Bill disparity and feeding strategies among fossil and modern penguins
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Paleobiology, 46(2), 2020, pp. 176–192 DOI: 10.1017/pab.2020.10 Article Bill disparity and feeding strategies among fossil and modern penguins Martín Chávez-Hoffmeister Abstract.—One of the most remarkable differences between Paleogene penguins and their living relatives is the shape and length of their beaks. Many of the Eocene and Oligocene penguins have a thin and elon- gated spear-like bill, which contrasts with the proportionally shorter and more robust bill of most living species. These differences suggest an important shift in their feeding strategies. This study explores the morphological disparity on the skull of penguins, emphasizing bill morphology and it relationship with feeding habits. For this, the skulls of 118 species of aquatic birds, including 21 fossil and living pen- guins, were analyzed using two-dimensional geometric morphometric. The results show that, unlike what has been reported for modern birds overall, in penguins and Aequornithes, bill elongation is related to a reduction of the braincase. The discriminant analysis shows that there are significant differences between penguins that feed near or far from the coast and between those that consume nectonic and planktonic prey, identifying Madrynornis as the only extinct form with a possibly planktonic diet. Additionally, it is clear that Paleogene penguins occupy a region of morphospace unexplored by most diving birds, with the western grebe being their closest modern analogue. This is consistent with the hypothesis that giant penguins hunted by harpooning and not by biting as living forms do, signaling a significant change in the habits of those birds leading to the emergence of their crown group. Martín Chávez-Hoffmeister. Laboratorio de Paleontología, Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. E-mail: Accepted: 28 January 2020 Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: Introduction long beak of the modern king penguin, Though very little was known about the cra- whereas the second is a straight and pointed nial morphology of stem penguins until the fragment of jaw with an unusually long sym- twenty-first century, we know now that one physis. In fact, the latter specimen was so differ- of the most striking differences between extant ent from any modern taxa that Marples was not penguins and their Paleogene relatives can be even sure whether it belonged to a penguin. seen in their bills (Fig. 1). Many stem penguins Later, Olson (1985) and Myrcha et al. (1990) shared a distinctive and extremely elongated presented the first well-preserved beaks from spear-like bill (Ksepka and Ando 2011), repre- La Meseta, tentatively referred to as the senting more than two-thirds of the skull “giant” penguins Palaeeudyptes or Anthropornis, length. This contrast with the shorter and revealing for the first time the existence of a more robust beak present on most modern pen- long spear-like beak in the Eocene taxa. The guins suggests an important shift in their feed- subsequent discovery of Waimanu (Slack et al. ing strategies. Some of the first indications of 2006), Icadyptes (Clarke et al. 2007), and this extreme morphology on Paleogene pen- Inkayacu (Clarke et al. 2010) showed that a nar- guins were mentioned by Marples (1952), row and slender pointed bill was indeed com- who pointed out the existence of associated mon among Paleogene taxa, and this is now skull fragments for the partial skeleton OM considered as a character shared by most of GL427 currently assigned to Kairuku (Ksepka the stem penguins (Ksepka and Ando 2011). et al. 2012) and for the holotype of Archaeosphe- In contrast, modern penguins tend to have niscus lowei. The first included a partial beak shorter and bulkier bills. The great penguins described as straight and overall similar to the (Aptenodytes) are the only exception among © 2020 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Downloaded from Creative Commons Attribution licence IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject towhich (, the Cambridge permitsCore terms of use, unrestricted available at re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 0094-8373/20
DISPARITY AND FEEDING AMONG PENGUINS 177 extant taxa, possessing long and slender bills FIGURE 1. Skull morphology in stem and crown penguins. Skull reconstructions of selected fossil taxa including the stem Procellariiformes Rupelornis brodkorbi, the stem Sphe- resembling the condition observed in more primitive forms, but being proportionally shorter. Short bills are also known in some fos- sil taxa, all of which have been identified as closely related or members of the crown group (Ksepka and Clarke 2010). Both Madry- nornis and Palaeospheniscus had short beaks similar to those of most extant penguins (Acosta Hospitaleche et al. 2007, 2008), whereas Spheniscus urbinai and Spheniscus megaramphus are distinctive in having larger and overall bulkier bills than their living relatives (Stucchi 2002; Stucchi et al. 2003). nisciformes Inkayacu paracasensis and Icadyptes salasi, and the Spheniscidae Madrynornis mirandus. Scale bars (black), 10 mm. These differences between stem and crown taxa points to an important shift in feeding strategies