Bias in ontologies - a preliminary assessment
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Bias in ontologies – a preliminary assessment C. Maria Keet Department of Computer Science University of Cape Town, South Africa Abstract representation of the subject domain as a common vocab- arXiv:2101.08035v1 [cs.AI] 20 Jan 2021 ulary and unambiguous specification of the intended mean- Logical theories in the form of ontologies and similar arte- ing. Besides integration, one also can choose an ontology facts in computing and IT are used for structuring, annotat- upfront and use that across applications, such as an elec- ing, and querying data, among others, and therewith influ- tronic patient record system with a medical terminology for ence data analytics regarding what is fed into the algorithms. Algorithmic bias is a well-known notion, but what does bias classifying or annotating patients’s symptoms, disorders and mean in the context of ontologies that provide a structuring a treatment that is shared with the insurer; SNOMED and mechanism for an algorithm’s input? What are the sources the ICD-10 are popular for that. An example of their Web- of bias there and how would they manifest themselves in scale use is Google’s Knowledge Graph that drives search ontologies? We examine and enumerate types of bias rele- and the creation and maintenance of its infoboxes. The one vant for ontologies, and whether they are explicit or implicit. who builds and controls the graph, then, is the one who These eight types are illustrated with examples from extant has the power to control presentation and access to infor- production-level ontologies and samples from the literature. mation and possibly also the recording of information, and, We then assessed three concurrently developed COVID-19 as (Juel Vang 2013) argues in case of Google’s Graph, “to ontologies on bias and detected different subsets of types of some degree contests the autonomy of the user”. bias in each one, to a greater or lesser extent. This first charac- terisation aims contribute to a sensitisation of ethical aspects We illustrate the general idea of possible issues in the next of ontologies primarily regarding representation of informa- example with ontology-mediated artificial moral agents. tion and knowledge. Example 1 The Genet ontology aims to provide a frame- work to represent multiple ethical theories such as utilitar- ianism and divine command theory (Rautenbach and Keet Introduction 2020) so that one can tailor the actions of a robot to the Bias in models is a well-known topic, which has been popu- moral preferences of its owner or enhance argumentation larised to the public with a catchy term “weapons of math in multi-agent systems (Liao, Slavkovik, and van der Torre destruction” (O’Neil 2016). Nearly all investigations on 2019). A section of its version 1 is shown in Fig. 1 in black- ‘models’ concern statistical models created from Big Data and-white informally on the left and a selection of the ax- by means of knowledge discovery, machine learning, and ioms in Description Logics (DL) notation (Baader et al. deep learning techniques. There are many more types of 2008) on the right. That the ontology admitted four distinct models, however. The other main category of models within entities of moral value, rather than just humans, is already Artificial Intelligence (AI) are ontologies, which are staple an ideaological statement and therewith a bias. in the knowledge representation and reasoning side of AI. Now assume that you want to expand the moral circle Informally, an ontology is a logical theory of a subject do- beyond those four in the ontology, with Robot. By design, main, capturing its classes, relations, and constraints that you cannot unless you have the rights and the technology to hold among them, which are used for tasks such as data inte- change it. Let’s assume you have those. gration, information retrieval, electronic health records, and There are three options. First, you add Robot as a Patien- e-learning (Keet 2018). For instance, one may have multiple tKind and since you are sure robots are neither humans, nor databases that have to be merged due to a company take-over nature, nor non-human animals, add those disjointness ax- and one needs to know whether some entity type Customer ioms. It will deduce or COVID19-Patient in database1 has the same meaning as Robot v OtherSentient Custm or or COVIDPatient in database2 , respectively, and if regardless whether you wanted that or not. If not—perhaps it is, a way to declare that, or, e.g., to define precisely what because you are religiously convinced inanimate objects COVID-19 death means in the mortality statistic. Ontologies cannot be sentient—then, second, you could add that they can help with it by providing an application-independent are distinct as well: Robot u OtherSentient v ⊥ Copyright © 2021, the author(s). but then the reasoner will deduce
