Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge Regulations 2014-2015

Page created by Kent Mueller
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Cat Island
National Wildlife Refuge Regulations
The Refuge                                   Regulations. State rules regulating           General Access
Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge          hunting and fishing will be applicable        All visitors must obtain and complete a
(NWR) was established in 2000 primarily      to all game species on the refuge unless      Daily Visitor Use Reporting card upon
to conserve, restore, and manage native      otherwise listed in this brochure.            entering the refuge and display it on the
forested wetland habitats for migratory                                                    dash so that name and address are visible
birds, aquatic resources, and endangered     Permits                                       from the outside. Before leaving the
and threatened plants and animals. The       A $20.00 Annual Public Use Permit is          refuge, users must complete the reverse
10,473 acre refuge is located along the      required for all hunters and fisherman.       side of the card and deposit it in the drop
Mississippi River about 30 miles north       Permits must be signed and in your            box at the front-entrance visitor kiosk
of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The habitat       possession while hunting or fishing, and      station. All game (including feral hogs)
consists of bottomland hardwood forests      this acknowledges your understanding          and fish taken must be reported on the
and cypress/tupelo swamps, which             of refuge regulations. In addition to         Daily Visitor Use Card.
are flooded by the Mississippi River         your refuge permit, you must carry all
each year. The refuge is known for its       applicable state licenses and a picture       The refuge is open to public access during
numerous old growth cypress trees, many      ID at all times while on refuge property.     daylight hours only except during hunting
of which are over 1,000 years old.           Refuge permits authorize participation        season, when you may enter at 4 am and
                                             in all refuge hunting and fishing, except     must exit no later than two hours after
Access to the refuge may be limited          for lottery primitive firearm and gun         sunset. Fishermen may enter the refuge
during late winter/spring due to flooding    deer hunts when an additional lottery         ½ hour before sunrise and must exit
by the Mississippi River. To assist          notification is required. Call 601/442 6696   no later than ½ hour after sunset. The
visitors, the refuge boundary is marked      for more information.                         Refuge Manager may close the refuge
with white refuge boundary signs and                                                       due to inclement weather, road conditions,
yellow boundary paint. Markings are          Permits are available for purchase            excessive flooding, etc. The speed limit on
located at both eye level and up to 15       everyday between the hours of 9 am to         refuge roads is 25 mph.
feet high. It is the responsibility of the   5 pm at the West Feliciana Historical
visitor to recognize these markings and to   Society Museum and Tourist Information        Access to private property through
avoid trespassing onto private property      Center, located at 11757 Ferdinand            the refuge is only permitted through a
adjacent to the refuge.                      Street, St. Francisville, LA. If you are      Special Use Permit (SUP). SUPs are
                                             requesting a permit by mail, send a           issued only from the refuge headquarters.
General Regulations                          $20.00 money order payable to: Kinsail        Allow 30 days to process and return
Individuals utilizing the refuge are         Corporation with your full name,              SUPs. SUP applications and instructions
subject to inspections of permits,           address, and telephone number to Cat          are available at
licenses, hunting equipment, bag limits,     Island NWR, c/o Kinsail Corporation,
boats, vehicles, and their contents by       PO Box 1092, McLean VA 22101.                 Vehicles
refuge officers. To ensure your safety       Permits are also available online at www.     All motor vehicles are restricted to roads
and enjoyment while visiting Cat Island Permits          designated on the map. Refuge roads and
NWR, please take the time to become          are non-transferable and non-refundable.      trails may be closed due to flooding or
familiar with the refuge regulations.        The Refuge Manager may revoke any             adverse weather conditions. Driving on
                                             Annual Public Use Permit for refuge           flooded roads is prohibited. All travel
Hunting and fishing regulations are          violations.                                   on refuge roads is at your own risk.
designed to provide safe recreational                                                      Parking is restricted to parking areas
opportunities through wise use of            Permits are free and required for adults      and immediately adjacent to roadways
renewable wildlife resources. Hunting        age 65 and older and children ages 10-16      designated on the map. Bicycles are
and fishing is permitted in accordance       that are hunting with an adult. Children      allowed year round. Horses and mules
with Federal regulations governing public    age 15 and younger that are fishing do        are not allowed.
use on National Wildlife Refuges as set      not need a permit to fish on the refuge.
forth in Title 50 of the Code of Federal

