Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...

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Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
VOLUME 31 | NO. 1 | MARCH 2021

Beyond Energy
Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021

                                                        contents                                                  31     1
                       VOLUME 31 | NO. 1 | MARCH 2021

           Beyond Energy

                                                                   Together, we can do more
The National Gas Company of
Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC)
Orinoco Drive
Point Lisas Industrial Estate, Couva
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
West Indies

Nicola J. Ghouralal
Head, Communications and Brand

                                                                   Eye on Methane
Nadine Ramharack
Public Relations Officer I
Communications and Brand
                                                                   Green Hydrogen and Opportunities
                                                                   for Trinidad and Tobago             07
Nadine Ramharack
                                                                   NGC and its Subsidiaries
Aribeca Cazaubon
Kellee Ann St Clair
With thanks to Fariyal Khan (GIS)
                                                                   Partner with UTT on
                                                                   Climate Change Mitigation Project
and the Operations team

NGC Archives
                                                                   PPGPL's ESG Strategy for
                                                                   Managing Climate Change Risk        21
Logging Tape Media Ltd.

Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi
Advertising Limited                                                   TOWARDS GREATER IMPACT

Please address all correspondence
                                                                   Where Fuel Meets Food
c/o NGC Communications

and Brand Department                                               Data and Dashboards:
NGC Head Office, Orinoco Drive,                                    Leveraging GIS Technology
Point Lisas Industrial Estate                                      for Smart Reporting
Tel: (868) 636-4662,4680
Fax: (868) 679-2384
                                                                   Empowering Communities
                                                                   to Lead Development                 37
©2021 Material in this publication,
with the exception of photography,
may be reproduced once credit is
given to GASCO NEWS.
Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021

       MESSAGE                                  Together, we can do more

Together, we can do more
Historically, the agendas of industry   As the 17th UN Sustainable                 At the operational level, we are
and big business have not often         Development Goal (SDG) suggests,           focusing heavily on methane
aligned with the concept of             such partnership and collaboration         mitigation. In addition to investing
sustainable development. Energy         are the only hope we have of meeting       in specialist leak detection tools,
companies in particular could be        our climate goals and other SDG            we have entered into a partnership
accused of operating for many years     targets by the year 2030.                  with an international provider to
without being held accountable for                                                 secure satellite data that will help us
future and broader-scale impact of      NGC and its subsidiaries have taken        track emissions. We are on our way
their work. Indeed, it is universally   heed and is following suit, partnering     to membership in the Oil and Gas
acknowledged that the sector has        to help achieve those global goals.        Methane Partnership, a global forum
contributed in large part to the                                                   for exchange and innovation around
environmental crises faced by the       Taking on the SDGs                         methane mitigation.
world today.                            As an energy sector company, we
                                        are well-positioned to take on one         At the systemic level, there needs to
Addressing this misalignment            of the most pressing issues facing         be investment in research and new
requires a different kind of thinking   our planet. Climate change has deep        technologies that can accelerate the
- understanding that one’s work has     roots in the energy sector, which          drive toward sustainability in energy.
wider implications and externalities;   means we have a responsibility to          This is the motivation behind our
consideration of impact beyond          help address it. We are doing just that,   partnership in a new green hydrogen
energy.                                 through several internal initiatives and   project, and in a research undertaking
                                        strategic partnerships.                    aimed at climate change mitigation.
Today, fortunately, the necessary
big-picture thinking is gaining         At the most basic level, we need to        Of course, climate change is not the
ground. The historical misalignment     begin measuring and reporting on           only SDG that requires urgent action,
between energy and sustainability       those metrics that impact our carbon       and there are other unconventional
is being corrected, as businesses,      footprint. We are strengthening our        yet impactful ways that energy
governments and academics across        systems through smart reporting            companies can support sustainable
the world are collaborating to          tools, and introducing dashboards to       development. For example, we have
clean up energy production and          keep those metrics top of mind.            been exploring avenues to build
consumption.                                                                       food and water security, and enable
                                                                                   sustainable community development,
                                                                                   through strategic partnerships with
                                                                                   government Ministries and other state

                                                                                   In this issue of Gasco News, we take
                                                                                   a look at some of the latest initiatives
                                                                                   and partnerships of NGC and its
                                                                                   subsidiary companies which are
                                                                                   supporting sustainable development
                                                                                   locally and contributing to the global
                                                                                   SDG targets. We are looking beyond
                                                                                   our business to the causes that matter
                                                                                   and finding ways to collaborate and
                                                                                   leverage our resources for the greater

                                                                                   Together, we can do more.

                                                                                   Mark Loquan, President

Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021

Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
Eye on Methane
                                                               MARCH 2021

            EYE ON
            If you’ve ever had cause to submit for medical imaging,
            you would appreciate the value of being able to visualise
            with technology what your eyes cannot see. Locating that
            malignancy or malfunctioning system that is giving rise to
            disease is the first step towards treatment and cure.

            By this same logic, if we are to save our planet from
            irreversible climate damage, it is imperative that we locate
            and address the sources of the problem - greenhouse gas
            (GHG) emissions. In some cases, we know exactly where to
            find these emissions - such as chimney smoke or exhaust
            fumes - but in others, and particularly in the case of one
            highly potent GHG, we need technology to help us visualise,
            measure and reduce these emissions.

Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021


                                        Methane rising                             wetlands, thawing permafrost,
                                        For a long time, while the world           volcanic craters, rice paddies and
                                        focused environmental policy               the guts of ruminant animals such
                                        attentions on CFCs and carbon              as cows. However, methane is also
While the                               dioxide, the volume of methane in          the primary component in natural
                                        the atmosphere has been steadily           gas, and the global energy sector is
world focused                           climbing, raising few alarms. It was       estimated to account for a quarter
                                        not until fairly recently that it began    of the annual methane budget.2
environmental                           to take the spotlight. In late 2013, the   Moreover, recent research has shown
                                        Intergovernmental Panel on Climate         that the historical impact of fossil fuel
policy attentions on                    Change (IPCC) reported that methane        extraction on methane levels has been
                                        is a far more potent greenhouse gas        underestimated by up to 40 percent.3
CFCs and carbon                         than had been previously assumed.1         This means that the oil and gas sector
                                        Although less abundant and more            has been releasing far more methane
dioxide, the volume                     short-lived in the atmosphere than         than previously thought. However,
of methane in the                       CO2, methane has more than 80 times        by extension, it also means these
                                                                                   industries hold a key to bringing
                                        the warming potential on a 20-year
atmosphere has been                     timescale. With climate stability          emissions down.
                                        quickly deteriorating, reducing
steadily climbing,                      methane emissions is now the axis of       If energy companies can track and
                                        many short-term remedial strategies.       reduce methane emissions from their
raising few alarms.                                                                operations, the cumulative impact
                                        Natural processes can be blamed for        would be significant. In recent years,
                                        a significant percentage of methane        huge advances in satellite and other
                                        emissions. The gas is released from
                                        warming/issues/natural-gas/                science/article/super-potent-methane-in-
Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021

Eye on Methane     CONTINUED

visualisation technologies have           monitor gas flow and pressure in the       NGC’s focus on continuous
made it possible for companies to         pipeline network for any variation that    improvement led to pursuit
pinpoint leaks and vulnerabilities        would indicate major leaks in addition     of the latest technologies and
in infrastructure that are releasing      to gas detectors at strategic locations.   methodologies to complement
methane into the atmosphere.                                                         existing practices for leak detection.
Fortunately, locating the problem is      SCADA information is however only          Consequently, the Company has
the first step towards a cure.            reliable for detection of significant      invested in two technology initiatives
                                          leaks and pipeline rupture. Therefore,     consistent with the corporate drive to
Methane mission                           routine Leak Detection and Repair          achieve near-zero methane emissions.
As an energy company with over 45         (LDAR) programmes supported by
years in the business, NGC accepts its    specialised equipment for emissions        MOU with Orbital Eye
share of responsibility in the methane    detection play a critical role in the      In January 2021, NGC announced
matter and accepts its share of the       maintenance and safe operation of          a pioneering partnership with
burden of change. The Company has         the gas transmission and distribution      Netherlands-based technology
recognised the need for urgent action     infrastructure. Complemented by staff      solutions provider, Orbital Eye.
and has set an operational target of      training, certification and competency
near-zero methane emissions.              assurance initiatives, the Company’s       Through satellite data and algorithms,
                                          LDAR programme is very stringent           this company is able to monitor
Routine asset integrity management        and is continuously being improved         infrastructure such as transmission
has always been a top priority from the   to align with and exceed international     pipelines, roads, railways and power
perspective of safety, and systems are    best practices.                            lines, and more importantly, measure
in place to detect leaks. For instance,                                              the GHG output associated with these
NGC uses a Supervisory Control and        Notwithstanding its demonstrated           assets.
Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to        performance in leak management,

                                                                     The global energy sector
                                                                      is estimated to account
                                                                           for a quarter of the
                                                                     annual methane budget.

Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021

                       Eye on Methane   CONTINUED

                                   NGC signed an MOU with Orbital             valuable measurement and tracking of
                                   Eye which will allow the Company to        progress toward operational targets.
                                   access critical research and emissions
                                   information about Trinidad and             Adjunct benefits
                                   Tobago’s industrial on-shore and off-      The environmental payoff of these
                                   shore assets over the next three (3)       tools is undeniable, but there are
                                   years. The images and data provided        other important benefits of being
                                   by Orbital Eye will allow NGC and its      able to visualise fugitive methane
                                   subsidiaries to assess their methane       emissions. Both camera and satellite
                                   footprint on a broad scale. It therefore   data will help the Company increase
                                   can be used to develop mitigation          the safety of its installations, as
                                   and asset integrity management             undetected leaks could result in
                                   plans. Moreover, there is scope for        process safety incidents, causing
                                   growth as the intention is to extend       injury to personnel or endangering
                                   this exercise across the Caribbean         communities and property. Leak
                                   where feasible.                            detection would also help reduce
                                                                              the number of gas molecules lost in
                                   FLIR camera                                transit through the network, which in
                                   To assist in the search for methane,       times of tight supply, is an important
                                   NGC has also acquired a Forward-           win and aligns well with molecular
                                   Looking Infrared (FLIR) optical            optimisation goals.
                                   imaging camera which is capable of
                                   detecting over 400 gas compounds.          Committing to the global cause
DRAFTED INTO USE IN FEBRUARY       The camera is a small camcorder-           Despite its considerable efforts to
2021, THIS CAMERA IS CURRENTLY     type device, and the model procured        bring methane emissions down to
BEING USED TO EXECUTE AN ANNUAL    by NGC is the most sensitive of its        zero, NGC recognises that technology
                                   kind on the market. This means it is       and research are constantly rewriting
                                   capable of visualising much smaller        the rules of engagement, and there
                                   leaks in greater clarity and from a        will always be room for growth
                                   safer distance than other models.          and improvement. It is important,
                                                                              therefore, to keep abreast of the latest

                                   Drafted into use in February 2021,         developments and trends in the area
                                   this camera is currently being used to     of methane mitigation. Accordingly,
                                   execute an annual leak survey across       NGC and its subsidiaries applied
                                   NGC’s above-ground installations.          for membership into the United
                                   Once that exercise is completed,           Nations Environmental Programme
Both the camera and                the camera will be put into rotation       Oil and Gas Methane Partnership
satellite data will work           for use during routine maintenance         (OGMP), which brings governments,
                                   and inspections across member              international organisations, NGOs,
together to enhance                companies and as part of the               and oil and gas industry stakeholders
                                   collective LDAR programme.                 together to raise awareness around
the Company’s leak                                                            and responsibly address methane
                                   Both the camera and satellite data         emissions.
detection programme.               will work together to enhance
                                   the Company’s leak detection               It is expected that participation in
The FLIR Camera                    programme. The FLIR Camera will            this Partnership will strengthen NGC’s
                                   provide data through scheduled             capacity to treat decisively with
will provide data                  periodic assessments as required           methane. Furthermore, the Company
                                   by international standards, whilst         intends to leverage knowledge-
through scheduled                  it is envisaged that the satellite         sharing platforms to spread the
periodic assessments               technology will provide a more real-       word, and help equip companies
                                   time approach to leak detection.           along the entire local energy value
as required by                                                                chain to tackle emissions in their
                                   The next step would be to acquire an       own operations. After all, the sector
international                      “add-on” device to enable users to         shares a collective responsibility for
                                   quantify the methane output of a leak      the problem, and must therefore
standards....                      using the camera. This will facilitate     assume collective responsibility for its

Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021

            Green Hydrogen and Opportunities
            for Trinidad and Tobago

     FOR T&T

Beyond Energy - The National Gas Company of Trinidad and ...
MARCH 2021

                               Introduction                                Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) is uniquely
                               The energy transition is upon us! The       positioned to not only support the
                               decade to 2030 will be an exciting          shift to natural gas from other fossils
                               one as efforts intensify to tackle the      but also simultaneously accelerate
OUR ENERGY                     global climate emergency. Updated           its progress toward zero-carbon
FUTURE…                        Nationally Determined Contributions
                               (NDCs) – to be presented in

“We must now agree on a        November 2021 at Conference of the          Carbon-cutting actions are bringing
                               Parties 26 (COP26) – are expected           to the fore hydrogen's versatility
binding review mechanism       to define ambitious targets that            as an energy carrier. The potential
                               reflect considerable political will and     role of hydrogen technologies
under international law        commitment.                                 in a decarbonised world is well-
                                                                           recognised. However, the complexities
so that this century can       For Small Island Developing States,         and market challenges associated
                               there is much to lose should these          with hydrogen require careful
credibly be called a century   efforts fail. Therefore, it is essential    understanding and management
of decarbonisation.”           that collaborative and meaningful           of risk. Wide-scale success in
                                                                           implementing suitable hydrogen
                               actions are taken to stay on the 1.5oC
— ANGELA MERKEL                climate-safe pathway of the 2015            technologies has been negatively
                               Paris Agreement. With natural gas           impacted by cycles of high hopes
                               identified as a critical transition fuel,   followed by disappointments.

                                                                           With unprecedented momentum,
                                                                           an alignment of techno-economic
                                                                           solutions, environmental urgency,
                                                                           and political influence may finally be
                                                                           taking place to break the cycle of
                                                                           disappointment. In 2020, hydrogen
                                                                           strategies emerged from Germany,
                                                                           Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and
                                                                           the European Commission, and even
                                                                           China has set a 2060 net-zero goal
                                                                           that will feature green hydrogen.
                                                                           These measures can only augur
                                                                           well to accelerate technological
                                                                           innovations, lower emissions, and
                                                                           improve economies of scale for
                                                                           decarbonisation initiatives.

                                                                           The prospects that lie in the hydrogen
                                                                           space offer NGC and its subsidiaries
                                                                           an opportunity to seek new markets
                                                                           and products aligned towards a
                                                                           nascent growth area – decarbonised
                                                                           petrochemicals – which can be a
                                                                           powerful platform upon which we
                                                                           build a sustainable future.

                                                                           The Trinidad & Tobago Energy
                                                                           With over 100 years of experience
                                                                           in the oil and gas industry, it may be
                                                                           hard to imagine a decarbonised future
                                                                           in T&T, but the transition is happening.
                                                                           Almost every international oil and
                                                                           gas major has announced strategies
                                                                           to decarbonise operations, and the
                                                                           same holds even for the downstream

MARCH 2021

Green Hydrogen and Opportunities for T&T   CONTINUED

                                                                             gas, making the country highly
                                                                             dependent on its hydrocarbon

                                                                             For T&T, there is an obvious
                                                                             opportunity to produce hydrogen and
                                                                             utilise it as feedstock in the country’s
                                                                             well-established petrochemical sector,
                                                                             displacing hydrogen produced from
                                                                             natural gas. Beyond the industrial
                                                                             sector, hydrogen could also provide a

                                                                             possible avenue to transition towards
                                     petrochemical players operating in      clean mobility as the transportation
                                     Trinidad and Tobago.                    sector shifts from gasoline and CNG
                                                                             towards electric driving, both with
                                     Since the 1950s, T&T has been           batteries and fuel cells powered by
 Today, solar and wind               among the first countries to utilise    hydrogen.
                                     natural gas for power generation.
 are among the cheapest              The proliferation of gas finds in the   Moreover, establishing a hydrogen
 sources to produce                  1970s paved the way for a natural       production complex in T&T can
                                     gas economy, and by the mid to late     kickstart a regional industrial cluster
 power in areas with                 1990s, T&T's economy shifted from       that will complement regional
                                     an oil-based economy to one based       decarbonisation efforts.
 high solar irradiation              on natural gas. Natural gas is also
                                     processed to recover Natural Gas        The Case for Hydrogen in T&T
 or wind speeds, with                Liquids (NGLs), a Liquefied Petroleum   Trinidad and Tobago has a high per
                                     Gas (LPG) source – with both natural    capita consumption of electricity
 unsubsidised production             gas and NGLs being end-user fuels.      and ranks among the world's most
 costs for solar and wind            Based on the 2019 figures, usage
                                                                             energy-intensive countries due to
                                                                             its extensive industrial sector and
 being US 2 to 4 cents per           of natural gas produced in T&T is       small population. Within the power
                                     apportioned as follows:                 generation sector, simple cycle
 kWh worldwide.                                                              gas turbines result in inefficient
                                                                             natural gas usage. Opportunities for
                                                                             improvement across the industry
 According to the                                                            therefore abound.