1..* * SetOfPatient 1..* * Ethical PatientKind has Kinds has Theory member component {disjoint,complete} Human Nature NonHumanAnimal OtherSentient {disjoint} Robot Figure 1: Small section of the OWL version of the Genet model of (Rautenbach and Keet 2020) (in black-and-white), a hy- pothetical addition with Robot as entity of possible moral value (in blue, solid lines bottom-left), and the deduction (in green, dashed arrow). On the right, a selection of the relevant axioms in DL notation. Robot v ⊥ that determined which attributes ended up in the model with i.e., the class is unsatisfiable (cannot have instances). The what threshold values in order to classify who is eligible for third option is to modify the original axioms and losing com- treatment4 . patibility with Genet; e.g., to remove some disjointness ax- In this paper, we aim to contribute to systematising the ioms or change the completeness axiom. sort of bias that can enter or be present in ontologies and Ontologies in computing and IT have been popularised similar artefacts, such as conceptual data models and the- since the mid 1990s, with as a major success story the Gene sauri. We will seek to provide a preliminary answer to what Ontology (Gene Ontology Consortium 2000) as ontology bias means for ontologies, what their sources or causes are, and the OWL language as the W3C standard (Motik, Patel- and how that manifests itself in ontologies. The identified Schneider, and Parsia 2009) to represent ontologies in. The biases types are structured along three categories: high-level popular ontology repository for bio-ontologies BioPortal philosophical ones, scope or purpose, and subject domain is- lists 831 ontologies and the repository of repositories Onto- sues. Some of these biases are intentional biases that insiders Hub claims to have indexed 22460 ontologies of 139 repos- know very well, but outsiders and newcomers may have to itories1 . Regarding possible bias in ontologies, aside from be notified of. For the unintentional biases that can creep “encoding bias” (Uschold and Gruninger 1996) that refers in, this will be harder to manage; we do not aim to solve to different formalisations of the same thing, there are few that here, but first inventarise them. Second, we assess a set articles. An early paper discusses it in context of the “Dirty of COVID-19 ontologies on these biases. These ontologies War Index” tool that claimed to aim to inform public heath are under active development, competing, and merging, and in armed conflict settings, which had several biases, such highly relevant for data management of the pandemic. The as including ex-army in the civilian group whereas the pri- assessment showed that none is free of bias. mary source database did not (Keet 2009). (Gomes and Bra- The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. We gato Barros 2020) assessed the FOAF terminology through first systematise and illustrate the principal sources, to con- the lens of discursive semiotics as a method. This aimed to tinue with the COVID-19 ontologies assessment. We then mean one has to consider “the concretization, in language, of discuss the outcomes and touch upon automated reasoning, a particular social, historical, ideological, and environmen- and close with conclusions. tal context”, using the specific framework with the “Gen- erative Trajectory of Meaning” of Greimas and Courtés2 . Principal sources of bias in ontologies The bias analysis, however, was limited to a few well-known Of most interest practically ethically, is the bias with respect ones, being first & last name vs given & family name, gen- to the subject domain. To be able to discuss it properly, we der, and the meaning of document. While valid, bias and first need to note and ‘set aside’ the straightforward ones of their causes are more intricate and varied than these. For philosophical and engineering (encoding) bias. A summary instance, consider religion, which may be a specialisation of the resultant eight types, or sources, of bias is included in of their “ideological”, as was the case of the issue of in- Table 1. clusion of homosexuality in the classification of mental dis- orders3 in the United States until DSM-III in 1987. What High-level philosophical issues their approach cannot capture, but is certainly an issue for Ontologies as an engineering version of the original idea of declarative models, is, among others, the menopausal hor- Ontology by philosophers, and its branch of analytic philos- mone therapy case: there were at least economic incentives ophy in particular. Most subject domain ontology develop- 1 ers may not care much about the finer distinctions of core figures from; last checked on 13-1-2021. 2 4 referenced as “Greimas, A. J. and J. Courtés. 2013. Dicionário In essence, they narrowed the range of natural variability of de Semiótica. São Paulo: Contexto.” concentrations of key molecules to increase the number of women 3 for a brief overview of its history, see who would be ‘abnormal’ and therewith qualifying for medication, wiki/Homosexuality in DSM which unintentionally led to an increase in cancer incidence.
