Page created by Josephine Graves
                                                    Classical Media
                                                    Special Media
                                                    Salt Solutions
                                                    Technical Information

                           CELL CULTURE CATALOGUE

Paradiesrain 14
Postfach 427
CH-4123 Allschwil 1
Tel. +41 (0)61 486 80 80
Fax +41 (0)61 486 80 00
Dear Customer

We are proud to present our catalogue, which provides you
with a concise overview of our company and our products.

For our catalogue, we have chosen “life in the ocean” as the
theme. The oceans were the original incubator of life and
provide a complex and delicate balance, which supports the
diversity of life. With our cell culture products, BioConcept Ltd.
seek to emulate nature by providing the optimal medium to
support cell cultivation.

Thank you for using our products and services,

BioConcept Ltd.
Martin Howald
CEO / President

Who we are

BioConcept Ltd. is
supplying high-tech tools
and products to the
biological research
community since 1978.
We are a dedicated
system supplier, providing
our customers with a
comprehensive product
portfolio and customized

                                                                                                Austria          Latvia
                                                                                                Czech Republic   Lithuania
                                                         Iceland                                Denmark          Netherlands

                                                                                                Estonia          Poland
                                                                                                Finland          Portugal
                                                                                                Germany          Slovakia
                                                                                                Hungary          Sweden
                                          Canada                                                Italy                            China
                                                                   Sub-Saharan Africa                                            Japan

    Over the years we have become
    a leading supplier and service                                                             65 %
                                                                                               Sales international
    partner for numerous respected
    pharmaceutical and academic
    institutions in Switzerland and
    around the world.
                       With our new facilities, and
                       our convenient location near
                       Basel airport, we aspire to                                                                             5%
                       expand further internationally                                                                          Sales international
                       while also serving local
                       biological researchers. We
                       shall continue to listen to the                     35 %
                       needs of the market and be                          Sales Switzerland
                       flexible when meeting them.

                                                                                                     95 %
                                                                                         Sales Switzerland                                           5
Construction and                          Move to today’s location
                                              Foundation of Flow                          completion of Liquid I                    at Paradiesrain 14,                 Construction
                                              Laboratories AG                             and Powder I                              Allschwil, Switzerland              of Liquid II

                                                 1978                 1992                   1993                  1995                 2006                   2009        2015            2017

                                                                   Change of name                              Implementation                            Construction                  Revision
                                                                   into BioConcept Ltd.                        of the ISO 9001                           of Powder II                  of Liquid I
                                                                   and acquisition of                          norm for the whole

                                                                   AMIMED Produkte AG                          company

    back                                                                                  Giving
    At BioConcept Ltd. we are proud
    of the progress we have made since                                                    back
    our foundation in 1978.
                                                                                          We believe that we can
               We have been producing within a certified
                                                                                          only operate well in
               quality management system since 1995
               and our new cell culture and sterile liquid
                                                                                          a healthy society and
               production plant has vastly improved our                                   environment.
               already high standards. BioConcept Ltd.’s
               expansion into the tissue culture market
               in 1992 allowed us to meet the needs of the
               sophisticated and evolving pharmaceutical                                                                            Hence we commit
               and bio-pharmaceutical markets.                                                                                      ourselves to support
                                                                                                                                    various cultural and
                                                                                                                                    educational programs.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
Support of the Swiss research community                 Jazz and Blues Events, Marabu Blues Night
    PhD- and postdoctoral retreats are events aiming        Built as a school, turned into a cinema and now a
    to foster scientific exchange and progress.             cultural institution in Gelterkinden, the Marabu
    As scientific areas are no longer stand alone           has a long and fascinating history and a unique
    research fields and interdisciplinary research is       ambience. Today, the independent non-profit
    the new gold standard, such retreats encourage          organization Kultur Marabu Gelterkinden puts
    the collaboration between the PhD students and          together a diverse program and the annual
    postdoctoral Fellows. They have the opportunity         Blues Night is definitely a highlight in the agenda.
    to share their work, talk about science and build       The live music event is dedicated to promoting
    new relationships.                                      blues music in Switzerland and presents local bands.

    Ozeanium Basel                                          Frauenplus
    At the Ozeanium, which will be part of the Basel        Frauenplus Baselland is an independent non-profit
    Zoo, visitors dive into fascinating underwater          women’s organization dedicated to helping
    worlds and learn more about the complex blue            women and their families in difficult situations.
    ecosystem that covers our planet. On an area            The organization’s objective is to alleviate
    of approximately 10 000 m2, 40 aquariums                hardship fast and in a straightforward manner.
    accommodate sharks, rays, penguins, corals
    and many more species in over 4.6 Mio. litres
    of water. Several thousands of animals from
    all over the globe convey the size of the ocean,
    its diversity, its beauty, but also its fragility and
    its threats. The entire Ozeanium revolves around
    the subject of resources and sustainability,
    turning its audience into experts for a world that
    needs to be valued and protected. 1

    Tembea is the name of the new elephant
    enclosure in the Basel Zoo. After just over three
    years of construction, it opened its doors
    for the public in 2017. At over 5 000 m2, the new
    facility is two and a half times the size of the
    old one. The public can view the elephants in the
    open enclosure and the near-natural savannah                                       1
    landscape. In addition to African elephants,
    harvester ants, brown rats and a few species
    of fish live in the Elephant house and the
    enclosure provides nesting areas for birds and
    accommodation for bats. 2

    In Isele, a small village in East African Tanzania,
    a new village centre is built with the help
    of several sponsors. An administration building
    with offices and a meeting room, such as a
    shop and an Internet café are already completed.
    Furthermore, there will be an economy building
    with workshops and a corn mill will complement
    the new compound. Thus, on the one hand,
    economic activities are promoted and, on the
    other hand, already existing organizations
    and social structures are consolidated locally.
    In the future, further buildings are to be built
    in the surrounding area and incorporated into a
    village structure. 3                                                               3


                               BioConcept Ltd.
BioConcept Ltd.

3 –  9


                                   Classical Media
11 – 41


                                  Special Media
43 – 67

Salt Solutions / Buffers /

                             Buffers / Reagents
                             & Supplements
                             Salt Solutions /
Reagents & Supplements
69 – 87

89 – 95                           Sera

Technical Information /
                             Information /


97 – 123


125 – 132

                                                              BioConcept Ltd.
    BioConcept Ltd.

    About us

    Great Barrier reef
    The great barrier reef, located north east of
    Australia, contains an immense variety of life. It is
    inhabited by 400 types of coral and 1 500
    known species of fish, which is around 10 % of all
    fish species in the world. The coral system is in
    fact made up of 2 900 individual reefs, covers an
    area of 344 400 square meters, and is the world’s
    largest living structure. Sadly, it is currently facing
    some of the greatest threats in its life span, as
    recent heatwaves have bleached 90 % of the corals
    in some places. There is some hope, however.
    Scientists around the world are constantly finding
    new ways to support the reef and help it recover.
    Furthermore, the Australian government has
    recently unveiled a £60 million protection plan for
    the reef as a response to its current problems.

2                                                     3
About us

                                                                                                                                                                         BioConcept Ltd.
                                                                                    BioConcept Ltd. is a privately owned company with more
                                                                                    than 40 years of experience in serving the biological
                                                                                    community. We strive to combine this experience with an
                                                                                    innovative spirit to support our customer’s needs with
                                                                                    the best possible solutions.

                                                                                    To do so, BioConcept Ltd. establishes close relationships with its customers to be
                                                                                    able to respond to their wishes. To guarantee that our products are of the highest
                                                                                    standard, BioConcept Ltd. has been producing within a certified quality management
                                                                                    system (ISO 9001) since 1995. The current ISO standard is 9001:2015. Our SQS
                                                                                    certificate can be downloaded at www.bioconcept.ch.

At BioConcept Ltd. we are proud of our dynamic team and the available know-how we
like to share with our partners. We are happy to move on together.

                                                                                                         Please contact our specialists if you would like
                                                                                                         to discuss possibilities in further detail:

                                                                                                         Tel. +41 (0)61 486 80 80

4                                                                                                                                                                    5


                                                                                                                                                     BioConcept Ltd.
                                                    BioConcept Ltd. is currently running two independent liquid
                                                    media pro­duction facilities (Liquid I and Liquid II) and two
                                                    independent powder media production facilities (Powder I
                                                    and Powder II).

                                        2           Both are equipped with qualified ISO 5 (GMP A) cleanrooms. Liquid I is used for
                                                    production of special media and small batch sizes from 5 L up to 1 500 L. With
                                                    Liquid I we are able to handle a broad range of container sizes from 1 ml up to 500 L,
1 The 5 000 L state-of-the-art media
  tank is linked to a cleaning-
                                                    giving us a great deal of flexibility to fulfil our customers requests. Liquid II is the fully
  and sterilization-in-place system                 automated production facility of BioConcept Ltd., which went online in 2015. It is
  (CIP/SIP system).                                 exclusively used for Animal Component Free (ACF) production. The plant has been
2 Powder II with a batch size up                   designed to maximize efficiency, sustainability and productivity. Its layout as well
   to 800 kg.                                       as its equipment is in accordance with GMP guidelines, e.g. air and water preparation
3 Liquid I filling line for special                facility, calibrated and qualified instruments, validated processes, fully integrated
   media in the ISO 5 cleanroom.                    Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and comprehensive documentation of
4 In-house QC (Quality Control)                    production. The state-of-the-art air processing system provides us with the optimal
   ensures high level of quality.                   conditions required for sterile liquid production. We constantly monitor and control
                                                    the pressure, temperature, humidity and particle count in the air and we regularly
                                                    disinfect our facilities using H2O2. The water preparation facilities are specifically
                                                    engineered to efficiently generate the highest standard Water For Injection (WFI)
                                                    available. This gives us the capability to generate 5 000 L of media a day, allowing us
                                                    to meet the rising demands from our customers. For the preparation of the bottles
3                                                   we use a cleanroom robot to minimalize the particle count. All further steps, including
                                                    sealing and labelling, are also performed automatically. In summary, the plant has
                                                    been designed to create an environment that upholds the highest degree of sterility
                                                    possible, thereby ensuring a sterile final product.

