Business life Council provides $2M boost to local recovery - Webflow

Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
Issue 66       August 2020

                                    business life
Council provides $2M boost to local recovery
                                                                         for the Business Support
                                                                         Package, key aspects of the grant
                                                                         will include:
                                                                         • A program offering business
                                                                           seminars/workshops on legal
                                                                           advice, tax breaks and wage
                                                                         • Dedicated targeted business
                                                                           mentoring and coaching
                                                                           with leading independent
                                                                           businesses advisors.
                                                                         • Offering Knox businesses
                                                                           professional development
                                                                           to digitally upskill and
                                                                           enhance their capacity to
                                                                           access eCommerce growth
                                                                         • A grant to assist manufacturers
                                                                           to access funding that will
                                                                           help them explore business
Knox City Council will provide      economic hardship, some for the        growth opportunities in health,
a support package of $2 million     first time,” said Cr Seymour.          medical devices and essential
that will be invested in services                                          equipment/service.
                                    “Similarly, many of our local
and programs to spearhead
                                    businesses have lost customers,      • Offering business support
local community and economic
recovery and boost support          revenue and employees as a             specific for the local creative
for those most impacted by          result of having to substantially      and cultural sector and
COVID-19.                           change their operations or close       investing in a project that will
                                    altogether.”                           activate public places and
Mayor, Cr Nicole Seymour said                                              retail centres.
the new package will accelerate     The Stage 2 Community and
recovery of the local economy and   Business Support Package for
                                    business will be making $465,000     To register your interest in the
facilitate community confidence                                          business support package you
and resilience.                     in business support programs
                                                                         must be a Knox-based business
                                    including grants, training and
“As the pandemic situation                                               with a current ABN. To keep
                                    development, and mentoring
has evolved, we have seen the                                            up to date on this offer, please
                                    programs available to businesses.
emergence of a ‘new vulnerable’                                          subscribe to our eNewsletter here:
in our community; individuals       While essential dates and  
and families facing social and      guidelines are yet to be finalised   subscribe.asp
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
business life

    IN THIS ISSUE                                  Business engagement
    Council’s $2M Boost to Local                   Business and partner                From July 2019 to March
    Recovery                                       engagement at Knox is               2020, approximately 110
                                                   stronger than ever.                 Knox businesses have been
    Business Engagement
                                                                                       ‘visited’, while more than 95
                                                   While face-to-face meetings
    Knox is now a Small Business                                                       hours of liaison with economic
    Friendly Council                               are on hold for Knox’s
                                                                                       development partners has
                                                   Economic Development team,
    New Safe Work Website                                                              been carried out.
                                                   it certainly hasn’t slowed down
    COVID-19 Council Support &                     the connections with local          To arrange a business liaison
    Biodome case study                             businesses and partners. In         meeting from Knox’s Economic
    New Touch Pivots with PPE                      fact, COVID-19 has ramped up        Development team please email
                                                   engagement with businesses.
    Massons Healthcare Pivots to
    Signex Creates New COVID
                                                  We’re a Small Business
    Wholesale Bakery Pivots into
    Retail                                        Friendly Council
    Tilley Soaps Recognises
    Hospital Workers
    Retail Pivots for Hexagon Valley
    Waterman Changes see
    Continued SME Support
    Restaurant Suppliers Pivot to
    Home Delivery
    New Maintenance Firm Adds
    Fogging Service
    Business (Community) Clean-up
    Local Foodie Guide
    Who is AMTIL?
    Awards and Milestones
    Welcome to Knox:                              Clockwise from top left: Judy O’Connell, Victorian Small Business
                                                  Commissioner; CEO, Tony Doyle; Mayor, Nicole Seymour; and Jackson
    • Pie Champion Opens in                       Taylor MP in discussion around signing the charter.
    • New Owners of Jennifer                      Knox City Council is pleased to      need to run their businesses.
      Anne’s Cakes                                announce it has signed a charter     The Small Business Friendly
                                                  to create a fair and competitive     Charter outlines shared
    New Concierge Service at                      trading environment for Victorian    goals for both the VSBC and
    Council                                                                            participating local councils to
                                                  small businesses.
    ASPIRE Update                                                                      help small business operate,
                                                  The Small Business Friendly          grow and prosper.
    BBP Connect and BBP Jobs                      Council (SBFC) initiative has
    launched                                                                           In signing the Charter, local
                                                  been developed by the Victorian      councils are pledging to:
    Free Energy Saving Advice                     Small Business Commission
                                                  (VSBC) in partnership with           • Pay small businesses within
    Benefits of Foil Packs                                                               30 days.
                                                  local councils to provide small
    Visit Council’s Events Page                   business with the support they       • Support local businesses in
                                                                                         managing the impacts of
    Save The Date:
                                                                                         infrastructure projects.
    Careers and Skills Forum
                                                                                       • Streamline the approval process
    Book Women on the Go Now!                                                            when starting a business.
    New $18.5M Aged Care Wing                                                          • Help set up and support local
                                                                                         business networks.
    Shopping Centre Upgrades

2     knox business life | issue 66 August 2020
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
New Safe                        COVID-19 Council support
Work                            Coronavirus is understandably            welcome to make contact