Class hierarchy DOCLE-lite Class hierarchy BFO v2.0 Pattern A Pattern B Continuant Occurrent ClassC hasB: anyType * 1 ..* Pattern C ClassC ClassA participant ClassC * BT Continuant 1 RT ClassB ClassB participant Figure 3: Three different patters with a purpose bias: Pat- tern A is biased toward a scientific approach with increasing Figure 2: Illustration of some philosophical differences precision (and a bias toward 3-dimensionalism philosophi- between foundational ontologies: DOLCE-Lite.owl has cally), Pattern B indicates a conceptual data modelling in- Abstract, but bfo20.owl does not due to its realist stance, fluence or purpose, and Pattern C takes a thesaurus-like ap- and while perdurant and occurrent roughly align (dashed ar- proach useful for document annotation. row), their respective subclasses do not, admitting to differ- ent types of perdurant in existence. Scope or purpose Type Subtype [im/ex]plicit bias In theory, ontologies are supposed to be application- Philosophical - explicit independent, so as to be a solution to the data integration Purpose - explicit problem; if they are tailored to the application nonetheless, Science explicit they may become part of the problem. In praxis, this appli- Granularity either Linguistic either cation independence may not always hold. Developing an Subject domain ontology for the sake of it may be an interesting endeavour, Socio-cultural either Political or religious either but someone has to fund it and it helps to have a use case sce- Economics explicit nario to motivate for the development of it. This may affect what is represented and how and is, or at least should have Table 1: Summary of typical possible biases in ontologies been, an explicitly stated bias motivated by pragmatics, if it grouped by type, with an indication whether such biases can be considered a bias—as (Uschold and Gruninger 1996) would be explicit choices or whether they may creep in un- do—since they are engineering choices rather than bias on intentionally. the knowledge itself. Three patterns of representation for different purposes are shown in Fig. 3, summarising common encoding biases. To notions, but they are there. Practically, for domain ontology illustrate those, consider the following situation, represented development, one would choose a particular foundational or in DL for brevity. Ventilation is an undisputed treatment for top-level ontology that provides the main types of entities COVID-19 patients and is being used, and so let us consider and relations so as to help structuring the content. There are three options: multiple such foundational ontologies in active use, such as • If the scope or purpose is the be as detailed and reusable BFO, DOLCE, UFO, SUMO, and YAMATO, which make as possible, and knowing that Treatment is a perdu- different commitments. Its developers are mostly clear about rant in philosophical terms, operating within the 3- that on general principles and how it affects the ontology’s dimensionalism bias, then content, such as acknowledging the existence of abstract en- Ventilation v Treatment tities (Masolo et al. 2003) or what the core relations in the is the bare minimum to declare, and availing of the core world would be (Smith et al. 2005). See Fig. 2 for an ex- relation of participation, then also ample. While it is not trivial to choose which foundational HospitalisedPatient v ∃participatesIn.Treatment ontology suits the modeller best, it is a deliberated decision, One then could assert that our hospitalised COVID-19 pa- hence, an upfront explicit bias. tients participate in the ventilation treatment. There are related debates on whether what is represented is a representation of reality or merely our understanding • A compact representation of the same state of affairs re- thereof, or whether there would even be a reality. This is an sults in faster data processing; e.g., old and recurring debate (see, e.g., (Merrill 2010)) that has Patient v ∃isOnVentilator.Boolean no resolve that everyone agrees on. For ontology develop- so as to use the ontology language to develop a concep- ment, the key take-away is whether one aims to be faith- tual data model for database development, rather than the ful to reality (or our best understanding of it) versus ulterior traditional EER language for relational databases. motives, be it rejecting reality or not caring (‘post-truth’) or • Another purpose could be annotation of literature to bet- knowingly violating it for whatever reason. These different ter manage it. Then neither the boolean nor all those con- stances act out at the subject domain level where the bias can straints and relations are needed, but it would focus on have most effect, as we shall see further below, and could re- casting the net wide on terminology with one preferred sult either in an explicit or implicit bias. and several alternative labels including, but not limited to,
