BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - (2015 - 2020) "Harnessing the power of statistics for national development" - Paris21
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BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) (2015 - 2020) “Harnessing the power of statistics for national development” STATISTICS BOTSWANA Empowered lives. Resilien
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) (2015 - 2020) “Harnessing the power of statistics for national development”
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 Published by Statistics Botswana Private Bag 0024 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (267) 367 1300 Fax: (267) 395 2201 Email: Copyright Reserved c 2015
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 1 Preface 2 List of Acronyms 3 Executive Summary 4 1. CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND 1.1 Importance of statistics 4 1.2 The National Statistical System 8 1.2.1 Main data users 8 1.2.2 Main data producers and suppliers 9 2. CHAPTER 2: NSDS DESIGN: PROCESSES AND STRUCTURES 2.1 What is NSDS? 10 2.2 Process 10 2.3 Structures 11 3. CHAPTER 3: CURRENTSITUATION ANALYSIS 3.1 External environment 12 3.1.1 Political Factors 12 3.1.2 Economic Factors 12 3.1.3 Social Factors 12 3.1.4 Technological Factors 12 3.1.5 Legal Factors 13 3.1.6 Environmental Factors 13 3.1.7 International Factors 13 3.2 Internal Environment 13 3.2.1 NSS Coordinator: Statistics Botswana 13 3.2.2 Stakeholder analysis 14 3.2.3 Statistical advocacy 14 3.2.4 Statistical coordination 14 3.2.5 Statistical capacity 14 3.2.6 Data development, management and dissemination 15 3.2.7 Data quality 15 3.3 SWOT Analysis 16 4. CHAPTER 4: STRATEGIC FOUNDATIONS AND DIRECTION FOR THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM 4.1 Strategic Foundations 17 4.2 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 17 4.2.1 Goals 17 4.2.2 Objectives 18 4.2.3 Strategies 18 4.3 Strategy map for the national statistical system 19 4.4 NSDS scorecard (action plan) 21 5. CHAPTER 5: IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION 5.1 What is involved in NSDS implementation? 22 5.2 Monitoring and evaluation 23 5.2.1 Monitoring indicators 23 5.2.2 Benchmarking 23 5.2.3 Reporting mechanisms 23 6 CHAPTER 6: BUDGET AND FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS Annex I: Major Challenges, Objectives and Priority Initiatives for Sectors 25 Annex II: National Statistical System ACTION PLAN 29 ANNEX III: KEY CONCEPTS 30
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 FOREWORD the National Statistics System (NSS) to design the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS), with the aim of strengthening the NSS so that it can provide more reliable statistics for informing development processes. Suffice to mention that this is the first statistical plan of its kind to be developed in the country hence its timing could not have been more opportune. The strategy has been designed at a time when: a) the Ministry is preparing the next National Development Plan (NDP11), b) Government is designing a National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to enhance monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects, c) the Government is reviewing the current Vision 2016 and preparing for the next national Vision d) inter-governmental negotiations are taking place to finalise the goals for post- S 2015 sustainable development tatistics constitute an essential element e) a “data revolution” to support he in improving the ability of government to sustainable development agenda is develop appropriate policies, manage the being elaborated at international and economic and social development processes, continental level, monitor improvements in the living standards f) the roadmap for Africa’s Agenda 2063 is of the people and report back this progress being articulated. to the public using solid evidence as part of the government’s accountability framework. These factors underscore the national, regional Furthermore, statistics are needed by non- and global importance of this strategy. governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector, academia, analysts, the media, as well I would like to acknowledge the valuable as regional and international organizations. participation of all sectors and stakeholders Consequently, very robust systems and that contribute to this achievement. capacity are critical for generation of statistical information as well as for data storage, Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to security, and retrieval by key stakeholders and the African Development Bank, UNDP , as well development partners. as the government of Botswana for providing the necessary support in the development of With the continuously expanding interest in the strategy. statistics globally for a variety of reasons, it is critical that we ensure fitness for purpose of statistics we disseminate. It is the fitness for purpose with regards to relevance, accuracy, timeliness, quality, accessibility clarity, comparability and coherence that the strategy will address amongst other things. Hon. Kenneth Ontefetse Matambo I take note that Statistics Botswana has worked MINISTER OF FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT with various stakeholders, referred herein as PLANNING 1
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 PREFACE The assessment of the state of statistics in sectors is presented in Chapter Three. This chapter presents the main results from the assessment covering results on stakeholder analysis; statistical advocacy; statistical coordination; statistical capacity; data development, management and dissemination; and data quality. Chapter Four gives the strategic foundations (vision, mission and core values) and strategic direction – goals, objectives, strategies and the Action Plan. Chapter Five presents NSDS implementation, monitoring and evaluation while Chapter Six presents the budget and funding arrangements. There are three annexes. Annex I major challenges, objectives and priority initiatives for sectors, Annex II presents the NSS Action Plan while Annex III presents the key concepts. T Finally, I want to express our appreciation to he National Strategy for the Development of the African Development Bank (AfDB) which Statistics (NSDS) is a robust, comprehensive provided technical assistance for the design and coherent framework that facilitates of the NSDS as well as the UNDP, Prof. Ben the development of statistics and enhance Kiregyera, the international consultant and Mr. their utility in the country. It is an international Moses Ngorima, the national consultant who recognised approach that enables effective provided invaluable guidance, support and coordination of the National Statistical System insights into the design of this strategy. (NSS). For this purpose the NSDS has been developed as follows: I invite those sectors which were not included in the first phase to step forward and join the NSDS This NSDS brief has six chapters. Chapter process and our stakeholders in effectively One gives background information about implementing this BSDS. the importance of Statistics to development process, the National Statistical System (NSS) and its components. Chapter Two presents the process of designing the NSDS – compliance with international best practices, the sectoral Anna N. Majelantle approach and design structures. STATISTICIAN GENERAL, STATISTICS BOTSWANA 2