 International Energy                                                        In the 2019/2020 National Budget
                                                                             Presentation, the Minister of Finance
 Agency (IEA) (2019),                                                        indicated that the State was desirous
 hydrogen is gaining                                                         of exploring different hydrogen
                                                                             applications within the local economy
 considerable momentum                                                       and encouraging collaborations
                                                                             with the private sector, academia,
 worldwide and could                                                         and international organisations. The
                                                                             private sector heeded the call and
 finally be on a path to                                                     began work to study low carbon
                                                                             hydrogen applications in the first
 fulfill its longstanding                                                    instance, using waste heat from the
 potential as a clean                                                        industrial processes to generate
                                                                             power to make hydrogen. The
 energy solution.                    In the past, the local energy sector    resulting economic disruption from
                                     accounted for as much as 40%            the coronavirus has dramatically
                                     of the country's GDP, with the          accelerated the need to advance
                                     petrochemicals sector contributing      efforts to help scale-up technologies
                                     over 20% of total export earnings.      such as hydrogen, setting the country
                                     Further, approximately 99% of the       on a post-COVID-19 path toward a
                                     power generated is fueled by natural    sustainable energy sector.

MARCH 2021

                                                                            The overall benefits to the economy
                                                                            would include:
                                                                            • An improved reserve to
                                                                               production ratio
                                                                            • Storage of excess renewables
                                                                               as hydrogen for use as a
                                                                               secondary fuel;
                                                                            • improved resilience;
                                                                            • Job creation/ skills transfer;
                                                                            • Reduced CO2 emissions;
                                                                            • Increased foreign exchange
                                                                               levels; and
                                                                            • Energy diversification in T&T.

                                                                            A Way Forward: Piloting for a
                                                                            Hydrogen Economy
                                                                            A modular, purely green hydrogen
                                                                            facility can be a precursor to
                                                                            establishing a green hydrogen
                                                                            economy. A pilot would serve to
FIGURE 1: TYPES OF HYDROGEN AND SOURCES                                     advance a hydrogen economy
                                                                            along the most effective path
                                                                            and confirm proof of concept
                                    Figure 1 summarises the various types
                                                                            concerning the application of
                                    of hydrogen and sources.
                                                                            RE technology for hydrogen
                                                                            production in the local context. The
                                    Green hydrogen is another hydrogen
                                                                            pilot project would also:
                                    technology that can decarbonise
                                    the sector and add significant
                                                                            •   allow for the identification of
                                    economic sustainability to the local
                                                                                the best RE technology for
                                    energy sector. With the country’s
                                                                                power generation to produce
                                    first utility-scale solar farm under
                                    development and a revised target of
                                                                            •   lower the risks for
                                    30% renewables by 2030, production
                                                                                entrepreneurial investments
                                    of green hydrogen can become
                                                                                through the provision of
                                    a reality in the medium to long
                                                                                relevant baseline data, specific
                                    term as electrolyser costs decline.
                                                                                to the T&T context
                                    Figure 2 captures the vision for T&T
                                                                            •   encourage further technology
                                    incorporating hydrogen into the
                                                                                development and private sector
                                    energy landscape (See page 11).
                                                                                participation through access to
                                                                                data from a local pilot plant.
                                    In support of the Government
                                    of the Republic of Trinidad and
                                                                            The pilot provides an avenue for
                                    Tobago's stated policy position,
                                                                            NGC and group member companies
                                    National Energy has initiated work to
                                                                            to pivot T&T to lead industrial
                                    identify opportunities for applying
                                                                            renewable energy applications.
                                    renewables-based hydrogen locally.
                                    These efforts will be the basis for
                                                                            As shown in Figure 3, establishing
                                    the decarbonisation of the existing
                                                                            a pilot green hydrogen facility
                                    petrochemical industry and hard to
FIGURE 3: PILOT GREEN HYDROGEN                                              provides an avenue to link various
DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS              decarbonise sectors, like the cement
                                                                            stakeholders such as the State and
                                    and metals industries.
                                                                            private sector. Valuable data would
                                                                            then be available for reference to
                                                                            complement other sustainable
                                                                            energy programmes and inform
                                                                            policy development that facilitates
                                                                            the growth of a hydrogen economy
                                                                            in Trinidad and Tobago.

     Source: The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, National Energy modified
                                                                                                 Green Hydrogen and Opportunities for T&T

                                                                                                                                            MARCH 2021

MARCH 2021

     Source: Sandia (2018)

The expansion of a
Trinidad facility could also
                                       With support from the Ministry
                                       of Energy and Energy Industries
                                       (MEEI) and the Ministry of Planning
                                       and Development (MPD), National
                                       Energy secured funding from the
                                                                                 among small islands or communities
                                                                                 within large countries. Hubs and
                                                                                 clusters are an emerging solution
                                                                                 to overcome transport issues
                                                                                 associated with hydrogen. They can
                                       Inter-American Development Bank           link production, industrial demand,
                                       (IDB) under an IDB-executed non-          consumer demand storage, usage,
support regional cluster               reimbursable Technical Cooperation        and trading workforce in a small,
formations to showcase                 Promotion of the Green Hydrogen           centralised, focused area. In the
                                       Market in Latin America and               future, Caribbean islands can serve as
the advancement of                     Caribbean (LAC) Countries. This           research centres to exemplify various
                                       cooperation will facilitate feasibility   renewable energy technologies and
hydrogen clusters                      studies in 2021 that contribute to        integration approaches. Such centres
                                       understanding the economical              will foster evidence-based solutions,
among small islands                    parameters of producing green             tailored to the region.
                                       hydrogen locally. The results will
or communities within                  add to the work of National Energy        The Caribbean is predominantly
                                       and the MEEI to provide insight into      dependent on relatively expensive
large countries. Hubs                  hydrogen growth for the country.          and environmentally damaging
and clusters are an                                                              fossil fuels for power generation and
                                       Beyond the Pilot: Caribbean Clusters      transportation. Thus, a major feature
emerging solution to                   The expansion of a Trinidad facility      of Caribbean energy economies is the
                                       could also support regional cluster       high and volatile energy prices, which
overcome transport                     formations to showcase the                have contributed significantly to the
                                       advancement of hydrogen clusters          build-up of unsustainable debt and
issues associated with                                                           fragile economies.
MARCH 2021

Green Hydrogen and Opportunities for T&T   CONTINUED

                                                                                other forms of renewable and clean
 TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF DOWNSTREAM SUBSECTORS HYDROGEN CAN SUCCESSFULLY            energy sources to satisfy demands.