ventilator support, ventilation therapy, mechanical ventila- manufacture plant, Military base, and Homeland security tion, and invasive ventilation with BT Ventilation and RT torture bunker, and more, rather than one layer of subclasses Patient. as in (Veerasamy, Grobler, and Solms 2012). Similarly, one The ontologist may complain about the latter two options could have one aggregate group, say, Foreign National with as woefully underspecified, which is their bias, whereas the as alt-label Alien for the USA, or also include subclasses two tool developers may complain that the first option is such as Migrant and Refugee, and further subclasses such as needlessly complicated due to their bias for simplicity. Economic migrant, Spousal migrant, Critical skills migrant, and so on. Such differentiations, or absence thereof, may be Subject domain intended or they may be unintended and even change over time when the subject changes, such as new immigration The list of bias sources described in this section overlaps policies and different ways of conducting conflict (e.g., with Gomes and Bragato Barros’ one (Gomes and Bragato cyber attacks rather than bombings). Barros 2020), but is extended with three categories, includ- ing one from (Keet 2009). In addition, we indicate whether Cultural-linguistic motivations. Anyone who has learned they concern mainly intended or unintended biases, or both, a second language has come across untranslatable words or and illustrate each one in order to demonstrate relevance. at least fine semantic distinctions. The question then arises if, and if so, when, a difference ends up as a bias in the on- Difference of opinion on reality and science. Even under tology or not. For instance, English has only one term for the assumption of a commitment to the existence of reality, river—all rivers are just rivers—whereas French makes a one still could disagree. A common example is whether distinction between a fleuve and a rivière—one flows into a virus is an organism or not—it is not by any extant another river, the other flows into the sea—that somehow definition of what an organism is—and even bio-ontologies has to be represented and the ontologies aligned (McCrae and medical terminologies do not agree; compare, e.g., the et al. 2012), and likewise for observed differences in part- CIDO (He et al. 2020) versus the SIO (Dumontier et al. whole relations (Keet and Khumalo 2018). One may argue 2014) and the NCI Thesaurus5 . More broadly, it concerns that in both examples, the reality is the same but they have either the insufficient insight or competing theories that the varying descriptions, or take reality with a grain of salt and scientists still have to investigate, of which it is assumed that state there are different realities depending on language, or eventually there will be an agreement, or there are delays in that there are different conceptualisations. propagating discoveries into the ontologies. In other fields A borderline case between cultural-linguistic preferences of research, there are inherently competing theories, such and political bias are the false friends, where a term in a as capitalism and socialism, that would result in a different language has a different meaning or connotation in different domain ontology of economy. They are all intended choices countries where the language is spoken, due to historical dif- and biases. ferences across countries. For instance, ‘herd immunity’ is a common term in American and British English, but is being Required or chosen level of precision/granularity. It is a rebranded as ‘population immunity’ in South African En- general question in ontology development how detailed it glish, since the former has the connotation of non-human an- should be and how deep the taxonomy should go. Less de- imals that people do not want to be associated with. It is also tail therefore may be an act of omission, an indication of ‘not different in other languages; e.g., in Spanish, it is inmunidad needed’, or a ‘ran out of time’ to be included for a next ver- de grupo and Dutch groepsimmuniteit, i.e., ‘group’ immu- sion. Inspecting an ontology in isolation, this is impossible nity rather than ‘herd’. Note that this is distinct from mere to determine unless either of the latter two are indicated in synonym confusion, such as a Football Ontology where it the annotations. For instance, The Gene Ontology has three is unclear from the name whether it refers to the soccer versions: a GO basic that excludes several relations between football or American football or eraser/rubber/condom mix- entities, the GO, and a GO plus with additional axioms6 . ups, and orthographic differences (e.g., color vs colour), An act of omission is aforementioned aggregation of which can be accommodated in the ontology with labels and ex-military persons with, say, non-involved persons as finer-grained language-coding schemes (e.g., @en-uk and one group of Civilians: the source had a more detailed @en-us etc.). categorisation that was abstracted away so that it resulted in one party (of the authors’ side) shown in a more favourable The chance that a monolingual ontology development light (Keet 2009). Similar issues exist for other conflict team from one cultural identity in one country builds in such databases, which may be intentional or unintentional. For a bias is substantial, and it can be reduced by constituting instance, a bombing target may be recorded as an instance a more diverse team of ontology developers who at least of having targeted a Government building if that is the speak several languages among them. Any bias built in only category available, or more precisely if it had any may be intentional or unintentional. For instance, McCrae’s subclasses, such as, say, State hospital, State medicine team (McCrae et al. 2012) was very multilingual and so it was easy to observe the difference and propose a solution. 5 In contrast, if one then develops an ontology afterward dictionary=NCI Thesaurus&ns=ncit&code=C14283; 18-1-2021. knowingly only including the non-differentiating River, then 6 that is an explicit bias.; last ac- cessed 13 January 2021.