Cat Island                                   U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
National Wildlife Refuge                     1 800/344 WILD
P.O. Box 217
Sibley, MS 39165                             June 2014
601/442 6696
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
All Terrain Vehicles                           Prohibited Activities                            n   Trapping
The use of all terrain vehicles (ATV or UTV)   n Commercial fishing and crawfishing
are only allowed for hunting and fishing on                                                     n   Riding horses or mules
designated ATV trails from September           n   Littering
                                                                                                n   Spotlighting - artificial light may not be
20 through February 28, except that            n   Operating a vehicle or ATV/UTV on a              used to locate wildlife
portions of Wood Duck Trail are open               flooded road or trail
throughout the year (for fishing access                                                         n   Possession of any type of shot other
only) as indicated on the refuge map.          n   Operating an ATV/UTV off of a                    than approved non-toxic shot
Visitors must be 16 years of age or older          designated trail
to operate an ATV/UTV on the refuge.                                                            n   Use or possession of any drug or device
ATV’s and UTV’s must not exceed 25             n   Use or possession of alcoholic                   for employing such drug for hunting
mph when driven on the refuge. All                 beverages or illegal drugs
                                                                                                n   Geocaching
ATV’s and UTV’s used on the refuge             n   Entering refuge from private property
must meet state requirements for use on                                                         n   The use of dogs to trail wounded deer
state wildlife management areas. Use of        n   Boat launching by trailer from all               or hogs
an ATV to travel off a designated trail is         refuge roads and parking lots
strictly prohibited. Annual Public Use                                                          n   Blocking gates or roadways with
Permit is required to operate ATVs on          n   Use of trail cameras                             vehicles or ATVs
the refuge.                                    n   Use of deer decoys                           n   Inserting a nail, spike or other metal
Boats		                                                                                             object into a tree, or hunting from any
                                               n   Unconfined Pets                                  tree in which such an object has been
Hunters may not enter the refuge from
public waterways. Motorized boats are          n   Camping /overnight parking                       placed
allowed on the refuge when the refuge                                                           n   Use or possession of climbing spurs or
is not closed due to flooding. Boats may       n   Campfires
not be left on the refuge overnight. All       n   Taking wildlife or plants or parts
U.S. Coast Guard and state boating                 thereof (including cutting trees or          n   Blocking roads, gates or trail with
regulations apply including, but not               brush)                                           vehicles or ATVs/UTVs
limited to, running lights, registration,
and personal floatation devices.               n   Searching for or removing any object of      Hunting Regulations
                                                   archaeological or historical significance    Hunter access
All boats must be hand launched on                 including arrowheads, pottery or             Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier
the refuge. Boat launching by trailer              other artifacts as well as any natural       than 4 am and must exit the refuge no
from all refuge roads and parking lots is          materials, such as plants, mushrooms,        later than two hours after legal sunset.
prohibited.                                        berries and antler sheds                     Hunting is only allowed in designated
                                                                                                areas during dates listed on this
Fishing, as well as waterfowl, archery,        n   Target practice                              brochure. Fishing and waterfowl, archery,
and small game hunting are closed during                                                        and small game hunting are closed during
the refuge quota deer hunts.                   n   Discharge of a firearm, except when          the refuge quota deer hunts.
                                                                                                Bag limits
                                               n   Possession or distribution of bait while     The refuge observes state harvest
                                                   in the field and hunting with the aid of     regulations unless otherwise specified
                                                   bait, including any grain, salt, minerals,   in the season restrictions portion of
                                                   or any non-natural occurring food            this brochure. State tagging applies to
                                                   attractant on the Refuge.                    game harvested on the refuge. Please
                                               n   Man-drives for game, including feral         thoroughly read this brochure to
                                                   hogs                                         determine appropriate refuge hunting
                                                                                                season dates and allowable refuge
                                               n   Hunting within 150 feet of any               harvest bag regulations.
                                                   designated road, ATV or hiking trail, or
                                                   designated public facility, such as kiosks   Shooting Hours
                                                                                                Shooting hours during all hunting
                                               n   Use or possession of any type of             seasons are one-half hour before legal
                                                   material used as flagging or trail           sunrise to one-half hour after legal sunset
                                                   markers, except bright eyes or               (excluding waterfowl hunting when
                                                   reflective tape.                             hunting must cease at noon).
                                               n   Field dressing game or hogs within 150