during the evolution of penguins. Zusi (1975) noticed that the morphology of both upper and lower jaws is particularly dis- tinctive between living penguins specialized for preying on small shoaling organisms (i.e., krill) versus those specialized on fish. Krill- eating penguins have wider beaks and broader jaws with reduced symphyses to accommodate an enlarged tongue, whereas fish eaters have narrower but more robust beaks and longer postarticular processes in their jaws to allow more mobility and support increased bite forces. Considering that such differences are subtle compared with the remarkable disparity observed between stem and crown taxa, it is safe to assume that those modifications are most likely related to changes in feeding strat- egies. It has been suggested that the spear-like beak of stem penguins is suitable for spearing large prey (Olson 1985; Myrcha et al. 1990), whereas the capture of smaller shoaling prey seems to have been a strategy that evolved close to or within the crown group (Ksepka and Bertelli 2006), although others have sug- gested that plankton eaters could have already appeared by the late Eocene (Haidr and Acosta Hospitaleche 2012). Here, the relation between cranial morph- ology, with emphasis on the bill and its relation to the braincase, and several aspects of feeding habits in penguins and other aquatic birds was analyzed through geometric morphometrics using a large dataset including fossil and extant taxa. These analyses allow us for the first time to offer a quantitative approach to infer the Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
178 MARTIN CHAVEZ‐HOFFMEISTER diet of extinct penguins and compare the The full dataset is based on a compilation of morphology of living and fossil penguins pictures of skulls without ramphotheca in lat- with other diving birds and core waterbirds, eral view, some of which were downloaded identifying trends and differences among from the online libraries Digital Morphology most of the known seabirds in relation to their (2002–2019), Virtual Zooarchaeology of the feeding strategies. Arctic Project (2010–2019), Seabird Osteology Institutional Abbreviations.—IB/P/B, Insti- (2002–2013), and Bird Skull Collection (2000– tute of Biology, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, 2017). Lateral views have been used in order Bialystok, Poland; MPEF−PV, Museo Paleonto- to include as many fossil specimens as possible, logico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew, Argentina; many of which are poorly preserved in dorsal MUSM, Museo de Historia Natural de la view. Published drawings and reconstructions Universidad Nacional de San Marcos, Lima, of fossil material were used for Limnofregata Peru; OM GL, Otago Museum, Dunedin, New (Olson 1977), Prophaethon (Harrison and Zealand; SDSNH, San Diego Natural History Walker 1976), Hesperornis (Bühler et al. 1988), Museum, San Diego, USA; SMNK-PAL, Staa- and Mancallinae SDSNH 25236 (Smith 2011), tliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe, whereas published pictures were used for Mio- Karlsruhe, Germany; USNM, United States cepphus (Wijnker and Olson 2009). Pictures National Museum (Smithsonian Institution), were also used for S. urbinai and S. megaramphus, Washington, USA. whereas reconstructions were produced based on high-resolution pictures for the remaining fossil taxa (Fig 1). Although the accuracy of Materials and Methods reconstructions based on partial or distorted Dataset.—To study the cranial diversity specimens can be subject to debate, they offer among penguins and in relation to other water- a broad approximation of the skull shape of fos- birds, the skulls of 118 aquatic species (Supple- sil taxa that cannot be otherwise analyzed. mentary Table 1) were analyzed, emphasizing Independent analyses were run for three bill morphology using two-dimensional geo- subsets of taxa: (1) penguins only, (2) pursuit metric morphometrics. This dataset includes divers, and (3) Aequornithes plus Phaethonti- most of the extant penguin species (17 species) formes. This partition was made to allow for plus five fossil taxa for which reasonably well- easier visualization of the resulting morpho- -preserved skulls are known: Inkayacu paraca- space occupied by penguins and their relation sensis (MUSM 1444), Icadyptes salasi (MUSM to other aquatic birds that use the same feeding 897), Madrynornis mirandus (MPEF−PV 100), strategy (pursuit diving) and within the S. urbinai (SMNK-PAL 3978), and S. megaram- same large ecological/phylogenetic assem- phus (MUSM 175). All other extant marine blage (marine core waterbirds). core waterbirds (Gaviidae, Diomedeidae, Classifiers.