                                causing concern in our                   if they are experiencing
                                community. Knox Council                  difficulties making payments
                                recognises the impacts could             on rates, fees, etc.
The Federal Government          be significant for businesses
                                                                       • Visit the Knoxbiz website for
has rebuilt the Safe Work       and wants to reassure you that
                                                                         information about business
Australia website into a        our Economic Development
                                                                         support services.
resource detailing how          team is here to support you
businesses in different         through this challenging               • Webinar workshops for small
industries should set up        period.                                  business are available.
their workplace in the post-                                           Council welcomes any queries
coronavirus economy.
                                How can Council help?
                                                                       you may have. Please email
                                • Council has reviewed its
Featuring 1300 web pages                                     
                                  policies regarding financial
tailored to 23 different          hardship. Businesses are   
industries, the website has
been designed as the largest
repository of information
relating to workplaces amid    Case Study                              with Council to ease up some
                                                                       of our supply chain issues,” said
the coronavirus crisis.        Council has been working closely        Brad.
                               with businesses to provide
                                                                       To help build up Biodome’s
                               personalised support to adapt
                               to changes in the market and            business contacts, Council
                               build resilience. One company           introduced new suppliers and
                               that has been helped is Biodome         healthcare providers. “I didn’t
                               Functional Foods, which                 realise we could go to Council
                               transitioned to a new market by         and ask for assistance,” he said.
                               manufacturing hand sanitiser.           “They helped expand our reach
                                                                       and also ease the pathway for
                               Managing Director of the family         raw materials supplies. Next
                               operated business, Brad Clark,          time I’ve got an issue, I’ll get
                               said the business really tapered        straight on to Council first.”
                               off and took a dive when
                               coronavirus emerged.                    If your business needs support
National COVID-19 Safe                                                 or advice, contact Council’s
                               “In pivoting to make hand
                                                                       Economic Development team at
Workplace Principles           sanitiser, we found it was hard
On 24 April 2020, the          to source raw materials and
National Cabinet agreed to     packaging. We worked closely  
the National COVID-19 Safe
Workplace Principles.
In recognition that the
COVID-19 pandemic is a
public health emergency,
all actions in respect of
COVID-19 should be founded
in expert health advice
and the principles operate
subject to the measures
agreed and implemented by
Governments through the
National Cabinet process.
Find out more and
access resources at
                               Brad Clark greatly appreciated Council’s help in sourcing raw materials and
                               packaging suppliers to help it manufacture hand sanitiser.

                                                                  issue 66 August 2020 | knox business life   3
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
business life

    New Touch                                     Massons Healthcare switches
    pivots with                                   to online
    New Touch Industries has
    experienced a change in
    product demand during
    COVID-19 with an increase in
    manufacturing PPE related
    items such as sneeze guards,
    and hand sanitiser stands and
    As a leading supplier of laser
    cutting, bending and fabrication
    services, New Touch proudly uses
    100 per cent local suppliers. It
    has found that with the sudden
    restrictions in overseas markets,
    some companies have gone back
    to Australian suppliers. This has
    resulted in New Touch welcoming
    back some customers whose                     The Massons team at the AOPA 2019 orthotics and prosthetics industry
    overseas supply has become                    conference in Melbourne.
    challenging or uncertain.                            Anton and Kris Karak have             manufacturing technology
                                                  more than 25 years of business        including a 7-axis robotic carver

                                                  experience in providing clinical      and 3-axis milling machines.
                                                  and wholesale orthotic and
                                                                                        During the COVID-19 pandemic

                                                  prosthetic products and services.
                                                                                        when patient appointments at
                                                  Massons Healthcare was                the on-site clinic waned, the

    move                                          established in 2003 in
                                                  Melbourne when Anton and
                                                                                        business continued to provide
                                                                                        custom fabrication services
                                                  Kris acquired George W Masson         for its clinical partners across
    The Australian PMI                            & Sons Pty Ltd. It moved to           Australia, New Zealand and
    (Performance and                              Knoxfield in 2015.                    Singapore.
    Manufacturing Index) moved
    back into the black in June,                  The family-owned business             Because more clinical
    increasing by 9.9 points to                   has expanded its premises             customers and partners were
    51.5 (readings above 50 points                and grown staff numbers over          working from home during the
    indicate expansion in activity,               the years, while also providing       COVID-19 restriction period,
    with higher results indicating                services internationally to Asia.     Massons decided to increase
    a faster rate of expansion),                                                        delivery of its online education
                                                  Involvement in the community
    according to the AiGroup.                                                           programs.
                                                  is important to the owners
    Three of the seven activity                   who, prior to the COVID-19            The business recently
    indices in the Australian PMI                 pandemic, partnered with a            implemented a new online
    showed expansion: production                  local amputee peer support            education portal with clinical
    (up 9.9 points to 52.3), sales                organisation called Limb4Life to      and technical education
    (up 19.0 points to 56.1) and new              deliver a live student education      resources including webinar
    orders (up 20.6 points to 55.7).              event at its premises. This event     recordings. Some of these
    The manufacturing exports                     helped educate students about         recordings include education
    index improved but remains in                 amputation and amputees.              sessions delivered via Facebook
    contraction (up 16.1 points to                                                      Live and other common webinar
                                                  Massons Healthcare has
    47.2).                                                                              platforms.
                                                  proven to be adaptable,                               recently investing in advanced

