Birds of High-mountain Daghestan, A report based on two decades bird survey

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Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-84 (2020)
                                DOI: 10.22120/jwb.2020.115601.1098                           Scientific Report

   Birds of High-mountain Daghestan, A report based on two
                    decades bird survey
                                                                 that include representatives of not only High-
Evgeny Ev Vilkov                                                 mountain, Intra-mountain, and Piedmont
Caspian Institute of Biological Resources,                       Daghestan but also of the plains of the republic.
Daghestan Scientific Centre RAS, M. Gadzhiev                     However, the formation principle and
St. 45, Makhachkala, Russia                                      composition of these communities still have to
*Email:                                         be revealed.
Received: 11 October 2019 / Revised: 26 March 2020 / Accepted:   The purpose and objectives of the research were
26 March 2020 / Published online: 15 April 2020. Ministry of
Sciences, Research, and Technology, Arak University, Iran.       to describe specific features of bird ecology for
                                                                 each of the 11 bird communities forming the
Abstract                                                         avifauna ecological structure of High-mountain
The paper is based on 19 years (1998-2017) of                    Daghestan.
the avifauna monitoring in High-mountain
Daghestan. Each of 11 bird communities of the                    The paper summarizes the results of 19–year
study area is characterized by its whole set of                  (1998–2017) ornithological counts carried out in
birds, including the rarely occurred species since               13 key sites, located within 6 administrative
the latter promotes the formation of a unique                    districts of High-mountain Daghestan. Material
pattern not only of an individual faunal                         and methods are fully represented in Report 1.
community but also the entire avifauna of the                    To characterize ecologically different species of
region. It is assumed that a specific avifauna                   birds, the author's classification was used
pattern of High-mountain Daghestan is                            (Vilkov 2010b), distinguishing the birds by their
determined not only by resident communities of                   occurrence in preferred habitats that allowed the
typical mountain birds but also by nesting in the                identification of 11 bird communities (Vilkov
mountains adapted populations of migratory                       2020, Fig. 2). The birds, found in the air above
birds of the plains. The analysis of the collected               the upper boundary of the vegetation (birds of
material provides a picture of the species                       prey, airborne birds), were subdivided into bird
diversity and territorial distribution of birds and              communities of hoverers and airborne birds,
helps to understand the avifauna resource                        while the air environment, being a feeding place
capacities of High-mountain Daghestan.                           of airborne birds and a location from where the
                                                                 hoverers view the surroundings in search of their
Keywords: Avifauna, bird                      community,         victims, is conventionally treated as "habitat". In
ecology,     High-mountain                     Daghestan,        case of revealing other, not so significant,
micropopulaton                                                   regularities, the bird communities were
                                                                 segregated into additional groups of birds
Introduction                                                     depending on their ecological specificity.
The High-mountain Province of Daghestan has
the most difficult habitat conditions,                           Findings
substantially differing from Piedmont and                        Proceeding from the avifauna ecological
Intra-mountain provinces by the sufficient level                 structure of High-mountain Daghestan (Vilkov
of moisture and contrasting orography                            2020, Fig. 2), the species richness of forest bird
intensified by intermountain trenches. It is                     community ranks the first, uniting 45 species
occupied by quite complex bird communities
74 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

with a total average abundance of 246 ind./km2.      searching for food, move in the forest interior
The highest taxonomic density and ecological         as gender pairs and family groups. During the
differentiation of the forest bird community are     daytime, differently oriented snow-covered
determined by the variety of habitats, high          slopes of mountains and groups of shrubs and
concentration of forage and diversity of             trees between them are exposed to different
shelters. In High-mountain Daghestan, being a        intensity of light. The slopes located in the
bioclimatic province with harsh conditions,          insect concentration areas are warmed up at a
forest stands still can be found along river         different time of the day. As a consequence,
valleys, on mountain slopes of northern              birds select their routes taking into account the
expositions and mainly in the north-western and      hours when it is easier to get food in this or that
central parts of the highlands, whereas the          part of the forest. In the afternoon, when the
south-eastern part is dominated by mountain-         temperature reaches its peak, birds make up
meadow landscapes. The forests are mosaically        mixed flocks occupying the forest canopy with
fragmented, making such transitional habitats        the highest concentration of insects. As a result,
as solitary trees, shrubs and small tree-shrub       an observer being in the central part of a
groves critically important for forest birds. Due    mountain forest in the interval between 13 and
to their territorial discontinuity, these            15 hours, experiences a minimal presence of
transitional formations play a role of short-term    birds, since the bulk of them is concentrated at
shelters by which part of the forest birds moves     its upper boundary. Moreover, the birds,
between distant forest areas. These mosaically       forming mixed flocks, dramatically shrink their
scattered "forest” habitats, located between         feeding area, shifting to a strategy of detailed
large forest formations, turn a sporadically         "combing" of the feeding site moving at high
forested area into a conventionally continuous       speed and with numerous repeats (probably due
woodland massif. Besides, the diffuse                to the interspecific competition). This itinerary
distribution of forest birds, as a specific          method of using the area allows birds to save
adaptation, allows them to more effectively          their time and energy expenditures when
examine the entire forested territory and use        exploring new feeding sites in the same area
different types of forage and suitable shelters.     and increases their feeding efficiency. As an
According to the type of their daily movements       optimal foraging strategy is formed in the
and foraging the mountain forest birds can be        course of natural selection and aimed at
conventionally subdivided into five groups.          increasing the consumption of net energy
The first group consists of the species              received during feeding (Cowie 1977), this
characterized by the extensive range, high           method of exploration of the feeding area by
speed of movements and the relative                  this bird group can be attributed to the category
permanence of their daily routes (Böhme &            of specific adaptations.