—Clade membership, foraging Procellariidae, Hydrobatidae, Fregatidae, tactics, and primary diet were defined for Anhingidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Sulidae, and each extant species based primarily on del Pelecanidae) are also represented, along Hoyo et al. (2015) and used as classifiers (Sup- with tropicbirds (Phaethontidae) and non- plementary Table 1). The use of these partitions Aequornithes specialized in pursuit diving not only allows the comparison between each such as grebes (Podicipedidae) and auks group, but it can also allow the classification (Alcidae). Six additional fossil taxa were also of fossil taxa of unknown membership (see included to capture the morphological spec- below). Because aquatic birds are often flexible trum covered by extinct seabirds: Hesperornis in their foraging strategies and diet, it is import- regalis (Hesperornithiformes), Mancallinae ant to remember that these are overall categor- indet. SDSNH 25236 (pan-Alcidae), Miocepphus ies that summarize broad biological spectrums. blowi (Alcidae), Prophaethon shrubsolei (stem The Aequornithes were divided into seven Phaethontidae), Limnofregata azygosteron foraging-tactic groups based on a modified ver- (stem Fregatidae), and Rupelornis brodkorbi sion of Ashmole’s (1971) categories, accounting (stem Procellariiformes). for some biomechanical specializations: Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DISPARITY AND FEEDING AMONG PENGUINS 179 (1) pursuit diving, (2) pursuit plunging, (3) here in separated categories and that may also plunging, (4) scooping, (5) surface seizing, (6) include carrion, eggs, and chicks among others. surface seizing/plunging, (7) hydroplaning/ One additional ecological classifier analyzed surface filtering, (8) pattering/dipping, (9) dip- using the penguins-only subset was foraging ping, and (10) ground predation/scavenging. area. This refers to the foraging distance pen- The first category includes those birds that cap- guins travel with respect to the colony, for ture their prey by chasing it underwater (e.g., which the arrangement of Croxall and Davis penguins), whereas the second is used for (1999) that separates penguins into (1) inshore those which do so after plunging from the air and (2) outshore foragers was used. The first (e.g., shearwaters). “Plunging” is restricted to group feed close to their breeding colonies birds that hunt by plunge diving from more (
180 MARTIN CHAVEZ‐HOFFMEISTER FIGURE 2. Analysis of skull shape disparity among penguin genera. A, Position of landmarks on seabird skulls. Landmark definition: 1, caudal end of the rostrum tomial edge; 2, premaxillary symphysis at the tip of the rostrum; 3, nasofrontal hinge; 4, highest point of the braincase; 5, dorsal end of the transversal nuchal crest; 6, ventral tip of the paraoccipital process; 7, squamosal cotyla for the quadrate cranial-most edge; 8, postorbital process tip; 9, caudal-most edge of the joint between nasal and lacrimal. B, Two- dimensional morphospace with phylogenetic mapping based on the first two principal component (PC) axes. C, Distinctiveness among primary diet groups on the morpho- space defined by the first two linear discriminant analysis (LDA) axes and relative distribution of unclassified fossil taxa. D, Distinctiveness among foraging distance groups on the morphospace defined by the first two LDA axes and relative distribution of unclassified fossil taxa. Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DISPARITY AND FEEDING AMONG PENGUINS 181 were compared to identify the optimum per- Despite some potential overlap close to the formance for each classifier (Supplementary central region of the plot, the space occupied Table 3). Additionally, each optimal series of by each genus is well defined by the first two PC scores was examined using nonparametric axes (Fig. 2B). This taxonomic partition of the multivariate analysis of variance (one-way morphospace suggests a strong correlation NPMANOVA) with 10,000 permutations and between skull morphology and phylogeny, Euclidean distances in PAST 2.17c. All single- which has been confirmed by the highly signifi- tons and specimens of unknown membership cant p-value (
182 MARTIN CHAVEZ‐HOFFMEISTER TABLE 1. Feeding strategies inferred for fossil penguins. The group identity for each taxon is based on jackknifed linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classification using different taxonomic samples. Percentages of correctly classified points are also jackknifed. Foraging area Primary diet Taxonomic sample Penguins Penguins Aequornithes % Correctly classified points 77.3 81.8 67.7 Inkayacu — Fish/cephalopods — Icadyptes — — Fish/cephalopods Madrynornis Inshore Zooplankton — Spheniscus urbinai — — Fish/cephalopods performance for this classifier was achieved variation (68.9%). The first PC is related to the using the first 14 PC axes, and the NPMA- dorsoventral compression of the braincase NOVA show that the skulls of penguins prey- along with bill length and thinness; whereas ing on these dietary items are significantly the second PC describes the braincase length different (F = 4.2, Bonferroni p-value = 0.01). and bill narrowing (Supplementary Fig. 2B). The first two LDA canonical axes allow a The third PC axis, which contributes to explain clear discrimination between both primary 8.8% of the variability, is related to the dorso- diets (Fig. 2C), recovering 81.8% of correctly ventral expansion of the braincase and the con- classified points. The analysis is able to classify striction of the bill at its middle point; while the only two fossil taxa using these dietary categor- fourth is related to the size of the braincase and ies (Table 1), identifying Inkayacu as a possible the broadening of the bill, accounting for 5% of predator of fish and/or cephalopods (e.g., the variability. squids) and Madrynornis as a likely consumer A strong correlation between skull morph- of zooplankton. Following analyses including ology and phylogeny is confirmed among pur- additional groups of seabirds were unable to suit divers by the highly significant p-value confirm or offer alternative assignments for ( DISPARITY AND FEEDING AMONG PENGUINS FIGURE 3. Skull shape disparity among pursuit diving birds. A, Taxic partition of morphospace at level of families for pursuit divers with phylogenetic mapping, based on the first two principal component (PC) axes. B, Distinctiveness among families on the morphospace defined by the first two linear discriminant analysis (LDA) axes. C, Distinct- iveness among primary diet groups on the morphospace defined by the first two LDA axes. 183 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