                                                                                Midstream Investments
                                                                                Transportation of power from
 AMMONIA PRODUCTION                   TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                       the power generation sites to the
 METHANOL PRODUCTION                  TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                       hydrogen production facilities
                                                                                throughout the islands will require
                                                                                infrastructural investments.
 SYNTHETIC FUELS FOR POWER PLANTS     REGION-WIDE                               According to the EIA (2019), some
 VEHICULAR TRANSPORT FUEL             REGION-WIDE                               pilot projects show that pipeline
 SHIPPING FUELS                       VARIOUS                                   systems can be converted from
 COOLING & HEATING FOR BUILDINGS      REGION-WIDE                               natural gas to hydrogen gas with
                                                                                the limited investment required, but
 ENERGY STORAGE                       VARIOUS
                                                                                this is case-specific. A recent study
 HYDROGEN INTER-REGIONAL EXPORTS      TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                       for the Netherlands concluded that
                                                                                its transmission pipelines can be
                                                                                converted to facilitate hydrogen gas
                                                                                by replacing compressors and gaskets

                                    According to the World Bank,                (DNV GL, 2017). Therefore, Trinidad's
                                    despite the region's ideal conditions       existing gas infrastructure and any
                                    for leveraging green energy, the            new infrastructure to enable gas-fired
                                    current renewable capacity in the           power generation throughout the
                                    Caribbean still leaves the area with a      region could represent considerable
Rethinking the use of               90% dependency on fossil fuels for          infrastructure-in-place for integrating
                                    power generation. Sun and wind are          green hydrogen. Modifications and
energy in all sectors               abundant and geothermal energy              the build-out of new hydrogen/ gas-
                                    and hydropower could theoretically
of the economy can                  free the islands almost entirely from
                                                                                fired infrastructure will, however, be
                                                                                quite capital intensive.
boost economic growth,              dependence on fossil fuels.                 From a storage perspective, hydrogen
                                                                                can go where batteries cannot
create jobs, enhance                There is, therefore, substantial room       facilitate long-term energy storage
                                    for expansion across the renewables         of clean energy. Energy storage
prosperity, support                 supply chain to contribute to a             can be attractive business cases
                                    transitioned Caribbean economy. Like        for Caribbean grids, improving grid
social development and              the African Hydrogen Partnership,           reliability and resilience against power
                                    which aims to promote green
advance environmental               hydrogen to stimulate sustainable
                                                                                shortages and outages. Additionally,
                                                                                as prices decline, a hybrid solution
sustainability.                     economic development across
                                    the African continent, a Caribbean
                                                                                (batteries and hydrogen) coupled
                                                                                with solar generation can yield an
A decarbonised world                hydrogen cluster can contribute to          attractive business case for Caribbean
                                    an energy ecosystem to strengthen           grid operators to integrate hydrogen
does not equate to                  economic growth, improve regional           into the energy mix with storage
                                    transportation, and boost economic          options in Trinidad and Tobago and
desolation, instead it              integration. Figure 4 illustrates the       elsewhere.
                                    broad scope of opportunities that can
brings benefits of healthy          be the catalyst for creating a resilient,   Downstream Investments
                                    integrated Caribbean energy system.
environments and                                                                A suite of sub-sectors can potentially
                                                                                be built with renewable or green
strong economies when               Three investment segments can be            hydrogen as the feedstock on the
                                    examined – upstream, midstream, and         downstream end. These are outlined
adequately managed.                 downstream as follows below:                in Table 1. The Caribbean is also a
                                                                                large hotel and cruise tourism region.
                                    Upstream Investments                        A hydrogen cluster in the area can
                                    As new power generation capacity is         generate innovative solutions within
                                    needed, investors will seek to develop      the global tourism industry, with the
                                    wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and       Caribbean as the first-mover.

MARCH 2021

                                                                                    energy use in the countries but this is
                                                                                    primarily a Trinidad and Tobago story
                                                                                    as over 90 percent of the gas used in
                                                                                    the region is from T&T. Oil products
                                                                                    account for 34 percent of TPES,
                                                                                    followed by biomass as the third most
                                                                                    important energy source, and the
                                                                                    most important renewable resource,
                                                                                    at 11 percent of TPES.

                                                                                    2. Growth Opportunities
                                                                                    Bloomberg New Energy Finance
                                                                                    (BNEF) analysis concludes that by
                                                                                    2030 hydrogen will be competitive
                                                                                    with fossil-derived hydrogen. Further,
                                                                                    they conclude that green hydrogen
FIGURE 5: GREEN HYDROGEN CAN COMPETE WITH FOSSIL-DERIVED HYDROGEN                   will be competitive with the cost of
Source: BNEF (2020)                                                                 natural gas. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate.
                                                                                    According to Greentech Media,
                                                                                    however, forecasts on when green
                                                                                    hydrogen might be competitive with
                                                                                    existing high-carbon production
                                                                                    methods keep accelerating.

                                                                                    Given that Caribbean countries
                                                                                    currently import natural gas at
                                                                                    relatively high prices compared
                                                                                    to the rest of the world, this can
                                                                                    represent one of the first regions
                                                                                    where green hydrogen will compete
                                                                                    with natural gas in an unsubsidised
                                                                                    market. Therefore, there is significant
                                                                                    potential for both investors and the
                                                                                    economies as each would maximise
                                                                                    value by considering a hydrogen-
FIGURE 6: GREEN HYDROGEN CAN EVEN COMPETE WITH THE COST OF NATURAL                  based economy. A pilot facility at
GAS                                                                                 this time would therefore serve as
Source: BNEF (2020)                                                                 preparation for fully capitalising upon
                                                                                    this competitive cost position.

