Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde
Board Member
Recruitment Pack
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

A letter from
our chair
                                     entity within the Law Society         markets. As the regulator of more
                                     Group. That independence              than 90 per cent of the legal
                                     is key to establishing public         market in England and Wales, we
                                     confidence in the work we do to       are well placed to encourage new
                                     protect service user interests.       ways of doing business safely
                                     Independence also helps               and effectively for everyone.
                                     solicitors to be clearer about our
                                     role as the regulator. As a result    Our Board is committed to taking
                                     of this change, you will be joining   a long-term strategic perspective
                                     the Board as a company director       and looking ahead we know that
                                     and helping us to adjust the way      the regulatory, and indeed wider,
                                     we work, including a potential        landscape can struggle to keep
                                     shift to charitable status.           up with the pace of challenge
                                                                           and change. We have agreed
Anna Bradley
                                     It’s an exciting time for us as       that we will call out the difficult
Chair of the SRA Board
                                     we go into the second year            issues that sit across agency
                                     of our Corporate Strategy.            boundaries, working with others
Dear candidate,
                                     Importantly, autumn 2021 sees         to find solutions and speaking
                                     the first candidates sit our new      up where we see problems.
I am delighted that you
                                     Solicitors Qualifying Examination.
are interested in joining
                                     This is the culmination of a          One of the key priorities for
the Board of the Solicitors
                                     10-year programme of work             the legal sector is reflecting
Regulation Authority.
                                     to transform the way aspiring         the diversity of the community
                                     solicitors join the profession,       we serve at every level, from
We are the largest regulator
                                     ensuring everyone reaches the         the smallest of law firms to the
in the UK legal sector,
                                     same high standards and that          senior judiciary. This goes for
setting the standards for
                                     a career in law is achievable,        the SRA too, and diversity is at
the 210,000 solicitors and
                                     regardless of background. It          the heart of everything we do.
10,000 firms in England and
                                     represents a sea change in our        If you can bring diversity to the
Wales that we regulate.
                                     approach to qualification.            Board, we would be particularly
We are proud of our track record                                           pleased to hear from you.
of driving an open, competitive,     The pandemic has shown us
                                     all the value of technology and       It’s fair to say that we are
diverse legal market that provides
                                     innovation and we see these as        ambitious – ambitious for the
high-quality, accessible and
                                     critical for the legal sector too.    people who need legal services
affordable services for all those
                                     We think they can bring real          and for those who provide them.
who need them. In these difficult
                                     benefits for the many people          If you share that ambition and
times, we think access to legal
                                     who can’t afford or can’t find the    have the appetite to tackle some
services is all the more important
                                     help they need. Innovation and        of the challenges in a complex
and change is a constant.
                                     technology will also help law         and fast-changing landscape, we
We have also been changing and       firms to be competitive in both       would like to hear from you.
this year became a distinct legal    the domestic and international
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

An introduction

 The Solicitors Regulation
 Authority Limited (SRA) is the
 regulator of solicitors and
 organisations providing legal
 services – both solicitor firms
 and other bodies licensed
 under the Legal Services
 Act 2007 (LSA) – the people
 employed within those firms
 and bodies, and law firms in
 England and Wales. We sit
 within The Law Society Group
 as a separate company limited
 by guarantee; we have our
 own governance arrangements
 and operate independently.

  We regulate in the public
 interest, protecting members
 of the public, supporting
 the rule of law and the
 administration of justice.
 We do this by overseeing all
 the education and training
 requirements necessary to
 enter the profession and
 practise as a solicitor, licensing
 individuals and firms to
 practise, setting the standards
 of the profession and regulating
 and enforcing compliance
 against these standards.
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

We operate within a statutory
framework provided by
the Solicitors Act 1974, the          Our 2020–23 Corporate
Administration of Justice Act         Strategy sets out three
1985 and the LSA. We also             strategic priorities:
operate within the framework
provided by General Regulations       • Objective one – We will
(which set out the relationship         set and maintain high
between us and The Law                  professional standards for
Society) and by formal guidance         solicitors and law firms as
in accordance with the rules            the public would expect
and guidance provided by the            and ensure we provide
oversight regulator, the Legal          an equally high level of
Services Board (LSB). Together,         operational service.
the statutory framework
                                      • Objective two – We will
provides that we must have
                                        actively support the
regard to and act in a way that
                                        adoption of legal technology
is compatible with the need to:
                                        and other innovation that
• protect and promote the               helps to meet the needs
  public interest                       of the public, business
                                        community, regulated
• support the constitutional            entities and the economy.
  principle of the rule of law
                                      • Objective three – We
• improve access to justice             will continually build
                                        our understanding of
• protect and promote the
                                        emerging opportunities
  interests of consumers
                                        and challenges for the
• promote competition in the            legal sector and our role in
  provision of legal services           effectively regulating it.