184 MARTIN CHAVEZ‐HOFFMEISTER clearer discrimination of each family (Fig. 3B), the braincase and caudal migration of the para- with penguins occupying the second quadrant occipital process along with bill narrowing and auks in the third quadrant along with (Supplementary Fig. 2C). grebes and loons. The analysis could recover As in all the analyses, the permutation test 90.6% of correctly classified points, erroneously shows a strong correlation ( p-value < 0.0001) classifying 6 of the 64 analyzed species. All fos- between skull morphology and phylogeny. sil taxa were correctly classified in terms of In the case of the morphospace defined by the morphospace, except for Inkayacu, which was first two axes (Fig. 4A), most of the observed erroneously attributed to pan-Alcidae. Never- overlap occurs close to the origin and on the theless, the pairwise NPMANOVA values horizontal axis. Unsurprisingly, families repre- shows that cormorants are the only group sig- sented by a single genus, such as loons nificantly different (F = 4.7–22.3, p-values and pelicans (Pelecanidae), occupy the smallest < 0.05) from all other families represented by morphospaces. However, loons are placed more than a single observation. Auks also close to the origin overlapping with other show significant differences from penguins groups (e.g., petrels, penguins), whereas peli- (F = 5.7, p-value = 0.02), but not from grebes cans plot far from all other Aequornithes, or loons. because of high positive PC 1 scores related to Three primary diet categories are observed their hyperelongated beaks. Similarly, the among pursuit divers: (1) zooplankton, (2) only storm petrel included here, Oceanodroma fish and/or cephalopods, and (3) fish and tethys, occupies an isolated region of morpho- arthropods. The NPMANOVA shows that the space in the third quadrant, due to its skulls of diving birds that consume mostly unusually high negative scores on both axes. zooplankton are significantly different from As in the case of pursuit divers, cormorants those of diving birds that prey on fish and non- and shags form one of the most distinctive fam- pelagic arthropods (F = 5.6, p-value < 0.001), ilies of Aequornithes, being completely isolated and particularly from those of diving birds on the positive side of the second PC axis. Des- that prey on fish and/or cephalopods (F = 10.8, pite being constrained to a relatively narrow p-value < 0.001). However, there are no signifi- area along the second PC axis, penguins cant differences between piscivorous species occupy the widest areas when stem taxa are that complement their diets with arthropods included. Whereas Madrynornis and all extant and those that prefer cephalopods. This is taxa are placed on the negative side of the also reflected by the first two LDA canonical first PC axis, the remaining fossil penguins axes, which allow a clear discrimination occupy the positive side approaching the between zooplankton and fish consumers, but spaces occupied by tubenoses (i.e., albatrosses) not between each piscivorous group (Fig. 3C). and frigatebirds. Petrels and allies (Procellarii- This analysis could classify two of the fossil dae) occupy the largest area overall, with shear- taxa included with 67.2% effectiveness waters (Puffinus and Callonectris) spread close (Table 2), identifying the auk Miocepphus blowi to the horizontal axis, and all remaining genera as a possible consumer of zooplankton and occupying the negative side of the second axis the Mancallinae indet. SDSNH 25236 as a likely in the third quadrant, except for the giant petrel predator of fish and/or cephalopods. (Macronectes giganteus), which crosses to the Cranial Disparity and Feeding Strategies among fourth quadrant. Core Waterbirds.—The skull disparity among The optimal performance on all LDAs was marine Aequornithes plus tropicbirds is cap- achieved using the first 29 PC axes (Supple- tured by 98 PC axes, with ca. 90% of the vari- mentary Table 3). In general, the first two ance explained by the first six axes, and the LDA canonical axes allow a clear separation first two accounting for most of the shape vari- of each family (Supplementary Fig. 3B), ation (73.3%). The first PC mainly describes a although there is some overlap between pen- reduction in braincase size correlated with an guins, pelicans, tropicbirds, and loons in the increase in bill elongation, whereas the second second quadrant. The analysis recovers 87% PC describes the dorsoventral compression of of correctly classified points, erroneously Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DISPARITY