Brown in Lyon Program Handbook Spring 2019 - Brown University Office of International Programs

Page created by Charlotte Reid
Brown in Lyon Program Handbook Spring 2019 - Brown University Office of International Programs
Brown in Lyon!
Program Handbook!
       Spring 2019!
                   Brown University!
    Office of International Programs!
Brown in Lyon Program Handbook Spring 2019 - Brown University Office of International Programs
BROWN in FRANCE Lyon Program

                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

PROGRAM CONTACTS ................................................................................................ 2

PRE-DEPARTURE CHECK LIST ................................................................................. 3

ACADEMIC MATTERS................................................................................................. 4

HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................................... 8

MONEY MATTERS ..................................................................................................... 11

ARRIVING AND SURVIVING.................................................................................... 13

HOUSING ...................................................................................................................... 14

LIFE IN LYON............................................................................................................... 15

CHECK LIST: GOING HOME...................................................................................... 23

Brown in Lyon Program Handbook Spring 2019 - Brown University Office of International Programs

Brown University in France – Lyon
1, quai Claude Bernard
69007 Lyon, France
code 7825B

Program Staff
Barbara Michelot
Program Coordinator
Tel. (home): 011-33-4-72-71-78-21
Tel. (cell): 011-33-6-77-62-53-38
E mail:
Brown University email address:

Language Tutor - TBA

Brown in France Paris Office
6, rue Guillaume Bertrand
75011 Paris
Tel: 011 33 1 47 34 33 65 (from US)
Tel: 0 1 47 34 33 65 (from France)

Brown University Office of International Programs (OIP)
69 Brown Street, Box 1973
Providence, RI 02912
Tel.: 401 863 3555
Fax: 401 863 3311
E mail:

OIP Office Hours
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M – F, September – May
8 a.m. – 4 p.m., M – F, June – August

If you have an emergency outside of normal business hours at Brown, please call Brown University
Public Safety at (401) 863-4111.

The Office of International Programs, in consultation with the on-site personnel and the program faculty
directors at Brown, reserves the right to dismiss a student and require the student leave immediately if in
our judgment the student behaves in a manner which endangers themselves or others on the program or the
program’s continued operations.

Brown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, status as a
veteran, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other category
protected by applicable law, in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and
loan programs, or other school-administered programs. The University is committed to honest, open, and
equitable engagement with racial, religious, gender, ethnic, sexual orientation, and other differences. The
University seeks to promote an environment that in its diversity is integral to the academic, educational, and
community purposes of the institution.


[ ] Prepared myself. Read this handbook and the “Take It With You” general Study Abroad handbook and
being mentally prepared for the challenge. Also read a book on France or French culture or kept up with
current events in France through French news websites and/or social media. Be prepared mentally for the

[ ] Meet with my concentration/major advisor to discuss any credit that I would like to count for my
concentration/major. Arrange a way to contact concentration/major advisors, if changes are necessary once
in Lyon. (General credit for graduation transfers automatically for Brown students, as long as you earn a
grade of C or higher. For the purposes of the Brown in France program, a grade of C = 9 - 11/20 in the
French system.)
[ ] Take with me to France all documents I had to provide to the consulate for my visa. Very Important!

[ ] Have had any medical, dental and vision check-ups as recommended

[ ] Have health insurance information: policy number, reimbursement procedures and forms, and list of
medical procedures covered. Must have proof of insurance with dates of policy clearly stating I am covered
for the period of study. Must bring this letter with me to France (a card is NOT sufficient).
[ ] Get supply of prescription medication if I am taking any. If I know that the medication is available in
France, I will bring the original prescription.

[ ] Give my travel schedule for my arrival to the OIP and the Brown in Lyon office.

[ ] Be sure not to bring too much! One suitcase ONLY and preferably not too big so I can carry it by

[ ] Contact my cell phone service provider to unlock my phone if I plan to use it with a French SIM card.

[ ] Check that all electric/electronic equipment that I bring to France is set for 220 voltage. (Most
computers, smartphones and rechargeable cameras are fine.) Pack an adapter for the electronics that I can


Course Load
While in France you will take a full load of           complete more than five courses, you will
courses, which you will be advised on by the           receive no more than four (4) Brown course
Brown in France director in Paris and the              credits per semester, unless you are registered for
program coordinator in Lyon. Students enroll in        a Global Independent Study Project (GLISP), in
a mandatory pre-semester intensive language            which case it will be possible to receive five (5)
course and orientation program prior to the            Brown course units total for your semester. All
beginning of classes; this cours de pré-rentrée        course titles will be listed for all courses that you
universitaire is referred to as PRUNE. In              pass.
addition, students take four to six university
courses at Lyon II and/or the IEP, for a minimum       No letter grades will appear on your Brown
overall total of 27-28 (fall) or 26-27 (spring)        transcript for courses taken abroad. Your French
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation              grades will all be transferred as “S”. Course titles
System (ECTS) credits. It is advisable to take         will be translated and listed on your transcript.
between 160-180 contact hours.                         However, graduate schools and certain
                                                       employers may ask to see the original grade
Cours de Pré-Rentrée Universitaire (PRUNE)             reports from France, and these will show your
Fall semester and full year students participate in    graded results. When you are back on your
the orientation course run by the Centre               campus, the Brown in France director can
International d’Etudes Françaises (CIEF) which         provide a description of the French system or an
is part of Lyon 2 University in Lyon. This             equivalency of French grades should you need
involves 40 hours of intensive language study          such information, e.g., to send to graduate
designed to teach students how to write the types      schools.
of papers needed for French university courses
and to fine-tune French oral and written language      Concentration (Major) Credit
skills. Students then have a choice of one of the      At Brown, the Department of French Studies will
following modules for the last 4 hours per week        give you concentration credit for all the courses
of class:                                              you take that are related to French civilization:
                                                       history, political science, economics, art. A
         ●    Contemporary Literature                  maximum of four courses from study in France
         ●    Contemporary History                     may count toward the concentration, from either
         ●    Social Sciences                          a single semester or an entire year. As a general
         ●    Current Events in French Society         rule, other departments typically will not accept
              and Politics                             more than two courses for concentration credit.
                                                       Since each department has its own rules, it is
For spring semester students, a similar intensive      imperative that you check with your
language orientation will be arranged by the           concentration advisor before you leave about the
CIEF. The choice of course topics, however will        number of courses—as well as specific
not be given, instead each will be covered in less     courses—that may be counted toward your
detail by the same tutor or through a lecture          concentration requirements.
                                                       Selecting Courses
Transferring Credits
In determining credit transfer for your program        All coursework must be taken in French. You
of study, we take into account several factors: the    will be able to choose courses at L (Licence – the
level of the courses you take (first, second, third-   first three years) and M (years 4 and 5) levels. If
year courses in the French system); the number         you have taken equivalent prerequisite courses,
of weekly class hours; and the amount of work          we recommend that you enroll in L3 courses.
involved in each course. Unless the program            Classes at that level tend to be smaller,
coordinator tells you one of your courses is a         somewhat less impersonal and expect more
double credit course, you will have to take at         student participation than introductory courses.
least five courses (for a minimum of 15 contact        In some departments, you might be able to take
hours per week), to get the equivalent of four         courses at the L2 level, but it is not the general
Brown courses per semester. Even if you                rule. M1 classes might also be open to you if you