Banin 2001). It includes the Green Leaf              The second group unites birds which diet is
Warbler, Caucasian Chiffchaff, Coal Tit, Long-       predominated by easily accessible vegetative
tailed Tit (9.3 ind./km2), Great Tit (8.4            forage - fruits of the common sea buckthron
ind./km2), Blue Tit (2.4 ind./km2), Eurasian         Hippophae rhamnoides L., barberry Berberis
Treecreeper (5.1 ind./km2) and some others, in       vulgaris       L.,     hawthorn        Crataegus
which diet a significant role is played by insects   pseudoheterophylla Pojark, etc. It includes the
and sporadically dispersed vegetation forage.        Eurasian Jay (6.6 ind./km2), Ring Ouzel (8.4
The Green Leaf Warbler and Caucasian                 ind./km2), Common Blackbird (11.5 ind./km2)
Chiffchaff (31 ind./km2 and 16.2 ind./km2) as        and Mistle Thrush (6.4 ind./km2). Feeding of
well as the Coal Tit (23 ind./km2) are absolute      this bird group is characterized by a small range
leaders in abundance. In the morning hours and       of movements, lack of permanent routes and
under uniform settled weather these species,         more full consumption of revealed forage. In
75 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

the afternoon they concentrate in areas with        fidelity and aggression towards other
high abundance of forage resources. When the        individuals of the same species, trying to
fruits are eaten to such extent that they are       penetrate to their territory.
found less frequently compared with other           The fifth group is composed of diurnal birds of
areas, the birds move to other sites (Böhme &       prey and owls. It includes the Northern
Banin 2001). These two groups cannot be             Goshawk         (1.3      ind./km2),     Eurasian
clearly separated since they have species with a    Sparrowhawk (1.4 ind./km ), Long-legged
transitional type of feeding. Depending on the      Buzzard (1.6 ind./km2), Common Buzzard (1.5
environment the foraging strategy of such           ind./km2), European Honey Buzzard (0.5
species (for example, Blue Tits) tends to the       ind./km2), Saker Falcon (1.7 ind./km2),
first or second group. Changes in the forage        Eurasian Scops Owl (0.7 ind./km2),
resources, depended on the productivity of trees    Tengmalm’s Owl (1.2 ind./km2), Long-eared
and shrubs, which are the main suppliers of         Owl (1.3 ind./km2), and Eurasian Eagle Owl
mass forage, have a crucial impact on the           (0.4 ind./km2). A distinctive feature of this
distribution of birds within their occupied area.   group is an increase in the size of their feeding
In this regard, none of the above-mentioned         area in case of decreasing forage resources or
species is a narrow foraging specialist that        their availability (Galushin & Golodushko
makes them more plastic and resistant to the        1963). They are also characterized by a
high forage dynamics in mountains.                  pronounced fidelity to their nesting area and, in
The third group includes birds that less            particular, to forests where the same species
intensively but quite widely move within            (pairs) nest for many years. In fact, during long-
extensive forest stands, making prolonged           term counts of 2006-2010 in Tlyarosh Village
stopovers in particular forest areas with the       (Charodinsky District), a pair of Common
highest concentration of forage. They are the       Buzzards was regularly observed within the
Green Woodpecker (3 ind./km2), Greater              same coniferous-deciduous forest. A similar
Spotted Woodpecker (2.2 ind./km2), Black            territorial fidelity is observed for Northern
Woodpecker (1 ind./km2), Tree Pipit (4.2            Goshawks, Eurasian Sparrowhawks and owls.
