BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association

Page created by Adrian Mcdaniel
BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud


BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud


4    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                           42   LETTERS OF SUPPORT
                                                 43   Civil Society
                                                 52   Government and public offices
     Government of Portugal                      55   Public figures
                                                 57   Business
8    1. LGBTI PORTUGAL: A MIXED PICTURE          58   Culture and Education
     Successes and Obstacles
     LGBTI Milestones

     ILGA Portugal
     rede ex aequo

     Human Rights Conference
     March, Village and Festivals
     Arts and Cultural Agenda


     Marketing and Communications

     Getting there
     Eat, drink, sleep
BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud
                                                                                                                                  Beyond Proud


    1. LGBTI PORTUGAL: A MIXED PICTURE                                   3. CONCEPT: BEYOND PROUD                                                5. BUSINESS PLAN: SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS                                 6. PORTUGAL: #1 IN LGBTI TRAVEL

    Since the end of Portugal’s dictatorship in 1974, particularly in    The vision of a pan-European Pride movement will mark 30                EuroPride 2022 Portugal public events, including the Human            Renowned for its warm weather and warm welcome, Portugal
    the last two decades, the country made accelerating progress         years in 2022 since the first EuroPride march took place in             Rights Conference will be free to attend. In addition, our planning   is among the 20 most visited countries in the world, receiving
    on LGBTI rights, particularly for a long-closed country and          London. In 2022, we will celebrate not just Pride, but pride in our     includes helping students in particular with accommodations in        an average of 13 million foreign tourists annually. Ranked among
    conservative culture. As a result, in 2019, Portugal ranked #7       accomplishments as a movement that has changed the landscape            order to make youth participation a priority.                         the five most peaceful countries in the world, Portugal also tied
    on ILGA Europe’s Rainbow Map. However, Portugal remains              for LGBTI lives in Europe. At the same time, such a landmark                                                                                  for #1 on the 2019 Spartacus Gay Travel Index. Since five years,
    with Eastern Europe near the bottom of OECD countries for            anniversary invites us to look forward, to see how we can expand        EuroPride 2022 Portugal will be marketed as a single, contiguous,     Portugal consistently features among Top-10 destinations, on both
    LGBTI social acceptance. Stigma, discrimination, isolation, and      the vision of EuroPride beyond today and beyond boundaries, in          6-day festival that begins in Porto and ends in Lisbon.               professional (Monocle, Lonely Planet, Conde Nast Traveller, etc.)
    victimisation remain the reality of many.                            order to transform LGBTI lives beyond recognition.                      Communications will take a digital-first, substance-first approach,   and user-generated (TripAdvisor, Airbnb, etc.) lists.
                                                                                                                                                 timed with the calendar of European and worldwide LGBTI
                                                                                                                                                 events from 2019 to 2022. Social platforms (Facebook, Instagram,      While the need for greater LGBTI social acceptance and legal
    2. BIDDERS: A TRIO OF SYNERGIES                                                                                                              etc.) will serve for audience-capture and as extensions of the        equality is acute, openness to foreigners and a culture of
                                                                         4. PROGRAMME: 6 DAYS, 2 CITIES, 1 DESTINY                               EuroPride 2022 website and app. By going beyond promotion and         respectfulness mean that Portugal remains among the safest,
    Portugal’s EuroPride 2022 bid represents a joint effort by three                                                                             information to deliver added-value knowledge, we will position        most welcoming places for LGBTI travelers. Lisbon and Porto have
    national organisations who, together, offer LGBTI people a path      EuroPride 2022 Portugal takes place Monday-Saturday, 19-24              EuroPride 2022 as a must-attend event.                                dynamic, visible LGBTI presence, and initiatives in smaller cities
    to self-determination, autonomy, and community in all aspects        September. The Human Rights Conference opens the evening                                                                                      are multiplying rapidly as evidenced by the local Prides and EPOA
    of life. ILGA Portugal is the country’s largest and oldest NGO       of Monday, 19 September in Porto. The EuroPride Village in              Faithful to our Beyond Proud concept for EuroPride to be a            members emerging in the last two years.
    working for the social integration of and an end to discrimination   Lisbon opens to visitors the afternoon of Thursday, 22 September,       positive force for communities, we will design a social and
    against LGBTI people and their families. rede ex aequo promotes      with a party that night. Special rail offers facilitate the 2.5-hour    environmental programme to guide our efforts. We will aim to
    social integration and recognition of the needs specific to LGBTI    trip between Porto and Lisbon during the week, with capacity            meet B Lab standards for sustainability and inclusivity the full
    youth through a network of local support, social, and activism       added Lisbon-bound the last day of the conference. EuroPride            length of our supply and value chains, and encourage our vendors
    groups. Variações promotes LGBTI economic empowerment by             culminates with the march on Saturday, 24 September, which              and partners to do the same.
    helping LGBTI-owned/-focused small businesses in Portugal, and       delivers festival goers to the EuroPride Village for the closing and
    employees and associations at larger firms.                          handover ceremonies, and the main concert.

                                                                         Both cities will host an Espaço EuroPride mixed-use event
                                                                         space near the official event venues. Open all week, these will
                                                                         house an educational exhibition, be available for receptions, and
                                                                         performances, and to groups wishing to organise meetings and
                                                                         workshops in relation to EuroPride. In addition, businesses and
                                                                         arts institutions across both cities will be engaged to develop a
                                                                         EuroPride-related social and cultural agenda to accompany the
                                                                         political events.

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BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association


    On behalf of the Steering Committee it is our great pride to bid      We live in perilous times, in Europe and elsewhere, when Human       Portugal currently ranks 7th on ILGA Europe’s Rainbow Map,
    to host EuroPride 2022 in Portugal, especially now, when we as a      Rights are challenged on a daily basis and used as populist          but there is still so much to do where there are no rankings: on
    movement are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall        weapons, targeting our communities politically and decrying          social perception and acceptance. Thus we present a national
    riots.                                                                identities as threats. The LGBTI movement has historically upheld    application, as we recognize the enormous national gaps that
                                                                          inclusion and diversity, to leave no one behind. We want to          persist: where North and South are moving at different speeds;
    This candidacy is a collaborative effort across civil society in      reaffirm this in 2022: to address Europe as a whole, including the   where urban and rural don’t speak the same language; where
    Portugal, with outstanding support from very diverse Human            migrant communities that are an integral part of our societies.      countryside and coast don’t see the same human dignity. But at
    Rights and LGBTI organisations and relevant Government officials.     We also want to engage in interregional dialogue, so that we can     the same time, Portugal is a country where Prides are flourishing
    If approved, EuroPride 2022 Portugal will have a profound impact      support each other in our mutual concerns, where “us versus          and where informal groups are stepping up to intervene, and we
    on the proximity between CSOs and local and national Government,      them” becomes only “us” proudly embracing our differing views        want to share our excitement about this with all of Europe.
    and how LGBTI issues are perceived by society as a whole.             and diversity.
                                                                                                                                               Portugal is known for its hospitality, great food, even better
                                                                                                                                               nightlife and gorgeous views. We are eager to open this reality
                                                                                                                                               to LGBTI communities and to share this with thousands of LGBTI
                                                                                                                                               activists during EuroPride 2022.

                                                                                                                                               We are Beyond Proud to welcome you!

