BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School

Page created by Derrick Carpenter
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
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         NEWSLETTER NO 30                                                      27th May 2022

                 BURGUNDY BROADCAST
School News…..
End of Term

It seems strange that it has been six weeks since the Easter break,      Reminders….
because time seems to have gone so very quickly. In this half term       Non Pupil Days 21-22
Year 6 and Year 2 have completed their SATS and Year 4 have              Friday 17th June 2022, Monday
attended their residential trip. We had a DEEP review, which             20th June 2022, Thursday 21st July
focussed on the teaching and learning, which was extremely               2022.
complimentary about the staff, the quality of teaching and the pupil’s   Non Pupil Days 22-23
learning. It has been a very successful half term. Thank you for all     1st and 2nd September (children
your support with what we are trying to achieve and I hope you have      return to school on Monday 5th
                                                                         September), 16th and 19th June
a lovely half term.
                                                                         and the 21st July.
SRE meeting                                                              Break up for half term – Friday
                                                                         27th May
There will be a meeting for parents of Year 6 pupils, to discuss the
relationship and sex education element of the PSHE curriculum that       Children return to school –
will be delivered after half term. This will be at 2.30pm on Tuesday     Monday 6th June
7th June in the school hall.
                                                                         Summer Disco – Wednesday 15th
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations                                    June

                                                                         EYFS Induction Evening –
Today was exactly what Primary education should be about;
                                                                         Thursday 16th June at 6pm
children learning whilst having fun, in a safe environment with a
common theme running through, not only today, but the whole week.        Non pupil days – 17th and 20th
It’s great to do a focussed week of activity and the children have       June
responded so well today, it has been a pleasure to have them in the
school. The street party at lunchtime was lovely. Seeing all the         Sports Day – Tuesday 21st June –
pupils outside having a finger buffet lunch and staff helping was        KS2 am, KS1 and EYFS pm.
lovely to see. The inflatables, the corgi competition, the throne        Picnic lunch. Details will follow
competition, the Dunmow Brass Band, the enthusiasm of the pupils         nearer the time.
to learn about the Queen and the Royal Family, and studying
different decades all made for a fantastic week. Thank you to the        EYFS Taster Sessions – 9:30-
organising committee for their hard work, but particularly to Mrs Stow   11:30 am Ash Tree Class, 1:30-
                                                                         3pm Fir Tree Class
for being the driving force behind the celebrations. Below are some
pictures from the today, with more available on the school website.      Year 6 Taster Days at HRS –
A special thank you to https://www.foodfornow.co.uk/ who provided        Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th
the sandwiches for the street party today.                               June
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
Rotary Club Winners

We have been advised of the following winners of the recent Rotary Club Competition: Owen F was
Highly Commended for his Young Writer entry, Dexter J was runner up of the Young Artist entry, William
D was the Infant Dunmow winner for his Young Photographer entry, with Lily S (winner) and Caleb R
(highly commended) for their photograph entries. For the Young Musician Competition the Foundation
Class Singers were Josephine E (winner) and Abigail E (Commendation). Well done to you all, fantastic
achievements! There will be an awards evening on Friday 10 th June from 6:45pm at the Rowena Davey
Day Centre. The Rotary Centre will contact parents with details.

Geography Competition

Wow! Thank you to everyone for all the amazing entries in the geography competition. I was thoroughly
impressed by the variety of ways that everybody presented their work, we had maps, fact sheets and 3D
art, including a rock Stonehenge! Thank you all for taking the time to enter, we had 6 overall winners and
chocolates for everyone else. The winners are on our geography display for you to look at after half term
– Mrs Naylor
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
The Flitch Trials Art Competition

The Flitch Trials are running an art competition for anything related to the Flitch Trial (please see the end
of the BB for more information). Children are encouraged to use any medium and be creative. The
closing date for the competition is 6th June, so please bring in your entries to school and someone from
the Flitch Trials will collect them when we return after the break.

Ride London Banner

We were kindly supported this week by the Ride London organisation and we created a school banner
for the route over the weekend. If you are taking part then we hope you will see the banner as you ride
through Great Dunmow.