                                                    BioConcept Ltd. runs two powder media plants (Powder I and II) with a capacity
                                                    of 100 kg/day and 800 kg/day, respectively. The impact mills produce powder with
                                                    an average grain size of < 20 µm. The plants are made for batch sizes from 2 kg
                                                    up to 800 kg, which can be filled into various container sizes, in accordance to the
                                                    customers needs. The advantages for the customer of our powder plants are the
                                                    high homogeneity of the product, with a low particle size, a low risk of
                                                    cross-contamination and the easy and safe handling.

                                                    In addition to these production facilities, BioConcept Ltd. guarantees the high quality
                                                    of the products with its in-house quality control (QC). BioConcept Ltd. performs
                                                    tests for sterility, pH-value, osmolality, cell growth, endotoxin levels and conductivity.
                                                    For powder formulations we also test the bioburden. Further tests, if required, are
                                                    outsourced to certified analytical laboratories.

6                                                                                                                                                7


                                                                                                                                              BioConcept Ltd.
                                                    The strength and focus of BioConcept Ltd. lies in
                                                    manufacturing customized cell culture media as well as
                                                    defined media for recombinant protein production.

                                                    Besides that BioConcept Ltd. offers all standard (classical) media and solutions.
                                        2           Furthermore, the production facilities are superbly equipped to manufacture sterile
                                                    QC liquids, microbial broths and agars. Therefore, our product line includes:

1 The robotic arm plays a crucial                  – Special customer-designed media
   role in the automatic filling line               – Contract manufacturing of sterile liquids and powder formulations
   in LQII.
                                                    – Production media for CHO, Hybridoma and Insect Cells
2 The automated filling process                    – Individual solutions for your cell culture requirements
   ensures reliable sterility.
                                                    – Complete cell systems applications for CHO cells
3 In LQII containers up to 1 000 L                 – Standard media
   are easily handled.
                                                    – Serum-free and ACF media
                                                    – Liquid as well as powder media formulations
                                                    – Buffers and balanced salt solutions
                                                    – Supplements and auxiliary reagents
                                                    – Animal sera

                                                    In addition to the broad range of cell culture products, we can offer the highest
                                                    degree of flexibility and customization in a timely manner. Our customers have the
                                                    following options:

                                                    – Modifications of standard products
                                                    – New products according to customers recipes
                                                    – Outsourcing of media production
                                                    – Variable batch sizes starting from 5 L up to 5 000 L (liquid) and 2 kg up to 800 kg
                                                    – Variable packaging sizes (1 ml up to 1 000 L) and packaging systems (PET / glass
                                                      bottles, sterile bags, customized tubing systems, as well as customer specifications)
                                                    – Sterilization through sterile filtration (0.22 µm) or hot air/vapour sterilization

                                                    Customized products can be delivered within six to eight weeks after the order has
                                                    been placed, including QC. For more detailed information please contact us at

8                                                                                                                                         9
     Basal Medium Eagle with EBS
     Dulbecco's MEM (DMEM)

                                                          Classical Media
     Dulbecco's MEM Low Glucose
     Dulbecco's MEM High Glucose
     DMEM / Ham's F-12 (1:1)
     Ham's F-10 Medium
     Ham's F-12 Medium
     Leibovitz L-15 Medium
     Medium 199
     McCoy’s Medium
     MEM Alpha
     MEM EBS
     MEM HBS
     RPMI 1640
     Waymouth's Medium
     William's E Medium

     Manta Ray [ Manta birostris ]
     Manta Rays, also known as devil fish due to
     their devilish horns, can reach the massive
     width of 7 meters. Because of their size, and
     general appearance, they were often feared by
     sailors who believed they could sink their boats.
     In 1978, however, divers in California found
     the animal to be surprisingly friendly. While they
     normally live alone, large groups have been
     seen together during times of migration and at
     points called “cleaning stations”, where the
     mantas are cleaned of parasites by small fish
     looking for an easy snack.

10                                                   11
Classical Media
                Basal Medium Eagle with EBS
                Basal Medium Eagle (BME) was originally developed for studies to determine essential
                nutrient requirements of mouse “L” cells and HeLa cells in culture. This medium with
                a host of modifications is widely used and supports both the primary culture of a wide

                                                                                                                             Classical Media
                variety of normal mammalian and transformed cell lines. BioConcept Ltd. offers BME
                liquid with either Earl's Standard formula, Hank's salts and/or stable Glutamine.

                Basal Medium Eagle
                Cat. No.                                                                                    1-06F01-l
                                                                                                            BME EBS

                Inorganic Salts                              mg / L    Amino Acids                                  mg / L
                CaCI2 2H2O                                    265      L-Phenylalanine                               16.5
                KCI                                           400      L-Threonine                                     24
                MgSO4 7H2O                                    200      L-Tryptophan                                     4
                NaH2PO4 H2O                                    140     L-Tyrosine                                      18
                NaCl                                         6 800     L-Valine                                      23.5
                NaHCO3                                       2 220     Vitamins
                Other Components                                       myo-Inositol                                     1
                D(+)-Glucose                                 1 000     (+)-Biotin                                       1
                Phenol Red                                      10     D-Pantothenic acid Calcium salt                  1
                Amino Acids                                            Choline chloride                                 1
                L-Arginine HCl                                  21     Folic acid                                       1
                L-Cystine                                       12     Nicotinamide                                     1
                L-Histidine HCl H2O                          10.81     Pyridoxal HCl                                    1
                L-Isoleucine                                    26     Vitamin B2                                     0.1
                L-Leucine                                       26     Vitamin B1 HCl                                   1
                L-Lysine HCl                                  36.5     To be added separately
                L-Methionine                                   7.5     L-Glutamine                                   292

                Available Basal Medium Eagle
                Cat. No                     Modification                                                             Size
                1-06F01-l                   BME with EBS w/o L-Gln                                              500 ml
                1-06F50-l                   BME with EBS, with stable Gln (434 mg / L)                          500 ml
                1-08F01-l                   BME with HBSS, w/o l-Gln                                            500 ml
                1-08F50-l                   BME with HBSS, with stable Gln (434 mg / L)                         500 ml

                Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.

     1. Eagle, H. (1955) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med 89, 362      3. Eagle, W.R. (1956) Ann. NY. Acad. Sci. 63, 666
     2. Eagle, H. (1955) J. Biol. Chem. 214, 839                4. Eagle, H. (1959) Science 130, 432

12                                                                                                                     13
Dulbecco's MEM (DMEM)                                                                      Available Dulbecco's MEM Low Glucose Media
Dulbecco's MEM is the most widely used modification of BME. It contains four               Cat. No                     Modification                                                    Size
times the concentration of amino acids and vitamins. Non-essential amino acids             1-25F01-I                   DMEM LG w/o L-Gln                                             500ml
and certain essential trace elements were added and the bicarbonate concentration          1-25F03-I                   DMEM LG with L-Gln                                            500ml
was increased. The standard formula is with 1 000 mg / L glucose, the “high glucose”       1-25F04-I                   DMEM LG w/o L-Gln, with 25 mM HEPES                           500ml
variation with 4 500 mg / L. Dulbecco’s MEM was originally developed for the culture       1-25F22-I                   DMEM LG w/o L-Gln w/o Phenol Red                              500ml
of mouse embryonic cells. Today it finds a broad application for serum free culture of     1-25F23-I                   DMEM LG (1.0 g / L) with stable Gln (868 mg / L),             500ml
normal and transformed mouse and chicken cells, e.g. 1:1 with Ham's F-12.                                              w/o Phenol Red

                                                                                                                                                                                                Classical Media
                                                                                           1-25F24-I                   DMEM LG w/o L-Gln, with 25 mM HEPES,                          500ml
Dulbecco's MEM Low Glucose                                                                                             w/o Phenol Red
                                                                                           1-25F50-I                   DMEM LG with stable Gln (868 mg / L)                          500ml
Cat. No.                                                                      1-25F01-I
                                                                                 DMEM      1-25F51-I                   DMEM LG with 25 mM HEPES,                                     500ml
                                                                           Low Glucose                                 with stable Gln (868 mg / L)
                                                                                           1-25K03-I                   DMEM LG 10 × w/o L-Gln, w/o NaHCO3,                           500ml
                                                                                                                       w/o Folic Acid
Inorganic Salts                    mg / L     Amino Acids                         mg / L
                                                                                           1-25K34-I                   DMEM LG 10 × w/o L-Gln, w/o NaHCO3,                           500 ml
CaCl2 2H2O                           264      L-Methionine                           30
                                                                                                                       w/o Folic Acid, w/o Phenol Red
Fe(NO3)3 9H2O                         0.1     L-Phenylalanine                        66
                                                                                           1-25S16-l                   DMEM w/o L-Gln, w/o Glucose                                   500ml
MgSO4 7H2O                           200      L-Serine                               42
                                                                                           1-25P02-K, -L, -M, -N, -W   DMEM LG Powder, with L-Gln                 1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
KCl                                  400      L-Threonine                            95
                                                                                           1-25P32-K, -L, -M, -N, -W   DMEM LG Powder, with L-Gln,                1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
NaCl                                6 400     L-Tryptophan                           16
                                                                                                                       w/o Phenol Red
NaH2PO4 H2O                          125      L-Tyrosine                             72
NaHCO3                              3 700     L-Valine                               94    Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
Other Components                              Vitamins
D(+)-Glucose                        1 000     Choline chloride                        4
Phenol Red                            15      D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         4
Pyruvic acid sodium salt             110      Folic acid                              4
Amino Acids                                   myo-Inositol                          7.2
Glycine                               30      Nicotinamide                            4
L-Arginine HCl                        84      Vitamin B1 HCl                          4
L-Cystine                             48      Vitamin B2                            0.4
L-Histidine HCl H2O                   42      Vitamin B6 HCl                          4
L-Isoleucine                         105      To be added separately
L-Leucine                            105      L-Glutamine                          584
L-Lysine HCl                         146

