Page created by Howard Leonard
B U L LY I N G , S E X U A L H A R A S S M E N T
              A N D D I S C R I M I N AT I O N
            A reference guide for Australian National University medical
                students on the definitions, policies and avenues for
             reporting bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination.

Medical School
ANU College of
Health & Medicine
Bullying, sexual
                   Our staff and students have the right to
                   be part of a safe and respectful university.

harassment and
                   Sexual assault, sexual harassment, bullying
                   and discrimination have no place here.
                   As your Vice-Chancellor, I am affirming
discrimination     that the University will not shy away
                   from talking and acting on these issues.
have no place at   I want to congratulate the ANU Medical
                   School leadership, staff and students
the ANU Medical    for developing this reference guide as a
                   practical way of dealing with these issues.
School             Professor Brian Schmidt AC

                   Bullying, harassment and discrimination
                   are reported nowadays more frequently
                   to occur in workplaces, as well as
                   in universities. It takes knowledge to
                   differentiate between unpleasant behaviour
                   and that of bullying, harassment and
                   discrimination. It takes courage to
                   speak up against and/or report such
                   behaviour. As a Medical School we have a
                   responsibility to the profession, colleagues,
                   students and the public to maintain high
                   standards of behaviour. We take any
                   reports of witnessed or experienced
                   bullying, harassment and discrimination
                   seriously and will address them. Through
                   the courage of students, we have been
                   able to identify and manage unprofessional
                   behaviours and are continuing to work
                   towards safe and respectful teaching
                   environment for all. We want you to
                   continue to work with us and have the
                   courage to inform us of any experienced
                   or witnessed unwanted behaviours. It is
                   our responsibility to ensure a safe teaching
                   environment for you and can do so with
                   your help.
                   Professor Zsuzsoka Kecskes
                   Director, ANU Medical School

                    Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination   1
The Australian National University is     Bullying can cover a range of behaviours,
committed to ensuring that staff and      both subtle and overt. It is considered to
students are treated with integrity       be any behaviour that is unreasonable
and respect. All members of the ANU       and undesirable.
community have the right to work and
                                          Bullying generally meets the
study in an environment free from
                                          following criteria:
discrimination, sexual harassment and
bullying. These behaviours are not        > It is repeated.
tolerated under any circumstances, and
                                          > It is unwelcome and unsolicited.
ANU will take action against any staff
member or student who is found to have    > A reasonable person would
breached ANU policy. Medical students       consider the behaviour to be
are encouraged to raise any concerns        offensive, intimidating, humiliating
regarding bullying, sexual harassment       or threatening.
and discrimination with the expectation   > It has the potential to cause
that problems will be addressed in a        harm to the person experiencing
timely and fair manner.                     the behaviour.
                                          Examples of bullying include:
What is bullying,                         > Putting someone down and
sexual harassment                           humiliating a person through verbal
and discrimination?                         abuse, gestures, sarcasm, teasing
                                            and insults, often in front of others.
What is bullying?                         > Unjustified criticism or complaints.
                                          > Deliberately excluding someone
                                            from workplace activities or denying
                                            them access to information or
                                            other resources.

                                          It is important to acknowledge that an
                                          isolated instance of bullying behaviour
                                          may appear subtle or inconsequential
                                          but, when it forms part of a larger,
                                          unwelcome pattern, it is bullying

2   ANU College of Health & Medicine
What is not bullying?                          feeling humiliated, intimidated or
                                               offended. It can involve physical contact
It is also important to differentiate          or verbal remarks of a sexual nature.
between bullying and a person’s
legitimate work authority. All supervisors     Examples of sexual harassment include
and academics can provide legitimate           > Staring, leering or
comment, criticism, advice and feedback          unwelcome touching
on student performance or behaviour.
Throughout the course of your medical          > Suggestive comments or jokes
career there will be differences of opinion
                                               > Inappropriate or unwanted invitations
between supervisors and students,
                                                 to go out on dates or requests for sex
however criticism and feedback should
always be delivered in a respectful            > Intrusive questions or comments
manner that does not humiliate or                about a person’s private life, clothing
intimidate the recipient. If you are ever        or body
unsure if a behaviour is or is not bullying,
                                               > Unnecessary familiarity, such as
it is a good idea to discuss the behaviour
                                                 deliberately brushing up against
with a trusted colleague, the ANU
                                                 a person
Medical Students’ Society Equity Officer,
or a trusted supervisor.
                                               What is discrimination?
What is sexual harassment?