• encourage an independent,
  strong, diverse and effective
  legal profession

• increase public understanding
  of the citizen's legal rights and

• promote and maintain the
  professional principles

• make sure that best regulatory
  practice is adopted.
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

Structure, governance
and management
of the SRA
                   Our work is overseen by a
                   Board, currently consisting of
                   11 members – six lay people
                   and five solicitors. From 1
                   January 2022 we will reduce the
                   size of the Board to nine - five
                   lay people and four solicitors.
                   Since January 2015, our Board
                   has been chaired by one of
                   the lay members, in line with
                   the requirement for a lay chair
                   introduced by the oversight
                   regulator, the LSB, in 2014.

                   The Board is supported
                   by our chief executive and
                   senior management team,
                   and is helped in its work
                   by committees chaired
                   by Board members.
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

The role

As a formally appointed
company director, you
will be a member of
the Board of Solicitors
Regulation Authority            Key responsibilities
Limited (Board member).
Board members should            The key responsibilities of           appropriate focus on equality,
at all times have regard        Board members are to:                 diversity and inclusion (EDI)
to their obligations as                                               issues
directors of the SRA in line    • contribute to setting the SRA’s
                                  strategic direction, bringing     • take an active part in Board
with relevant legislation and
                                  knowledge and expertise to          and committee meetings and
the Articles of Association.
                                  Board discussions, and              work effectively with the
Board members can                 demonstrating an                    Executive
be appointed for up               understanding of the SRA’s
                                                                    • participate in induction,
to four years, with a             functions and the wider
                                                                      training and appraisal
possible extension to a           regulatory and political
maximum of six years.             environment
                                                                    • act as an ambassador for the
The role of Board members       • hold the Executive to account
                                                                      SRA, representing its views
is to work collectively           for the management and
                                                                      and interests externally
to effectively discharge          performance of the
the Board’s functions.            organisation                      • uphold the principle of
                                                                      corporate responsibility for
                                • make sure that issues are
                                                                      Board and committee
                                  explored from a range of
                                  viewpoints, and with
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

Background and experience                                                      Skills and attributes

Our new solicitor Board                They should also have deep           • Political acumen with the
members should have:                   knowledge, understanding and           ability to grasp relevant
                                       experience of one or more of:          issues and understand the
• previous experience of                                                      relationships between
  working with a Board and             • senior management in a City          interested parties.
  familiarity with complex               or other large law firm (ideally
  governance structures, or              at Managing or Senior Partner      • The analytical ability and
  evidence of the ability to learn       level)                               judgement required to
  to do so                                                                    assimilate a range of
                                       • providing legal services in          perspectives and evidence
• evidence of achievement in             Wales, with an understanding         and absorb complex
  organisations of a similar scale       of national structures and the       information to reach
  and complexity, including the          legal sector across the country      reasoned and robust
  ability to make a strong               as a whole                           conclusions, in a technically
  personal contribution                                                       complex sector.
                                       • providing legal services in
• the ability to think strategically     England or Wales through less      • Excellent engagement and
  and to contribute to strategic         traditional business models          communication skills with a
  development in different               such as an alternative business      wide range of audiences.
  contexts                               structure (ABS), accounting
                                         firm, or digital services          • A commitment to promoting
• a demonstrable commitment                                                   a culture of accountability,
  to EDI and an understanding of                                              transparency, openness and
  this in practice.                    At least one of the successful         debate in all that the Board
                                       candidates must be actively            does; consistent with the
The postholder must
                                       practising as a solicitor.             principles of public life.
demonstrate a high standard
of professional and personal                                                • A well-established profile
conduct and should particularly                                               and reputation in their field.
note the requirement to
declare any conflict of
interest that may arise.
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

