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University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln USDA National Wildlife Research Center - Staff U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Publications Health Inspection Service 4-10-2019 BOARD INVITED REVIEW: Prospects for improving management of animal disease introductions using disease-dynamic models Ryan S. Miller United States Department of Agriculture-Veterinary Services, Kim M. Pepin United States Department of Agriculture- Wildlife Services Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Other Environmental Sciences Commons, Other Veterinary Medicine Commons, Population Biology Commons, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Commons, Veterinary Infectious Diseases Commons, Veterinary Microbiology and Immunobiology Commons, Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology, and Public Health Commons, and the Zoology Commons Miller, Ryan S. and Pepin, Kim M., "BOARD INVITED REVIEW: Prospects for improving management of animal disease introductions using disease-dynamic models" (2019). USDA National Wildlife Research Center - Staff Publications. 2268. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in USDA National Wildlife Research Center - Staff Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
Journal of Animal Science 97(6):2291-2307. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz125 BOARD INVITED REVIEW: Prospects for improving management of animal disease introductions using disease-dynamic models Ryan S. Miller*,1 and Kim M. Pepin† *Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health, United States Department of Agriculture-Veterinary Services, Fort Collins, CO 80526; and †National Wildlife Research Center, United States Department of Agriculture- Wildlife Services, Fort Collins, CO 80521 ABSTRACT: Management and policy decisions demonstrate how disease-dynamic models can are continually made to mitigate disease introduc- improve mitigation of introduction risk. We also tions in animal populations despite often limited identify opportunities to improve the application surveillance data or knowledge of disease trans- of disease models to support decision-making mission processes. Science-based management is to manage disease at the interface of domestic broadly recognized as leading to more effective and wild animals. First, scientists must focus on decisions yet application of models to actively objective-driven models providing practical pre- guide disease surveillance and mitigate risks re- dictions that are useful to those managing disease. mains limited. Disease-dynamic models are an In order for practical model predictions to be efficient method of providing information for incorporated into disease management a recog- management decisions because of their ability nition that modeling is a means to improve man- to integrate and evaluate multiple, complex pro- agement and outcomes is important. This will be cesses simultaneously while accounting for uncer- most successful when done in a cross-disciplinary tainty common in animal diseases. Here we review environment that includes scientists and decision- disease introduction pathways and transmission makers representing wildlife and domestic animal processes crucial for informing disease manage- health. Lastly, including economic principles of ment and models at the interface of domestic value-of-information and cost-benefit analysis in animals and wildlife. We describe how disease disease-dynamic models can facilitate more ef- transmission models can improve disease man- ficient management decisions and improve com- agement and present a conceptual framework for munication of model forecasts. Integration of integrating disease models into the decision pro- disease-dynamic models into management and cess using adaptive management principles. We decision-making processes is expected to improve apply our framework to a case study of African surveillance systems, risk mitigations, outbreak swine fever virus in wild and domestic swine to preparedness, and outbreak response activities. Key words: adaptive management, disease, domestic, interface, transmission model, wildlife Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society of Animal Science 2019. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US. J. Anim. Sci. 2019.97:2291–2307 doi: 10.1093/jas/skz125 INTRODUCTION challenging to manage. There are multiple pos- sible routes of initial pathogen introduction. Diseases that can be transmitted between Some pathogens are readily transmitted from domestic animals and wildlife are especially wildlife to domestic host species and vice versa, Corresponding author: 1 which can complicate elimination. One example Received February 19, 2019. is the introduction of African swine fever virus Accepted April 10, 2019. (ASFv) in 2007 from Africa into Georgia and 2291
2292 Miller and Pepin subsequent spread throughout Europe and Asia assimilate and evaluate multiple, complex processes causing economic losses greater than US$267 concurrently and rapidly. million in Russia alone (Sánchez-Cordón et al., A major gap in quantitative model develop- 2018). While domestic swine were initially con- ment is to estimate pathogen introduction risks by sidered the primary species involved in the epi- considering disease processes in both the source demic, wild boar are now recognized to have an and recipient host populations (Lloyd-Smith important role in the spread and maintenance et al., 2009). This is important because changing of ASFv throughout affected regions (Gallardo ecology in either source or recipient host popu- et al., 2015). An additional example is the re- lation can dramatically alter introduction risk by cent emergence and rapid global circulation of changing the dynamics involved in the introduc- the Goose/Guangdong (GsGD) lineage of highly tion pathway. Thus, inference based solely on a pathogenic avian influenza virus (e.g., subtypes single component population or on retrospective H5N1, H5N2, and H5N8) (Verhagen et al., 2015). patterns could produce erroneous predictions as In North America, Clade GsGD lineage conditions change. A second issue is that many was introduced through wild bird migratory analytical tools remain idiosyncratic, investigating routes resulting in reassortment with local strains disease dynamics in local source populations. It and a multiyear (2014 to 2015) outbreak in com- can be difficult to extrapolate findings based on mercial poultry with economy-wide losses of at locally focused systems for disease management least US$3.3 billion (Greene, 2015; Hill et al., decisions at broader spatial scales, or