4     knox business life | issue 66 August 2020
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
Signex creates new COVID range
Bayswater signage                  “Our products are
manufacturer, Signex Group,        ideal for schools,
lost 70 per cent of its business   shops, stores,
when event organisers drew a       gyms and office
red line through their events      buildings, and we
earlier this year.                 can print it with
                                   a brand or logo
The Melbourne International        or it can just have
Flower and Garden Show, the        generic signage,”
Grand Prix and major golf          Doug said.
tournaments were just some
                                   “We’ve developed
of Signex’s annual events that
                                   a full range of
they supplied.
                                   products and
After thinking about               have gone from
requirements around social         a business that
distancing, Signex started         virtually stopped
manufacturing tough, long-life     overnight and we
floor decals that are R10+ slip    looked at putting
rated and suitable for carpet,     off all our staff
                                   and closing down
cement and timber floors. Floor
                                   until the event
tapes and window decals were                               Tina Coward, part owner of Signex, and Abdo
                                   season started, to
then added to their range.                                 Khater, who is part of the graphic design team,
                                   one where we are
                                                           with the large format roll-to-roll printer and a
Doug Pieper, Owner Principal       supplying much          selection of their decals, sneeze screens and hand
of Signex, said the range then     needed products         sanitiser stand.
expanded into low end and          for a completely
high end sneeze screens and        new market.
                                                                           we’ve gone from zero days to
more recently has added a          “Importantly, it’s allowed our          three to four days a week.”
lightweight, stackable hand        staff to keep their jobs. While
sanitiser stand.                   they are still on JobKeeper,  

Wholesale bakery adds retail to its mix
                                   Grant’s Crust Sourdough Bakery          Grant bakes a specialty bread.
                                   makes artisan breads for the            Recent varieties include
                                   hospitality sector and also used        chocolate and cherry; honey,
                                   to make pastries and muffins            chilli and basil; sun-dried
                                   before trade dried up.                  tomato, reggiano-parmisan
                                   But a few weeks after lockdown,         cheese and basil; and freshly
                                   Grant and his wife Mayura               diced potato, rosemary and
                                   Siritaisong had gained approval         caramelised onion.
                                   and certification from Council
                                                                           “On Friday, Saturday and
                                   to open up the front of their
                                                                           Sunday we set up trestles under
                                   Bayswater factory and make it
                                                                           a marquee and sell free range
                                   into a retail shop.
                                                                           eggs, pre-packed boxes of fresh
                                   With very little sleep, Grant           fruit and vegetables as well as
                                   physically built a counter, floor       milk and our bread.
                                   and shelves and converted the
                                   front office into a shop where          “It is set up in the car park next
                                   many people have since visited          to the shop. People can buy
Grant McMaster went into
                                   and bought a variety of artisan         what they need and be on their
survival mode when COVID-19
                                   breads.                                 merry way.”
struck after losing 80 per cent
of his business overnight and 50   With regular loaves appearing 
per cent of his staff.             during the week, each weekend           grantscrustbakery

                                                                       issue 66 August 2020 | knox business life   5
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
business life

    Tilley Soaps recognises frontline workers
    During the COVID-19 crisis,
    Tilley Soaps in Bayswater has
    been busy putting together gift
    bags, filled with Tilley products
    including its famous rough cut
    soaps, and donating them to
    the amazing staff at the Angliss
    Hospital in Upper Ferntree Gully.
    “This is a small act that we
    were able to do to show our
    appreciation,” said Heidi
    Jungling from Tilley, “for the
    unconditional service and care
    they provide to the community.”
    “Their role at the front line in
    the fight against COVID-19 is
                                                  Angliss Hospital staff are very happy with their gift bag from Tilley Soaps.
    the epitome of selflessness and
    commitment. It was so rewarding
    to see the staff absolutely thrilled          organisation, which delivers             approximately 3.5 million
    with their gifts.”                            food and supplies to Australians         personal hygiene products
                                                  in need in the most efficient and        (including soaps, hand and
    As well as the 600 gift bags,                 effective ways.                          body washes, sanitiser gel and
    Tilley Soaps has donated 10,000                                                        sprays), for Tilley branded and
    individually wrapped rough cut                Fast Fact:                               contract customers.
    soaps to Foodbank Victoria,                   Since 1 March 2020, the Tilley
    Australia’s largest food relief               factory has manufactured

    Hexagon Valley enhances video offering
    When retail stores starting                   no-one wanted touch screens              a basic How-To video for the
    closing their doors and                       for conferences.                         Bayswater Business Precinct
    exhibitions were cancelled,                                                            website (
                                                  “Because of this, we decided to
    Hexagon Valley’s business took                                                         and regularly provides How-To
                                                  direct our efforts into another
    a downward turn.                                                                       videos for videoconferencing
                                                  area of the business, video
    They weren’t supplying and                    conferencing,” said General              clients to help them use the
    installing digital signage and                Manager Matt Ottewill.                   technology correctly, which
                                                                                           supports on-site instruction.
                                                              “With so many
                                                              companies doing              “We want to get our clients up
                                                              business remotely,           and running quickly so they can
                                                              we refocused on              make their own videos to post
                                                              supplying and                on social media.”
                                                              supporting other             A new technology Hexagon
                                                              businesses to run            is working on to help with the
                                                              online videos. One           current situation is providing
                                                              example was Knox             an automated temperature
                                                              company, Sweet               scanning solution for retailers to
                                                              Pepper Marketing,            use as a safety precaution.
                                                              providing them with
                                                              video conferencing           “In terms of cost and safety, it
                                                              equipment allowing           is better to replace employees
                                                              them to record as            with an automated process. This
    Matt Ottewill has helped Hexagon to pivot; it             well,” said Matt.            is particularly cost effective in
    now makes videos and educates companies on                                             high foot traffic areas.”
    videoconferencing.                                        Hexagon Valley
                                                              has also produced  