Socio-cultural factors. This concerns hows society is or- entangle the two. A clear-cut case is where the entity type ganised, with the assumptions that underlie it and history Aggrieved group, as a neutral term, enters the ontology as how it came about, and practical effects it may have when Terrorist organisation as preferred label; concretely, there are developing the ontology. This may be organisational struc- terrorist and terroristgroup in the terrorism ontology of (Jin- tures, who lives with whom, demographics, allocation of re- dal, Seeja, and Jain 2020) whereas there is an ActorEntity sources, or social geography that influences what is salient with various types of Insiders and Protestors in the Cybert- and what not. errorism ontology (Veerasamy, Grobler, and Solms 2012). For instance, who can marry whom and how many is As with society and language matters, these issues more a well-known point of variation across the world, which easily come to light if the team of ontology developers is can cause difficulties for multinational organisations to har- diverse or at least has diverse knowledge to bring in. Also monise that in one system. For instance, it may be a com- here, such differences—biases—may be intentional or not. pany policy that one can insure the spouse of the employee, requiring a statement alike Economic motivations. The, perhaps, most well-known Employee v ∀marriedTo.Spouse arena where economic motivations play a role, is the recog- but should the model also include nition of something as a disorder or disease, from which fol- Employee v ≤ 1 marriedTo.Spouse lows that it deserves at least funding of a treatment if there i.e., at most one spouse? Should the gender of the spouse is one as well as resources for prevention and research. The be recorded or marriedTo be defined as holding between hu- Obesity Society’s panel of experts even stated this bluntly as mans and no more? Any answer will have a bias baked into the main reason in favour of classifying obesity as a disease it. For an ontology to be as general as possible the most per- (TOS Obesity as a Disease Writing Group et al. 2008). Its missive combination represented, and any constraints would recognition is good for big pharma and possibly also the pa- have to go into the conceptual data model for the specific tients, but costly for insurers, which results in tension. For database. the ontology, it means that it is in our out, where the ontol- A concrete example is the relatively popular GoodRela- ogy comes into play in particular in electronic health records tions Ontology for e-commerce (Hepp 2008). It lists several (how an observed finding is noted in the record, which treat- payment methods, such as invoice, cash, and PayPal, and ments are linked to it) and further down the pipeline when limits the ‘on delivery’ to cash, but cash-less options on de- the electronic records with their ontology, such as SNOMED livery are just as possible, such as a pre-paid card or QR- CT, are linked to the pharmacy and the insurer’s databases. code payment option, is missing, which is a non-uncommon There is a benefit to the data integration if the ontology used mode of payment in areas where robberies are common. for it is grounded on evidence-based medicine and in one’s Also, its Business assumes that they are legally registered, favour; if it is not, it can be an uphill battle on multiple which may well hold in Europe where the ontology was de- fronts. These issues are well-known and therefore can be veloped, but in many other countries there is a vast network classified as intended biases. of the informal economy that does trade online with their smartphones and it has no specific opening hours. Assessment of ontologies: the COVID-19 Socio-cultural factors may also influence the content of medical terminologies, such as the perception of alcohol Ontologies use across cultures, in-groups, and age, and what would To assess the notion of bias in ontologies beyond the con- be considered as having a drinking problem. A recent crete selected examples in the previous section, it would sup- example is demonstrated by a comparison between the port the bias source identification for a set of ontologies in DSM-IV, DSM-V, and ICD-10 medical terminologies on roughly the same subject domain. The reasoning is that since issues with alcohol intake, where the criteria were changed. there are several ontologies in that given domain, there must This resulted in an increase in Alcohol Use Disorder using have been a reason to develop more than one rather than DSM-V compared to the DSM-IV criteria (based on the to stick with one effort or to combine efforts. This may be same data), primarily due to lowering the threshold for the due to bias, but not necessarily so. This limits the choices number of diagnostic criteria required for it and increasing for assessment. Comparisons of foundational ontologies are the number of criteria through replacing one class with abound (see (Partridge et al. 2020) for the most recent at- four new classes that were arguably features of it (Lundin tempt) and would have a less clear impact on domain on- et al. 2015). This change in the lightweight ontology has tologies’ possible biases that affect applications that people been blamed on a combination of socio-cultural factors and use. Of the core and domain ontologies, there are a few on scientific disagreement (Wakefield 2015). time and measurements, many on health and medicine (e.g., 37 are contextualised in (Haendel et al. 2018)), data mining, Political and religious motivations. The line between so- organisations and government, and others, which are more cietal bias, political, and religious may be difficult to draw or less stable and more or less maintained. depending on the case. Aforementioned DSM, which ought We identified a set of ontologies in a same subject do- to be based on science, was not entirely and likely was in- main, of which the authors have sufficient knowledge about fluenced by religious viewpoints at least in some instances. the domain to assess it, and that are under active develop- Since the separation between state and church may not be ment and maintenance, so that it has an increased chance of all that separate, it practically may not be possible to dis- the assessment outcomes to be taken into account. A down-