ind./km2), Common Chaffinch (9.5 ind./km2),         This feature of feathered raptors is traced not
Common Bullfinch (4.8 ind./km2), etc. These         only in the forests of High-mountain
birds rarely fly between large forest stands. If    Daghestan, but also in its Intra-mountain
the ultimate goal of their flight is located at a   Province (Vilkov 2010; 2013a), being
considerable distance from their main habitat       explained by the lack of their suitable habitats
they travel (en route or by making short            and, on the other hand, relative statics of
stopovers) through mosaically scattered forest      habitats of their prey. As for the present status
groves, groups of shrubs and solitary trees.        of the Caucasian Chiffchaff, as one of the three
The fourth group consists of species rarely         neoendemic Caucasian taxa, its abundance in
leaving forest stands. It includes the Red-         the High-mountain Daghestan ranges from 5 to
breasted Flycatcher (3.4 ind./km2), Eurasian        54.2 ind./km2, with the total average number
Wren (8.7 ind./km2), Dunnock (4.9 ind./km2),        equalling to 16.8 ind./km2. Its range extends
Common Redstart (5.7 ind./km2), and Eurasian        from Piedmont to High-mountain Daghestan
Robin (4.3 ind./km2). Sizes of their occupied       (not found in lowlands), where it mosaically
areas are insignificant compared with the three     inhabits peripheral forest areas, forest edges
above-mentioned bird groups, since these            with shrub thickets and small groves
species select them basing on an optimal set of     surrounded       by meadows          with     high
conditions and preferred resources (including       concentration of insects. This, in a birch grove
nesting habitats). The specific features of their   located at an altitude of 1850–1950 m, 5–7 km
ecology are determined by a strong territorial      southward of Urukh-Sota Village (Charodinsky
76 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

District), the species abundance reached 54.2        mountainous regions of Daghestan the number
ind./km2. The bulk of the Caucasian Chiffchaff       of grazed livestock has been decreasing that,
population is also concentrated in High-             presumably, may negatively affect the local
mountain Daghestan. The species status is            faunal communities due to the excessive
currently favorable, but there are certain threats   overgrowing of meadows. It can be well
associated with the reduction of forest areas,       illustrated by an example though not from
climate mesophilization and expansion of             High-mountain but Intra-mountain Daghestan.
anthropogenic landscapes.                            Thus, the Gunibsky experimental plot of the
The second place in the species diversity is         Mountain Botanical Garden (MBG) (1,900–
occupied by a bird community of subalpine            2,000 m, 5–7 ha), free of any anthropogenic
meadows, composed of 43 species with a total         impact including livestock grazing, had the
average number of 423 ind./km2. The specific         grass height equalling to 70–80 cm with 100%
features and originality of the subalpine            projective cover. As a result, no birds were
community living in severe meteorological            revealed there during the counts, whereas the
conditions of highlands have lead to the             cultivated areas (3 ha) adjacent to the
formation of a peculiar set of birds, which          experimental plot supported the Red-backed
species are recorded nowhere else except the         Shrike (11 ind./km2), Common Whitethroat (5
mountains. Among the unique species it should        ind./km2), Red-fronted Serin (8.3 ind./km2),
be mentioned the Caucasian Black Grouse (2.6         European Goldfinch (10 ind./km2), Whinchat
ind./km2), Chukar Partridge (3.5 ind./km2),          (13.3 ind./km2), and Common Rosefinch (16.6
Common Rock Thrush (2.4 ind./km2), Blue              ind./km2). This suggests that the livestock
Rock Thrush (2.1 ind./km2), Water Pipit (3.6         grazing has a regulating effect on the
ind./km2), Shore Lark (3.5 ind./km2), Black          composition of the birds nesting and feeding on
Redstart (9.4 ind./km2) and some others. In          pastures since the changes in grass cover alter
addition to narrow specialists, there are also the   not only a pattern of the nesting habitat but also
species typical for plains: Common Quail (2.3        the structure of feeding habitats as well
ind./km2), Eurasian Skylark, Common                  (Ostashchenko 2006; Lebedev et al. 2010).
Whitethroat (5.4 ind./km2), Whinchat (10.3           Describing the current status of the Caucasian
ind./km2), European Stonechat (10.5 ind./km2),       Black Grouse as the second neoendemic species
Northern Wheatear (8.9 ind./km2), etc. The           of the Caucasus, we should note that its
most abundant are the Eurasian Skylark (54.9         population density in the studied highlands
ind./km2), Grey Partridge (44.7 ind./km2), and       varies from 0.8 to 4.5 ind./km2, and a major part
Red-fronted Serin (36.5 ind./km2). It is             of it is also concentrated in the High-mountain
noteworthy that typical mountain bird species        Daghestan. The Caucasian Black Grouse in
inhabiting the subalpine belt are characterized      highlands mosaically inhabits shrub thickets
by sedentary or, more precisely, sedentary-          and subalpine meadows along the upper forest
roaming lifestyles out of the breeding season,       boundary. The current number of this species in
whereas adapted populations of the species of        the entire Daghestan is estimated as 1,100 pairs
the plains, nesting in the same belt, are            (Vilkov & Pishvanov 2000). At present, the
migratory. The intensity of livestock grazing        species status in the ecoregion is relatively
that regulates the height and density of grass       stable. The main limiting factors are severe and
cover in subalpine meadows can provide a             snowy winters, grazing, shepherd dogs and
considerable effect on the qualitative and           episodic shootings of birds.
