Bulletin 2021-2022 - Chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York - Amazon AWS

Page created by Zachary Coleman
Chartered by the Board of Regents of the University
               of the State of New York

   Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies
Sixteen West Tenth Street, New York, NY 10011-8707

         Bulletin 2021-2022
CMPS Board of Trustees and Administration                             2
About Modern Psychoanalysis                                           3
History of the Center                                                 3
CMPS General Information                                              6
    Admission Procedures                                              7
    General Information for Enrolled Students                         7
    Schedule of Fees                                                  9
    Scholarships                                                      10
    Grievance Procedures                                              10
    Modern Psychoanalysis                                             11
CMPS Training Program Requirements                                    12
    Level 1: Matriculation                                            12
    Level 2: Certificate Candidacy                                    13
    Level 3: Research Candidacy                                       13
    Requirements for Graduation                                       14
CMPS Course Descriptions                                              15
CMPS Curriculum Requirements                                          24
CMPS One-Year Program                                                 25
CMPS Distance Learning                                                26
Graduates of CMPS                                                     26-29
Faculty                                                               30-31
Application                                                           33-34
Calendar 2021-2022                                                    Inside Back Cover

Copyright © 2021 by the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies. No part of this bulletin may be
reproduced without the permission of CMPS.
A New York State Licensure-Qualifying Institute
           Dedicated to Training Since 1971

    BULLETIN 2021-2022
          Chartered by the Board of Regents
        The University of the State of New York

          ■                                 ■

 Training Center and                Consultation and
Administrative Offices               Referral Service

 16 West Tenth Street              16 West Tenth Street
 New York, NY 10011                New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 260-7050            Phone: (212) 228-6036
 Fax: (212) 228-6410               Fax: (212) 228-6410
Email: cmps@cmps.edu           Email: talkinghelps@cmps.edu
   Web: cmps.edu                 Web: cmps.edu/therapy
Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies

    Board of Trustees             Faye Newsome, Chair          Philip Kaplan
                                  Patricia Billotti            Gabriela Kohen
                                  Ernest Brod                  Theodore Laquercia
                                  Jennifer Coonce              Janice Montague
                                  Bernie Cornick               Alexei Schacht
                                  Mimi G. Crowell              Sam Schacht
                                  William Crowell              Dolores Welber

     Board of Administrative Directors
             Mimi G. Crowell      President
             Ellen Barz           Consultation and Referral Service, Clinical Services
             Laura Covino         Library Services
             Barbara D’Amato      Distance Learning
             Stephen Guttman      Registrar
             William Hurst        Extension Division
             Nicole Kirman        Research
             Theodore Laquercia   Special Projects and Development
             Charlotte Melnik     Liaison to Students
             Angela Musolino      Consultation and Referral Service, Administration
             Phyllis Rauch        Educational Advisement Liaison
             Rory Rothman         Admissions, Faculty Library Liaison
             Richard Sacks        Professional Events
             Sara Sheftel         Curator of Hyman Spotnitz Archives
             Marc Tallent         Communications

     Program Coordinator
             Amy Althoff          Fundraising

             Kabir de Leeuw       Assistant to the President
             Debra Lee            Administrative Assistant
             Wei Sen Chen         Bookkeeper
             Sam Dash             Managing Editor, Modern Psychoanalysis

About Modern Psychoanalysis

      odern psychoanalysis
builds on the theoretical framework
and clinical approach of Sigmund
Freud, who defined psychoanalysis
                                          and the effective use of emotional
                                          interchanges between analyst and
                                          analysand as an important clinical
                                          tool, and (4) use of variations
as any line of investigation that takes   in technique as necessary to aid
transference and resistance as the        in the understanding of patient
starting point of its work. It is the     dynamics and to resolve resistance to
name given by Hyman Spotnitz to           personality maturation.
describe a body of developments
in the theory of technique in
order to apply the psychoanalytic         History of the Center
method to the treatment of certain
disorders previously thought to           In December 1970, the following
be untreatable by that method. It         analysts and friends of psychoanalysis
has been found to be applicable           met to establish the Center for
to all types of emotional illness         Modern Psychoanalytic Studies:
including neuroses, psychoses,            Evelyn Abrams, Dorothy Bloch, Ethel
borderline conditions, depression,        Goldwater Clevans, Mark E. Clevans,
and character disorders. The findings     Irene Kesten, Jacob Kesten, William
of modern psychoanalysis have             Kirman, Evelyn J. Liegner, Leonard
contributed new insights into both        Liegner, Shirley B. Love, Sidney I.
the dynamics of emotional illnesses       Love, Benjamin D. Margolis, Deborah
and the mechanisms through which          Margolis, Cyril Z. Meadow, Phyllis
the analytic process cures these          W. Meadow, Benjamin Nelson, Marie
conditions.                               Coleman Nelson, Joan Ormont,
                                          Louis Ormont, Leslie Rosenthal,
These theories of the treatment of        and Harold Stern. The institute was
emotional illness include (1) ways        chartered in 1971 by the State of New
that each patient processes destructive   York Department of Education.
impulsivity in the analytic setting,
(2) transference repetition including      Early in 1971 the Board of Trustees
not only experiences from the             named Hyman Spotnitz as Honorary
oedipal stage of development but          President in recognition of his
also from the first two years of life     pioneering efforts in the development
as well as the prenatal period, (3)       of modern psychoanalysis and for
the systematic utilization of patient-    his dedication and commitment to
induced countertransference feelings      the training of psychoanalysts. The