side of the latter selection criterion may be that any issues Bias CIDO CODO COVoc observed may have been resolved in the meantime between Philosophical + - + assessment and review or publication of this paper. Nonethe- Purpose - + + less, given the urgency of the theme, we chose to assess the Science - - + COVID-19 ontologies on bias. The next section will con- Granularity ± + + textualise each ontology briefly and the section thereafter Linguistic + - - contains the assessment. Socio-cultural + + + Political or religious + + + Ontology descriptions Economics - - - The Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO) (He et al. 2020) is an ontology that was developed within the Table 2: Presence or absence of bias in the three COVID-19 overarching OBO Foundry approach (Smith et al. 2007): it ontologies examined. took a community-based development approach and reuses, among others, the Infections Disease Ontology that in turn is linked to the top-level ontology BFO (Arp, Smith, and existentially quantified properties and a few subproperties Spear 2015) and therewith adhering to some of its princi- and inverses. ples of structuring knowledge and philosophical stance of The “vocabulary for COVID-19 data”, available at http:// realism. The scope of the ontology was aimed at knowledge, has been excluded, because and information about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and host tax- its contents is different from the other three, in that it is not onomy data, its phenotype, and drugs and vaccines to foster for COVID-19 data but to label datasets of COVID-19 data, data integration. The CIDO v1.0.109 was used for the as- such as Dataset of the Robert Koch-Institut. sessment, to keep with the time frame where all ontologies were released around July-August 2020, therewith reduc- Bias assessment ing the chance of mutual influence; in particular, the smaller The presence and absence of the different types of bias is cido-base.owl file (downloaded on 20-7-2020) with the summarised in Table 2, and will be illustrated and discussed relevant imports was assessed, which contains 82 classes, 15 in the remainder of this section. object properties (relations), no data properties (attributes) and one individual, and 90 logical axioms and is within the CIDO OWL Full profile due to issues with undeclared annotation There are two socio-cultural biases in the CIDO. First, there properties and a few undeclared classes. Aside from that, is a COVID-19 diagnosis class with three subclasses: nega- logically, it is expressible in ALEHO in DL terminology, tive, positive, and presumptive positive. There are two as- that is, a basic hierarchy with existentially quantified proper- pects to this: the [disease]-positive/negative labeling, which ties and an occasional nominal (instances made into a class). has clear HIV connotations with all the stigmatisation that The CODO (Dutta and DeBellis 2020) has as purpose comes with it. This may be less prevalent in a country like to assist in representing and publishing of COVID-19 data the USA where the incidence is relatively very low, but in from the disease course perspective and has subject do- countries where it is endemic, such as South Africa, such main scope COVID-19 cases and patient information. That labelling can be harmful. It easily could have been, e.g, ‘in- is, it aims to be an component in IT systems for health- fected’, ‘detected’, or ‘present’ and ‘not infected’, ‘absent’ care, rather than take a medical or research angle. The or ‘free’; that said, the positive/negative is a pervasive issues CODO V1.2-16July2020.owl was used for the assess- across languages and countries. The third category, ‘pre- ment, which contains 51 classes, 61 object properties, 45 sumptive positive’, elicits a negative connotation, plays into data properties, 56 individuals, and 463 logical axioms. It people’s fears, and would brand people that are statistically is within the OWL 2 DL profile, and SHOIQ(D) more unlikely to have it, since many countries aim for at most 5- specifically, or: it is an expressive ontology that uses many 10% positivity rate. Neutral, and more accurate, terminology of the OWL 2 DL constructs available in the language. would be, e.g., ‘pending result’, ‘awaiting test outcome’, or The COVoc, developed by the European Bioinformatics ‘under investigation’. Institute, has as purpose to support navigating and curat- A similar bias in the other direction—of unwarranted ing the literature on COVID-19, and in particular the sci- optimism—is the assumption of entific research of it; documentation of its rationale is avail- COVID-19 experimental drug in clinical trial v able as a workshop presentation (Pendlington et al. 2020). COVID-19 drug Its first, and latest, released version is slightly later than that noting that of CIDO and CODO, although all had their drafts in June COVID-19 drug v 20, which did not affect its contents. The covoc.owl was ∃ treatment for.COVID-19 disease process used for the assessment (v d.d. 28-8-2020), which contains is asserted in the ontology, and thus entails that COVID-19 541 classes, 179 object properties, no data properties or in- experimental drug in clinical trial is a drug already and is be- dividuals, and 672 logical axioms. It is within the OWL Full ing part of regular treatment processes of COVID-19, since profile due to a subset property issue with the annotation the property of ∃treatment for.COVID-19 disease process is properties; without that and just the logical theory, it is ex- inherited down into the hierarchy. This is wishful thinking. pressible in ALCHI, consisting of a basic hierarchy with A substance under investigation that is being evaluated is not