quantitative composition of meadow birds,            The third place is occupied by a bird
including their territorial distribution in the      community of agro landscapes (fields,
mountainous Daghestan and in High-mountain           orchards, vegetable gardens). It is composed of
Province as well. In the last 2–3 decades in the     41 species with a total average abundance of
77 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

431 ind./km2. The distinctive feature of these        2010).
birds is mosaicity and local character of their       The fourth place is occupied a community of
distribution, determined by the boundaries of         birds of cliffs and rock outcrops, uniting 31
agricultural landscapes. The most abundant are        species with a total average abundance of 206
the Eurasian Skylark (50.3 ind./km2), Eurasian        ind./km2. This type of landscapes is typical for
Tree Sparrow (41.1 ind./km2) and Grey                 High-mountain Daghestan (mainly for its
Partridge (39.9 ind./km2). The population             north-western part). A high bird species
density of individual species in agricultural         diversity of these areas is because despite the
landscapes reaches their peak values, since the       harsh habitat conditions with a strict specificity
area has both easily accessible forage for birds-     of the species arrangement, these landscapes
gatherers (Rock Dove (20.1 ind./km2), House           support not only stenotopic taxa such as the
(4.6 ind./km2) and Tree Sparrows, Red-fronted         Water Pipit (3.6 ind./km2), Red-billed Chough,
Serin (16.6 ind./km2), European Goldfinch (9.8        Blue Rock Thrush (3.3 ind./km2), Wall Creeper
ind./km2), etc. and various shelters, represented     (5.3 ind./km2), Chukar Partridge (10.1
by shrub thickets and high grass. Besides, these      ind./km2), Güldenstädt’s Redstart (8.3
territories propose quite suitable nesting            ind./km2) and some others, but also adapted
habitats for birds of open landscapes thus            populations of birds of the plains – the Common
supporting annual breeding of the Grey                Swift (3.6 ind./km2), Northern Wheatear (8.9
Partridge, Common Quail (2.3 ind./km2),               ind./km2), etc. The most abundant are the Rock
Eurasian Skylark, Whinchat and European               Bunting (24.4 ind./km2), Red-fronted Serin
Stonechat (11 and 8.9 ind./km2), Red-backed           (16.5 ind./km2), Common House Martin (11.8
Shrike (16.4 ind./km2), Common Rosefinch              ind./km2) and Red-billed Chough (10.8
(10.2 ind./km2), etc. However, the structure of       ind./km2). A characteristic feature of the
breeding birds in agro landscapes is highly           ecology of these birds is their sporadic
unstable since the ecological niches presented        distribution and static habitat borders,
there can satisfy the needs of only a limited         associated with the concentration of preferred
group of birds. For the same reason the bulk of       resources (nesting habitats, shelters, etc.) in
birds only feed in agro landscapes, and for           local areas of the mountains. Thus, in some
shelter in bad weather and for breeding they fly      regions of High-mountain Daghestan, there can
to other, more suitable habitats. In fact, the last   be found "nesting cliffs" with a negative slope
2–3 decades in the High-mountain Daghestan,           (45–50 degrees) arranged as a niche, where,
similarly to other mountain regions of the            according to local residents, colonies of the
republic, has shown a steady trend towards the        Common House Martin, numbering up to 5–15
lesser exploitation of agricultural lands that,       nesting pairs, have been nesting for many years.
according to the information from local               It is curious that such kind of colonies of the
residents, has led to a dramatic decrease in the      species, built in grotto-like covers, are
number of Rock Doves, Grey Partridges,                widespread at different altitudes and southern
Common Quails and Eurasian Tree Sparrows.             slopes of mountains of southern expositions
At the same time, the remained agrolandscapes,        from Piedmont to High-mountain Daghestan.
additionally to breeding species, regularly           Similar breeding habitats are also typical for the
continue attracting the migratory birds using         Eurasian Crag Martin (average total abundance
agricultural lands as key ecological channels,        – 7.5 ind./km2) but, unlike the Common House
by which the migrants step-by-step move along         Martin, it prefers breeding in separate pairs or
the Transcaucasian Flyway. Regular migrants           in a small colony of 3 to 7 pairs.