6     knox business life | issue 66 August 2020
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
changes see
SME support
Waterman Business Centre in
Caribbean Park has made many
changes to assist its tenants
and members to reach safe
harbour on the other side of the
The small businesses it
supports have been able to take
advantage of new services and
initiatives including:
• Virtual services such as phone   • Gatherings have also moved           members and staff — and is
  answering, mail scanning and       online by facilitating casual        proud that the recent period has
  conference call bridges while      “hangouts” to catch up               been navigated without a single
  members are away from the          through Zoom and ensure              staff member needing to leave.
                                     everyone stays connected
                                                                          The business centre is excited
• A rent deferment scheme            with each other, feels
                                                                          for the future and confident
  to ensure that any business        supported and are able to
  suffering financial hardship                                            in the power of small business
                                     navigate the current climate
  has access to assistance.                                               to impact the nation through
                                     of business together.
                                                                          flexible workspaces while it
• Popular physical events                                                 supports the continuity and
  have been moved online to        While it hasn’t been easy,
                                                                          resilience of its businesses.
  create weekly webinars and       Waterman’s is committed
  workshops.                       to investing in people — its 

Restaurant suppliers pivot to home delivery
When restaurants closed their      now includes fresh bread, dairy,
doors to sit-down patrons          juice, tea and coffee, frozen
earlier this year, Red Coral       foods, party snacks, oil and
Seafood’s customer base            pasta along with high-end cuts
virtually disappeared.             of meat and even chef-prepared
                                   meals such as MoVida’s
Co-owner of the Bayswater-
                                   Vermouth and Tapas Box.
based business, James
Marinopoulos, said they                 “Such has been its success
wanted to help all the                  that our regular drivers
suppliers they knew                     and all our staff have been
who no longer had                       able to keep their jobs.
restaurants to sell to.                 Plus, other suppliers have
                                        been able to keep their
“So we set up an online home
                                   employees in a job,” said James.
delivery business called The
Melbourne Food Squad starting      “We deliver to all over                enough who supported small
with basic fish, meat and          Melbourne with the key benefit         Victorian businesses during
vegetable boxes. But we quickly    for customers being they               the coronavirus lockdown and
expanded as more wholesalers       are receiving restaurant, not          continued to place orders even
contacted us.”                     supermarket, quality food.             when the restaurants opened.”
The new home-delivery business     “We can’t thank our customers

                                                                      issue 66 August 2020 | knox business life   7
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
business life

    New maintenance firm                                                              Business
    adds fogging service                                                              (community)
                                                                                      Clean Up
                                                                                      As businesses no longer have to
                                                                                      follow a set national ‘day’ to do
                                                                                      a clean up, Knox businesses are
                                                                                      provided with greater flexibility
                                                                                      in when and where they want to
                                                                                      do their clean up.
                                                                                      Nintendo Australia (Stud Road,
                                                                                      Scoresby) has been taking part in
                                                                                      Business Clean Up Day since 2014.
                                                                                      This year, 10 staff from all levels
                                                                                      of the business took part in
                                                                                      the clean-up and a fabulous
                                                                                      morning was had by all.
                                                                                      The team concentrated along
                                                                                      Taylors Lane (between Kelletts
                                                                                      Road and Valleyview Drive) and
                                                                                      then along the south side of
                                                                                      Corhanwarrabul Creek.
    Combined Building Maintenance added fogging as a new service as a                 “In previous years we’ve cleaned
    result of the coronavirus.                                                        up sections of the bike path that
                                                                                      runs alongside Corhanwarrabul
                                                                                      Creek,” said Dean Goodwin
    Ten years after starting                      rooms to disinfect surfaces from
                                                                                      from Nintendo. “We enjoy
    Perpetual Gas and Plumbing,                   antimicrobials such as corona,
                                                                                      cleaning up along this area as
    Managing Director Stephen                     influenza and gastroenteritis.
                                                                                      the Creek is home to platypus,
    Milne has added a new business
                                                  “Fogging, or the application        so it’s extremely important that
    to his portfolio.
                                                  of a fine aerosol spray with        we keep the creek as clear of
    Growing from a couple of                      appropriate chemicals, is           rubbish as possible.
    plumbers to, at times, up                     not new but is an extremely
                                                                                      “Nintendo sees our clean up as a
    to a dozen plumbers plus                      effective way to disinfect all
                                                                                      great way to make a difference
    contractors and four front and                the surfaces in a room. Unlike
                                                                                      in the local community and our
    back office staff, more demand                alcohol and bleach that have
                                                                                      staff members look forward to
    was coming from Perpetual’s                   been used in the past and
                                                                                      participating in this event each
    ability to manage emergency                   evaporate, the chemical we
    and restoration projects.                     use protects surfaces for up
                                                  to a week after treatment,
    “So we formed Combined
                                                  killing microbials that land on
    Building Maintenance in
                                                  a treated surface, even soft
    March this year,” said Stephen.
    “It made sense to set up a
    separate company to focus                     “Interest for fogging has come
    on this type of work including                from sporting clubs, cafés, child
    insurance remediation work,                   care centres and kindergartens.
    which requires multiple skill sets            Past the need for COVID-19
    including mould remediation,                  protection, organisations
    electrical, plastering and                    are thinking about using the
    painting.”                                    treatment to protect from
                                                  influenza and gastroenteritis,”     Some of the team from Nintendo
    What wasn’t expected was                                                          during their Business Clean Up.
                                                  Stephen added.
    a coronavirus pandemic. But
    the company quickly added                     combinedbuildingmaintenance.
    a new service: fogging inside                           