14                                                                                                                                                                                        15
Dulbecco's MEM High Glucose
Cat. No.                                                                            1-26F01-I       1. Dulbecco, R. et al.; (1959) Virology 8, 396         9. Dulbecco, R. et al.; (1959) Virology 8, 396
                                                                                       DMEM         2. Smith, J.D. et al.; (1960) Virology 12, 185        10. Smith, J.D. et al.; (1960) Virology 12, 185
                                                                                High Glucose        3. Morton, H.J. (1970) In Vitro 6, 89                 11. Morton, H.J.; (1970) In Vitro 6, 89
                                                                                                    4. Rutzky, L.P. et al.; (1974) In Vitro 9, 468        12. Rutzky, L.P. et al.; (1974) In Vitro 9, 468
Concentration                                                                                       5. Ham, R.G. et al.; (1979) Meth.Enzymol. 53, 44      13. Ham, R.G. et al.; (1979) Meth.Enzymol. 53, 44
Inorganic Salts                      mg / L      Amino Acids                              mg / L    6. Ham, R.G. (1965) Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. 53, 288        14. Ham, R.G.; (1965) Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. 53, 288
CaCl2 2H2O                             264       L-Methionine                                 30    7. Barnes, D. et al.; (1980) Cell 22, 649             15. Barnes, D. et al.; (1980) Cell 22, 649
Fe(NO3)3 9H2O                           0.1      L-Phenylalanine                              66    8. Barnes, D. et al.; (1980) Anal.Biochem. 102, 255   16. Barnes, D. et al.; (1980) Anal.Biochem. 102, 255

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Classical Media
MgSO4 7H2O                             200       L-Serine                                     42
KCl                                    400       L-Threonine                                  95
NaCl                                 6400        L-Tryptophan                                 16
NaH2PO4 H2O                            125       L-Tyrosine                                   72
NaHCO3                                3700       L-Valine                                     94
Other Components                                 Vitamins
D(+)-Glucose                         4500        Choline chloride                              4
Phenol Red                              15       D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt               4
Amino Acids                                      Folic acid                                    4
Glycine                                 30       myo-Inositol                                7.2
L-Arginine HCl                          84       Nicotinamide                                  4
L-Cystine                               48       Vitamin B1 HCl                                4
L-Histidine HCl H2O                     42       Vitamin B2                                  0.4
L-Isoleucine                           105       Vitamin B6 HCl                                4
L-Leucine                              105       To be added separately
L-Lysine HCl                           146       L-Glutamine                                584

Available Dulbecco's MEM High Glucose Media
Cat. No                     Modification                                                   Size
1-26F01-I                   DMEM HG w/o L-Gln                                            500ml
1-26F03-I                   DMEM HG with L-Gln                                           500ml
1-26F04-I                   DMEM HG w/o L-Gln, with 25 mM HEPES                          500ml
1-26F22-I                   DMEM HG w/o L-Gln w/o Phenol Red                             500ml
1-26F23-I                   DMEM HG (4.5 g / L) with stable Gln (868 mg / L),            500ml
                            w/o Phenol Red
1-26F50-I                   DMEM HG w/o L-Gln, with stable GIn (868 mg / L)              500ml
1-26F51-I                   DMEM HG with stable Gln (868 mg / L),                        500ml
                            with 25 mM HEPES
1-26F55-I                   DMEM HG with 25 mM HEPES,                                    500ml
                            with Sodiumpyruvate (110 mg / L)
1-26F58-I                   DMEM High Glucose with Sodiumpyruvate                        500ml
                            and L-Glutamine
1-26S31-I                   DMEM HG w/o L-Gln, w/o L-Arg, w/o L-Lys                      500ml
1-26P02-K, -L, -M, -N, -W   DMEM HG Powder, with L-Gln                1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
1-26P32-K, -L, -M, -N, -W   DMEM HG Powder,                           1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
                            with L-Gln, w/o Phenol Red

Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                               17
DMEM / Ham's F-12 (1:1)                                                               Available DMEM / Ham's F-12 (1:1) Media
Cat. No.                                                                 1-26F08-I    Cat. No                     Modification                                                   Size
                                                                        DMEM/F12      1-26F07-I                   DMEM/F-12 w/o L-Gln, with 15 mM HEPES                        500ml
                                                                                      1-26F08-I                   DMEM/F-12 w/o L-Gln                                          500ml
                                                                                      1-26F09-I                   DMEM/F-12 with stable GIn (543 mg / L)                       500ml
Inorganic Salts              mg / L   Amino Acids                            mg / L
                                                                                      1-57F22-I                   DMEM/F-12 w/o L-Gln, w/o Phenol Red                          500ml
CaCl2 2H2O                     154    L-Cystine                                 24
                                                                                      1-57F23-I                   DMEM/F-12 with stable GIn (543 mg / L),                      500ml
CuSO4 5H2O                 0.00125    L-Glutamic acid                         7.35
                                                                                                                  w/o Phenol Red
Na2HPO4 anhydrous               71    L-Histidine HCI H2O                    31.48

                                                                                                                                                                                          Classical Media
                                                                                      1-57F24-I                   DMEM/F-12 w/o L-Gln,                                         500ml
Fe(NO3)3 9H2O                 0.05    L-Isoleucine                           54.45
                                                                                                                  with 15 mM HEPES w/o Phenol Red
FeSO4 7H2O                   0.417    L-Leucine                              59.05
                                                                                      1-57F51-I                   DMEM/F-12 with 15 mM HEPES,                                  500ml
MgCl2 6H2O                      61    L-Lysine HCI                           91.25
                                                                                                                  with stable GIn (543 mg / L)
MgSO4 7H2O                     100    L-Methionine                           17.24
                                                                                      1-57F54-I                   DMEM/F-12 with 15 mM HEPES,                                  500ml
KCI                          311.8    L-Phenylalanine                        35.48
                                                                                                                  with stable GIn (543 mg / L), w/o Phenol Red
NaCl                       6999.5     L-Proline                              17.25
                                                                                      1-57P02-K, -L, -M, -N, -W   DMEM/F-12 Powder with L-GIn               1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
NaH2PO4H2O                    62.5    L-Serine                               26.25
                                                                                      1-57P06-K, -L, -M, -N, -W   DMEM/F-12 Powder with L-GIn,              1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
NaHCO3                       2438     L-Threonine                            53.45
                                                                                                                  with 15 mM HEPES, w/o Phenol Red
ZnSO4 7H2O                    0.43    L-Tryptophan                            9.02
                                                                                      1-57P32-K, -L, -M, -N, -W   DMEM/F-12 Powder with L-GIn,              1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
Other Components                      L-Tyrosine                              38.7
                                                                                                                  w/o Phenol Red
1,4-Diaminobutane 2 HCI       0.08    L-Valine                               52.85
D(+)-Glucose                 3151     Vitamins                                        Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
DL-alpha-Lipoic acid         0.105    (+)-Biotin                           0.00365
Hypoxanthine                  2.05    Choline chloride                        8.98
Linoleic acid                0.042    D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         2.24
Phenol Red                     8.1    Folic acid                              2.65
Pyruvic acid sodium salt        55    myo-Inositol                            12.6
Thymidine                    0.365    Nicotinamide                            2.02
Amino Acids                           Vitamin B1 HCI                          2.17
Glycine                      18.75    Vitamin B2                             0.219
L-Alanine                     4.45    Vitamin B6 HCI                         2.031
L-Arginine HCI               147.5    Vitamin B12                             0.68
L-Asparagine H2O               7.5    To be added separately
L-Aspartic acid               6.65    L-Glutamine                             365
L-Cysteine HCI H2O           17.56

18                                                                                                                                                                                  19
Ham's F-10 Medium                                                                                        Available Ham's F-10 Media
Ham's F-10 Medium is a complex formula containing amino acids, vitamins and                              Cat. No                      Modification                                Size
certain supplements and ingredients at optimum concentrations. It was originally                         1-13F01-l                    Ham's F-10 w/o L-GIn                       500 ml
developed for serum free culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, HeLa cell                         1-13F02-l                    Ham's F-10 with L-GIn                      500 ml
clones and mouse “L” cells. Ham's F-10 is today a widely established and popular                         1-13F04-l                    Ham's F-10 w/o L-GIn, with 25 mM HEPES     500 ml
medium for the growth of fastidious cell lines with serum or serum free, eg. diploid                     1-13F22-l                    Ham's F-10 w/o L-GIn, w/o Phenol Red       500 ml
human cells, white blood cells for chromosomal analysis, primary explants of rat,                        1-13F50-l                    Ham's F-10 with stable GIn (217 mg / L)    500 ml
chicken and rabbit.
                                                                                                         Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Classical Media
Cat. No.                                                                         1-13F01-I
                                                                                Ham's F-10
Concentration                                                                                 1. Ham, R.G. (1963) Exp. Cell Res. 29, 515-526
                                                                                              2. Ham, R.G. (1965) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 53, 288-293
Inorganic Salts                     mg / L    Amino Acids                            mg / L
CaCl2 2H2O                             44     L-Histidine HCI H2O                       23
CuSO4 5H2O                        0.0025      L-Isoleucine                             2.6
Na2HPO4 anhydrous                     154     L-Leucine                               13.1
FeSO4 7H2O                          0.834     L-Lysine HCI                              29
MgSO4 7H2O                            153     L-Methionine                            4.48
KCI                                  285      L-Phenylalanine                         4.96
KH2PO4                                 83     L-Proline                               11.5
NaCl                                7400      L-Serine                                10.5
NaHCO3                              1200      L-Threonine                              3.6
ZnSO4 7H2O                         0.0283     Tryptophan                               0.6
Other Components                              L-Tyrosine                              1.81
D(+)-Glucose                        1100      L-Valine                                 3.5
DL-alpha-Lipoic acid                 0.21     Vitamins
Hypoxanthine                          4.1     (+)-Biotin                             0.024
Phenol Red                            1.2     Choline chloride                         0.7
Pyruvic acid sodium salt              110     D-Pantothenic acid Calcium salt        0.715
Thymidine                             0.7     Folic acid                              1.32
Amino Acids                                   myo-Inositol                           0.542
Glycine                               7.5     Nicotinamide                           0.615
L-Alanine                               9     Vitamin B1 HCI                             1
L-Arginine HCI                        211     Vitamin B2                             0.375
L-Asparagine H2O                       15     Vitamin B6 HCI                         0.205
L-Aspartic acid                      13.3     Vitamin B12                             1.36
L-Cysteine                             25     To be added separately
L-Glutamic acid                      14.7     L-Glutamine                              146