policy im- 2017). At least 18 independent introductions from plementation that is typically at state, regional, wild birds into commercial poultry occurred (Li or national scales. Lastly, despite the prospects et al., 2018) as well as transmission from com- of analytical tools to better understand disease mercial poultry back into wild bird populations introduction risks and support disease manage- (Ramey et al., 2018). While management was ment and policy-making at the wildlife–domestic eventually effective, it did not prevent reintro- animal interface, decisions often rely on expert ductions from wildlife species. These major eco- opinion that is based on historical experiences nomic burdens and complex ecologies illustrate (Joseph et al., 2013). the need to develop risk assessment systems that To address these gaps we first review intro- aim to better understand and predict drivers of duction pathways and disease transmission in the new introductions. context of ecological processes that are crucial for Key challenges for management of pathogen informing disease management and policy decisions introductions into domestic animals include esti- at the interface of domestic animal production sys- mates of introduction risk, surveillance of patho- tems and wildlife. We then describe how disease gens and what to do with findings, and how to transmission models can improve disease man- apply biosecurity and other mitigation strategies agement, specifically, for decision-making in risk to minimize introduction risks. Routes of pathogen assessment, response planning, and surveillance introduction can include complicated trade net- design. Next we introduce a conceptual framework works of domestic animals and their products, as for improving management of introduction risks well as air travelers; both of which are frequently for diseases with complex ecology, focusing on how poorly described. Introduction can also occur via models can improve decision-making. We then wildlife species with complex ecology and lead to apply our framework to an important case study, spillover and spillback between domestic animals ASFv in wild and domestic swine, to demonstrate and wildlife, driven by ecological processes that opportunities for informing disease preparedness are often ill-understood. Thus, understanding and and response. We conclude with a discussion of op- predicting introduction pathways is not straightfor- portunities to bridge current gaps between disease ward—quantitative models can be important tools research and management. for interpreting the outcome of multiple, complex component processes, and for assimilating uncer- tainty in surveillance data and ecological processes ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES GOVERNING to provide information to improve management DISEASE EMERGENCE decisions (Pepin et al., 2014; Huyvaert et al., 2018; Manlove et al., 2019). Models can also be the first, New introductions of a pathogen into a naïve most efficient method of providing information for domestic animal production system can originate management decisions because of their ability to by contamination from the same domestic animal
Applying models in disease management 2293 production system in another area (e.g., movement can occur by importation of infected domestic ani- of animals within a country or transboundary) or mals from other countries or from farms within the from another host species located in the same or a same country. different area. Introduction into a wildlife popula- tion results from similar processes. We distinguish Cross-Species Transfer these processes as “lateral” versus “cross-species” transfer events, respectively. Both pathways can pose As with lateral transfer, transmission mechan- a risk to a particular domestic animal population isms between host species can involve fomites, vec- or wildlife population, and involve several different tors, environmental persistence, or direct contact ecological and epidemiological processes (Fig. 1A) (Fig. 1B). An additional layer of complexity with that need to be understood for determining optimal cross-species transfer is that donor host (i.e., host management strategies. population that the pathogen originates) ecology may be significantly different than recipient host Lateral Transfer (i.e., host population that receives the pathogen) ecology, which can impose additional constraints Domestic-to-domestic animal introductions for establishment and ongoing spread (Pepin et al., can occur by multiple different mechanisms, for ex- 2010; Plowright et al., 2017). Additionally, disease ample, exposure to fomites or carcasses, direct con- dynamics in one species can greatly influence the tact with domestic animals, or contact via vectors probability of cross-species transfer and in some (Fig. 1A). Exposure to fomites can occur through cases persistence of the disease in the recipient many routes including consumption of contamin- host when repeated introductions are required to ated human food waste, animal feed, or mechanical maintain transmission (Lloyd-Smith et al., 2009). transport by humans or equipment that have come For example, changing prevalence of a pathogen into contact with infected domestic animals. Direct (or virulence) in wildlife can influence the risk of contact with infected domestic animals can be an- transmission to domestic animals. When wildlife other significant route of lateral transfer, which migrate they can also impose risk over a broader Figure 1. Conceptual cycle of ecological processes governing lateral transfer of disease and subsequent establishment and transmission among do- mestic and wild animal hosts (panel A). Lateral transfer can occur through various pathways into either domestic or wild animals. Transmission between domestic and wild animals can occur directly or indirectly via the environment or vectors. Panel B describes a noninclusive representation of potential processes for lateral transfer and transmission of African swine fever virus (ASFv). Transfer directly into wild suid species is thought to primarily occur through contact with contaminated swine products that are imported or carried by travelers. Transfer directly into domestic swine can occur via contamin- ated products or through infected domestic swine. Whether ASFv is present in either wild or domestic populations various routes of transmission (direct and indirect) can facilitate cross-species transmission (i.e., spillover or spillback). Direction of arrows indicates expected direction of transmission (i.e., source and donor populations). Dotted arrows indicate hypothesized routes of transmission that are currently less supported by available data.