8     knox business life | issue 66 August 2020
Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
New local online food and                                                 Who is AMTIL?
beverage guide a success                                                  AMTIL, the Australian
                                                                          Manufacturing Technology
                                                                          Institute Limited, is the peak
                                                                          national body that represents
                                                                          the interests of manufacturing
                                                                          technology suppliers and users
                                                                          within the precision engineering
                                                                          and advanced manufacturing
                                                                          Since its establishment in 1999,
                                                                          Wantirna-based AMTIL has
One of the most popular pages       on the place markers to see           grown to reflect the needs of
on the Knoxbiz website is...        the business details including        its membership. The number of
the Knox First Local Food and       opening hours and phone               services on offer is continually
Beverage Guide.                     number. The business website          expanding and AMTIL is always
                                    will specify if they offer home       looking
To show the Knox community
                                    delivery.                             for new
which food businesses are
operating in the municipality,      Small businesses are relying          initiatives
Knox City Council has created       on the community’s support to         to
an interactive map with more        help keep them going through          support
than 100 listings.                  these unprecedented times so          the
                                    please give them your support.        industry.
From Hahndorf’s Fine
Chocolates in Upper Ferntree                                              AMTIL
                                                                          has its
Gully to Stud Park Fish and           Free Promotion                      finger
Chips in Rowville, and everything
                                      More businesses are                 on the
in between, local food and
                                      regularly being added to            pulse and
beverage retailers can be found
                                      the interactive map.                is well
on one easy-to-navigate page in
                                      If you would like to have           placed
your mobile device or browser.
                                      your business added,                to educate and support
Many small businesses are             or if you would like                businesses and individuals in
owned and operated by families        to recommend other                  the manufacturing industry.
and employ local people. By           businesses to be added,
buying locally, people who                                                Whether you are a
                                      please send an email to
live and work in Knox are also                                            manufacturer, importer or
supporting local jobs and the                                             distributor, or a general
                                      and include your business
local economy.                                                            manufacturing technology
                                      name and website
                                                                          company, AMTIL has various
It’s easy to explore what’s open                                          offerings with which to help you
in the interactive map and click                        and your business.
                                                                          The website has a searchable
                                                                          directory that can connect you
                                                                          to businesses that may be able
                                                                          to help your operation.
                                                                          Also, check out AMTIL’s News
                                                                          page for information such as:
                                                                          “Even in challenging times,
                                                                          choosing the right investment
                                                                          strategies can enable you
                                                                          to contend with low-cost
                                                                          competitors to achieve
                                                                          sustainable growth,” Rob
                                                                          Sutton, 9 July 2020.

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Business life Council provides M boost to local recovery - Webflow
business life

     Awards and Milestones
     2019 GOVEA
     Award winner
     Samantha Cheetham, Chief
     Executive Officer of SDI Limited,
     has won the Victorian Women in
     International Business Award as
     part of the Governor of Victoria
     Export Awards (GOVEA).
     Established in 1972, Bayswater-
     based SDI is a leading
     manufacturer of specialist dental
     materials including the Pola
     whitening system, marketed in                 Samantha Cheetham (fifth from left) with some of the US team at a Pola
     over 100 countries globally.                  party in Chicago in February.

     Samantha’s SDI journey                        key export countries. In 2014,        of dentistry with a mission
     commenced in 1992 as a sales                  Samantha became President of          of innovating dentistry for
     representative. Two years later               the North American business           better health. It currently has
     she moved to the USA soon                     and Managing Director of SDI          approximately 300 employees
     becoming Vice President, Sales                Germany. In 2016, Samantha            in Australia and overseas.
     and Marketing, managing 15                    became CEO and Managing
                                                                                         Samantha and her team
     salespeople and distributors                  Director of SDI Limited, which
                                                                                         aspire for SDI to be one of the
     throughout North America.                     also marked her 10-year
                                                                                         largest dental companies in
     Other roles saw Samantha                      anniversary as a Board Member.
                                                                                         the world.
     establish a strong market                     The company’s vision is to
     position for SDI in all their                 pioneer and drive the science

     35 years for Dorset                           years of success,” said Mark,
     Business Solutions                            Manager of the business. “We
                                                   are surrounded by a strong
     September 2020 marks 35 years                 team of eight employees
     of operation for Dorset Business              whose dedication has made the
     Solutions, which has occupied                 business what it is today.
     three different addresses in
     Dorset Road over this time.                   “A couple of years ago the
                                                   main focus of the business
     Starting out as Dorset                        was stationery, but we have
     Stationers and owned by Gus                   broadened our offering to stay
     and Greta De Hoogd, it remains                relevant in the market. The
     a family-owned business today,                business changed its name to
     following its purchase in July                Dorset Business Solutions to           Monique and Mark Smith inside
     2020 by Gus and Greta’s                                                              Dorset Business Solutions, which
                                                   show that is more than just
     daughter, Monique, and her                                                           they now own.
                                                   pens, pencils, inks and toners.
     husband Mark Smith who have                                                         Mark and Monique thank all
     both worked in the business for               “We now supply furniture,
                                                   tearoom, janitorial and education     their customers for their support
     more than three decades.
                                                   supplies as well as filling           and assure them that customer
     In 1993 the business became                   requests for all sorts of unusual     service will continue to be a
     a founding member of Office                   items. This has opened up new         focus while they are at the helm.
     Choice, a nationwide buying                   markets and opportunities and
     group made up of similar family               will be a strong focus of the         They can provide solutions
     owned and operated businesses                 business in future.                   for getting back to work or
     around the country.                                                                 continuing to work from home
                                                   “We are proud to the one of the       with new products and free
     “We are both very excited                     last independent office supply
                                                                                         local delivery.
     to have this opportunity and                  companies still operating in the
     look forward to many more                     local area.”                

10     knox business life | issue 66 August 2020
Welcome to Knox...
Pie champion opens in Boronia
Country Cob Bakery and café          Since then, this feat has
has opened its second Victorian      consistently been achieved with
outlet on the corner of Mountain     the bakery receiving multiple
Highway and Dorset Road.             “Australia’s Best Pie” awards
                                     every year since 2017 for
Business owner, Chan Khun,
                                     various types of savoury pies.
purchased the original Country
Cob Bakery in Kyneton four           Chan started out as an assistant
years ago when he followed           baker in Melbourne in 2006
his passion to become a pie          and it took him eight years to
champion.                            become pie champion.                    Chan Khun with some of the
                                                                             trophies for best pie awards.