                                                                                                                                               Marta Ramos                            Carlos Sanches Ruivo
                                                                                                                                               Executive Director, ILGA Portugal      President, Variações L

BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud

    Since the end of Portugal’s dictatorship                SUCCESSES AND OBSTACLES
    in 1974, particularly in the last two
    decades, the country made accelerating                  While Portugal’s LGBTI civil society fosters best practices and                                                          successes can serve to inform and empower political activism
    progress on LGBTI rights, particularly for              achieves legal and political advances, the law still does not protect                                                    in other conservative societies, where progress is most urgent.
    a long-closed country and conservative                  equal access to goods and services, healthcare and employment.                                                           Portugal’s lapses, meanwhile, remind even its more advanced
    culture. By 2019, Portugal ranked #7                    Legal protection against hate crimes and for asylum seekers                                                              peers to translate policy progress into everyday experience.
    on ILGA Europe’s Rainbow Map and                        is incomplete. Bullying in schools and lack of LGBTI education
    tied for first on Spartacus Guides                      persist. Especially outside the major cities of Lisbon and Porto,                                                        EuroPride would show Portugal the value, beauty and power
    ranking of LGBTI travel destinations.1                  much work remains in order to overcome cultural inertia and                                                              of diversity. EuroPride would federate the slowly emerging
    However, Portugal also joins Eastern                    prejudice, which continue to hamper LGBTI security, equality,                                                            crop of local Prides and LGBTI initiatives across Portugal, giving
    Europe near the bottom of OECD                          access, and inclusion.                                                                                                   sustenance and permanence to a national movement that will
    countries for LGBTI social acceptance.2                                                                                                                                          inspire others. EuroPride would help ensure that headline progress
    Stigma, discrimination, isolation, and                  Portugal thus forms a bridge between more and less advanced                                                              does not remain confined to paper.
    victimisation remain a daily reality for                European countries in terms of LGBTI equality. Portugal’s

                                                            SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE OF HOMOSEXUALITY
                                                                     1981-2000                 2001-2014(   )

     Spartacus Gay Travel Index 2019,
    1.    1

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     Society at a Glance 2019: OECD Social Indicators,





















                                                            SOURCE: OECD


8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9
BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud
                                                                                                                               Beyond Proud
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Sex characteristics of intersex
     T I M E L I N E O F L G B T I M I L E TO N E S I N P O R T U G U E S E H I S TO R Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          minors gain legal protection
                                                                                                                                                          • Equal age of                                                                                                  • 2nd law regarding gender
                                                                                                                                                          consent established                                                                                             recognition adds
                                                                                                                                                          • Sexual orientation                                     1st LGBTI Pride
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          self-determination for adults
                                                                                                                                                          included in hate                                         march in Ponta
                                                                                   De facto unions for                                                                                                                                                                    • Government and ILGA Portugal
                                                                                                                                                          crimes laws                                              Delgada (Azores)
                                                                                   same-sex couples                                                                                                                                                                       host the 6th European IDAHOT
                                                                                   given legal recognition                                                                                                                                                                Forum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Variações founded, association
                                                                                                                                                                                     • 8th country in the                                                                 for LGBTI business and tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                     world to recognise                                   • Artificial insemination/IVF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • 1st LGBTI Pride marches in
                                                      1st Arraial Lisboa                                        Constitution bans                                                    same-sex marriage                                    allowed for lesbian couples
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Faro, Aveiro, Viseu and Bragança
                                                      Pride festival                                            discrimination based                                                 • 1st LGBTI Pride                                    • Same-sex adoption gains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • 1st LGBTI Pride march in Ponta
                                                                                                                on sexual orientation                                                march in Coimbra                                     legal recognition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Delgada (Azores) after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4 years of absence

 1974               1982                 1995             1997             1999          2001           2003          2004                    2006           2007          2008           2010              2011        2012          2013         2016           2017        2018             2019

                                                                       1st LGBTI Pride                                                1st LGBTI Pride              Sexual orientation/gender                                • Gender identity included                                    1st LGBTI Pride
                                                                       march in Lisbon                                                march in Porto,              identity recognised for                                  in hate crimes laws                                           marches in
Carnation Revolution                                                                                                                  Portugal’s second                                                                     • 1st LGBTI Pride march                                       Barcelos and
                                                                                                                                                                   asylum purposes
brings ends 50 years                                                                                                                  largest city                                                                          in Braga                                                      Matosinhos
of dictatorship

                                    ILGA Portugal                                            • Employment
                                    founded as first                                                                                                                                                1st law regarding                                       1st LGBTI Pride
                                                                                             anti-discrimination laws passed
                                    national LGBTI                                                                                                                                                 gender recognition                                      marches in Vila Real
                                                                                             • Foundation of rede ex aequo,
                                    rights organisation                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Funchal (Madeira)
                                                                                             association of LGBTI youth and
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11
BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
                                                                                                                                              (Policy Directors)              Beyond Proud

                                                                           S T R AT E G Y
2 .BIDDERS:                                                                                            CIVIL SOCIETY
   A TRIO OF SYNERGIES                                                                                 COUNCIL

     Portugal’s EuroPride 2022 bid represents a joint effort by three
     national organisations who, together, offer LGBTI people a path to
     self-determination, autonomy, and community in all aspects of life:

     • ILGA Portugal is the country’s largest and oldest NGO working
     for the social integration of and an end to discrimination against
     LGBTI people and their families.

     • rede ex aequo promotes social integration and recognition                                                                STEERING COMMITTEE
     of the needs specific to LGBTI youth through a network of local                                                               (Heads of Bidding Organisations)

     support, social, and activism groups.                                                                                                                                   INDEPENDENT
                                                                                                                                                                             PA R T I C I PA N T S
     • Variações promotes LGBTI economic empowerment. It
     helps LGBTI-owned/focused small businesses in Portugal, and
     employees and associations at larger firms.
                                                                                                                                                                             & Culture
     The heads of these compose a Steering Committee that consults
     a Civil Society Advisory Council including local Pride organisers
     and recognised non-profit groups working on LGBTI issues, thus
     ensuring support from a wide range of stakeholders.

                                                                           I M P L E M E N TAT I O N
                                                                                                                       S E C R E TA R I AT S TA F F & V O L U N T E E R S

                                                                                                             VENDORS           E X H I B I TO R S                  MEDIA    PUBLIC

12                                                                                                                                                                                             13
BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud

     Founded in 1995, ILGA Portugal belongs to the ILGA Europe                                                                            rede ex aequo began informal activities in 2002 through
     Advocacy Network, is a founding member of NELFA, an                                                                                  the Descentrar Project of ILGA Portugal, funded by the
     IDAHO correspondent, and a member of FRA’s Fundamental                                                                               Portuguese Institute for Youth. It was formally organised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                President - Tavares
     Rights Platform and of the Advisory Council of the Portuguese                                     President - Nuno Pinto             in 2003 and attained legal status in 2004. rede ex
     Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality. Based in Lisbon,                                                                     aequo’s mission is to:
     ILGA Portugal coordinates groups devoted to specific topics, such      Nuno Pintois an LGBTI activist and volunteer with                                                                         Tavares is an activist and volunteer with rede ex aequo since 2016.
     as Lesbian or Trans issues and Rainbow Families, and key initiatives   ILGA Portugal since 2005, and a member of the Board           • Fight discrimination, and promote social integration      Tavares is currently Chair of the Board. Tavares studies leisure
     including:                                                             of which he is now President since 2011. Nuno holds           and recognition of the needs and specificities of LGBTI     management and tourism and works actively in projects related to
                                                                            a degree in political psychology and does research in         youth                                                       the protection of LGBTI youth and sex education in schools.
     • Political intervention: Lobbying Portuguese political parties        the field of social sciences. He has a PhD from ISCTE
     and the Government, building alliances with private and public         Lisbon University Institute, with a thesis on the situation   • Implement strategic scientific, social, cultural, and
     institutions, organizing conferences and promoting petitions,          of Trans people in Portugal, and works on national            political interventions on behalf of LGBTI youth and
     among other activities.                                                and international projects involving both research and        education
                                                                            intervention in LGBTI domains.
     • Arraial Lisboa Pride: The largest annual LGBTI Pride event in                                                                      • Create and foster the development of local support,
     Portugal. Integrated in the Festas de Lisboa municipal festival, the                                                                 social and working groups for LGBTI youth and
     party takes place on Lisbon’s main square. Live performances, DJ’s                                                                   supporters
     and a Pride village including stands for NGOs and LGBTI businesses
     draw around 70,000 attendees each year.                                                                                              The association runs support centres, activism and social
                                                                                                                                          programmes throughout the country. rede ex aequo
     • LGBT Centre: A helpline, psychological and legal counseling, HIV                                                                   also organise discussions and clarification sessions in
     and STI prevention, social integration assistance for asylum seekers                              Executive Director - Marta Ramos   schools about sexual orientation, gender identity and
     and refugees, a documentation centre on LGBTI issues and victim                                   (Co-President of EuroPride 2022    expression. Victims can report instances of homophobic
     support, many cultural and political events, and opportunities for                                Portugal)                          or transphobic bullying to the association’s Observatory.                             Vice President - Isaac Rodrigues
     supervised training and volunteer work.                                                                                              rede ex aequo also offer support and information for
                                                                            With a background in Law and a major in Human Rights,         family and friends of LGBTI young people.                   Isaac Rodrigues began activism with rede ex aequo in 2014. Isaac
     • Prémio Arco-Íris: Annual Rainbow Awards ceremony honours             Marta Ramos is the Executive Director of ILGA Portugal.                                                                   has been an active volunteer ever since, having been appointed
     people or institutions whose work throughout the year promotes         She previously worked at the Office of the Council of         rede ex aequo is inscribed in the National Register of      as Treasurer of the Board and currently serving as Vice President.
     the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender   Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, in the European         Youth Associations and is part of the National Youth        Isaac is dedicated to projects involving Trans youth.
     expression and identity, and sex characteristics.                      Parliament and at the Portuguese Commission for the           Council, the Forum for the Rights of Children and
                                                                            Citizenship and Gender Equality. Marta is a member of         Youth, and the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
     • Information: Publications on LGBTI rights and access to resources,   ILGA Portugal since 2011, where she developed specific        Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organisation
     multimedia campaigns against LGBTI discrimination, education           work and expertise on combating and raising awareness         (IGLYO).
     and training of professionals to ensure LGBTI access to public         of anti-LGBTI hate crimes, particularly via projects with
     services.                                                              the Observatory on Discrimination and UNI-FORM.
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BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud
                                                                                                                           Beyond Proud

                                                                                                                                          CIVIL SOCIETY ADVISORY COUNCIL

                                                                                                                                          The Civil Society Advisory Council has a three-fold role:
                                                                                                                                          (1) to include perspectives from the full spectrum groups based on identity, issue and geography across
                                                                                                                                          (2) to engage the community beyond the major cities and beyond the most established LGBTI civil society
     Founded in 2018, Variações: LGBTI Business & Tourism                                                                                 issues and actors in a collective effort behind EuroPride;
     Association of Portugal unites more than 60 firms in a                                President - Carlos Sanches Ruivo               (3) to facilitate EPOA membership among new local Pride organisers in cities across the country.
     non-profit association that supports LGBTI economic                                   (Co-President of EuroPride 2022                In so doing, we want to empower activism at local level nationwide, and connect individual efforts into a
     empowerment in Portugal. The core membership                                          Portugal)                                      national visible and consolidated LGBTI movement. As of July 2019, the council comprises:
     consists of LGBTI-owned, -managed, and -focused
     small businesses working to establish Portugal both        Carlos Sanches Ruivo, 51, is a co-founder and current President of
     at home and abroad as a top destination for LGBTI          Variações, and founder of The Late Birds Lisbon, Portugal’s largest
     residence, travel and investment. Promoting Portugal       LGBTI hotel company. Carlos graduated in Telecom Engineering in           Community                    Identity                Health                      Social
     as a hub for the worldwide LGBTI community also            Paris, where he worked for 20 years before pursuing his MBA and           activism                     and inclusivity         and well-being              activities
     promotes a culture of inclusivity within Portugal by       starting The Late Birds. Having spent 38 years abroad and as an
     using economic incentives to advance social goals. To      activist, mostly in French LGBTI political and sports organisations,      • AMPLOS: Parents of         • Rumos Novos –         • Grupo de Ativistas        • Lisbon Bear Pride:
     do so, Variações engages with LGBTI groups at large        Carlos is now an active leader of Portugal’s LGBTI community, and         LGBTI children and           Católicas e Católicos   em Tratamentos/             Leisure
     firms and with public authorities to support diverse and   The Late Birds both serves as a hub for the LGBTI community in            youth*                       LGBT: LGBTI faithful    CheckpointLx: STI
     inclusive workplaces, labour and business practices, and   Lisbon and sponsors many cultural, social, athletic, and charity events                                                        prevention and              • Associação Cultural
     legislation.                                               throughout the year, such as the Queer Film Festival, Fado Bicha and      • It Gets Better             • Coletivo Zanele       treatment*                  Janela Indiscreta
                                                                Portugal’s participation in the 2018 Paris Gay Games.                     Portugal: LGBTI youth        Muholi de Lésbicas e                                (Queer Lisboa Film
     Variações’ first year operating budget was                                                                                           empowerment                  Bissexuais Negras: LB   • Associação para           Festival): Culture
     approximately EUR 20,000 from membership fees                                                                                                                     women of colour         o Planeamento da
     and voluntary contributions to specific initiatives.                                                                                 • Somos Blergh: Grass-                               Família: Family planning    • Associação
     Government grants for Variações’ second year increased                                                                               roots mobilisation           • OPUS Diversidades     services*                   Desportiva
     this amount more than ten-fold, reflecting the                                                                                                                    (formerly Opus Gay):                                BJWHF/One
     Government’s commitment to a strong LGBTI economy                                                                                    • Alluma: LGBTI              LGBTI and age anti-     • Associação Portuguesa     Club Fits All
     in Portugal.                                                                                                                         student organisation         discrimination*         de Apoio à Vítima:
                                                                                                                                          (University of Madeira)                              Victim support services
                                                                                                                                                                       • Ação Pela
                                                                                                                                          • Mais: LGBTI health         Identidade: Trans and   • Associação Plano i/
                                                                                           Executive Director - Diogo Vieira da Silva     students organisation        intersex identities     Centro GIS: Social
                                                                                                                                                                                               inclusion and
                                                                Originally from Porto, Diogo Vieira da Silva, 29, is a co-founder and     • Academia Cidadã /                                  integration*
                                                                current Executive Director of Variações. Diogo became an LGBTI            Citizenship Academy:
                                                                activist at a young age, having joined several projects, including        Civic participation*                                 • Casa Qui:
                                                                leading Portugal in the European coordination of the It Gets Better                                                            Psychological, social and
                                                                Project, which ran from 2017 to 2018. Diogo is Assistant General          • Colectivo LGBTI                                    legal support to LGBTI
                                                                Manager at The Late Birds Lisbon. He holds degrees in Hospitality         Viseu: Local activism                                children and youth
                                                                Management, International Trade and Digital Marketing.
                                                                                                                                          * = local pride organizers
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BEYOND PROUD BID BOOK - European Pride Organisers Association
Beyond Proud

3.CONCEPT: BEYOND PROUD                                                                THEMES                                                            PROGRAMME

                                                                                       B eyo n d                                                            Pol i ti ca l
       In a survey of Pride mission statements from around the
       world, amid approaches ranging from the philosophical
                                                                                        To day
                                                                                                                                                          Co n f e r e n ce s
       to the mechanical, two cities stand out. The Prides of                                                                                            & ce r e m o n i e s
       New York and San Francisco, the cities with the longest
       experience in LGBTI activism converge on four specific
       objectives, which we distill into three concrete goals for
       EuroPride 2022:

