00 £26.50                                                                                      members will also receive an up to date Classified Directory and a
                        GLD10 5 Pairs distinct Giant & Large Decoratives                      -      £26.50 £51.50                                                                                   copy of “Dahlias for you”, a growing guide.
                        GLC5 5 Distinct Giant & Large Cactus                               £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Join online at
                        GLC10 5 Pairs distinct Giant & Large Catus                            -      £26.50 £51.50
                        GLDC5 5 Distinct Giant & Large Decorative & Cactus                 £30.00 £14.00 £26.50                                                        DAHLIA                        Or write to:- General Secretary NDS, Woodside, Warwick Road,
                        GLDC10 5 Pairs distinct Giant & Large Decorative & Cactus             -      £26.50 £51.50                                                     SOCIETY                       Chadwick End, Solihull, B93 0BP                                                 Northern Committee Bureau, Southport 2017
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Although not as awesome as the giant flowered types, the 150-210mm (6-8”)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     flowers that are regularly produced are still big enough to create a ‘Wow’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     factor. Allow 5-8 stems to develop on each plant. The following collections are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of OUR CHOICE from this catalogue and supplied in a wide colour range with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a label for each variety.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mini Garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tuber      Plant Ready
     ALLOWAY COTTAGE      ANDREA CLARK                ASKWITH EDNA             ASKWITH JOSEPHINE             ASKWITH MINNIE              AVOCA AMANDA                 PURPLE PEARL                RED DIAMOND             RYECROFT HUNTSMAN          MD5           5 Distinct Medium Decorative           £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
                       MEDIUM DECORATIVE                                                                                                           Mini Tuber                                                                          Mini Tuber
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5 Pairs distinct Medium
                                                                                                                                                                   Mary Margaret Row Top class rich yellow that appears to be very     £3.70 £8.95   MD10                                                    -      £26.50 £51.50
                       Good sized flowers can be achieved by allowing 6-8 blooms to develop on each plant.                                                                                                                                                         Decorative
                       Alloway Cottage Full formal blooms of soft yellow, overlaid lavender. E. 1.25m. 1970                                        £3.10 N/A       weather resilient. Blooms dress right back to the strong stems.                   MC5           5 Distinct Medium Cactus               £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                   Grow no more than 5 up for showing. E G. 1.3m. 2018
                       Andrea Clark Superb yellow medium with winning form. A tall grower. E G. 1.8m. 1999                                         £3.10 £7.95                                                                                       MC10          5 Pairs distinct Medium Cactus            -      £26.50 £51.50
                                                                                                                                                                   Purple Pearl Purple flowers brushed white at the edges. A good      £3.10 N/A
                       Askwith Edna Attractive blends of orange red through to yellow and peach. Good upright plants and full bodied flowers. E    £3.70 N/A       garden variety. C G. 1.1m. 2005                                                                 5 Distinct  Medium Decorative    &
                       G. 1.5m. 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MDC5                                                 £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                   Red Diamond Old variety with bright blood red flowers. C G.         £3.10 £6.95                 Cactus
                       Askwith Josephine Strong growing white. Gold Medal winner in 2015. E G. 1.4m.                                               £3.35 £9.95     1.2m. 1968                                                                                      5 Pairs distinct Medium
                       Askwith Minnie Delightful sugar pink on strong stems with flowers held at a good angle. Restrict to 4-5 up for showing. E   £3.35 N/A                                                                                         MDC10                                                   -      £26.50 £51.50
                                                                                                                                                                   Ryecroft Huntsman Strong growing weather resistant red. Grow        £3.35 N/A                   Decorative & Cactus
        B J BEAUTY     G. 1.5m. 2010                                                                                                                               5-6 up for showing. C E G. 1.5m (1.8m under cover).
                       Avoca Amanda Pink with good form and strong stems. Needs an early stop. E G. 1.5m. 2008                                     £3.35   £9.95   Westerton Harry Superb yellow with good depth and form. Silver      £3.35 £8.95
                       B J Beauty Full bodied white with good form standing the test of time. E 1.25m. 1976                                        £3.35   £8.95   Medal NDS Trials 2013. E. 1.4m. 2015
                       Bargaly Blush Excellent deep rose pink with good deep formation. G. 1.5m. 2002                                              £3.10   £6.95   Westerton JWH Salmon pink with exquisite form. Grow 4 up for        £3.70 £8.95
                       Berwick Wood Substantial formal blooms of purple pink. Strong habit. E G. 1.5m. 1989                                        £3.10    N/A    showing. E. 1.5m. 2016
                       Charlie Two Reliable light yellow flowers on strong stems. E. 1.25m. 1989                                                   £3.35   £7.95   White Charlie Two Excellent creamy white sport from ‘Charlie        £3.35 £6.95
                       Dikara Jodie Blends of peach and apricot. Restrict to 5 up. E G. 90cm. 2007                                                 £3.35    N/A    Two’ with the same outstanding form for exhibition. E. 1.2m. 2001
                       Hillcrest Delight Beautifully formed informal blooms of deep orange. E. 1.25m. 1996                                         £3.35   £7.95
                       Hillcrest Kismet Deeply reflexing blooms of unusual salmon bronze. E. 1.25m. 1999                                           £3.35    N/A            Check out our website for up to date availability of Pot Tubers

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11
                      MEDIUM CACTUS, SEMI CACTUS AND FIMBRIATED                                                                                Mini Tuber
                      Good sized flowers can be achieved by allowing 6-8 blooms on each plant. (MFim) varieties have fimbriated (split) petals.