2294 Miller and Pepin spatial area compared with a donor host species individuals contact one another and 2) who con- that does not move very far (Manlove et al., 2019). tacts who (i.e., which individuals are connected). Furthermore, the donor host may have originally In wild animals, contact structure can vary season- become infected by contamination from domestic ally due to birth pulses, seasonal resource patterns, animals; thus, there are often complex spillover– or weather-related behavior such as hibernation spillback dynamics that can involve several do- (i.e., dynamic rather than static contact structures mestic and wild host species. in which the frequency of contacts do not change through time). Wildlife contact structure is typic- Successful Establishment and Ongoing ally heterogeneous across multiple scales due to Transmission spatial structure and movement behavior, resource distribution, and social relationships (Sah et al., The average number of transmissions from a 2018). In contrast, domestic animal populations single infectious host in a completely susceptible can be very dense and well-mixed at the farm level population, referred to as R0, and the per-capita but can demonstrate heterogeneity in contact at rate at which susceptible individuals become in- larger geographic scales due to shipment patterns, fected, termed the force of infection (FOI), are marketing of domestic animals, and seasonal pro- useful quantities for understanding, predicting, and duction practices (Gorsich et al., 2016, 2019). These managing epidemiological dynamics (for an exten- differences in contact structure between domestic sive review of FOI and R0, see Vynnycky and White, animal populations and wild animals can result 2010; Keeling and Rohani, 2011). Estimates of R0 in very different epidemiology, even for the same can be used for predicting pathogen establishment; pathogen. Outbreaks in well-mixed populations are R0 values 1 predict ongoing transmis- outbreaks relative to those in populations with het- sion. Similarly, estimates of FOI describe infection erogeneous contact (Keeling, 1999; Bansal et al., risk for susceptible individuals, and can predict epi- 2007). The interaction between individual host demic severity through time. R0 is determined by 3 movement behavior, population demographics, en- components: 1) the probability of infection given vironmental conditions, and infection-induced be- contact between a susceptible and infectious indi- havioral changes can result in significant changes in vidual, 2) the average rate of contact between sus- disease dynamics (White et al., 2018). Because host ceptible and infectious individuals (where 1 and ecology can have such dramatic impacts on disease 2 together describe the “transmission rate”), and dynamics, understanding these components is cru- 3) the duration of infectiousness. The transmis- cial for predicting and managing disease introduc- sion rate as well as the current number or propor- tions into domestic animal populations (Plowright tion of infectious individuals determines FOI (i.e., et al., 2017). for density- or frequency-dependent transmission, respectively). Thus, host ecology such as demo- APPLICATION OF DISEASE graphic dynamics, movement and spatial structure, TRANSMISSION MODELS TO MANAGE social interactions, and physiological condition, as DISEASE INTRODUCTIONS IN well as pathogen characteristics are important de- DOMESTIC ANIMALS terminants of R0 and FOI because they ultimately determine transmission rates. Analytical tools such as disease transmission models used to model the dynamics of infectious The Role of Ecological Processes in diseases leverage a well-established and expanding Ongoing Transmission body of disease transmission theory to con- struct representations of epidemiological systems. The frequency and variation of contacts among Disease transmission models provide a means for infected and susceptible hosts (i.e., contact struc- understanding how multiple, nonlinear processes ture) (Fig. 1B) have important consequences for such as host demographic dynamics, movement, transmission rates (Keeling, 1999, 2005; Bansal contact, and host-to-host pathogen transmission et al., 2007; Sah et al., 2018). Variation in contact determine outbreak probability and severity in a structure affects the probability that a pathogen will target host species. Disease transmission theory become established as well as outbreak size (Lloyd- has shown that 3 quantities determine the initial Smith et al., 2005). Contact structure can be decom- introduction and ongoing transmission dynamics posed into 2 primary components, 1) the rates that in a naïve host species (recipient): prevalence in
Applying models in disease management 2295 the donor host population, contact rate between et al., 2018) but do not have to be spatial (e.g., the donor and recipient hosts, and probability of Pepin and VerCauteren, 2016). Nondynamical infection given contact (Lloyd-Smith et al., 2009). risk models correlate predictors to case data (in Together, these 3 components define the introduc- donor or recipient host populations) to make pre- tion force of infection for a pathogen that is a direct dictions about potential risk in the recipient host measure of infection risk to recipient host popula- population (e.g., Belkhiria et al., 2016) or predict tions. Understanding the dynamics of introduction risk probabilistically using conditional probability force of infection has provided valuable insight and historical surveillance patterns (Faverjon et al., toward risk assessment, prevention, and response 2015; Fountain et al., 2018). Nondynamical risk planning of livestock diseases (see below), but re- models have dominated the literature when as- mains an underused tool (Lloyd-Smith et al., 2009). sessing risks of transboundary introduction by lat- Applications of disease transmission ecology typic- eral transfer. They are appealing because they allow ally have considered disease transmission processes for a multitude of introduction mechanisms to be in either the donor or recipient host populations, compared against each other to identify the most because dynamics at the interface of donor and likely pathway of introduction and quantify overall recipient populations is complex such that even introduction risk. They frequently use expert elicit- conceptual development remains in its infancy ation approaches or preexisting data sources, and (Plowright et al., 2017). Below we describe potential are often performed in user-friendly software such applications of disease ecology for informing man- as Microsoft Excel (e.g., Miller et al., 2015). These agement of disease in domestic and wild animals. features allow for rapid quantification in emergen- cies or when data are limited making them readily Risk Assessment accessible across disciplines. Also, their structure of quantifying risk pathways through a series