Bias or Diversity? Unraveling Fine-Grained Thematic Discrepancy in U.S. News Headlines
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Bias or Diversity? Unraveling Fine-Grained Thematic Discrepancy in U.S. News Headlines Jinsheng Pan* , Weihong Qi* , Zichen Wang, Hanjia Lyu, Jiebo Luo University of Rochester {jpan24,wqi3,zwang189,hlyu5}, * these authors contributed equally arXiv:2303.15708v2 [cs.CL] 6 May 2023 Abstract Mothes, and Polavin 2020), and the consequences of media bias (Jamieson and Cappella 2008), comprehensive research There is a broad consensus that news media outlets incorpo- rate ideological biases in their news articles. However, prior on the landscape of news media topics and whether the the- studies on measuring the discrepancies among media outlets matic differences are attributable to media bias or perspec- and further dissecting the origins of thematic differences suf- tive diversity remains scarce. In this study, we use 1.8 mil- fer from small sample sizes and limited scope and granular- lion news headlines from nine U.S. national news media out- ity. In this study, we use a large dataset of 1.8 million news lets and perform multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) to headlines from major U.S. media outlets spanning from 2014 compute thematic similarity, exploring the American media to 2022 to thoroughly track and dissect the fine-grained the- landscape. We subsequently examine the thematic variations matic discrepancy in U.S. news media. We employ multiple over time and between media outlets to uncover the under- correspondence analysis (MCA) to quantify the fine-grained lying factors contributing to these differences. thematic discrepancy related to four prominent topics - do- mestic politics, economic issues, social issues, and foreign af- Does the thematic discrepancy stem from media bias or fairs in order to derive a more holistic analysis. Additionally, diversity in perspectives? Existing literature presents con- we compare the most frequent n-grams in media headlines flicting arguments and evidence. While a substantial body to provide further qualitative insights into our analysis. Our of research agrees on the existence of ideological biases findings indicate that on domestic politics and social issues, among the U.S. news media (Sutter 2000; Groseclose and the discrepancy can be attributed to a certain degree of media Milyo 2005a; Gentzkow and Shapiro 2010), Budak, Goel, bias. Meanwhile, the discrepancy in reporting foreign affairs and Rao (2016) discover considerable similarities among is largely attributed to the diversity in individual journalistic major outlets, except for political scandals. The conflicting styles. Finally, U.S. media outlets show consistency and high evidence may be due to the different study samples they fo- similarity in their coverage of economic issues. cus on. For example, the study samples of D’Alessio and Allen (2000) are news articles about presidential elections, Introduction while the study samples of Budak, Goel, and Rao (2016) are News media plays a vital role in influencing public percep- general political articles. Additionally, different methods, tions of domestic politics, economic policies, social issues, such as meta-analysis and machine learning models based and foreign affairs (Soroka 2003; Linos and Twist 2016; on crowd-sourced labels, can yield different results. To pro- Hitt and Searles 2018; Lyu et al. 2023). While diverse in- vide a holistic understanding of such thematic discrepancy, dividual perspectives in news articles promote informed dis- we extend the scope to four prominent topics across mul- cussions and critical thinking, systematic bias can result in tiple national media organizations ranging from 2014 to misinformation and heightened polarization of views (Ent- 2022 at a larger scale. Three of the topics are domestic man 2007; Prior 2013; Mourão and Robertson 2019; Lyu politics, social issues, and foreign affairs. Lyu et al. (2023) and Luo 2022). Understanding the dynamics of fine-grained highlight the importance of these topics in the assessment thematic variations and identifying the underlying causes of of hyperpartisanship across different media. We further in- such discrepancies provide valuable insights into the media clude economic issues because this topic also involves dif- landscape, which is essential for the function of democracy. ferent perceptions despite its objectivity (Ang et al. 2022). Fine-grained thematic discrepancy in news media refers to Instead of full news articles, we concentrate on analyzing differences in the specific topics selected for the content of the thematic discrepancies in news headlines because they news coverage. For instance, when reporting on news re- are more accessible and they frequently encapsulate the key lated to abortion, a focus on abortion rights and a focus on opinions or events of the content. In addition, the headlines abortion laws represent two distinct subtopics, even though achieve an optimal balance between contextual impact and they are both related to the general theme of abortion. Al- cognitive effort, effectively guiding readers to construct a though existing literature has extensively studied various coherent interpretation of the information presented, as con- types of media bias (D’Alessio and Allen 2000), media use firmed by Dor (2003). selectivity (Iyengar and Hahn 2009; Knobloch-Westerwick, To distinguish the media bias and the perspective diver-