                      Andrew Mitchell (MSC) Sparkling deep red of great depth. Good weather resistance. C E G. 1.2m. 1995                      £3.70   £7.95
                      Baeten (uMSC) A very reliable bright red with good form. Strong growing plants. C E G. 1.4m. 1996                        £3.35   £7.95
                      Clearview Cameron (uMSC) Very showy white with lavender tips. NDS Silver Medal in 2019. C E G. 1.4m. 2017                £3.70   £9.95
                      Clearview Tammy (MSC) Deeply formed white with good weather resistance. For showing grow 6 up and disbud down to         £3.35   £7.95                                                                                            NORMANDIE FRILLS
                      4-5 pairs to achieve good size. C E G. 1.2m. 2011
                      Cleo Laine (MSC) Vivid orange flowers on compact plants. Good for the front of the border. C G. 1m. 2015                 £3.35    N/A
  CREAM MOONLIGHT     Corson George (MSC) Rich lavender pink with good depth and size. Weather proof. Grow 8-9 up. C E G. 1.5m. 2018           £3.70    N/A
                      Cream Moonlight (MSC) First class cream sport appearing regularly on the show bench. E . 1.2m                            £3.35   £7.95
                      De La Haye (MSC) Light bronze and apricot blends. C E G. 1.5m. 1983                                                      £3.35   £7.95
                      Eastwood Moonlight (MSC) Superb blooms of light yellow. Still regarded as the ideal MSC, especially for growers in the   £3.10   £7.95
                      North, E. 1.2m. 1975                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NORMANDIE
                      Grace Wood (uMSC) Rich pink. Good depth and form. Silver Medal NDS trials 2017. C G. 1.2m. 2020                          £3.70   £9.95                                                                                              WEDDING DAY
                      Grenidor Pastelle (MSC) Superb salmon with pale yellow base. C E G. 1.25m. 1998                                          £3.10   £6.95
                      Hapet Champagne (uMFim) Lovely blend of soft pink and lemon on strong growing plants. C E G.                             £3.35   £8.95
                      Hillcrest Candy (MSC) Excellent pink with white base. Exhibited extensively. AGM. E G. 1.5m. 2009                        £3.35    N/A
     DE LA HAYE       Hillcrest Royal (MC) Rich purple true cactus - Excellent garden variety. AGM. C G. 1.25m. 1991                           £3.10    N/A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        RUSKIN LIMELIGHT

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SUPERBA        13
                          COLLERETTE                                                                                         Mini    Tuber                                              MISCELLANEOUS                                                                                     Mini Tuber
                                                                                                                                                                                        Includes star, orchid, anemone centred and single flowered Dahlias. The open centred varieties
                          Flowers with a single outer ring of generally flat petals (ray florets) with a ring of smaller petals (florets)                                               included are excellent for attracting all types of pollinators. Being very free flowering they will provide a
                          forming a collar. The open centred flowers are hugely attractive to all types of pollinators. These make an                                                   wonderful display of colour through summer and well into the autumn. They are becoming increasingly
                          excellent addition to any garden, particularly herbaceous borders.                                                                                            popular because of this.
                          Ann Breckenfelder Bright scarlet petals with a yellow collar. Very free flowering giving a         £3.35 £7.95                                               Bishop of Llandaff (Paeony) Dark red single flowers and almost black foliage. AGM. G. 1m.          £3.35 N/A
                          fabulous garden display. AGM. E. 1m. 2004                                                                                                                    1928
                          April Heather Beautiful yellow/apricot blends, lemon yellow collar. AGM. C E G. 1.5m. 1988         £3.35 £7.95                                               Blue Bayou (Anemone) Free flowering lavender purple - a magnet for pollinators. C G. 1.2m.         £3.10 N/A
                          Asphire Julie (u) Flowers of apricot and yellow blends with a darker reverse are borne freely on   £3.35 £7.95                                               2001
      FASHION MONGER      strong growing plants. E G. 1.5m. 2018                                                                             MARY EVELINE           HONKA             �Hadrian’s Centurion (uSingle) One of our own raisings with deep purple, almost black foliage.      £3.35 N/A           MAYAN PEARL
                          Clair De Lune Clear yellow with yellow collar. One of the best! AGM. AM/E. E G. 0.9m. 1946         £3.35    N/A                                              Deep velvety red flowers take on purple tones later in the season. Good for pots. 1m.
                          Dilys Ayling Very free flowering red, red collar flushed white. Attractive. C E G. 1.2m. 2013      £3.10    N/A                                              Hadrian’s Midnight (Single) Deep red with black central disc. G. 1m.                               £3.10    N/A
                          Edith Jones Strong growing salmon pink with lighter collar. C E G. 1.2m. 2012                      £3.10    N/A                                              Hadrian’s Sunlight (Single) Dark purple foliage, yellow flowers. AGM. G. 1.1m.                     £3.10    N/A
                          Fashion Monger Cream striped red with lemon collar. E G. 0.9m. 1955                                £3.35    N/A                                              Hadrian’s Sunset (Single) Purple foliage, orange bronze flowers. G. 1.1m.                          £3.10    N/A
                          Mary Eveline Outstanding plum red with contrasting white collar. E G. 0.9m. 1987                   £3.35    N/A                                              Honka (Star) Free flowering yellow star dahlia. AGM. C G. 0.8m.                                    £3.10   £6.95
                          Pink Pat and Perc Lovely soft pink with white collar. A winner! E G. 1.5m. 2014                    £3.35   £7.95                                             Mayan Pearl (uDouble Orchid) Compact free flowering clear pink. C G. 1m.                           £3.10   £6.95
                          Pooh Brilliant scarlet flowers, tipped yellow with yellow collar. AGM. C G. 1.1m. 1998             £3.10   £7.95                                             Midnight Star (Star) Free flowering pink with purple reverse. C E G. 1m.                           £3.10   £6.95
                          Susan Gilbert Striking sunny yellow with strong stems and large flowers. C E G. 1.5m. 2013         £3.10   £7.95                                             Rosamunde (Paeony) Lilac pink with dark eye, black foliage. C G. 1m.                               £3.10    N/A
      PINK PAT AND PERC   Teesbrooke Audrey Beautiful pale lilac pink with white tipped lilac collar. E G. 1.1m. 2000        £3.35   £6.95      POOH           MIDNIGHT STAR           Twynings After Eight (Single) Black foliage, single white flowers. G. 1.2m.                        £3.10    N/A        ROSAMUNDE

                                                    BEE AND BUTTERFLY COLLECTIONS                                                                           DARK LEAVED DAHLIA COLLECTIONS
                                                    A collection of open centred varieties which will attract a wide range of                               With striking purple/black foliage these dark leaved Dahlias will
                                                    pollination insects to the garden. These will also look good in the cottage                             add new depth of colour to any garden. Like any Dahlias they
                                                    garden border being very free flowering over a long period. Our choice of 5                             need full sun to bring out the best in them. Our choice of 5 distinct
                                                    distinct varieties selected from our full range of open centred varieties.                              varieties will include a mixture of tall and shorter growing varieties
                                                                                                                    Mini Garden                             as well as single and double flowered types.