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 LIST OF ACRONYMS AfDB African Development Bank AR Annual Review BSC Balanced Scorecard CSO Central Statistical Office DQAF Data Quality Assessment Framework GDP Gross Domestic Product IASC Inter-Agency Statistics Committee ICT Information and Communication technology IMF International Monetary Fund IT Information Technology MDA Government Ministry, Department or Agency MDG Millennium Development Goal MIS Management Information Systems MTR Medium-term Report NDP National Development Plan NDQAF National Data Quality Assurance Framework NGO Non-Governmental Organization NSDS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics NSDS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics NSO National Statistical Office NSS National Statistical System QPR Quarterly Progress Report SADC Southern Africa Development Community SB Statistics Botswana SCI Statistical Capacity Indicator SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound SSC Sector Statistics Committee SSP Sector Statistics Plan SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat TR Terminal Report UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme WAVES Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystems Services 3
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I: Importance Of Statistics statistical programmes and for donor support to those programmes; provide an action plan Statistics have come to be recognized for statistical capacity building; and act as a internationally as part of enabling infrastructure catalyst for change. for development. They act as a stimulant to public action, a catalyst for change, and an The NSDS has been designed using international input into making development programme best practice that entailed advocating for work. Among other things, statistics provide statistics, especially among political leadership, a basis for informed policy and decision- decision-makers and development partners making; help identify best courses of action to secure buy-in and support; participation, in addressing complex issues like poverty; inclusivity and consensus-building; empowering are essential to managing service delivery staff and others involved in the process; as well as for transparency, accountability broadening and deepening communication – and democracy; provide a sound basis for communication within sectors, communication the design, management, monitoring and among sectors as well as between sectors and evaluation of national policy frameworks and SB. annual performance targets set out in annual budgets and sectoral programmes; and are A sectoral or bottom-up approach was used, essential for managing for results which focus initially with 11 sectors selected to participate on development outcomes. in the process while other sectors were to be taken on gradually. Of the 11 sectors, only National development in Botswana is guided by seven (7) sectors fully participated in the the evolving national agenda which includes process. An assessment of the state of statistics the Long-term Vision, National Development in each selected sector was made as a basis for Plans, and other national priorities. This calls designing a Sector Statistics Plan (SSP) for each for mainstreaming of statistics into policy and one of those sectors. SB was treated as a special planning processes to make statistics more sector but a sector all the same. The SSPs were relevant to national development processes then used as building blocks for designing the and also to support and align to the different NSDS, which took on board cross-cutting issues global as well as regional integration initiatives from SSPs as well as emerging issues. for reporting and monitoring. Iii: Main Findings From Assessment ii: National Strategy For The Development Of Statistics One of the requirements for an effective NSS is that it should have a centre that holds. There is consensus internationally about the The assessment showed that SB is a strong need for a holistic and strategic approach enough centre to anchor the NSS. SB has been to improving an NSS and building statistical strengthened though the revision of the Statistics capacity to provide the information needed for Act in 2009 which enables the organisation to development programmes. In this connection, develop and coordinate the National Statistical SB decided in 2012 to design a National Strategy System (NSS). Since the Statistics Act is new, for the Development of Statistics (NSDS). most stakeholders are acquainting themselves The NSDS provides a robust, comprehensive with this central statutory role that SB is required and coherent framework to facilitate the to play in the NSS. They also appreciate the development of statistics and enhance their pool of expertise in different areas of statistics utility in the country. at SB. The NSDS aims to: address data limitations; Stakeholder Analysis mobilize and prioritise use of resources for statistics; integrate statistics within national There are many stakeholders in the NSS as well as policy, planning and budget processes to in sector statistical systems. These stakeholders generate performance indicators; evaluate want to see a strong and stakeholder-driven the whole NSS and provide a coherent NSS in place. In the envisioned NSS, statistics framework for all national and international is fully integrated into policy and decision- 4