                                               Discrimination is different to bullying
                                               but can intersect with it. Discrimination
Sexual harassment is any unwanted,             occurs when a person or group of people
unwelcome or uninvited behaviour of            are treated less favourably than another
a sexual nature that results in a person       person or group on the basis of race,
                                               gender, sexuality, gender identity, intersex

                                                Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination   3
status, ethnic or religious background,       take, both to seek personal resolution
disability, disease, age or other             and change the culture around
characteristic endemic to that individual     these behaviours.
or their relationship to someone with
these characteristics. The key feature that
                                              Support networks
distinguishes discrimination from bullying
is that discrimination may occur as a
single event.
Examples of discrimination include
disadvantaging someone based on the
above by:
> Being dismissive,
  denying opportunities
> Excluding or isolating someone
> Withholding information or
> Subjecting someone to taunts                First and foremost, it is essential to seek
  or abuse that reference the                 support. Find someone whom you feel
  protected attribute                         safe talking to – this might be friends,
                                              family, members of the ANU Medical
                                              Students’ Society, or any of the contacts
                                              listed on page 14.
What can I do about it?                       Our priority is to nurture a safe
The ANU Medical Students’ Society             environment that encourages
and the ANU Medical School are                conversations around this subject matter.
striving to create a community that is        We want you to feel safe and comfortable
free from bullying, sexual harassment         expressing your concerns no matter
and discrimination. Experiencing or           how big or small you perceive them to
witnessing these behaviours can be            be. What may seem to be a rather trivial
overwhelming, disempowering and               gesture or comment may turn out to
stressful and we want you to know that        be an early warning sign of harassing
we are here to offer support in any way       behaviour if a certain pattern is identified
that we can.                                  through informal conversations. Contrary
                                              to that, what may be perceived as a
If you do witness or experience bullying,
                                              rather offensive comment or gesture in
sexual harassment or discrimination,
                                              our social culture may be perceived as
there are several actions you can

4   ANU College of Health & Medicine
totally benign in other social cultures and      of their actions and, once identified,
although is not acceptable or justifiable        they may modify their behaviour
behaviour, it may simply mean that the           leading to greatly improved working
individual needs further education to get        relationships for both parties.
accustomed to the rules and regulations
                                              If the matter cannot be resolved by
of the social culture they are now a
                                              these steps, or you feel unsafe talking
part of.
                                              to the other person, talk to your year
                                              coordinator, tutor, clinical or academic
Informal resolution                           supervisor. Even informal reports will be
                                              acted upon.
                                              Someone from the Medical School
                                              will have an informal talk to the other
                                              person involved to inform them of
                                              concerns about their behaviour. This
                                              often leads to change. We will maintain
                                              your confidentiality and not reveal your
                                              name, unless you agree to this. You may
                                              not hear specifics about the nature or
                                              outcome of this discussion but will be
                                              informed when we address the issue.
If you feel comfortable trying to address     If none of these options seem suitable
the matter yourself, options for informal     you can contact an independent person
resolution include:                           such as the ANU Dean of Students, who
                                              can provide confidential advice external
> Seeking the advice of a trusted
                                              to the Medical School.
  person to decide on appropriate
  responses and strategies to address
  the behaviour if it occurs again.           Formal complaint
  This may include people such as
  the ANU Medical Students’ Society
  Equity Officer or an academic
  faculty member, including your
  year coordinator and the wellbeing
  academic lead.
> Speaking directly to the person
  concerned. In many instances, the
  perpetrator does not realise the effect