                                                                                                          Tuber Plant                                                                                               Mini Garden
                                                                                                                            Ready                                                                         Tuber Plant
                                                    B5       5 Assorted for pollinators                £30.00 £14.00 £26.50                                                                                                Ready
                                                                                                                                                            DAR5 5 Assorted dark leaved                   £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
       SUSAN GILBERT      TEESBROOKE AUDREY B10              5 Assorted pairs for pollinators            -    £26.50 £51.50                                 DAR10 5 Assorted dark leaved pairs               -     £26.50 £51.50                                                                          TWYNINGS AFTER EIGHT
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15
                               WATERLILY                                                                                                               Mini Tuber               SANDIA FLIRT                          SASCHA                         TARATAHI RUBY                  VIVIAN RUSSEL            WHITE BALLERINA
                               Attractive fully double saucer shaped flowers that are very useful as a cut flower and for garden display. Increasingly popular for                                                                                                                                                Mini    Tuber
                               exhibition where the depth of the flower should ideally be no more than half the diameter.                                              � Sandia Flirt (u) Dainty bright pink miniature waterlily with flowers up to 10cm across. Free flowering and compact. C G. 1m. USA.        £3.70     N/A
                         Bracken Ballerina Beautiful pale pink for exhibition. AM/G. C E G. 1.2m. 1988                                                 £3.10    N/A
                         Cameo A beautifully formed cream waterlily with creamy yellow base. C E G. 1.2m. 1986                                         £3.35    N/A      Sascha Magnificent deep lavender with classical form. AGM. C E. 1.2m. 2002                                                               £3.35     N/A
                         Carolina Moon Eye catching informal white flowers edged lilac pink. C G. 1m. 1990                                             £3.10   £7.95     Taratahi Ruby Outstanding red from New Zealand. AGM. C E G. 1.2m. 1999                                                                   £3.10    £7.95
                         Christopher Taylor 6” blooms of cerise-red on good stems. A popular garden and cut flower variety. C G. 1.5m. 1980            £3.10    N/A      Vivian Russel Well formed white with lemon base. Show bench form. C E G. 1.2m. 2012                                                      £3.35     N/A
                         Glorie Van Heemstede Clear bright yellow, strong upright habit. One of our oldest varieties but still good enough for the     £3.10   £6.95     White Ballerina Wonderful white sport from “Bracken Ballerina”. AGM. 1.4m. 2003                                                          £3.10    £7.95
                         show bench. AM/E. AGM. C G. 1.1m. 1947
                         Gwyneth Orange bronze with yellowish base. Good stems for cutting. C E G. 1.5m. 2005                                          £3.35 N/A
                        �Hapet Blue Sea (u) Rich fuchsia pink rather than blue but still a stunning colour to add to this section. From Austria. C E   £3.35 N/A         COLLERETTE AND WATERLILY DAHLIA COLLECTIONS
                         G. 1.2m. 2021                                                                                                                                   Useful in herbaceous borders and for general planting. The waterlily types make
                        �Hollyhill Serenity (u) Blends of peach and apricot. Shallow saucer shaped blooms held on strong wiry stems. C E G.            £3.70   N/A       excellent cut flowers whilst the Collerettes are extremely free flowering and are
                         1.2m. USA 2016                                                                                                                                  particularly good for attracting butterflies and bees into the garden. Both types can
                         Ken’s Rarity Pink with yellow base. Free flowering. C E G. 1.1m. 1997                                                         £3.35    N/A      be ‘stopped’ when 5-7 pairs of leaves have developed and all the resulting stems
                         Kilburn Glow Luminous magenta rose with lemon base. A quality flower for the showing and cutting. C E G. 1.2m. 2012           £3.70    N/A      allowed to flower. Disbudding of these is only necessary if growing for exhibition or if
                         Olivia Marie Very free flowering orange/yellow with good strong stems. C E G. 1.4m. 2010                                      £3.35   £7.95     they are needed for cutting.The following collections are of OUR CHOICE from this
                         Pam Howden Orange yellow flowers on good stems with excellent form. C E G. 1.2m. 1995                                         £3.10    N/A      catalogue and supplied in a wide colour range with a label for each variety.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tuber Mini      Garden
                         Pearl of Heemstede Silvery pink with strong but wiry stems on compact plants. Good for cutting. AGM. C G. 0.9m. 1984          £3.35    N/A                                                                              Plant Ready
     HOLLYHILL SERENITY  Sam Hopkins Stunning deep blackberry red. A good cut flower variety. C G. 1.1m. 2005                                          £3.10    N/A
                                                                                                                                                                         COLL5         5 Distinct Collerettes                          £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                         COLL10        5 Pairs distinct Collerettes                       -    £26.50 £51.50
                                                                                                                                                                         WAT5          5 Distinct Waterlily                            £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                         WAT10         5 Pairs distinct Waterlily                         -    £26.50 £51.50
                                                                                                                                                                         WATCOLL5 5 Distinct Waterlily & Collerettes                   £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                         WATCOLL10 5 Pairs distinct Waterlily & Collerettes               -    £26.50 £51.50
        KEN’S RARITY               KILBURN GLOW                OLIVIA MARIE               PAM HOWDEN            PEARL OF HEEMSTEDE              SAM HOPKINS
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17
                      SMALL AND MINIATURE DECORATIVE                                                                                            Mini    Tuber                                                                                                                                  Mini    Tuber
                      This section includes some very popular exhibition varieties but many varieties make good cut flowers and fit well into borders.          Gateshead Festival (S) Superb peachy-orange with lemon base and classic decorative form. One of the best in its class          £3.35 £8.95
                                                                                                                                                                when grown well. E G. 1.1m. 1990
                      Abbie (Min) Lavender pink with white base. Grow 12 up. C E G. 1m. 2008                                                    £3.35   £7.95