Year 6 Crucial Crew

Yesterday, Year 6 attended Crucial Crew at Foakes Hall in Dunmow. They watched a live performance
and took part in a workshop afterwards to help them learn about county lines. The pupils enjoyed the
session and came away with a better understanding and knowledge of this, giving them the power to
make the right choices. This is a part of their PSHE curriculum and helps prepare them for the wider


This week representatives from Tesco and RG Carter, who are the contractors for the extension at the
local store came into school and donated 6 cherry trees. Six pupils from Cherry Tree class helped the
representatives plant the trees as part of our links with the local community.
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
Lunchtime Clubs

The schedule for lunchtime clubs when we return after half term is: Mr Talman – Monday and Tuesday
Quad kids for the team training, Thursday rounders practice Mrs Maybanks will continue with her normal
fun and games next week for years 1-3.


We have a part time vacancy for a Midday Assistant. If you are interested in this role, please ask for an
application form or for more details contact Mrs Mills in the office.

Summer Raffle – Flight prize

The Friends Association are pleased to announce an exciting raffle that will run from now until the summer
fayre. The prize is a private flight that Mr James Vinall (one of our parents) will be donating. He will
personally fly 2 people in his aircraft, which will be arranged with the winner. Parents are able to buy
tickets on Eduspot before the summer fayre or in person on the day. As this is such a fantastic prize to
win, it is being drawn separately to the main raffle. The tickets are priced at £2 each and you can buy as
many as you would like. The date and other details can be negotiated with Mr Vinall.


Below is the timetable for the first groups. Please ensure that you have paid for the sessions, as this
counts as your permission for your child to swim. If you require assistance with payments please
contact us. Children should come into school with their kit with them (swimming wear, towel, goggles,
and swim hat).

EYFS/Year 1/Year 6 - W/C 6/6/22
                    Monday            Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday           Friday
 08.45-09.30      EYFS (1)          EYFS (6)                       Year 1 (4)          Year 6 (3)
 09.30-10.15      EYFS (2)          EYFS (5)                       Year 1 (6)          Year 6 (1)
 10.15-11.00      EYFS (3)          EYFS (4)                       Year 1 (5)          Year 6 (2)
 11.00-11.45      EYFS (4)          EYFS (3)                       Year 1 (3)          Year 6 (6)

  1.15-2.00       EYFS (5)          EYFS (2)                       Year 1 (1)          Year 6 (5)
 2.15-3.00        EYFS (6)          EYFS (1)                       Year 1 (2)          Year 6 (4)

 Year 6 – 6 groups
 Groups 1,2,3 = Mr Coleman Oak Tree
 Groups 4,5,6 = Mrs White Sycamore Tree
 Reception - 6 groups
 Groups 1,2,3 = Miss Mitchell Fir Tree
 Groups 4,5,6 = Mrs Brace Ash Tree
 Year 1 - 6 groups
 Groups 1,2,3 = Mrs Stow Cherry Tree
 Groups 4,5,6 = Mrs Lock/Mrs Sinnet Holly Tree
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
Book Buzz
We are launching the ‘Burgundy Broadcast Book Buzz’ that will be included in the last BB of each month!
The idea is that children can review and recommend books that they have enjoyed and hopefully share
some of the magic of reading with each other. We can include photographs of text and contributors as
well as the written or typed reviews and pictures. (If you wanted to donate the book itself that is fine too
– we can establish a library of recommended reads that others can borrow). Just send your reviews and
recommendations in to the School Office for the attention of Mrs Stow.
                                Some current recommendations from Waterstones:
                                If you love Greek myths, a few books that you may enjoy are the Percy
                                Jackson series by Rick Riordan– lots of fun! There are a few other books
                                that you may want to look at too though. The Beasts of Olympus by Lucy
                                Coats and illustrated by David Roberts is definitely worth a look, as well
                                as the very funny Who Let the Gods Out? series by Maz Evans. You
                                might prefer a more traditional set of stories, in which case Roger
                                Lancelyn Green’s Tales of the Greek Heroes is worth a look as is The
                                Usbourne Book of Greek Myths, a beautiful hardback edition packed with
                                classic tales.
                                If the Greek topic has stimulated your interest in mythology generally, why
                                not branch into Norse legend and try Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being
                                Good by Louie Stowell which is hilarious, or Odd and the Frost Giants by
                                Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Chris Riddell.