AND FEEDING AMONG PENGUINS 185 TABLE 2. Feeding strategies inferred for non-penguin fossil seabirds. The group identity for each taxon is based on jackknifed linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classification using different taxonomic samples. Percentages of correctly classified points are also jackknifed. Primary diet Foraging tactics Taxonomic sample Divers Aequornithes Aequornithes % Correctly classified points 67.2 67.7 78.8 Mancallinae indet. Fish/cephalopods — — Miocepphus Zooplankton — — Prophaethon — — Pursuit diving Limnofregata — Fish/arthropods — Rupelornis — Zooplankton Pursuit plunging classifying 13 of the 99 analyzed species. The foraging tactics. Pursuit divers show significant pairwise NPMANOVA values show that tro- differences from those that feed by scooping picbirds and loons are not significantly differ- (F > 36, p-values < 0.008) and a combination ent from any other family of Aequornithes, of surface seizing and plunging (F > 6, p-values whereas frigatebirds are only significantly dif- < 0.02), being also identified as significantly ferent (F = 15.2, p-value = 0.03) from cormor- different from dipping (F = 7.1, p-value = 0.02) ants. All remaining families are significantly and high plunging birds (F = 7.1, p-value = different from one another to different degrees 0.01). This dataset allows a clear visual discrim- (F > 8, p-values < 0.05), except for albatrosses ination of each foraging tactic using the with respect to pelicans, which, despite having first two LDA axes (Fig. 4C), also recovering a a high F-value, do not show significant differ- high percentage of correctly classified points ences after Bonferroni correction (F = 29, (78.8%). Only two of the fossils included for p-value = 0.08). which the foraging tactic is unknown were clas- Similar to the results obtained for diving sified (Table 2): Rupelornis as a likely hunter by birds, the NPMANOVA shows that the skull pursuit plunging, and Prophaethon as a possible of zooplankton-eating Aequornithes is signifi- pursuit diver. cantly different from those preying on fish and/or cephalopods (F = 16.7, p-value < Discussion 0.001) and from omnivorous or opportunist taxa (F = 4, p-value = 0.01). Yet, no significant Morphological Trends among Penguins and differences were identified between any of the Waterbirds.—As has been mentioned, there is piscivorous categories (i.e., fish/cephalopods, clear evidence of a major change in the body fish/arthropods) and omnivore/opportunist plan of penguins during their evolution in taxa (Fig. 4B). The analysis is only able to clas- relation to their skull morphology and beak sify two of the non-penguin fossils included in particular. The first PC axis shows that (Table 2), classifying Limnofregata as a possible most of the skull variance in penguins is consumer of fish and non-pelagic arthropods, indeed linked to changes in bill length, as is and Rupelornis as a likely zooplankton eater. also the case among Aequornithes (Supple- This dataset also offers an opportunity to test mentary Fig. 2C). However, these results also whether foraging tactics in waterbirds can be show that bill length is inversely correlated recognized based on cranial morphology. The with braincase size, so the hyperelongated pairwise NPMANOVAs show that the skulls spear-like bill of stem penguins results in a pro- of waterbirds that feed by surface seizing or fil- portionately smaller braincase. Accordingly, tering (with or without hydroplaning) are not the braincase of giant penguins like Inkayacu significantly different from those of other is not much larger than in some extant pen- groups (Table 3). Overall, birds that feed by guins, despite being considerably longer. This scooping (i.e., pelicans) or pursuit diving is one of the main distinctions between the seem to have the most distinctive skulls skull of Paleogene penguins and extant species among Aequornithes, being significantly dif- of the genus Aptenodytes. A similar trend ferent from those of birds with the other four between rostrum and braincase has been Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
186 MARTIN CHAVEZ‐HOFFMEISTER FIGURE 4. Skull shape disparity among Aequornithes families plus tropicbirds (Phaethontidae). A, Two-dimensional morphospace with phylogenetic mapping based on the first two principal component (PC) axes. B, Distinctiveness among primary diet groups on the morphospace defined by the first two linear discriminant analysis (LDA) axes. C, Distinctiveness among foraging tactic groups on the morphospace defined by the first two LDA axes. Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DISPARITY AND FEEDING AMONG PENGUINS 187 TABLE 3. Results of nonparametric multivariate analysis of variance (NPMANOVA) verifying the differences in seabird skull shape based on foraging tactics. F-values from the analysis of the Aequornithes-only subset excluding singletons. Statistically significant values (Bonferroni-corrected p-value > 0.05) are shown in bold. Higher F-values indicate larger differences. S P D SS SS/P PD PP H Scooping (S) — Plunging (P) 66.9 — Dipping (D) 6.2 13 — Surface seizing (SS) 15.2 5.4 2.5 — Surface seizing/plunging (SS/P) 36.3 7.1 5 0.7 — Pursuit diving (PD) 43.1 7.1 7.1 2.7 9.5 — Pursuit plunging (PP) 88.4 15.3 19.5 3.6 4.7 3.2 — Hydroplaning/surface filtering (H) 40 15 10.8 0.2 2 8.3 4.6 — observed in theropod skulls (Marugán-Lobón not only in penguins but also among other and Buscalioni 2003; Foth and Rauhut 2013), aquatic birds such as cormorants and darters. which contrasts with the results of Marugán- Interestingly, none of these correlations seems Lobón and Buscalioni (2004, 2006), who to play a major role in the case of the main com- found that the length of both elements change ponents explaining the variation on pursuit mostly independently in modern birds, with divers, in which the elongation and thinning the bill orientation being identified as a major of the bill correlate with a dorsoventral com- driver of changes in braincase morphology. pression of the braincase instead (Supplemen- In penguins, this aspect is part of second PC tary Fig. 2B). axis, which relates to variations in the overall Another important factor that may be con- shape of the bill and the relative position of tributing to this pattern is the “Pinocchio effect” the braincase, so that when the braincase is (e.g., Siegel and Benson 1982; Hallgrimsson placed above the tomial edge of the bill, et al. 2015). When much of the variation is the culmen becomes more concave and its tip restricted to a few landmarks or even to a single more hooked, as seen in banded penguins landmark, the Procrustes superimposition (Spheniscus). Zusi (1975) identified these differ- tends to spread variation from landmarks ences in the position of the bill in penguins with greater variation to landmarks with less based on its position relative to the basitem- variation. Because superimposition scales all poral plate, suggesting that such variations shapes to the same centroid size, the extreme may reflect the angle at which the bill is held elongation of one part of the form (e.g., beak) during foraging, based on the work of Duijm will reduce the overall size of it. This means (1951). The second PC axis of Aequornithes that for individuals with identical braincase shows similar changes related to bill orienta- sizes but different beak sizes, the braincase tion paired with an overall thinning of will appear relatively smaller in those indivi- the skull. duals with longer beaks. While the Pinocchio Although some methodological differences effect is not usually considered a major prob- are likely to contribute to the differences lem in studies aiming to describe or test differ- between studies (e.g., selection and coverage ences between groups (e.g., species) (Tatsuta of landmarks, here with an emphasis on bill et al. 2018), it is relevant when discussing the morphology over braincase), taxonomic sam- shape deformation itself. Although the use of pling is certainly an important cause of these semilandmarks helps to mitigate this artifact differences. Banded penguins are considered by spreading the variation of the beak across extreme examples of the skull defined as type multiple points, this effect may partially influ- 1 or orthocranial (Marugán-Lobón and Busca- ence the pattern observed in penguins and lioni 2004), in which the bill is held horizontally core waterbirds. Therefore, the impact of bill and the foramen magnum is vertical, being hyperelongation in the morphological trends very straight overall (Duijm 1951; Hofer 1952). of bird skulls overall must be assessed taking This seems to be the most common condition this potential bias into account. Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
188 MARTIN CHAVEZ‐HOFFMEISTER Taxic Occupation of Morphospace and Possible this region of the skull. This partition between Analogues for Extinct Penguins.—Although all fossil and living penguins suggests that these permutation tests show strong correlations extinct taxa were exploring very different feed- between skull morphology and phylogeny, ing methods and/or prey from their extant this is not necessarily reflected in a perfect counterparts. Whereas most modern penguins taxic partitioning of the morphospace. For fill a morphospace region largely unexplored instance, while there seems to be a good separ- by other Aequornithes (Fig. 4A), Spheniscus ation of the space occupied by each penguin paleospecies invade the space occupied by genus when the first two PC axes are plotted extant boobies, shearwaters, and albatrosses, (Fig. 2B), the NPMANOVA values show no and stem penguins approach the region occu- significant differences between the four poly- pied by extant frigatebirds. A similar distribu- typic extant genera (i.e., Aptenodytes, Pygoscelis, tion is observed when penguins are compared Eudyptes, and Spheniscus). This appears to with other pursuit divers (Fig. 3A), with little reflect the proximity and partial overlapping overlap between extant penguins and other between most extant genera, particularly close diving families, and extinct taxa covering sep- to the origin, which seems to be mainly caused arate areas. However, the quadrant occupied by the wide area covered by Spheniscus follow- by fossil penguins seems to be rarely explored ing the inclusion of its fossil species. Neverthe- by extant divers, being mostly covered by less, the first two LDA axes allow a clear extinct flightless taxa such as Hesperonis and discrimination of each genus (Supplementary auks (i.e., Mancallinae and Pinguinus). Today, Fig. 3A), except for