                                                                                                                                                                George Marston (uMin) Very dark burgundy red regularly seen on show benches. C E G. 1.2m. 2012                                 £3.35 £7.95
                      Barbarry D’Amour (Min) Stunning deep burgundy red. Parkinson trophy winner 2015. C E G. 1.2m.                             £3.35   £8.95
                                                                                                                                                                Hillcrest Firecrest (S) Bright yellow with orange red tips and a compact habit. C G. 1.2m. 2016                                £3.35 £8.95
                      Barbarry Pip (Min) Excellent cardinal red regularly seen on the show bench. C E G. 1.1m. 2006                             £3.70    N/A
                                                                                                                                                                Hillcrest Jonathan (S) Attractive blends of purple to white. Exceptionally free flowering variety for garden and cut flower.   £3.70 £8.95
                      Barbarry Vulcan (Min) Striking well formed blooms of rich purple. C E G. 1.2m. 2015                                       £3.70   £8.95   Robust habit and strong stems. C G. 1.2m. 2010
                      Blyton Everest (S) White with lavender flush. Good form. Grow 8 up. C E G. 1.4m. 2016                                     £3.70   £8.95   Karenglen (Min) Vibrant orange-scarlet with good form. AM/E. AGM. C E G. 1.2m. 1990                                            £3.35   £6.95
                      Blyton Golden Girl (Min) Vivid yellow with good form and strong stems. C E G. 1.5m. 2013                                  £3.35   £7.95   Lismore Robin (Min) Bright reddish orange miniature with good decorative form. C E G. 1.2m. 2001                               £3.35   £7.95
     BLYTON ROMANCE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MARSTON LILAC
                      Blyton Romance (S) Lovely soft pink flowers on strong stems. C E G. 1.2m. 2013                                            £3.35    N/A    Marston Lilac (Min) Superb lilac performing consistently on the benches. AGM. AM/E. C E G. 1.2m. 2003                          £3.35   £7.95
                      Blyton Stella (uMin) Stunning lavender pink with excellent form. Reliable and weatherproof, a real gem with a very high   £3.70    N/A    Marston Suzanne (Min) Popular bright red good for showing when grown 12-14 up. C E. 1.5m. 2009                                 £3.35    N/A
                      proportion of showable blooms! C E G. 1.2m. 2019
                                                                                                                                                                Polventon Kristobel (Min) Classy dusky pink faintly tipped gold with good stems and excellent petal lay. Grow 14 up. C         £3.35    N/A
                      Carstone Ruby (Min) Unfading ruby red with classic form. C E G. 1.1m. 1996                                                £3.10   £6.95   E G. 1.5m. 2014
                      Cream Diane (S) Distinct cream sport from “Winholme Diane”. E. 1.25m. 2016                                                £3.35    N/A    Rossendale JoJo (S) First class yellow released in 2018. Ernest Luckhurst Memorial Cup and Jescot Cup winner at                £3.35 £8.95
                      David Howard (Min) Burnt orange flowers, dark foliage. AGM. G. 1.2m. 1965                                                 £3.10   £7.95   Wisley in 2017. C E G. 1.2m.
                      Dikara Superb (Min) Lovely sugar pink with neat formation. Top class! C E G. 1.2m. 2010                                   £3.35    N/A    Rossendale Parkey (Min) Lovely delicate pink with excellent stems. C E G. 1.2m. 2010                                           £3.35    N/A
                      Edinburgh (S) An old favourite. Purple and white bi-colour. C G. 1.2m. 1950                                               £3.10    N/A    Rossendale Roxy (Min) Yellow with pinkish flush with great potential. Grow 12 up. C E G. 1.2m. 2015                            £3.35    N/A
                      Fire Mountain (Min) Bright red with almost black foliage. Good garden variety. G. 1.2m. 1999                              £3.10   £7.95   Ruskin Diane (S) Yellow blooms of full size and superb formation. E G. 1.25m. 1984                                             £3.35    N/A
     BLYTON STELLA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MARSTON SUZANNE
                                                                                                                                                                Ryecroft Brenda T (S) White with a hint of lavender. Grow 9 up to avoid going over size. E G. 1.4m. 2008                       £3.10   £7.95

     CARSTONE RUBY        CREAM DIANE                DAVID HOWARD               DIKARA SUPERB                 EDINBURGH                 FIRE MOUNTAIN           POLVENTON KRISTOBEL           ROSSENDALE JOJO            ROSSENDALE PARKEY             ROSSENDALE ROXY                 RUSKIN DIANE            RYECROFT BRENDA T
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
RYECROFT GOLD               RYECROFT JAN              RYECROFT MISTY               SHEVAL MEGAN             SKELMERSDALE JAYNE              TRACY DIANE            CHERWELL GOLDCREST            CLEARVIEW AUDREY              DEBORAH’S KIWI                  DORIS DAY               GREENWAY’S ZOE             HADRIAN’S DELIGHT
                                                                                                                                                        Mini    Tuber
                                                                                                                                                                         SMALL AND MINIATURE CACTUS AND SEMI CACTUS                                                                                                         Mini    Tuber
�Ryecroft Gold (uS) Stunning bright orange with good form. This should be popular as both an exhibition and cut flower variety having good stems.       £5.25   N/A
 Restrict to 6 up to grow as a small. 1.4m. Raised by Phil Godsmark. 2020.                                                                                               Popular exhibition varieties and good garden and cut flower types are included in this section of “spiky” Dahlias.
 Ryecroft Jan (Min) Excellent ivory white which shows well. AM/E. AGM. C E G. 1.2m. 2001                                                                £3.35 £7.95      Cherwell Goldcrest (SSC) Full sized quality flowers of golden yellow with a hint of apricot. Compact grower. Often a late starter from tubers. C   £3.35    £7.95
                                                                                                                                                                         E G. 0.9m. 1996
 Ryecroft Misty (Min) Superb white with lavender blush which should do well. Grow 8 up. C E G. 1.2m.                                                    £3.35 N/A
                                                                                                                                                                         Clearview Audrey (SSC) Blush pink developing a richer colour as the blooms mature. Strong growing, reliable and weatherproof with good             £3.35    £8.95
 Sheval Megan (S) First class weatherproof unfading vivid red. Grow 8-9 up. C E G. 1.4m. 2016                                                           £3.70 £9.95      form. Grow 8-9 up to restrict bloom size. C E G. 1.4m. 2014
�Skelmersdale Jayne (uMin) We are pleased to add this attractive white with lavender blush miniature which was a 2020 introduction. C E G. 1.2m.        £3.70 N/A        Deborah’s Kiwi (SC) Lavender pink sport from “Kiwi Gloria” with same excellent form. E. 1.1m. 1996                                                 £3.10    £7.95
�Tracy Diane (uS) Much talked about white sport from “Winholme Diane” with all the attributes of the parent and the distinct pink blush. Secured as a   £5.25 N/A        Doris Day (SC) Deep cardinal-red flower. Very free and early flowering. AM/G. C G. 1.1m. 1952                                                      £3.10    £6.95
 sport by Robin Moyser. C E G. 1.25m.