                                                                              INFORM               I N I T I AT E
                                                                                                                                               INFORM                           I N I T I AT E

     Te a c h a b o u t L G B T I Q l i ve s
     Honour LGBTIQ heritage
                                                   INSPIRE                                                                      Cultural                                                         S oc i a l
                                                   ideas            B eyond                                      B eyo n d
     Ce l e b ra t e L G B T I Q c u l t u r e                                                                                  Exhibitions &                                               Parties &
                                                                    B ound arie s                          R e co g n it io n
                                                   I N I T I AT E                                                               p e r f o r m a n ce s                                      activities
                                                   action                              INSPIRE                                                              INSPIRE
     Promote LGBTIQ equality

       The vision of a pan-European Pride movement will
       mark 30 years in 2022 since the first EuroPride march
       took place in London. In 2022, we will celebrate Pride,
       including pride in our accomplishments as a movement                                                                         EuroPride creates opportunities for and mobilizes activism by
       that has changed the landscape for LGBTI individuals in                                                                      allowing as many stakeholders as possible to join with their
       Europe. At the same time, such a landmark anniversary                                                                        own initiatives. The themes and programme above provide
       invites us to look forward, to see how we can expand                                                                         a framework to guide and encourage other stakeholders,
       the vision of EuroPride beyond today and beyond                                                                              in particular from the Civil Society Advisory Council,
       boundaries, in order to transform LGBTI lives beyond                                                                         who would like to organise political, cultural and social
       recognition.                                                                                                                 events that complement the official calendar.
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19
Beyond Proud

                                                             HUMAN RIGHTS CONFERENCE                                                                                        Not OK is OK looks at mental health
                                                                                                                                                                            issues for LGBTI persons. It considers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Purpleconomy looks at LGBTI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              economic empowerment and at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL YOUTH
                                                                                                                                                                            the impact that homophobia,                       its socioeconomic impact around
                                                             EuroPride will open in Porto with the Human Rights Conference following a weekend-
                                                                                                                                                                            transphobia, biphobia and interphobia             us. It recognises that LGBTI-owned,                        The International Youth Encounter, part
                                                             long youth encounter organized by rede ex aequo (see box). The three-day conference
                                                                                                                                                                            have on the well-being of LGBTI                   -run, and -friendly businesses offer                       of rede ex aequo’s regular programme,
                                                             will be free to attend, and present keynote speakers, panel discussions, roundtables,
                                                                                                                                                                            persons, on top of the daily negation             opportunities and influence for people                     will happen in Porto 16-20 September,
                                                             informational presentations, and practical workshops. The conference will be conducted
                                                                                                                                                                            of living in a heteronormative media              who may not have access to them                            contiguous with the Human Rights
                                                             by a renowned Portuguese TV host and will be followed by two LGBTI-specialised
                                                                                                                                                                            environment. It analyses existing                 elsewhere. It examines how business                        Conference. During the first days,
                                                             rapporteurs who will attend workshops and collect notes on key messages. Below, we
                                                                                                                                                                            services and options for more adequate            can continue to improve LGBTI                              young people from across Europe will
                                                             identify a spectrum of connected topics that span the varied needs of multi-speed
                                                                                                                                                                            and appropriate healthcare.                       autonomy, self-determination, and                          get to know each other and explain
                                                             progress on LGBTI rights evident across Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              community, in particular by addressing                     the work they do in their organisations.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Proposed speakers: Mental Health Europe; Pink
                                                                                                                                                                            Therapy; EPATH.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              acute problems in the LGBTI                                Beginning the 20 September, they will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              community like youth unemployment,                         attend the conference sessions in Porto,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mentoring, and retirement and                              after which they will attend the march
                                                                                                                                                                            Let’s Get Physical looks at how sports            eldercare. It also addresses negative                      and other activities held in Lisbon.
     Faith Matters looks at debunking                        Them Us looks at Europe’s potential                     Kids These Days looks at the specific                  do and do not accommodate LGBTI                   effects like gentrification, hyper-
     cultural and social stereotypes about                   for enabling Human Rights progress                      needs of LGBTI youth and how they are                  athletes. It recognises the gendered              tourism and persistent economic                            Young people have less budget to
     LGBTI persons and their opportunity                     in former occupied countries and                        too often neglected by misconceptions                  nature of sports to date and how this             exclusion within the LGBTI world.                          travel and participate in events like
     to live truly and publicly express their                how, conversely, these countries can                    about age. It recognises that today’s                  poses particular problems for Trans,                                                                         EuroPride, and their professional and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Proposed speakers: Nova School of Business; IES Social
     faith. It acknowledges both sides of                    equip European LGBTI organisations                      young people are tomorrow’s leaders                    Intersex and gender diverse athletes.             Business School; B Lab; L’Autre Cercle; OECD; Schwulen     activist networks tend to be limited.
     the taboo when it comes to religion,                    with a truly integrationist discourse. It               and family heads, and those who will                   It reflects on which opportunities                Beratung; Rainbold; MisterB&B; OPUS Diversidades.          As today’s young activists will become
     gender identity and sexuality, and                      recognises the need for Europeans to                    shape the society of the future. It looks              athletes are given to come out as                                                                            tomorrow’s leaders, it is vital to
     proposes to have an open, straight-                     redress LGBTI communities in former                     beyond education to acknowledge                        LGBTI.                                                                                                       provide them with tools, knowledge,
     forward interfaith debate informed                      occupied countries and assist other                     the full experience of being young and                                                                                                                              experiences and networking to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We encourage diverse voices, including
     also by discussions during the Vatican’s                organisations in their work to promote                  LGBTI.                                                 • Proposed speakers: GaySurfers; FARE network;                                                               empower them from the earliest.
                                                                                                                                                                            Outsport Project; BJWHF/One Club Fits All.        those on narrow and even controversial
     World Youth Day, which Portugal will                    equality and Human Rights. It also                                                                                                                                                                                          The International Youth Encounter
                                                                                                                     • Proposed speakers: IGLYO; SALTO-YOUTH Inclusion                                                        topics in an open environment
     host earlier in the summer of 2022.                     recognises that advocacy for LGBTI                                                                                                                                                                                          thus aims to integrate more young
                                                                                                                     Resource Centre; International Partnership for Queer                                                     that can structure and channel
                                                             equality may come at the expense of                     Youth Resilience (INQYR).                                                                                                                                           people into EuroPride. We will work
     • Proposed speakers: European Forum of LGBT Christian                                                                                                                                                                    the passionate, sometimes chaotic
                                                             respecting local cultures and examines                                                                                                                                                                                      with donors and hostels to provide
     Groups; Confederation of Associations of LGBTQI                                                                                                                                                                          but always fundamental process of
     European Muslims (CALEM) and Rainbow Jews.              the consequences for LGBTI people                                                                                                                                                                                           scholarships and accommodation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              activism. In addition to the official
                                                             caught in the middle, for whom asylum                                                                                                                                                                                       Young people from all over Europe will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              conference, we will list and promote
                                                             abroad is the only option.                                                                                                                                                                                                  find a safe environment to share their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sessions organised by others and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              connect them with the resources they                       experiences, deconstruct prejudices
                                                             • Proposed speakers: Arquivo Identidade Angolano;
                                                             Commonwealth Equality Network; ABGLT; LGBT Arabic;                                                                                                               require, in both Porto and Lisbon,                         surrounding gender and sexuality, and
                                                             Organisation for Refuge, Asylum and Migration (ORAM);
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              where dedicated Espaço EuroPride                           build their skills and broaden their
                                                             LGBT Asylum Support; European Asylum Support Office
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              venues will include space for events.                      networks as activists.
                                                             (EASO); UNHCR.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  21
Beyond Proud