Center continues to acknowledge          The Center Continues to
Dr. Spotnitz’s contributions as the      Advance the Stated Purposes
major foundation of the Center’s         of its Charter:
philosophy and approach to
psychoanalytic training.                 1) Establishment of a
In 1971, the following people            Psychoanalytic Training Institute
were appointed senior associates:        The Center’s training program
Gertrude Aull, Arnold Bernstein,         continues to develop its innovative
Harold L. Davis, Gerald M. Fishbein,     and unique approach to
Betty Gabriel, Mary L. Gottesfeld,       psychoanalytic training.
Stanley Hayden, Dennis Horvath, Lia
Knoepfmacher, Etta Kolodney, Ethel       2) Development of Standards for
Lawton, Fanny Milstein, Doris Pfeffer,   Psychoanalytic Education
Avivah Sayres, and Murray
                                         Under the guidance of Phyllis W.
H. Sherman.
                                         Meadow, the Center, in cooperation
Under the direction of Phyllis W.        with other psychoanalytic training
Meadow, the Center developed into        institutes, founded the Society of
a leading psychoanalytic training        Modern Psychoanalysts.
institute. The training program
                                         The Center is active in establishing
reflects the efforts of many modern
                                         and clarifying standards of modern
psychoanalytic educators. Prominent
among these were Ethel Goldwater         psychoanalytic education.
Clevans, who played a significant
                                         3) Promotion and Advancement of
role in the introduction of modern
psychoanalytic process teaching to       Psychoanalysis
the faculty, and Yonata Feldman,         The Center presents lectures,
who helped structure the supervisory     seminars, conferences, and
relationship and the communication       workshops in which distinguished
between student and faculty through      psychoanalysts introduce the latest
the log.                                 developments
In 1972, the Center was provisionally    in psychoanalytic theory and
chartered by the Board of Regents of     technique to the professional
The University of the State of New       community.
York to offer a training program in
psychoanalysis as the Manhattan          4) Maintenance of a Center for
Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic       Psychoanalytic Research
Studies. This charter became absolute    From the Center’s inception,
on March 21, 1978, and the name
                                         candidates and faculty have engaged
was changed to the Center for
                                         in psychoanalytically oriented
Modern Psychoanalytic Studies. The
                                         research projects. The research
Center was approved by the State of
New York as a licensure-qualifying       department has encouraged and
institute in 2006.                       assits students in the development
                                         of psychoanalytic papers ranging

in focus from practical problems           6) Development of Advanced
experienced in patient treatment to        Programs of Study in
broad theoretical issues.                  Psychoanalysis
                                           The Center’s founders, faculty,
5) Publication of Modern
                                           and graduates have assisted in the
Psychoanalytic Writing and Research
                                           development of other modern
Early in its history the Center            psychoanalytic training institutes.
developed a program to encourage           Faculty members frequently accept
psychoanalytic writing. The Center’s       invitations from other training
journal, Modern Psychoanalysis, has        facilities in the mental health field
been published semiannually since          and related academic programs to
1976. It is available in print in          provide consultation on curriculum
libraries and by subscription, and is      development and institute teaching
available electronically through the       methods.
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
database. Since that time the journal      7) Faculty Development
has been published semi-annually,          An ongoing faculty developments
and its list of subscribers continues to   program includes courses and
grow nationally and internationally.       seminars throughout the year.
The program has also led to the            Workshops and seminars are
publication by faculty, students, and      designed to keep the faculty current
graduates of a steady stream of books      with development in psychoanalytic
and articles that represent valuable       theory and technique, promoting
contributions to the literature of         excellence in teaching and
psychoanalysis.                            supervision.

Center for Modern
Psychoanalytic Studies
General Information
Location                                 Research Library
The CMPS administrative office,          The Center’s library has a catalogued
library, classrooms, research            collection of psychoanalytic books,
department, and the editorial office     journals, reprints, and reference
of the Center’s journal, Modern          publications for the research and
Psychoanalysis, are located at 16 West   training needs of Center students.
10th Street, New York, NY 10011.         Course reading lists and required
The office is open from                  reading materials are kept on reserve,
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday               and internet access to psychoanalytic
through Friday. The Center’s             databases is provided.
Consultation and Referral Service,
also located at the same address, is     Consultation and Referral
open Monday through Thursday             Service
from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM and Friday       The Center’s Consultation and
from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.                 Referral Service is an integral part
                                         of the training program. It affords
Faculty                                  students approved for Certificate
Psychoanalytic faculty and               Candidacy and Research Candidacy
supervisors are certified and licensed   the opportunity to gain clinical
psychoanalysts. The Center’s             experience under faculty supervision.
approach to teaching combines            Individuals and families considering
emotional and cognitive learning.        treatment can call the Consultation
                                         and Referral Service between 9:00
Accreditation                            A.M. and 9:00 P.M., Monday through
The Center was chartered by the          Thursday, and Friday 9:00 A.M.
Board of Regents of the University       to 8:00 P.M. to schedule an initial
of the State of New York in July 1972    interview. Therapy fees fall within
and is recognized by New York State      Consultation and Referral Service
as a licensure-qualifying institute.     guidelines and are decided by mutual
It is a founding member of the           agreement between therapist and
Society of Modern Psychoanalysts         patient. Fellows are responsible for
and a founding member of the             the direction of the Consultation
National Association for the             and Referral Service, and they meet
Advancement of Psychoanalysis.           regularly with students.
CMPS is accredited by the American
Board for Accreditation in
Continuing Education                       the applicant’s interest in training,
CMPS, through its Extension                official transcripts of previous
Division, offers seminars, lectures,       academic work, and two letters
and workshops to professionals             of recommendation. When the
and the general public, many for           application is complete, admission
continuing education (CE) credit.          interviews are scheduled.
CMPS also offers the one-semester          Applications and transcripts are
Introduction to Modern                     accepted throughout the year,
Psychoanalysis (15 CE credits) and         and students may be admitted in
the One-Year Program in Modern             either the fall or spring semester.
Psychoanalysis (60 CE credits).            Applicants who have had previous
(See p. 25.)                               psychoanalytic training may
                                           request an equivalency evaluation
CMPS is recognized by the New
                                           of their coursework at the time
York State Education Department’s
                                           of their admission interview; an
State Board for Mental Health
                                           equivalency request form is available
Practitioners as an approved provider
                                           for this purpose. Equivalency credit
of continuing education for licensed
                                           may be granted for a maximum of
psychoanalysts, by the New York
                                           four courses. Students accepted for
State Education Department’s State
                                           training who are not already in an
Board for Social Work as an approved
                                           approved individual psychoanalysis
provider of continuing education
                                           are expected to begin early in their
for social workers, and by the New
                                           first semester.
York State Office of Alcoholism and
Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) as        General Information for
an approved provider of continuing         Enrolled Students
education for credentialed alcoholism
and substance abuse counselors             PT 7 Training Analysis
(CASACs).                                  All students are required, at
                                           minimum, to be in a once-a-
                                           week individual psychoanalysis
Admission Procedures
                                           with an approved training
Upon request, the Registrar will           analyst throughout their training.
send an admission application, also        Completion of 300 sessions of
found at the back of this bulletin.        analysis is required for graduation;
CMPS welcomes candidates without           250 sessions must be in an approved
regard to race, color, religion, gender,   individual analysis, and the
sexual orientation, gender identity        remaining 50 sessions may be in an
or expression, veteran status, age,        approved group analysis.
genetics, disability, or national          Students who have been in
origin. The CMPS admission policy          individual or group psychoanalysis
encourages individuals from a wide         prior to acceptance in the Center’s
range of backgrounds to explore            program may, at the time of their
psychoanalytic training.                   admissions interviews, request
A master’s degree is required for          that 50 of their previous analytic
admission. Applications require            hours be credited toward meeting
a personal statement explaining            graduation requirements.