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 making processes at all levels; various user collection; lack of a comprehensive statistical needs are better identified and prioritized; programme; some data sources (like districts) comprehensive, credible, impartial and are not good; lack of standardized tools for data objective statistics are produced to effectively collection; inadequate training and supervision of respond to these needs; there are open data collectors; inadequate automation of the data platforms and systems to enable data statistical system; inadequate data management; accessibility by all; data users are empowered lack of coordination of data sources; inadequate to interpret and use data for various purposes. data dissemination; lack of Annual Statistical Reports in most sectors; and limited use of web Statistical Advocacy sites to disseminate data. The assessment showed that little and IV: STRATEGIC DIRECTION impactful statistical advocacy takes place in sectors and across the NSS, especially at high The following were identified as the strategic policy and political level. This has had negative foundations (Vision, Mission and Core Values) and consequences for statistical development in strategic direction (Goals and objectives) for the sectors including: inadequate commitment to NSS: statistical development, lack of prioritization for statistics, and lack of a statistical structure Strategic Foundation in most sectors. Vision: To be a world-class provider of quality official statistics and Statistical Coordination related services. The assessment of the NSS showed low levels Mission: To support policy, planning and of coordination and information-sharing in the decision-making at all levels NSS. by providing comprehensive integrated and quality statistics Statistical Capacity on a sustainable basis. The assessment showed that there is low and Core Values: Integrity, Transparency, Focus declining statistical capacity in the country on Customer, Focus on mainly due to lack of statistical structures and Quality, / Accountability, Team programmes, limited human resources as well Work, Professionalism and as inadequate ICT infrastructure and financial Confidentiality. resources. Strategic Direction Data Development, Management And Dissemination Three broad goals were identified and these are supported by 9 objectives. The assessment showed that data development, management and dissemination Goal 1: Greater use of statistics for policy, planning are inadequate across sectors. and decision-making Data Quality Goal 2: An effective National Statistical System The assessment showed that data quality in Goal 3: Increase resources for statistics some sectors is low due to lack of a National Data Quality Assurance Framework and weak These goals are presented with their corresponding coordination of the NSS. This has resulted in strategies, actions and required results in the compromised quality of statistics in terms of Action Plan. relevance, accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, clarity, comparability and coherence. V: IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION IMPLEMENTATION The non-existence of a Data Quality Assurance Framework and weak coordination of the NSS Implementation of the NSDS will involve, among is mainly due to: inadequate assessment of other things, mobilizing drivers of strategic success user needs; lack of mechanisms for assessing including: creating NSDS awareness; reviewing user needs in sectors; non-compliance with the Statistics Act to make it more enabling; international standards and guidelines in data creating a Strategy–supportive culture; creating 5
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 coordination structures and mechanisms; managing change; seeking technical assistance to fill gaps in knowledge, skills and experience; and implementing the Action Plan. VI. MONITORING AND EVALUATION The implementation of the Strategy will be effectively monitored and at the end, its impact evaluated. There will be a reporting mechanism providing for preparation and distribution of periodic progress, mid-term and final reports. Progress reports will be produced quarterly, annually, mid-term and at the end. VII: BUDGET AND FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS The total budget for implementing the NSDS is estimated to cost BWP 187 million over a period of five years. Individual sectors will be budgeting for the implementation of their own sector Statistics Plans. It should also be possible to fill funding gaps by seeking assistance from development partners and any other sources in support for the development of statistics. 6
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND 1.1 IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICS Statistics are a critical enabler for development. national development can be demonstrated They provide a basis for good policy and by the alignment shown on Table 1. decision-making as well as monitoring and evaluation of national policy frameworks and In addition to Government Ministries, annual performance targets. Statistics are Departments and Agencies (MDAs), statistics required by Government and other users. are needed by investors, the business community, civil society and economic agents Government requires statistics for policy, (business enterprises, associations, trade planning and decision-making. It is also unions, etc.) as well as the public at large to recognized that statistics act as a stimulant to assess opportunities, evidence based decision public action, a catalyst for change, and an making, risks and prospects for business and input into making development programme investment purposes. National, regional, work such as National Development Plans, international organizations as well as donors all Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and require statistics for various purposes including Vision 2016. regional integration, informing development processes and for reporting on development The relevance of statistical production to progress. Table 1: Alignment of high level statistical products with the pillars of Vision 2016 Vision 2016 pillars High level statistical products An Educated, Informed Nation (education, • Education statistics informed society, telephones, literate • Social statistics society) A Prosperous, Productive and Innovative • Production statistics (Industrial, Agriculture, Nation (economy, development, Tourism, Information, Communication and employment) Technology (ICT) etc.) • Employment statistics • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) A Compassionate, Just and Caring Nation • Poverty statistics (poverty, inequality, health services, AIDS) • Health statistics A Safe and Secure Nation (crime) • Crime statistics • Justice, Law and Order statistics An Open, Democratic and Accountable • Governance statistics Nation (leadership, open government) • Access to information A moral and tolerant nation • Gender Statistics A united and proud nation (family values, • Culture Statistics traditions and history) 7