                                                                                                                                                                         Greenway’s Zoe (SSC) Golden yellow blends, good form. Grow 10-12 up for show. CEM. C E G. 1.2m. 2014                                               £3.35    £8.95
�Twilight Boy (uMin) Stunning rich magenta which keeps its colour even in the brightest weather. Compact habit and strong stems. For exhibition         £5.25   N/A
 purposes we would suggest restricting to 8 breaks. C E G. 1.1m. 2020. Raised by Mr A T Hayes                                                                            Hadrian’s Delight (uSSC) Glowing lavender pink, own raising with strong upright habit and full bodied blooms. Reliably weatherproof. C G.          £3.35     N/A
                                                                                                                                                                         1.5m. 2020
 Westerton Ella Grace (Min) Lovely soft pink with white base. Attractive and well formed blooms on good strong plants. C E G. 1.2m.                     £3.70   N/A
                                                                                                                                                                         Hillcrest Jersie (SC) Apricot and yellow blends with weather resistant blooms. C E G. 1.2m. 2014                                                   £3.35    £8.95
�Westerton Gatehouse (uS) Deep red blooms on good stems with good weatherproof qualities and attractive form. C E G. 1.2m. 2021. Another                £5.25   N/A
 quality variety from Gordon Hodgson who has kindly allowed us to select the charity so a donation will be made to Marie Curie for each plant sold.                      Indian Summer (SC) Vivid scarlet red colour and excellent habit. AGM. C E G. 1.1m. 1979                                                            £3.35     N/A
 Westerton Southside (S) Pearlescent peach with lemon undertones. Parkinson Perpetual Trophy winner at Harrogate, 2012. E G. 1.2m.                      £3.35 £7.95      Josudi Andromeda (MinC) Stunning soft blush pink with distinctive richer toned centre. C E G. 1.4m. 2017                                           £3.70    £8.95
 Westerton Sunset (S) Stunning rich burgundy red with good exhibition form. Eye catching blooms are held well on strong stems. C E G. 2020              £4.10 £10.95     Josudi Aurora (MinC) Lovely blends of orange through to apricot yellow. Strong growing and free flowering. C E G. 1.5m. 2016                       £3.70    £8.95
 Winholme Diane (S) Top class creamy lemon. A very popular show variety. E G. 1.25m. 2000                                                               £3.35 £7.95      Josudi Hercules (MinC) Unusual rhodonite red. Silver Medals at NDS trials in 2016. C E G. 1.4m. 2017                                               £3.70     N/A
                                                                                                                                                                        �Josudi Mercury (uMinSC) Very free flowering coppery bronze. The earthy tones make this very popular with our cut flower customers. C G.            £4.10     N/A
                                                                                                                                                                         1.2m. Raised by the late Peter Greenway. 2014. A proportion of sales of this variety will be passed on to the Cornish Air Ambulance, as per
                                                                                                                                                                         Peter’s wishes

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21
JOSUDI NEPTUNE             JOSUDI PLUTO            JOSUDI SUNBURST               KILMORIE                 KIWI GLORIA             LEMON ELEGANS
                                                                                                                                              Mini    Tuber        RYECROFT ZOE                         TRELYN KIWI                   WESTON PIRATE           WESTON SPANISH DANCER                WHITE SWALLOW
                    Josudi Neptune (MinSC) Creamy white with magenta tips, a real eye catcher in the garden. C G. 1.2m. 2016                  £3.70 £9.95                                                                                                                                                    Mini     Tuber
                    Josudi Pluto (MinSC) Very free flowering rich plum purple. A true miniature. C E G. 1.2m. 2015                            £3.35 £8.95     Ryecroft Pixie (MinC) Well formed blooms of strawberry pink. Compact habit. C E G. 1m. 2011                                                     £3.35   £7.95
                   �Josudi Sunburst (uMinSC) The unusual combination of creamy yellow with purple tips certainly makes this stand out.        £4.10 N/A       Ryecroft Zoe (SSC) Peach/orange with lemon centre. Best when grown 9-10 up. C E G. 1.2m. 2006                                                   £3.35    N/A
                    Very free flowering for garden, cutting and basket work. C G. 1.2m. Raised by the late Peter Greenway with a proportion                   Trelyn Kiwi (SC) White with faint lavender flush. Needs an early stop. E G. 1.2m. 1996                                                          £3.10   £7.95
                    of sales being donated to the Cornish Air Ambulance as per his wishes.                                                                    Weston Pirate (MinC) Deep blood red of excellent form. A regular winner. AGM. C E G. 1.2m. 1998                                                 £3.35   £8.95
                    Kilmorie (SSC) Neat salmon apricot blooms with lavender base. C E G. 1.25m. 2002                                          £3.35   £7.95   Weston Spanish Dancer (MinC) Outstanding bi-colour of bright scarlet with yellow base. Needs a double stop to keep bloom size down. AGM. C E G. £3.35    N/A
                    Kiwi Gloria (SC) Top quality pale lavender pink. Benefits from an early stop. E. 1.1m. 1988                               £3.10   £8.95   1.2m. 2000
 LISMORE GOLDCREST  Lemon Elegans (SSC) Quality pale yellow blooms with good depth. AM/E. AGM. 1.2m. 1988                                     £3.35   £7.95   White Swallow (SSC) Reliable white with slightly incurving petals. C G. 1.5m. 1966                                                              £3.35    N/A
                    Lismore Goldcrest (SSC) Distinct pale yellow/cream sport with a slightly orange red flush. C E G. 1.1m. 2018              £3.70   £9.95
                    Normandie Memories (uSSC) Delightful soft pink with white blends. Strong growing habit with good stems. More refined      £3.35   £8.95   SMALL AND MINIATURE FLOWERED DAHLIA COLLECTIONS
                    as the season progresses. C G E. 1.2m. 2018                                                                                               These are good all round varieties with                                                                         Mini     Garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tuber Plant      Ready
                    Oakwood Goldcrest (SSC) Yellow with occasional orange red central flush. Compact habit. E. 1.1m. 2006                     £3.35   £8.95   the emphasis of our selection being
                                                                                                                                                              based on exhibition and garden use.       SMD5   5 Distinct Small & Miniature Decoratives               £30.00 £14.00    £26.50
                    Oreti Bliss (SC) Superb clean white blooms with excellent form on strong stems. E G. 1.2m. 2003                           £3.35   £7.95                                             SMD10 5 Pairs distinct Small & Miniature Decoratives            -    £26.50    £51.50
                                                                                                                                                              The following collections are of OUR
                    Parkland Rave (uSC) Lovely free flowering lilac pink giving a superb garden show. C G. 1.2m. 2005                         £3.10   £7.95   CHOICE from this catalogue and            SMC5   5 Distinct Small & Miniature Cactus                    £30.00 £14.00    £26.50
                    Ruskin Andrea (SSC) Bright candy pink with white base. Grow 8-10 up. C E G. 1.2m. 2004                                    £3.10   £6.95   supplied in a wide colour range with a    SMC10 5 Pairs distinct Small & Miniature Catus                  -    £26.50    £51.50
                    Ruskin Marigold (SSC) An early flowering reliable vivid orange for garden and cutting. C G. 1m. 1999                      £3.35    N/A    label indicating colour and approximate   SMDC5 5 Distinct Small & Miniature Decorative & Cactus        £30.00 £14.00    £26.50
                                                                                                                                                              height for each variety.                  SMDC10 5 Pairs distinct Small & Miniature Decorative & Cactus   -    £26.50    £51.50

                                                                                                                                                              CUT FLOWER AND GARDEN COLLECTIONS
                                                                                                                                                              Our choice of varieties from the Small and Miniature sections including Waterlily
                                                                                                                                                              types. Stems can be either disbudded to give longer stems for cutting or left to
                                                                                                                                                              grow naturally. Either way a superb show from August onwards. All come with a
                                                                                                                                                              label indicating colour and approximate height.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mini Garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tuber Plant       Ready
                                                                                                                                                              CUTFLO5 5 Assorted for cut flower & garden.        £30.00 £14.00 £26.50
  OAKWOOD GOLDCREST            ORETI BLISS             PARKLAND RAVE             RUSKIN ANDREA            RUSKIN MARIGOLD            RYECROFT PIXIE           CUTFLO10 5 Assorted pairs for cut flower & garden.   -    £26.50 £51.50
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Thanks to the generosity of Gordon Hodgson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and his brother Harold, their 2 chosen charities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for last year benefited by over £1400 from sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Westerton Pearl and Westerton Sunset.