Calendar                                 Program Advisement
The Center’s training year is divided    Each new student is assigned
into fall and spring semesters and       an advisor who is available for
summer and winter terms for              consultation throughout the
supervision and research. Fall           student’s time at Level 1 (see p. 12).
semester PT 611(12) sections meet        Students meet with their advisors
four times during January. Spring        before each semester to discuss
semester PT 611(12) sections meet        course selections and all aspects of
eight times over the summer.             their training. At Level 2 and Level 3
PT211i, PT 311, and PT 411               (see pp. 13-14), the student’s Fellow
supervisions also meet during the        serves as academic advisor.
summer and winter terms.
                                         Full-time Status
Grades                                   Registration for at least four
The Center uses a grading system of      courses, or three courses and a case
Pass (P), Low Pass (LP), Incomplete      supervision, maintains full-time
(INC), and No Credit (NC). Students      status. Students taking one or two
who are absent for more than two         courses are considered part-time
class meetings during a semester         students.
receive a grade of No Credit (NC).
                                         Leave of Absence
PASS. Granted to students who            Enrolled students who do not
complete course requirements             register for a semester, but who wish
satisfactorily, according to stated      to maintain their matriculation
criteria for evaluation.                 status, write a letter requesting a
LOW PASS. Given when students            leave of absence to the Director of
have minimally completed course          Advisement indicating why they are
requirements and advisement is           electing to take a leave. They then
needed.                                  register to maintain matriculation
                                         for the semester and pay the
INCOMPLETE. Given when students
                                         registration fee. An advisement
are on track to pass the course,
                                         interview may be asked of students
pending completion of the
                                         who maintain matriculation for
requirements. If course requirements
                                         more than two consecutive
are not met within 30 days of the last
class meeting, a grade of Incomplete
will be changed to No Credit.
                                         Student Transcripts
NO CREDIT. Given when students
do not fulfill course requirements.      For an official transcript of CMPS
Students must repeat the course and      coursework, students submit
fulfill its requirements in order to     a signed request to the Center
receive credit.                          Registrar including the name and
                                         address of the transcript recipient.
                                         Students no longer enrolled inform
                                         the Registrar of their last semester
                                         of attendance. A fifteen dollar fee is
Semester Schedule of Fees
Admission application and interviews ................................................................ $50
Registration/Matriculation maintenance, per semester .................................. $100
Each course (unless otherwise noted) ............................................................... $750
PT 490 Consultation and Referral Service lab fee: First two semesters .......... $475
PT 490 Consultation and Referral Service lab fee: Succeeding semesters ...... $525
PT 7 Personal analysis, per half year, approximately ..................................... $2200
PT 611(12) (To meet 30 minutes per student; 90 minutes if 3 students......... $450
PT 611(8) .............................................................................................................. $300
PT 611(4) .............................................................................................................. $150
PT 211i, per session, privately arranged .............................................................. $60
PT 311 Supervision of Referral Service Cases, per half year, approximately . $1100
PT 411 Supervision of Control Case, per half year, approximately ............... $1100
PT 2612 Advanced Case Practicum ................................................................... $400
PT 527 Research Supervision ............................................................................. $750
CS 101 Seminar in Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect ........ $25
Research Reading Fee (for Research Candidates in their last semester) ......... $390
Official transcript of student record ..................................................................... $15
Graduation fee ..................................................................................................... $100

Refund Policy                                                      Work/Study Program
Approved drop before the first class                               The Center offers a number of Work/
meeting: 100% refund. Approved                                     Study internships for full-time
drop before the second class                                       candidates. Students who desire
meeting: 75% refund. Dropping                                      tuition assistance and are available
a course after the second course                                   for 4-8 hours per week during the
meeting: No refund.                                                semester can apply for a Work/
                                                                   Study internship. Areas available are:
Tuition Payment Plan                                               Consultation and Referral Service,
The Center assists students to meet                                library, office and journal work, and
tuition expenses with a tuition                                    computer assistance. Candidates
payment plan. Tuition may be                                       can be awarded up to 50% tuition
divided into two or three payments                                 remission, depending on the skill
during a semester. Contact the                                     necessary to fulfill the Work/Study
Registrar for details.                                             requirements. Information about the
                                                                   application procedures for the Work/
                                                                   Study internship may be obtained by
                                                                   contacting the Registrar.

Scholarships                              requests to the CMPS Alumni
                                          Association Scholarship Committee,
Social Justice Scholarship
                                          c/o the Center office, by July 30th for
To address the effects of
                                          the fall semester and December 15th
intergenerational trauma,
                                          for the spring semester.
discrimination, exclusion, and
violence that are the legacy of slavery
and systemic racism, the Center           Grievance Procedures
for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies         CMPS is committed to resolving
offers the Social Justice Scholarship,    grievances collegially. The grievance
which provides free tuition and           is limited to those actions that
reduced-fee analysis and supervision      have injured the aggrieved
for the duration of the program.          student; it is first addressed in
Black applicants may submit an            informal discussion between the
application for the scholarship,          immediate parties to the dispute.
which is included as part of the          If this discussion fails to produce
CMPS application for admission.           a satisfactory resolution, the
The Evelyn J. and Leonard M.              aggrieved student seeks the advice
Liegner Scholarship                       and assistance of his or her advisor,
The Evelyn J. and Leonard M. Liegner      another member of the faculty, or
Scholarship, in memory of these two       the President. If following such
founders of CMPS, longtime faculty        consultation and assistance the
members, and dedicated supporters         matter remains unresolved, the
of modern psychoanalytic training,        aggrieved student may write a
provides a $2000 grant to help            petition fully describing the nature
defray tuition. Current CMPS              and grounds of the grievance
students are invited to apply. Letters    and request that the Director of
of application should describe            Educational Advisement review
one’s motivations for studying            the disputed matter. The Director
psychoanalysis, professional goals,       of Educational Advisement reviews
and financial need, and should have       the dispute in a manner deemed
a CV attached. They should be sent        appropriate to the case and reports
to Faye Newsome at                        any recommendations to the parties.
newsome65@aol.com.                        An aggrieved student may request
                                          a further review by the Grievance
Ethel Goldwater Clevans                   Committee, which includes three
Scholarship                               faculty members and a student
The Alumni Association of the             representative agreed upon by
Center for Modern Psychoanalytic          both parties. Full cooperation
Studies administers the scholarship       with the committee is expected
honoring the memory of Ethel              of all members of the academic
Goldwater Clevans to assist               community. Upon completing its
Certificate Candidates who are in         review, the committee reports its
financial need and have difficulty        recommendations to the President,
meeting their tuition. Candidates         whose decision is final.
wishing to apply should address