of Risk analysis is an often broadly used term conditional probabilities is appealing because it al- referring to risk characterization, communica- lows the propagation of parameter uncertainty and tion, and management, that provides support for forms a process-based chain of events that lead to decision-making and is frequently used in policy introduction. Whether applied to transboundary or development (Suter, 2016). For animal disease, within country introduction these approaches serve risk analysis is an important process used to iden- as a standard approach that is repeatable and trans- tify and characterize potential risks posed by im- parent providing an important link with stand- plementation of a specific policy or event such as ards of the World Organisation for Animal Health importation or movement of domestic animals (OIE) (Murray, 2004; Sugiura and Murray, 2011). (Sugiura and Murray, 2011). Thus, risk analyses More recently, conceptualizing disease introduc- are foundational for the development of animal tions through a series of conditional probabilities, health policy (Miller et al., 2013). The application such as the OIE framework, has also been proposed of quantitative risk assessment models to predict for examining cross-species disease transmission lateral transfer (Fig. 1A) and cross-species transfer using dynamical models (Plowright et al., 2017). (i.e., outbreak dynamics) (Fig. 1B) is typically con- Limitations in assessing risk using nondynamical ducted independently. Disease risk in a recipient models are that risk of lateral transfer is typic- population is a function of both disease dynamics ally based on historical data, and many of these in the donor population and recipient populations approaches do not consider spatiotemporal (see ecological processes governing disease emer- heterogeneities. Using simulations, Enright and gence). Quantitative risk assessment models in a O’Hare (2017) have emphasized the importance recipient host population can be broadly classi- of temporal dynamics in accurately capturing risk. fied into 2 types: dynamical and nondynamical. They showed that ignoring temporal dynamics in Dynamical models of risk represent time-varying animal movement can lead to overestimation of disease transmission processes in host popula- predicted outbreak size and nonoptimal response tions to infer transmission parameters related to plans. Additionally, reliance solely on historical force of infection using case data in recipient host data can be misleading as ecological conditions populations (e.g., Bonney et al., 2018), or to predict change. Ignoring ongoing or seasonal dynamics in outbreak dynamics from data of component pro- the donor host population could cause erroneous cesses (e.g., Fournié et al., 2013). These approaches predictions of risk. In contrast, dynamical models are frequently implemented in a spatially explicit can address these limitations because they inher- context (e.g., Buhnerkempe et al., 2014; Bonney ently incorporate temporal changes and are readily
2296 Miller and Pepin amenable to explicit representation of space. For uncertainty can require significant analytical ef- example, in a dynamical model, domestic animal fort to explore parameter sensitivity, understand movement networks can be represented through whether processes are accurately portrayed, and time (Fournié et al., 2013; Buhnerkempe et al., 2014) examine consistency in parameter estimation or pre- to examine seasonality in risk and understand how diction (see Cross et al., 2019 for data and modeling particular changes in either the donor or recipient challenges). Despite these challenges dynamical host population affect outbreak probability or se- models can provide the most accurate portrayal of verity (Buhnerkempe et al., 2014; Sokolow et al., risk across space and time because they can expli- 2019). These types of analyses are not as powerful citly account for changing nonlinear processes. in nondynamical models because they do not cap- ture how nonlinear processes interact. Planning Response to Outbreaks Dynamical models are typically used in 2 dif- ferent ways: prediction from data on parameters Dynamical models have been used to explore (Halasa et al., 2016; Merkle et al., 2018) or esti- optimal response plans for domestic animal dis- mation of epidemiological parameters by fitting eases. Buhnerkempe et al. (2014) assimilated move- the model to outbreak data (Bonney et al., 2018; ment data for cattle shipments within the United Hayer et al., 2018) and have rarely been used to do States and used a dynamical model to show that both. One example where both have been success- local movement restrictions might be more effective fully implemented are models developed by Hobbs at controlling an introduction of foot-and-mouth et al. (2015) to support adaptive management of disease virus relative to state or national-scale an ongoing outbreak of brucellosis in wild bison. movement bans. Similarly, Roche et al. (2015) used They used extensive historical data describing 5 different dynamical models to evaluate the ef- population dynamics as well as information on fectiveness of different vaccination strategies for contact structure and disease prevalence through foot-and-mouth disease control and found that for time. Integrating historical data with current data all models vaccination led to a significant reduction they developed an iterative method to evaluate the in predicted epidemic size and duration compared probability of success for alternative management to the “stamping-out” strategy alone. These re- actions as well as estimating epidemiologically im- sults emerge from consideration of the interaction portant parameters such as R0 and FOI along with of dynamic host populations and epidemiological the changes in these parameters as a result of pre- processes through time. In nondynamical models, vious and current management decisions. disease dynamics in donor host populations are not In addition to quantifying risk, dynamical represented explicitly, which neglects assessment models allow an understanding of how different of response plans that aim to limit transmission in components of disease transmission affect risk donor host populations (Ebinger et al., 2011). metrics, which in turn allows for process-based In diseases that have wildlife reservoirs, where planning of outbreak response (Pepin et al., 2014). spillover–spillback dynamics can lead to disease By targeting processes that determine risk rather persistence, dynamical models have shown that the than consequential patterns, response plans can be ecology of both the donor and recipient host popu- robust to changes in the underlying ecology driving lations need to be considered for optimal control disease transmission. A significant challenge of (Cowled et al., 2012), and that the optimal con- dynamical modeling approaches is they are often trol