        AMY CAVE               AURORA’S KISS           BARBARRY PATRIOT       BARBARRY PRIMROSE HALL BLYTON LADY IN RED                 BLYTON RED ACE              J S DOROTHY ROSE               L’ANCRESSE              MARY’S JOMANDA                MEGAN DEAN
                            SMALL AND MINIATURE BALL                                                                                             Mini    Tuber                                                                                                                            Mini    Tuber
                            Some top exhibition varieties are included here but all are good for garden and cutting. These varieties have flowers of pompon       Jomanda (Min) Excellent terracotta orange. A show bench favourite. AGM. C E G. 1.4m. 1996                               £3.35   £7.95
                            formation, but larger.                                                                                                                J S Dorothy Rose (uS) Stunning rich purple, lighter undertones. Good for cutting. C G. 1.2m. 2011                       £3.35   £7.95
                      Amy Cave (S) Rich purple maroon flowers on compact strong growing plants. C E G. 1.1m. 2007                                £3.10   £6.95    L’ancresse (Min) Immaculate white blooms with faint lavender flush. E G. 1.2m. 1982                                     £3.10   £6.95
                      Aurora’s Kiss (Min) Deepest wine crimson, almost black. C E G. 1.1m. 1997                                                  £3.10   £6.95    Mary’s Jomanda (Min) Rich magenta pink for all purposes. Strong plants and good stems. AGM. C E G. 1.4m. 2002           £3.35   £7.95
                      Barbarry Patriot (Min) Free flowering rich fuchsia pink with good habit. C E G. 1.1m. 2016                                 £3.70    N/A     Megan Dean (Min) Lavender pink with white base of excellent form. C E G. 1.5m. 2006                                     £3.10   £6.95
                      Barbarry Primrose Hall (Min) Classy primrose yellow that has done well on the show bench. C E G. 1.2m. 2017                £3.35    N/A     Rossendale Natasha (Min) Pure white blooms of neatest form. A reliable grower with good strong stems. C E G. 1.2m.      £3.35   £7.95
                      Blyton Lady in Red (Min) Bright red blooms which holds colour well. Erect vigorous habit with good stems for cutting. C    £3.35    N/A     2005
                      E G. 1.4m. 2005                                                                                                                             Ruskin Tangerine (Min) Reliable bright orange for garden and cutting. Needs an early stop. C G. 1m. 1994                £3.10 £6.95
 BLYTON SOFTER GLEAM �Blyton Red Ace (uMin) Lovely bright red with stunning form. Winner of 2019 Parkinson Trophy at Harrogate and Silver        £5.25 N/A                                                                                                                                                ROSSENDALE NATASHA
                                                                                                                                                                  Ruth Ann (uS) Lovely free flowering orange, good stems for cutting. CEM. C G. 1.5m. 2016                                £3.35 N/A
                      Medal at NDS Golden Acre Park. A tall growing variety with strong stems which is at its best for exhibition when grown 8                    Ryecroft Bella (S) Rich yellow with immaculate form and strong stems. A much needed true small ball Dahlia attaining    £3.70 N/A
                      up. Raised by Les Stothard. C E. 1.5m. 2021                                                                                                 good size. C E G. 1.2m. 2015
                      Blyton Softer Gleam (S) Soft orange with a lemon yellow base. Excellent form and good strong stems. AGM. AM/E. C E         £3.35 £8.95
                      G. 1.2m. 2003                                                                                                                              �Ryecroft Jill (Min) A top class variety for the showbench and the garden. Raised by Phil Godsmark and in his opinion,   £5.25 N/A
                                                                                                                                                                  the best variety he has raised. Strong growing plants produce quality light orange/bronze blooms. For the show bench
                      Carstone Valiant (S) Pillar box red with excellent stems. A true ball! C E G. 1.1m. 2008                                   £3.35   £7.95    grow on a double stop and aim for 16 plus up. C E G. 1.5m
                      Cherwell Linnet (S) Eye catching bright orange with burnt orange reverse. C E G. 1.4m. 2006                                £3.70   £8.95    Ryecroft Laura (Min) Excellent yellow with show winning form. C E G. 1.2m. 2008                                         £3.10 £6.95
                      Clearview Daniel (Min) Bright yellow with good form. C E G. 1.5m. 2013                                                     £3.35   £8.95
                                                                                                                                                                  Westerton Folly (S) Full bodied bright pink. Weatherproof. AGM. E G. 1.2m. 2010                                         £3.35 £8.95
                      Cornel (Min) A classic ball dahlia. Superb unfading red. Weather resistant. C E G. 1.1m. 1994                              £3.10   £6.95
                      Hamari Rose (Min) Rose pink with classic ball form. AGM. E G. 1m. 1993                                                     £3.35    N/A     Westerton Pearl (S) Lovely evenly coloured soft pink. True ball formation. C E G. 1.2m. 2020                            £4.10 N/A
   CARSTONE VALIANT   Ivanetti (Min) Superb dark maroon colour. Excellent form and habit. C E G. 1.1m. 1999                                      £3.10   £6.95                                                                                                                                              RUSKIN TANGERINE

     CHERWELL LINNET         CLEARVIEW DANIEL                CORNEL                  HAMARI ROSE                  IVANETTI                  JOMANDA                      RUTH ANN               RYECROFT BELLA              RYECROFT JILL             RYECROFT LAURA             WESTERTON FOLLY            WESTERTON PEARL
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25
AURWEN’S VIOLET        FRANZ KAFKA               GURTLA TWILIGHT                HALLMARK                 IVOR’S RHONDA              JODIE WILKINSON                   RHONDA                  ROSEMARY DAWN           RYECROFT BLACKBERRY                SMALL WORLD       WILLO’S BOREALIS            WILLO’S VIOLET
                         POMPON                                                                                                                      Mini    Tuber                                                                                                                          Mini    Tuber
                         Often described as “golf balls on sticks” these tend to be more popular with exhibitors for the show bench but deserve a try in the         Rhonda Perfect pale lilac, still performing well despite its age! E G. 1m. 1947                                        £3.35 N/A
                         garden. The flowers of these varieties have a round honeycomb formation and are very free flowering.                                        Rosemary Dawn (L) Delightful blends of orange and peach with excellent Pom formation. Bronze award, NDS Exhibition     £3.35 N/A
                         Aurwen’s Violet Rich dark purple. E G. 1.1m. 1998                                                                           £3.10   £6.95   Trials 2017. C E G. 1.2m.