Suspension or Dismissal                   Modern Psychoanalysis,
CMPS reserves the right, through          the Journal of CMPS
accepted procedures and designated        Modern Psychoanalysis, the journal
committees, to suspend or dismiss         of CMPS, publishes research
any student for failure to maintain       and clinical papers addressing
a satisfactory academic record or         the full range of emotional
for unacceptable personal behavior.       disorders. It provides a forum for
                                          the dissemination of theoretical
Please refer to the Student Handbook
                                          developments and innovative
for the school’s Code of Conduct,         treatment approaches. Articles
grievance procedures, and policy on       come from within the modern
academic standing.                        psychoanalytic community as well
                                          as from other schools of thought;
Consultation and Referral                 scholarship from related fields is
Service Administrative                    also included.
Fellowships                               The Hyman Spotnitz Archives
The Consultation and Referral             In 2010, the family of Hyman
Service offers fellowships to Center      Spotnitz donated his papers to
graduates who have demonstrated           CMPS. The Spotnitz Archives
excellence in clinical skills.            include materials from his years of
Fellows are trained to work in an         medical study in Berlin, his research
administrative supervisory role with      in neurology and psychiatry in
Consultation and Referral Service         New York, and his research and
therapists while being prepared for       writings in individual and group
                                          psychoanalysis. The papers are
psychoanalytic supervision and
                                          available for research according
teaching. Appointments are                to the provisions in the donation
for two years.                            agreement. Researchers submit a
Graduates interested in this program      Registration and Use of Access form
may apply in writing to the Director      which may be downloaded from the
of Clinical Services.                     CMPS Library website. Completed
                                          forms are submitted to the CMPS
                                          Librarian. Approval is granted upon
                                          review by the Spotnitz Archives
                                          Committee. The Spotnitz Archives
                                          provides a Finding Aid which may be
                                          accessed through the CMPS Library's

The Alumni Association
The CMPS Alumni Association was founded in 1976 to support the
Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies and to further the professional
and scientific interests of its members. Membership is open to CMPS graduates.
The Association carries out these goals through lecture series and other events.
It also funds and administers the Ethel Goldwater Clevans Scholarship.

CMPS Training Program Requirements

Course of Study                         LEVEL 1:
Courses are designed to give            Matriculation
students extensive exposure to the      Level 1 provides academic preparation
fundamentals of psychoanalysis          for clinical training through core
as a theory of the mind, as a           courses in the fundamentals of
therapeutic method, and as a            psychoanalysis.
scientific research tool. Courses are   These courses introduce the
offered in developmental theory,        student to the history and scientific
the history of psychoanalysis, basic    background of psychoanalysis,
psychoanalytic theory, research         the development of its language,
methods, and clinical studies. The      drive and object relations theories,
program encompasses the general         developmental theories, and
field and the relationship among        revisions to Freudian theory
various psychoanalytic schools of       developed between 1895 and the
thought. Training begins with core      present. Courses in human sciences
courses offering mastery of broad       and research introduce the student
issues in human development,            to other approaches to human
motivation, and psychopathology.        motivation. Level 1 students may
Advanced courses focus on specific      enroll in a full- or part-time program.
concepts of psychoanalytic theory,      Before registering each semester, they
research, and techniques. Students      meet with their academic advisor
are also required to satisfactorily     to determine what courses to take.
complete CS 101, Seminar in             For example, a first-semester full-
Identifying and Reporting Child         time student would enroll in four or
Abuse and Neglect, offered every        five courses—one in each of these
spring semester.                        categories: Human Development,
                                        Theory, History, Research, and Pre-
Levels of Training                      Clinical Studies.
The Center’s program in                 It is recommended that students plan
psychoanalysis has three training       to take two human development
levels: Level 1, Matriculation,         courses, two history courses, four
includes pre-clinical coursework;       theory courses, and the first two
Level 2, Certificate Candidacy,         research courses so that by the end
provides advanced coursework and        of the second year they will have
the clinical internship at the          completed the core courses required
Consultation and Referral Service;      for the Certificate Candidacy
and Level 3, Research Candidacy,        level. Psychoanalytic training is
continues the clinical internship       more meaningful when students
and encompasses the writing of the      participate concurrently in theory,
final paper.                            development, history, and research
LEVEL 2:                                 with larger caseloads receive
                                         additional supervision by arranging
Certificate Candidacy                    an additional PT 311 or by enrolling
Admission to Certificate Candidacy       in PT 611 Small Group Supervision
requires completion of all Level 1       of Referral Service Cases
courses, a minimum of 100 hours of       (Supplemental). The Fellow ensures
approved training analysis, and          that the amount of supervision
application for Certificate Candidacy.   received matches the size of the
(See p. 24.) After a minimum of          candidate's caseload. All candidates
100 hours of approved training           working with patients at the
analysis, successful completion          Consultation and Referral Service are
of the prerequisite coursework,          in an approved individual weekly
a student in good standing is eligible   analysis.
to apply for Certificate Candidacy.
Students approved for Certificate
Candidacy are eligible to begin          LEVEL 3:
supervised clinical training at the      Research Candidacy
CMPS Consultation and Referral
Service in conjunction with relevant     Certifcate candidates who have made
coursework.                              a successful presentation of cases to
                                         the Faculty Council, have completed
Level 2 students meet with Fellows       all Level 1 and Level 2 coursework,
weekly to give an ongoing account of     and have had at least 25 hours of
the progress of their cases and to       PT 411 Control Analysis register
discuss administrative procedures        every semester until graduation for
and academic requirements. All           PT 527 Research Supervision and
Consultation and Referral Service        PT 2612 Advanced Case Practicum.
cases are in approved weekly clinical    Candidates submit a 3-to-5-page
supervisions, starting with PT 211i      description of an area of research
Beginning Individual Supervision of      interest to the Research Committee.
Consultation and Referral Service        When this is approved, the student
Cases. Procedures for beginning          begins the final project. Research is
PT 311 Individual Supervision            conducted under the guidance of the
of Consultation and Referral             Research Supervisor in PT 527 until
Service Cases and readiness for          completion of the final project. The
beginning PT 411 Control Analysis        case selected for research is studied
of a Consultation and Referral           in PT 411 Control Analysis. The
Service Case are discussed with the      control analyst supervises the case
candidate’s Fellow. PT 211i,             and verifes the clinical data in the
PT 311, and PT 411 are taken with        final written research project.
different supervisors. Candidates