Today, most governments within the       As a result, production or sourcing        The road toward a hydrogen economy
region have set aggressive renewable     could move closer to end-users, with       will not be an easy one as future
energy targets, coupled with public      companies localising or regionalising      demand and the structure of the
policies and incentives that enable      their supply chains.                       market remain uncertain. Most major
solar photovoltaic systems, wind                                                    projects are in the early phases of
turbines, geothermal and marine          Drivers                                    development, with few confirmed off-
energy to become competitive with        1. Sufficient Fossil-Based Capacity        takers. Wood Mackenzie estimates
fossil fuel-based generation. Another    The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize,             that 80 percent of low-carbon
impetus for regional collaboration has   Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti,         hydrogen deployed this decade
arisen from the 2020 pandemic.           Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and        will be used to displace existing
                                         Tobago represent the nine larger           fossil-fuel-derived hydrogen (grey
According to international               islands in the region. Among them,         hydrogen). Hydrogen demand for
consultancy firms, the world’s risky     total primary energy supply (TPES) is      heating, shipping and aviation are
dependence on vulnerable nodes           37,703 ktoe. Fossil fuels – oil, natural   still considered longer term, and
in global supply chains has been         gas and coal – account for 89 percent      uptake by these sectors that have
exposed to supply chain disruptions.     of TPES in these countries. Natural        not previously utilised hydrogen, are
                                         gas accounts for 53 percent of all         crucial to further driving costs down.

MARCH 2021

Green Hydrogen and Opportunities for T&T            CONTINUED

Source: IRENA analysis based on IEA (2019)

Role of Policy                                Conclusion                                     •    Reduce fossil-based natural
To realise the true potential of              As a state-owned enterprise, NGC and                gas consumption and therefore
hydrogen locally and to capture               its subsidiaries are well-positioned                decarbonise the petrochemical
the benefits outlined earlier, policy         to support the country's pursuit                    sector over time.
support mechanisms are essential for          of a hydrogen economy, through                 •    Serve as a new source of revenue
the penetration of green hydrogen             the establishment of a pilot green                  through the sale of hydrogen.
into multiple sectors and encourage           hydrogen facility, with the expectation        •    Improve location competitiveness
sector coupling. The graphic on page          of scaling up over time, which will:                of Trinidad and Tobago.
15, derived from IRENA, captures              • Support long-term sustainability             •    Allow the State to lead by
hydrogen policies at a global level by             of the petrochemical sector                    example and mobilise private
value chain segment.                               by reducing exposure to non-                   sector investments in advancing
                                                   renewable supply factors.                      the hydrogen economy.


Pivovar, B. (2016). “H2 at Scale: Depply Decarbonizing our Energy System.” Briefing to Deputy Under Secretary Adam Cohen. NREL

Gonzalez. J. (2017). “Is Hydrogen a Solution for Green Energy Resilience in The Caribbean?” Hinicio

IRENA (2020), Green Hydrogen: A guide to policymaking, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi

Sandia National Laboratories (2018) - Hydrogen Embrittlement Considerations for Distribution of Gaseous Hydrogen by Pipeline - Chris
San Marchi and Joe Ronevich PRCI mtg, October 2018. Available at:

The full suite of documents relating to the technical co-operation can be found at

John Parnell – GTM -

MARCH 2021


                                       MARCH 2021

   NGC and its Subsidiaries
   Partner with UTT on
   Climate Change Mitigation Project

MARCH 2021

                               There is no doubt that we need           Some recent examples:
                               to act with urgency on a global           • In 2020, the Company launched
                               scale to address climate change.            the EnergySmarTT app to raise
Climate change is the          However, when it comes to mitigation        consumer awareness around more
                               strategies, one size does not fit all.      efficient energy use in the home.
single biggest thing that                                                  The team is currently working on
                               Variations in geographies, economic         extending the functionality of the
humans have ever done on       structures, and different development       app, to add more useful services
                                                                           and support greater uptake
this planet. The one thing     metrics from country to country, can
                               mean that even tried-and-tested             of energy efficient products
that needs to be bigger is     mitigation plans could falter if not        practices.
                               tailored to local circumstances.
our movement to stop it.                                                •    Work is underway with partners
                               This also means that even though             along the energy value chain
– BILL MCKIBBEN                the fight against climate change is a        to advance RE projects such
                               global one, at the individual country        as solar and green hydrogen,
                               level, a degree of independent               reduce emissions from operations
                               effort is required. Countries must           through reduced venting, and
                               determine what unique opportunities          even produce carbon neutral LNG
                               exist to bring greenhouse gas                cargoes.
                               (GHG) emissions down in their
                               local contexts, and what strategies
                               must be implemented to seize
                               those opportunities. This can be
                               most effectively achieved through
                               collaboration among State, industry
                               and academia.

                               Partnering in research
                               NGC and its subsidiaries have made
                               climate change mitigation an axis
                               of their business strategy, and there
                               has been significant investment in
                               several initiatives, focused on energy
                               efficiency (EE), renewables (RE) and
                               emissions reduction.

MARCH 2021

 NGC Group partners UTT on Climate Change Mitigation Project           CONTINUED

In order to expand on this work, and         b) Facilitate the exchange of          undertakings at UTT. By making
recognising that the most impactful             knowledge, research and             such data available to researchers,
programmes are those that are                   capabilities among all parties      the companies will facilitate a better
grounded in research, NGC and its            c) Produce data and reports for        academic understanding of the local
subsidiaries have decided to partner            public awareness and education      emissions profile. It will also build
with the University of Trinidad and             on RE, EE and GHG emission          a clearer picture of how and where
Tobago (UTT) on a special Climate               studies                             emissions are lost in operations, and
Change Mitigation Project.                   d) Provide, develop and exchange       allow for targeted innovation around
                                                information on GHG reduction        industrial tools and processes.
In December 2020, both state                    technologies and strategies
entities signed a Memorandum of                 which include industrial, power     Investment attention is both a
Understanding (MOU) in relation to              generation, and transportation      prerequisite and a consequence
climate change research, with the               sector applications                 of increased innovation. Research
overarching objective of helping             e) Pursue relevant and related         and development require funding,
Trinidad and Tobago meet its                    studies                             particularly when prototypes must
international emissions reduction                                                   be created and tested. Through this
commitments and play its part in the     Several outcomes are expected from         MOU, NGC and its subsidiaries will
global fight.                            this collaboration over the three-year     commit support to relevant research,
                                         term of the MOU.                           ideation and prototyping in the
The general objectives of the MOU for                                               areas of EE, RE and GHG reduction.
this Climate Change Mitigation Project   Firstly, the partnership will allow NGC    Successful projects can then be
are as follows:                          and group members to feed empirical        marketed to attract other investors,
 a) Promote further cooperation          data from their operations and other       creating a positive feedback loop
    among NGC, its subsidiaries and      GHG emissions projects1 into research      and strengthening the capacity for
    UTT in renewable energy, energy                                                 innovation, entrepreneurship and real-
    efficiency and GHG emissions                                                    world deployment.
    research                              Read more about the Company's efforts
                                         to reduce methane emissions on page 4 of
                                         this issue.