20                                                                                                                                                                                   21
Ham's F-12 Medium                                                                                    Available Ham's F-12 Media
Ham's F-12 Medium is a modification of the complex Ham's F-10 formula, containing                    Cat. No                       Modification                                                      Size
amino acids, vitamins and trace elements at optimum concentrations. Originally it                    1-14F01-l                     Ham's F-12 w/o L-GIn                                            500 ml
was developed for serum free culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, primary                   1-14F03-l                     Ham's F-12 with L-GIn                                           500 ml
Rat Hepatocyytes and Prostate Epithelial Cells. Ham's F-12 is today the medium of                    1-14F04-l                     Ham's F-12 w/o L-GIn, with 25 mM HEPES                          500 ml
choice for the clonal toxicity assay with CHO-cells (CHD-3 and CHL-1) and supports                   1-14F22-l                     Ham's F-12 w/o L-GIn, w/o Phenol Red                            500 ml
the growth of a variety of normal, fastidious and transformed cells with serum or                    1-14F50-l                     Ham's F-12 with stable GIn (217 mg / L)                         500 ml
serum free.                                                                                          1-14K03-l                     Ham's F-12 10 ×, w/o L-GIn, w/o NaHCO3                          500 ml

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Classical Media
                                                                                                     1-14K34-l                     Ham's F-12 10 ×, w/o L-GIn, w/o Phenol Red,                     500 ml
Cat. No.                                                                      1-14F01-I                                            w/o NaHCO3
                                                                             Ham's F-12              1-14P02-K, -L, -M, -N, -W     Ham's F-12 Powder with L-GIn                 1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
                                                                                                     1-14S50-l                     Ham's F-12 Kaighn's Modification                                500 ml
                                                                                                                                   with stable GIn (434 mg / L)
Inorganic Salts                   mg / L   Amino Acids                            mg / L
CaCl2 2H2O                           44    L-Histidine HCI H2O                     20.9              Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
CuSO4 5H2O                       0.0025    L-Isoleucine                             3.9
Na2HPO4 anhydrous                   142    L-Leucine                               13.1
FeSO4 7H2O                        0.834    L-Lysine HCI                            36.5    References
MgCl2 6H2O                          122    L-Methionine                            4.48    1. Ham, R.G.; (1963) Exp.Cell.Res. 29, 515              6. Morton, H.J.; (1970) In Vitro 6, 89
                                                                                           2. Ham, R.G.; (1965) Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. 53, 288         7. Rutzky, L.P. et al.; (1974) in Vitro 9, 468
KCl                               223.6    L-Phenylalanine                         4.96
                                                                                           3. Barnes, D. et al.; (1980) Cell. 22, 649              8. Ham, R.G. et al.; (1979) Meth. Enzymol. 53, 44
NaCl                              7599     L-Proline                               34.5
                                                                                           4. Dulbecco, R. et al.; (1959) Virology, 8 396          9. Barnes, D. et al.; (1980) Anal.Biochem. 102, 255
NaHCO3                             1176    L-Serine                                10.5    5. Smith, J.D. et al.; (1960) Virology 12, 185         10. Kaighn, M.E.; TCMA (1973) 54-58
ZnSO4 7H2O                         0.86    L-Threonine                             11.9
Other Components                           L-Tryptophan                            2.04
2'-Deoxythymidine                  0.73    L-Tyrosine                               5.4
1,4-Diaminobutane 2 HCl            0.16    L-Valine                                11.7
D(+)-Glucose                      1802     Vitamins
DL-alpha-Lipoic acid               0.21    (+)-Biotin                            0.0073
Hypoxanthine                        4.1    Choline chloride                       13.96
Linoleic acid                     0.084    D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         0.48
Phenol Red                          1.2    Folic acid                              1.32
Pyruvic acid Sodium salt            110    myo-Inositol                              18
Amino Acids                                Nicotinamide                           0.037
Glycine                             7.5    Vitamin B1 HCI                          0.34
L-Alanine                             9    Vitamin B12                             1.36
L-Arginine HCl                      211    Vitamin B2                             0.038
L-Asparagine H2O                     15    Vitamin B6 HCI                         0.062
L-Aspartic acid                    13.3    To be added separately
L-Cysteine HCI H2O                35.12    L-Glutamine                              146
L-Glutamic acid                    14.7

22                                                                                                                                                                                                       23
Iscove's IMDM                                                                                      Available Iscove's IMDM Media
Iscove's IMDM, is the most known and widely used modification of Dulbecco's MEM.                   Cat. No                           Modification                                             Size
It is a completely defined, serum free medium, supplemented with albumin,                          1-28F01-l                         IMDM w/o L-GIn, with Supplements                       500 ml
transferrin and lecithin, selenium, amino acids, vitamins and HEPES buffer, pyruvate               1-28F02-l                         IMDM with L-GIn, with Supplements                      500 ml
and KNO3 instead of Fe(NO3)3. Iscove's IMDM was originally developed for rapid                     1-28F16-l                         IMDM w/o L-GIn, w/o Supplements                        500 ml
propagation of erythropoietic and hemopoietic bone marrow precursor cells in serum                 1-28F17-l                         IMDM with L-GIn, w/o Supplements                       500 ml
free media. It is ideal also for hybridoma and T-/B-Lymphocytes cell culture of both,              1-28F22-l                         IMDM w/o L-GIn, w/o Supplements,                       500 ml
human and mouse.                                                                                                                     w/o Phenol Red

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Classical Media
                                                                                                   1-28F50-l                         IMDM w/o Supplements,                                  500 ml
Cat. No.                                                                    1-28F16-I                                                with stable Gln (868 mg / L)
                                                                IMDM w/o Supplements               1-28P17-K, -L, -M, -N, -W         IMDM Powder, with L-GIn,            1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
                                                                                                                                     w/o Supplements
Inorganic Salts                    mg / L    Amino Acids                        mg / L             Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
CaCl2 2H2O                           219     L-Phenylalanine                        66
MgSO4 7H2O                          200      L-Proline                              40
KCI                                 330      L-Serine                               42   References
KNO3                               0.076     L-Threonine                            95   1. Iscove, N.N. et. al.; (1978) J.Exp.Med. 147, 923
                                                                                         2. Iscove, N.N. et. al.; (1980) Exp.Cell.Res. 126, 121
NaCl                               4505      L-Tryptophan                           16
                                                                                         3. Dulbecco, R. et al.; (1959) Virology, 8, 396
NaH2PO4 2H2O                         141     L-Tyrosine                             72
                                                                                         4. H
                                                                                             arbour, C. et. al.; (1991) in Mammalian Cell
NaHCO3                             3024      L-Valine                               94      Biotechnology, 1st Ed.; IRL Press, Oxford – NY – Tokyo
NaSeO3 5H2O                        0.017     Vitamins
Other Components                             (+)-Biotin                         0.013
D(+)-Glucose                       4500      Choline chloride                        4
HEPES                              5958      D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         4
Phenol Red                            15     Folic acid                              4
Pyruvic acid sodium salt             110     myo-Inositol                          7.2
Amino Acids                                  Nicotinamide                            4
Glycine                               30     Vitamin B1 HCl                          4
L-Alanine                             25     Vitamin B2                            0.4
L-Arginine HCl                        84     Vitamin B6 HCl                          4
L-Asparagine H2O                    28.4     Vitamin B12                        0.013
L-Aspartic acid                       30     To be added separately
L-Cystine                             70     L-Glutamine                           584
L-Glutamic acid                       75     Iscove's Supplemented Media contain
L-Histidine HCI H2O                   42     BSA                                   400
L-Isoleucine                         105     Linoleic acid                           1
L-Leucine                            105     Oleic acid                              1
L-Lysine HCI                         146     Palmitic acid                           1
L-Methionine                          30     Transferrin                             1

24                                                                                                                                                                                               25
Leibovitz L-15 Medium
                                                                                                 Medium 199
Leibovitz L-15 Medium is a complex NaHCO3-free formulation for use in carbon
                                                                                                 Medium 199 is a totally defined nutritive source for explant tissues and cells in cell
dioxide free cell culture systems. It is buffered by its complement salts, free base
                                                                                                 culture. Properly supplemented with serum, Medium 199 offers broad applicability for
amino acids, galactose and phosphates to maintain physiological pH conditions.
                                                                                                 cells of different animal species, particularly for the culture of non-transformed cells.
Leibovitz L-15 Medium supports the growth and proliferation of a variety of
                                                                                                 It is also used in virology for vaccine production.
established cell lines, eg. HEp-2, as well as primary explants of embryonic and adult
human tissues, eg. nerve tissue. It is supplemented with 10 % Tryptose Phosphate
                                                                                                 Cat. No.                                                                          1-21F01-I
Broth, L-15 is highly suitable for the culture of insect cells, e.g. bed mug, mosquitoes                                                                                          M 199 EBS