Requirements for                          6) A case presentation before the
                                          Faculty demonstrating the ability
Graduation*                               to recognize and resolve resistances
                                          and an understanding of psychic
Certificate in Psychoanalysis             processes. Students who have a
1) An approved training analysis          minimum of 25 hours and one year
consisting of at least 300 sessions, of   of PT 411 and who have completed
which 50 may be group analysis.           all coursework are eligible to make
                                          this presentation.
2) Satisfactory completion of
required coursework (see p. 24).          7) Satisfactory presentation of
                                          a research paper, written in the
3) Recommendation of Fellow.              final stage of training, which
                                          demonstrates both an ability
4) A minimum of 1500 hours of             to apply fundamental research
supervised clinical treatment of cases    principles in a case study and an
at the Consultation and Referral          understanding of motivational
Service, of which at least 750 hours      forces and their role in the psychic
are direct contact hours. A maximum       structure.
of 125 hours of conducting group
analysis may be counted toward the        8) Satisfactory presentation of the
750 direct contact hours.                 treatment of the control case before
                                          the faculty.
5) Satisfactory completion of
supervision requirements: PT 211i,        9.) Satisfactory completion of CS
PT 311, and PT 411. Two hundred           101, Seminar in Identifying and
sessions of supervision with              Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
three different supervisors is the
minimum requirement: 50 hours             * Requirements for graduation are
of PT 211i Beginning Supervision          subject to change.
of Consultation and Referral
Service Cases with one supervisor
(other than the PT 311 and PT
411 supervisors), a minimum of
50 hours of PT 311 Supervision of
Consultation and Referral Service
Cases with one supervisor (other
than the PT 211i and PT 411
supervisors), and a minimum of 50
hours of PT 411 Control Analysis
with one supervisor (other than the
PT 211i and PT 311 supervisors).
The 50 hours (minimum) spent in
PT 411 is exclusively focused on the
control case.

CMPS Course Descriptions
The semester calendar and schedule of classes are accessible via the Blackbaud
student portal; they are also available online at www.cmps.edu.

PT 7 Individual Psychoanalysis             PT 139 Psychoanalysis, Culture,
All students are, at minimum,              and Society
in a once-a-week individual                Psychoanalysis can help to
psychoanalysis with an approved            illuminate the unconscious
training analyst throughout                structures of culture and the ways in
their training. (See graduation            which language and culture frame
requirements.) Documentation of            human experience. This course
analytic hours must be provided            examines the interface between
every semester.                            psychic and social reality and
                                           the latent processes of culture as
PT 8 Group Analysis                        expressed in gender, politics, race,
Fifty sessions of an approved group        and class. In addition, it focuses
analysis may be applied toward             on the ways in which culture and
requirements for graduation.               society impact psychoanalytic theory
                                           and practice, using a sociocultural
                                           lens to scrutinize historical and
                                           contemporary conceptualizations
                                           of the etiology and treatment of
                                           psychotic mental disorders.
I. Theories of Human
   Development: The
                                           PT 140 Sociocultural
   Maturation Process                      Influences on Maturation and
This group of courses offers
                                           This course explores the effects of
students an opportunity to
                                           the social world on the individual,
learn how repetition unfolds
                                           including how sociocultural
in psychoanalysis. Maturation
                                           experiences and affiliations shape
courses investigate normal and
                                           personality. The effects that family,
pathological development, as well
                                           ethnicity, gender, culture, and race
as theories of regression, using case
                                           have on identity development and
studies cases to illuminate stages
                                           psychopathology are examined.
in the developmental process.
                                           The course includes a weekly lab
Neurophysiological sequences
                                           component in a setting chosen by
are related to the vicissitudes
of instinctual life as they affect         the student.
emotional development.

PT 141 Human Development:                PT 143 Latency
How the Mind Unfolds, Part 1             This course explores the external
This course explores the                 and internal transformations in
constitutional and environmental         the latency-age child, especially
factors that contribute to maturation    regarding management of the
in the preoedipal period, including      libidinal and aggressive drives,
early conflict states, symbiosis,        the altered role of fantasy, and a
omnipotence, envy, oral and              widening range of defenses.
anal eroticism, with emphasis
on the roles of the constructive
and destructive drives. Aspects of       PT 144 Adolescence
character structure rooted in this       This course explores the psychic
period are examined in order to          turmoil of adolescence, including
study normal and pathological            conflicts concerning the
development.                             libidinal and aggressive drives,
                                         transformations in object relations,
                                         and the reemergence of early issues
PT 142 Human Development:
                                         within the framework of greater
How the Mind Unfolds, Part 2
                                         biological and cognitive maturity.
The emotional dynamics of the
child in the oedipal stage are
explored. Children in this age           PT 147 Adulthood
group struggle with beginning            This course identifies the central
transformationsof the destructive        developmental tasks and conflicts
drive and its influence on character,    typical of the stages of adulthood.
including oppositional syndromes         Young adults struggle with pregenital
and defenses that develop to deal        and genital aims, the repetition of
with aggressive impulses. The            incestuous longings, and the fear
course examines early somatization       of intimacy. Middle-aged and older
struggles as well as the role of         adults face new realities: limitations
fantasy and screen memories in           of possibility, physical and sexual
maturation. It looks at specific forms   changes, the departure of children,
of the Oedipus complex within the        marital readjustments, and the
family romance.                          approach of death. Also examined
                                         are early conflicts that reemerge
                                         in adulthood, and transference,
                                         countertransference, and resistance
                                         issues in the treatment of aging

II. PSYCHOANALYTIC                       PT 152 Character Studies in
    THEORY                               Using characters from literature, the
                                         student gains an understanding of
This area of study gives students        severe character pathology.
a broad foundation in classical
and contemporary theories of
                                         PT 154a Comparative
                                         Psychoanalysis, Part 1 ,
                                         and PT 154b Comparative
PT 150 Concepts of Group                 Psychoanalysis, Part 2
Psychoanalysis                           Major trends in psychoanalytic
This course considers the                thought, including ego
phenomenology of the setting, the        psychology, object relations, self
handling of resistances, and the role    psychology, relational and modern
of management of impulses in group       psychoanalysis, and Lacanian
interactions as they pertain to the      theory are studied. These two
modern psychoanalytic treatment of       courses explore the similarities
groups, families, and couples.           and differences in their concepts
                                         of drive, object, self, transference,
                                         countertransference, and resistance.
PT 151a Basic Psychoanalytic
Theory, Part 1                           PT 155 Dream, Fantasy, and
Core psychoanalytic concepts are         Symbolic Communication
defined, as are the central issues       This course acquaints students
on which psychoanalysts have             with the wish-fulfillment theory
found a common base. Changes in          of dreams and with the language
structure from the preverbal to the      of the unconscious. Myths, fairy
verbal period of life are studied;       tales, creative works, dreams, and
the expression of drives, their role     symptoms are studied to discover
in character formation, and the          how primary-process thinking is
implications of the pleasure principle   expressed through symbolism,
and the repetition compulsion for        displacement, condensation,
behavior are considered.                 association, and visual imagery.

