Page created by Ana Willis
International digital conference     THINKING PEACE
on global approaches to peace work   PROMOTING PEACE
from 7 to 9 October 2020             LEARNING PEACE
CONTEXT − OCCASION –                          GENERAL                                        Supporting organizations: missio,
                                   BACKGROUND                                    INFORMATION                                    Diocese of Aachen, Catholic Uni­
                                                                                                                                versity of the State of North Rhine-
                                   Wars and violent conflicts are responsible    The peace conference is divided into           Westphalia (KatHO NRW), Pax Christi
                                   for social divisions, destruction, mass       four blocks of topics. Each block consists     (DV Aachen / German section),
                                   migration, exclusion and immense human        of an introduction to the subject and          Engagement Global, AGIAMONDO
                                   suffering in many parts of the world.         various workshops which each focus on a
                                   Hundreds of thousands of people die           particular aspect of this topic. The closing   Technology: Microsoft Teams
                                   every year because of armed conflicts,        block on peace processes in Western
                                   and countless more perish in their wake.       Africa serves as a bridge to this year’s      Conference Languages:
                                   In the shadow of these major lines of con­    “World Mission Sunday Campaign”.               The conference languages are
                                   flict, people in all countries of the world                                                  German and English, but most of
                                   are also repeatedly victims of discrimi­      The conference is organized as a digital       the inputs and workshops will be in
                                   nation, violence or racism at home, at        event.                                         German. The organizers will try to
                                   school or in their overall environment.                                                      include additional English language
                                                                                 For the diocese of Aachen, the peace           elements as much as possible. The
                                   But there are also many people and            conference concludes this year’s joint         final English-language program
                                   initiatives that contribute to peaceful       topic of “peace” of the diocesan respon­       will be updated shortly before the
                                   coexistence throughout our One World.         sible for the worldwide church and of the      conference.
                                   They actively counteract the contexts         catholic relief organizations.
                                   of violence with courage, creativity and                                                     Moderation: Professor Dr. Norbert
BLESSED                            with huge commitment. They develop                                                           Frieters-Reermann, Johannes Duwe,
ARE THE PEACE-                     and propagate visions of peace (thinking                                                     Anke Reermann, Burchard Schlömer
MAKERS                             peace), they moderate and shape pro­
International digital conference
on global approaches
                                   cesses of peace, dialogue and reconcilia­                                                    Costs and Participation: Participation
to peace work
                                   tion (promoting peace), and they design                                                      in the conference is free of charge.
                                   and facilitate peace and conflict-related                                                    You may participate either in the
                                   training events and qualification concepts                                                   entire conference or just in some of
                                   (learning peace).                                                                            its workshops and other elements.
                                                                                                                                Registration: Please register on the
                                                                                                                                Internet at “
October 2020
                                   OPENING AND
                                   (German and English Translation)

                                   14:00 hrs                                                     16:30-18:00 hrs
                                   – Greeting message from Bishop Dr. Helmut Dieser              Online-Workshops
                                     (video contribution)                                        1. Ralf Becker (Protestant Church in Baden)
                                   – President Pastor Dirk Bingener (missio Aachen)                 Frieden und Sicherheit neu denken (German)
                                   – Professor Dr. Hans Hobelsberger                             2. Karen Hinrichs (Friedensinstitut der EH Freiburg)
                                     (rector of Catholic University of North                        Frieden denken in der Ökumenischen Theologie
                                     Rhine-Westphalia – KatHO NRW)                                  (German)
                                   – Dr. Claudia Lücking-Michel                                  3. Professor Dr. Joachim Söder (KatHO NRW)
                                     (chief executive of AGIAMONDO)                                 Friede als kooperativer Prozess.