have taken the adequate prerequisite courses. L1      UFRs for information on course schedules and
courses should be avoided, with a few                 cancellations. We also urge you go to the
exceptions. Preference should be given to course      different departments before classes begin in
with an overall 36-42 contact hours to avoid too      order to find your way around, locate the bulletin
many exams. The SLM class at the CIEF (5              boards and coffee machines, peek into
ECTS, 42 hours) can only count towards the            classrooms and get a lay of the land before the
total hours required for the semester.                madness begins.
Preference should be given to course with 3-4
weekly hours to avoid having too many different       Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP)
topics. French language courses can only count        The Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP), which has
towards the total hours required for the semester.    a five-year curriculum and a selective entrance
                                                      examination for its students, is part of the Brown
                                                      in Lyon exchange program as a separate, semi-
Two previous program participants once wrote
                                                      autonomous institute of Université Lyon II.
about the course selection and registration
                                                      There you can take all classes in political
process: “Your motto here should be to embrace
                                                      science, history, geography, economics,
confusion — students, professors, secretaries,
                                                      international relations, and law. The IEP works
and everyone is confused. However, it is okay.
Do not panic and just realize that that’s that way    on a slightly different calendar with 12-week
the system works.” Indeed the first couple of         semesters (instead of 14 at Lyon II).
weeks are confusing for everyone. Remember
                                                      Step-by-Step Guide to Course Selection
that at least you (unlike the French students)
have someone to help you.
                                                      Before leaving the US:
French students take their courses in one
department or UFR (Unité de Formation et de           • Pre-select at least 10 courses and complete the
Recherche) and have very few electives. For           OIP Course Pre-Approval Form.
example, all third-year students preparing a          • Meet with your concentration/major advisor to
Licence in history have to take a certain number      determine which courses will count toward
of specific courses chosen from the L3 History        concentration credit and to obtain their signature
lists. Each UFR determines its own schedule for       on the Course Pre-Approval form.
only those courses offered within the UFR. In
effect, UFR’s are independent from one another        Once in Lyon:
even within the same university, unlike in the
US. In some cases, they start and end classes on      Review your list of pre-selected courses with the
different dates, which may or may not                 program coordinator. Confirm what constitutes a
correspond to the “official” starting date            full semester load. Some courses may not be
announced by the university. Most UFR’s edit on       acceptable as they are part of a set of courses that
their website course lists, brief descriptions, and   need to be taken as a whole (CM and TD).
class schedules, but some do not. If they don’t,      Check the time schedule for the courses you
they communicate such information to students         have selected. You will need to go to all the
via bulletin boards near their secrétariat.           departments from which you intend to take
Because French students deal with only one            classes in order to check the schedule bulletin
UFR, they do not need detailed information            board. For each course, get the hours for both the
beyond their main subject, but you will, since        cours magistral (lecture) and the Travaux
you will most likely take courses in several          Dirigés (Section). TD's are normally scheduled
UFR’s.                                                at a number of different times, which should
                                                      enable you to avoid conflicts.
Since French students do not choose their             • Check that the total number of ECTS
courses, no catalog is printed, there is no           corresponds to the equivalent of a full course
“shopping period”, and the departments                load at Brown and that the number of contact
coordinate the scheduling of only the courses         hours is adequate.
they offer.                                           • Be sure to reconfirm courses for which your are
                                                      seeking concentration/major credit with your
We will try to assist you as much as we can, but      advisor at your home school
you will need to check the bulletin boards of the

• Confirm your finalized list of courses with the     Teaching and French Universities
program coordinator, with the names of the            Teacher and student roles are different in the
instructors. Both the DRI (Direction des              French and American systems. You will observe
Relations Internationales) at Lyon II and the         many differences in teacher and student behavior
program coordinator will need to have a               in the classroom compared to the US: teachers
complete list of your classes.                        lecture more in France while students listen and
• For each course provide the exact description       take notes; French students rarely ask questions,
of the assessment method: list exams, papers,         much less express their views. In most traditional
exposés, etc., with dates and topics when             French classrooms, it is assumed that the teacher
available. This is done usually the first or second   is the one with knowledge to transmit, and
week of the semester.                                 students get that knowledge directly from the
                                                      instructor, not from anyone else. Moreover,
Professors / Assignments / Grades                     many French professors consider one of their
It is your responsibility to make sure the TD         main roles to be to criticize students so that they
instructors (usually the ones who correct papers      will learn from their mistakes. They sometimes
and give grades) know you and understand your         do so publicly, e.g., after a student oral
status as an exchange student. As much as             presentation, if they think that the whole class
possible, you should ask them to specify final        could benefit from the comments. Similarly, in
assignments and request or agree on a topic early     their written remarks on your papers, professors
in the semester so that you won’t have a major        will most likely stress ways in which you could
paper due in every class during your last month       improve your work, and you may feel that they
in France. Professors in France rarely distribute a   are overly negative. Try not to take such
detailed syllabus; rather, they expect students to    criticism personally and remember that in
organize their own reading and work schedule.         France, such feedback is the norm, which is why
You should think about this early on and know         French students don’t get upset about it. Some
what the expectations and assignments are in          professors simply do not give grades above 14,
each course by mid-semester. In most courses,         in which case a grade of 11 or 12 is really good.
you can expect to be asked to write papers or to      Learn to take a comment like “pas mal, mais...”
do oral or written reports. (The format of these      as a real compliment! As a former student put it,
assignments will be explained during the pro-         “You must remember that there is no comparison
seminar.) All students must take exams when           between the French system and ours at home,
required.                                             grades vary from professor to professor because
                                                      not all grades are created equal.”
Grades in France are based on a scale of 0 to 20,     Make sure that you make copies of all your
with 10 (la moyenne) considered a passing grade       papers before you give them to your
– and an acceptable one. It is extremely rare for     professors. Always try to hand in your papers
French students to get over 16, and a grade over      directly to your professors. Do not leave them
12 is considered a good grade. The final grade        with a secretary at the UFR office; some
will be the average of all grades received in the     professors never go to the UFR because they do
TD. For courses without a TD, students must           not have private offices at the university—and
take the final exam.                                  therefore no office hours. The best way to
                                                      contact a professor is to talk to them after class
For the purposes of the Brown in France               or to send an email.
program, you will receive study abroad transfer
credit if your final course grade is a 9 or higher.
We strongly advise you to keep notes, drafts, and
                                                      Each department has a coordinator who is a
final copies of all of your papers in all courses
                                                      professor responsible for exchange students. Do
until you have received your final grades. In
                                                      not hesitate to contact them with any questions
addition, you should bring back to your home
                                                      related to a course.
school all syllabi, bibliographies, notes, etc.,
from your courses in Lyon so that, if asked, you      Accommodations/Disability Information
can show what you did in specific courses, e.g.,
                                                      Students who may need accommodations or
to obtain concentration/major credit.
                                                      services due to a disability or medical condition
                                                      should contact the Brown University Office of