PT 151b Basic Psychoanalytic             PT 156 Modern Psychoanalytic
Theory, Part 2                           Theory of Technique
This course continues the study          The course examines the modern
of major theoretical concepts in         psychoanalyst’s approach to
psychoanalysis, focusing on human        treatment. It focuses on recognizing
motivation, the nature of mind, and      and resolving resistances and
the important forces in character        discovering what leads to cure.
                                         Students learn how verbal and
formation. Emphasis is on the
                                         nonverbal interventions can be
interplay of the drives in specific
                                         derived from the analysis of induced
character types and its implications
                                         countertransference reactions and
for the psychoanalytic process and
                                         used to foster, develop, and work
the nature of cure.
                                         through narcissistic and object
PT 157 Transference and                   III. THE HISTORY OF
PT 158 Countertransference
These courses provide an in-depth
study of the concepts of transference
and countertransference. The history,     This sequence of courses traces the
development, and use of the terms         origins and development of Freud’s
are studied from their beginnings to      psychoanalytic theories, from their
the present. Clinical and theoretical     beginnings to his last paper, in 1939.
literature is read to elucidate the
concepts and to give examples of
how they are used. Case material          PT 161 History of Libido
contributed by class members will         Theory in Freud
further illustrate theory and its         Freud’s papers on human sexuality
application.                              and libido theory, from the
                                          seduction theory to infantile
                                          sexuality, the perversions,
PT 159 Unconscious Fantasy                transference love, and the concept
Unconscious fantasy is studied as         of Eros as a binding force, are
it is manifested in literature, myth,     studied, with emphasis on Freud’s
scientific research, clinical material,   understanding of the role of libido
and seemingly rational thought.           in sexuality, civilization, and the
Readings explore the theoretical          binding of destructive forces.
controversies surrounding this
                                          PT 162 History of Drive
                                          Theory in Freud
PT 160 Narcissism and
Aggression                                Freud’s later papers are studied: the
                                          dual-drive theory and the repetition
The relationship between narcissism       compulsion; the division of the
and aggression is studied in              psyche into ego, id, and superego;
depth, with particular attention to       the sources of anxiety; the effects
those disorders in which self-hate        of innate destructiveness on the
predominates over self-love. The          prospects for civilization; analysis
function of the narcissistic defense      terminable and interminable;
is clarified, and treatment               and Freud’s summing-up of the
techniques for working with               state of psychoanalysis in 1939.
narcissistic disorders are discussed.     The continuing influence of
                                          these papers on contemporary
                                          thought is examined in relation to
                                          current treatment approaches and
                                          contemporary understandings of the
                                          role of destructive aggression.

     STUDIES                           PT 186 Beyond Psychosis:
                                       Conflict and Defense in the
                                       Neuroses and Character
In PT 181, students learn about the    Disorders
physiological basis of mentation
                                       This course deals with a range of
and emotion. PT 184 focuses on
                                       pathologies likely to be encountered
the diagnosis of psychoses and
                                       in patients at the Consultation
other severe mental disorders. In
                                       and Referral Service and in private
PT 187, students learn to critically
observe serious mental disorders in
a wide variety of media and develop
psychoanalytic listening skills.       PT 187a and PT 187b Critical
PT 186, a final diagnostic             Observation and Psychoanalytic
course dealing with less severe        Listening, Parts 1 and 2
pathologies, is taken before
advancing to Certificate Candidacy,    Through fiction and documentary
where clinical studies focus on        film, guest lectures, and readings
resistance, transference, and          spanning clinical theory, case
countertransference issues.            material, and film analysis, this
                                       course will develop skills critical
                                       to understanding patients—
PT 181 Somatic Factors: The            including critical observation and
Biology of Mind and Behavior           psychoanalytic listening. It will
Students learn the significance of     supplement discussion of readings
chemical, organic, and physiological   with a laboratory component
factors and their interaction          consisting of visual and audio
in psychic functioning. The            media focusing on primitive mental
course reviews brain anatomy           functioning.
and development, genetics and
evolution of behavior, developments
in neuroscience, the mind/body
connection, and the effects of
chemical intervention in various

PT 184 Primitive Mental States
This course imparts a
psychodynamic understanding
of symptoms, core conflicts,
and characteristic defenses in
the psychotic, narcissistic, and
personality disorders.

V. CLINICAL STUDIES                      PT 2612 Seminar in Clinical
                                         Practice, Psychopathology, and
                                         Psychodiagnosis III
    The following clinical courses
 require Certificate Candidacy and       Prerequisite: Research Candidacy
 Consultation and Referral Service       As in PT 2610 and PT 2611, cases are
  status. Either PT 2610 or PT 2611      presented and discussed, but with
   is required every semester until      a particular focus on the deeper
   Research Candidacy is attained.       aspects of unconscious motivation.
                                         The course provides a setting for
                                         advanced candidates to discuss and
PT 2610 Seminar in Clinical              elucidate the psychodynamics of a
Practice, Psychopathology, and           variety of cases in the middle and
Psychodiagnosis I                        later stages of treatment. Level 3
                                         students register for PT 2612 every
This practicum focuses on issues that    semester until graduation.
arise early in treatment, ranging from
concerns with establishing a contract
and dealing with treatment-destructive
resistances to the recognition of
characterological repetitions in both
patients and therapists that impede

PT 2611 Seminar in Clinical
Practice, Psychopathology, and
Psychodiagnosis II
This case seminar focuses on the
dynamics and treatment of ongoing
psychoanalytic cases.