MARCH 2021

                                            This MOU and the attendant research         Even though this inventory process
                                            findings will enrich the body of            is underway, current emissions
                                            literature around climate change            estimates may be inaccurate due
There is no doubt that                      mitigation. The more we know, the           to the absence of country-specific
                                            more we can teach. Raising public           emissions factors.
this partnership can have                   awareness and education can help
                                            drive climate action at the individual      An emissions factor (EF) is a value
big impact in the years to                  level, and ultimately strengthen the        that helps quantify the amount
                                            collective national effort to bring         of pollutant released during an
come, and the fight ahead.                  emissions down.                             activity - for example, the volume of
                                                                                        carbon dioxide emitted per unit of
                                            Project underway                            fuel burned. The Intergovernmental
                                            The Climate Change Mitigation               Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
                                            Project has kicked off with an              has established EFs for a range of
                                            important first task. In order to track     fuels and emitters using averages
                                            its progress toward meeting emissions       of aggregated world data. Because
                                            reduction commitments, Trinidad and         these are global averages, the
                                            Tobago must be able to measure and          IPCC EFs do not allow for the most
                                            inventory its GHG output.                   accurate calculations of emissions
                                                                                        from local activities. Different grades
                                                                                        of crude, for example, sourced from
                                                                                        different wells, might emit marginally
                                                                                        different amounts of CO2. The actual
                                                                                        emissions factor for Trinidad and
                                                                                        Tobago crude might be higher or
                                                                                        lower than the global average. Even
                                                                                        marginal differences can add up to
                                                                                        statistically significant numbers.

                                                                                        To start addressing this shortcoming,
                                                                                        the UTT team is currently working
                                                                                        on developing a country-specific
                                                                                        EF for natural gas combustion. That
                                                                                        is, they are seeking to determine
                                                                                        exactly how many units of carbon
                                                                                        dioxide equivalents are emitted
                                                                                        when a unit of natural gas is burned
                                                                                        in domestic industry. To do this, the
                                                                                        team is analysing five years’ worth
                                                                                        of compositional data of both inlet
L to R: Mr. Dominic Rampersad, President PPGPL; Mr. Curtis Mohammed, President NGC      and residue gas provided by Phoenix
                                                                                        Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL).
CNG; Prof. Prakash Persad, President (Ag.) UTT; Mr. Mark Loquan, President NGC;
                                                                                        The team is aiming to submit an EF
Dr. Vernon Paltoo, President National Energy; Ms. Wendy Seow, General Manager LABIDCO
                                                                                        specific to natural gas combustion
                                                                                        in Trinidad and Tobago for UNFCCC
                                                                                        acceptance by the end of 2021.

                                                                                        Given the significance of the current
                                                                                        exercise being undertaken by UTT
                                                                                        within the framework of the Climate
                                                                                        Change Mitigation Project MOU, There
                                                                                        is no doubt that this partnership can
                                                                                        have big impact in the years to come,
                                                                                        and the fight ahead.

MARCH 2021

PPGPL's ESG Strategy for
Managing Climate Change Risk


MARCH 2021

There are echoes that                    Global warming is the long-term
                                         heating of the earth’s climate system.
                                                                                    One thing is certain: It must remain
                                                                                    resolute on the issue of sustainability
haunt the Caribbean                      The rise in heating has been observed      and not pursue business growth at
                                         since the pre-industrial period            the expense of its community. For
region after each extreme                (between 1850 and 1900). It has been       PPGPL, the sustainability agenda
                                         attributed to human activities such        must not be at odds with profitability.
weather-related event.                   as fossil fuel usage, which increases      In fact, the company understands
                                         heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels        that it cannot expand its asset base
Loss of life, damage                     in the earth’s atmosphere. Whilst          and support nation building, unless
                                         climate can change over a period due       deliberate action is taken to preserve
to property and social                   to natural causes, the warming being       it. There should be no tradeoff
displacement are painful                 linked to human activity has been
                                         identified as the main driver behind
                                                                                    between its vision and the stability of
                                                                                    its natural environment.
remnants of the trail of                 climate change.
                                                                                    PPGPL’s external environment
destruction that remains.                When one considers the devastation         has been rumbling for some time.
                                         from climate change, there appears         It has been portending the rapid
These are perils that                    to be a global fight for survival. In      transformation of the global
                                         what has been termed a climate             energy sector. At the forefront, is
plague the islands of the                emergency, one thing becomes               the growing threat of abrupt and
region up to today.                      clear, GDP would no longer be the
                                         main measure of national prosperity.
                                                                                    irreversible climate change and the
                                                                                    influence abatement measures will
                                         Instead, adaptation to climate change      have on energy usage. The Paris
The echoes are a glaring reminder of
                                         and strong resilience mechanisms           Climate Agreement has created
the region’s vulnerability. Threats of
                                         would be the flagship measure of           a vehicle to prompt social and
hurricanes, ocean acidification, and
                                         wealth. With 60% of humanity living        intergovernmental discourse on the
wildfires are representative of the
                                         in coastal areas, the global collective    critical actions required to address
long-term shifts in regional or global
                                         will either directly or indirectly share   global emissions. Once at arm’s
climate patterns. Coastal areas have
                                         vulnerability to climate change.           length with commodity producers,
come under threat. Sea level rise and
                                                                                    consumers have become more
warmer oceans are changing our
                                         This highlights the importance of          empowered through social media.
biosphere. Plankton - the source of at
                                         climate risk management. Using             Some have even commenced
least half the oxygen we breathe - is
                                         information about present and              litigation procedures against
dying, with coral reefs that protect
                                         future climate change can help             polluting companies. They are not
coastlines following suit. Events such
                                         with the development of practices,         only demanding social justice, but
as these cannot be ignored as they
                                         policies, and infrastructure to make       cleaner products in support of
hinder socio-economic development
                                         governments, and by extension              energy security. This is influencing
and play a significant role in human
                                         organisations more resilient to this       the global energy mix.
displacement patterns. Consequently,
economic progress is hampered, and
                                                                                    New technologies are also changing
future generations are deprived of
                                         Building Resilience through Climate        energy production, delivery, and
their home and ecological heritage.
                                         Risk Management                            consumption patterns. The internet
                                         When PPGPL looks at its history and        of things and digital twins are
Without access to land and marine
                                         role in shaping the energy sector, it      making plant operations safer and
resources, the path to prosperity
                                         will see a common thread of safety         efficient. Electrified transportation,
will become murky. Certain areas
                                         leadership, capacity building and          autonomous vehicles and ride
will become inaccessible to those
                                         community development. These               sharing are also changing demand
economies that rely on it the most.
                                         embody its vision of being recognised      patterns through cost and fuel
Climate risk management (CRM) is
                                         as a global leader in the development      efficiency. Presently, the COVID-19
therefore an important part of the
                                         of sustainable energy-related              pandemic has not only affected
conversation. It is imperative for
                                         businesses. However, as the company        societal behaviours like travelling,
preventing, mitigating, and adapting
                                         contemplates the impact of climate         personal hygiene and personal space
to extreme weather-related events.
                                         change on the region and its future,       norms, but it has also caused the
                                         it must determine the right tactics to     world to slow down and focus on
                                         employ for business growth.                tackling climate issues.