                                                   feet of any road, ATV trail, or parking
                                               n   Disposing of animal carcasses on the
                                               n   Possession of saws, saw blades,
                                                   hatchets, and/or machetes
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Check Stations                                Hunting Blinds or Stands                      Archery
All deer harvested on the refuge must be      Only portable deer stands may be used         Longbow, compound bow, and crossbow
checked daily at the deer check station       on the refuge. Inserting metal objects        or any bow drawn, held, or released
identified on the map of this brochure and    into trees or hunting from trees into         by mechanical means are considered
harvest information must be recorded on       which metal objects have been inserted        legal for hunting on the refuge. Archery
daily use reporting cards and deposited in    is prohibited. Climbing spurs are             equipment is only allowed on the refuge
the drop box at the visitor kiosk station.    prohibited. Blinds and tripods must be        during the refuge deer hunting season.
All deer harvest information must also        dismantled and stands must be removed         All state laws regulating archery
be recorded on jawbone tags located           from the tree after each day’s hunt.          equipment requirements apply to the
at the check stations, attached to the        Hunters may place only one stand on           refuge.
jawbone and placed in the designated          the refuge. Deer stands are allowed on
basket. Hunters must leave the hunt area      the refuge one week prior to the opening      Rifles
once they have killed a deer. Harvest         of archery season. All stands must be         Center-fire rifles are allowed during the
information gathered at these stations        removed from the refuge prior to any          quota gun deer hunt. State restrictions
is critical for management of wildlife        flood event or no later than 24 hours after   apply to all center-fire rifle equipment.
resources on the refuge.                      the last day of designated refuge hunts.      Rifles .22 caliber or smaller (includes .17,
                                              NO EXCEPTIONS. Deer stands must               .22 long rifle and .22 magnum) may be
Hunter Orange Requirements                    have each hunter’s full name, permit          used during small game hunts.
All hunters are required to wear a hunter     number, address, and phone number
orange cap and 400 square inches of                                                         Primitive Firearms
                                              clearly printed on the stand. Any stand       Primitive firearms allowed are the
hunter orange garments during the deer        left on the refuge after the 24 hours
quota hunts. Hunter orange garments                                                         same as those allowed by the state.
                                              indicated above will be confiscated and       Exception: Use or possession of buckshot
must be unbroken and worn on the              disposed of.
outermost layer of clothing at all times                                                    is prohibited. Youth are included in this
while hunting on the refuge.                  Hunters hunting from concealed                restriction.
                                              ground blinds (excluding waterfowl            Ammunition
Hunters who use backpacks or carry            hunters) must meet refuge hunter
deer stands on their backs should display                                                   Possession of lead shot, buckshot, or
                                              orange requirements (listed above).           any shotgun ammunition other than
additional hunter orange over their           Only temporary blinds are allowed for
equipment for personal safety. Hunters                                                      approved, non-toxic shot is prohibited on
                                              waterfowl hunting. Blinds and decoys          the refuge. Lead center-fire bullets and
hunting from concealed ground blinds          used for waterfowl hunting must be
must display a minimum of 400 square                                                        lead rifled slugs are permitted during the
                                              removed daily by 1 pm. The use of             quota gun deer hunt. Lead bullets may
inches of hunter orange above or around       old structures/camps for hunting is
their blind that is visible from all sides                                                  also be used during the primitive firearm
                                              prohibited.                                   hunt.
and wear hunter orange while in the
blind.                                        Hunting with Dogs                             Threatened Louisiana Black Bears
                                              Hunting with dogs for migratory birds is      Please be aware that the threatened
Youth Hunter Requirements                     permitted during migratory bird seasons.
Youths are generally defined as those                                                       Louisiana black bear listed under
                                              Dogs are only allowed to locate, point,       provisions of the Endangered Species
individuals 17 years of age or younger.       flush, and retrieve migratory game birds.
Youths under the age of 16 may hunt                                                         Act of 1973 occurs throughout the refuge.
                                              Hunting with dogs is permitted during         Numerous conservation agencies have
without hunter education certification        specific dates during the rabbit and
if they are accompanied by and under                                                        worked cooperatively in an effort to
                                              squirrel season listed in this brochure. Up   restore this majestic species. Because
direct supervision of a person born           to 2 dogs per hunting party are permitted
before September 1, 1969 that has a valid                                                   feral hogs and black bears can be difficult
                                              for small game hunting. All dogs must be      to distinguish in heavy cover, it is critical
hunting license; or they are accompanied      collared and labeled with owner’s name
by and under the direct supervision of                                                      that all hunters positively identify their
                                              and phone number. Hunting any wildlife        target before they attempt to harvest
a person who is 18 years of age or older      other than migratory birds, squirrel, and