                                               Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination   5
If informal processes have failed to          interviews will be discussed with the
resolve or adequately address the issue,      Dean of the ANU College of Health
or you feel these processes are not           & Medicine and the Director of the
applicable or safe, a formal complaint can    ANU Medical School
be raised in line with ANU procedures.
                                               NU has a code of conduct and
The steps involved in making a formal
                                              very clear policies on behaviour. If
complaint are as follows:
                                              the alleged behaviour is misconduct,
> Contact the ANU Medical Students’           the concern will be escalated to the
  Society Equity Officer, a member            appropriate unit. There are rigorous
  of the academic faculty listed in           policies and procedures in place
  contacts on page 14, the Director           that outline how the University
  of the Medical School or the ANU            implements strategies to eliminate
  Dean of Students for advice. These          discrimination, bullying and
  contacts can assist you by providing        harassment (refer to the Reference
  or helping you access additional            List in this booklet).
  support and initiating the formal
                                               he University will respond promptly
  compaints process.
                                              to reports and take timely action
> After the lodgement of a formal             within its authority to ensure
  complaint the following will occur:         peoples’ safety. Investigations and
                                              the application of outcomes will
    – You will be contacted and offered
                                              operate in accordance with the
      support and a face-to-face
                                              Discipline Rule 2018
      meeting with an independent
      and experienced faculty member         – We will try to protect your
      will be arranged. The immediate           confidentiality as much as possible,
      priority is your safety, and we           however a person accused of
      recognise that you may be worried         unwanted behaviour also deserves
      about confidentiality and future          procedural fairness. The allegation
      repercussions. We want to reassure        will be communicated to them; they
      you that it is safe for you to raise      will be offered the opportunity to
      your concerns and that meetings           respond and they may find out your
      will be strictly confidential             name(s)
    – In general, an independent            – If substantiated, appropriate
      investigator from within the ANU          action will be taken to address
      will be assigned to investigate your      the behaviour in partnership with
      complaint. This person will conduct       your preferences and wishes.
      interviews and the findings of these      The ANU Medical School takes

6   ANU College of Health & Medicine
bullying, sexual harassment and            Further avenues for help
 discrimination very seriously, and,
 depending on the nature of the
 incident, consequences may include
 training, counselling, suspension
 of teaching and learning activities,
 removal of academic title and/
 or termination of employment
 or enrolment.
– You will not find out what actions
   have been taken, as we also need
   to maintain the confidentiality of the
   accused person. You will, however,
   know that an investigation has           After the completion of the formal
   taken place and that actions, if         complaint process, if you do not believe
   appropriate, have been taken             the situation has been adequately or
                                            appropriately resolved, there are further
– Either party can appeal the findings
                                            avenues that can be utilised:
   if they decide this is warranted
                                            > The matter can be referred in writing
– If any aspect of the complaint
                                              to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
   possibly constitutes a criminal act
                                              (Academic); however, advice from the
   the investigator can, in consultation
                                              Dean of Students should be sought
   with you, refer the matter to the
                                              before this occurs.
   relevant agency (usually the
   Australian Federal Police) and           > If the matter relates to bullying,
   the investigator will provide you          harassment or discrimination based
   further information on that process        on sexuality, gender identity, intersex
   as required                                status, disability, race or age, a
                                              complaint can be made directly
– If allegations are about sexual
                                              to the Australian Human Rights
   violence or sexual harassment, the
                                              Commission.Ph: 1300 656 419, web:
   Respectful Relationships Unit can
   provide support to you and assist
   with any investigation.
                                            > The ACT Ombudsman is able
                                              to investigate complaints of
                                              unreasonable administrative actions

                                             Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination   7
taken by ANU towards students.                   Anonymous reporting
    Complaints can be made online:
> Contact the claims department of
  your medical defence insurer for
  impartial and independent advice (this
  can be done at any stage).
> If you are involved in making a formal
  complaint, you are asked to:
    – Follow the complaint and resolution
      process outlined in this document
      as far as practical, noting that every         The ANU Medical School has a duty of
      situation will be different.                   care to ensure the welfare of students.
                                                     Anonymous reporting prevents continued
    – Actively participate in attempts to           support and follow-up and impedes
      resolve your grievance.                        natural justice for the victim and the
    – Refrain from victimising or harassing         alleged perpetrator. If you feel, however,
      the alleged perpetrator or others              that none of the options described
      involved in resolving the grievance.           above will work, please still seek support
                                                     and consider contacting the ANU
    – Recognise that the principles                 Medical Students’ Society Equity Officer
      of procedural fairness must be                 anonymously, confidentially or through a
      followed for all parties                       third person at
                                                     Our primary concern is your welfare,
                                                     and we want to make sure you get the
                                                     support that you need.