Eligibility criteria

To be an effective regulator, and   • whether you have had a court
to maintain public confidence         judgment made against you
in the profession, we must
earn and retain the trust and       • anything that you believe is
confidence of the public and          relevant to consideration.
the profession. That means that
                                    Disclosure of criminal convictions
those who hold appointments
                                    and cautions is governed by
on the Board must maintain the
                                    the Rehabilitation of Offenders
highest standards of personal
                                    Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order
and professional behaviour.
                                    1975 (as amended). For a guide
Accordingly, we have to assess
                                    on the matters that should be
whether there is anything in
                                    declared, please see the Good
your past conduct or current
                                    Character Guidance available
circumstances that would affect
                                    from the Judicial Appointments
your eligibility to hold office.
                                    Commission. Failure to
                                    disclose any material matter
Please therefore declare:
                                    will normally have an adverse
• whether you have been             effect on your application.
  committed to prison in any
                                    You also agree to the SRA
  civil or criminal proceeding
                                    carrying out checks into any
• whether you have any criminal     past or current findings or
  convictions (other than minor     investigations relating to
  road traffic offences for which   professional misconduct, if it
  no custodial sentence was         is deemed necessary as part
  given)                            of the recruitment process.

• whether, to the best of your
  knowledge, you are under
  investigation in respect of
  professional misconduct or
  under criminal investigation
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

     Terms of

The remuneration is £12,500 per
annum. Reasonable expenses
properly incurred in carrying
out the role will be paid.

The time commitment is such
time as the role reasonably
requires, subject to a minimum
commitment of 20 days per
year. The Board currently
meets eight times a year
(approximately every six
weeks) and directors are also
expected to attend some
committee meetings and events
with external stakeholders.

Our main office is in
Birmingham, and we also
have an office in London and
a presence in Cardiff. We have
a mix of virtual and face-to-
face meetings at both sites,
and occasionally elsewhere
in England and Wales.

The initial term will be for a
period of two or three years,
with one member taking office
from 1 January 2022 and one
from 1 September 2022.
Board Member Recruitment Pack - Saxton Bampfylde

      How to apply
     Saxton Bampfylde Ltd is              The closing date for                  The opportunity to talk to
     acting as an employment              applications is noon on               the Chair and/or the Chief
     agency adviser to the SRA            Thursday 07 October 2021.             Executive will be made
     on this appointment.                                                       available to those candidates
                                          If you are unable to apply            shortlisted for interview.
     Candidates should apply for          through the website, please
     this role through its website        email belinda.beck@saxbam.
     at               com quoting reference QAFAY.
     using the code QAFAY.

     Click on the ‘apply’ button and
     follow the instructions to upload
     a CV and supporting statement
     (maximum two pages) that
     outlines your interest in our
     organisation and role, and your
     fit against the criteria outlined
     in this pack. Please complete
     the application and equal
     opportunities monitoring form*.

* The equal opportunities monitoring form will not be shared with anyone involved in assessing your application.
  Please complete as part of the application process.

opportunities   Equality, diversity and inclusion are central
                to everything we do, both externally and
                within the SRA. We know a fully diverse legal
                sector is important for the users of legal
                services, for wider public confidence and of
                course for all those who work in the sector.
                We know that we have a leadership role in
                demonstrating diversity in action, and that
                we are a better organisation because of it.

                We value, respect and celebrate diversity in
                our workplace and the benefit it brings to our
                culture and how we work as an organisation.

                You can find information about our EDI
                work here and our annual report on
                the profile of our workforce here.

                We are an equal opportunities employer
                and positively encourage applications from
                suitably qualified and eligible candidates,
                regardless of gender, race, disability,
                age, sex, sexual orientation, gender
                reassignment, religion or belief, marital
                status, or pregnancy and maternity.

                We are positive about recruiting people
                with disabilities and have the Disability
                Confident accreditation. We are a
                recognised Stonewall Diversity Champion
                and a member of the Employers Network
                for Equality and Inclusion. Please see
                our website for further information.

                We operate a guaranteed interview scheme
                for disabled people (as defined in the
                Equality Act 2010) who meet the essential
                criteria for this appointment as outlined in
                the Person Specification. Applicants who
                wish to apply for consideration under this
                scheme should make that clear on the
                equal opportunities monitoring form.

                Please contact Saxton Bampfylde
                if you would like to receive this
                document in an alternative format.
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