sity, we follow existing literature in defining media bias as headlines of the four topics (i.e., domestic politics, economic 1) selecting and framing particular issues with ideological issues, social issues, and foreign affairs). In the end, we de- leaning, 2) distortion of facts, or 3) only reporting nega- tail our approach to analyzing the thematic discrepancy. tive news about certain parties or ideologies (D’Alessio and Allen 2000; Budak, Goel, and Rao 2016; Gentzkow and Data Collection and Preprocessing Shapiro 2010). Our study uses the dataset collected by Lyu et al. (2023). For the sake of a self-contained paper, we provide a brief Related work overview of the data collection and preprocessing process. Despite their role in democratic supervision, news reports To collect data from the news media, they employed two ap- may not be free of bias. For instance, Bourgeois, Rappaz, proaches: using the official web API provided by the news and Aberer (2018) find selection biases in the context of media and crawling the web archives and search pages of the news coverage. Although the definition of media bias varies, news media. They retrieved 1.8 million news headlines from it is widely agreed that selecting and framing particu- the websites of nine representative media outlets including lar issues with ideological leaning, distortion of facts, The New York Times, Bloomberg, CNN, NBC, Wall Street and only reporting negative news about certain parties Journal, Christian Science Monitor, The Federalist, Reason, or ideologies are typical types of media bias (D’Alessio and Washington Times. These media outlets were catego- and Allen 2000; Budak, Goel, and Rao 2016; Gentzkow rized into three groups: Left, Central, and Right with and Shapiro 2010). By this definition, political partisan bias, respect to the political leaning of each media outlet, which which strategically manipulates headlines, article sizes, and is assessed by and framings to make reports consistent with their ideology is More specifically, the Left group includes The New York widespread in news media (Groeling and Kernell 1998; Times, Bloomberg, CNN, and NBC. The Central group Groseclose and Milyo 2005b; Groeling 2013; Shultziner consists of Wall Street Journal and Christian Science Moni- 2020). However, the thematic discrepancy in news articles tor. The Right group contains The Federalist, Reason, and does not necessarily attribute to media bias. For example, Washington Times. The collected data range from January the different interpretations of the same event, the unique 2014 to September 2022 covering various topics. They pre- narrative style of individual journalists, and the different in- processed the data by performing lemmatization, eliminat- dividual experiences can all lead to thematic differences in ing stop words, and converting all text to lowercase. news articles but are not necessarily systematic biases. The aspect of discrepancy is rarely visited by academic schol- Relevant Title Identification ars. Our study contributes to unraveling the fine-grained the- matic variations in U.S. news headlines. To identify the news headlines of the four topics, we first Understanding the thematic discrepancies among media search for the most frequent n-grams. Following Guo, Ma, has attracted much attention from the research community. and Vosoughi (2022), we choose to find the most frequent Traditional methods (Guess et al. 2021; Spinde et al. 2021) bigrams. By examining each year’s data, we have isolated collect public opinions from different surveys and polls the bigrams that appeared no less than 100 times. In total, and quantify the media bias into a certain range of values. we have identified 797 bigrams meeting this criterion. Next, However, collecting surveys on a large scale is often time- two annotators manually categorize these bigrams into the consuming and expensive. Compared to traditional methods, four relevant topics. Before the annotation, a pilot annotation model-based methods are more feasible. Many prior stud- session where the two annotators read a few sample titles to- ies (Benamara et al. 2007; Bautin, Vijayarenu, and Skiena gether and discuss the labeling schema is performed. We find 2021) have been conducted on measuring media bias from that it is easy to label because of the non-ambiguity of the the perspective of sentiment analysis on news headlines. bigrams. For example, (‘ukrainian’,‘refugee’) falls under the More recent work exploits masked language models to mea- category of foreign affairs, while (‘health’, ‘law’) pertains to sure semantic discrepancies. For example, Guo, Ma, and social issues. Each annotator then labels half of the collected Vosoughi (2022) mask the adjacent words of specific bi- bigrams. Subsequently, we search for titles that contain at grams in news article sentences and then use fine-tuned lan- least one of these bigrams. Finally, we identify 295,311 news guage models