necessarily effective or safe and for it to be a drug, it has to ellers’ granularity bias, as the authors noted in the annota- be that and also have been approved by the regulatory body. tions of Patient. A minor language note is drive-thru instead of drive- through for testing stations, but this can easily be addressed COVoc by providing alternative labels. Other US-centric indications are naming SARS-CoV-2 also the Wuhan virus, which was COVoc clearly states that its purpose is COVID-19 scien- rarely used outside the USA since it was advocated by Pres- tific literature ‘triage’, and it is informally well-known that ident Trump and his policies toward China, and FDA EUA- knowledge organisation systems for literature annotation is authorized organization as the only other organisation as sib- focused in facilitating that rather than being concerned with ling of drive-thru COVID-19 testing facility. The latter may ontological precision or correctness. Its contents are not also be an instance of ran-out-of-time, since the authors of clearly structured as a result of this bias, in the sense that the accompanying paper ((He et al. 2020)) have diverse af- there are many top-level terms and mixing of classes and in- filiations. stances, but some aspects, such as the use of the IAO and Regarding philosophical bias, this is evident by its embed- import of the RO, may indicate some leaning to the OBO ding in the OBO Foundry suite (Smith et al. 2007), through Foundry stack as well. Its actual contents regarding bias its partial reuse of ontologies within that framework, such as raises several questions. OBI and IAO, as well as the organisational principles how One is of granularity, and perhaps also focus or time, the ontology is structured, which follows the BFO founda- which are straightforward omissions, such as listing only tional ontology design principles (He et al. 2020). two continents, Asia and Europe (there are 4-7, depending In sum, it does try to take the science angle to representing on how one categories), and a mixture of omission and pol- knowledge about COVID-19, but with a few biases toward itics regarding the countries, since there are 10 subclasses USA-centrism, which reduces its off-the-shelf potential. Or: of Country, of which two are disputed (Hong Kong and Tai- if this were to be used in Europe or any of the key Global wan) and one is definitely an error, since West Africa is not South countries with ample research, testing, or production a country but a region on the African continent. capacities, such as India and South Africa, then they would Scientifically, the low-hanging fruit for bias detection is have to modify it first. Virus v Organism because a virus is not an organism, and that there are several disorders that are subclasses of Disease, such as CODO headache disorder v Disease The CODO fares slightly better on the Laboratory test find- anxiety disorder v Disease ing, which can be negative, positive, or pending, rather, al- whereas they are distinct medically. With a benefit of the though also here the positive/negative may benefit from a doubt, one might argue they may be layperson common- relabeling. Also, it does have the well-known gender issue, sense assumptions, but these would then be rather serious captured in the axiom ones for an ontology for scientific literature. Further scien- Gender type ≡ {Female, Male} tific perspectives are built in by recording symptoms, such as A clear socio-cultural axiom in the ontology is Cough and Diarrhea as subclasses of phenotype, with phe- InfectedSpouse v InfectedFamilyMember notype defined as “The detectable outward manifestations of InfectedFamilyMember v Exposure to COVID-19 a specific genotype.”. This a very gene-centric view on the One can argue about omissions or time constraints, since the body. only family member that can be infected is the spouse ac- Gender is not present, but biological sex is used instead. cording to CODO, but there may be more family members. The only biological sex recorded in COVoc is male. Pub- The cultural bias here is the concept of the nuclear family lished literature on women and COVID-19 easily dates back that consists of the parents and their children. Globally more to March 2020 (e.g., (Li et al. 2020)), however, which is well applicable would be to talk of a household, however that before COVoc’s development. may be composed. This, since there may be live-in grand- Since CIDO and CODO had different test statuses, it was parents, cousins, nannies, domestic workers, and so on, and examined in COVoc as well. It has seven options: there spouses may not live together in one household due to be- is a possible case (meeting clinical criteria), a probable ing migrant workers. An early example of such complexi- case (meeting clinical criteria, with epidemiological link, or ties in the context of COVID-19 can be found in (Parker and meeting the diagnostic criteria), and once confirmed there de Kadt 2020) and if CODO were to be used elsewhere, it are five types of infection: asymptomatic, mild, moderate, would have to revise this branch in the ontology. severe, and critical. There are no test outcomes, only, rapid The purpose is indicated through its heavy use of data testing and serology test. properties, hence, more alike a model for recording data than Since many terms are plain science terms, like replicase for representing the science of COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2. polyprotein 1a (BtCoV) and cryogenic electron microscopy, A substantial amount of information would be usable across there are no obvious language or linguistic issues in the countries trying to record data about patients. One class is sense of bias, other than an English bias that nearly all exist- specific to the country of its developers, India, which is the ing ontologies have. One arguably may be COVoc’s Social Mild and very mild COVID-19, which is one of the three cat- distance compared to physical distancing, but the latter has egories mandated by its government rather than the mod- the former as net effect and so the line is not clear. Economic