8   ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment
I suspect no action will be taken …
                                            ANU and the ACT Government,
                                            including ACT Health and all health
                                            services, have a zero tolerance policy
Reasons you might                           for bullying, sexual harassment and
not report bullying,                        discrimination in the workplace. All
sexual harassment and                       complaints must be investigated
discrimination, and the                     and, if substantiated, there will be
                                            consequences for perpetrators. The
reasons why you should                      approach and actions taken by the
                                            ANU Medical School in cases of
                                            varying complexity over the recent
                                            years are a clear demonstration of its
     It could affect my career …            advocacy in the best interest of its
                                            students and staff.
 This is a common fear for both
 victims and their trusted friends
 or family, and can discourage
 reporting, but is rarely true. Bullying
 behaviour is often associated with
 an overinflated belief of the bully’s      I don’t want to upset relationships
 own self-importance.                            within the workplace …

 ANU will make every effort to ensure       Although you may feel isolated, if you
 that making a complaint does not           are being bullied, sexually harassed
 adversely affect your career.              or experiencing discrimination
                                            you are probably not alone. In all
                                            likelihood there are other people in
                                            your workplace feeling just like you,
                                            hoping that someone will speak up
                                            and put a stop to the behaviour. By
                                            reporting the behaviour, you can
                                            empower other students and staff to
                                            speak up about how they are feeling,
                                            and this will have a positive impact
                                            on the workplace.

                                           Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination   9
Managers seem to accept the
            behaviour …
   There is a zero-tolerance
   approach to bullying, sexual
   harassment and discrimination
   within ANU in all years of study
   and within all organisations where
   students undertake placements.           I saw it, but it didn’t actually
   Managers or academics who do            happen to me. I don’t want to
   not address these behaviours           break anyone’s confidentiality or
   are neglecting their obligations,      cause trouble by saying anything
   and bullying, sexual harassment                         …
   and discrimination should still
   be reported.                           Supportive bystanders should
                                          look for ways to speak up safely
                                          and respectfully. Exactly how will
                                          differ according to the situation,
                                          but it shouldn’t be up to victims
                                          alone to speak out. Try to support
                                          the person who is being bullied,
                                          harassed or discriminated against
   I don’t want to create a hassle for    and, if appropriate, offer to help
            my supervisor …               them report it. You can also use
                                          the same informal and formal
   Managers or academics may not          complaint processes yourself while
   be aware of the behaviour, or they     maintaining confidentiality for
   may be involved in the inappropriate   the victim.
   conduct. Feeling guilty that
   your action may have negative
   repercussions for perpetrators,
   your supervisor, manager and/
   or academic staff is a common
   experience for victims, but this is
   not your guilt to carry.

10 ANU College of Health & Medicine
I don’t want my name to              I was alone with the perpetrator
    be known. Can I make an               so I have no witnesses to believe
    anonymous complaint? …                 that my concerns were real; no
You can report your concerns                    one will believe me …
anonymously through the ANU              You can make a note of the direct
Medical Students’ Society Equity         verbatim used towards you or a
Officer. However, this may not allow     detailed description of the actions
us to get more details to advise you     or gestures conducted that made
on next steps. Even an anonymous         you feel uneasy. Discuss these
formal complaint can often not be        notes with a person with whom
addressed appropriately as we            you hold mutual trust. If several
cannot contact you. Anonymous            individuals, unknown to each other,
complaints cannot be investigated        observe similar behaviours, soon
and resolved. However, if someone        enough this no longer remains
behaves inappropriately, it is likely    the isolated case one may have
that they have done it before and        believed it to be.
to others. It is therefore unlikely
they will know exactly who has
put in the complaint. Talking to us
is the best step. We will protect
your identity and advise you on the
next steps. We will also give you
advice on identifying yourself in a
formal complaint. Please remember
that staff and students also need
to adhere to a code of conduct
and this should protect you. Any
further unwanted behaviours from
any person will be dealt with much
more seriously.

                                        Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination 11
Some reasons you should
consider to report unacceptable
                                            What do I do if I
                                            am experiencing
                                            or witness
    It helped me to regain control of       bullying, sexual
                                            harassment or
               my life ...
   Fear of negative career
   consequences is a major barrier to
   victims coming forward; however, if      discrimination?
   you are the victim of bullying, sexual
   harassment or discrimination, it is
   likely that the behaviour is already
   having an effect on both your            If you have been assaulted, please
   personal life and career. Although       contact the Australian Federal
   it is extremely difficult to do, by      Police urgently.
   coming forward you have the              Any police matter will be dealt with
   opportunity to break this painful        through the AFP. ANU may be informed to
   cycle and regain control.                assist with any investigation.

    I made the workplace better for
              everyone ...
   A workplace can only address
                                            Informal resolutions
   problems it is aware of. By reporting    There are different options:
   bullying, sexual harassment, and
   discrimination you are helping to        a. Seek advice from a trusted person
   make the ANU a fairer and more
                                            > ANU Medical Student Society
   supportive learning environment
                                              Equity Officer
   for everyone.