                                                                                                                                                                                                Classical Media
and ticks.
Cat. No.                                                                            1-17F01-I    Inorganic Salts                     mg / L     Amino Acids                            mg / L
                                                                                Leibovitz L-15   CaCl2 2H2O                            265      L-Glutamic acid                        66.82
                                                                                                 Fe(NO3)3 9H2O                         0.72     L-Histidine HCL, H2O                   21.88
                                                                                                 MgSO4 7H2O                            200      L-Isoleucine                              20
Inorganic Salts                           mg / L    Amino Acids                         mg / L
                                                                                                 KCI                                   400      L-Leucine                                 60
CaCl2 2H2O                                185,4     L-Asparagine anhydrous                250
                                                                                                 NaCl                                 6 800     L-Lysine HCl                              70
Na2HPO4 anhydrous                           190     L-Cyteine                             120
                                                                                                 NaH2PO4 H2O                           140      L-Methionine                              15
MgCl2 6H2O                                  200     L-Histidine                           250
                                                                                                 NaHCO3                               2 200     L-Phenylalanine                           25
MgSO4 7H2O                                  200     L-Leucine                             125
                                                                                                 Other Components                               L-Proline                                 40
KCI                                         400     L-Lysine                               75
                                                                                                 2-Deoxy-D-ribose                       0.5     L-Serine                                  25
KH2PO4                                       60     L-Serine                              200
                                                                                                 4-Aminobenzoic acid                  0.05      L-Threonine                               30
NaCl                                      8 000     L-Tryptophan                           20
                                                                                                 Adenine sulfate                        10      L-Tryptophan                              10
Other Components                                    L-Tyrosine                            300
                                                                                                 AMP H2O                              0.25      L-Tyrosine                                40
D(+)-Galactose                              900     Vitamins
                                                                                                 ATP disodium salt H2O                   1      L-Valine                                  25
Phenol Red                                   10     Choline chloride                        1
                                                                                                 Cholesterol                            0.2     Vitamins
Pyruvic acid sodium salt                    550     D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         1
                                                                                                 D(+)-Glucose                         1 000     (+)-Biotin                              0.01
Amino Acids                                         Folic acid                              1
                                                                                                 D(-)-Ribose                            0.5     Vitamin K3                              0.02
L-Alanine                                   225     myo-Inositol                            2
                                                                                                 Guanine HCI                            0.3     Choline chloride                         0.5
L-Isoleucine                                125     Nicotinamide                            1
                                                                                                 Hypoxanthine                           0.3     D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         0.01
L-Methionine                                 75     Riboflavin 5-Phosphate Na              0.1
                                                                                                 L-Glutathione reduced                0.05      Folic acid                              0.01
L-Phenylalanine                             125     Thiamin monophosphate                   1
                                                                                                 Phenol Red                             20      myo-Inositol                            0.05
L-Threonine                                 300     Vitamin B6 HCl                          1
                                                                                                 CH3COONa anhydrous                     50      Nicotinamide                           0.025
L-Valine                                    100     To be added separately
                                                                                                 Thymine                                0.3     Nicotinic acid                         0.025
Glycine                                     200     L-Glutamine                           300
                                                                                                 Tween 80                               20      Pyridoxal HCl                          0.025
L-Arginine                                  500
                                                                                                 Uracil                                 0.3     Vitamin B1 HCl                          0.01
Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.                            Xanthine                               0.3     Vitamin B2                              0.01
                                                                                                 Amino Acids                                    Vitamin B6 HCl                         0.025
                                                                                                 Glycine                                50      Vitamin C                               0.05
References                                                                                       L-4-Hydroxyproline                     10      Vitamin D2                               0.1
1. Leibovitz, A.; (1963) Amer.J.Hyg. 78, 173                                                     L-Alanine                              25      Vitamin E succinate                     0.01
2. Yunker, C.E. et al.; (1979) TCA Manual 5, 1077
                                                                                                 L-Arginine HCl                         70      Vitamin A acetate                       0.14
                                                                                                 L-Aspartic acid                        30      To be added separately
                                                                                                 L-Cysteine HCL, H2O                   0.11     L-Glutamine                              100
                                                                                                 L-Cystine                              20

26                                                                                                                                                                                        27
Cat. No.                                                                 1-22F01-I                Available Medium 199 Media
                                                                 M 199 HBS (Liquid)
                                                                                                  Cat. No                        Modification                              Size
Concentration                                                                                     1-21F01-l                      M 199 EBS w/o L-GIn                      500 ml
Amino Acids                     mg / L   Vitamins                             mg / L              1-21F04-l                      M 199 EBS w/o L-GIn, with 25 mM HEPES    500 ml
L-Alanine25                             p-Aminobenzoic Acid                  0.05               1-21F22-l                      M 199 EBS w/o L-GIn w/o Phenol Red       500 ml
L-Arginine, HCI                   70    Pyridoxin, HCI                      0.025               1-21F50-l                      M 199 EBS with stable GIn (149 mg / L)   500 ml
L-Aspartic Acid                   30    Pyridoxal, HCI                      0.025               1-22F01-l                      M 199 HBS w/o L-GIn                      500 ml
L-Cysteine, HCI H2O0.11                 Riboflavin0.01                                          1-22F50-l                      M 199 HBS with stable GIn (149 mg / L)   500 ml

                                                                                                                                                                                   Classical Media
L-Cystine20                             Thiamine, HCI                        0.01
                                                                                                  Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
L-Glutamic Acid                66.82    Vitamin A-acetate                    0.14
Glycin50                                Inorganic Salts
L-Histidine, HCI H2O21.88               CaCl2 2H2O185.5
L-4-Hydroxyproline10                    NaCl                                8 000    1. Morgan, J.F. et al.; (1950) Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med. 73, 1
L-Isoleucine20                          KCl400                                       2. Morgan, J.F. et al.; (1951) Nat. Canc.Inst. 16/2, 557
L-Leucine60                             Fe(NO3)3 9H2O0.72
L-Lysine, HCI                     70    KH2PO460
L-Methionine15                          MgSO4 7H2O200
L-Phenylalanine25                       NaH2PO4 anhydrous                    47.5
L-Proline40                             NaHCO3350
L-Serine25                              Others                               mg / L
L-Threonine30                           Adenosine 5'-triphosphate 2Na H2O1
L-Tryptophan10                          Adenosine 5'-phosphate H2O0.25
L-Tyrosin40                             Adenine Sulphate                       10
L-Valine25                              L-Glutathione (red.)                 0.05
Vitamins                                 Guanine HCI                           0.3
Ascorbic Acid                   0.05    Deoxy-D-ribose0.5
Tocopherolsuccinate DL-alfa     0.01    D-Ribose0.5
D-Biotin0.01                            Glucose, D (+)                      1 000
Calciferol0.1                           Hypoxanthine0.3
D-Pantothenic Acid (Ca-Salt)    0.01    Sodium Acetate (anhydr.)               50
Choline Chloride                 0.5    Tween 80                               20
Folic Acid                      0.01    Xanthine0.3
Inositol0.05                            Uracil0.3
Menadione0.02                           Thymine0.3
Niacin0.025                             Phenol red                             20
Niacinamide0.025                        Cholesterol0.2

28                                                                                                                                                                            29
McCoy's 5A
                                                                                                    Available McCoy's 5A Media
McCoy's 5A Medium was created using Basal Medium 5A and is a nutritive
                                                                                                    Cat. No                           Modification                                                   Size
substance rich complete medium. McCoy's 5A Medium was originally developed
                                                                                                    1-18F01-l                         McCoy's 5A w/o L-GIn                                         500 ml
to investigate the amino acid requirements of Novikoff Hepatoma cells. Today this
                                                                                                    1-18F03-l                         McCoy's 5A with L-GIn                                        500 ml
optimal developed medium has a broad application to support the growth of the
                                                                                                    1-18F22-l                         McCoy's 5A w/o L-GIn (326 mg / L),                           500 ml
most demanding primary and continuous cell lines, as well as from biopsy tissues,
                                                                                                                                      w/o Phenol Red
eg. bone marrow, skin, kidney, omentum, adrenal glands, lung, spleen.
                                                                                                    1-18F23-l                         McCoy's 5A with stable GIn (326 mg / L),                     500 ml
                                                                                                                                      w/o Phenol Red

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Classical Media
Cat. No.                                                                    1-18F01-I
                                                                          McCoy's 5A                1-18F50-l                         McCoy's 5A with stable GIn (326 mg / L)                      500 ml
                                                                                                    1-18F51-l                         McCoy's 5A with 25 mM HEPES,                                 500 ml
Concentration                                                                                                                         with stable GIn (326 mg / L)
Inorganic Salts                   mg / L    Amino Acids                         mg / L              1-18P02-K, -L, -M, -N, -W         McCoy's 5A Powder, with L-GIn             1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
CaCl2 2H2O                        132.5     L-Methionine                         14.9
                                                                                                    Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
MgSO4 7H2O                          200     L-Phenylalanine                      16.5
KCl                                 400     L-Proline                            17.3
NaCl                               6 460    L-Serine                             26.3
NaH2PO4 H2O                         580     L-Threonine                          17.9     1. Neumann, R.E. et al.; (1958) Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med. 98, 303
NaHCO3                             2 200    L-Tryptophan                            3.1   2. McCoy, T.A. et al.; (1959) Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med. 100, 115
Other Components                            L-Tyrosine                           18.1     3. Hsu, T.C. et al.; (1960) J.Natl.Canc.Inst. 25, 221
4-Aminobenzoic acid                   1     L-Valine                             17.6     4. Iwakata, S. et al.; (1964) N.Y. State J.Med. 64, 2279
Bacto Peptone                       600     Vitamins                                      5. Morton, H.J.; (1970) In Vitro 6, 89
                                                                                          6. Park, M.S. et al.; (1974) Transpl. 18, 520
D(+)-Glucose                      3 000     (+)-Biotin                              0.2
                                                                                          7. Patterson, M.K. et al.; (1978) TCA Manual 4, 737
L-Glutathione reduced                0.5    Choline chloride                         5
Phenol Red                           10     D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         0.2
Amino Acids                                 Folic acid                              10
Glycine                              7.5    myo-Inositol                            36
L-4-Hydroxyproline                  19.7    Nicotinamide                            0.5
L-Alanine                           13.9    Nicotinic acid                          0.5
L-Arginine HCl                      42.1    Pyriodoxal HCl                          0.5
L-Asparagine anhydrous               45     Vitamin B1 HCl                          0.2
L-Aspartic acid                   19.97     Vitamin B2                              0.2
L-Cysteine                          31.5    Vitamin B6 HCl                          0.5
L-Glutamic acid                     22.1    Vitamin B12                              2
L-Histidine HCI H2O               20.96     Vitamin C                               0.5
L-Isoleucine                      39.36     To be added separately
L-Leucine                         39.36     L-Glutamine                         219.2
L-Lysine HCl                       36.5