Madrynornis from Eudyptes, the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia), grebes, and they are also able to correctly classify 72% and to some extent loons seem to be among of the species. It is also noteworthy that sym- the few divers filling this space, with the patric taxa tend to occupy separate areas in dagger-billed western grebe (Aechmophorus the PC morphospace, as in the case of the Ant- occidentalis) being the closest analogue to the arctic genera Aptenodytes and Pygoscelis or the spear-billed stem penguins, whereas S. urbinai species that regularly breed in the Falkland and S. megaramphus seem to be more similar Islands (i.e., A. patagonicus, Pygoscelis papua, to the extinct Mancallinae auks and particu- Eudyptes chrysocome, Eudyptes chrysolophus, larly to the great auk (P. impennis) and Spheniscus magellanicus). It is also worth noting that, in general, pen- The analyses also show that Madrynornis and guins and auks occupy close but distinct areas all extant penguins occupy a different region of of the morphospace defined by the first two morphospace, not only from the giant Eocene PC axes (Fig. 3A). As mentioned, most of the Inkayacu and Icadyptes, as would be expected, overlap between pan-Alcidae and Sphenisci- but also from S. urbinai and S. megaramphus formes is caused by extinct taxa of both families, due to their shorter beaks and larger braincases. such as P. impennis and S. urbinai. However, Although the king penguin (A. patagonicus) is both the little auk (Alle alle) and Cassin’s auklet the only extant species approaching the cranial (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) overlap or approach proportions of these fossil taxa, it is clearly not a the crested penguins Eudyptes; whereas the close analogue of these extreme morphologies. long-billed murrelet (Brachyramphus perdix) The extant great penguins have thinner and approaches Madrynornis. These three species shorter bills along with proportionally larger are the only alcids classified as zooplankton braincases, as is reflected in their position in eaters, as is also the case for Eudyptes. This the morphospace defined by the first two PC shows that despite often having been considered axes (Fig. 2B). ecological analogues, living auks and penguins A similar separation between stem and often have very distinct skulls, which converge crown penguins was identified based on the only on planktivorous species and some extinct dorsal morphology of the braincase (Acosta piscivorous ones. Hospitaleche 2011), although S. urbinai and S. Seizing Prey.—Olson (1985) and Myrcha megaramphus do not seem to be different from et al. (1990) have proposed that the spear-like the extant banded penguins based only on beak of stem penguins could be appropriate Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
DISPARITY AND FEEDING AMONG PENGUINS 189 for spearing large prey underwater. Ksepka et al. (2008) described several anatomical fea- tures in Icadyptes that point to it as a spear- diving specialist, including the narrow and solid bill and the robustness of the cervical ver- tebrae. This scenario seems to be congruent with the placement of the stem penguins in relation to other pursuit divers (Fig. 3A), par- ticularly with the western grebe. Few extant birds hunt by spear-diving, and darters or anhingas (Anhinghidae) are by far the most specialized, capturing fish by spearing them in a similar fashion to herons after underwater stalking or pursuit (Nelson 1980). However, both loons and large grebes (e.g., Aechmo- phorus) are also able to spear their prey under- water during pursuit, although they can also catch it with a forceps-like motion (Lawrence 1950; LaPorte et al. 2013). Similar to giant pen- guins, all these birds possess pointed and elon- gated bony bills, which are covered in life by a relatively thin but sharp rhamphotheca that closely resembles the bone shape. Likewise, Ksepka et al. (2008) inferred that a thin rham- photheca was present in Icadyptes, based on the vascular texturing of the bony beak. They also highlighted that other similarly hyperelon- gated bills found isolated in Antarctica (i.e., USNM 244152, IB/P/B-0167) seem to be less ankylosed and more lightly built than in Icadyptes. Based on direct examination, it is pos- sible to confirm the existence of different degrees of palatal ankylosing of the premaxil- lae among giant penguins (Fig. 5), with FIGURE 5. Bill comparisons in stem penguins and extant Icadyptes showing the most extensive palatal taxa in lateral (up) and ventral (down) views. A, Inkayacu closure, followed by IB/P/B-0167, which paracasensis; B, cf. Anthropornis or Palaeeudyptes IB/P/ B-0167; C, Icadyptes salasi; D, western grebe (Aechmophorus exceeds the extension observed in modern pen- occidentalis); and E, king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus). guins, but resembles the condition in loons and Gray arrow shows the caudal limit of the palatal closure. great grebes in particular. In contrast, there is Scale bars (black), 10 mm. no palatal ankylosing in Inkayacu, suggesting the existence of different degrees of specializa- Ponganis et al. 2000), and the most specialized tion among giant taxa. fish eaters (i.e., Spheniscus) develop a thick Judging by its proximity to grebes (Fig. 3A) rhamphotheca, in which the tip of the upper and the overall morphology of its toothless jaw is strongly hooked and opposes an up- and pointed premaxillae, Hesperornis may have also used a similar feeding strategy, curved lower jaw tip (Zusi 1975). Although although the morphology of the lower jaw cer- the tips are damaged, the exceptionally well- tainly points to some significant differences in preserved S. megaramphus MUSM 2087 pos- the seizing of the prey. sesses a rhamphotheca that is almost identical In contrast, biting is the most common way to that in its living counterparts. Furthermore, to secure large prey in extant penguins (see the holotype of S. urbinai also preserves Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
