Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression

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Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression
EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 14014 (2021)                                                             https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124914014
Powders and Grains 2021

      Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression

      David Cantor1,⇤ , Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes2 , Itthichai Preechawuttipong3 , Mathieu Renouf2 , and Emilien Azéma2,4
        Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Québec, Canada
        LMGC, Université de Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France
        Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
        Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), Paris, France

                   Abstract. Using a numerical approach based on the coupling of the discrete and finite element methods, we
                   explore the variation of the bulk modulus K of soft particle assemblies undergoing isotropic compression. As
                   the assemblies densify under pressure-controlled boundary conditions, we show that the non-linearities of K
                   rapidly deviate from predictions standing on a small-strain framework or the, so-called, Equivalent Medium
                   Theory (EMT). Using the granular stress tensor and extracting the bulk properties of single representative
                   grains under compression, we propose a model to predict the evolution of K as a function of the sample’s solid
                   fraction and a reference state as the applied pressure P ! 0. The model closely reproduces the trends observed
                   in our numerical experiments confirming the behavior scalability of soft particle assemblies from the individual
                   particle scale. Finally, we present the e↵ect of the interparticle friction on K’s evolution and how our model
                   easily adapts to such a mechanical constraint.

      1 Introduction                                                         the behavior of individual representative particles, we pro-
                                                                             pose an analytical equation for the bulk modulus evolution
      Soft granular particulate materials such as powders, gels,             fitting very well our numerical experiments.
      bubbles, rubber chunks, and even cells are challenging                      In Sec. 2, we present the details of the numerical ap-
      materials to characterize and model due to the large de-               proach and the isotropic test procedures. Then, in Sec. 3,
      formation they can undergo. Besides, their discrete na-                we show the stress-strain relation measured at the sample
      ture calls for adequate interaction laws for multi-contact             scale and the bulk modulus evolution. In order to look
      systems. Amongst the di↵erent numerical approaches to                  for the origins of the macroscopic bulk modulus, we ex-
      model highly deformable particle assemblies, the discrete-             plore in Sec. 4 the behavior of individual particles un-
      element approach is one of the most frequently used. By                der compression. In Sec. 5, we introduce an analytical
      means of smoothed interaction laws between bodies, simu-               approach based on the stress tensor decomposition from
      lations may reproduce some elasticity due to a virtual con-            microstructural parameters letting us deduce an equation
      tact deflection, although the bodies themselves do not un-             for the macroscopic bulk behavior. Finally, in Sec. 6, we
      dergo strains. Using this approach, the elastic properties of          present the e↵ect of the interparticle coefficient of friction
      particle assemblies have been studied, however restricting             on the evolution of the bulk modulus and how our ana-
      considerations of the small-strain domain of deformations              lytical model easily adapts to such mechanical constraint.
      [1–4]. More recently, the development of more advanced                 Section 7 concludes this work with a summary and per-
      methods coupling discrete and finite elements [5–10] or                spectives.
      meshless methods [11, 12] have permitted to explore the
      compression behavior of soft granular media beyond jam-
      ming. Nonetheless, the study of the evolution of elastic               2 Numerical procedures
      properties of particulate assemblies undergoing large de-
      formation is still challenging to characterize.                        To simulate assemblies of soft particles, we used the cou-
          In this paper, we simulate assemblies of 2D circular               pling of the discrete method known as contact dynamics
      particles under isotropic compression using the contact dy-            (CD) [13, 14] and classic finite elements in the framework
      namics method and the finite-element method to account                 coined as non-smooth contact dynamics (NSCD) by M.
      for the large deformation of meshed bodies. Systemati-                 Jean [15]. With this method, we were capable of building
      cally increasing the pressure on assemblies of disks, we               assemblies of circular meshed bodies that interact using
      have access to the macroscopic stress-strain relation let-             unilateral contacts and dry friction.
      ting us deduce the evolution of the bulk modulus during                    We built samples composed of N p = 1500 circular
      the compaction. Then, using the granular stress tensor and             bodies slightly disperse in size (the ratio between the max-
                                                                             imal over the minimal particle diameter is 1.5), meshed
          ⇤ e-mail: david.cantor@polymtl.ca                                  using 92 triangular finite elements, and deposited within
      A video is available at https://doi.org/10.48448/6v3e-gz84
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression
EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 14014 (2021)                                                                https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124914014
Powders and Grains 2021

      Figure 1. Screenshots of a sample under a relative pressure
      P/E = 5 ⇥ 10 4 (left), and P/E = 5 ⇥ 10 1 (right). The in-
                                                                                 Figure 2. Evolution of the bulk modulus during compaction in
      tensity of the color is proportional to the volumetric strain within
                                                                                 our experiments (black disks), and the predictions given by Eqs.
      the particles.
                                                                                 (2) and (5) with a dashed blue and red lines, respectively.