30                                                                                                                                                                                                      31
MEM Alpha                                                                                            Available MEM Alpha Media
MEM Alpha is a highly complex formulation and is enriched with additional amino                      Cat. No                          Modification                                                   Size
acids, vitamins, lipoic acid and pyruvate. It is highly enriched if supplemented                     1-23F01-l                        MEM Alpha w/o L-GIn, with Nucleosides                        500 ml
with ribo- and desoxyribonucleosides. Originally used for growth of hamster kidney                   1-23F09-l                        MEM Alpha w/o L-GIn, w/o Nucleosides                         500 ml
cells, MEM Alpha supports the growth and proliferation of bone marrow and                            1-23F22-l                        MEM Alpha w/o L-GIn, w/o Nucleosides,                        500 ml
amniotic cells, both in monolayer- and suspension-culture. Supplementation with                                                       w/o Phenol Red
serum or certain proteins supports the culture. BioConcept Ltd. offers MEM Alpha                     1-23F23-l                        MEM Alpha w/o L-GIn, with Nucleosides,                       500 ml
with and without nucleosides as liquid / powder variations. Modifications are                                                         w/o Phenol Red

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Classical Media
possible on customer requests.                                                                       1-23S50-l                        MEM Alpha with stable GIn (434 mg / L),                      500 ml
                                                                                                                                      with Nucleosides
Cat. No.                                                                    1-23F01-I                1-23F50-l                        MEM Alpha with stable GIn (434 mg / L),                      500 ml
                                                           MEM Alpha with Nucleosides                                                 w/o Nucleosides
                                                                                                     1-23P10-K, -L, -M, -N, -W        MEM Alpha w/o Nucleosides, Powder         1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
Inorganic Salts                   mg / L    Amino Acids                         mg / L               Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
CaCl2 2H2O                          265     L-Threonine                              48
MgSO4 7H2O                          200     L-Tryptophan                             10
KCl                                 400     L-Tyrosine                               36   References
NaCl                               6 800    L-Valine                                 46   1. Stanners, C.P. et al.; (1971) Nat.New.Biol. 230, 52
                                                                                          2. Stanners, C.P. et al.; (1975) J.Gen.Virol. 29, 281
NaH2PO4 H2O                         140     Vitamins
                                                                                          3. Earle, W. (1943) J.Natl.Cancer.Inst. 4, 165
NaHCO3                             2 200    (+)-Biotin                            0.1
Other Components                            Choline chloride                          1
D(+)-Glucose                       1 000    D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt           1
DL-alpha-lipoic acid                 0.2    Folic acid                                1
Phenol Red                           10     myo-Inositol                              2
Pyruvic acid sodium salt            110     Nicotinamide                              1
Amino Acids                                 Pyriodoxal HCl                            1
Glycine                              50     Vitamin B1 HCl                            1
L-Alanine                            25     Vitamin B2                            0.1
L-Arginine HCl                      127     Vitamin B12                           1.4
L-Asparagine H2O                     50     Vitamin C                                50
L-Aspartic acid                      30     Ribonucleosides
L-Cysteine                          100     Adenosine                                10
L-Cystine                            24     Cytidine                                 10
L-Glutamic acid                      75     Guanosine                                10
L-Histidine HCI H2O                  42     Uridine                                  10
L-Isoleucine                         52     Deoxyribonucleosides
L-Leucine                            52     2'-Deoxyadenosine                        10
L-Lysine HCI                         73     2'-Deoxycytidine HCl                     11
L-Methionine                         15     2'-Deoxyguanosine H2O               10.67
L-Phenylalanine                      32     2'-Deoxythymidine                        10
L-Proline                            40     To be added separately
L-Serine                             25     L-Glutamine                          292

32                                                                                                                                                                                                      33
MEM EBS and MEM HBS                                                                                   Available MEM EBS Media
MEM Eagle, a complex amino acid and vitamin rich medium, was developed from                           Cat. No                          Modification                                                Size
Eagle's Basal Medium (BME). Based on Eagle's Hank's BSS, MEM is one of the most                       1-31F01-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn                                         500 ml
widely used of all synthetic cell culture media. MEM Eagle with EBS or HBS supports                   1-31F03-l                        MEM EBS with L-GIn                                        500 ml
the growth and proliferation of a variety of fastidious primary mammalian cells and                   1-31F04-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn, with 25 mM HEPES                       500 ml
established cell lines, both in monolayer- and suspension-culture. Supplementation                    1-31F18-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn, w/o Leucine                            500 ml
with serum or certain proteins supports the culture.                                                  1-31F19-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn, w/o Phosphate                          500 ml
                                                                                                      1-31F20-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn, w/o Methionine                         500 ml

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Classical Media
Cat. No.                                                                      1-31F01-I               1-31F21-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn, with 25 mM HEPES,                      500 ml
                                                                              MEM EBS                                                  w/o Folic acid
                                                                                                      1-31F22-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn, w/o Arginine                           500 ml
                                                                                                      1-31F24-l                        MEM EBS w/o L-GIn, w/o Phenol Red                         500 ml
Inorganic Salts                   mg / L    Amino Acids                           mg / L
                                                                                                      1-31F50-l                        MEM EBS with stable GIn (434 mg / L)                      500 ml
CaCl2 2H2O                          267     L-Phenylalanine                          33
                                                                                                      1-31F51-l                        MEM EBS with 25 mM HEPES,                                 500 ml
MgSO4 7H2O                          200     L-Threonine                            47.6
                                                                                                                                       with stable GIn (434 mg / L)
KCl                                 400     L-Tryptophan                           10.2
                                                                                                      1-31P02-K, -L, -M, -N, -W        MEM EBS Powder with L-GIn              1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
NaCl                              6 800     L-Tyrosine                             36.2
                                                                                                      1-31P05-K, -L, -M, -N, -W        MEM EBS Powder, with L-GIn,            1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
NaH2PO4 H2O                         140     L-Valine                                 46
                                                                                                                                       with 25 mM HEPES
NaHCO3                            2 200     Vitamins
Other Components                            Choline chloride                          1               Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
D(+)-Glucose                      1 000     D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt           1
Phenol Red                           10     Folic acid                                1
Amino Acids                                 myo-Inositol                              2    References
L-Arginine HCl                    126.4     Nicotinamide                              1    1. Eagle, H. et al.; (1956) J.Biol.Chem. 214, 845
                                                                                           2. Eagle, H. (1955) Science 122, 501
L-Cystine                            24     Pyridoxal HCl                             1
                                                                                           3. Eagle, H. (1959) Science 130, 432
L-Histidine HCI H2O               41.93     Vitamin B1 HCl                            1
                                                                                           4. Parker, R.C. (1961) In: Meth.Tis.Cult.; 3rd Ed. Harper NY
L-Isoleucine                         52     Vitamin B2                              0.1    5. Eagle, H. (1976) TCA Manual 3, 517
L-Leucine                            52     To be added separately                         6. Daniel, M.D. et al.; (1969) Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med. 127, 3
L-Lysine HCl                      73.06     L-Glutamine                            292     7. Ham, R.G. et al.; (1979) Meth.Enzymol. 53, 44
L-Methionine                       14.9                                                    8. Earle, W. (1943) Natl.Cancer.Inst. 4, 165

34                                                                                                                                                                                                    35
MEM HBS                                                                                              RPMI 1640
Cat. No.                                                                                1-33F01-I    RPMI 1640 was developed as a modification of McCoy's 5A medium and is based
                                                                                        MEM HBS      on RPMI 1630. RPMI 1640 uses a bi-carbonate buffering system and differs from
                                                                                                     most mammalian cell culture media in its typical pH 8 formulation. With or without
                                                                                                     supplemented serum or other defined proteins, RPMI 1640 represents today’s most
Inorganic Salts                           mg / L      Amino Acids                           mg / L
                                                                                                     widely applied culture medium for short as well as long term cultivation of many
CaCl2 2H2O                                185.4       L-Methionine                           14.9
                                                                                                     cell types, especially human T / B-lymphocytes (e.g. 72 h PHA stimulation assay), bone
Na2HPO4 anhydrous                          47.5       L-Phenylalanine                          33
                                                                                                     marrow cells, hybridoma cells.
MgSO4 7H2O                                  200       L-Threonine                            47.6

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Classical Media
KCl                                         400       L-Tryptophan                           10.2
                                                                                                     Cat. No.                                                                        1-41F01-I
KH2PO4                                       60       L-Tyrosine                             36.2                                                                                   RPMI 1640
NaCl                                      8 000       L-Valine                                 46
NaHCO3                                      350       Vitamins                                       Concentration
Other Components                                      Choline chloride                          1    Inorganic Salts                    mg / L    Amino Acids                            mg / L
D(+)-Glucose                              1 000       D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt           1    Ca(NO3)2 4H2O                        100     L-Lysine HCl                              40
Phenol Red                                   10       Folic acid                                1    Na2HPO4 anhydrous                    800     L-Methionine                              15
Amino Acids                                           myo-Inositol                              2    MgSO4 7H2O                           100     L-Phenylalanine                           15
L-Arginine HCl                            126.4       Nicotinamide                              1    KCl                                  400     L-Proline                                 20
L-Cystine                                    24       Pyridoxal HCl                             1    NaCl                               6 000     L-Serine                                  30
L-Histidine HCI H2O                       41.93       Vitamin B1 HCl                            1    NaHCO3                             2 000     L-Threonine                               20
L-Isoleucine                                 52       Vitamin B2                              0.1    Other Components                             L-Tryptophan                               5
L-Leucine                                    52       To be added separately                         4-Aminobenzoic acid                    1     L-Tyrosine                                20
L-Lysine HCl                              73.06       L-Glutamine                            292     D(+)-Glucose                       2 000     L-Valine                                  20
                                                                                                     L-Glutathione reduced                  1     Vitamins
                                                                                                     Phenol Red                             5     (+)-Biotin                               0.2
Available MEM HBS Media
                                                                                                     Amino Acids                                  Choline chloride                           3
Cat. No                        Modification                                                  Size    Glycine                               10     D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt         0.25
1-33F01-l                      MEM HBS w/o L-GIn                                           500 ml    L-4-Hydroxyproline                    20     Folic acid                                 1
1-33F50-l                      MEM HBS with stable GIn (434 mg / L)                        500 ml    L-Arginine HCl                     241.9     myo-Inositol                              35
1-33F51-l                      MEM HBS with 25 mM HEPES,                                   500 ml    L-Asparagine anhydrous                50     Nicotinamide                               1
                               with stable GIn (434 mg / L)                                          L-Aspartic acid                       20     Vitamin B1 HCl                             1
                                                                                                     L-Cystine                             50     Vitamin B2                               0.2
Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.
                                                                                                     L-Glutamic acid                       20     Vitamin B6 HCl                             1
                                                                                                     L-Histidine                           15     Vitamin B12                            0.005
                                                                                                     L-Isoleucine                          50     To be added separately
1. Hanks, J.H.; (1976) TCA Manual 3, 3                                                               L-Leucine                             50     L-Glutamine                             300
2. Hanks, J.H. et al.; (1949) Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med. 71, 19