                         Franz Kafka (L) Free flowering with masses of lilac pink flowers. C E G. 1.2m. 1974                                         £3.35   £6.95   Ryecroft Blackberry Stunning dark red changing to a rich burnt orange/red as the season progresses. Occasional white   £3.70 £7.95
                         Gurtla Twilight A pompon of precise form. White base with pink blush. E. 1.1m. 1996                                         £3.35    N/A    petals may appear on later blooms. C E G. 1.2m.
                         Hallmark Pink with lavender blends. C E G. 1.2m. 1960                                                                       £3.35    N/A    Small World The best white pompon occasionally with purple fleck. AGM. E G. 1.1m. 1967                                 £3.10   £7.95
                         Ivor’s Rhonda Very popular lilac for exhibition. Reliable and good even colouring. E G. 1.2m.                               £3.35    N/A    Willo’s Borealis Superb lavender blooms of exhibition quality. E. 1.1m. 1978                                           £3.10   £6.95
                         Jodie Wilkinson (L) Lovely apricot with lemon tones. CEM. C E G. 1.2m. 2012                                                 £3.35   £7.95   Willo’s Violet Violet with white base and superb form. One of our oldest varieties. E G. 1.1m. 1937                    £3.10   £6.95   WINKIE LAMBRUSCO
                         Jon’s Twilight Yellow sport of “Gurtla Twilight”. Synonymous with Hollywood Twilight. Free flowering with good form. E G.   £3.35    N/A    Winkie Lambrusco Outstanding orange red from Australia. Strong growing habit. C E G. 1.5m. 2013                        £3.35   £7.95
                         1.2m. 2019
                         Lismore Carol Vibrant orange red sport. Identical good form. E G. 1.1m. 2000                                                £3.10 £6.95
                         Lismore Moonlight True yellow pom producing quality blooms. E G. 1.1m. 1998                                                 £3.35 £6.95
                         Maya’s Rhonda A reliable sport from Ivor’s Rhonda. Rich purple with silvery reverse so it is similar to Whale’s Rhonda      £3.35 N/A
                         but has more vigour and is more consistent in its colouring. C E G. 1.1m.                                                                   BALL AND POMPON DAHLIA COLLECTIONS
                         Minley Carol Excellent light orange with yellow blends to base. AGM. E G. 1.1m. 1983                                        £3.10    N/A    Pompons are dainty flowers that only reach about 50mm (2”) across. Ball dahlia have flowers up
                         Moor Place Deep maroon purple. Reliable. AM/E. E G. 1.1m. 1957.                                                             £3.10   £7.95   to 150mm (6” across). Both types can be stopped when 5-7 pairs of leaves have developed and
                         Ms Kennedy (L) Rich flame orange. Medal winner at Golden Acre Park in 2014. C E G. 1.5m.                                    £3.35    N/A    all the resulting stems allowed to flower. Disbudding is only necessary if growing for exhibition or
                         Nuland’s Josephine (L) With a colour reminiscent of rhubarb and custard sweets this has classic pom formation with          £3.35    N/A    for cut flowers as this gives longer stems. The following collections are of OUR CHOICE from this
      LISMORE CAROL      flowers held well on good stems. C E G. 1.2m. 2005                                                                                          catalogue and supplied in a wide colour range with a label indicating colour and approximate
                                                                                                                                                                     height for each variety.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mini      Garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tuber Plant         Ready
                                                                                                                                                                     SMB5        5 Distinct Small & Miniature Ball                        £30.00 £14.00       £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                     SMB10 5 Pairs distinct Small & Miniature Ball                           -     £26.50     £51.50
                                                                                                                                                                     SMP5        5 Distinct Pompon                                        £30.00 £14.00       £26.50
                                                                                                                                                                     SMP10 5 Pairs distinct Pompon                                           -     £26.50     £51.50
                                                                                                                                                                     SMBP5 5 Distinct Small & Miniature Ball & Pompon                     £30.00 £14.00       £26.50
     LISMORE MOONLIGHT      MAYA’S RHONDA               MINLEY CAROL                 MOOR PLACE                  MS KENNEDY             NULAND’S JOSEPHINE           SMBP10 5 Pairs distinct Small & Miniature Ball & Pompon                 -     £26.50     £51.50
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             27
                                                                                                                                                      GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                         PRICES QUOTED APPLY UNTIL 30th JUNE 2021.
                                                                                                                                                      PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE ORDERING.                                                               CARRIAGE AND PACKING CHARGES TO ALL UK DESTINATIONS
                                                                                                                                                      PAYMENT WITH ORDER PLEASE This enables us to minimise clerical work in our busy                      Dahlia Pot Tubers £6.95 regardless of quantity ordered. Sent 2nd class
                                                                                                                                                      period and keep prices down.                                                                         Dahlia Mini Plants and Chrysanthemums £6.95 regardless of
                                                                                                                                                      - Please make cheques payable to W.N.Hall & Sons Ltd.                                                quantity ordered. Sent 1st class.