VI. RESEARCH                           PT 522 The Single-Case Study:
                                         A Research Tool
The research curriculum guides           This course provides both an
students from a survey of research       overview of the single-case research
in the human sciences to an              paper and a focus on identifying
understanding of specifically            unconscious processes and making
psychoanalytic research methods.         inferences about them. Methods
It further helps the candidate design,   for selecting data that reveal and/
execute, and write a single-case         or illustrate the dynamics operating
study.                                   in the clinical setting are discussed,
                                         along with consideration of how
PT 171 Systematic Investigations         to select and review appropriate
and Ethics in the Human                  literature.
This course provides students with       PT 527 Research Supervision/
theoretical and practical knowledge      Ethics
of research methodology. Students        This course provides six 50-minute
examine what is basic to scientific      sessions of individual work with
inquiry and study how the human          a Research Supervisor, scheduled
sciences investigate psychodynamic       approximately every two weeks
issues. Ethical issues that arise in     during one semester at the mutual
conducting psychoanalytic research       convenience of the Research
are discussed.                           Candidate and Research Supervisor.
                                         Ethical issues in conducting a single-
PT 172 Psychoanalitic Research           case study are considered.
and Ethics
Prerequisite: PT 171
This course introduces students to
a variety of research methodologies
that have been used to study
psychoanalytic questions.
Contemporary methodological
concepts are introduced and the
problems inherent in psychoanalytic
investigations involving clinical
material are explored. Students
learn how psychoanalytic methods
used to infer hidden meanings
behind irrational behaviors, beliefs,
perceptions, and emotions are
utilized in conducting research.
Ethical issues that arise in
conducting psychoanalytic research
are discussed.

VII. CLINICAL                            PT 611 Small-Group
      SUPERVISION                         Supervision of Referral Service
                                          Cases (Supplemental)
Casework at the Consultation and          (Upon advisement)
Referral Service is conducted under       Prerequisite: Concurrent participation
supervision. Weekly supervision is        in PT 311
required until graduation.                The small-group setting allows
                                          candidates to observe the
PT 211i Beginning Supervision             supervisory process and gain
of Consultation and Referral              experience with cases other than
Service Cases                             their own. Registration is limited to
(Privately arranged)                      groups of three.
Identifying and working with early
resistances in psychoanalytic treatment
is emphasized. A minimum of fifty
hours with one supervisor is required.

PT 311 Supervision of
Consultation and Referral
Service Cases
(Privately arranged)
Prerequisite: Fellow approval
Candidates present their Consultation
and Referral Service cases. Fifty hours   PT 490 Consultation and
with one supervisor is required. After    Referral Service Laboratory
completing 50 hours of supervision        Prerequisite: Certificate Candidacy
with the PT 211i supervisor, the
                                          All candidates working with patients
candidate begins PT 311.
                                          meet weekly with their Fellow to
                                          learn Consultation and Referral
PT 411 Control Analysis of a
                                          Service procedures, receive academic
Consultation and Referral
                                          advisement, and practice presenting
Service Case
                                          cases. The Fellow monitors the
(Privately arranged)
                                          candidate’s progress through the
Prerequisite: Fellow approval The
                                          program and assesses the amount of
candidate presents one case to an
                                          supervision the candidate needs.
approved control analyst, a minimum
of one hour for every four hours of
patient contact. In-depth study of
the single case focuses on resolution
of resistances and comprehensive
understanding of the patient’s
dynamics. A minimum of fifty hours
with one supervisor other than the
PT 211i and PT 311 supervisors is

Curriculum Requirements
      Students discuss the appropriate sequence of courses with their Advisors/Fellows
Required courses appropriate for students at Level 1, Matriculation:
    • PT 139 Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society (Elective, not required for CMPS students)
    • PT 141 Human Development: How the Mind Unfolds, Part 1
    • PT 142 Human Development: How the Mind Unfolds, Part 2
    • PT 161 History of Libido Theory in Freud
    • PT 162 History of Drive Theory in Freud
    • PT 151a Basic Psychoanalytic Theory, Part 1
    • PT 154a Comparative Psychoanalysis, Part 1
    • PT 154b Comparative Psychoanalysis, Part 2
    • PT 155 Dream, Fantasy, and Symbolic Communications
    • PT 171 Systematic Investigations and Ethics in the Human Sciences
    • PT 172 Clinical Investigations and Ethics in Psychoanalysis
    • PT 181 Somatic Factors: The Biology of Mind and Behavior
    • PT 184 Primitive Mental States
    • PT 187a Critical Observation and Psychoanalytic Listening, Part 1
    • PT 187b Critical Observation and Psychoanalytic Listening, Part 2
Required courses appropriate for Level 2, Certificate Candidacy:
  (Admission to Certificate Candidacy requires completion of all of the above courses plus a minimum
  of 100 hours of approved training analysis.)
  • P T 140 Sociocultural Influences on Maturation and Psychopathology
  • Any two of the following: PT 143 Latency or PT 144 Adolescence or PT 147 Adulthood
  • PT 150 Concepts of Group Psychoanalysis
  • PT 151b Basic Psychoanalytic Theory, Part 2
  • PT 152 Character Studies in Literature
  • PT 156 Modern Psychoanalytic Theory of Technique
  • PT 157 Transference
  • PT 158 Countertransference
  • PT 159 Unconscious Fantasy
		• PT 160 Narcissism and Aggression
		• PT 186 Beyond Psychosis: Conflict and Defense in the Neuroses and Character Disorders
  • P T 522 The Single Case Study: A Research Tool
      Prerequisite: A minimum of one year at the Consultation and Referral Service
  • PT 490 Consultation and Referral Service Lab (every semester until graduation)
  • PT 2610 Seminar in Clinical Practice, Psychopathology, and Psychodiagnosis I
  • PT 2611 Seminar in Clinical Practice, Psychopathology, and Psychodiagnosis II
      	Note: Four semesters total of PT 2610 or PT 2611 is the minimum requirement to complete
           Level 2. All Level 2 candidates enroll in either PT 2610 or PT 2611 every semester until
           Level 3 is attained.
  • PT 211i Beginning Supervision of Referral Service Cases
      Required: 50 sessions with one supervisor.
  • PT 311 Supervision of Consultation and Referral Service Cases Prerequisite: Fellow approval.
      Minimum requirement for graduation: 50 sessions with one supervisor.
  • PT 411 Control Analysis of a Consultation and Referral Service Case Prerequisite: Fellow approval.
      Minimum requirement for graduation: 50 sessions with one supervisor.
Courses required at Level 3, Research Candidacy, each semester until graduation:
   (Students who have completed the above coursework and a minimum of 25 hours and one year of PT 411,
   and who have made a clinical presentation to the faculty)
   • PT 490 Consultation and Referral Service Lab
   • 	PT 311 Advanced Supervision of Consultation and Referral Service Cases
   • PT 411 Control Analysis of a Consultation and Referral Service Case
   • PT 2612 Seminar in Clinical Practice, Psychopathology, and Psychodiagnosis III.
      Research candidates enroll in PT 2612 every semester until graduation.
   • PT 527 Research Supervision/Ethics
      Taken at least once every semester until approval of the final paper.
		 NB: In accordance with New York State requirements for licensure in psychoanalysis, CMPS graduation
   requirements include 45 clock hours of research.
   • Students who completed Level 1 at CMPS have met this requirement.
   • S tudents who completed PT 171 and PT 172 before transferring to CMPS meet this requirement by
      taking PT 522 (30 clock hours) at Level 2 and a minimum of 15 clock hours of PT 527 (6 clock hours) at
      Level 3.
    May be taken at any level: CS 101 Seminar in Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