36                                                                                                                                                                                          37
Available RPMI 1640 Media                                                                              Waymouth's Medium
Cat. No                        Modification                                                   Size     Waymouth's Medium was developed as a serum free, chemically defined synthetic
1-41F01-l                      RPMI 1640 w/o L-GIn                                          500 ml     medium for the culture of mouse cell line L929.
1-41F03-l                      RPMI 1640 with L-GIn                                         500 ml
1-41F04-l                      RPMI 1640 w/o L-GIn with 25 mM HEPES                         500 ml     Cat. No.                                                                         1-46F01-I
1-41F22-l                      RPMI 1640 w/o L-GIn, w/o Phenol Red                          500 ml                                                                            Waymouth's MB752/1
1-41F23-l                      RPMI 1640 with stable GIn (446 mg / L),                      500 ml
                               w/o Phenol Red
                                                                                                       Inorganic Salts                       mg / L     Amino Acids                              mg / L

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Classical Media
1-41F24-l                      RPMI 1640 w/o L-GIn, with 25 mM HEPES,                       500 ml
                                                                                                       CaCl2 2H2O                              120      L-Lysine HCl                               240
                               w/o Phenol Red
                                                                                                       MgCl2 6H2O                              240      L-Methionine                                   50
1-41F50-l                      RPMI 1640 with stable GIn (446 mg / L)                       500 ml
                                                                                                       MgSO4 7H2O                             200       L-Phenylalanine                                50
1-41F51-l                      RPMI 1640 with 25 mM HEPES,                                  500 ml
                                                                                                       KCl                                     150      L-Proline                                      50
                               with stable GIn (446 mg / L)
                                                                                                       NaCl                                  6 000      L-Threonine                                    75
1-41F54-l                      RPMI 1640, with 25 mM HEPES,                                 500 ml
                                                                                                       Na2HPO4 anhydrous                      300       L-Tryptophan                                   40
                               with stable GIn, w/o Phenol Red
                                                                                                       KH2PO4                                   80      L-Tyrosine                                     40
1-41S07-l                      RPMI 1640, w/o L-GIn, w/o Glucose                            500 ml
                                                                                                       NaHCO3                                2 240      L-Valine                                       65
1-41S37-l                      RPMI 1640 w/o L-GIn, w/o L-Arg, w/o L-Lys                    500 ml
                                                                                                       Other Components                                 Vitamins
1-41K03-l                      RPMI 1640 10 × w/o L-GIn, w/o NaHCO3                         500 ml
                                                                                                       D(+)-Glucose                          5 000      (+)-Biotin                                0.02
1-41K34-l                      RPMI 1640 10 × w/o L-GIn,                                    500 ml
                                                                                                       Glutathione, reduced                     15      Choline chloride                           250
                               w/o NaHCO3, w/o Phenol Red
                                                                                                       Hypoxanthine                             25      D-(Pantothenic acid calcium salt                1
1-41P02-K, -L, -M, -N, -W      RPMI 1640 Powder with L-GIn               1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
                                                                                                       Phenol Red                               10      Folic acid                                 0.5
1-41P05-K, -L, -M, -N, -W      RPMI 1640 Powder with L-GIn,              1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
                                                                                                       Amino Acids                                      myo-Inositol                                    1
                               with 25 mM HEPES
                                                                                                       Glycine                                  50      Nicotinamide                                    1
1-41P32-K, -L, -M, -N, -W      RPMI 1640 Powder with L-GIn,              1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 50 L, 100 L
                                                                                                       L-Arginine HCl                           75      Pyridoxine HCl                                  1
                               w/o Phenol Red
                                                                                                       L-Aspartic acid                          60      Vitamin B1 HCl                                 10
Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.                                  L-Cysteine HCI H2O                    100.3      Vitamin B2                                      1
                                                                                                       L-Cystine                                15      Vitamin B12                               0.20
                                                                                                       L-Glutamic acid                         150      Vitamin C                                  17.5
References                                                                                             L-Histidine HCI H2O                   164.1      To be added separately
1. Moore, G.E. et al.; (1967) JAMA 199, 519                                                            L-Isoleucine                             25      L-Glutamine                                350
2. Moore, G.E. et al.; (1976) TCA Manual, 3, 503
                                                                                                       L-Leucine                                50
3. Moore, G.E. et al.; (1967) XXl.Ann.Symp.Fund.Canc.Res.Feb., 41
4. Moore, G.E. et al.; (1968) NY.State J.Med. 68, 2054
5. Ham, R.G. et al.; (1979) Meth.Enzymol. 53, 44                                                       Available Waymouth's Media
                                                                                                       Cat. No                Modification                                                        Size
                                                                                                       1-46F01-l              Waymouth's MB 752/1 w/o L-GIn                                     500 ml
                                                                                                       1-46F22-l              Waymouth's MB 752/1 w/o L-GIn, w/o Phenol Red                     500 ml

                                                                                                       Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.

                                                                                                                                                 1. Waymouth, C.; (1959) J.Nat.Cancer Inst. 22, 1003
                                                                                                                                                 2. Waymouth, C.; (1968) Private Communication

38                                                                                                                                                                                                     39
William's E Medium                                                                                        Available William's E Media
William's E Medium was developed for long term culture of liver epithelial cells of                       Cat. No                     Modification                                    Size
adult rats.                                                                                               1-48F01-l                   William's E Medium w/o L-GIn                   500 ml
                                                                                                          1-48F02-l                   William's E Medium w/o L-GIn, w/o Phenol Red   500 ml
Cat. No.                                                                      1-48F01-I
                                                                    William's E Medium                    Other modifications are available upon request at info@bioconcept.ch.

Inorganic Salts                     mg / L    Amino Acids                             mg / L   References

                                                                                                                                                                                              Classical Media
CaCl2 2H2O                            265     L-Lysine HCl                             87.6    1. Williams, G.M. et al.; 1974; Exp.Cell Res. 89, 139
                                                                                               2. Williams, G.M. et al.; 1971; Exp.Cell Res. 69, 106
CuSO4 5H2O                         0.0001     L-Methionine                               15
Fe(NO3)3 9H2O                      0.0001     L-Phenylalanine                            25
MgSO4 7H2O                            200     L-Proline                                  30
MnCl4 4H2O                         0.0001     L-Serine                                   10
KCl                                   400     L-Threonine                                40
NaCl                                6 800     L-Tryptophan                               10
NaH2PO4 2H2O                          158     L-Tyrosine                                 35
NaHCO3                              2 200     L-Valine                                   50
ZnSO4 7H2O                         0.0002     Vitamins
Other Components                              (+)-Biotin                                0.5
D(+)-Glucose                        2 000     Vitamin K3                               0.01
L-Glutathione reduced                0.05     Choline chloride                          1.5
Methyl linolenate                    0.03     D-Pantothenic acid calcium salt             1
Phenol Red                             10     Folic acid                                  1
Pyruvic acid sodium salt               25     myo-Inostol                                 2
Amino Acids                                   Nicotinamide                                1
Glycine                                50     Pyridoxal HCl                               1
L-Alanine                              90     Vitamin B1 HCl                              1
L-Arginine                             50     Vitamin B2                                0.1
L-Asparagine H2O                       20     Vitamin B12                               0.2
L-Aspartic acid                        30     Vitamin C                                   2
L-Cysteine                             40     Vitamin D2                                0.1
L-Cystine                              20     Vitamin E succinate                      0.01
L-Glutamic acid                        50     Vitamin A acetate                         0.1
L-Histidine                            15     To be added separately
L-Isoleucine                           50     L-Glutamine                              292
L-Leucine                              75

40                                                                                                                                                                                       41
     MAM-PF (Production Media)
     Hybridoma Express Media
     Insect Cell Culture Media
     BSK-H Medium for the cultivation
     of Borrelia spec.
     SDM 79 for the cultivation
     of Trypanosoma spec.

                                                           Special Media
     Stem Cell Media

     Sea anemone [ Actiniaria ]
     Sea anemone is the umbrella term used for this
     predatory, colourful animal. They mainly live in
     the world’s corals and are quite related to corals
     and jellyfish, however, unlike jellyfish, a typical
     sea anemone is attached to a hard surface and
     lacks the free swimming stage of its life cycle.
     They are known to make bonds with other
     species in their environments to improve their
     chance of survival, the most famous one being
     with the clownfish. The clownfish protects
     the sea anemone from predators, and in return
     the sea anemone offers the fish a place to
     call home.

42                                                   43
Special Media
                  MAM-PF® for Serum-Free, Protein-Free and Animal Component
                  Free (ACF) Cell Culture
                  The breakthroughs in recombinant protein production granted BioConcept Ltd. the
                  ability to produce and supply a new type of cell culture media. BioConcept Ltd.’s
                  MAM-PF® (Mammalian Artificial Media – Protein Free) line of media are tailor made to
                  satisfy the needs of researchers and producers. These media for the cultivation
                  of CHO and BHK cells are fully defined with serum-free, protein-free and ACF (Animal
                  Component Free) versions. ACF media are produced according to EMEA/410/01
                  all components are certified animal component free – we hold a certificate of origin
                  for every single component.