     MARCH, VILLAGE AND FESTIVALS                                PITCH BEACH ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT                                          ARTS AND CULTURAL AGENDA
     The weekend immediately preceding the Human                 Pitch Beach is an international competition that takes place in          The arts have a particular benefit beyond their thought-provoking
     Rights Conference in Porto, and on weeknights of the        Lisbon every summer since 2010. It brings together athletes and          and political role. Artwork installations, exhibitions and performances
     conference, Porto Pride and a programme of outdoor          supporters from over a dozen countries for two sports days during        manifest underrepresented identities and issues with a visual impact
     film screenings will give added incentive for visitors to   a 4-5 day programme with other social activities. Competition is         that conference sessions do not have. Further, they last longer by
     the city. Further, Porto’s student, nightlife and LGBTI     organised into two categories: (1) Pitch - rugby, volleyball, football   nature, expanding education and communication opportunities for
     neighbourhood offer an array of popular restaurants,        and swimming competitions in indoor facilities or grass courts in        weeks to months before and after the EuroPride festival. As a result,
     bars, clubs and boutiques for many different crowds,        the city, and (2) Beach - rugby, volleyball and football on a beach      the arts offer an abundance of visual material for media to use, and
     tastes and budgets all in close proximity to the            near Lisbon. Pitch Beach is hosted and organised by BJWHF/One            can expand media coverage beyond the reductive stereotyping that
     EuroPride venues.                                           Club Fits All, a non-profit organisation promoting the practice          Pride is about only certain kinds of people or events.
                                                                 of sports without any form of discrimination. To date, the group
     In Lisbon, the EuroPride Village will open the last three   has also established the Dark Horses rugby and Lisbon Crows              Further, a 2019 meeting of Portuguese curators made clear the
     days of EuroPride on Praça de Comercio, the biggest         volleyball teams.                                                        widespread desire to include LGBTI narratives in programming.
     public square in Portugal: 3.5 waterfront hectares                                                                                   These include both new shows and presentations of existing
     surrounded by colonnades and a triumphal arch. Several                                                                               collections that explore gender, identity, self-expression, love, family,
     dozen stands will offer products, catering, information                                                                              faith, freedom, politics, prejudice, etc., both in artwork explicitly and    QUEER LISBOA INTERNATIONAL
     and meeting places. As a political, cultural, and social                                                                             implicitly, and in the lives of artists. However, while curators from fine   FILM FESTIVAL
     agora, the EuroPride Village will dedicate areas for                                                                                 to folk art understand that LGBTI narratives can shine new light and
     caucuses on youth, families, elders, women, and/or                                                                                   help reach new audiences, their directors and trustees doubt the             Queer Lisboa is Lisbon’s oldest film festival and the
     cultural background, who will be the object of proactive                                                                             relevance in terms of content and/or growth potential. EuroPride’s           first Portuguese festival dedicated to LGBTI-themed
     outreach. The mainstage will feature nightly live                                                                                    ability to attract audiences and media coverage would offer proof to         cinema. Created in 1997, Queer Lisboa has become
     performances to animate open-air parties. Concurrently                                                                               the contrary.                                                                one of the most internationally recognised of its
     Lisbon will host the Pitch Beach Athletic Tournament
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       genre for the quality of programming and activities
     (see box).                                                                                                                           At the time of writing, discussion is ongoing with visual, performance,      as well as the guests it attracts. Queer Lisboa gives
                                                                                                                                          literary and applied arts institutions in cities around the country. The     awards for Best Feature Film, Documentary, Short
     On the last day of EuroPride 2022, the March will follow                                                                             aim is for exhibitions, shows, residencies and workshops to offer a          Film, School Film (short format), and Queer Art
     Lisbon’s central avenues, it’s final leg 2.5 km down                                                                                 critical mass of LGBTI programming throughout (at least) Portugal’s          experimental formats. In parallel, non-competition
     Avenida da Liberdade to an enfilade of plazas that                                                                                   summer high season. As a first step, the Queer Lisboa International          sections offer themed programmes dedicated to a
     lead to the EuroPride Village for the closing speeches,                                                                              FIlm Festival (see box), which would run during EuroPride, have              particular filmmaker or culture, retrospectives on
     handover ceremony and concert.                                                                                                       committed to arrange special, public screenings in conjunction with          the historical representation of Queer identity in
                                                                                                                                          EuroPride in both cities. Additional interest has come from leading          film, sections dedicated to Queer Cinema subgenres,
                                                                                                                                          museums and the Disquiet International Literary Programme. We                as well as panel discussions, lectures, workshops,
                                                                                                                                          will develop these and other options further.                                exhibitions, and art installations.
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             23
Beyond Proud

     EuroPride 2022 Portugal takes place Monday-Saturday, 19-24 September. The                   VENUES                                                               ESPAÇO EUROPRIDE
     Human Rights conference opens the evening of Monday, 19 September in Porto.
     The EuroPride Village in Lisbon opens to visitors the afternoon of Thursday, 22             Porto and Lisbon, as the country’s two largest cities, and its       With events in two cities and activity migrating from one
     September, with a party that night. All week, special rail offers facilitate the 2.5-hour   political, social, cultural and economic hubs, are experienced in    to the other, a sense of presence and continuity in both
     trip between Porto and Lisbon, with capacity added to bring conference goers to             and well equipped for hosting large, public events. They are only    is essential to the cohesion of a single, national festival.
     Lisbon for the Village opening. EuroPride culminates with the March on Saturday,            300 kilometres apart with frequent, direct road/rail (2.5 hrs) and   To achieve this, each city will have a mixed-use Espaço
     24 September, which delivers all to the Village for closing speeches, the handover          air (30 min) links.                                                  EuroPride indoor facility, to be integrated with the official
     ceremony, and the main concert.                                                                                                                                  events venues, and serving as a EuroPride anchor or
                                                                                                                                                                      “embassy” in Lisbon during the Porto Human Rights
     All week, Porto and Lisbon will each host an Espaço EuroPride mixed-use event               MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY                                           Conference, and in Porto when the centre of activity moves
     space (see box) near the official event venues. This space will house an educational                                                                             to Lisbon for the EuroPride Village and March.
     exhibition open to the public and be available to groups wishing to organise                EuroPride venues were specifically selected for their proven ease
     meetings and workshops and other events related to EuroPride. Finally, businesses           of access for people with reduced mobility: ramp entrances, toilet   All week, the Espaço EuroPride, open to the public, will
     and arts institutions will be engaged to develop a EuroPride-related social and             equipped for people with reduced mobility, wheelchair-suitable       inform people about LGBTI history with a retrospective
     cultural agenda to accompany the political events.                                          elevators, priority services and other features.                     exhibition about the European Pride movement’s work
                                                                                                                                                                      and accomplishments. EPOA member organisations will
                                                                                                 In Porto and Lisbon, hilly areas with steep and narrow alleys give   be invited to provide multimedia content about the LGBTI
                                                                                                 character to certain older neighborhoods. But the hearts of both     history and current situation of their country. Local media,
                                                                                                 cities comprise large, flat, easily navigable zones well served by   schools, associations, and the public will be invited to
                                                                                                 wheelchair-accessible mass transit and free public lifts to higher   events at the Espaço EuroPride or to visit them on their
                                                                                                 elevations. Where these are not available, taxis and ride-share      own.
                                                                                                 services offer an abundant, reliable and inexpensive alternative.
                                                                                                                                                                      As local hubs of the larger EuroPride 2022 festival, the
                                                                                                 A silver lining to Portugal’s last economic crisis is that           Espaço EuroPride will also hold official receptions and
                                                                                                 new investment redeveloped long-antiquated buildings.                other events, and live-stream video links to conferences
                                                                                                 Accommodation and facilities that were once inaccessible by          and events happening in the other city. Furthermore, the
                                                                                                 dint of age now conform to all modern standards of accessibility,    spaces will be available for recognised, independent groups
                                                                                                 safety and egress. For an example of more specific descriptions,     to reserve as a venue for their own presentations, meetings,
                                                                                                 consult this travel guide to accessible Lisbon: https://www.         and workshops organised to complement the EuroPride
                                                                                              official schedule.