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 1.2 THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM The National Statistical System (NSS) comprises of all institutions in the country dealing with or directly associated with the provision of documents and other information for the purpose of and connected with carrying out of statistical business or use of official statistics and other statistics research & development of statistical methods and techniques, training and education. The NSS is part of a wider statistical systems that include regional, continental and international. Its development is impacted by statistical developments at these levels, (see Fig 1). It is, therefore, crucial to appreciate and develop the NSS in context of these systems, benchmarking on best practices regionally and internationally. The following figure presents the cascading of statistical principles, frameworks and strategies from the international level, to continental, regional and finally to the national level. Figure 1: A map of statistical principles, frameworks and strategies cascaded from the international down to national level. International MAPS (BUSAN) UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics RRSF (SHaSa) Continental Statistical Programs Regional NSDS National Africa Charter on Statistics 1.2.1 MAIN DATA USERS Data users are the clientele of data production systems and hence the most important component of the NSS. Indeed, there cannot be a sustainable NSS without good data users. In a sense, therefore, the NSS will be sustained to the extent that it is user-focused and demand-driven. Data users should be repositioned at the centre of the NSS where they can play upstream and proactive roles in statistical development including advancing a “common understanding of policy issues and related data requirements, setting data priorities, clarifying the objectives for data collection and agreeing on the best methods for collecting data”2 . The main users, however, have been identified in Table 2. 8
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 Table 2: Main categories of data users and usage Main data user Main uses of data Government ministries and Use data for policy development, decision-making, planning, institutions, and local authorities administration, monitoring, governance and accountability (districts, urban authorities) Politicians These use data especially for debate, assessment of development needs, budget approval, etc. Economic agents (industrialists, These use data to assess business opportunities, risks and farmers, service industries, etc.) prospects; planning, decision-making, monitoring, evaluation; reporting on business activities Civil society organizations Use population and other statistics to plan, implement, monitor (e.g. non-governmental and evaluate their activities. They also use statistics for more organizations) informed policy, lobbying, holding governments to account and for reporting back to their headquarters or funders Research and training Use statistics to undertake research, conduct socio-economic- organizations (e.g. universities) demographic analyses and for teaching purposes. They mainly require microdata3 The media Use data to inform, analyze and report on various development issues and events, and to call organizations and governments to account Regional and continental Use data to foster regional integration and development. These organizations (e.g. Southern organizations mainly require harmonized statistics needed Africa Development for monitoring observance of macroeconomic convergence Community, African Union, criteria, the bedrock of the customs union, common market African Development Bank, UN and monetary union which are key milestones of the regional Economic Commission for Africa) integration process International organizations , Use data to assess requirements for assistance and/or participation agencies and Development in development initiatives, evaluate the effectiveness of the partners assistance and to provide a global picture of development The wider public Use data to make individual decisions and assess the performance of government, and for a variety of other purposes including public debate 2- UN Statistical Office: Household Surveys of Agriculture, a Methodological Study, Department of Technical Cooperation in Development, Statistical Office, N.Y, 1991 3- Microdata are the individual, computerized records of persons, households, dwellings or other entities that constitute the responses reported on census and survey forms. They may be data directly collected by Statistics Botswana or obtained from other sources, such as administrative sources. It is, therefore, important that data users are identified and their data needs are determined, prioritized and reviewed periodically. 1.2.2 MAIN DATA PRODUCERS AND SUPPLIERS Main data producers are Statistics Botswana and government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. The aforementioned produce a lot of data in their areas of jurisdiction. Statistics Botswana (SB) is the nodal and autonomous government agency responsible for provision of official statistics as well as coordination, monitoring ad supervision of the NSS as well as collection of data from primary sources in periodic socio-economic censuses and surveys. In addition, it collects secondary data from other data producers, mainly MDAs. 9
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 CHAPTER 2: NSDS DESIGN: PROCESSES AND STRUCTURES 2.1 WHAT IS NSDS? staff involved in the process and others; broadening and deepening communication – There is consensus internationally about the communication within sectors, communication need for a holistic and strategic approach among sectors and communication between to improving an NSS and building statistical sectors and Statistics Botswana. The design also capacity to provide the information needed for involved literature review to establish national, poverty-focused development programmes. regional, continental and international demand In this connection, Statistics Botswana took a for statistics as well as determining statistical decision in 2012 to design a National Strategy principles, frameworks and guidelines to use in for the Development of Statistics (NSDS). the design process. The NSDS provides a robust, comprehensive A sectoral or bottom-up approach was used and coherent framework to facilitate the with initially 11 sectors selected to participate in development of statistics and enhance their the process and others to be taken on gradually. utility in the country. The NSDS aims to: address In the event, only seven (7) sectors fully data limitations; mobilize and prioritise use of participated in the process namely Agriculture, resources for statistics; integrate statistics within Statistics Botswana, Tourism, Local Government national policy, planning and budget processes and Rural Development, Surveys and Mapping, to generate performance indicators; look Trade and Industry, Civil Registration and Vital across the whole NSS and provide a coherent Statistics . framework for all national and international statistical programs and for donor support An assessment of the state of statistics in to those programs; provides an action plan each selected sector was made as a basis for statistical capacity building; and act as a for designing a Sector Statistics Plan (SSP) for catalyst for change. each sector. Statistics Botswana was treated as a special sector but a sector all the same. 2.2 PROCESS The SSPs were then used as building blocks for designing the NSDS, which took on board cross- The NSDS has been designed using international cutting issues from SSPs as well as emerging best practice that entailed advocating for issues. statistics especially among political leadership, decision-makers and development partners The sectoral or bottom-up approach is to secure buy-in and support; participation, illustrated in the following figure. inclusivity and consensus-building; empowering Figure 2: Sectoral approach to design of NSDS Statistics Botswana SSP NSDS Agriculture Trade & Local Surveys and Tourism CRVS SSP Industry SSP Government Mapping SSP SSP and Rural Developemnt SSP SSP 10