                                                                                                            Special Media
                  Products Available
     Cat. No. Description Size Serum Protein                                    Animal    Formulation
     			                       free  free                                       Component

     Mammalian artificial Media – Animal Component free
     10-02F24-I      MAM-PF® 2 growth            500 ml         ×    ×          ×             Proprietary
                     and production medium
                     w/o Phenol Red
     10-02F25-I      MAM-PF® 2 growth            500 ml         ×    ×          ×             Proprietary
                     and production medium
                     with Phenol Red
     10-02F27-I      MAM-PF® 1 adaptation        500 ml         ×    ×          ×             Proprietary
                     and growth medium
     10-02F33-I      MAM-PF® 2 Total             500 ml         ×    ×          ×             Proprietary
                     Selection Medium
                     (w/o L-Gln, L-Trp, L-His,
                     Gly, Hypoxanthine
                     and Thymidine)
     10-02S80-I      MAM-PF®77                   500 ml         ×    ×          ×             Proprietary
                     production medium
     10-02P74        MAM-PF® 7e                  flexible       ×    ×          ×             Proprietary
                     Powder Media
     10-02P24        MAM-PF® 2                   1 L, 5 L, 10 L, ×   ×          ×             Proprietary
     -K,-L,-M,-N,-W growth and production        50 L, 100 L
                     medium (powder)
                     w/o Phenol Red,
                     w/o L-Gln, w/o NaHCO3
     5-77F01-H       Lipid-Mixture for MAM-PF®   100 ml         ×    ×          ×             Proprietary
                     2 Powder (1 000 ×)

44                                                                                                  45

                                                                                         Cell Density                                                                              MAM-PF® and Other Suppliers
MAM-PF® Media
                                                                                         CHOSI cells cultured in                                    35
                                                                                         MAM-PF77® have shown
Mammalian Artificial Media – Protein and Animal Component Free (ACF) for CHO,            the fastest growth and a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Living Cells [%]
                                                                                                                                                    25                                                                                                                                                                                     80
                                                                                         ~100% and ~40% higher
BHK, and other mammalian cells                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MAM-PF® and other Suppliers

                                                                                                                         Living cells [10E9/L]
                                                                                         cell density compared to
Further development of CHO-Express Media resulted in our MAM-PF® Media Series.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              60                                       Performance of MAM-PF77®
                                                                                                     Application Data Antibody
                                                                                         media by Suppliers S and
                                                                                         T. This corresponds with                                   15                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and two different CHO media
These are chemically defined media for the cultivation of a variety of cell lines such   the final product titers at                                                                                                                                                                                                                       40

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Titer [%]
                                                                                         the end of the fed-batch,                                  10                                                                                                                                                                                                                               suppliers in a 14-day fed-batch
as CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) Cells or BHK cells and expression of recombinant          respectively (All cultures                                                                                                                                                                                                                        20
                                                                                                                                                     5                                                                                                                                                                                                                               mAb production.
proteins in suspension cell culture. CHO and BHK cells are the most widely used          were fed with FMS3 in
                                                                                         the same feed regime).                                           0    1     2      3      4     5      6        7         8                                                         9             10          11         12        13        14
mammalian cells for the expression of a variety of recombinant proteins.                 The higher viability in the                                                                                Culture days
                                                                                         stationary phase shows that
MAM-PF® Media are formulated without L-glutamine to avoid problems associated            the glycosylation in MAM-                                                              BioConcept                      Supplier S                                                                                  Supplier T
                                                                                         PF77® was superior.
with L-glutamine degradation including ammonia accumulation. MAM-PF® Media can                                                                                                          Living cells [10E9/L]                                                    Titer [%]

be obtained with a minimal amount of Phenol Red or without Phenol Red.                                                                       Performance of MAM-PF77® and two different CHO media suppliers in a 14-day fed-batch mAb

Serum-free culture represents an advance over serum supplemented culture as this                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FSH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FSH produced with MAM-PF® and FMS3
facilitates purification and downstream processing of expressed products. Most                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A cell density of over 100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1000                                                                                                                                                                                                    mio. cells per liter can be
of the commercially available serum-free media contain various undefined proteins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          reached through mixing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cell Density [E8/L], Viability [%], Product [mg/L]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the CHO feed mix FMS3
and/or protein hydrolysates. A completely defined formulation is therefore a major                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to MAM-PF77®. It is
                                                                                                                   FSH produced with                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Special Media
advantage over both serum supplemented and serum-free systems. The absence of                                                                                                                                                                                               100                                                                                                                                                                                            possible to achieve a titer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Glucose/lLactate [g/L], pH
                                                                                                                   MAM-PF® and FMS3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8                                  of over 350 mg/L of the
animal derived proteins is desirable from a regulatory standpoint and also eliminates                              14-day bioreactor production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           highly glycosylated follicle-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        6                                  stimulating hormone (FSH)
concerns about consistency and availability. MAM-PF®1, MAM-PF®2, MAM-PF®7d                                         scheme of the high glycosylated                                                                                                                          10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           within 14 days in a stirring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4                                  bioreactor tank , making it
and MAM-PF®7e media are chemically defined media optimized for the growth of                                       follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a very high quality product.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2                                  As determined during the
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) or BHK cells and expression of recombinant proteins                                    using MAM-PF77® and the FMS3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           purification process, 45%
                                                                                                                   feed mix.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of the product showed
in suspension culture. MAM-PF® media contain no proteins or peptides of animal                                                                                                                                                                                                                    24        48         72        96        120                144          168       192    216    240      264     288     312     336
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           an isoform-pattern, low
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Runtime [h]
origin and no undefined hydrolysates. L-glutamine (0.6 – 8.00 mM) has to be added by                                                                                                                                                                                                        Total Cells                Living Cells              Viability                       FSH              Glucose           pH            Lactate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           aggregates, and low
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           oxidized forms. MAM-PF77®
the end user prior to use. Various customers reported best glycosylation patterns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          can be used to produce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            14-day bioreactor production scheme of the high glycosylated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) using                                                                                          quality FSH that fulfills its
of the recombinant expressed product when using MAM-PF® Media.                                                                                                                                                                                                              MAM-PF77® and the FMS3 feed mix.                                                                                                                                                               Ph.Eur. requirements.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Highlights                            of the MAM-PF® series

                                                                                           Ipilimumab                                                                      Ipilimumab produced with MAM-PF® and FSU
                                                                                           The continuous innovation                                 25                                                                                                                                      Animal Component Free 6.0                                                                                   Liquid batch capacity
                                                                                           and development of the                                                                                                                                                                            MAM-PF             media do not contain proteins or undefined hydroly-                                      Batch sizes ranging from 5-5000 litre, water for injection (WFI) is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sates.                                        5.0                 highest quality available.
                                                                                           MAM-PF® media series                                      20                                                                                                                                                                                             Ipilimumab       produced with
                                                                                           has lead to the brand new                                                                                                                                                                         Chemically defined               4.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MAM-PF Powder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and batch FSUcapacity

                                                                                                                              Living Cells 10E9/L
                                                                                           MAM-PF77® cell culture                                   15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Titer (g/L)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BioConcept holds TSE certificates for each component to ensure    Batch sizes ranging from 1 - 800 kg, our milling process results in
                                                                                           medium and CHO Feed                                                                                                                                                                               EMA/410/01 conformity.           3.0                   High yields of mAbs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               particle sizes of arounde.g.     > 5This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        20 µm (d50).    g/Lleads to a quick dissoluti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on of the powder medium.
                                                                                           Mixes FMS3 and FMU.                                      10
                                                                                           MAM-PF® media now
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Easy adaptation                  2.0                   Iplimumab can be reached in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In many cases it is possible to switch directly from your current Feed mixes
                                                                                           increase productivity of                                  5                                                                                                                                       medium to MAM-PF .             ®

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    14-day fed-batch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Various feed mixessystem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     are availableusing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for high density cell culture and
                                                                                         4 Ipilimumab (monoclonal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              high
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ® productivity.
                                                                                           antibody) by up to 5g/L.                                                                                                                                                                          High cell density combined with high product           MAMPF77
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       yield         plus the novel CHO
                                                                                           The new expression system                                      0     1    2     3      4     5       6       7          8                                                        9              10- Antibody
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11 production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12        of up to 5.5 g/L.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13      14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - EPO of up to 2.5 g/L (see graph below).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    feed mix FMU.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Best glycosylation pattern observed.
                                                                                           is also viable in fed-batch                                                                              Culture days                                                                             - Cell density up to 3.7 x 107 cells/ml.
                                                                                           and perfusion systems.                                                               Titer                                                                                            Viable cells

                                                                                                                                                          High yields of mAbs, e.g. > 5g/L Iplimumab can be reached in a 14-day fed-batch system using MAM-
                                                                                                                                                          PF77® plus the novel CHO feed mix FMU.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MAM-PF® series
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Development of MAM-PF®                                                              MAM-PF® (Mammalian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Artificial Medium - Protein
                                                                                           6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Free) media are Animal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Component Free (ACF)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and in accordance with
                                                                                                                   Development of MAM-PF®                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the strict quality guidelines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EMA/410/01. MAM-PF®
                                                                                                                   Increase of Erythropoietin (EPO)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is a production media.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             It is protein-free and
                                                                                                                   yields during the system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  protein hydrolysates free,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1000                                                                                                                                              chemically defined and for
                                                                                                                   development. Within the last 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            high cell density cultivation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of a variety of cell lines such
                                                                                                                   years the product yield could be                                                                                                                                         500                                                                                                                                              as CHO (Chinese Hamster

All graphics created by                                                                                            quadrupled up to 2.3 g/L using                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ovary) cells or BHK (Baby
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hamster Kidney) cells and
                                                                                                                   the MAM-PF77® medium and FMS3                                                                                                                                                1998            2000        2002       2004                         2006     2008          2010      2012       2014       2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the high level expression
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of recombinant proteins.
                                                                                                                   in a fed-batch.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Year                                                           BioConcept holds a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             certificate for every single
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             component used in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Increase of Erythropoietin (EPO) yields during the system development. Within the last 4 years the product yield                                         MAM-PF® media series to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    could be quadrupled up to 2.3 g/L using the MAM-PF77® medium and FMS3 in a fed-batch.                                                                    guarantee an untainted and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             exceptional final product.

46                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             47
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