Challenges in managing immunosuppressive therapies for psoriasis during the COVID-19 pandemic - CellR4

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CellR4 2020; 8: e2852

Challenges in managing immunosuppressive therapies
for psoriasis during the COVID-19 pandemic
K. Desai, M. Miteva, P. Romanelli
Dr. Phillip Frost Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,
Miami, FL, USA

Corresponding Author: K. Desai, BS; e-mail:

  Keywords: SARS-CoV2, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Im-                factors for COVID-19 as outlined by the Cen-
munosuppressive, Immunomodulatory, Psoriasis.                    ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Introduction: During the midst of the coronavi-                  Introduction
rus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, derma-
tologists treating psoriasis are presented with                  Psoriasis is a disorder of the immune system and
the challenge of managing immunosuppressive                      has dermatologic, cardiovascular, metabolic, mus-
and immunomodulatory therapies while ensur-                      culoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric consequences.
ing patient safety.                                              Mild disease can be controlled with topical ther-
   Objective: Here we discuss the systemic ther-                 apies, but moderate to severe disease necessitates
apies for psoriasis and their implications in the                systemic treatments that involve immunosuppres-
context of COVID-19 pandemic, including the                      sion or immunomodulation1. Currently, we are in
recommendations of leading dermatological so-                    the midst of a global public health emergency due
cieties and organizations.                                       to the pandemic known as coronavirus disease 2019
   Discussion: Currently, there are no definitive                (COVID19), caused by the novel severe acute re-
data regarding the impact of specific immuno-                    spiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2)2.
suppressive and immunomodulatory therapies                       Dermatologists are presented with the challenge of
used for psoriasis on the natural history of                     managing psoriatic disease while ensuring patients
COVID-19. However, the concern is that many                      retain sufficient immune capacity to protect them-
of these medications may increase the risk of                    selves from this potentially fatal infection. The
infection or prolong the clearance of the virus,                 complexity of this challenge arises from the lack
although there is some ongoing speculation that                  of empiric evidence and high-quality data regard-
some immunomodulatory therapies may actu-                        ing the pathogenic mechanisms of the virus and its
ally prevent detrimental complications of coro-                  interaction with host immunity, the absence of de-
navirus infection.                                               finitive treatments for COVID-19, and the concern
   Conclusions: Due to the lack of evidence,                     for overwhelming the capabilities of health-care
we recommend that all patients on immuno-                        systems to care for such patients. Here we discuss
modulatory and immunosuppressive therapies                       systemic therapies used for psoriasis and their im-
for psoriasis stop their treatment immediately                   plications in the context of the current pandemic.
if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are
exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Meanwhile, until the current situation gets re-                  Immunosuppression and COVID-19
solved, we recommend that the decision to con-
tinue or stop systemic treatments for psoriasis                  The precise interactions between SARS-CoV2 and
should be made on an individual basis, taking                    the immune system remain to be elucidated. Unlike
into account the patient’s current progress on                   other common viral agents such as influenza, corona-
the treatment and the patient’s concomitant risk                 viruses (including severe acute respiratory syndrome

2     K. Desai, M. Miteva, P. Romanelli

coronavirus and middle east respiratory syndrome           Current data and guidelines
coronavirus) have not been shown to cause more
severe disease in immunosuppressed patients3. The          There are no data defining the impact of initiating,
rate risk of SARS-CoV2 infection in the immuno-            continuing, or discontinuing specific immunomodu-
suppressed population is unknown4, but many other          latory and immunosuppressive therapies in the con-
risk factors have been identified including advanced       text of the COVID-19 outbreak6,11. There are no data
age, male sex, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, coro-      on risk and severity of disease in psoriasis patients on
nary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary         systemic therapy who are infected with the virus6,12.
disease, chronic kidney disease, tobacco use, and in-      The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) warns that
ternal malignancies5,6. Immunosuppressed status was        patients with severe psoriatic disease and those on po-
not found to be a risk factor for infection or adverse     tentially immunosuppressive therapies may be at in-
outcome5. On the other hand, age is thought to be a risk   creased risk of infection13. The American Academy of
factor because of the weakened immunity associated         Dermatology (AAD), International Psoriasis Council
with advanced age2. Interestingly, within a population     (IPC), International League of Dermatological Soci-
of liver-transplant and immunosuppressed patients in       eties (ILDS) and NPF recommend that patients who
Italy, some patients tested positive for COVID-19 but      are infected with COVID-19 should discontinue im-
none developed pulmonary disease5. Mortality and           munosuppressant and biologic therapy, while there is
morbidity data from previous coronavirus outbreaks         insufficient evidence to recommendation cessation of
showed no fatalities in immunosuppressed groups            biologics in patients who have not tested positive for
(including transplant recipients and patients receiv-      COVID-19 or exhibited its symptoms6,12-14. These rec-
ing chemotherapy)3. In more recent anecdotal reports,      ommendations are in concordance with established
transplant recipients infected with SARS-CoV2 are          guidelines for the treatment of psoriasis, indicating
facing variabilities in severity of disease course and     that biologic therapy should be stopped in the context
outcome7,8.                                                of active infection15. The ACR recommends that phy-
    There is much speculation that the host in-            sicians apply their current practice of managing im-
flammatory response (related to macrophage hy-             munosuppressive/immunomodulatory agents during
per-activation) is responsible for the severe lung         episodes of infection to the circumstances about
and systemic complications of SARS-CoV2 and                COVID-1916. The AAD additionally recommends
other viruses in the coronavirus family3,5. Patients       that patients who have COVID-19 specific risk factors
with severe COVID-19 have been shown to have               should not initiate biologic therapy at this time6.
increased serum levels of pro-inflammatory cy-
tokines including interleukin (IL)-2, IL-7, IL-6,
IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, among            Systemic therapies for Psoriasis
others2,5. For patients who are chronically immu-
nosuppressed, some authors express concern that            Drugs approved by the United States Food and
discontinuation of immunosuppression may result            Drug Administration (FDA) for psoriasis and their
in an excessive increase in systemic inflammation          infection warnings are summarized in Table 1.
that could actually increase susceptibility and risk       Currently, there are no data elucidating the risks
of severe disease5.                                        and benefits of specific immunosuppressive and
    Anti-rheumatic drugs are being explored and            immunomodulatory therapies on the natural histo-
even employed in the treatment of severe COVID-19          ry of COVID-19.
cases, including TNF-alpha inhibitors, anti-IL6 and
anti-IL-1 biologics and Janus kinase (JAK) inhibi-
tors5,9,10. The role of corticosteroids remains contro-    Oral systemic therapies
versial, but it has been suggested that their anti-in-
flammatory effects could reduce alveolar exudation         Methotrexate
and systemic symptoms8. If anti-inflammatory and           Methotrexate (MTX) is an anti-metabolite that has
immunosuppressant medications do in fact have              direct immunosuppressive effects1,17.
a role in treating the pulmonary complications of             MTX toxicity can result in severe infections
COVID-19, the dose must be carefully titrated to al-       and bone marrow suppression presenting as leuko-
low for sufficient host anti-viral immunity8.              penia18, which has been observed in patients with
COVID-19 and therapies for psoriasis   3