include the Eurasian Bee-eater, Common                In the fifth place in terms of the species
Hoopoe, Eurasian Skylark, Red-backed Shrike,          variation there is a community of synanthropic
Whinchat and European Stonechat, etc. (Vilkov         and conventionally synanthropic birds, uniting
78 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

28 species with a total average abundance of        Falcon, Common Swift, Common Hoopoe,
232 ind./km2. Typical representatives of the        Barn Swallow, Common House Martin,
synanthropic group of birds include the Rock        wagtails, wheatears, Black Redstart and
Dove, Common Magpie (5.1 ind./km2), Hooded          Eurasian Robin migrate to their wintering
Crow (3.1 ind./km2), House (4.6 ind./km2) and       grounds. However, part of the Eurasian Wren
Eurasian Tree Sparrows. It is noteworthy that       population (1.4 ind./km2) still remain in villages
the Common Magpie, Hooded Crow and House            for winter. During the winter and early spring
Sparrow are not found in all settlements of         such birds as the Red-billed Chough, Common
High-mountain Daghestan, whereas the                Raven and some others, usually not showing
Eurasian Tree Sparrow and the Rock Dove             synanthropic, penetrate to the outskirts of
inhabit almost all residential landscapes of the    villages, where sufficient food and suitable
highlands.      All      the     above-mentioned    shelters can be found. It should be emphasized
synanthropic species have penetrated into           that the number of the Hooded Crow in the
mountainous areas since ancient times               studied anthropogenic landscapes is extremely
following human beings and since then always        limited, and it is very important since its low
prefer urbanized landscapes, where different        numbers ensure the safety of a vulnerable
types of anthropogenic forage and suitable          community of mountain birds from this
shelters can be found. Many rodents, available      dangerous nest-destroyer. In the absence of
there, also promote the breeding of the Little      suitable nesting trees in some settlements, the
Owl (2.1 ind./km2), which can be considered as      Hooded Crow fly to nest in adjacent forests,
a conventional synanthropic, because inhabits       located as far as 500 and more meters away,
practically all settlements of mountainous          where it nests on tall trees along the forest
Daghestan (Vilkov, 2007). The most abundant         periphery. However, the nesting birds regularly
species, in addition to typical synanthropic such   return to feed in “their” settlement.
as the Eurasian Tree Sparrow (52.2 ind./km2)        The sixth place is occupied by a tree-shrub bird
and Rock Dove (23.3 ind./km2), also include         community, uniting 28 taxa with a total average
conventional synanthropic such as the Rock          abundance of 215 ind./km2. The most abundant
Bunting (22.5 ind./km2) and Common                  species are the Rock Bunting (29 ind./km2),
Blackbird (21.6 ind./km2), typical for High-        Caucasian Chiffchaff (26 ind./km2) and Red-
mountain Daghestan. The most typical                fronted Serin (14.4 ind./km2). Such habitats as
conventional synanthropic include the Eurasian      shrubs and solitary trees in the north-western
Jay (6.6 ind./km2), Great Tit (8.4 ind./km2),       and central parts of High-mountain Province
Black Redstart (9.4 ind./km2), Gray and White       are usually used by non-breeding birds as
Wagtails (7.7 and 8.1 ind./km2) and some            temporary shelters, as we have discussed above.
others. According to the original data and          In conditions of the deforested south-eastern
inquires, a major part of the synanthropic bird     highlands dominated by mosaic shrub thickets
population is sedentary or semi-sedentary as        in subalpine meadows and sibljak-covered arid
they occur in residential landscapes all year       slopes with frequent winds and the deficit of
round, including the autumn-winter season. The      forage, shelters and nesting habitats, the role of
only exception is their short-term departures to    such refuges dramatically increases since birds
feeding areas located on the outskirts of           not only regularly feed and hide in them but
villages.    Most      of    the     conventional   also nest annually. The breeding group of these
synanthropes, occurring in settlements,             habitats consists of the Chukar Partridge (13.3
periodically move to adjacent territories in        ind./km2), Common Blackbird (3 ind./km2),
search of more suitable forage or breeding          Red-backed Shrike (2.5 ind./km2), European
habitats. In the autumn-winter season, such         Goldfinch (14.3 ind./km2), Red-fronted Serin
conventional synanthropic as the Hobby              6.7 ind./km2), Common Whitethroat (0.8
79 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

ind./km2), Rock Bunting (36 ind./km2), etc. The     were, "squeezing" him from their occupied
species variation in breeding birds proves that     territories. A similar reaction to the visitor was
the harsh bioclimatic conditions of the High-       demonstrated 2 hours later in the same site by
mountain Province can support not only highly       the same birds. The above suggests that, despite
specialized mountain taxa, but also adapted         the harsh conditions of the alpine zone, birds
populations of ecologically plastic bird species    gave a clear preference to the microhabitats that
of the plains, which have formed stable long-       were suitable for them, though located at
term relationships with local habitats. To be       untypical altitude. In fact, the main part of the
more persuasive, we will illustrate this. Thus,     local breeding population of the Eurasian Wren
during the annual counts (2006–2010) in the         (2.5 ind./km2) and Eurasian Robin (3.2
vicinity of Tlyarosh Village (Charodinsky           ind./km2) are found in their traditional habitats
District) (Vilkov 2013a), on the same bushed        located 250–300 metres down the precipitous
subalpine meadow (1,550–1,600 m) the same           slope in a mature mixed-deciduous forest.