                                                                            “The bakery offers a wide range
                                                                            of pastry products and our pies
                                                                            and vanilla slice are irresistible.
                                                                            We employ two full time and
                                                                            three casual staff.”
                                                                            “I always dream big, which
                                                                            helped make me a pie
                                                                            champion. Now I’m dreaming to
                                                                            have a few more bakery outlets
                                                                            to serve more customers,” Chan

                                     New owners of Jennifer
                                     Anne’s Cakes
                                     Jodie Maudsley and Jennifer            extensive retail experience
                                     Kay are first-time business            gave us added confidence that
                                     owners who provide a special           we could make a go of it. How
                                     service to help celebrate              could we not when Jen’s name
                                     birthdays, engagements,                is part of the business name!”
                                     weddings and anniversaries.            said Jodie.
                                     In September 2019, Jodie and           “We love being able to share
                                     Jen bought the Ferntree Gully          the knowledge of our products
                                     business, Jennifer Anne’s Cakes,       and any tips and tricks so that
                                     which has been supplying cake          customers can get the most out
                                     making and cake decorating             of the products.”
                                     equipment for 15 years.                As soon as it’s permissable,
                                     “Having been customers for             the duo are looking forward
                                     many years, when the shop              to offering cake decorating
Jen and Jodie’s new business         came up for sale, we knew the          classes to share their skills and
at 107 Station St, Ferntree Gully    potential and wanted to bring          knowledge to give customers
was a hit at the Village Fair held                                          more confidence in decorating.
                                     new and exciting ideas to our
before Christmas.                    fellow cake decorators. Our  

          If you are a new business in Knox or your business has a new neighbour,
                       please let us know at

                                                                        issue 66 August 2020 | knox business life   11
business life

                                                                                      The last issue of Knox Business
                                                                                      Life provided extensive details
                                                                                      about ASPIRE, an online
                                                                                      matchmaking tool for material
                                                                                      resource exchanges.
                                                                                      It included examples of the
                                                                                      following materials being
                                                                                      recycled, re-purposed and
                                                                                      •   plasterboard
                                                                                      •   coffee grounds
     Concierge service results                                                        •
                                                                                          scrap metals
     from Better Approvals Project                                                    Another important resource
                                                                                      is timber waste and pallets.
     Anyone starting a new business                Council’s BAP group then           Presently around 70 per cent of
     or wanting to expand an                       mapped out the internal            timber waste end up in landfill,
     existing one will now have a                  processes currently in place       including timber pallets.
     concierge service as part of the              to help businesses that come
                                                                                      To take the hassle out of
     Better Approvals Project (BAP).               to Council for advice, looking
                                                                                      disposing of timber pallets,
     Knox City Council recognises                  at barriers and better ways to
                                                                                      Smart Recycling collects and
     that it can be a daunting task                do things. It designed a new
                                                                                      buys pallets that are then
     for business owners with a long               process for assisting start-ups
                                                                                      recycled into landscaping
     list of things to get done when               and expansions so they can
                                                                                      mulch, custom-made pallets
     starting out and expanding.                   get all the right information,
                                                                                      and crates. This creates a
                                                   up front and providing support
     Finding the perfect property,                                                    sustainable cycling loop.
                                                   along the way.
     purchasing or leasing equipment,                                                 When restoring pallets, for
     creating marketing content                    Out of this process, the Knox
                                                                                      example, Smart Recycling
     and finding the right staff are               Permit Support team was
                                                                                      checks to see if they are made
     some of the top priorities. Often             born, creating a one-stop-shop
                                                                                      from valuable timber products
     new business owners or those                  for business owners to bring
                                                                                      before mulching. It has received
     expanding can underestimate                   their proposal to Council and
                                                                                      pallets made from Siberian
     the time and effort needed to                 have the relevant departments
                                                                                      Ash, American Oak and Cherry,
     get all of the correct licenses               provide advice on what permits
                                                   are needed.                        all timbers valued by furniture
     and permits in place to get their                                                makers and woodworkers.
     business off the ground.                      Providing a concierge service,
                                                   the team will assist businesses    Find out more at
     Council’s involvement in BAP
     is supported by the Victorian                 from the first meeting, through
     Government Department of                      the application process and
     Jobs, Precincts and Regions                   if permits are approved, the
     and brought together Council                  business opening its doors.
     staff from various departments                It is hoped that the new team
     including Health, Planning,                   will not only make it easier for
     Building and Customer Service.                business owners to find the
     Gaining first-hand insights from              information that they need, it
     several business owners who                   will also streamline the permit
     had recently gone through a                   assessment process thus
     start up or expansion phase,                  reducing the overall time it
     Council learned of the struggles              takes for businesses to get the    Furniture made from timber
                                                                                      retrieved by Smart Recycling.
     they faced trying to get the                  approvals they need.
     right information from Council
     in a timely manner.

12     knox business life | issue 66 August 2020
BBP Connect and BBP Jobs launched
Two communications initiatives
have been launched in recent
months specifically to help
businesses remain competitive
and sustain growth.