motivations or possible benefits or losses are not evident ei- COVID-19 Mapping: SELECT Drug FROM fda ther. drug WHERE Condition = ‘COVID-19’; FDA database Discussion: Consequences of bias in ontologies COVID-19 Having established that there are indeed biases in ontologies, experimental drug does it really matter beyond the hypothetical issues and the increased morbidity and mortality in case of the hormone replacement therapy? They do and there are several ways COVID-19 experimental drug in clinical trial Mapping: where it can affect it, with the three principle ones being due SELECT Intervention FROM CTgov to omissions, incorrect attributions, and undesirable deduc- WHERE Condition = ‘COVID-19’; tions that are logically correct but not ontologically or not database according to the other bias. Omissions and incorrect attributions have a direct ef- fect on data analysis, since they increase the amount of noise (technically speaking) when the ontology is used for ontology-based data access and literature annotation and search. For instance, while mortality rates of men are higher Query for COVID-19, relatively more women get infected; if that “retrieve all COVID-19 drugs” cannot be annotated, since absent in COVoc, then the emerg- Answer ing literature is harder to search to find studies on possi- ble causes for why women are tested positive more often than men. Similarly, the lack of the concept of household, or at least more family members, in CODO, prohibits finer- grained recording of the chain of infection and thus more likely to lose control of the spread of the virus. Incorrect attributions have to do with the annotator not Figure 4: Ontology-based data access and integration sce- finding the desired knowledge in the ontology and then us- nario with CIDO and two database tables, from the Clinical- ing something else for it. For instance, if, say, Ireland were and FDA (selection shown, and mappings to the to use CIDO, then the walk-through testing facility at Dublin OWL classes are abbreviated). Retrieving COVID-19 drug Airport can be approximated by CIDO’s drive-thru one in the recursively fetches from the subclasses in the hierarchy and sense of passing by or FDA authorised in the sense of being takes the union of the query answer to each subclass, thus an official test location. More generally: annotators choose then returning that hydroxychloroquine is already a COVID- approximations based on different criteria, so any data anal- 19 drug, which is an undesirable deduction from both a sci- ysis then will both miss instances and have false positives. entific and regulatory standpoint. Also, and aside from the fact that the different variations on test outcomes contributes to the data integration problem, a presumptive positive annotation is, on the whole, an incor- 19 drugs” will include in the query answer hydroxychloro- rect label in about 45-95% of the time and would seriously quine, since it recursively retrieves the instances down in distort epidemiological investigations and overload tracking the class hierarchy for all COVID-19 drug subclasses. Hy- and tracing efforts on top of it. That is, as long as the ontol- droxychloroquine is definitely not a drug to effectively treat ogy does not fully characterise all the properties of an entity COVID-19, however, nor has it been approved for that pur- type so as to be clear on the exact semantics, there is a heav- pose in any country. ier reliance on the term, with language alone being an easier None of the COVID-19 ontologies have any meaningful target to be used or interpreted with bias. deductions along the line of the protein phosphatase experi- An example of an undesirable deduction resulting from a ment that deduced a novelty for human understanding of it at bias built into an ontology would be the drugs with CIDO, the theory level (Wolstencroft, Stevens, and Haarslev 2007), which is illustrated in Fig. 4. CIDO aims to facilitate data nor are they aimed at achieving that at present. Issues such integration (He et al. 2020), which could be done with, as the robot in Example 1 and Fig. 1, which similarly can be say, ontology-based data access (OBDA) and integration transposed on the gender binary bias, would likely surface to link data to ontologies (Poggi et al. 2008) where each during ontology development since typically the reasoner is class and object property in the ontology is mapped to a used to eliminate errors and then the deductions are mate- query over the database(s). A query over the ontology then rialsed so that the reasoner is not needed in time-sensitive avails of those mappings to retrieve the answer, together applications other than for query answering. Alternatively, a with the knowledge represented in the ontology. Hydroxy- light-wight ontology language is used from the start so that chloroquine is still used as an experimental drug in COVID- 19 clinical trials and is listed as such in the clinical trials for COVID-19 at the time of writing (of the 47 in total) registry database7 , so then the query “retrieve all COVID- Search=Apply&recrs=d&age v=&gndr=&type=&rslt=; last 7 There are 24 active trials with hydroxychloroquine accessed on 15-1-2021.
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