                                                                                                                                                      - Regretfully any cheques returned unpaid will incur a £15.00 charge                                 Garden Ready Dahlias (Mainland UK only) £9.50 regardless of
                                                                                                                                                      - Credit/Debit cards will be charged on placing your order.                                          number of plants ordered. Sent 1st class.
       ART DECO          ART NOUVEAU               CRÈME DE CASSIS HADRIAN’S GLOWING EMBERS             MAGENTA MAGIC              MATILDA HOUSTON    - Minimum order value £10.00 excluding carriage and packing.                                         We may occasionally use a courier service at our discretion for larger
                                                                                                                                                      ORDER DEADLINES                                                                                      orders. It may take 2-3 days for delivery to more remote areas.
                     DWARF BEDDING                                                                                   Mini Tuber
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Please note: An order for plants requiring different delivery periods eg
                     The following are short enough not to require staking and will cover themselves with blooms from July to                         Early ordering enables us to plan our production more efficiently thus helping to keep costs
                                                                                                                                                      down. As all our plants are rooted to order it also helps us ensure that we have available           Pot Tubers and Mini Plants, will be treated as separate orders and an
                     frosts. Varieties marked PP are particularly suitable for growing in pots.                                                                                                                                                            additional carriage charge will apply.
                     Art Deco (Double Orchid) Burnished bronze with copper reverse. AGM. PP. 30-40cm.                £3.10   N/A                      the plants you require and to this end we ask that you place your order a minimum of 5
                     Art Nouveau (Double Orchid) Striking pink with purple reverse. AGM. PP. 30-40cm.                £3.10   N/A                      weeks in advance of your requirements. We are therefore unable to accept orders after                COLLECTION OF ORDERS AND PERSONAL CALLERS
                                                                                                                                                      March 19th for Chrysanthemums and April 16th for Dahlia mini plants and garden ready                 Customers can collect their orders from our West Heddon Nursery
                     Crème de Cassis (WL) Pale lilac flowers with purple reverse. PP G. 60cm. 2014                   £3.35   N/A                      unless on a “substitutes acceptable” basis or for one of our special collections.                    (see order form) in which case there will be no carriage charge. We will
                     Hadrian’s Glowing Embers (uSingle) The single peach/orange flowers with a red base are a        £3.35   N/A                      We regret we are unable to accept telephone orders and would kindly request that all                 advise when the order is ready for collection.
                     magnet for all manner of pollinators. The very dark foliage helps make this a superb garden                                      orders are submitted on the order form provided or placed through our secure website at              We will also have a range of Chrysanthemum and Dahlias available in
                     variety. 90cm. 2020                                                                                            PARK PRINCESS                                                                              our plant sales area from April to May respectively.
                     Magenta Magic (uSingle) Dark magenta petals, edged light pink purplish/black foliage. 50cm      £3.10   N/A                      ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                                      PLEASE NOTE NORTHERN IRELAND, EIRE AND EUROPE
                     Matilda Houston (uSingle) Vivid cerise red. 60cm. 1978                                          £3.10   N/A                      All orders will be acknowledged via post and an order number given. This number should               Sadly as a result of BREXIT, we will no longer be able to send plants to
                     Moonfire (Single) Eye-catching deep gold with vermilion centre. Dark foliage. AGM. 60cm. 1998   £3.35   N/A                      be retained until the order is completed and quoted in the event of any correspondence               the above. Please note: The use of postal hotels will invalidate our
                     Park Princess (SC) Flowers bright pink with white base. 60cm. 1959                              £3.10   N/A                      concerning the order. We will make every effort to supply plants during the period                   plant guarantee and we will not be liable for any failures in delivery or
                                                                                                                                                      requested but delays may occur in periods of high demand.                                            plant survival.
                     Preston Park (Single) Scarlet flowers and almost black foliage. AGM. 30cm. 1969                 £3.10   N/A                      Please check that we have your details recorded correctly to ensure you receive
                     Spanish Conquest (uMinD) Very free flowering orange with bronze reverse. Good in the garden     £3.10   N/A                                                                                                                           PRIVACY POLICY
                                                                                                                                                      your plants safely. Your acknowledgement will also give an estimated delivery period                 You have received this catalogue as you have ordered from us in the
                     for the front of the border or in pots. PP. 45cm. 2008                                                                           based on facilities available and date required as per the information you provide on the            last 3 years or requested to be added to our mailing list. Your personal
                     Yellow Hammer (Single) Yellow flowers with contrasting black foliage. AGM. 45cm. 1966           £3.10 N/A                        order form.                                                                                          information will not be passed on to third parties. We will however,
     PRESTON PARK                                                                                                                  SPANISH CONQUEST   SUBSTITUTES                                                                                          retain your details for the purpose of communicating with you about
                                                                                                                                                      We reserve the right to substitute a similar variety should a variety be unavailable at the          your order and for our own marketing purposes. We will automatically
                     BEDDING AND PATIO DAHLIA COLLECTIONS                                                                                             time of despatch unless specified as “No Substitutes” on the order form. We will always try          send you a new season’s Main Catalogue for 3 years from the date of
                     Our choice of 5 compact and free flowering varieties which are                                                                   to match the variety as closely as possible. Please use the order form to indicate whether           your last order and an Advance List the following season. You can opt
                     suitable for the front of the border or for growing in pots and                                                                  flower colour OR variety classification is the priority for substitute choice.                       out of this at any time by emailing us at,
                     containers. Feed regularly and remove dead and faded flowers to                                                                  GUARANTEE                                                                                            telephoning us on 01661 852445 or writing to us. All information is
                     prolong flowering.                                                                                                               All green plants are despatched by first class post or next day courier service to ensure            collected lawfully and in accordance with the General Data Protection
                                                                           Mini     Garden                                                            you receive them in the best possible condition. Please contact us immediately if any                Regulations 2018. Full details of our privacy policy can be found on our
                                                                           Plant Ready                                                                plants fail to satisfy on arrival. We will replace or refund the full cost of the plants providing   website.
                     BDP5 5 Assorted Bedding & Patio                       £14.00 £26.50                                                              they are returned to us within seven days. For pot tubers please see the relevant section            For full terms and conditions and more details on the type of plants you
                                                                                                                                                      under Dahlias                                                                                        will receive, please visit our website at
     YELLOW HAMMER   BDP10 5 Assorted Bedding & Patio pairs                £26.50 £51.50
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     29
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