                                                                                                 Furthermore, all Human Rights conference events and public
                                                                                                 speeches will offer Portuguese and International Sign Language
                                                                                                 interpretation, and audio components of multimedia materials
                                                                                                 will be created with the visually impaired in mind.
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
E U R O P R I D E 2 0 2 2 P O R T U G A L C A L E N DA R O F E V E N T S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Beyond Proud

             Friday                  Saturday                        Sunday                  Monday                         Tuesday                Wednesday              Th u r s d ay                      F r i d ay                      S a t u r d ay                    S u n d ay
             16 September            17 September                    18 September            19 September                   20 September           21 September           2 2 S e p te m b e r               2 3 S e p te m b e r            2 4 S e p te m b e r              2 5 S e p te m b e r

                                                                                                                                                                          Human Rights
                                                                                                                            Yout h E ncounter &                                                                                                                                                              HIGHLIGHTS
                                     Yo u t h E n co u n te r                                Youth En coun te r &                                                         Co n fe r e nce &                  Eu r o Pr i de                  Eu r oP r i de
             You th E n cou n te r                                   Youth En coun te r                                     Human R i g ht s       Human R i g ht s
                                     & P o r to P r i d e                                    EuroP ride Ope n ing                                                         Eu r o P r i d e                   F e st i vi ti e s              F e sti v i ti e s
                                                                                                                            Conference             Conference
                                                                                                                                                                          F e st i vi t i e s                                                                                                                1. Crescendo of events culminating in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EuroPride March, handover and concert

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2. Extends LGBTI annual youth camping retreat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and activism workshops by rede ex aequo with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             accommodation support in Porto and Lisbon for
                                                                                             • NGO partner                                                                                                                                                                                                   student participants
                                                                                             • Informal activities for
                                                                                                                            • Keynote speeches                                                                                                                                                               3. QueerLisboa Film Festival, showing 100+
                                                                                             EPOA early arrivals                                   • Keynote speeches     • Pa ne l a nd
                                                                                                                            • Panels and                                                                                                                                                                     LGBTI-themed feature, short and documentary
             • r ede ex aeq u o                                                              • Media event TBC                                     • Panels and           w o rksh o p re p o rt s
                                     • r e d e ex a e q uo           • r e de ex a e quo                                    workshops                                                                                                                                                                        films from around the world
             In ter national                                                                 • Es pa ço EuroP rid e                                workshops

                                     e nco unte r                    e n coun te r                                          • Evening event                               t o p l e na ry
             You th E n cou n te r                                                           We lcome Re ce pt i on f o r                          • Evening event        • Cl o si ng                       • E sp a ç o                    • E sp a ç o                      • E sp a ç o
                                     • P o r to P r i d e            • I n de p e n de n t                                  • Espaço EuroPride
             • In depen dent                                                                 EPOA members and                                      • Queer Lisboa         a d d re sse s                     E uro Pri d e e x h i b i t     E uro Pri d e e x h i b i t       E uro Pri d e e x h i b i t   4. Espaço EuroPride venues in both cities to
                                     • I nd e p e nd e nt            s oc ia l a n d                                        • QueerLisboa
             social and                                                                      conference                                            screening              • M e d i a e ve nt T BC                                                                                                           host public exhibitions, events, and livestream
                                     so c i al a nd c u l t u ra l   c ult ura l eve n t s                                  screening
             cu l t u ra l event s                                                           participants                                          • Independent social   • Trave l to L i s b o n                                                                                                           between the cities to allow remote event
                                     eve nt s TB C                   TBC                                                    • Independent
             T BC                                                                            • Queer Lisboa                                        and cultural events    (2 . 5 h ) f a c i l i t a t e d
                                                                                                                            social and cultural                                                                                                                                                              attendance
                                                                                             screening                                             TBC                    b y ra i l o f f e rs
                                                                                                                            events TBC
                                                                                             • Independent social
                                                                                             and cultural events                                                                                                                                                                                             5. Three days of Human Rights Conference in
                                                                                             TBC                                                                                                                                                                                                             Porto

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6. Promoted agenda of independent cultural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and social events in Porto to attract LGBTI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tourists during conference period

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7. Pre-arranged offers with Comboios de
                                                                                                                                                                          • E s p aço E u r o P r i d e      • Eu r o P r i de Vi l l ag e   • E u r o P r i de V i l l ag e
                                                                                                                                                                          ex hi b i t an d P o r to          • Es pa ço Eu r o P r i d e     • E s p aço E u r o P r i d e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • I n fo r m a l              Portugal (CP) national railways to facilitate travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a c t i vi ti e s for         between Porto and Lisbon in both directions

             • E s paço                                                                                                                                                   l i ve - s t r ea m                exhi bi t                       ex h i b i t
                                                                                                                            • E spaço E uroPride   • E spaço E uroPride                                                                                                        EP OA l a te staye r s
             E u r oPr ide a n d     • Esp a ço                      • Es p a ço             • Es p a ço Eur oP r id e                                                    • Q u e er L i s bo a              • P i tc h B ea ch              • ( P i tc h B eac h
                                                                                                                            exhibit and Porto      exhibit and Porto                                                                                                           • P i tc h B e ac h           8. Three days of EuroPride Village in Lisbon
             Qu eer Lis boa          Eu r o P r i d e exhi bit       Eur oP r ide exhib it   exhib it                                                                     • E u r oP r i d e V i l l a g e   s p o r t s day                 s o c i a l day )
                                                                                                                            live-stream            live-stream                                                                                                                 s po r t s d ay and
             F i l m F es t i va l   • Q u e e r Li sb o a           • Que e r Lis b oa      • Que e r Lis b oa                                                           o pe n s                           • Qu e e r L i sb oa            • E u r oPr i de
                                                                                                                            • Queer Lisboa         • Queer Lisboa                                                                                                              c l o s i ng
             j oi n t o pen i n g                                                                                                                                         • P i tc h B e a c h               c l os i ng                     P arad e                                                        9. EuroPride Festivities concurrent with Pitch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               af te r - pa r t y
                                                                                                                                                                          s po r t s fes t i val             • Op e n- ai r n i g h t        • H a nd ove r a n d                                            Beach sports festival, with teams of LGBTI
                                                                                                                                                                          o pe n i ng pa r t y               co nce r t                      Co nce r t                                                      athletes from over a dozen countries
Beyond Proud


     Regular, high-capacity events in Porto include the Red
                                                                                                       B o av i s t a &
                                                                                                       Ce d ofe i a
                                                                                                                                                                                CITY HALL
     Bull Air Race, World Touring Car Cup Race and, in 2019, the
     UEFA Nations League
                      Regular,football  tournament.
                                 high-capacity  events inAs the include
                                                          Porto  hub forthe Red Bull Air
     Portugal’s industrial  World Touring
                                    the cityCar  Cup
                                              also     Race and,
                                                    receives     in 2019, the UEFA Nations
     trade shows andLeague     football
                       organises        tournament.
                                    events             As the Fashion
                                             like Portugal    hub for Portugal’s
                                                                        week. industrial                                                                                 ALIADOS
     Porto also hosts north, the city also
                      the Primavera        receives
                                         Sound       frequent trade
                                                  electronic   musicshows   and organises
                                                                       festival                                                                                          PLAZA
     on the seaside.  events  like Portugal Fashion   week. Porto  also hosts the Primavera