strategy may involve mitigation in both the technically complex to develop and implement, donor and recipient host populations (Ward et al., which may limit their use and interpretation across 2015). However, the type of optimal control strat- disciplines in animal health management (Manlove egies employed in donor and recipient populations et al., 2016). Because of their analytical complexity, may differ as a function of host ecology and viral dynamical models can also be computationally and characteristics (Manlove et al., 2019). In wild pigs, time-intensive, which has further limited their use contact structure can be fragmented (Pepin et al., for rapid risk assessment when new threats are per- 2016), such that viruses causing acute infections ceived. Also, while nondynamical models can rely are not sustained (Pepin and VerCauteren, 2016). on expert opinion, dynamical models need appro- Optimal control strategies in the donor population priate data on a variety of processes such as animal can thus differ substantially based on the com- movement, disease prevalence, and host densities bined effects of infectious period of the virus and (Merkle et al., 2018). Appropriately formulating the contact structure of the donor host (Pepin and the model and accounting for multiple sources of VerCauteren, 2016), which changes both the risk
Applying models in disease management 2297 landscape and optimal control strategies of spill- be greatest. Gonzales et al. (2014) developed a dy- over in space and time. A similar result arises from namical model that accounts for within-flock trans- considering landscape heterogeneity in space and mission as well as the spatial location of flocks and time—where consideration of the contact rates between flock transmission. The model predicted in space is important for determining optimal re- transmission risk across space, producing a tar- sponse plans (LaHue et al., 2016). geted risk-based surveillance strategy that allowed Additionally, accounting for these for early detection of low pathogenicity avian influ- heterogeneities as well as uncertainties in successful enza in domestic chicken flocks in Denmark. Their management has only recently been addressed. model allowed for a dynamic evaluation of ef- Hobbs et al. (2015) found that accounting for un- fective sampling frequency that optimizes resource certainty in the ability to implement management to allocation, but is seldom included in conventional control an ongoing outbreak of brucellosis in wild methods of surveillance design. Additionally, be- bison, elk, and cattle after accounting transmission cause this approach dynamically evaluates changes heterogeneities dramatically influenced the prob- in seroprevalence during an outbreak, it can provide ability of achieving disease control goals. A major insight into changes in transmission risk factors, gap in the use of dynamical models for response and evaluation of control measures such as vaccin- planning is a lack of applying these approaches ation. Similarly, in the United States, an adaptive in a “learning by doing” framework—where the targeted risk-based approach has been used to al- models are used to predict optimal strategies, then locate surveillance for avian influenza in wild birds the predicted strategies are implemented, and data (APHIS, 2016) and pathogens of interest in feral for assessing effectiveness are collected and used to swine (APHIS, 2017). In both cases previous sur- validate and refine the models (Restif et al., 2012). veillance data were used to determine uncertainty Incorporating economic principles in dynamical in risk. Surveillance resources were then reallocated models for evaluating alternative response strat- annually to prioritize greatest risk areas and those egies is a second gap that is only rarely addressed. with the greatest uncertainty in risk. This adaptive Economic assessments using dynamical models approach to surveillance allocation was intended to have typically used the model predictions as in- reduce uncertainty in risk predictions and improve puts into economic models in post hoc analyses allocation of surveillance through time. (Thompson et al., 2018, 2019). The application of dynamical models to guide surveillance planning is relatively new. One limita- Surveillance Design tion of existing approaches using dynamical models is that risk-based targeting is often done as a post Analytical surveillance design has overwhelm- hoc analysis using the predictions of disease spread ingly been based on sample size statistics (Herzog or contact and movement of at-risk animals from et al., 2017) or risk-based ranking approaches a dynamical model (Gorsich et al., 2018). While (Stärk et al., 2006). Because surveillance resources useful, this limits the utility when risk factors im- (before an emergency) are often limited compared portant for introduction or spread of a pathogen with response resources (during an emergency) effi- change seasonally and from year-to-year (Walton cient surveillance plans are crucial. In other words, et al., 2016). Examples of changing introduction surveillance needs to be “risk-based” and favor risks are seasonal differences in domestic animal “early detection” (Stärk et al., 2006; Comin et al., shipment, changes in demand of animal products 2012). Dynamical models have potential to inform and live animals, or changes in global movement of effective risk-based or early-detection surveillance people among countries. The flow of people, ani- plans because they can concurrently evaluate how mals, and products can change dramatically across implementation of surveillance and response ap- time and space. For example, Jurado et al. (2018) proaches affect outbreak severity (Comin et al., found that risks associated with ASFv introduc- 2012), but dynamical models remain underused tion changed seasonally and varied spatially among (Herzog et al., 2017). years due to changes in frequency of airline travel Accounting for transmission processes in a among different airports in countries with and spatially explicit framework is especially useful for without ASFv. Dynamical models mechanistically determining optimal surveillance strategies (i.e., represent host-pathogen ecology allowing nonlinear who, when, where, and how much) because they relationships among risk factors to be included ex- can help target surveillance to species, locations, plicitly meaning that changes in risk factors (e.g., and times where transmission risk is expected to changes in movement of airline travelers, shipment