CMPS One-Year Program
This program offers a solid foundation in modern psychoanalytic theory and
technique. The four component courses are designed to be useful to practitioners
and non-practitioners alike. An introduction to psychological development, both
healthy and distorted, imparts an understanding of the rationale for psychoanalytic
treatment. Key aspects of the treatment process are studied from the perspectives
of patient and practitioner. Participants gain a sense of themselves as therapeutic
agents and begin to develop skills applicable in clinical and other life situations.
Classes are taught in a supportive, discussion-oriented format. Continuing
education credits are offered to social workers and psychoanalysts. Tuition for the
CMPS One-Year Program is $1,000 per semester, covering two courses each ten-
week semester.

Fall Semester                               Spring Semester

ED 100 The Maturation Process               ED 102 Analytic Listening
This course explores the                    This course explores the art of
differentiation of self from other          listening for evidence of unconscious
in clinical settings and in everyday        processes in a patient’s verbal and
life. Students study the significance       nonverbal communications.
of fixations and regressions in the
psychosexual stages.                        ED 103 Countertransference
                                            This course explores how the
                                            psychoanalyst recognizes
ED 101 Transference and
                                            countertransference and uses
Resistance                                  induced feelings to formulate
This course explores the function of
                                            therapeutic interventions. Also
transference and resistance. Students
                                            studied are the challenges of
learn how therapists recognize
                                            distinguishing between subjective
transference and resistance, how they
                                            and objective countertransference
make inferences about a patient’s
                                            and of resolving counter-
psychodynamics by studying the
                                            transference resistances.
transference and resistance, and how
they fashion interventions informed
by their understanding of the
transference and resistance.

Introduction to Modern Psychoanalysis
This popular one-semester course offers the fundamentals of modern
psychoanalytic theory and technique to those considering psycho-analytic
training. Topics include transference, resistance, contertransference, and
emotional communication. Open to clinicians and the public. Continuing
education credits are offered to social workers. Tuition for the ten-week course
is $500.
CMPS Distance Learning
CMPS offers online distance learning for students from outside the New York
metropolitan area. It offers a two-year program designed to enrich the work of
clinical practitioners and professionals in various disciplines by introducing them
to modern psychoanalytic principles, theories, and techniques. Students enhance
their therapeutic skills, generate new insights about themselves and their work,
and develop more effective ways of interacting with their clients. Nonpractitioners
who would like to learn more about psychoanalysis are also welcome to participate.
Classes utilize case material to illustrate theory. Both experiential and traditional
teaching methods are used to promote learning. Fifteen continuing education
credits per semester are available for licensed psychoanalysts and social workers
who complete the course requirements. Tuition for each ten-week course is $500.

In addition to the four courses listed below, a variety of other courses is offered
every semester, including courses in psychoanalysis and the humanities and
psychoanalysis and current sociopolitical themes. Information about them is
accessible on the CMPS website, www.cmps.edu.

ED 100 The Maturation Process                 ED 102 Analytic Listening
This course explores the                      This course explores the art of
differentiation of self from other            listening for evidence of unconscious
in clinical settings and in everyday          processes in a patient’s verbal and
life. Students study the significance         nonverbal communications.
of fixations and regressions in the
psychosexual stages.                          ED 103 Countertransference
                                              This course explores how the
ED 101 Transference and                       psychoanalyst recognizes
Resistance                                    countertransference and uses
This course explores the function of          induced feelings to formulate
transference and resistance. Students         therapeutic interventions. Also
learn how therapists recognize                studied are the challenges of
transference and resistance, how they         distinguishing between subjective
make inferences about a patient’s             and objective countertransference
psychodynamics by studying the                and of resolving counter-
transference and resistance, and how          transference resistances.
they fashion interventions informed
by their understanding of the
transference and resistance.

Graduates of The Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies

Mindi Adler ‘98†                         Richard Reuven Closter ‘97
Judith Akullian ‘83                      Phyllis Cohen ‘80
Amy Althoff ‘17                          Joshua Cohn ‘16
Lisa Álvarez ‘14                         Jennifer Coonce ‘17
Pamela Armstrong-Manchester ‘94          Milena Cornick ‘06
*Ellen Barz ‘97                          Mimi G. Crowell ‘80
Stanford Bazilian ‘78                    Alice Curry ‘18
Phyllis Beck ‘87                         *Barbara D’Amato ‘99
Linda Becker ‘96†                        Ernest D’Amato ‘97
David Belgray ‘81                        Eleanor M. Davis ‘81
Robin Benjamin ‘06                       Heidi DeRuiter '20
Alex Bernstein ‘85                       Heather Dean-Drummond ‘16
June Bernstein ‘81                       Hana Dimitstein-Ozeri ‘10
Mark Bernstein ‘05                       Alfred Lane Donargo ‘90†
Rachel Bloch ‘93                         Hans-Ulrich Dorn ‘85
Miriam Bloom ‘80                         Christine Durbak ‘78
Susan R. Blumenson ‘87                   Adeline Edelman ‘96†
Estelle Borowitz ‘77                     Alina Enista ‘97
Patricia Bratt ‘77                       Claire Ernsberger ‘79
Marsha Breitman ‘07                      Rosemary Brauner Erwin ‘95†
Eileen Brennan ‘05                       David Feazell ‘82
Carol Brod ‘84                           Jane Marder Feazell ‘89
Susan Brook ‘82                          Kenneth Feingold ‘10‡
Steven Brown ‘99                         Helen Ferszt ‘94
Mark Buenzle ‘11                         Susan F. Fleischer ‘94
Ruth Cashman ‘11                         *Valerie R. Levinson Frankfeldt ‘89
Claudia Catania ‘00                      *Gideon Freudenthal ‘91
Joan Cela ‘89                            Richard Friedman ‘78
*Richard Cheney ‘95                      Saundra Friedman ‘87
Judith F. Chusid ‘82                     Nathan Fruchthandler ‘94†
Carol Citarella-Garvey ‘03               Nicholas Ganoudis ‘15
Marion Clement ‘85                       Raúl García, ‘08
Janet G. Clogston ‘89                    Paul Geltner ‘89

         *The Miriam Berkman Spotnitz Award for Scholarly Excellence
          †Recipient of the certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
          ‡Recipient of Award for Best Psychoanalytic Research Project
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