The Bayswater Business
Precinct (BBP) is a thriving
business and employment
community that is home to
4,800 businesses and 30,000
local jobs.
It generates more than $14
billion in revenue, which
represents approximately 12.5       A perfect example of how the BBP works: Bayswater-based MRC
per cent of the total revenue       Waterjet Cutting is undertaking a job for Bayswater-based HDD
generated in Melbourne’s east.      Creations, which manufactures drilling equipment. The two young
                                    employees are under 30 — one works part time around his uni studies
In recognition of the vital role
                                    and the other wanted to start a career in manufacturing after finishing
this precinct plays in both the     year 12. They are cutting a job on material which is thick mild steel that
regional and state economies,       was supplied by Metfab, another local Bayswater business.
Knox, Maroondah and Yarra
Ranges Councils have partnered
with Localised to develop a        The BBP Connect digital
powerful business to business      platform will amplify
networking tool (BBP Connect)      connectivity between
and jobs hub (BBP Jobs) for        businesses and people within
Bayswater Business Precinct.       the region and will stimulate
BBP Connect and BBP Jobs will      regional economic activity by:            BBP Jobs
enable businesses to connect       • Increasing business visibility          The BBP Jobs hub will enable
to the local people, knowledge,      and promoting local                     local employers to post job and
networks and opportunities           supply chain capability and             contract opportunities in the
they need to succeed.                expertise.                              Bayswater Business Precinct.
                                   • Increasing the connectivity             The platform will create visibility
                                     and collaboration of local              of the diverse employment
  Did you know                       businesses.                             opportunities in the precinct
  that more than 80% of                                                      along with the skills and talents
                                   • Sharing local good news                 available in the local community.
  local businesses want              stories, business networking
  to support other local             events and training.                    This platform will create a
  business but less than                                                     skills marketplace where local
                                   • Accessing local business
                                                                             businesses and local talent can
  half actually do? The              leads and procurement
                                                                             connect with each other.
  number one reason                  opportunities, particularly for
                                     large projects.                         Both initiatives are designed
  why they don’t is that
                                   • Connecting local people                 to position the BBP as a great
  it’s hard to find local                                                    place to invest, start and grow a
                                     to local employment
  businesses and experts.                                                    business.
  BBP Connect changes                                              
                                   Please visit BBP Connect and
                                   get connected today.

                                                                         issue 66 August 2020 | knox business life   13
business life

     Free energy advice can save big dollars
                                                                                        electricity bills, Knox Council
                                                                                        has partnered with the AEF to
                                                                                        provide free and trusted advice
                                                                                        on how to effectively lower your
                                                                                        energy consumption in your
                                                                                        business and home.
                                                                                        Advice is available on a wide
                                                                                        range of areas, including:
                                                                                        • Solar panels and battery
                                                                                        • Insulation and draught
     Nature’s Organics’ rooftops in Ferntree Gully are covered with more than           • LED lighting
     5000 solar panels.
                                                                                        • Hot water heat pumps
     The Australian Energy                         AEF’s experienced energy             • Reverse cycle air conditioners
     Foundation (AEF) is the leading               advisors about improving
                                                                                        • Home energy assessments
     for-purpose national energy                   energy efficiency, helping to
     foundation that collaborates                  ease the financial pressure          • Pool pump controllers
     to create a zero-carbon                       of rising energy costs, and
                                                                                        • Window films
     society and a better life for all             lowering your carbon footprint.
     Australians.                                  The company can also provide         Take action!
                                                   connections to reliable suppliers
     In visiting AEF’s website,                                                         To find helpful energy saving
                                                   in the industry.
     businesses (and householders)                                                      tips and resources or to request
     can get expert advice from                    To help reduce gas and               a quote visit

     Benefits of foil packaging
     As the world attempts to work                 Aluminium foil, as used in foil
     towards a circular economy                    trays, has substantially higher
     with goals of zero waste and                  recycling value than most other
     lower impact, single use plastics             materials as it is endlessly
     are a no-no.                                  renewable. Foil doesn’t lose any
                                                   of its properties in the recycling
     Manufacturers and food
                                                   process and can be recycled over
     producers need to use products
                                                   and over again. In fact, some 75     Other benefits include the ability
     that can be reused or recycled
                                                   per cent of all aluminium ever       of foil trays to be transferred
     after use, rather than be sent to
                                                   produced is still in use — in some   from one state, such as frozen,
                                                   form or another.                     to fully heated without the need
     Design plays a big part in the                                                     to transfer the contents — even
                                                   Foil packaging protects food
     circular economy equation.                                                         for microwaves.
                                                   against light and air, preserves
     According to Bayswater-based
                                                   the food quality and offers          Did You Know?
     Confoil, a locally produced,
                                                   good heat conductivity. In
     humble foil tray may be the                                                        Foil can be used in microwave
                                                   addition, due to its production
     perfect answer.                                                                    ovens that were made after 1990.
                                                   and the high temperature
     Confoil has started a campaign                annealing process, it is   
     called “Join the Refoilution”,                completely sterile so is safe for
     which is aimed at educating                   use in contact with foodstuffs.
     manufacturers and food                        Foil does not harbour or
     suppliers on the sustainable                  promote the growth of bacteria
     advantages of foil, particularly              so it’s perfect for both cooked
     in food packaging.                            and raw food.

14     knox business life | issue 66 August 2020
EVENTS...                             Book Women on the Go Now!

Book today for upcoming events
on the KnoxBiz calendar.