Student and Employee Accessibility Services            ● Cours Magistral (CM) A lecture course.
(SEAS) to discuss their needs and begin the            Usually taught in large lecture halls or amphis;
registration process.                                  has several TD's attached to it.
                                                       ● Module The combination of a cours magistral
Students should notify the OIP as early as             + a TD or sometimes an option. All courses do
possible in order to allow time to review the          not automatically have both, a course can
specific requests. Disability-related requests for     combine the two.
accommodations and services are evaluated              ● Option or cours optionnel Optional class
individually, based on documentation and               within a module. Usually several are offered on
completion of the registration process. Please be      various themes: Contrôle Continu (CC); Devoir
aware that the level of accessibility, services, and   sur table (DST); Modalités d'évaluation
accommodation to which you have access at
your home campus may not be available at the
program site and host universities.                    Carte d’Étudiant
                                                       You will receive a student ID card (carte
Students who need accommodations or services           d'étudiant )after registering at the university
will work with the SEAS Office, the OIP, and           where you will be studying. You will have a
the Brown office in Lyon prior to their arrival in     meeting at DRI (Direction des Relations
France and should plan to bring with them              Internationales) at Lyon II where the process
documentation from an appropriate source (like         will be explained to you. For each institution
SEAS). Once in Lyon, students will need to             where you need to register, you will need two
make an appointment with the appropriate               passport-size photos with your name written on
service at their host university.                      the back. You can get these at any photomaton
                                                       (photo booth) that can be found in subways and
Academic Terms                                         supermarkets.; these are cheaper than going to a
UFR or Unité de Formation et de Recherche:             photographer. We advise you also to bring a lot
Equivalent of a department in the U.S. French          of ID photos with you since you will need them
students usually take all their courses in one         for a variety of reasons, particularly at the start
UFR. Because of your special status, you can           of the semester. You will also need a copy of
take courses in more than one, but we                  your birth certificate, which will need to be
recommend no more than two. We also strongly           translated if it’s not in English, German, Spanish
recommend choosing courses with a Travaux              or Portuguese. Both parents’ names have to
Dirigés.                                               listed on the birth certificate.

● Travaux Dirigés (TD) A discussion section or         Direction des Relations Internationales
lab. Meetings in smaller groups (about 30              16 Quai Claude Bernard 1er etage Bureau E157
students) to expand on a lecture topic. TD             Contact: Emanuel Villemont
professors are full-time professors, not graduate      email:
students or teaching assistants. The TD is where       Phone 33 (0) 4 78 69 70 42
you will do nearly all the written work and oral       Fax 33 (0) 4 37 28 92
exposés, and get your grades                           Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9
● Travaux Pratiques (TP) In science courses: a         a.m. -12:30 p.m. and 2 - 5:30 p.m., and Monday
lab section.                                           and Wednesday 2 -5:30 p.m.
● Unité d’enseignement (UE) A course or set of
● European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) A
European credit. 27 – 30 ECTS constitute a full
load for the semester.


Before you go...                                      Reimbursement Forms: Contact your health
Consult your own physician and dentist or other       insurance provider for reimbursement forms and
health care provider for a checkup to make sure       take these forms with you when you go abroad,
there are no current health issues. If you have       which will save you time if you need medical
specific concerns about your own personal health      assistance. If you are carrying Brown student
situation, please discuss them with your own          health insurance, reimbursement forms are
health care provider in terms of your plans to        available from the Office of Insurance and
study abroad.                                         Purchasing Services. If you have any questions
                                                      regarding Brown student health insurance, you
The Center for Disease Control                        should contact:
( publishes a list of all the
vaccines and health precautions it recommends         Cheryl Moan
for those planning a stay abroad. Please check        Brown University, Office of Insurance and
what might be required for health preparations,       Purchasing Services
especially if you plan to travel outside Europe, to   Box 1848
the Middle East or North Africa.                      Providence, RI 02912
                                                      Phone: 401-863-9481
                                                      Brown Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan
US Health Insurance: Be certain to consult your
insurance provider for coverage overseas. Please      In addition to the coverage provided by their
remember that healthcare providers in France          own health insurance, all students are
will ask for payment up front with the                automatically covered by an accident/sickness
expectation that you will get reimbursed after        insurance plan available for students studying
you submit forms and receipts to your insurance       abroad. The plan covers students during their
provider. You and your family must be prepared        program dates only (leisure travel before or after
to meet medical expenses up front, should you         program is not covered), and it is NOT designed
incur them. Students should have access to a          to replace the regular health insurance (students
minimum of $400 (either by credit card or cash        will not be able to waive the regular student
held in reserve for emergencies) in the event that    health insurance plan with this accident/sickness
medical treatment is required abroad.                 policy). If a student experiences an illness or
                                                      accident abroad and wishes to utilize the plan,
Make sure you bring your private insurance            they should contact International SOS directly
policy number and other relevant documents,           (referencing Brown’s group membership ID
including information on all medical procedures       #11BSGC000031). Please refer to the Office of
covered by your policy and the process for            Insurance and Purchasing Services web page
reimbursement.                                        (
                                                      /) for further information, including a brief
Note: Do not suspend any American or other            description of the plan’s coverage and benefits.
coverage, since if you become ill, then this may      Interested students may also purchase a
be considered a pre-existing condition when you       supplemental leisure coverage plan if they
need to re-enroll in coverage at home.                anticipate travelling before/after their study
                                                      abroad program dates.
Proof of Coverage: Please contact your
insurance provider for a letter of proof of           Emergency Travel Assistance and Evacuation
insurance with the dates of coverage clearly          Services
stated for the period of study (the wallet-size       All students are covered by International SOS
card is not sufficient). Bring this letter with you   Worldwide Assistance & Emergency Evacuation
to France and send a copy to the OIP for your         Services. The services provided by International
student file.                                         SOS range from telephone advice and referrals to
                                                      full- scale evacuation by private air ambulance.
                                                      The SOS network of multilingual specialists

operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from       charge upon receipt of the actual amount by
SOS Alarm Centers around the world.                 ISOS. Please know that such charges may not be
                                                    billed until after you return from your program
It is important to understand that although         abroad.
International SOS will offer you travel, medical
and security advice and services, as well as on-    Medical Care
line access to information which many insurance
companies do not offer, International SOS is        The Lyon program coordinator has lists of
not health insurance. Requests for                  doctors, counseling services, etc. in Lyon. Please
reimbursement for medical care received while       contact the coordinator if you need any
abroad should be submitted to your health           assistance making appointments or dealing with
insurance provider. International SOS also offers   health issues. The standard fee for a doctor’s
emotional support for students abroad,              office visit is 21€. The doctor will give you a
including a limited number of counseling            reimbursement sheet that you will have to send
sessions (available either in person or through     to your social security center, which in turn will
internet/phone connection) at no cost. Contact      credit your bank account for you for the visit
ISOS directly if you wish to use this service.      plus medication.

If you have questions about coverage, please call   For minor problems and medical advice, e.g.,
the Brown University Office of Insurance and        cold or flu symptoms, headaches, it is common
Purchasing Services at 401.863.9481 or visit the    to first consult a pharmacist (un pharmacien) in
International SOS website at                        France, who can tell you if you need to see a                           doctor and also recommend appropriate over-the-
                                                    counter medication. If you are accustomed to
You can access up-to-date reports on more than      taking a specific brand of medication, such as
170 countries worldwide on health issues,           Tylenol or Sudafed, it is best to bring some with
medical care, and vaccination requirements via      you, as certain U.S. brands are not available in
the International SOS website.                      France.

                                                    If you need assistance or a prescription on
In the event of a medical emergency, contact
                                                    weekends or in the middle of the night, you can
local emergency services, then the Brown in
                                                    call SOS-medecins: 04 78 83 51 51; they make
Lyon coordinator.
                                                    house calls 24 /7. During the weekend, you can
                                                    also call Maisons Medicales de Garde, 04-72-33-
If you are not able to reach the Lyon coordinator   00-33. In case of a medical emergency call the
in a timely manner, you may also utilize            SAMU (15) and let them decide if you need to
International for assistance.                       go to the hospital in which case they will send an
In an emergency situation outside of France,
please call your nearest International SOS Alarm    Taking Medication Abroad
Center.                                             If you are accustomed to taking a specific brand
                                                    of medication, such as Tylenol or Sudafed, it is
When you contact International SOS, you must        best to bring some with you, as certain U.S.
reference your Group Membership #:                  brands are not available in France.
                                                    Prescription Medication
Please be aware that some International SOS         Medication cannot be mailed to you in France. If
services carry additional charges. Should you       you are taking any prescription medication, you
request a service which has an additional charge,   should therefore bring enough with you for the
International SOS will inform you in advance        semester unless you plan to return to the U.S.
and will require a credit card number in order to   during your stay. Prescription drugs have the
activate the service. If, in the event of an        additional problem of brand name changes from
emergency, Brown University provides the            country to country. If you need prescription
financial guarantee to International SOS on your    medication regularly and do not intend to bring a
behalf, the University will bill you for this       semester’s supply, bring a copy of your

prescription along. Make sure it is clearly written    When you travel in Europe, make sure to label
and indicates the generic name of the drug. In         all medication clearly and to keep it in the
most cases, a physician in France will not fill the    original containers, which show the prescription
prescription provided by your U.S. doctor              number. This will facilitate customs clearance in
without first doing an examination and                 and out of the country. You should also carry
confirming the diagnosis of your condition.            with you a copy of the prescription script from
                                                       your doctor as custom officials have the right to
Be aware that some drugs commonly prescribed           confiscate medications as illegal drugs if you
in the United States are considered “narcotics”        cannot prove proof that the medication is a legal
and highly regulated in France (e.g. Ritalin). It is   prescription.
best to bring with you the full amount necessary
for your stay upon arrival. For more information,      HIV infection, as in many parts of the world, is
please refer the section on “Taking Medication         present in France. Please protect yourself if you
Abroad” on the OIP website.                            are sexually active and use condoms.


Program Costs                                        Credit Cards
In order to help you budget appropriately for        Credit cards are now used as often as in the US,
your academic experience in France we have           but usually for amounts over 10-25E. Credit
created a cost information sheet that is available   cards can be used in ATM Machines (guichet de
on our website. Airfare and living costs are         retrait d'argent, point argent). Stores and
estimates, and these costs can change with           restaurants now ask you to type in your pin
exchange rate fluctuations and price changes.        number when you use your credit card. In
                                                     Europe and in other countries around the world,
Cost Of Living                                       chip and PIN-enabled cards are the norm. Check
The cost of living in Lyon is more expensive         with your credit card provider to be sure you will
than the cost of living in the US. Your biggest      be able to use your card abroad.
expense will be your housing, then food. Electric
heat and long distance telephone calls are           ATM Cards
considerably more expensive than in the US.          Many students have also used their ATM cards
Local calls are not free.                            to withdraw the cash needed while in France.
                                                     Check with your bank for any extra charges.
Banking                                              Many but not all ATM machines allow you to
                                                     withdraw money with your US credit card, but
                                                     you can use your card in stores and restaurants as
French Bank Accounts: You may open a bank
                                                     much as you desire (beware that there may be
account in France if you choose, but please be
                                                     fees applied by your bank). Ask your bank
aware that it is increasingly difficult for US
                                                     before you leave for their partner bank in Europe
citizens to open foreign bank accounts.
                                                     and charges incurred for withdrawals, money
                                                     wires etc. Please let them know as well that
US Bank Accounts: ATMs allow you to
                                                     especially the first month, you will have
withdraw money with your US debit card (and
take out a cash advance on your credit card, but     exceptional needs.
be careful of the high fees!) You can usually use
                                                     Wire Transfers
these cards in stores and restaurants, but be
                                                     Wire transfers take only a few business days,
aware that American Express is less widely
                                                     depending on the bank issuing it. Remember that
accepted than Visa and Mastercard. You should
                                                     the French Post office is also a bank and that you
contact your US bank before departure to learn
                                                     could have money wired there. Make sure you
about the fees associated with using your card
                                                     give all the account identification numbers you
overseas. In general, there is a daily and weekly
                                                     have on your R.I.B. (Relevé d'Identité Bancaire
limit to the amount of cash you can withdraw
                                                     which can be found at the back of your
from an ATM. Some US banks have partner
                                                     checkbook or is simply given to you when you
banks in France e.g. Bank of America and BNP
                                                     open an account.
Paribas. This can reduce ATM fees and generally
make financial matters easier during your stay.
Consult your bank before leaving for France.         First Month Budget/Money