to predict the possible words that could fill headlines from January 2014 to September 2022 that are re- in the blank. They compare the prediction results to mea- lated to the four topics. Table 1 summarizes the number of sure the attitudinal difference between media. However, it bigrams and corresponding titles. is noteworthy that pre-trained language models may contain unknown bias from the training corpus (Schramowski et al. Thematic Discrepancy Analysis 2022). Our study aims to explore potential thematic discrep- ancies among media outlets by constructing thematic repre- Although techniques such as text frequent pattern min- sentations using n-grams that are free from pre-training bias. ing (Han et al. 2007) and term-based text clustering (Aggar- wal and Zhai 2012) could be used for text analysis, we find multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) (Hirschfeld 1935) Material and Method adequate for measuring thematic discrepancy, as demon- In this section, we describe how we collect and preprocess strated by Lakhanpal et al. (2022) who used MCA to investi- news headlines. We then discuss how we identify the news gate textual differences in online hate speech. MCA encodes
# bigrams # news headlines domestic-2014 domestic-2015 domestic-2016 left 0.0 fedlist fedlist bbg christian right bbg fedlist Foreign affairs 94 38,137 nbccnn center 0.2 washt nbc wsj washt bbg nbc wsj reason reason Domestic politics 460 168,911 0.4 wsj christian christian reason washt cnn Economic issue 116 43,576 0.6 nyt cnn 0.8 nyt Social issue 127 44,687 nyt 1.0 Total 797 295,311 domestic-2017 domestic-2018 domestic-2019 0.0 fedlist reason fedlist christian reason wsj christian wsjfedlist reason bbg 0.2 christian nbc wsj nbc Table 1: Number of labeled bigrams and collected news 0.4 nytnbc bbg nyt bbg nyt headlines for each topic. 0.6 washt cnn cnn 0.8 cnn washt washt 1.0 domestic-2020 domestic-2021 domestic-2022 categorical data and represents them in low-dimensional Eu- 0.0 bbg fedlist christian bbg christian fedlist washt reason wsj fedlist clidean space (i.e., 2-D in our study). The thematic discrep- 0.2 reason nbc christian nbc nbc wsj bbg ancy is calculated as the distance in the low-dimensional 0.4 washt wsj cnn 0.6 reason space. To perform MCA, we construct a contingency table washt cnn nyt nyt 0.8 nyt cnn in which each column represents one of nine media outlets 1.0 and each row denotes the frequency of occurrence for each 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 n-gram in the identified news headlines. To improve robust- ness, we select the n-grams that appear more than 50 times Figure 1: MCA results regarding the coverage of domestic in the tiles of a single media outlet. Bigrams and trigrams politics by the media between 2014 and 2022 (Best viewed are used to construct the contingency table. Unigrams are by zoom-in on screen). not included in this study because we observe that in news headlines, most subjects are bigrams or trigrams (e.g. names and events). For a more meaningful interpretation, we focus lets since 2015 (Figure 2). Among the Right media, Rea- on bigrams and trigrams. Next, we perform singular value son exhibits a marked discrepancy during Democratic presi- decomposition (SVD) to obtain the orthogonal vectors that dencies, while the discrepancy decreases during the Repub- represent the categorical data. Note that SVD is applied for lican administration. In contrast, The Washington Times dis- dimensionality reduction for visualization purpose. plays a contrasting trend, exhibiting greater thematic dis- crepancies during the Republican presidency and reduced Results discrepancies during the Democratic administrations. The To investigate the temporal patterns of fine-grained thematic growing divergence between CNN and other media outlets discrepancies in news headlines of different media across could be attributed to the 2016 Presidential Election. Pre- various important topics, we employ MCA to analyze the vious studies have highlighted the polarizing nature of this titles of each topic for each year. We visualize the MCA election and the controversies surrounding Donald Trump, results to reflect the media report discrepancies over time. which have led to subsequent changes in reporting styles Each point on the graphs represents a single media outlet, across media outlets (Benkler, Faris, and Roberts 2018). with markers indicating their respective ideological position. As shown by Table 2, political figures (highlighted in To further reveal the dynamics of media report discrepan- green) consistently attract considerable media attention, cies, for each topic, we present the top 10 most frequent n- occupying two to six positions within the top 10 n-grams. grams in 2014, 2018, and 2022 from news headlines of all In 2018, the n-grams representing Trump and his admin- media outlets, representing the key subjects that these out- istration were more frequently used. Over time, judicial lets highlight. The three years correspond to the shift in the institutions (highlighted in orange) have continually gar- presidency as well as the pre- and post-COVID eras. We then nered significant public attention, with the Supreme Court, show the top 