and has proof of successful completion of                                                   a feral hog. It is unlawful for anyone to
                                              rabbit with dogs is prohibited. Use of        take, harass, disturb, etc., any Louisiana
a hunter education course approved by         dogs to trail wounded deer is not allowed.
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and                                                        black bear. Criminal penalty: up to
Fisheries. Direct supervision means that      Weapons and Ammunition                        $50,000 fine and one year imprisonment.
the person being supervised is within a       Persons possessing, transporting, or          Big Game Regulations
normal audible voice contact and in direct    carrying firearms on National Wildlife        Archery Season
line of sight of the supervising person at    Refuges must comply with all provisions       Archery hunting for deer is allowed on
all times while hunting. The supervising      of state and local law. Persons may only      the refuge during the specified season in
adult is responsible for ensuring that        use (discharge) firearms in accordance        this brochure. One deer harvested per
youth hunters do not engage in conduct        with refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42         day is allowed.
that would constitute a violation of refuge   and specific regulations in 50 CFR Part
regulations. For big game hunting, each       32).
youth must be supervised by an adult.
For small game hunting, no more than
two youths may be supervised by an
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Quota Deer Hunts                               Small Game Regulations                         Appropriate State licenses and State
Applicants will be selected by random          Waterfowl                                      recreational gear licenses are required.
drawing for the quota hunts. Successful        Waterfowl hunting is open refuge wide on       Use of gear or equipment other than hook
applicants will be notified by mail.           Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday        and line or cast nets to catch bait fish is
Successful applicants will need a Quota        until noon during the state season. Blinds     prohibited.
Hunt Permit as well as an Annual               and decoys used for waterfowl hunting
Public Use Permit in their possession          must be removed daily by 1 pm. Hunting         Recreational crawfishing is permitted on
to participate in the quota hunts. Only        with dogs for waterfowl is allowed during      the refuge with either traps or nets from
hunters chosen for the quota hunt are          the state waterfowl season. No early teal      March 15 - July 31, 2015. The harvest
allowed on the refuge during quota hunts.      season.                                        limit is 50 pounds per person per day. All
                                                                                              traps and nets must be attended at all
Primitive Firearm Deer Quota Hunt              Woodcock                                       times and may not be left on the refuge
Only legal muzzleloading rifles may be         Hunters may use approved non-toxic shot        overnight.
used during the primitive firearm deer         and adhere to state season and harvest
quota hunt. Hunter orange requirements         limits. Hunting with dogs for woodcock is      Parking is only permitted in designated
apply to all hunters. One deer harvested       allowed.                                       parking areas and immediately adjacent
per day is allowed.                                                                           to roadways designated on map.
                                               Rabbit and Squirrel
Gun Deer Quota Hunt                            The use of dogs for rabbit and squirrel        The minimum mesh size for crawfish
Hunter orange requirements apply to all        hunting is only allowed during a specific      traps must be a hexagon of three-
hunters. One deer harvested per day is         portion of the season. Hunters must            quarters by eleven-sixteenths of one
allowed.                                       verify season dates in this brochure           inch (measured from wire to wire, not
                                               regarding the use dogs on the refuge.          including coating). A State recreational
How to Apply for a Quota Hunt:                                                                gear license and a refuge Annual Public
Applications for lottery issued permits        Incidental Species                             Use Permit is required in addition to
will be accepted from July 1 until             Beaver, nutria, coyote, raccoon, and           other State licensing requirements to
September 30, 2014.                            feral hogs may be taken with a legal           harvest crawfish with traps on the refuge.
Apply online at www.                           firearm or archery equipment during            Traps (including all traps in possession                    any open hunting season. Hunters must          of the angler) must be marked with a
or                                             have a valid refuge permit and any state       waterproof tag with the name and State
Mail the following information on a            required licenses to harvest incidental        recreational gear license number of the
standard                                       species. State bag limits apply to harvest     fisherman legibly printed on the tag. Only
8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper for each          of coyotes, beaver, raccoon, or feral hogs.    20 traps per angler are permitted on the
hunt to:                                       Harvest of bobcats is not allowed.             refuge at the same time.
Cat Island Quota Hunt
c/o Kinsail Corporation                        Sport Fishing Regulations                      Crawfish nets are permitted on the
PO Box 1092                                    Fishermen may enter the refuge ½ hour          refuge.
McLean VA 22101                                before sunrise and must exit the refuge
                                               no later than ½ hour after sunset.             Bowfishing is allowed during daylight
n   Hunt type (Gun or Primitive Firearm)                                                      hours only.
                                               Fishermen must have a valid Refuge
n   Your complete name                         Annual Public Use Permit and any               For information on Mississippi River
                                               applicable state licenses, including           stages go to:
n   Your complete mailing address              state recreational gear licenses, in their
n   Telephone number                           possession.                                    bullet.txt