     With an international
                     With anairport  close to
                              international    the city
                                             airport      centre,
                                                      close        wellcentre, well served
                                                            to the city                                                     UNIVERSITY                                                        TO U R I S T
     served by mass transit,  offering  many     hotel  options,  public
                     by mass transit, offering many hotel options, public spaces and                                        OF PORTO                                                          CENTER
     spaces and alternative  routes,  Porto’s
                                         Porto’sinfrastructure    canandand

                     alternative routes,          infrastructure can      has handled

     has handled large crowds with ease.
                                                                                                                          Ba i xa , Mi ra g a i a

                                                                                                                          Ma ssa re l o s
     Porto has multiple Porto  has multiple
                            indoor             indoor venues
                                     and outdoor       and outdoor
                                                                        for used for
                        international   events.                                                                                                                        A re a a ro u n d
     international events.    The Palacio      daThe  Palacio
                                                  Bolsa   sitsdain Bolsa sits in the historic centre
                                                                   the historic                                                                                        t h e ca t h e dra l
                        and  main  area   of tourist interest. Its
     centre and main area of tourist interest. Its ornate, exotic  ornate, exotic  style creates
                                                                               style                                                                                   of Po rto
                        an exciting and inspiring atmosphere for exhibitions, receptions,
     creates an exciting and inspiring atmosphere for exhibitions,                                                PALACIO
                        and meetings. The nearby University of Porto has numerous
     receptions, and meetings.
                        state of the The    nearby University
                                      art auditoriums               of Porto
                                                         and classrooms     for smaller sessions.
                                                                                                                  DA BOLSA
     has numerous state       of the  art  auditoriums     and    classrooms                                                                        Ri be i ra
                        Both are within a few minutes flat walk of Porto’s 2-hectare main
     for smaller sessions.    Both
                        square,      are within
                                 Avenida           a fewThis
                                           dos Aliados.   minutes
                                                                              for outdoor cinema,
     of Porto’s 2-hectare    main square,
                        large-screen   footballAvenida
                                                                 Year’s EveThis
                                                                             celebrations and
                        live events,
     space, used for outdoor         is surrounded
                                  cinema,             by majestic
                                              large-screen          officeviewing,
                                                               football    buildings and grand
     New Year’s Eve celebrations and live events, is surrounded by
     majestic office buildings and grand hotels, and crowned by
     Porto’s City Hall.                                                                                                                                   V i l a Nova de G a i a

Beyond Proud
Beyond Proud


               Lisbon welcomes a constant stream of conventions,

               festivals and other events. The city hosts the annual Web
               Summit attracting as many as 70,000 people to the city

               each year since its move from Dublin in 2016. Lisbon also

               hosted the EuroVision Song Contest in 2018, receiving

               more than 50,000 attendees from abroad. Annual

                                                                                                 P rincipe
               music festivals like NOS Alive, Superbock Super Rock,

                                                                                                 R eal
               MEO Outjazz attract international headliners and their

               thousands of fans every summer.                              MEMORIAL TO VICTIMS OF

                                                                            ANTI-LGBTIQ VIOLENCE

               Praça do Comercio is the main city square of 3.5 hectares

               on the shores of the Tagus river where it widens to form                               Bairro

               Lisbon’s harbour. Here, the annual Arraial Lisboa Pride                                Alto

               village and concert hosted 60,000 people in 2019. In 2018,                                           Baixa                   Alfama
               it simultaneously hosted Arraial Lisboa Pride and World

               Cup football viewings. Immediately adjacent to Praça                                            PÁTIO
               do Comercio, Patio de Gale is a large, versatile indoor-                              Chiado    DE GALE
               outdoor space, home to Lisbon Fashion Week and, in
               2018, the Condé Nast International Luxury Summit. The                                                                  EUROPRIDE
               ornate City Hall is across the street. Tree- and commerce-
               lined Avenida da Liberdade runs north 2.5 km to Marques                                                                VILLAGE
               de Pombal plaza--the gateway to the old city centre and
               site of football victory celebrations--where it branches
               into broad avenues towards newer parts of the city.

Beyond Proud

                                                                      Project Revenues (EUR)              Projected Expenditures (EUR)

                                                                      Sponsors                 250,000    EPOA license                   10,000
                                                                      Portugal Tourism                    Administration
                                                                                               150,000                               100,000
                                                                      Agency                              2019-2022
     EuroPride 2022 Portugal public events, including the                                                                                         SUSTAINABILITY                                                           B LAB CERTIFICATION
     Human Rights Conference will be free to attend. In addition,     National Government      125,000    Staff costs                    16,000
     our planning includes helping students in particular with                                                                                    Being Beyond Proud also means being exemplary in our impact              B Lab is a non-profit organisation that serves a global
     accommodations in order to make youth participation a            Local Governments        50,000     Volunteer costs                14,000   on the world. That is why EuroPride 2022 Portugal will make              movement of people using business as a force for good.
     priority.                                                                                                                                    controlling its environmental and socioeconomic impact a                 B Lab’s vision is of an inclusive and sustainable economy
                                                                      Participation fees                  Marketing/                              priority.                                                                that creates a shared prosperity for all. Criteria go beyond
     EuroPride 2022 Portugal will be marketed as a single,                                     50,000                                    30,000                                                                            product- or service-level certification to measure social and
                                                                      (floats/stages)                      communications
     contiguous, 6-day festival that begins in Porto and ends in                                                                                  The operational specifics will be elaborated with technical              environmental performance. The B Impact Assessment
     Lisbon. Communications will take a digital-first, substance-                                                                                 experts such as B Lab (see box) to reduce the event’s                    evaluates how operations and business model impact
                                                                      Stand/booth rentals       45,000    Venue rentals                  30,000
     first approach, timed with the calendar of European and                                                                                      environmental footprint and create positive social externalities         workers, community, environment, and customers. From
     worldwide LGBTI events from 2019 to 2022. Social platforms                                                                                   where possible. This includes, but is not limited to: reducing/          supply chain and input materials to charitable giving and
                                                                      Merchandise sales         25,000    Stages, sound and light    245,000
     (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) will serve for audience-capture                                                                                  eliminating event swag; prioritizing recycled/recyclable materials;      benefits, B Lab certification protects the highest standards
     and as extensions of the EuroPride 2022 website and app. By                                                                                  prioritizing mass transit, rail travel, and ride-sharing; prioritizing   of verified performance, supported by transparency and
     going beyond promotion and information to deliver added-         Catering sales            25,000    Equipment rental               85,000   clean and renewable energy; rules and raising awareness                  accountability requirements.
     value knowledge, we will position EuroPride 2022 as a must-                                                                                  about pollution and waste disposal; prioritizing local sourcing,
     attend event.                                                    Donations                 28,000    Production                     55,000   contracting and human resources to anchor economic benefits
                                                                                                                                                  in the community; raising awareness about local issues and
     Faithful to our Beyond Proud concept for EuroPride to be a       Variações                 110,250   Performers                     76,500   coordination with housing and social welfare advocates.
     positive force for communities, we will design a social and
     environmental programme to guide our efforts. We will aim                                            Insurance                       3,000   Furthermore, the Code of Conduct we establish will apply to our
     to meet B Lab standards for sustainability and inclusivity the                                                                               relations with suppliers, partners, and practitioners in order to
     full length of our supply and value chains, and encourage our                                        Travel                         24,500   broaden its impact through network effects.
     vendors and partners to do the same.
                                                                                                          Accommodation                  60,500