                                   – Dr. Jens Kreuter (Engagement Global)                           Zur Aktualität der Friedenskonzeption Kants
                                   – Markus Offner (diocese Aachen)                                 (German with English Translation)
                                   – Anton Stegmair (diocesan responsible for                    4. Dr. Michael Becker (missio Hamburg)
                                     the worldwide church)                                          Friedensethik und Befreiungstheologie (German)
                                                                                                 5. Prof. Maureen Porter, PhD (University of Pittsburgh, USA),
                                                                                                    Prof. Dr. Norbert Frieters-Reermann (KatHO NRW)
                                   BLOCK 1:                                                         Human rights and/or human needs – Grundlagen für
                                   THINKING PEACE                                                   eine Friedensvision in und nach Covid-19 (German)
BLESSED                            The philosophical-religious dimension                         6. Cora Bieß (Berghof Foundation)
ARE THE PEACE-                                                                                      Interreligiöse Aspekte der Friedensarbeit (German)
MAKERS                             15:00-16:00 hrs                                               7. Laurie Marshall, Dr. Julie Duff (Founder, Researcher of
International digital conference
on global approaches
                                   Introductory presentations (German and English Translation)      Unity Through Creativity Foundation)
to peace work
                                   (Physical attendance – online/digital broadcast)                 The Singing Tree collaborative mural project –
                                   1. Professor Dr. Joachim Söder (KatHO NRW)                       Nature-based peace building through art inspired by
                                      What actually is peace? From the absence of violence          feminine leadership principles (English)
                                      to the cooperative process
                                   2. Ralf Becker (Protestant Church in Baden)
                                      Rethinking peace and security
                                   3. Dr. Peter Bender (Religions for Peace)
                                       Religions for Peace (RfP) – Advancing Global Peace
                                      Policy through Interfaith Cooperation?
October 2020
                                   BLOCK 2:
                                   PROMOTING PEACE
                                   The dimension of politics and civil society

                                   10.00-11.00 hrs
                                   Introductory presentations (German and English Translation)      4. Bilal Almasri, Iyad Asfour, Kirsten Steinhoff-Fahadi
                                   (Physical attendance and presentation –                             (EIRENE Internationaler Christlicher Friedensdienst e.V.)
                                   online/digital broadcast)                                           Starke NachbarInnen stärken den Zusammenhalt:
                                   1. Dr. Patricia Cane und Joan Condon (Capacitar International)      Aktivierende Methoden und Übungen (German)
                                      Doing Peace through Capacitar (English)                       5. Maia Chkhenkeli (GIZ Georgia), Ahmad AlFaour (GIZ
                                   2. Dr. Friederike Repnik (AGIAMONDO)                                Lebanon), Anna Scherer (GIZ Germany)
                                      Dealing with a violent past                                      Promoting peace in forced displacement contexts:
                                   3. Bona-Sande Späker (Engagement Global)                            Strengthening participation in the Middle East and in the
                                       The concept of „sustainable peace“ and its significance         South Caucasus (English)
                                      for development cooperation                                   6. Professor Dr. Georg Albers (KatHO NRW)
                                                                                                       Narrative Dialogue in Ukraine, Concept and Experiences
                                   11:30-13:00 hrs                                                     (English)
                                   Online-Workshops                                                 7. Dr. Cordula Reimann (CORE)
                                   1. Professor Dr. Ranga Zinyemba                                     Kollektives Trauma (German)
                                      (Rector of the Catholic University of Zimbabwe in Harare      8. Lea Scholtes und Moritz Weßer
                                      Peace initiatives in an extremely violent and fragile            (Pax Christi DV Aachen)
BLESSED                               environment: the case of Afghanistan (English)                   Jung und friedensbewegt: Internationale
ARE THE PEACE-                     2. Dr. Patricia Cane, Joan Condon (Capacitar International)         Friedensdienste mit Zukunft? (German)
MAKERS                                und Anke Reermann (diocese Aachen)                            9. Agnieszka Zogata-Kusz, Ph.D. (Palacký Univerzity Olomouc),
International digital conference
on global approaches
                                      Doing Peace through Capacitar (English and German)               Ph.Dr. Eva Kubickova and Jan Rikovsky, Ph. D.
to peace work
                                   3. Dr. Friederike Repnik (AGIAMONDO)                                (CARITAS – College of Social Work Olomouc)
                                      Umgang mit gewaltbelasteter Vergangenheit.                       International social work and humanitarian assistance –
                                      Erfahrungen aus konkreten Programmen des Zivilen                 A contribution to peace in post-conflict situations?