2298 Miller and Pepin patterns of domestic animals, or movement of wild potential risks of introduction and transmission birds) through time can allow for time-varying al- (Miller et al., 2017). Dynamical models can be used location of surveillance effort to optimize detection to evaluate potential risks and consequences posed in response to shifting locations of greatest risk among many pathogens allowing limited surveil- (Leslie et al., 2014; Walton et al., 2016). lance resources to be allocated to those with the A frequent objective of disease surveillance ac- greatest potential risks and consequences within tivities at the wildlife–domestic animal interface is the populations being managed. monitoring changes in risk to domestic animals or effectiveness of risk reduction mitigations (Morner THE WAY FORWARD FOR INTEGRATION et al., 2002; Hoinville et al., 2013). Dynamical OF DISEASE-DYNAMIC MODELS IN models have frequently been used to determine MANAGEMENT the transmission of pathogens among species in multi-host disease systems (Craft et al., 2008). Management and policy decisions are con- Despite the established theory and application to tinually made to mitigate disease introduction and understand disease transmission among species, transmission risks. It is broadly recognized across dynamical models have rarely been used to de- a diversity of domains that science-based manage- termine surveillance in both donor and recipient ment, sometimes referred to as data-driven man- populations concurrently (Shriner et al., 2016). As agement, leads to more effective decisions but is cross-species transfer depends on disease dynamic challenging because it requires making the synthesis conditions in both the donor and recipient popu- of data more accessible and relevant to policy deci- lations (Lloyd-Smith et al., 2009), surveillance of sions (Gregory et al., 2012; Williams and Hooten, only a single component could fail to distinguish 2016; Dietze et al., 2018). Additionally, scientific differences in the magnitude of risk across space or data are less valuable to decision-makers when through time. For example, analysis of a low patho- there is considerable uncertainty or complexity. genic avian influenza outbreak found that when the Integration of science in decision-making is further network of poultry producer relationships was ex- complicated because policy decisions and science plicitly included, the location of the index case (i.e., frequently have different timelines, incentives, and location of introduction) strongly effected both stakeholders, which can hamper efficient integra- outbreak probability and size (G. Gellner, United tion of science into the decision process (Funtowicz States Department of Agriculture, unpublished and Strand, 2007). data). Similarly, a continental scale analysis of foot Synthesizing science to improve its usefulness and mouth disease that explicitly accounts for spa- in disease management requires monitoring data tial differences in cattle shipment and density found intended to understand factors and processes that that the duration and size of outbreaks was de- drive disease introductions and ongoing trans- pendent on which local population the index case mission. Improving the understanding of disease first occurred (Buhnerkempe et al., 2014). This in- processes that drive pathogen introduction and dicates that disease risk in the recipient population transmission is fundamentally essential and ultim- is a function of both disease dynamics in the donor ately leads to better, more efficient policy decisions and recipient populations. (e.g., biosecurity or response planning). Thus, pri- When wildlife are a potential donor host species, oritizing “learning” in the adaptive management disease-dynamical models can be used to optimize cycle (Fig. 3) can be a very important part of man- when and where to conduct surveillance in both agement and the science intended to support man- wild and domestic animals to improve risk moni- agement decisions. toring in wildlife and early identification of intro- duction events into domestic animals. Conversely, Adaptive Management when domestic animals are the donor, the utility and effectiveness of monitoring for potential spill- Science-based disease management requires over from domestic animals to wildlife can be evalu- a fundamental shift from simply monitoring to ated, which has been identified as a critical need for surveillance—i.e., using monitoring data to pre- control and eradication of chronic diseases such dict changes in disease risk and management as bovine tuberculosis and pneumonia (Miller and effectiveness, and decide/perform management ac- Sweeney, 2013; Besser et al., 2013). Additionally, tions that mitigate risks. Disease-dynamic models the selection of pathogens to conduct surveil- provide an analytical framework for both under- lance in wildlife is frequently not representative of standing and predicting disease processes in a
Applying models in disease management 2299 management context using monitoring data. The ASFv can be through direct contact with infected adaptive management framework then provides a pigs, indirect contact through fomites, or through method for integrating disease data using disease- soft tick species in the genus Ornithodoros (Mellor dynamic models to iteratively reduce uncertainty et al., 1987; Penrith and Vosloo, 2009; Guinat et al., in decision-making over time resulting in improved 2016). The virus is highly resistant to inactivation decisions and outcomes (Allen et al., 2011) (Fig. 3). and can remain viable in the environment for many The adaptive management cycle is typic- days and in undercooked or cured pork products ally broken into 2 processes. First, a structured for at least 4 months (Plowright et al., 1969; Farez decision-making process (Fig. 3A) formalizes the and Morley, 1997). The high stability of ASFv in definition of the problem, objectives, evaluation addition to multiple potential routes of transmis- of decision trade-offs, and results in a current op- sion that include vectors, fomites, and direct trans- timal management decision. The second process is mission has made ASFv particularly difficult to characterized as learning. This process represents control in populations and a significant concern the management decision implementation, moni- globally (Sánchez-Cordón et al., 2018). toring of the system and evaluation of progress to- Introduction of ASFv into the western hemi- ward management objectives and any adjustment sphere could threaten food security and have a to management decisions through time that im- large economic impact resulting from the presence prove progress toward objectives. In disease man- of sympatric vector species and susceptible feral agement applications, adaptive management is a and domestic swine host populations (Brown and method for integrating surveillance data and ana- Bevins, 2018) (Fig. 2D–F). The Americas account lysis of disease management iteratively through for 58% of total global pork exports, 83% of global time to allow learning through disease manage- imports and exports of live domestic swine, and ment actions (Fig. 3B). Through formal analyses have the third largest standing inventory of do- of uncertainty, disease