10 most frequent n-grams for representative Attorney General, and Justice Department consistently outlets from the Left, Central, and Right categories, ranking among the top 10 headline topics. However, civil as well as within and diverging from the majority cluster, to rights issues can be overshadowed by political upheavals. explore the underlying factors contributing to the thematic While free speech and civil rights received substantial variation. attention in 2014, they were later supplanted by politically charged events such as the Capitol Riot and the January 6th Domestic politics Committee. Figure 1 depicts the temporal characteristics of media dis- crepancies regarding domestic politics. Since 2017, we have Table 3 shows the 10 most frequent n-grams in news observed an overall rising level of concentration among the headlines of the Christian Science Monitor, New York analyzed media outlets. Specifically, these outlets were more Times, and Reason in 2022, representing the Central, sparsely distributed in 2014 but became notably concen- Left, and Right media, respectively. Despite their ideo- trated by 2020, with CNN, Washington Times, and New logical differences, the Christian Science Monitor and Rea- York Times as outliers. Within the Left media, CNN has son cover similar topics, with the New York Times being an displayed an increasing discrepancy compared to other out- outlier in Figure 1. The New York Times devotes more atten-
Christian NYT Reason supreme court election result supreme court 0.55 sandy hook primary election first amendment biden sandy congressional district primary free speech 0.50 biden sign supreme court court decision donald trump white house biden administration 0.45 jan panel governor primary kentajin brown jackson far right runoff election joe biden overturn roe attorney general court reject 0.40 Distance alex jones first congressional capitol riot right wings second congressional ron desantis 0.35 0.30 Table 3: Top 10 most frequent n-grams of the Christian Sci- ence Monitor, New York Times, and CNN in 2022 regarding 0.25 domestic politics. 0.20 econ-2014 econ-2015 econ-2016 left 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 0.0 fedlist nbc fedlist nbc bbg fedlist washt bbg right Year 0.2 cnn washt reason cnn nbc reasonnyt center christian cnn 0.4 bbg reason nyt nyt christian christian Figure 2: Distance between CNN and the centroid of the ma- 0.6 washt 0.8 jor cluster from the MCA results. wsj wsj wsj 1.0 econ-2017 econ-2018 econ-2019 0.0 fedlist reason reason bbg fedlist christian 2014 2018 2022 cnn fedlist washt reason 0.2 bbg nyt christian cnn nbc washtbbg nbc white house donald trump supreme court nbc cnn supreme court white house primary election result 0.4 christian washt nyt nyt bill de blasio supreme court congressional district 0.6 hillary clinton trump administration biden administration 0.8 wsj wsj rand paul 2016 election january committee 1.0 wsj president obama president trump joe biden econ-2020 econ-2021 econ-2022 0.0 fedlist christian fedlist christian fedlist reason attorney general midterm election attorney general christian 0.2 washt reason nbc free speech attorney general justice department cnn reasonwasht 0.4 nbc bbg nbc cnn washt civil right melania trump capitol riot nyt cnn nyt bbg nyt 0.6 wsj justice department hillary clinton senate race bbg 0.8 wsj wsj 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Top 10 most frequent n-grams in 2014, 2018, 2022 regarding domestic politics. Figure 3: MCA results regarding the coverage of economic issues by the media between 2014 and 2022 (Best viewed by zoom-in on screen). tion to elections and legislatures (highlighted in orange), but less to political figures (highlighted in green) compared to the other two outlets, resulting in a greater thematic distance between them. The results suggest that the discrepancy in interest in topics including interest rates, the stock market, domestic politics coverage is partly attributable to the choice energy, electronic cars, and essential economic policies. of varying topics by different media outlets. Our findings indicate that the media outlets reveal limited variation in their coverage of economic issues, and are Economic Issues similar in both topics and perspectives. Figure 3 shows the trend of media discrepancies regarding economic issues where topic selections within the economic Social Issues domain exhibits similarities. From 2014 to 2022, the major- ity of media outlets are situated in the upper left corner of Figure 4 shows the discrepancies among media outlets the plot. However, starting in 2019, Bloomberg and CNN relating to social issues. A similar trend is observed in have gradually become more distant from the upper left social issues as in domestic politics, with media outlets cluster. becoming more concentrated over time. Some left-wing media outlets, such as CNN, NBC, and Bloomberg, have We have noted minimal changes in the top 10 most diverged from the cluster since 2017. Meanwhile, centrist frequent n-grams in news headlines relating to economic and right-wing media outlets, such as the Christian Science issues.1 We compare the Reason, Wall Street Journal, and Monitor and Washington Times, have progressively moved CNN, which represent the Right, Central and Left closer to the majority. media, respectively. The three outlets exhibit a strong The focus on social issues is likely influenced by ongoing 1 social movements according to the results in Table 5. Details regarding the temporal variation in the most frequent n-grams of the economic issues can be found in the Appendix. In 2014, due to the Medicaid expansion (Himmelstein