Knox Council’s Economic
Development unit runs and hosts
a wide range of educational
events, with topics as varied as:
• Record keeping for small
                                      Ailsa Page from AP Marketing Works will be the MC at this year’s Women
• Winning government business         on the Go online event.
• Commercialising your new idea
• Digital marketing essentials        Inspiration. Connection.                   conversations happening
                                      Support                                    online when the event is over.
Visit the events page to see
what’s available and assess if        Knox City Council is this year           • Tips on how to make the most
you and your staff could benefit      celebrating 13 years of Women              of the event.
from learning something new.          on the Go. In case you’ve missed         Plus, there will be prize
                                      the buzz, it is on Friday, 28            giveaways from local businesses.
                                      August 2020 starting at 9.15am.
                                      Women on the Go is a
                                                                               Ailsa Page, Master of
Save the date                         collaborative initiative by Knox,
                                      Maroondah and Yarra Ranges
                                                                               Marketing Sherpa Ailsa Page
                                      Councils.                                knows what it takes to be
The Careers and Skills Forum
                                                                               successful. With over 20 years’
that was due to take place early      Due to COVID-19 restrictions,
                                                                               experience in marketing and
in 2020 but will now run on           this year’s event will be a little
                                                                               helping other businesses improve
Wednesday, 24 March 2021.             different: it will be virtual!
                                                                               their bottom line, Ailsa is regularly
The aim is to support students        While the event will be online it        called upon by government and
in the transition from secondary      will still provide the same great        businesses for her expertise.
                     school to        opportunities to hear from
                                                                               An award-winning business
                     meaningful       two local women in business,
                                                                               owner, author and former judge
                     training or      networking during and after
                                                                               on the Telstra Business Awards,
                     employment       the event and allow you to take
                                                                               Ailsa is a regular contributor to
                     in the eastern   part in business showcasing
                                                                               MYOB ‘The Pulse’ and Inside
                     metropolitan     opportunities.
                                                                               Small Business. An Australian
                                      For your $20 investment you              Marketing Institute Fellow and
Peter Hutton
will be a guest
                    Details on the    will receive:                            a Certified Practising Marketer,
speaker at the      front cover of                                             Ailsa runs her own marketing
                                      • Access to the event including
event.              March Knox                                                 agency, AP Marketing Works,
                                        inspiring stories from two
                    Business                                                   providing marketing coaching,
                                        business women.
Life explained how important                                                   education and strategy to small
this event is for both youth          • Opportunity to network.                and medium business.
unemployment and employers.           • Access to a power networking           If you are a Knox business and
Council is currently inviting           workshop to take your                  would like to donate a prize to
businesses to exhibit. To               networking to the next level.          give away during this event,
express an interest and for more      • Online promotion of your               please contact us at
information contact business@           business through our                                  Facebook Group.                        For bookings visit                 • Opportunities to keep the    

                                                                           issue 66 August 2020 | knox business life   15
business life

                                                                                                                                                    Upgrade works to Studfield
                                                                                                                                                    Shopping Centre and Upper
                                                                                                                                                    Ferntree Gully Shopping Centre
                                                                                                                                                    are almost complete. Council
                                                                                                                                                    encourages people who live
                                                                                                                                                    or work in Knox to shop in
                                                                                                                                                    their local areas for their daily
                                                                                                                                                    In addition to drainage works,
                                                                                                                                                    Studfield has seen footpaths
                                                                                                                                                    widened, a new access ramp,
                                                                                                                                                    seats and garden beds added,
New $18.5M aged care wing                                                                                                                           and parking bays widened.

Following an $18.5 million                                               and room types. Each floor
investment, Tabulam and                                                  has stunning views, premium
Templer Homes for the Aged                                               furnishings, a large living and
(TTHA) in Bayswater recently                                             dining area, open fire places
opened a brand new 54-bed                                                and reading rooms.
state-of-the-art residential aged
                                                                         This impressive building was
care wing.
                                                                         self-funded by TTHA, whose
Three years in the making,                                               roots date back to 1861.                                                   Improvement works along a
this luxurious aged care                                                 Fact: The Templer community                                                section of Burwood Highway
accommodation is a welcome                                               originated from Palestine and                                              within the Upper Ferntree Gully
addition to the area with aged                                           was founded in Australia in                                                Shopping Centre has seen new
care in Knox being highly                                                1950. TTHA began operation in                                              concrete and asphalt footpaths
sought after.                                                            1972 as a means of providing                                               featuring green-tile banding, new
                                                                         care for the community’s elderly                                           garden beds and plants, and new
The new wing comprises two                                                                                                                          street furniture including seating,
                                                                         in the Bayswater area.
floors and four standards                                                                                                                           bike racks, a drinking fountain
of resident accommodation                                                                                                      and rubbish bins.

 Knox Council is conscious of the environment so to reduce the amount of copies we have printed of Knox Business
       Life, if you would like to receive this publication electronically, please email

                                               This edition includes photos that were taken prior to social distancing requirements

Knox City Council Economic Development                                                     Contact                                                  Publication
• provides a first point of contact for businesses                                         Knox Civic Centre                                        Knox Business Life is published two times a year. Suggestions
                                                                                                                                                    and contributions are welcome and should be forwarded to
• provides information and advice                                                          511 Burwood Hwy                                          Knox Council’s Economic Development unit.

• promotes the City’s features to attract new investment                                   Wantirna South 3152                                      Knox Business Life is published by the Knox Council Economic
                                                                                                                                                    Development unit.
• helps businesses become internationally competitive                                      Phone: 9298 8000
                                                                                                                                                    Concept design by PARISOTTO DESIGN.
• promotes
• works with business, government and regional                                                                                                      Printed by BROUGHAM PRESS.

• assists with site selection                                                                                     Produced by
                                                                                                                                                    WMC PUBLIC RELATIONS.
• facilitates training for businesses                                                                                                     

Knox City Council denies any liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person relying on information obtained by or through this newsletter.
Some information that may appear in this newsletter is provided by a third party; such information is made available in good faith as a community service.
Authorised and printed by Knox City Council, 511 Burwood Highway, Wantirna South VIC 3152.
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