                                               Year Coordinators:
                                               Dr Zan-Min Song
                                               Dr Brett Scholz

12 ANU College of Health & Medicine
Dr William Huang
   Dr Selina Watchorn                     Please don’t suffer in
   (for contact details see page 14)
                                          silence. Any person
> Clinical Skills Coordinators            who has concerns
  Dr Michelle Barrett
  Dr Janelle Hamilton
                                          about behaviour they
  Dr Dianne Willis                        have experienced,
> Associate Dean Phase 1:
                                          or witnessed has a
  Dr Karin Messerle                       number of options
> Associate Dean Phase 2:
                                          available for support
  Dr Nicholas Taylor                      and to try to resolve the
> Director Medical School
                                          matter quickly
                                          and effectively.
> Deputy Director Medical School
> ANU Dean of Students
                                        If informal resolutions have not
> Another contact person you feel
                                        resolved the issue, you feel unsafe or
  comfortable speaking with including
                                        the behaviour is serious
  those listed on page 15.

b. Speak to the person
                                        1. Formal complaint
   concerned directly                   Contact either (via e-mail or in person):
c. C
    ontact medical defence             > ANU Medical Students’ Society
   organisations                          Equity Officer

If the matter remains unresolved,       > Year Coordinator
consider a formal complaint.            > Clinical Skills Coordinators
                                        > ANU Medical School Director or
                                          Deputy Director
                                        This person will support you and tell
                                        you more about your options. Together
                                        you can decide if you want to make a
                                        formal complaint.

                                         Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination 13

2. Still not resolved?                              For more information, help, or advice on
                                                    reporting there are a number of resources
Hopefully informal resolution strategies            that can be utilised:
or a formal complaint will adequately
address the behaviour. If not, there are            Student Contacts
still options available:
                                                    ANU Medical Students’ Society
> ANU Deputy Vice-Chancellor                        Equity Officer
  (Academic)                                        E studentequity.medicalschool@anu.edu.au
> ACT Ombudsman
> Australian Human Rights
  Commission (for complaints relating
                                                    ANU Medical School
  to discrimination)
                                                    Year Coordinators
> Medical defence organisations are                 Year 1 Academic Coordinator
  also able to provide help and advice              Dr Zan-Min Song
  to resolve these types of problems.               T (02) 6125 4963
                                                    E zan-min.song@anu.edu.au

                                                    Year 2 Academic Coordinator
                                                    Dr Brett Scholz
                                                    T (02) 6125 5753
                                                    E brett.scholz@anu.edu.au

                                                    Year 3 Academic Coordinator
                                                    Dr William Huang
                                                    T (02) 5124 0000
                                                    E william.huang@anu.edu.au

                                                    Year 4 Academic Coordinator
                                                    Dr Selina Watchorn
                                                    T (02) 5124 0000
                                                    E selina.watchorn@anu.edu.au

14 ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment
Wellbeing Academic Lead- Student              Deputy Director
Welfare Committee                             A/Professor Alexandra Webb
Dr Nicola Schembri                            T (02) 5124 4966
T (02) 5124 3655                              E alexandra.webb@anu.edu.au
E nicola.schembri@anu.edu.au
                                              Other Academic Faculty
Academic Support Staff
Phase 1 Clinical Skills Coordinator, Year 1   These academic staff members are
Dr Michelle Barrett                           passionate about equity and are happy
T (02) 5124 3361                              to be contacted:
E michelle.barrett@anu.edu.au
                                              Prof Kirsty Douglas
Phase 1 Clinical Skills Coordinator, Year 2   T (02) 5124 4946
Dr Janelle Hamilton                           E kirsty.a.douglas@anu.edu.au
T (02) 5124 3361
E janelle.hamilton@anu.edu.au                 Prof Klaus-Martin Schulte
                                              T (02) 5124 4939
Phase 2 Clinical Skills Coordinator, Year     E km.schulte@anu.edu.au
Dr Dianne Whiteman Willis                     Dr Karin Messerle
T (02) 5124 3655                              T (02) 6125 7435
E dianne.willis@anu.edu.au                    E karin.messerle@anu.edu.au