      square boxes by means of an algorithm based on sim-
                                                                                 of the macroscopic strains and bulk evolution. Similarly,
      ple geometrical properties. For the finite elements, we
                                                                                 smooth discrete-element methods can consider the force-
      used the non-Hookean hyper-elastic material model [16],
                                                                                 overlapping relations to be the spring characteristics for
      setting incompressible bulk behavior, plane strain condi-
                                                                                 an equivalent medium analogy. If we use a similar strat-
      tions, and an elastic modulus E. We previously tested
                                                                                 egy, we can first consider ` to be the average spring length
      the mesh resolution concluding that the number of finite
                                                                                 and "` = ln(`/d) to be the average strain, with d being
      elements per grain we ended up using does not compro-
                                                                                 the average particle diameter (our numerical experiments
      mise the results’ quality. Then, we set pressure controlled
                                                                                 also show that "v = 4"` ). Second, the homogeneous field
      conditions on the four rigid walls of the boxes in a se-
                                                                                 of springs allows us to suppose that the contact level pres-
      ries of steps varying the relative pressure P/E in the range
                                                                                 sure is P` = E"` . The granular stress tensor can be written
      [1 ⇥ 10 4 , 5 ⇥ 10 1 ]. The interparticle coefficient of friction
                                                                                 as i j = nc h fi ` j i, with the contact number density being
      µ was set to zero and gravity was neglected to avoid pres-
                                                                                 nc = Nc /V, Nc is the number of contacts, V is the sam-
      sure gradients. Also, note that the loading was performed
                                                                                 ple volume, and h. . . i the average of contact forces f and
      using slow gradual steps to avoid dynamic e↵ects and pro-
                                                                                 branch vectors ` (i.e., the inter-center vector of particles in
      mote a rapid dissipation of elastic waves. Figure 1 shows
                                                                                 contact). We can then deduce a micromechanical defini-
      the sample’s configuration at the beginning of the loading
                                                                                 tion of pressure as
      and its deformed state at the end of the tests.
                                                                                                             P=        `,                    (1)
      3 Macroscopic bulk modulus                                                 with the coordination number Z = 2Nc /N p and ` =
                                                                                 h f `i/d2 . Note that to deduce the expression above, we
      In our simulations, we can easily track the deformations                   consider P = ( 1 + 2 )/2, where 1 and 2 are the prin-
      of the servo-controlled boundary walls. For convenience,                   cipal stresses of tensor i j . If we consider that the coordi-
      we relate the volumetric strain of the sample "v to the                    nation number evolves as a power-law of the solid fraction
      solid fraction , as "v = ln( 0 / ), with 0 being the                       (as consistently shown in previous studies as [5, 12, 21],
      solid fraction as the ratio P/E ! 0. This reference state                  and also verified in our simulations), in the form (Z Z0 ) =
      can be understood either as the solid fraction the assem-                  k(        0 ) , with ↵ = 0.5, Z0 the coordination number in
      bly presents with perfectly rigid bodies or with vanish-                   the reference state, and k a proportionality parameter eas-
      ing external pressure. The macroscopic bulk modulus K                      ily deduced knowing that, when tends to unity, the par-
      can be then computed as a function of the solid fraction as                ticle structure tends to a hexagonal-like arrangement and
      K = (dP/d )(d /d"v ).                                                      Z ! 6. So, k ' 5. Finally, considering that ` = P` , we
           Figure 2 presents the evolution of K as a function of                 can deduce a microscopic definition of the bulk modulus
        . Di↵erent strategies have been used to predict the non-                 upon the derivative of Eq. (1) as
      linear evolution of the bulk modulus, being most of then
      introduced in the small-strain framework or the Equivalent                                          Z 5         0    Z0
      Medium Theory (EMT) [17–20]. That approach adopts an                                         K/E =                       .            (2)
                                                                                                          4⇡ 2             8⇡
      analogue model considering a set of springs joining the
      center of mass of bodies in contact and whose deforma-                         This equation is displayed in Fig. 2 with a solid blue
      tion represents the relative approaching of their centers as               line. We can observe that the predictions with such an ex-
      they deform. Using this type of approach, it is then pos-                  pression can be considered relatively good for the first part
      sible to integrate the set of springs’ deformation and de-                 of the compression, and up to ' 0.85. Beyond that value,
      duce a stress-strain relation for the whole system; thus, a                the bulk modulus starts to increase more rapidly and is ex-
      bulk equation can also be deduced. Nonetheless, the def-                   pected to diverge as the solid fraction tends to unity (i.e.,
      inition of the spring behavior is, in that vein, at the origin             the sample ends up behaving as an incompressible solid).

Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression
EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 14014 (2021)                                                                   https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124914014
Powders and Grains 2021

      Figure 3. Compaction behavior of a single particle under
                                                                                 Figure 4. Evolution of the macroscopic bulk modulus as a func-
      isotropic compression. The dashed red line shows the analytical
                                                                                 tion of the solid fraction for di↵erent values of interparticle co-
      expression in Eq. (3) nicely fitting the results of our simulations.
                                                                                 efficient of friction µ. The dashed lines are drawn using Eq. (5)
      Screenshots show the deformed state of the particles inside the
                                                                                 fitting cases µ = 0.0 (black) and µ = 0.8 (orange).
      squared box.