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 2.3 STRUCTURES The design of the NSDS was undertaken by structures established for the said purpose. These included an Inter-Sectoral Statistics Committee chaired by the Statistician General of Statistics Botswana which acted as the steering committee for the NSDS process; NSDS design team chaired by an NSDS Coordinator and Sector Statistics Committees chaired by Sector Statistics Coordinators which undertook the assessment and design of the SSPs. The assessment covered both the external environment and the internal environment of sectors. The following figure presents the structure used. Figure 3: NSDS design structures Board of Directors (Statistics Botswana) Inter-agency Statistics Committee (IASC) NSDS design team SSC1 SSC2 SSC3 SSC4 SSC7 SSC – Sector Statistics Committee 11
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 CHAPTER 3: CURRENT SITUATION ANALYSIS The external and internal environments were reductions constraint enterprises’ ability to assessed in order to identify factors that could deliver on their mandates. On the other hand, affect the development of the NSS. The results of Government policy has shifted from reliance the assessment provided input for the strengths, on diamonds to economic diversification, and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) this requires relevant statistics. There are also analysis. opportunities for sharing the financial burden to produce statistics with the sectors and this 3.1 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT could be done partially or fully depending on the circumstance. The external environment analysis covered external factors, generally referred to as PESTLEI 3.1.3 SOCIAL FACTORS (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental and International), which Key social factors that may impact on the provide opportunities or pose threats to the development of the NSS include: development of the NSS. a) new social policy areas such as HIV/ 3.1.1 POLITICAL FACTORS AIDS surveillance, democracy and good governance, human rights and freedom, These relate to political or Government policy employment, etc. which provide factors and includes: opportunities to increase the scope and relevance of statistics; a) Vision 2016 and National Development b) inadequate appreciation of statistics Frameworks (e.g. National Development provides opportunities for information, Plan) which provide opportunities for education and communication about mainstreaming statistics in the frameworks statistics; and b) Government policies and programmes c) Growth of human settlements such as e-Government, economic (urbanization) provides opportunities diversification drive, Maitlamo, and the for the development of geo-spatial hubinitiatives provide opportunities information. for statistical development; c) Public sector reform requires state-owned 3.1.4 TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS enterprises to become more efficient and self-reliant. This calls for innovation The dazzling technological changes witnessed in cutting costs and generating some in the last decade do or should affect data revenue; development in different ways: d) Monitoring and evaluation systems provide an opportunities for increasing a) computers have become more powerful demand for statistics; and and affordable creating opportunities e) Regional integration may lead to demand for automation of statistical and other for statistics as well as operations, data management including some level of integration of statistical archiving and storage of huge datasets systems. in the NSS, b) there are opportunities to 3.1.2 ECONOMIC FACTORS create statistical databases in sectors and to network them with the a national These are macroeconomic factors that provide database, opportunities or pose threats to the NSS. c) development and wide spread of The recent world recession led Government statistical packages such as SAS, SPSS to review levels of financial support for and Stata, etc. has created opportunities state owned enterprises including Statistics for improving data analysis, Botswana. The subventions to these enterprises d) availability of data visualization tools have been reduced year after year. These 12
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 have increased the prospects for etc. promote appreciation and usage exploring, understanding, describing and of statistics communicating statistics. Data b) Growth in demand for statistics for visualization is about communicating international development provides data and information clearly and opportunities for production and effectively through graphical means, dissemination of statistics e.g. MDGs e) the growth of social media and post-2015 development agenda. presents opportunities for improved However, it has also put strain on communication but also poses a threat already limited resources for statistical to reputations of organizations if not production; managed effectively, c) existence of the African Charter on f) growth of the Internet provides an Statistics and the envisaged “data opportunity for dissemination of statistics revolution” as an integral part of the and to actualize and promote the open post-2015 sustainable development data access to statistics, agenda – both high level declarations - g) growth of mobile phone technologies urge countries to, among other things, to provides an opportunity for collection increase support for statistical systems; and dissemination of statistics, and d) there are international standards, h) there is the risk that inappropriate frameworks, classifications, information may be adopted. methodologies, best practices and guide lines which can be accessed free for use 3.1.5 LEGAL FACTORS to improve the NSS; and e) there are donors and international organizations It is widely recognized that an enabling legal prepared to provide technical assistance framework (Statistics Act) is necessary for the and funding. development of the NSS. The Statistics Act of 2009 provides such a framework. However Opportunities emanating from international there are gaps in the framework including: developments should be exploited. The internal environmental analysis (below) was conducted a) absence of a provision for each MDA to against the backdrop of the above elaborated have a Statistics Department/Unit given external environment. the overwhelming importance of statistics to the fulfilment of the mandate of each 3.2 INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT sector, and b) lack of governance structure for the MAIN FINDINGS NSS. The main findings from