Currency Exchange                                    [ ] meals for one month (while you are at the
You should come to France with sufficient funds      hostel) (if you cook for yourself, count between
to pay at least one month of rent. Another option    8-15 Euro a day, if you go to a restaurant, count
is to withdraw money from ATMs upon arrival.         between 13-22 € a day for cheap meals).
If you decide to do this, be aware of the daily
and/or weekly cap on how much you can                [ ] deposit for housing: at least one month’s rent,
withdraw. You will need to plan accordingly in       sometimes two. Sometimes landlords will
order to have the necessary amount when you          require that you prepay 3-months rent ahead of
move into your housing. US bank checks are           time if you don’t have a French guarantor.
nearly impossible to cash in France, so avoid
bringing them.                                       [ ] first month’s rent (450- -600 minimum)

                                                     [ ] utilities connections (phone: 38-€ , gas: 10-

13€, electricity:10-13)

[ ] Carte CAMPUS 30€ (subway/bus pass, valid
one month)

[ ] 20€ for the carte téléphonique (or 100 € if
you buy a cell phone (amount varies depending
on whether you can buy a used cell phone from
another student or purchase a new one)

[ ] others (stamps, museum, movies, restaurants,
groceries, laundry, etc.)

Responsabilité Civile
You are also required to have an insurance
policy called responsabilité civile, which covers
you in case of any damage you may accidentally
inflict on other people or their property, e.g.,
their apartment. This type of insurance is usually
mandatory when you rent property and is also
required for internships, or, in some cases, for
courses involving labs, field trips, etc. It costs
approximately 16 Euros. Barbara will purchase it
for you from SMERRA and give you a copy for
your records.

Société Mutualiste des Étudiants de la Région
Rhône-Alpes (SMERRA)
38 rue Chevreul,
69007 Lyon


Arrival Information                                 Ground transportation from airport to Lyon
                                                    city center
Students are responsible for arranging their own
travel to Lyon. You should plan to arrive in Lyon   Hiring a Taxi Cab
on the program Arrival Day in the early             To get from the airport to the Comfort Suites or
afternoon at the latest. The following day,         the city center, plan on making a reservation for
students will meet with the program coordinator     a cab from the US a week before your departure.
in her home for a brief group meeting at 4 p.m.     The company which offers that service is
More program orientation information will be +33 7 86 61 57 24.
given to you at that point. Rooms have been         They will need the name of the airline, the
reserved for students for one night (the night of   number of your flight, and your date and hour of
the program Arrival Day) at Comfort Suites Rive     arrival. The cab will be waiting for you at the
Gauche. Students will then move to their            airport, and the cost will be about 50€ (in
permanent housing for the semester. The cost of     comparison hailing a cab at the airport will cost
the hotel accommodations for one night is           about 70€.) Payment is usually in cash or with a
included in the program fee for all students.       French credit card, so plan accordingly. They are
                                                    very reliable, will wait for you even if you arrive
Comfort Suites Rive Gauche                          late, and the cost is relatively low. Do not exit
31, rue Chevreul, Lyon, FR, 69007                   the airport; please make sure you watch for them
Phone: (33) 4 72 72 08 36 (reception desk is        once you exit from the baggage area into the
open 24 hours)                                      airport hall.
Fax: (33) 4 72 72 48 00
web:               Airport Tram Express
                                                    You also have the option of taking the tram from
Note: If you are planning to arrive prior to the    the airport to the La Part-Dieu train station and
program arrival date and wish to stay at the        then either taking another tram or a taxi to the
Comfort Suites, you should get in touch with        hotel. The tram express cost (tarif jeune 12-24) is
them directly as soon as possible. The hotel will   11€ for a one-way ticket. Tickets can be
bill you directly for the extra days.               purchased at the Tram stop at the airport. You
                                                    can take the tram to La Part-Dieu train station
                                                    and then you have to take another tram to go to
                                                    the hotel or take a cab from there. If you do take
                                                    another tram, you need to take Line T1- direction
                                                    Montrochet and get off at rue de l’Université
                                                    (closer) or Quai Claude Bernard. Of course, you
                                                    may also just take a cab (55-58€).