male of the Red-Backed Shrike with a very           The seventh place is occupied by the bird
noticeable defect of his right wing was recorded    community of alpine meadows and upper forest
every year. The presence of this distinctive        boundaries, uniting 17 species with a total
character in a particular bird can be regarded as   average abundance of 98 ind./km2. In High-
equal to the reliable ringing data. Indeed, this    Mountain Daghestan the alpine zone starts from
bird from year to year bred in the same site        an altitude of 2,500 m, and its fragments are
within a radius of 100–150 m from the initial       mosaically        scattered.      The       severe
point of its nesting record. In fact, the given     meteorological conditions of the alpine zone,
example suggests a strong long-term                 deficit of forage and suitable shelters determine
relationship with the nesting site not only of a    the presence of mainly stenotopic bird groups
particular bird but also, probably, of the entire   including Caucasian Snowcock (3.4 ind./km2),
micropopulation adapted to the conditions of        Caucasian Black Grouse (4.5 ind./km2), Alpine
the mountains. And, as observations in other        Chough (5.4 ind./km2), Red-billed Chough,
regions of High-mountain and Intra-mountain         Great Rosefinch (3.7 ind./km2), Water Pipit (3.6
Daghestan have shown (Vilkov 2010; 2011a, b;        ind./km2),      Snowfinch        (6     ind./km2),
2013a),      such      habitat     fidelity    of   Güldenstädt’s Redstart (8.3 ind./km2),
micropopulations is recorded for many species       Common Rock Thrush (2.4 ind./km2), Alpine
of migratory birds of the plains preferring the     Accentor (8.3 ind./km2), etc. The most
same areas for many years. As for the fidelity to   abundant are the Common Rosefinch (11.2
inverted habitats in the deforested south-eastern   ind./km2), Red-billed Chough (10.8 ind./km2)
part of High-mountain Province, there, in the       and Black Redstart (9.4 ind./km2). Most
absence of woodland areas, suitable breeding        stenotopic taxa are disjunctively distributed, in
habitats for some forest bird species are           accordance with the location of alpine ridges.
replaced by outcrops and piles of stones with       They are also characterized by diurnal and
mosaic shrub thickets. Thus, on 24 September        seasonal movements to lower parts of the
2015 we encountered a Eurasian Wren and a           mountains. However, despite the harsh
Eurasian Robin on a juniper-covered rocky           conditions of their habitats the alpine meadows
slope surrounded by alpine meadows. The site        are also visited by birds from other bird
was located at an altitude of 1,950 m on the        communities. Among them there are the
right slope of the side gorge 6.5 km southward      Common Raven, Eurasian Skylark, Rock
of Rutul Village (Rutulsky District). Both birds    Bunting and some others. Observations show
showed clear signs of aggressive territorial        that these species are found within the alpine
fidelity, manifested in loud cries of the birds     belt in summer time or in the period of seasonal
repeatedly approaching the visitor and, as it       migrations. The species composition and
80 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

population density of the alpine bird group are      chicks from nests to sell them to falconers,
relatively stable, though in recent years, due to    photographers, etc.) also has substantially
the growing hunting pressure, the numbers of         increased in the recent decade (Vilkov 2014). In
the Caucasian Black Grouse and Caucasian             addition to the above-mentioned species the
Snowcock might decrease. The Caucasian               hoverers also include the Saker and small
Snowcock, being the third neoendemic taxa,           falcons – Merlin, Hobby Falcon and Common
has a very sporadic range in the alpine belt of      Kestrel. The Saker, as a nesting migrant, was
Daghestan highlands, varying from 1 to 7.3           repeatedly recorded in different regions of
ind./km2. A major part of its population is          mountainous Daghestan. A particular case of its
concentrated in High-mountain Province.              breeding was recorded on 19 August 2003 at the
During winter in highlands the Caucasian             edge of the pine-birch forest in the vicinity of
Snowcock usually prefers southern mountain           the alpine village of Verkhnee Gakvari
slopes, where snow patches is melted under the       (Tsumadinsky District) (Vilkov 2014). A
sun or quicker blown by wind. Seasonal vertical      migrating Merlin (3.3 ind./km2) was twice
movements are also observed: in the second           recorded (20 July 2009 and 23 August 2017) in
half of summer the species ascends to summits        a subalpine meadow with inclusions of shrub
and crests of mountains where it hides among         thickets and large orchards in the vicinity of
stones avoiding predators (Golden Eagle), and        Tsurib Village (Charodinsky District).