the assessments 3.1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS undertaken across sectors are provided below: Key environmental factors include: 3.2.1 NSS COORDINATOR: STATISTICS a) Demand for statistics from emerging BOTSWANA areas e.g. climate change and WAVES project including pollution, erosion, One of the requirements for an effective NSS depletion of bio-diversity, water and is that it should have a centre that holds. The minerals data provides opportunities assessment showed that Statistics Botswana for production and dissemination of is a strong enough centre to anchor the data to meet this demand. NSS. Statistics Botswana was strengthened b) Increasing demand for by making it a semi-autonomous agency statistics from wealth accounting and of government. The Statistics Act of 2009 valuation of eco systems also provides provides for Statistics Botswana to develop and opportunities for provision of statistics. coordinate the National Statistical System. All c) Weather and terrain affect logistics for stakeholders recognize this central statutory field data collection. role Statistics Botswana is required to play in the National Statistics System. They also appreciate 3.1.7 INTERNATIONAL FACTORS the huge pool of expertise in different areas of statistics at Statistics Botswana. Key international factors include. a) Existence of global statistical indicators 3.2.2 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS and rankings e.g. Global Competitiveness There are many stakeholders in the National Report and Human Development Index, Statistical System as well as in sector statistical 13
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 systems. These stakeholders want to see a message and lack of “champions” for statistics strong and stakeholder-driven NSS in place in sectors. where: statistics is fully integrated into policy and decision-making processes at all levels; various 3.2.4 STATISTICAL COORDINATION user needs are better identified and prioritized; comprehensive, credible, impartial and The assessment of the NSS showed low levels objective statistics are produced to effectively of coordination and information sharing respond to these needs; there are open in the NSS. This is reflected in the following: data platforms and systems to enable data within sectors, there are no mechanisms for accessibility by all; data users are empowered user-producer dialogue; some sectors have to interpret and use data for various purposes. statistical programmes but the programmes are not widely shared with stakeholders; They also wish to see strengthening and better statistical work and statistical programme resourcing of Statistics Botswana so that it (where they exist in the sectors) are not can better coordinate the National Statistical coordinated and information sharing among System by setting standards, promoting use of sectors is generally unsatisfactory; system-wide best practices and becoming a repository of coordination among data producers is not official statistics in the country as provided for in adequate – there are no mechanisms for data the Statistics Act. producers to meet on a regular basis to share their programmes and jointly identify gaps 3.2.3 STATISTICAL ADVOCACY in data required byusers; there is no national statistical programme that is prepared each The assessment showed that little and impactful year; and coordination between sectors and statistical advocacy takes place in sectors Statistics Botswana is weak and does not meet and across the NSS especially at high policy the sector expectations. and political level. This has had negative consequences for statistical development in 3.2.5 STATISTICAL CAPACITY sectors including: inadequate commitment to statistical development, lack of prioritization The assessment showed that there is low and for statistics, and lack of a statistical structure declining statistical capacity in the country in most sectors. Four of the sectors covered mainly due to: lack of statistical structures do not have a Statistics Department/Unit and programmes, limited human resources, and associated statistical programme and inadequate ICT infrastructure, inadequate dedicated funding for statistics in most sectors. financial resources. This inadequate statistical capacity is reflected in the low World Bank The causes for the said limited advocacy were statistical capacity indicator for the country. given as lack of empowerment and support to statistical staff in sectors by Statistics Botswana, lack of advocacy tools, lack of the right Figure 4: NSS Stakeholder Matrix Consultation Information Service delivery inter sector Consultation Technical collaboration Information support Information Corporate social Consultation Quality Sector responsibility inputs Timely Leadership delivery Public Producers Consultation Consultation Information Information !"#"$%"$&%' Quality data Quality data and statistics Media NSS ()"%*#+#' Users and statistics Capacity Timely Delivery building Development Access to data Suppliers Partners Sector Consultation Information Members Early Partnering Quality payment data and statistics Consultation Technical Support Information Consultation Information Partnering Capacity building 14
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 3.2.6 DATA DEVELOPMENT, MANAGEMENT reporting are inadequate, some sectors have AND DISSEMINATION no sector-wide databases as repository for their data (even Statistics Botswana has not The assessment showed that data developed a National Data Repository as development, management and dissemination required by the Statistics Act), where these are inadequate across sectors as can be seen databases have been developed, this has below: been done in uncoordinated manner. Inadequate data development: Inadequate data dissemination: This arises from inadequate assessment of user Sectors generate a lot of data mainly for needs, lack of a Statistics Unit and a sector- internal use and without consideration about wide programme for data development, data needs of other data users. Therefore non-compliance with international standards few of them disseminate them for use outside and best practices, some data sources and agencies producing them e.g. few sectors especially districts/extension staff are not produce Annual Statistics Reports or Bulletins. developed/dependable, lack of standardized Traditional methods used to disseminate data tools for data collection in some sectors, no are mainly meetings, workshops and reports. training or adequate training in data collection Electronic dissemination e.g. web site, social and compilation in some Sector and inadequate media, etc. is by and large used to disseminate supervision of some data collections . data in sectors. Statistics Botswana relies a lot on Internet for her data dissemination. Inadequate data management: 3.2.7 DATA QUALITY Due to lack of a Statistics Unit and a sector-wide programme for data management in most The assessment