Mr Watts presented the following children with their awards and dojo’s in their classes:

                                    Gold Awards : Millie W, Grace E
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
Learning Badges: Isabelle W, Theodore C, Belle H, Sienna W, Alice H, Poppy C, Teddy S, Elidi-
             Rain B, Vivien A, Lillie S, Kian McC, Harry M, Alexander T, Dylan D

 Citizens of the Week: Ivy C, Oliver B, Freddie P, Alexander I, Lilla S, Raefe W, Savannah B-P,
           Lilliana H-G, Tommy P, Misty J, Summer T, Serena D, Jake H, Stephen B

 Mathmagician of the Month: Luke C, Katie McI, Tommy B, Ashton L, Marley P, Saskia G, Ivy-
        Marie L, Grace E, Ashley J, Mason S, Olivia I, Emily A, Charlie K, Thomas K
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
Writer of the Month: Imogen N, Oliver B, Ella P, Buddy M, Amelie A, Quinn B, Sophie K, Sofia C-
                  K, Jasmine B, Dexter J, Beau B, James H, Aidan A, Amber P

The following children received the most dojo’s in their class this week: Abigail E, Alfred J,
Tommy B, Sienna W, Henry W, Mariella D, Ruby L, Harris R, Logan P, Esmae C, Thomas G,
Charlotte D, Amy-Lee K, Thandiwe M


Well done to Oliver T, Jack H and Albie T who have all been part of the Stansted Youths U12’s team.
They have won the league and the league cup this season, doing ‘The Double’. They all play a year up
and in the top division. A fantastic achievement.
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
Well done to Chloe who after lots of practice received 2 rosette awards in ballet for theatre and


Please see below the menu for the week after half term (please note Monday and Thursday’s lunches
have swapped days for this week only):

                                    Week One – Weeks commencing:- 6/6/22
        Monday               Tuesday              Wednesday             Thursday               Friday
     Bubble Coated       Sausage and Mash       Roast Gammon           Oven Baked         Hot Baguette Day
   Fish Fillet (GF/DF)                                                Southern fried
                          Sausage (GF/VE)       Linda McCartney     chicken (GF/DF)           Choice of:-
 Fishless Fingers (VE)                         Chicken roast (VE)
                              Broccoli                            Southern fried Quorn    Bacon/Tuna/Melted
         Chips                                 Yorkshire Pudding         fillet (V)        Cheese/Sausage
   Spaghetti Hoops                               Roast Potatoes         Couscous          Sausage (GF/VE)
                             Cabbage                                                        Bacon (VE)
       Sweetcorn                                   Cauliflower         Sweetcorn
                               Gravy                                                           Nachos
    Mini Salad Bar                                    Peas
                                                                      Full Salad Bar        Full Salad Bar

                          Cornflake tart and      Oat Cookie
  Raspberry Smoothie       custard (DF/EF)        (DF/EF/VE)       Jelly (VE) and Cream    Selection of Fruit
       Pot (GF)
                         Vanilla Sponge (GF)     Cookie (GF)
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School

Please find below dates so far for this academic year. Amendments or additions to the dates are in red
                                             June 2022
 Monday  6th                              8.55am      Children return to school
 Wednesday 15th                        3:30-4:30pm    EYFS/KS1 Disco
                                         4:45-6pm     KS2 Disco
 Thursday 16th                              6pm       EYFS new parents induction evening
 Friday 17th                                          Non-Pupil Day (INSET)
 Monday 20th                                          Non-Pupil Day (INSET)
 Tuesday 21st                              All day    Sports day and Picnic Lunch (AM–KS2/PM-
 Thursday 23rd                        9.30-11.30amAsh Taster sessions EYFS
                                        1.30-3pm Fir
 Thursday  23rd   and Friday   24th                      Year 6 HRS Taster Days
 Friday 24th                          9.30-11.30am Fir   EYFS Taster session
                                        1.30-3pm Ash
 Friday 24th                                             Meet the Teacher EYFS – Year 5
 Saturday 25th                                           Summer Fayre
 W/C Monday 27th                                         Year 6 Residential
 Wednesday 29th                                          District Sports
 Thursday 30th                           9-1:30pm        Year 5 Taster day at HRS (confirmed)

Other News

Great Dunmow Town Council Litter Pick

The Great Dunmow Town Council are looking for volunteers to help with a “community litter pick” on
Monday 30th May. If you are able to help please meet in Foakes Hall car park at 9.30am.

Ride London

Please see the below poster for information regarding Cycle Fund Zone this Sunday in Great Dunmow
from 10am until 2pm.
BURGUNDY BROADCAST - Great Dunmow Primary School
Flitch Trials Art Competition
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