in winter, with the appearance of snow, it           According to inquires, this falcon was
descends to lower mountain belts. In winter the      frequently recorded in this site. In contrast to all
Snowcock prefers the lower half of the alpine        feathered raptors, the Hobby Falcon in High-
belt where it searches for snowless areas            mountain Daghestan is directly associated with
finding the forage; in early spring it descents up   anthropogenic landscapes because it breeds in
to the subalpine zone. The factors, limiting the     nests of the Hooded Crows, and the latter, in
species number, include cold winters with a lot      turn, are typical synanthropes making their
of snow and occasional shooting.                     nests in the human neighbourhood or at the
The eight place is occupied with a bird              periphery of nearby forests. As for the Common
community of hoverers, uniting 13 species with       Kestrel, it is quite widespread in different
a total average abundance of 19 ind./km2. This       habitats of High-mountain Daghestan breeding
group includes large and middle-sized birds of       in cliff niches surrounded by diverse landscapes
prey – the Golden Eagle, Common Buzzard,             where it hunts. In addition to typical hoverers
Long-legged Buzzard, European Honey                  the discussed bird group also includes
Buzzard, etc. and necrophages – the Griffon          conventional hoverers, namely two species of
Vulture, Lammergeier and Black Vulture. The          hawks – the Eurasian Sparrowhawk and
highest density of hoverers are recorded in the      Northern Goshawk. They are regarded as
areas of rodents concentration in the subalpine      “conventional” since they rarely leave forest
zone, burial grounds for animal refuses,             stands though sometimes move to subalpine
landfills, and mature forests. Human activity        and alpine meadows, less frequently - to the
has an essential impact on the number dynamics       nival belt and are often seen in settlements
and distribution of necrophagous raptors in          where they catch poultry on farmsteads. This
Daghestan mountains. It can be negative or           causes their periodical shooting by local
positive, depending on the intensity of livestock    residents (limiting factor). A quite significant
grazing which number has noticeably reduced          role of the Northern Goshawk as a key regulator
(5–7 and more times) in the last 2–3 decades,       of the number of some bird species should be
partly due to the emigration of people from          noted (Belik 2013). Thus, a pair of Northern
mountains to plain regions. A direct persecution     Goshawks, nested in 2017 and raised two
of birds of prey by humans (hunting and taking       chicks in the regularly surveyed forest of the
81 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

Gunib Mountain Botanical Garden of Russian          Daghestan, are located at different altitudes
Academy of Sciences (Intra-mountain                 and, as a consequence, their inhabitants are
Daghestan, 1,800– 1,900 m), dramatically            represented by various hydrophilic birds with a
reduced the number of average-sized birds,          wide range of environmental preferences.
which had been constantly seen in this site since   These species have insignificant abundance and
2014–2016, namely the Eurasian Jay – from 10        low population density as the rapid water flow,
to 2 ind./km2 and Common Blackbird – from           rocky bottom and rocky-pebble banks make
53.2 to 11.7 ind./km2. Also, the Common Wood        mountain watercourses unsuitable as a habitat
Pigeon (2 ind./km2), Green Woodpecker (6            for many plain hydrophilic species. This has
ind./km2), Common Buzzard (2.9 ind./km2) and        lead to the formation of a small group of birds,
Long-legged Buzzard (2 ind./km2) completely         which distribution is directly associated with
disappeared from the study area. Quite possible     the mountain hydrological network. It is
that having depleted their current forage           composed of the species which populations are
resources, the Northern Goshawks will further       most adapted to the water bodies and streams in
have to hunt on small birds, not only in the        harsh mountain conditions thereby turning
given forest but also in adjacent open              them into typical mountain bird species. They
landscapes that may decrease the number of          are the Common Sandpiper, Gray Wagtail,
some small bird species (Belik 2013).               White Wagtail, and White-throated Dipper.