Most French students in Lyon do not live in            the program coordinator has worked with several
university dorms (this is not even an option for       families in the past few years that have been
US students especially if they are going to study      wonderful to our students. If you would like to
in Lyon for one semester due to shortage of            live with a family, please write to the program
rooms and widely varying housing standards.)           coordinator as soon as possible so she can find a
                                                       family that would be a good match for you.
Housing arrangements for students on the Brown
program are primarily with French homestays.           Please contact the program coordinator with your
All efforts are made to find a reasonable range of     choice of housing either in May for the fall or in
prices and locations, and the program                  October for the spring semester and discuss all
coordinator often works with households and            your options with her. She then will reserve a
landlords that are know by program staff and           spot for you and confirm with an email.
with whom the staff and prior students have had
good experiences. It is therefore essential that       Here is a range of housing prices:
students do not waste their energies on other, and
usually more expensive solutions such as               • Host family/homestay: 650€ (includes 5 meals
magazine listings, rental agencies and the                     a week plus all breakfasts) Rent is
internet since they charge finder’s fees, as well              much cheaper in the suburbs, but you
as exorbitant amounts for the security deposit for             will find it a hassle to depend on public
similar apartments to those the program                        transport each time you want to go out
coordinator is able to arrange on your behalf.                 in town (public transportation stops at
Over the years the program coordinator has                     midnight). Restaurant universitaire is
worked with several landlords and has developed                the cheapest place to eat (with student
a relationship of trust.                                       ID): 2,90€ for a full lunch or dinner.
                                                               Toiletries are quite expensive; they
Living with a family                                           should be bought at a supermarket, but
Students’ experiences living with families often               never at a pharmacy. Go to local
vary dramatically. A family might not take you                 farmers markets for fresh but
into their hearts or even invite you to visit                  inexpensive produce.
grandma every Sunday, or then again, a family
might adopt you completely. In any case, make
                                                       • Studio (single room) apartment: 450-750€(20-
sure that you understand the ground rules and
                                                               30 square m.)
that you fully grasp the type of relationship they
are willing to develop with you (and that you are
willing to develop with them). Their rules             • Roommate situation: 400-600€, depending on
become yours: check curfews, what rooms you                  the number of roommates and location
can or cannot use, when/if you can have friends
over, etc. Also, remember that each individual
family has its own needs and reasons for
deciding to rent a room to a student. However,


Transportation By Bus And Metro/ TCL                   Tickets are 1.30€ each, but they can be
(Transports en Commun de Lyon):                        purchased in a book of 10(8.90€ for students) on
                                                       buses for 25.
Information: ALLO TCL: Tel: for
journey planning, timetable information and            NOTE: Make sure you always validate your
practical information.                                 card, metro, tram, or train ticket before you
                                                       board, as the fines are very steep.
Transportation around Lyon is easy and safe.
The TCL network runs from 5 a.m. to midnight           SNCF/By Train
everyday. Single tickets are available for both
the bus, metro and tramway networks and allow          There are two main stations: Perrache and Part-
travel for up to one hour. The hour begins at the      Dieu. Paradoxically, both stations serve the same
time indicated by the first stamp on the ticket;       areas, so check the station you arrive at or leave
and you can make four transfers, each time             from; the same destination can often be reached
punching the same ticket (you needn’t do so at         at different times of departure,depending on
direct links between metro lines). Return (or          where you leave from. All the high speed trains
successive) journeys on the same line with the         (TGV) stop at Part-Dieu but only some have
same ticket are not allowed example.                   their terminus at Perrache. For further
                                                       information: Perrache or Part-Dieu stations.
There are also two-hour passes to be used before       S.N.C.F. telephone information: 08. 36. 35. 35.
4 p.m. as well as evening passes to be used after      35.
8 p.m.; these cost 2€ and can be used on all three
types of transportation even if you change             The price of the ticket is based on the number of
direction. Tickets can be purchased at TCL             kilometers. For young people under 26, there a
booths in the metro and at tabacs (cafés that sell     lot of reduced rates; consider buying the carte
cigarettes, stamps and phone cards-                    12-25 from any train station or SNCF agency as
TELECARTE). TCL provides free maps and                 soon as you arrive in France. The card is 50€ and
time tables and publishes a special guide for          is valid for a year. With this card you will have a
students - the Guide TCL Spécial Etudiants -           50% discount on almost all trains. You will need
available in TCL offices.                              your passport as well as a photocopy of the
                                                       information page of your passport in order to
Carte CAMPUS: Instead of using single tickets,         prove your age. You must also bring a passport-
consider buying a carte d’abonnement mensuel           sized photo when purchasing the card.
(Carte Campus) that can be used on the metro           Afterward, you will have to show this card to the
and bus. To obtain this card, you have to provide      controller every time you travel.
identity papers, a valid student card, proof of
residence, an identity photo and 2.50E. Once you       Traveling Outside Lyon
have the card, you will only need to buy a new
CAMPUS pass every month (30€).                         You can fly into Lyon Saint-Exupéry from many
                                                       European cities, which means you can connect
You can go to the following TCL offices:               with all major European airlines to the US. For
Agence République, 43, rue de la République,           information, ask a local travel agent or Lyon
69002 Lyon; Agence Part-Dieu, bouleverd                Saint-Exupéry airport directly (Tel:
Vivier-Merle, 69003 Lyon; bus stations at     There are reduced rates for
Perrache and Bonnevay; Agences TCL Ligne D:            students.
Gorge de Loup, Vieux-Lyon, Bellecour, Grange
Blanche and Parilly.                                   Ground transportation to/from airport: Rhone
                                                       express tram
The new tramway is convenient for campus as
one serves Perrache and Part-Dieu stations by
way of the University's downtown campus and            ge/get?subAction=cdewidget/e-
the other the Bron campus from the downtown            boutique/?lang=fr_FR&type=widgetRequest?lan
campus.                                                g=fr_FR&type=widgetRequest&lib=10021&qte