                                                                                                          Utilities                       6,750

                                                                                                          Security                       51,000

                                                                                                          Catering                       11,000

                                                                                                          Cleaning and sanitation        40,000

                                                                      Total                    858,250    Total                      858,250

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         33
Beyond Proud

                                                                                                                                                           COMMUNICATIONS FRAMEWORK

     MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS                                            from the EuroPride 2022 website and app. Content will lead with                                                                                #PROUDLYPORTUGAL
                                                                             stories and issues to introduce and highlight the importance
                                                                                                                                                                          Ad ve r ti s i n g
     EuroPride 2022 Portugal will be marketed as a single, contiguous,       of the people, topics, and other elements of the EuroPride 2022                                                                                Marketing and communications for EuroPride 2022 Portugal
     6-day festival that begins in Porto and ends in Lisbon. ILGA            programme. By going beyond promotion and information to                                         Digital                                        will have access to the resources of Proudly Portugal. Proudly
     Portugal will lead in communicating with LGBTI social and               deliver added-value knowledge, we will position EuroPride 2022 as                                Print                                         Portugal seeks to establish Portugal as a place where LGBTI
     political action and Human Rights networks across Europe. rede          a must-attend event.                                                                           P hys i ca l                                    tourists, residents, and investors are welcome. EuroPride is
     ex aequo will engage with youth organisations involved in LGBTI                                                                                                                                                        naturally an opportunity for Portugal to demonstrate these
     issues. Variações will be responsible for broader LGBTI consumer        While online multimedia content and interactivity drive audience                                                                               values in action.
     marketing and promotion, with the aid of Proudly Portugal (see          engagement, print formats, influencer outreach, and events
     box).                                                                   will add durable, personal, and tangible reach where digital                                                                                   Proudly Portugal asserts, on the one hand, that economic
                                                                             is less effective. In particular, we will focus on advertising and
                                                                                                                                                            B ran de d                         S po n s o r -               empowerment is a Human Right and an essential part of
     Consistent with the objectives of EuroPride 2022 Portugal,              press coverage in key European and international LGBTI media,                  co n te n t                        s h i ps                     LGBTI equality. On the other hand, it maintains that diversity
     marketing and communications aim to:                                    and by leading bloggers/vloggers, with particular emphasis on                                                                                  and inclusivity bring opportunities for all. It thus uses
                                                                             reaching minorities within the larger LGBTI community. We will                                                                                 economic incentives to achieve social goals.
     • Inform people about EuroPride 2022 Portugal with regard to            represent EuroPride 2022 with delegations to EuroPride 2020                                     S o ci a l
     the dates, events, travel and accommodation options, and key            Thessaloniki, WorldPride+EuroGames 2021 Copenhagen, EPOA                                      pla tfo r ms                                     Proudly Portugal launched in 2019, financed by a grant
     news about the preparations (e.g. high-profile speaker/performer        AGMs, and major local Prides in each of the intervening years.                                                                                 from Portugal’s Ministry of Economy Secretary of State
     appearances, etc.)                                                      Finally, EuroPride 2022 Portugal will feature prominently in the                                                                               for Tourism, and implemented by Variações. This aligns
                                                                             Proudly Portugal presence at LGBTI travel expos ITB Berlin, FITUR,     E dito r ial                                         Eve n ts           the needs of EuroPride organisers and Portuguese LGBTI
     • Inspire people to attend EuroPride 2022 Portugal with                 BTL Lisboa, IGLTA and others, and at events in Portugal, such as                                                                               organizations with those of the Government to ensure buy-
     information about EuroPride’s spirit of community, contribution,        the Queer Film Festival in Lisbon and Porto, all local prides, Web     A r t i cl es                                   Tra de s h ows          in across stakeholders and at all levels.
                                                                             Summit and others.                                                                            I n flue n ce r
     and celebration, as well as about the opportunities visitors will                                                                            Pho to es s ays                                   S o c i a l eve n t s
     have to express Pride and experience Portugal                                                                                                                            eve n ts
                                                                                                                                                    V i d eo s                                       Exhibitions
     • Initiate people’s engagement in support of EuroPride (viral
     effects) with ways to participate in and contribute to the build-up
     through interactivity (polls, games, contests) and user-generated

     Communications will follow a digital-first, substance-first
     approach, timed with the calendar of European and worldwide
     LGBTI events from 2019 to 2022. Social platforms (Facebook,
     Instagram, etc.) will serve for audience-capture and as interfaces to
     disseminate news, information, entertainment and other content

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           35
Beyond Proud

     The ultimate measure of Pride is its long-term impacts. The short-
     term measure of Pride is size: how mass a statement it makes and
     how many individual lives it lifts. Size is the product of substance
     and style.

     Renowned for its warm weather and warm welcome, Portugal is
     among the 20 most visited countries in the world, receiving an
     average of 13 million foreign tourists annually. Ranked among the
     five most peaceful countries in the world, Portugal also tied for #1
     on the 2019 Spartacus Gay Travel Index. Since five years, Portugal
     consistently features among Top-10 destinations, on both pro-
     fessional (Monocle, Lonely Planet, Conde Nast Traveller, etc.) and
     user-generated (TripAdvisor, Airbnb, etc.) lists.

     While the need for greater LGBTI social acceptance and legal
     equality is acute, openness to foreigners and a culture of respect-
     fulness mean that Portugal remains among the safest, most wel-
     coming places for LGBTI travelers. Lisbon and Porto have dynamic,
     visible LGBTI presence, and initiatives in smaller cities are multiply-
     ing rapidly as evidenced by the local Prides and EPOA members
     emerging in the last two years.

36                                                                                            37
Beyond Proud


     GETTING THERE                                                                                                         Lisbon and Porto are Portugal’s main airports and
                                                                                                                           international points of entry. They offer short- and medium-
     Located in the southwest corner of Europe, Portugal                                                                   haul non-stop service to most European cities on a wide
     is no more than a medium-haul direct flight from any                                                                  array of traditional and low-cost airlines, as well as direct
     European country. At the same time, its location makes                                                                long-haul service to cities in Africa, the Americas and the
     Portugal the closest European destination to much of the                                                              Middle East. Located mere minutes from their city centres,
     Americas and Africa. Once arrived, Portugal’s small size                                                              they both feature easy and safe rapid-transit to downtown
     and well-developed transportation systems make travel                                                                 or to rail, road and sea hubs for onward travel.
     within the country easy, quick and inexpensive.

                                                                                                                           ROAD & RAIL

                                                                                                                           Portugal boasts one of the world’s most modern and
                                                                                                                           comprehensive transport networks. Congestion is rare
                                                                                                                           and distances short, allowing travelers either to move
                                                                                             STOCKHOLM            MOSCOW   easily along an itinerary or remain in one location with
      DIRECT FLIGHTS                                                                                                       day-trips nearby. Portugal’s main rail line runs north-south
                                                                                                                           connecting the major cities. High-speed tilt-technology
       APROX. 1H    APROX. 3H     APROX. 4H     APROX. 5H
                                                                                                                           trains make the run almost hourly, with First and Second
       Madrid       Amsterdan     Athens        Moscow
                                                                                                                           Classes, and on-board dining. Less expensive conventional
                                                                          LONDON          BERLIN
                    Rome          Bucharest     Tel Aviv                                                                   trains run only slightly slower.
                    Valletta      Oslo          Belgrade                      AMSTERDAN
       APROX. 2H                                                                            PRAGUE
                    Budapest      Sofia
       Paris        Prague        Warsaw
       Brussels     Vienna        Chisinau                                   PARIS
       Dublin       Zagreb        Riga
       London       Berlin        Stockholm
       Luxemburg    Copenhagen    Helsinki
       Zurich       Maspalomas    Istanbul                        PORTO
       Barcelona                  Kiev                                                    ROME
                                  Cabo Verde

       APROX. 7H    APROX. 8H     APROX. 9H     APROX. 11H
       New York     Miami         Sao Paulo     Maputo
       Toronto      Doha/Dubai                  San Francisco

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