surveillance can be guided mestic swine (USDA, 2018). The predicted eco- to improve learning about the most important fac- nomic impacts resulting from an ASFv outbreak tors affecting risk or management effectiveness in in North America are more than US$4.25 bil- order to optimize information for decision-making. lion, with a cost-benefit ratio of ASFv prevention Adaptive management has been suggested as an ap- programs of more than US$450 billion (Rendleman proach to manage disease (Miller et al., 2013; Webb and Spinelli, 1999) making ASFv a threat to et al., 2017), allocate disease surveillance (Gonzales the global economy (Sánchez-Cordón et al., 2018). et al., 2014), and improve disease interventions Contaminated animal-derived products have been (Merl et al., 2009; Shea et al., 2014) but has rarely identified as one of the greatest risks for the entry been formally implemented to manage a disease of ASFv and other foreign animal diseases (FADs) system. (Mur et al., 2012). Specific to ASFv the annual probability of transboundary introduction varies ASFv as an Example through time and by pathway. Introduction via swine products carried by travelers or through im- Recently emerged as a significant threat to portation is considered more likely than import- domestic swine production globally, ASFv is cur- ation of infected live domestic swine (Herrera-Ibata rently present in many regions of Africa, Europe, et al., 2017; Jurado et al., 2018). If introduced into and Asia (Fig. 2A). Currently, ASFv is reportable the western hemisphere the risk of establishment to the OIE, and transboundary introduction into is expected to vary geographically by the pathway a country free of the disease can have severe eco- of introduction and the presence of wild and do- nomic consequences resulting from production mestic swine (Herrera-Ibata et al., 2017; Jurado losses, loss of export markets, and eradication et al., 2018). Currently available risk estimates for programs. Species in the Suidae family are suscep- transboundary introduction are complicated by tible to infection with ASFv (Penrith and Vosloo, multiple pathways of introduction via legal and il- 2009). Infection with ASFv in most Suidae, par- legal routes (e.g., illegal importation of swine prod- ticularly domestic swine, typically results in high ucts), the presence of competent soft tick vectors, mortality; however, once established in a popu- and the presence of both feral and domestic swine lation, the disease can manifest as a subacute (Sánchez-Cordón et al., 2018). Dynamical models clinical form that can be sustained in the popula- offer a potential tool to account for the complex tion (Gallardo et al., 2015; Nurmoja et al., 2017; geographic and temporal risks resulting from the Sánchez-Cordón et al., 2018). Transmission of distribution of vector species, densities of feral
2300 Miller and Pepin Figure 2. Current distribution of African swine fever virus (ASFv) and some risk factors that contribute to lateral and cross-species transfer. Panel A depicts countries currently reporting ASFv in domestic or wild pigs to OIE World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS, 2019) or the European Animal Disease Notification System (ADNS, 2019). Right side of panel A is the change in countries reporting ASFv through time. Color scale indicates the last year ASFv cases were reported in the country while gray indicates ASFv has never been officially reported in the country. Panels B and C describe 2 routes of transboundary lateral transfer into the Americas that include legal imports of swine products (panel B) (UN Comtrade, 2018) and transport of swine products via air travelers (panel C) (Patokallio, 2018). Gray lines indicate the annual average amount (kg) of direct shipments and the annual average frequency of airline flights from 2007 to 2018 from countries currently reporting ASFv cases. Panels D, E, and F describe the global distribution of 7 Ornithodoros ticks (O. moubata, O. hermsi, O. parkeri, O. talaje, O. turicata, O. sonrai, O. tholozani) (WHO, 1989; Teglas et al., 2005, 2006; Donaldson et al., 2016; Lopez et al., 2016; Sage et al., 2017; ECDC and EFSA, 2018), density of wild suid species (Lewis et al., 2017), and density of domestic swine (Gilbert et al., 2018). and domestic swine, and differing routes of lateral different pathways of lateral and cross-species and cross-species transfer that are expected to vary transfer through time resulting in earlier detection through time. of ASFv introduction by targeting surveillance of swine populations most likely to be exposed to con- Adaptive Management of ASFv taminated materials (Figs. 1 and 2). The resulting ASFv surveillance data (e.g., Fig. 2) can then be New populations continue to be invaded by integrated, using dynamical models, with previous ASFv through multiple pathways yet the specific monitoring data and near-term host population pathways of greatest importance appear to vary data (e.g., density, movement, and contact) to pro- among regions and there is uncertainty about how vide new predictions of ASFv introduction risks, best to mitigate location-specific risks. The concep- spread, and consequences. This provides a method tual approach presented in Fig. 3 offers an oppor- of integrating analyses assessing lateral and tunity to address these challenges because analyses cross-species transfer that are typically conducted and associated risk predictions can be continually separately. Through time this dynamical modeling updated using newly available data allowing alloca- allows a method of synthesizing across the entire tion of surveillance resources to specific pathways, system to improve and optimize surveillance guid- locations, or animal populations (wild or domestic) ance (adaptive surveillance) that best mitigates to be varied and improved through time. For ex- changes in risk resulting in improved understanding ample, frequently updating analyses using new data of risks (Fig. 3B). Similarly, mitigations to reduce can improve allocation of surveillance effort among introduction risks such as placing limitations on