Table 1. FDA-approved systemic therapies for psoriasis and   Apremilast
infection warnings                                           Apremilast is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 4. It
Systemic medication         FDA black box                    is generally accepted to have a good safety and tol-
 approved by FDA 	  warning                                  erability profile, with no recommendations for rou-
 for treatment of psoriasis  for infection                   tine bloodwork or monitoring1. Pivotal randomized
                                                             controlled trials demonstrated increased rates of up-
Non-biological systemic therapy
  Methotrexate	   Yes                                        per respiratory infections, nausea and diarrhea in the
  Cyclosporine                     Yes                       apremilast group compared to placebo22. The adverse
  Apremilast                       No                        effect of diarrhea raises concern for masking a true
  Acitretin                        No                        manifestation of COVID-19; diarrhea is a less com-
Biological Systemic therapy                                  mon symptom of COVID-19 and may actually be one
  Etanercept	   Yes                                          of the sentinel manifestations23. Additionally, apremi-
  Infliximab	   Yes                                          last has been shown an in vitro capacity to decrease
  Adalimumab	   Yes
  Certolizumab	   Yes
                                                             the production of various pro-inflammatory cyto-
  Ustekinumab	   No                                          kines, including TNF-alpha22, which may be relevant
  Secukinumab	   No                                          to the pro-inflammatory cytokine storm that contrib-
  Ixekizumab	   No                                           utes to the severe systemic sequalae of COVID-19.
  Brodalumab	   No
  Guselkumab	   No                                           Biologics
  Tildrakizumab	   No
  Risankizumab	   No                                         The biologics used to treat psoriasis are classified
                                                             by their interference with specific cytokine-signal-
FDA: Food and Drug Administration                            ing pathways: targeting TNF-alpha, IL-12/23 or
                                                             only IL-23, and IL-17.
                                                                 Lebwohl et al24 summarize the rates of upper re-
COVID-192. Although there is conflicting evidence,           spiratory infection and overall infection for patients
MTX toxicity is thought to cause pulmonary fibro-            treated with the various biologic agents as determined
sis19,20, which would significantly exacerbate pul-          by randomized controlled trials. In general, many of
monary deficits in the context of COVID-19 pneu-             these agents were shown to have a slightly increased
monia. MTX carries a boxed warning regarding                 rates of upper respiratory and/or overall infection,
potentially fatal opportunistic infections as well as        though still comparable to placebo. TNF-alpha in-
MTX-induced lung disease.                                    hibitors are considered more immunosuppressive and
                                                             carry a ‘black box’ warning for infection. Fatalities
Cyclosporine                                                 have been documented in patients on TNF-alpha in-
Cyclosporine exhibits potent immunosuppressive               hibitors who were infected with influenza4. IL-12 is
effects through its interference with pro-inflam-            known to be involved in anti-viral immunity24, and
matory signaling and its ability to suppress T-cell          other cytokines including IL-17 and TNF-alpha may
activation17,21. Patients on cyclosporine treatment          be implicated as well11. The package inserts for all
are at risk for severe infections, including viral           biologics caution that there may be an increased risk
infections17. However, recent studies have demon-            of infection or that serious infections have occurred.
strated promising anti-influenza properties of cyc-          However, there is no data specifically assessing the
losporine A21. There are no studies evaluating the           risk of infection with a coronavirus. Patients whose
specific effects of cyclosporine A on the infectivity        psoriatic disease has been well-managed on a biologic
and replication of SARS-CoV2.                                medication risk loss of efficacy with treatment ces-
                                                             sation and subsequent re-initiation, due to possible
Acitretin                                                    production of anti-drug antibodies24. The IL-23/IL-17
Acitretin is a vitamin A derivative that modulates           axis may actually play a role in ameliorating inter-
epidermal differentiation and proliferation but also         stitial pneumonia25, which is a dreaded complication
has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory                   of COVID-192. Hypotheses that controlling the “cy-
properties17. It is not immunosuppressive, unlike            tokine storm” portends a better outcome in patients
other systemic agents for psoriasis and is not asso-         with COVID-19 may indicate a future role for biolog-
ciated with an increased risk for infection17.               ics in treatment of the infection.
4      K. Desai, M. Miteva, P. Romanelli

Conclusions                                             Conflict of Interest:
                                                        None of the authors report any conflicts of interest.
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