social-2014 social-2015 social-2016 Reason WSJ CNN 0.0 fedlist fedlist bbg fedlist bbg left right nbc nbc reason center student loan forgiveness stock market gas price cnn bbg nbc 0.2 reason washt gas price supply chain rate hike reason cnn 0.4 washt cnn biden student debt interest rate mortgage rate washt christian 0.6 nyt nyt wsj formula shortage central bank student loan nyt wsj christian wsj christian high gas student loan interest rate baby formula shortage gas price oil price social-2017 social-2018 social-2019 0.0 bbg reason bbg christian fedlist reason fedlist nbc fedlist gas tax natural gas stock market 0.2 christian washt reason washt wsj interest rate oil price natural gas christian washt 0.4 electric vehicle real estate electric car wsj bbg nbc nbc fossil fuel electric vehicle supply chain 0.6 wsj nyt cnn cnn nyt cnn nyt social-2020 social-2021 social-2022 0.0 Table 4: Top 10 most frequent n-grams of CNN, Wall Street fedlist christian reason fedlist christian fedlist nbc reason washt wsj washt washt Journal, and Reason in 2022 regarding economic issues. 0.2 nbc reason christian bbg bbg 0.4 wsj wsj nyt nyt bbg 0.6 nbc cnn 2014 2018 2022 cnn cnn nyt 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 health care health care climate change climate change climate change social medium Figure 4: MCA results regarding the coverage of social is- social medium social medium mass shooting gay marriage school shooting abortion right sues by the media between 2014 and 2022 (Best viewed by sexual assault gun control hate crime zoom-in on screen). health law sexual assault abortion ban same sex marriage sexual harassment health care Christian Reason CNN global warming sex abuse fatally shoot climate change social medium mass shooting health insurance sexual misconduct school shooting mass shooting gun control social medium gun report gun violence human right social medium abortion ban hate crime gun violence public health climate crisis Table 5: Top 10 most frequent n-grams in 2014, 2018, 2022 abortion law climate change fatally shoot regarding social issue. gun control health care school shooting abortion right mass shooting gun violence hate crime green energy uvalde school 2019) and the promotion of same-sex marriage (Liptak green energy abortion law abortion right 2014), healthcare and gay marriage (both highlighted in blue) obtained significant attention. In 2018, the #MeToo Table 6: Top 10 most frequent n-grams of the Christian Sci- movement sparked widespread debate and discussion ence Monitor, Reason, and CNN in 2022 regarding social about sexual harassment (highlighted in red) in the news issues. media (Pomarico 2018). In addition, the overturn of Roe v. Wade in mid-2022 (Liptak 2022) drew considerable attention to abortion laws and rights (highlighted in green). Foreign Affairs Figure 5 shows that there has been no significant change in Table 6 presents the thematic discrepancies in social is- thematic discrepancy relating to foreign affairs from 2014 sues among the Christian Science Monitor, CNN, and Rea- to 2022. The majority of media outlets are clustered in the son in 2022. We choose the three media outlets to repre- upper-left corner of the graph, while the New York Times, sent the Central, Left, and Right media groups. No- Wall Street Journal, and CNN emerge as outliers. These tably, the three media outlets cover similar topics including three outlets have gradually formed a separate cluster. Addi- climate change, social media, abortion issues, hate crime, tionally, Bloomberg has been distancing itself from the ma- public health, and gun control, but show subtle differences jority since 2020. The emerging outliers may be attributed to in their approaches and perspectives. For example, while the distinct journalistic styles of media outlets. For example, Reason emphasizes “abortion law”, CNN underscores its the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg primarily concen- ideological position by using “abortion rights”. Meanwhile, trate on the economic and financial implications of geopolit- the Christian Science Monitor focuses on “abortion law”, ical tensions, resulting in differing perspectives compared to “abortion rights”, and “anti-abortion”. When addressing gun other media outlets. control issues, Reason employs terms like “mass shooting”, The coverage of foreign affairs remains consistent over CNN emphasizes “fatally shoot”, and the Christian Science time, with the exception of war outbreaks.2 Geopolitical Monitor uses “gun violence”. These nuanced differences in the choice of terms reveal the media bias (D’Alessio and 2 Details regarding the temporal variation in the most frequent Allen 2000; Budak, Goel, and Rao 2016). n-grams of the foreign affairs can be found in the Appendix.