The ninth place is occupied by a community of       These species use sharp forms of coastal relief
subnival-nival birds, consisting of 7 species       for nesting, and watercourses – for feeding. It is
with a total average abundance of 194 ind./km2.     interesting that despite the mudflow of 2009
In High-mountain Daghestan the subnival-nival       that had radically changed the outlines of banks
zone starts from 3,000 m. For most bird species     and pebble beaches of the Karala-Zurger River
the habitat conditions of this zone are extreme,    (near Tlyarosh Village, Charodinsky District,
and in this context, similar to the community of    1,530 m), a micropopulation of the Common
alpine birds, the taxonomic structure of this       Sandpiper, regularly nested there before the
avian group unites narrow specialists well          mudflow, not only returned in subsequent years
adapted to dwelling in snow-covered areas of        to their former breeding area, but significantly
mountains and glaciers. The species diversity       increased from 8.5 to 33.3 ind./km2. In addition
and ecology of subnival-nival birds have much       to a stable breeding group of mountain
in common with the alpine species but there are     hydrophiles, distributed within a branched
no such taxa as the Caucasian Black Grouse,         hydrological network of the highlands, there is
Wallcreeper and Common Rock Thrush.                 also found the Green Sandpiper – a scanty
However, other stenotopic forms are always          summering species, occurring occasionally
present (except for the winter season):             along the banks of rivers and shores of water
Caucasian Snowcock (1–5 ind./km2), Red-             bodies. Thus, two Green Sandpipers were
billed Chough, Alpine Chough, Alpine                recorded on 10 September, 2000 at the shore of
Accentor,      Güldenstädt's      Redstart   (2.2   an alpine lake (2,800 m) in the vicinity of
        2                            2
ind./km ), Snowfinch (6 ind./km ), and Great        Chirag (Agulsky District) where the birds were
Rosefinch (3.7 ind./km2). The most abundant         feeding on Gammarus sp., living in shallows of
species are the Red-billed Chough (10               the water body. Another species of the group of
ind./km2), Alpine Accentor (2.5–14 ind./km2),       mountain hydrophiles is the Marsh Warbler,
and Alpine Chough (5.4 ind./km2).                   inhabiting shores of small lakes and spills of
The tenth place is occupied by waterbirds,          mountain watercourses overgrown with
consisting of 6 species with a total average        macrophytes. This species is widely distributed
abundance of 209 ind./km2. The water objects,       from Piedmont to High-mountain Daghestan
as intrazonal inclusions of High-mountain           (Vilkov 2010; 2011b).        Thus, a solitary
82 | Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4(2): 73-83 (2020)

individual of the Marsh Warbler was recorded         noticeable decrease in the number of Barn
on 22.08.2011 on a marshy alpine meadow at           Swallows that has been observed at the
an altitude of 2,300 m in the spurs of the Nukatl    macropopulation level over the last 10–15 years
Ridge (Charodinsky District).                        (Vilkov 2013b). The decline in abundance of
And, finally, the 11th bird group is represented     the alpine population of this species is
by airborne birds, consisting of 6 species of        presumably associated with an integrated effect
open air environment with a total average            of 3 limiting factors: 1 – the climate
abundance of 213 ind./km2. Despite the single        mesophilization of mountain ecosystems and
(air) habitat, the population diversity of these     reduction in the wetland areas used by the Barn
birds varies in different parts of High-mountain     Swallow in the nest-building period (clay
Daghestan. This is due to the fact that their        intake); 2 – the reduction in the number of
qualitative and quantitative composition is          livestock and farms where it previously nested;
determined not only by the orography of              3 - the application of new building materials
suitable rocky habitats located at different         (brick instead of natural stone, plastic windows,
altitudes, but also by the habitat availability of   cermets, etc.), worsening the quality of
terrestrial ecosystems. In this regard,              breeding habitats (farms, houses, etc.).
geographically distant natural complexes             The specific pattern of the avifauna of High-
supply birds with different amount of forage,        mountain Daghestan is provided not only by
suitable shelters or nesting areas. When             resident communities of typical mountain birds,
feeding, the airborne birds actively use forage      but also by nesting in the mountains adapted
resources of their occupied territory, where they    populations of migratory birds of the plains.
are constantly moving following the
                                                     The relationships of birds with their mountain
successively warming by the sun landscape
                                                     habitats (including the species of the plains),
surface since the increased temperature in the
                                                     having established during a long historical
"sunspot" epicentre substantially activates the
                                                     period, lead to the appearance of highly
insect activity. In addition, the flying insects
                                                     specialized and, as a rule, territorially isolated
form so-called forage "aeroplankton", which
                                                     micropopulations supposedly inhabiting the
components attract airborne birds. In different
                                                     same habitats for many years.
highland areas the structure and density of
                                                     Conclusively, the avifauna of High-mountain
aeroplankton prey species greatly vary, directly
                                                     Daghestan is characterized by the cyclic
reflecting in the quantitative structure of the
                                                     changes in periods of seasonal migrations and
airborne birds. Thus, the presence of the
                                                     the long-term changes under the impact of a set
Eurasian Bee-eater, a migrating and summering
                                                     of limiting factors: global warming, reduction
species of the Daghestan highlands, is primarily
                                                     in cultivation areas, decreasing livestock
determined by the presence of apiaries around
                                                     population,        increasing      anthropogenic
which these birds regularly concentrate and
                                                     transformation of the environment, hunting
feed, irritating beekeepers who regularly shoot
                                                     pressure and birds of prey.
them (limiting factor) (Vilkov 2016). For
                                                     The analysis of the collected material provides
example, only on 7 September 2017 the apiaries
                                                     not only a picture of the species diversity and
located near Tlyarosh Village (Charodinsky
                                                     territorial distribution of birds but also gives a
District) concentrated, after the rainy weather,
                                                     representation of the avifauna abundance of the
over 150–180 Eurasian Bee-eaters, causing
                                                     High-mountain Daghestan.
panic among local beekeepers as the birds
pecked bees directly at bee-entrances of the
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