showed that data quality in sectors, inadequate automation of statistical some sectors is low due: inadequate assessment processes – some processes are still manually of user needs, lack of mechanisms for assessing carried out, data analysis, interpretation and user needs in sectors, non-compliance with Figure 5: NSS Value Chain • Design outputs • Identify needs • Design variable • Consult and confirm needs descriptors • Establish output objectives • Design frame • Identify concepts and sample • Check data availability • Design collection • Prepare business case • Design processing and analysis Determination • Build and pre-test of user needs collection instrument Design • Manage archieve Respository and Build • Preserve data and associated Metadata • Dispose of data and assciate Metadata Archieve and • Prepare evaluation report Evaluation • Quality plan • Create frame and select sample Collect and • Run and Finalise Process Data collection • Process data Disseminate • Classify and code data • Enter data Analyze • Review and validate Data • Edit and impute • Update output systems • Integrate data • Produce dissemination products • Calculate weights • Promote dissemination products • calculate aggreagtes • Manage user support • Tabulate data • Analyse data • Produce report 15
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 international standards and guidelines in data collection, lack of a comprehensive statistical programme, some data sources are not good (e.g. districts), lack of standardized tools for data collection, inadequate training and supervision of data collectors, inadequate automation of the statistical system, inadequate data management, lack of coordination of data sources, inadequate data dissemination, lack of Annual Statistical Reports in most sectors and limited use of Web sites to disseminate data. 3.3 SWOT ANALYSIS The SWOT Analysis below provides a summary of key issues from the current situation assessment. Strategic responses to the key issues include building on the system’s strengths, mitigating or eliminating weaknesses, exploiting or taking advantage of opportunities, and avoiding or reducing impact of threats. Table 3: SWOT ANALYSIS • Inadequate assessment and prioritization of user needs in most sectors • Inadequate statistical advocacy especially at high policy and political level in all sectors • Inadequate intra- sector and between sectors and Statistics Botswana coordination • Lack of a Statistics Unit, programme and budget in many sectors • Inadequate office space in some sectors • Inadequate human capacity for statistical work (human resource -numbers and skills, competencies and training) • Unsatisfactory infrastructure for statistical systems (for data development, • Statistics Botswana has some technical Strengths management and dissemination) capacity and competencies which are • Unsatisfactory data quality in sectors able to anchor the NSS • Existence of the legal framework positions the organisation to coordinate the NSS • Availability of some expertise in statistics and research in some sectors • Existence of Statistics Units and research units in some few sectors Weaknesses • Availability of some ICT infrastructure (hardware and software/analysis tools) in some sectors) • Increasing demand for data to inform national and sector policies, plans and decision-making • Results-based governance in the country Threats • • Advances in ICT Existence of platforms for disseminating statistics (tribal Opportunities forums, council meeting, parliamentary forums, PIC -Force, Media, etc) Forum for Permanent Secretaries • Technical support from Statistics Botswana • Existing international standards, methodologies and best practices • Inadequate appreciation for data and its importance • Existence of development partners prepared to • Economic downturn limiting availability of resources for provide technical assistance and funding statistical work • Failure by Statistics Botswana to offer technical support to sectors • Lack of commitment by sectors to coordinate and share information 16
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 CHAPTER 4: STRATEGIC FOUNDATIONS AND DIRECTION FOR THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM This section presents the strategic foundation (vision, mission and core values) and strategic direction (goals, objectives and initiatives) for the NSS. 4.1: STRATEGIC FOUNDATIONS Strategic Foundations To be a world class provider of quality official VISION statistics and related services. “To support policy, planning and decision making at MISSION levels by providing comprehensive, integrated and quality statistics on a sustainable basis” -Integrity - Focus on Customer - Accountability - CORE Teamwork - Professionalism - Confidentiality VALUES These are principles that will guide the behaviour of those involved in statistical production in the NSS. These values create a culture that all sectors should build in order to achieve the intended vision. Table 4: nss Strategic goals Goal 1: Greater use of statistics for policy, planning and decision-making Goal 2: Effective National Statistical System Goal 3: Increase resources for statistics 17
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 4.2.2 OBJECTIVES Objective 1.2 Increase user satisfaction Nine objectives have been identified for This objective is about providing users with achieving the vision and mission and hence relevant, quality data that satisfy their needs. User improving the NSS. Every effort was made to support is critical to enable them interpret and identify objectives that are SMART (Specific, use the data effectively. Strategies to achieve Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time- this objective will include Understanding user bound). Each of these objectives provides needs, Dialogue with data users, Improvement a “pillar” for the NSDS. The objectives are to the quality of statistics (timeliness, accuracy, presented in Balanced Scorecard (BSC) format. comparability, coherence, accessibility), Data The BSC is a strategy articulation tool that analysis and Data dissemination. integrates an organization’s strategic objectives with balanced performance measures to There are a wide range of data users and it is capture critical success factors as a basis for critical to understand their varied needs so as monitoring planned achievement and give an to better provide targeted information. Similarly indication of future performance. it is important given that the capacity to collect data far outstrips the capacity to analyze the 4.2.3 STRATEGIES data. Data dissemination: Statistical data is of crucial importance that statistical information Strategies are different approaches that the NSS are widely disseminated and accessible to can take to achieve the identified objectives users. This should be guided by a well-thought and meet its goals. The narrative below links out data dissemination programme that aims to strategies to