n   $5 application fee (per person, per hunt   Use of gear or equipment other than hook
    application, money order only; payable     and line or cast nest to catch bait fish is
    to Kinsail Corporation)                    prohibited.

n   Signature                                  Fishing is permitted on the refuge
                                               throughout the year from legal sunrise
n   You may only apply once per hunt           to legal sunset only, except that fishing is
                                               closed during quota primitive firearm and
n   To be considered a group, (up to           rifle deer hunts.
    5 individuals) must submit their
    information separate sheets of paper       Fish species allowed for harvest under
    and stapled together                       state regulations may be included in the
                                               daily state creel limit. State fish bag and
                                               size limits apply. Possession of cleaned or
                                               processed fish on the refuge is prohibited.
                                               No harvest of frogs or turtles is
                                               permitted on the refuge.
                                               No slat traps, hoop nets, trotlines or yo-
                                               yos are permitted on the refuge.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

                                     2014-2015 Hunting Seasons
Type               Season                Specific Regulations
Squirrel           State Season          Closed during primitive firearms and gun deer quota hunts.
                                         Dogs permitted January 5, 2015 to end of State squirrel season.
                                         No Spring season.
Rabbit             State Season          Closed during primitive firearms and gun deer quota hunts.
                                         Dogs permitted January 5, 2015 to end of State rabbit season.
Deer-Archery       State Season          One, either-sex deer per day.
                                         Closed during primitive firearms and gun deer quota hunts.
                                         Closed during youth deer hunt.
                                         State bag limit applies.
                                         All deer taken must be checked at the deer check station.
Deer-Youth only    October 25-26, 2014   State regulations apply for weapons.
                                         All other hunts are closed during these days.
                                         Buckshot prohibited.
                                         Refuge regulations apply.
                                         All deer taken must be checked at the deer check station.
Deer-Primitive     November 14-16,       Special Quota Permit Required
Firearms           2014
                                         One, either-sex deer per day, hunter orange hat and vest required.
Deer-Gun           December 12-14,       Special Quota Permit Required
                                         One, either-sex deer per day, hunter orange hat and vest required.
Waterfowl          Tuesday, Thursday,    Closed during primitive firearms and gun deer quota hunts.
                   Saturday and
                   Sunday until          Boats, blinds and decoys must be removed by 1 pm daily.
                   noon during State     Non-toxic shot only.
                   waterfowl season
                                         Possession of lead shot is prohibited.
Waterfowl –        State Zone Date       Closed during primitive firearms and gun deer quota hunts.
Youth Only
                                         Boats, blinds and decoys must be removed by 1 pm daily.
                                         Non-toxic shot only.
                                         Possession of lead shot is prohibited
Woodcock           State Season          Closed during primitive firearms and gun deer quota hunts.
                                         Non-toxic shot required.
                                         Possession of lead shot prohibited.

Completion of Daily Use Reporting Cards required for all refuge activities, including quota hunts.
                                                                                        Cat Island
                                                                                        National WildlifeRefuge                                       Refuge Property
                                                                                                                                                      ATV Trail
                                                                                                                                                      Open Sep. 20 - Feb. 28

                                                                                                                                                      ATV Trail


                                                                                                                                                      Open year-round


                                                             Main Cana
                                                                                                                                                      Environmental Education
                                                                                                                                                      Zones - No Hunting

           er  iv
                                Cat Island Road                                                                                                       Refuge Entrance

      i p pi R
 sis s
                                                                                                                                                  D   Check Station

                                                                             Blackfork Lake                                                           Locked gate

                                                           Blue Goose                                                                                 Hiking Trails
                                                           ATV Trail

                                                                National                                                   Blackfork Bayou
                                                              Cypress Tree
                                                                          Lake Platte

                                                                                              Lateral Canal
                                Wood Duck
                                ATV Trail
                                Wood Duck
                                ATV Trail

                                        Hardwick's Ditch

                    ATV Trail
                                                                                                              Main Canal
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