Phase 2 Medical Advisor - Canberra            Dr Nicholas Taylor
Hospital                                      T (02) 5124 0000
Dr Alexandra Tyson                            E nicholas.taylor@anu.edu.au
Canberra Sexual Health Centre
T (02) 5124 2184                              Prof Christine Phillips
E alexandra.tyson@anu.edu.au                  T (02) 6125 7665
                                              E christine.phillips@anu.edu.au
ANU Medical School Leadership
Director                                      Clinical A/Prof Sarah Martin
Professor Zsuzsoka Kecskes                    T (02) 5124 0000
T (02) 6125 2622                              E sarah.martin@anu.edu.au
E director.medicalschool@anu.edu.au
                                              Ms Karlee Johnston
                                              E karlee.johnston@anu.edu.au

15 ANU College of Health & Medicine            Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination 15
Contacts outside the ANU                     assistance with any personal or academic
Medical School                               matters including advocacy and
                                             legal advice.
ANU Dean of Students – available             T (02) 6125 2603
for confidential advice and reporting        E parsa.assistance@anu.edu.au
external to the Medical School. The
Dean of Students can act as a neutral
intermediary between students and the        ANU Counselling Centre – offers free
university and can assist in determining     and confidential counselling to all
the best way of addressing complaints.       ANU students.
T (02) 6125 4184                             T (02) 6125 2442
E dean.students@anu.edu.au

Respectful Relationships Unit                Medical defence organisations − offer
is available for support and any             free membership to medical students
investigation into sexual violence and       and are able to provide free legal
sexual harassment.                           advice to students before and during
T (02) 6125 7870                             the submission of formal complaints.
E respect@anu.edu.au                         The extent of representation depends
                                             on the organisation and individual
                                             circumstances, but the claims
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre - they offer
                                             department (usually available 24hrs) can
confidential advice and support on sexual
                                             provide more information.
harassment of all nature, which does not
need to culminate in sexual violation or
T (02) 6247 2525 (7am-11pm)                  For emergency counselling support
E crcc@crcc.org.au
                                             Dealing with bullying, sexual harassment
                                             and discrimination can take a significant
                                             toll on your mental health and physical
Your own GP – don’t forget to stay in        wellbeing. If you do experience mental ill-
contact with your GP. If you don’t have      health please reach out to someone you
a regular GP, you can utilise the Doctors’   trust. If support is needed urgently there
Health Advisory Service ACT                  are 24 hr services available including:
(0407 265 414 – 24hr service)

                                             Beyond Blue Support Service
PARSA – has professionally trained
                                             T 1300 224 636
staff to provide free and confidential

16 ANU College of Health & Medicine
Lifeline - crisis support and suicide        Other resources
T 13 11 14                                   What you can do to stop bullies – be
                                             a supportive bystander: Violence,
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre                  Harassment and Bullying fact sheet.
(7am – 11pm)                                 Australian Human Rights Commission.
Text Only 0488 586 518

If you experience sexual assault             This booklet has been developed for
There are people who can give you            students, by students. If you identify
specialist advice and support. Even if you   information that is incorrect or other
are not ready to report the assault, you     information that you think needs to be
should seek medical assistance as soon       included, let us know! Please provide
as possible after the event.                 feedback and ideas surrounding the
                                             content of this document to the ANU
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre                  Medical Students’ Society Equity
(7am – 11pm)                                 Officer at:
Text Only 0488 586 518                       studentequity.medicalschool@anu.edu.au
NSW Rape Crisis Centre (24hrs)
T 1800 424 017
Service Assisting Male Survivors of
Sexual Assault                               Australian National University Procedure:
T (02) 6287 3935                             Prevention of discrimination, harassment
                                             and bullying
Canberra Sexual Health Centre
T (02) 5124 2184                             Australian National University Student
                                             Complaint Resolution Policy
Emergency Medical Care
Canberra Hospital                            Australian National University - Policy:
T (02) 5124 0000                             Student Critical Incident
AFP Sexual Assault Team                      ACT Government Public Sector
T 13 14 44                                   Employment Framework Portal. Resolving
                                             workplace issues
NSW Police Assistance Line
T 13 14 44                                   ACT Government-Fact sheet:
                                             Feeling Safe and Supported on
                                             Clinical Placement

                                              Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination 17
18 ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment   Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination 18

Medical School
ANU College of Health & Medicine
Florey Building, 54 Mills Road
Acton ACT 2601
The Australian National University
T 02 6125 2622
E director.medicalschool@anu.edu.au
W medicalschool.anu.edu.au
CRICOS Provider #00120C
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