                                                                                 particle and the structural parameters Z and of an as-
      The equivalent medium composed of springs cannot cap-
                                                                                 sembly of particles. Naively, we may wonder whether
      ture the diverging behavior of the bulk. It is necessary then
                                                                                 the single-particle bulk modulus K p is more representa-
      to track the evolution of K for the multi-particle system us-
                                                                                 tive than the Young modulus E for such scaling. In other
      ing an alternative approach.
                                                                                 words, is there a more general scaling between the bulk
                                                                                 modulus of the multi-particle and the single-particle sys-
      4 Single-particle scale                                                    tem? In fact, by comparing these two systems at equivalent
                                                                                 deformation (i.e., "v = "v,p ), our numerical simulations re-
      Let us consider the system composed of a single soft par-                  veal that
      ticle inside a square box and following the preset bound-                                                   Z
                                                                                                        K/E '        Kp.                   (4)
      ary conditions as undertaken with the assembly. Figure 3                                                    2⇡
      presents the evolution of the corresponding solid fraction                     Equation (4) points out that the single-particle con-
      ( p ) as a function of the applied pressure P p . Note that the            figuration can indeed be considered the smallest repre-
      volumetric strain for this case is akin to the multi-particle              sentative scale in our multi-particle system. Now, by re-
      system but denoted "v,p . The compression behavior of the                  placing K p by its analytical form identified before and
      single-particle test can be considered analogous to the col-               by mapping with p (since "v = "v,p ), we get a gen-
      lapse of a cavity inside a circular body employing a ho-                   eral micro-mechanically based constitutive equation for
      mogeneous external pressure [22]. For that case, elastic                   the bulk modulus evolution beyond the jamming as
      solutions allow us to write the relation P p      p as
                                                   !                                                        b                           ↵
                                                                                            K/E '                       {Z0 + k(   0)       }.   (5)
                      P p /E = b ln
                                        p,max    p
                                                     ,            (3)                                2⇡(    max     )
                                          p,max     p,0
                                                                                     Equation (5) is shown in Fig. 2 showing an excellent
      with p,max the solid fraction as P p ! 1, and p,0 = ⇡/4                    agreement with the measured K in our tests. In this case,
      the solid fraction at the reference state (i.e., as P p ! 0).              the equation follows the nonlinear increase of K for large
      Finally, parameter b is found out to be ' 0.12 after fitting               deformations and its divergence.
      Eq. (3) to our data. We can observe that this expression fits
      very well the behavior of the single-particle compression
      as it is plotted with a red dashed line in the same Fig. 3.                6 Effect of the coefficient of friction
           We can then easily deduce an analytical bulk modu-                    The inter-particle coefficient of friction is a mechanical
      lus equation by using the derivative of the last expression,               constraint rapidly limiting the particle reorganization and,
      yielding to K p /E = (b p )/( p,max     p ). In sum, at single-            thus, their capacity of filling voids. We reproduce a series
      particle scale, we can comprehensibly identify analytical                  of tests with the same samples as for the frictionless case,
      equations for both the compression and bulk evolution.                     but setting this time the interparticle coefficient of friction
                                                                                 to µ p = {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8}. We tracked the evolution of
      5 Conciliating scales                                                      pressure and deformation, and finally, we could compute
                                                                                 the evolution of K for these cases.
      Let us consider again Eq. (2) on the macroscopic bulk                          Figure 4 gathers the results for the evolution of K as a
      modulus. In the limit of ! 0 , and in agreement with                       function of the assembly’s density for the di↵erent values
      many previous works [17–20], that equation shows that                      of µ p . We can observe that for small increments of solid
      K / Z E. This means that, for small deformations, the                      fraction after jamming, the evolution of K is indistinguish-
      bulk modulus scales via the Young modulus of a single                      able for the di↵erent coefficients of friction. Nonethe-

Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression
EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 14014 (2021)                                                         https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124914014
Powders and Grains 2021

      less, for higher values of solid fraction (i.e., larger defor-       formable particles. Nonetheless, to enrich the constitutive
      mations), the data gathered from the simulations slightly            modeling of granular materials and structures upon dis-
      shifts towards the left as µ p increases. This means that the        crete systems, it is still necessary to explore the shear be-
      additional constraint added by friction limits the deforma-          havior of soft particle media. It is also important to extend
      bility of the assembly. Many authors have shown that fric-           this work to varied shape and size particles, as well as to
      tion modifies the jammed state of rigid grains assemblies            the 3D case.
      and the maximal solid fraction a soft assembly of grains
      can reach [23, 24]. Consequently, the reference state, as
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Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression
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