Applying models in disease management 2301 Figure 3. Conceptual relationship between iterative disease predictions and adaptive decision-making. Panel A describes a generalized depiction of the adaptive management cycle that includes both structured decision-making and learning processes (Allen et al., 2011). Panel B describes a conceptual approach for integrating disease modeling into the decision-making process. Iterative prediction using disease-dynamic models (blue oval) integrates data describing risk factors to make predictions of introduction risk, spread, and associated consequences. Using these predictions optimal risk-based targeted surveillance strategies to detect introductions, risk mitigations to reduce introduction and spread, and optimal control options are determined. Surveillance guidance informs (adaptive surveillance) decisions concerning allocation of surveillance (i.e., when, where, and how much). Optimal risk mitigations and potential control options inform adaptive planning and preparedness decisions. New surveillance data are then integrated with new data describing changes in risk using the iterative prediction cycle to provide updated and improved guidance for surveillance, risk mitigations, and control options. Thus, learning has occurred and better information is available to support decision-making. importation of products most risky for ASFv or sensitivity of decision-making to forecast uncer- refined targeting of inspections of imported prod- tainty can be used to identify how better model ucts or airline travelers from ASFv regions can be predictions would improve decision trade-offs and iteratively evaluated and optimized through time. when the model is adequate to meet decision needs Uncertainty analysis can identify which ASFv (Dietze et al., 2018). surveillance streams or surveyed populations are Changes in ASFv introduction risks and im- most critical for reducing uncertainty in predic- proved knowledge of introduction risks gained tions. Value-of-information analysis can aid in through iterative adaptive surveillance directly in- the prioritization of ASFv surveillance streams or fluence predictions of disease spread, consequences, populations (wild or domestic) to be monitored by and optimal control options. Correspondingly, providing a means to evaluate the “return on in- ASFv control options can be improved as fun- vestment” provided by the allocation of resources damental disease drivers in a region change (e.g., in each surveillance data stream. Additionally, the changes in density of wild and domestic swine) or
2302 Miller and Pepin as the types, volume, and origin of imported swine Updating predictions and forecasts iteratively products change. Predicted ASFv optimal control requires data that can be difficult to collect and can strategies can be used in an adaptive planning pro- be labor-intensive. One of the largest challenges is cess that improves the potential alternatives con- the need to collect multiple types of data—data sidered. For ASFv this could include proactive describing disease occurrence, changes in wild population reduction of wild swine, which is cur- and domestic animal populations (occurrence and rently being implemented in some European coun- population density), changes in population con- tries, or greater targeted removal of invasive feral tact (whether via products, humans, or directly), swine in countries with active population control and changes in other epidemiologically important programs. Additionally, changes in predicted intro- processes such as vector distribution and occur- duction and spread of ASFv can be used to itera- rence (e.g., Fig. 3B). Some of these data, such as tively update guidance on the predicted culling or monitoring of domestic animal populations, al- biosecurity practices required to limit spread if ready have systems in place to collect and main- introduced. This information can be used by man- tain data. However, disease surveillance data within agers to forecast resource needs and develop more wild animal populations or for common routes of accurate and useful response plans that are more disease introduction are frequently not available, dynamic rather than static. or are only available at broad spatial or temporal In the event that a pathogen such as ASFv is scales that might not match the epidemiological successfully introduced, predictions of optimal scales of interest, or do not align with epidemio- disease control strategies serve as a starting point logical risks (Miller et al., 2013, 2017; Cross et al., from which to begin managing an outbreak and 2019). Surveillance data collection is often limited monitoring its progress. “Learning by doing” can by the number of samples, spatial locations, or time then be used to continually improve surveillance frames that samples can be collected. However, designs and response plans. This could be particu- the conceptual approach we present here offers a larly important for FADs such as ASFv that may framework to rigorously address these challenges not have previously occurred in a country resulting by allowing for the evaluation, comparison, and in no prior data describing disease dynamics. For identification of those data of greatest importance example, ASFv has not previously been intro- for management decision trade-offs. duced into North America but at least 5 experi- Additionally, the implementation of disease- mentally competent tick vectors for ASFv occur dynamic models can be technically difficult and and sympatric populations of wild and domestic time-consuming. As a result the development and swine are present (Fig. 2D–F). An additional ad- application of these approaches has more frequently vantage of using an iterative prediction cycle to been implemented in an academic environment inform decision-making is that consequences of to address specific, narrowly focused policy deci- introduction and spread can be explicitly included sions. An opportunity to increase the application in models. This allows for evaluation of poten- of dynamical models within the decision-making tial risk mitigations (either proactive or during an process is to focus on objective-driven models that outbreak) to be evaluated using cost-benefit ap- provide practical predictions that are directly useful proaches, providing practical guidance based on to those managing disease. Indeed, dynamic models current resources. Uncertainties can be included have been used mechanistically for avian influenza in the cost-benefit analysis allowing for improved (Malladi et al., 2012; Weaver et al., 2012; Bonney understanding of which data may be needed to im- et al., 2018), brucellosis (Hobbs et al., 2015), and prove consequence assessments. foot-and-mouth disease (Buhnerkempe et al., 2014; Roche et al., 2015) providing practical objective- Practical Challenges driven predictions to support disease management decisions. Recognizing that modeling is a means to Our conceptual approach for integrating improve disease management and outcomes is im- disease-dynamic models directly within the portant and fosters increased use of these tools. decision-making process using adaptive manage- This is most successful when these approaches ment are not without challenges. And several key are implemented in a cross-disciplinary environ- challenges need to be tackled for adaptive disease ment that includes scientists and decision-makers management to be most successful, especially for representing both wildlife and domestic animal disease systems that cross the wild–domestic animal health. Imbedding technical expertise within interface. the decision-making process will likely ensure
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