=1 to la Part-Dieu station and costs 14,90           competition has made calling the USA cheaper
eurosbus links the airport and both railway          than before, but telephone rates are slightly
stations. The journey is about 40 minutes. The       higher in France than in the States. Calls are least
other option is to reserve a special taxi service    expensive from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m., and on
that will wait for you even if your plane is late.   weekends from noon on Saturday to 8 am on
They wait for you with a sign with your name on      Monday.
it. Their phone number is and cellphone number         Itemized bills are not the rule, you need to
33(0)7 86 61 57 24The cost is about 50 Euros on      request them (it’s free). A good alternative is to
weekdays and 55 on weekends and holidays.            use your American calling card and pay the bill
Don’t forget that they need your flight              in the States or see if your US company can
information.                                         charge you in France. (You might have your
                                                     parents and friends call you instead!)
NOTE: It is very important that if you leave to
travel you let the program coordinator know          Cell Phones
where you will be. In case of emergency, the
program staff needs to know where to reach you.      The French cell phone market has not reached
                                                     the level of competition of the US market and
Mail                                                 therefore, the cheapest offers are for long-term
                                                     commitments (12 month minimum). Please read
If you have packages sent to you, you must           the following guide carefully before buying a
realize that you will owe duties if the declared     cell phone. FNAC on rue de la République and at
value is above $20 including fore used items. For    la Part-Dieu is a very good option and has a wide
personal belongings, in order to minimize these      selection of cellphones with pre-paid cards for all
fees, ship items clearly marked “used personal       three major cellphone providers (Free,Orange,
goods” and place a low value on the customs          Bouyges or SFR).
declaration. Please remember that often you may
be able to purchase the item for the cost of         Long-term contracts vs. rechargeable cards
shipping or less (a sweater in a box costs $30 to
ship).                                               Contracts in France usually last for 12 months,
                                                     cannot be broken, and require a valid bank
Telephone                                            account (not a credit card) since money is
                                                     directly withdrawn (which can lead to bad
Public phones are not coin-operated anymore          surprises if you are not careful). You are
and are never used because of the popularity of      responsible for the account, and you cannot sell
cell phones. You will need to purchase a             it to anyone else. Some short-term “forfaits” (six
telephone with a French sim card or use              months) are routinely offered but automatically
SKYPE, Face time , Whatsap, Viber.                   switch to a permanent contract if you do not
                                                     cancel by a certain date. You are responsible for
To use your American calling cards, dial: 00-00-     letting the phone company know you are closing
11 and you will get an AT&T operator MCI: 00-        the account. Failure to do so makes you legally
00-19 SPRINT: 00-00-87                               responsible for all monthly bills after your
To call abroad from France: 00 + country code        For students staying for one semester, the
(USA code is 1) + area code. To call France          recommended solution is a rechargeable
from the US/ 011+33+local number (omit the 0         “prepaid” phone; you buy a phone, and you
at the beginning of the 10-digit local number).      purchase the units. The three main service
                                                     providers offer this option; Orange has
If you choose to have a landline, you must           Mobicarte, SFR has la Carte, and Bouygues has
subscribe to France Telecom or any of the other      Nomade. You can buy a phone in kiosks, cafés ,
companies available for long distance service.       and tobacconists. You can recharge them at the
(Check newspapers, magazines and billboards,         same places, as well as their web sites or by
and French friends and roommates for best deal:      phone. You do not need to close your account,
FREE and Orange are the cheapest options) But        and you can sell your phone to a friend or
remember that you need to subscribe for at least     incoming student before you go. The coverage
a year (Free has monthly subscriptions). This

differs from company to company; most roughly        Again, this is not free; you will pay, as you
cover most of Europe but will not work in the        would for a phone call although there are
US. All incoming calls to a French cell phone are    discount cards, subscriptions, and special deals
free. It may, however, be very expensive to make     offered.
international calls from your cell phone. A basic
phone will cost around 50€, with some prepaid        Please note: You cannot get Internet service in
units.                                               your apartment for less than a year (12 months)
                                                     due to the nature of the contracts. If you try to
What should you do with your phone when you          use a dial-up service such as AOL or Eathlink,
leave? Since the chips inside the phones and the     be aware that the calls are not free and that you
electrical chargers do not work in the US, there     are paying long distance units.
is nothing much you can do but give it to a friend
in France, keep it for a later use or leave it
behind for the next group of students. If you do     Bookstores
decide to sell it, you need to have all original
materials, the #, the charger in the box with your   New and used books in French, used textbooks:
name and address. If someone is interested, they
will contact you and send you a check.                   ●    Joseph-Gibert 6, rue de la Barre Lyon
                                                              2è Tel:
The Brown in Lyon staff will not deal with               ●    Decitre 29, place Bellecour Lyon 2è
phone contracts, exchanges, or sales                          Tel:
                                                         ●    Flammarion 19, place Bellecour Lyon
You can use your American cellphone with the                  2è Tel:
French SIM cards, provided you have had your             ●    FNAC BELLECOUR and PART-
phone unlocked before leaving the country.                    DIEU Provides the cheapest new books
Check with your provider before your departure                (5% off the regular price) because of a
for instructions. This is useful if you wish to               special deal it has with publishers. Also
continue using your Smartphone. Don’t forget                  provides CDs, tapes, photo equipment,
that you can also use the Wifi feature on your                software, computers and is a major
Smartphone for email and internet.                            outlet for concert tickets. Metro
Finally, one of the most inexpensive ways to                  Bellecour and Part-Dieu.
make international calls is through the Internet
with Skype or other similar services.                Second-hand booksellers: along Quai St-Antoine
                                                     every morning
Computers and E-mail
                                                     Anglophone bookstores: Decitre 29, place
If you have a laptop, we urge you to bring it with   Bellecour Lyon 2è Tel:
you, with the necessary transformers or adaptors,
of course. If you don’t have one, then you can       Libraries
use the Lyon II computer labs (IEP and CIEF
also have one) which will necessitate planning in    Bibliothèque Municipale de la Part-Dieu
advance because they do not have the hours that      30, boulevard Vivier-Merle
most US campus labs have. Most professors also       69003 Lyon
accept hand written papers. If your laptop has an    metro: Part-Dieu
internal modem, make sure it will work outside       Tel:
the U.S.; other students have had problems with      Library Loans (Tues-Fri 10am to 6pm)
this in the past.                                    Reference Hall (Tues-Fri 10pm to7.30pm and
                                                     Sat 10am to 6.30pm)
Be aware that if you have a brand of computer        For Loans: an annual subscription costs 30 euros
that is not sold in France, you will probably not    for students on presentation of ID papers and
find anyone to repair it if something goes wrong.    proof of residence, i.e. a rent bill. This card is
Unlike in Providence campus, there are no free       valid for all other public libraries in the various
computer services or experts available in Lyon,      arrondissements of the city.
so make sure you know what you need to bring         Local Libraries: Contact the town hall in your
to use your computer overseas. You may go to a       arrondissement for information and reservations.
cybercafé to do e-mail or access the Internet.       Public Service: Tel:

Student Life                                              ●   Melting Sciences Pot mspasso@gmail.
Student Associations: International students will             com 06 07 99 30 47 Check e-email and
be welcome at the following member                            phone at the welcome meeting at the
associations of FEL. They will organize meals,                IEP. They organize meetings between
happy hours, individual care and coffee hours.                French students at the IEP and
                                                              international students and also many
AE2L -                                         other activities.
                                                          ●   City center campus: “sur les
Le CLALU: Comité d’Accueil et de Liaison                      quais” ARGONAUTES - 18, quai
Universitaire, 59 rue de la Madeleine - 04. 72.               Claude-Bernard - 69007 Lyon BDE
80. 13. 07                                                    (Bureau des Elèves) Histoire de l’Art et
                                                              Archéologie - History of Art
    ●    For all international students, CLALU            ●   Department CLERSE - Sciences de
         offers an insight into Lyon and France’s             l’Education, CLIO - Histoire et
         cultural past. CLALU’s calendar of                   Géographie
         events is posted in all the halls of             ●   Bron campus EL YPSY, HISPAS,
         residence and university restaurants, as             PROFIL AES, SOCIOFIL, LES
         well as in CLALU’s newsletter.                       PETITS DAL’OSENT
                                                          ●   L YON III 15, quai Claude-Bernard -
L’ALRESE: Association Lyonnaise de                            69007 Lyon Club Lyon 3, ELSA,
Rencontre avec Les Etudiants et Stagiaires                    Association des Etudiants du DEUST
Etrangers 69, rue Jean Jaurès - 69100                         Assistant et Secrétaire
Villeurbanne - from 9 a.m. – 1             ●   Juridique (Legal Assistance),
p.m.                                                          Association des Etudiants du DEA
                                                              Droit de la Famille (Family Law)
    ●    This organization brings together                ●   C.R.O.U.S. (Centre Régional des
         foreign students and the people of Lyon              Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires) 59,
         through numerous activities (informal                rue de la Madeleine 69007 Lyon Tel:
         meetings, discussion evenings,              The CROUS has
         excursion and parties, etc.). The dates              addresses of sport clubs, gyms, lists of
         and venues of the various activities are             activities of all sorts, shows,
         posted in university restaurants every               exhibitions, temporary jobs, trips...).
         month.                                           ●   Check also the Centre Régional
                                                              d'Information et de Documentation
Other student associations on the various                     Jeunesse: CRIJ: 9, quai des Célestins,
campuses:                                                     69002 Lyon Tel:

    ●    LYON I 43, boulevard du 11 novembre          Cultural Information Centers in Lyon
         1918 - 69100 Villeurbanne GAELIS -
         promotes the various disciplines and             ●   Centre Municipal d’Information *
         student associations on the DOUA                     Maison des Biennales * Office du
         campus ISFA Evasion, AEG                             Tourisme * Student Associations
         (Association des Etudiants en Génie) -           ●   Place de la Comédie - Mairie Annexe
         8, av. Rockefeller - 69008 Lyon -                    Lyon 1er Place –des Terraux-Lyon 2è
         Medical Club                                         Tel: Place Bellecour -
    ●    LYON II Com’et (we advise you to go                  Tel:
         there as soon as you can).You will get a         ●   Le Livre Bleu * Mission Culture *
         lot of useful information on student life,           Directly from theaters, museums, etc.
         cultural activities etc 25 rue Jaboulay              annual cultural events guidebook by the
         69007 phone 04 37 28 05 06 fax 04 78                 City of Lyon 1, rue de l’Université -
         69 98 99 com’                      Lyon 7è Tel:
    ●    Alter Ego Rachel Bernard 16 quai
         Claude Bernard service DRI-1er               Publications
         étage 69007 Lyon alter-ego@univ- They aorganise cultural outings         ●    Lyon Poche is a weekly guide to
         and trips for all international students             shows, cinemas, exhibitions and

restaurants on sale from kiosks and         Work in France
    ●    Le Petit Paumé is a free guide to Lyon      Carte de Séjour/titre de séjour If you have your
         produced by students of Ecole               carte de séjour, you can work during the
         Supérieure de Commerce, it comes out        academic year for a certain number of hours per
         in November (available from Bureau          week (up to about half-time).
         des Elèves - BDE - and student
         associations)                               Your student identity card must also be with an
    ●    Le Guide Pratique de l’Etudiant             institution affiliated with the French Social
         published by CROUS                          Security, which will be the case since you will
    ●    Transfac, Campus these are student          enroll in French Universities. If possible get the
         publications                                student card to show that you have registered in
    ●    Student associations often publish their    "Licence" or "DEUG 2eme année" courses, as
         own newsletters                             this is the minimum level for work permission.

Restaurants Universitaires                           Summer employment is also possible with these
                                                     cards, and you can work more hours per week
The restaurants universitaires or Resto-U            during the summer than during the academic
(cafeteria for students only) enable you to get      year.
lunches and sometimes dinners for about 13E
with your student ID card. You will need to buy      To ask for work permission, contact: Direction
tickets at the Resto-U of your choice during meal    Départementale du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la
time. They are usually sold in packets of ten,       Formation Professionnelle 10, rue du
cash only. With tickets, you can eat at any resto-   Nord 69100 Villeurbanne Tel: 04 72 65 58 50
U in Lyon (see list below).
- ANDRE ALIX 2, rue Sœur Bouvier Lyon 5è
Bus 30, 46 - Jussieu 3, av. Albert Einstein          Please remember that almost all stores are closed
Villeurbanne Bus 26, 38, 78 - PUVIS DE               on Sunday and Monday mornings. Shop ahead of
CHAVANNE 118, blvd du 11 novembre 1918,              time or go to an open-air market on Sunday. All
Villeurbanne Bus 26, 38, 78                          neighborhoods have at least one bakery that is
                                                     open on Mondays and/or Sundays.
- JEAN MERMOZ 98, av. Mermoz Lyon 8è -
LA MADELEINE 360, rue Garibaldi Lyon 7è -            Inexpensive Stores
CAFETERIA A LA FAC 16, quai Claude-                  Many Lyon students do their shopping at their
Bernard                                              local street market for fresh groceries,
                                                     kitchen/bathroom things, sheets/towels and
Lyon 7è - BRON 5, av. Pierre Mendès-France           cheap clothes. However, you won’t go to the
Bron                                                 market everyday so the best solution is to go to a
                                                     supermarket when special offers are on and do
Bus 34, 39 Bus 12, 35, 47 Bus 23, 26                 your weekly shopping there. For students living
                                                     in the center of Lyon, the “favorite” is Carrefour
Bus 39, 62, 81                                       at Centre Commercial Part-Dieu, 4th floor
                                                     (Metro Part-Dieu).
Metro: Jean Macé
                                                     Daily street markets (except Monday)
Student Activities and Events
                                                     For organic products
Be sure to go to your university BDE (Bureau
des Élèves) for information on activities and            ●    Marché du Boulevard de la Croix-
clubs. And remember that your student ID card                 Rousse
entitles you to reduced tickets to movie theaters,       ●    Marché du Quai St-Antoine Marché du
theaters (except on weekends), sport clubs and                Quai Augagneur
gymnasiums, museums, etc.                                ●    Marché Biologique de la Place
                                                              Vanderpol Lyon 9è

You can also read