foreign-2014 foreign-2015 foreign-2016 left 0.0 fedlist fedlist bbg fedlist right reason washt reason center 0.2 washtnbc reason bbg washt nbc nbc bbg 0.4 christian christian cnn christian cnn 0.6 cnn nyt nyt nyt wsj wsj 0.8 wsj 1.0 foreign-2017 foreign-2018 foreign-2019 0.0 fedlist fedlist fedlist bbg reason reason reason 0.2 washt washt washt bbg bbg christian christian nbc 0.4 nbc nbc wsjchristian 0.6 wsj wsj nyt cnn cnn 0.8 cnn nyt nyt 1.0 foreign-2020 foreign-2021 foreign-2022 0.0 fedlist fedlist fedlist reason reason washt reason washt 0.2 washt christian christian nbc christian nbc wsj 0.4 nbc bbg nyt wsj cnnnyt cnn 0.6 nyt cnn wsj bbg 0.8 bbg 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 Figure 6: Median absolute deviation of the clusters from the MCA results of domestic politics, economic issues, social Figure 5: MCA results regarding the coverage of foreign af- issues, and foreign affairs between 2014 and 2022. fairs by the media between 2014 and 2022 (Best viewed by zoom-in on screen). Discussions and Conclusions News media plays an essential role in the daily lives of Reason WSJ Bloomberg the public because it shapes public opinions and atti- ukrainian refugee ukraine war hong kong tudes (Brookes, Lewis, and Wahl-Jorgensen 2004; Linos ukraine war hong kong south africa and Twist 2016; Hitt and Searles 2018). Different media prime minister north korea boris johnson would have a thematic disagreement on one event due hong kong russia ukraine ukraine war to various reasons, for example, ideology. In this study, invasion ukraine prime minister south african we conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the russian invasion boris johnson saudi arabia fine-grained thematic discrepancy, focusing on four impor- ukraine crisis russian oil prime minister tant topics including domestic politics, economic issues, boris johnson south korea north korea social issues, and foreign affairs. By performing MCA on middle east saudi arabia russia sanction the relevant titles of each topic for each year, we discover south africa russia sanction russian oil notable patterns in thematic discrepancies across media in a temporal manner. To quantify the discrepancies, we compute the median absolute deviation of the clusters from Table 7: Top 10 most frequent n-grams of Reason, Wall the MCA results. The median absolute deviation is used Street Journal, and Bloomberg in 2022 regarding foreign af- to reduce the sensitivity toward outliers. The results are fairs. shown in Figure 6. In regard to domestic politics, we find that thematic difference has been diminishing over time. The thematic difference in domestic politics can be mainly attributed to the selection of topics in news coverage. When tensions have gained the most attention from 2014 to 2022, it comes to economic issues, American news media show while the Russia-Ukraine War emerged as a significant topic little discrepancy both over time and across different outlets. in 2022. Such consistency of topic preferences also appears in the headlines relating to foreign affairs. However, the thematic Table 7 compares the most frequent n-grams of Reason, discrepancy of foreign affairs is larger than that of economic Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg in 2022. The three me- issues. This pattern indicates that thematic discrepancies dia outlets represent the Right, Central, and Left me- may arise from variations in perspectives and writing styles. dia. Their coverage of foreign affairs is similar, emphasiz- With respect to social issues, the thematic discrepancy is ing the Russia-Ukraine war, geopolitical tensions, and diplo- brought about by a mixture of media bias and attitudinal matic relations with the United Kingdom. Despite the sig- difference. Bias is revealed by different descriptions of the nificant discrepancies displayed in Figure 5, the three media same events and the attitudinal difference is indicated by outlets do not exhibit significant differences in word framing the topic preference of different media outlets. within their headlines. This evidence suggests that the dis- crepancies likely arise from different perspectives and writ- There are, however, some limitations to our study. First, ing styles among journalists, rather than a systematic bias the media outlets we select are major national news organi- towards a specific ideology. zations. The gatekeeper and fact-checking mechanisms de-
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