                                      Friedensdienstes (German with English Translation)               (English)
October 2020
                                   BLOCK 3:
                                   LEARNING PEACE
                                   The pedagogical dimension

                                   15:00-16:00 hrs
                                   Introductory presentations (German and English Translation)   5. Dr. Ulrike Purrer Guardado (COMUNDO, Tumaco,
                                   (Physical attendance – online/digital broadcast)                 Colombia) und Padre Luis Carlos Hinojosa Moreno
                                   1. Father Dr. Chowaram Paul Anto                                 (diocese Aachen / diocese Quibdo, Colombia)
                                      (Peace Channel, Nagaland, Northeast India)                    Friedens- und Versöhnungsarbeit in Kolumbien
                                      Learning peace through peace and peer mediation               (German)
                                   2. Professor Uli Jäger (Berghof Foundation)                   6. Hubert Heindl (Agentur für Projektberatung,
                                      Challenges and opportunities: Peace education in times        Training und Evaluierung (APTE))
                                      of Covid-19                                                   Vom Wissen zum Sein zum Tun: Konzept, Didaktik
                                   3. Professor Dr. Norbert Frieters-Reermann (KatHO NRW)           und Entwicklungen der Friedensuniversität Afrika
                                      Is peacebuilding even possible in a world of organized        (German)
                                      peacelessness? The importance of peace skills in an        7. Christine Lieser, Claudia Osthues
                                      unpeaceful world                                              (Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e. V./forumZFD)
                                                                                                     Friedensbildung in der Schule (German)
                                   16:30-18:00 hrs                                               8. Professor Dr. Mina Hogsett (Wake Tech Community
                                   Online-Workshops                                                 College), Dr. Jen Ely (Executive Director MAPS,
                                   1. Father Dr. Chowaram Paul Anto                                 Cofounder In Stable Hands), David E.K. Smith and
BLESSED                               (Peace Channel, Nagaland, Northeast India)                    Angela Illig (University of Pittsburgh)
ARE THE PEACE-                        Peace education and peer mediation in Northeast India          Holistic peace education in schools and communities
MAKERS                                (English)                                                     (English)
International digital conference
on global approaches
                                   2. Anne Kruck, Dagmar Nolden (Berghof Foundation)             9. Dr. Susan Dawkins and Carolina Forgit-Knerr
to peace work
                                      Friedenspädagogische Ansätze am Beispiel Jordanien:           (University of Pittsburgh)
                                      Schule, Hochschule, Flüchtlingslager                           Agents of peace? Migration management by state,
                                      (German with English Translation)                             humanitarian, community organizations, and mobile
                                   3. Martina Freise (gewaltfrei handeln e. V.)                     actors (English)
                                      Zuhören – empathisch kommunizieren (German)
                                   4. Andreas Beier, Gerburg Rohde-Dahl
                                      (Friendship across borders (FAB))
                                      Learning peace between Jewish-Israeli, Palestinian
                                      and German Youth (English)
Oktober 2020
                                   BLOCK 4:
                                   PEACE PROCESSES
                                   IN WESTERN AFRICA

                                   10.00-11.00 hrs
                                   Introductory presentations (German and English Translation)   4. Hubert Heindl (Agentur für Projektberatung,
                                   1. Bischof Stephen Dami Mamza (diocese Yola, Nigeria)            Training und Evaluierung (APTE))
                                      (video recording – English) and                               Zum Friedensbauer werden: Polizisten, Priester,
                                      Bettina Tiburzy (missio Aachen)                               Bürgermeister im afrikanischen Programm INOVAR –
                                      Friedensprozesse in Zeiten von Covid-19 in Nigeria            Erfahrungen, Konzept, Konsequenzen (German)
                                   2. President Pastor Dirk Bingener (missio Aachen)             5. Dr. Christiana Idika (IWM St. Georgen)
                                      Peace and cohesion in West Africa                             Friedensstiftung und Solidarität als Herausforderung
                                                                                                    für die christliche Bildung am Beispiel Nigeria
                                   11:30-13:00 hrs                                                  (German)
                                   1. Father Lazarus Zeledeme Annyereh,
                                      Father Clement Mweyang Aapengnuo,                          CONCLUSION
                                      Emmanuel Wullingdool, Remy Ullo (Centre for Conflict       (German and English Translation)
                                      Transformation and Peace Studies (CECOTAPS), Ghana)
                                      Justice and Peace Training in North Ghana (English)        13:00-14:00 hrs
                                   2. Isaac Vasumu Augustine                                     Visions of Peace
BLESSED                               (Catholic University of Leuwen)                            Evaluation and Outlook
ARE THE PEACE-                        Cooperation between church and government and
MAKERS                                its significance for work on peace in Nigeria (English)
International digital conference
on global approaches
                                   3. Dr. Marco Moerschbacher (missio Aachen)
to peace work
                                      Religiöse Konflikte und interreligiöser Dialog
                                      (German with English Translation)
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