190 MARTIN CHAVEZ‐HOFFMEISTER fragments of a thick and striated rham- but significantly different from those preferring photheca. These similarities, along with the larger nektonic prey like fish or squid. overall bill and braincase morphology (Stuc- Although an early appearance of a plankton- chi et al. 2003; Acosta Hospitaleche 2011), based diet has been proposed based on frag- show that although the cranial proportions mentary specimens from the Eocene of Antarc- of these paleospecies are different from their tica (Jadwiszczak 2006; Haidr and Acosta extant relatives, their feeding habits were Hospitaleche 2012), Madrynornis is here consid- very similar to those of other banded pen- ered as the earliest evidence of such a diet in guins, relying on a powerful bite to catch penguins. The LDA also classified this taxon their prey. as a possible inshore forager, which would Inference of Feeding Habits in Fossil make the Gentoo penguin (P. papua) its closest Penguins.—Unfortunately, and although the living analogue. Due to its proclivity to forage LDA and NPMANOVA discriminate several close to its breeding grounds, the Gentoo is biological classifiers, few analyses were able the most opportunistic of the bush-tailed pen- to classify fossil penguins in any specific diet- guins, feeding on species that are patchy (Borbor- ary or foraging-area categories due to their oglu and Boersma 2013) and with planktonic unusual morphology (Table 1). As has often crustaceans composing 44% of its diet by weight been suggested (e.g., Olson 1985; Ksepka and on average, but varying from 98.4% to less Bertelli 2006; Clarke et al. 2007), the spear- than 1%. This suggests that Madrynornis could billed Eocene penguins Inkayacu and Icadyptes indeed have been an opportunist that incorpo- are here identified as possible predators on rated relatively large amounts of zooplankton fish and/or squids, which are also the most in its diet, as suggested by Haidr and Acosta likely prey of S. urbinai. Madrynornis, on the Hospitaleche (2014). other hand, is classified as a form that could incorporate zooplankton as a primary element Conclusions in its diet. Although some studies have sug- gested a piscivorous diet for Madrynornis (Tam- Most Paleogene penguins reached larger bussi and Acosta Hospitaleche 2008; Degrange sizes than their extant counterparts and et al. 2018), others have proposed more oppor- acquired specialized and hyperelongated bills. tunistic behavior (Haidr and Acosta Hospita- Whereas basal-most penguins like Waimanu leche 2014). While we often classify modern and Perudyptes seem to have had comparatively penguins in discrete dietary categories for com- shorter dagger-like bills, resembling the condi- parative purposes (Zusi 1975), in reality, most tion observed in loons and large grebes, the of them are opportunists that feed on schooling acquisition of a hyperelongated bill in penguins fish, planktonic crustaceans, and squid, eating seems to be related to the appearance of giant what is available. Very few species are truly taxa. This highly specialized morphology is dependent on a single prey, like the king pen- unique among seabirds and occupies a mor- guin (A. patagonicus), which largely specializes phospace quadrant rarely explored by extant on lanternfish (Myctophidae), and the chin- divers, to which the western grebe offers the strap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica), which closest analogue. The similarities between feeds mostly on Antarctic krill (Euphausia stem penguins and great grebes, along with superba), but even they supplement their diet several other morphological features, are con- with other items (see Borboroglu and Boersma gruent with the hypothesis that at least some 2013). That being said, only Pygocelis and giant penguins were specialized in the capture Eudyptes include planktonic crustaceans as a of agile pelagic prey such as fish and/or squid primary element in their diet, although both by spear-diving, a strategy rarely seen among will complement them or even replace them living aquatic birds. with fish and/or squid depending on available Although Oligocene and Miocene crown- resources. Using this broad classification, the ward taxa retain an elongated spear-like bill NPMANOVA shows that the skull of penguins (i.e., Platydyptes, Paraptenodytes), modern pen- preying primarily on zooplankton is slightly guins seem to have acquired a shorter bill Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Jan 2021 at 17:47:53, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
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