objectives and goals. provide information in the form and timeframe that meets users’ needs. Goal 1: Greater use of statistics for policy, planning and decision-making Goal 2: Effective National Statistical System This goal has two objectives, namely increasing One of the main objectives of the NSDS is to awareness about the benefits of statistics to deliver an effective National Statistical System. society and increasing user satisfaction. The following five objectives will be pursued to deliver such a system. Objective 1.1 Increase awareness about the benefits of statistics to society Objective 2.1: Improve statistical coordination This objective will be met by implementing An effective NSS should have well-established, strategies relating to: formal and institutionalized arrangements for coordination and collaboration among key Statistical advocacy (using advocacy tools stakeholders in the system. This objective aims and messages); Champions for statistics at fostering coordination in the NSS. (identify or cultivate champions for statistics at different levels – national, sectoral and The following strategies will be used to achieve district level who can influence and authority this objective: Coordination mechanisms: This who believes in the importance of statistics); will include setting up high level committees Statistical literacy (establish and implement across the NSS. The committee will be statistical literacy programmes that are aligned responsible for amongst other things examining to the International Statistical Literacy Project statistical work programmes of the various MDA (ISLP)); Statistics associations (encourage in an effort to avoid duplication of efforts and statisticians in the country to build professional evolve the national statistical programme for networks by belonging and participating in the approval of the Statistics Botswana Board activities of the Botswana Statistical Association of Directors and developing strategies which and international statistical associations for will ensure uniform standard and methodology professional growth and development); Social amongst the various agencies with a view to networks (develop and use social networks improving on the quality, comparability and to share data and information); Media timeliness of their statistical outputs. empowerment (the media can play a useful role in national statistical development. It, The second strategy for the delivery of the therefore, needs to be empowered to report objective will be in establishing collaborative and use key statistics to support their reports working arrangements for statistical production and to disseminate statistics). including carrying out joint surveys and research. This initiative will eliminate duplication 18
BOTSWANA STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (BSDS) - 2015 - 2020 of effort and save funds and encourage close strategies. collaboration between the different agencies. In addition there will be need to develop Objective 2.5: Improve data quality and implement technical coordination tools including compendium of common concepts, The importance of data quality was elaborated definitions and classifications; national data earlier. This objective will be accomplished using quality assurance framework; annual national the following strategies: statistical programmes; comprehensive national socio economic database, to mention Statistical systems and processes: This but a few. strategy is about improving all data sources – administrative records, censuses and surveys – Objective 2.2 Strengthen infrastructures for and processes. statistics a) Data sources This objective will be achieved thorough implementation of the following strategies: Here the concern is about appropriateness Improving physical infrastructure (offices, of data sources – households and enterprises office equipment and transport) for statistical for primary data and districts and MDAs for work for some MDAs; Statistical systems and secondary data (administrative data). How processes including systems for data collection reliable are they, can they be made more and management in an effort to strengthened reliable? Motivating data sources to provide and improve data quality; Standards including reliable data and information will be a part of concepts, methodologies, classifications, this strategy. The other part will be to improve guidelines and best practices in an effort to administrative data through promotion of enhance data quality and comparability; standards, capacity building, technical Information and Communication Technology backstopping by Statistics Botswana, etc. (ICT) infrastructure: Efforts will also be made to synchronize surveys and routine data collections. It is crucial to integrate ICT into statistical processes with a view to automating and b) Processes strengthening them, standardizing them, facilitating data management, enabling Statistical processes include links in statistical complex data analyses and improving data value chain including determining data user dissemination. To be able to do this requires needs; undertaking data collection; doing data building ICT infrastructure including putting capture, editing, validation and storage; and in place policies and standards, appropriate data analysis and dissemination. The processes ICT facilities (computer hardware, software, will be improved through better planning, connectivity), ensuring that ICT personnel are integration, automation, etc. appropriately skilled in using and developing the needed applications and infrastructures, Application of national and international etc. statistical standards: This strategy is about developing and promoting national statistical Objective 2.3 Establish statistical structures standards or adapting international statistical and programmes standards to statistical work across the NSS. Standards include concepts, definitions, This objective will be achieved through setting methodologies, classifications, etc. This will up Statistics Unit in each sector and Statistical ensure both data quality and comparability. programme which can identify key activities to be undertaken, when they will be undertaken Whilst these initiatives will undoubtedly enhance (sequencing them), by whom they will be quality, the absence of a common framework undertaken, their duration, key outputs and an within which we can systematically assess, associated budget. compare and improve statistics is a weakness in our statistical system. The potential benefits of a Objective 2.4 Improve human capital for common National Data Quality Framework are statistical work across the NSS considerable. Firstly, it will provide a systematic mechanism for ongoing identification and This objective will be achieved using skills and resolution of quality problems; secondly, it will career development and staff motivation give greatly increased transparency of the 19
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