MARCH 2021

PPGPL’s ESG Strategy for Managing Climate Change Risk   CONTINUED

MARCH 2021

                                        These external rumblings have               series of random events. PPGPL
                                        caused PPGPL to do some                     has been observing environmental
                                        introspection. It has reinforced the        abnormalities at its facilities for
                                        company’s commitment to be a                some time. In 2016, the rate of
 “Nothing happens until                 leader on sustainable issues. While         shoreline erosion was noted to
 the pain of remaining the              sustainability has always been              have increased to the extent that
                                        the company’s passion, we must              shoreline conditions had significantly
 same outweighs the pain                reinforce environmental, social and         worsened, and PPGPL’s plant
                                        governance (ESG) principles into            infrastructure was in critical danger
 of change”,                            our strategy if we want to mitigate         of significant negative impact
                                        risk, drive profitability, and ultimately   on structural integrity. This plant
 ARTHUR BURT.                           create a compelling future for              infrastructure included PPGPL’s
                                        stakeholders. Issues of biodiversity        Dock 2 southern fence-line, its Dock
                                        protection, climate and preservation        2 pipeline Right-of-Way (ROW) and
                                        of natural assets are all things that       ultimately, PPGPL’s Dock 2 (East to
                                        we must consider in our pursuit of          West) pipeline (Lee Young & Partners
                                        growth.                                     Limited, 2017).

                                        PPGPL’s internal environment has            At the dock facility, localised waves
                                        also been making a statement. Its           and currents are driven by more
                                        facilities are changing in a way            generalised tides, currents, and
                                        that can no longer be viewed as a           waves in the wider Gulf of Paria.


MARCH 2021

PPGPL’s ESG Strategy for Managing Climate Change Risk            CONTINUED

It is the belief that the waves             to decarbonise. These are risks that
effecting erosion at PPGPL are              may occur due to policy, regulation,
abnormal “extreme condition” storm          litigation, adoption of alternative
waves that have to approach the             energy sources, and shifting              “Facts do not cease to exist
shoreline perpendicularly, thereby          consumer preferences or behaviour.
effecting the observed onshore-                                                       because they are ignored.”
offshore erosion and transport,             In the past, PPGPL has supported
resulting in the observed 2.2 metres        environmental initiatives under the       - ALDOUS HUXLEY
per year shoreline erosion calculated       umbrella of our corporate social
by the subject matter experts. These        responsibility and our health safety,
seemingly unrelated observations            security and environmental initiatives.
                                                                                       •   Solar Technology:
have been reviewed and have caused          These activities included coastal               o Perimeter lighting – beta-
the staff at PPGPL to ask these             community interventions, children's                 testing in specific/remote
questions – are these occurrences           art competitions on biodiversity and                areas
genuinely random and unrelated              staff involvement in home gardening.            o Entrance barrier controls
or do these occurrences provide             One of our flagship projects was our                operating specific/remote
evidence of the impact of climate           partnership with NIHERST in 2012,                   areas
change on our small island nation?          to provide rainwater harvesting            •   Motion sensor operated extractor
A story is being woven as PPGPL             systems (RWHS) in water-scarce                 fans in specific washroom areas
ponders its observations, connects          schools combined with solar energy         •   Thermostat management-reduce
the dots, and maps its future. The          solutions.                                     energy consumption during low
story’s theme suggests that the way         Whilst we are proud of these                   occupancy periods
we invest, manage, and maintain             achievements, for our next phase           •   Gradual replacement of old/
our assets must be reflective of our        of growth, we will use a more                  defunct air conditioning
environmental context. We must              transformative approach. We cannot             equipment with new ‘energy star’
also consider our responsibility to         afford to flatline when climate                equipment
our stakeholders. With this mindset,        change has been declared the               •   Utilising energy saving
the opportunities become glaring.           world’s greatest threat to economic            technology such as Multistage Air
Embedding ESG into our investment           stability. This decade has been                Volume
                                                                                       •   Maintaining quarterly air
and project decisions grants us             underscored as a critical period to
                                                                                           conditioning servicing schedules.
social licence as it illustrates the        win this fight.
values that the company espouses
                                                                                      Notwithstanding the above, we will
with respect to sustainable and             PPGPL will be championing                 be embarking on the formalisation of
ethical management. Under                   issues that create a platform for         our energy management systems by
the ESG umbrella, issues such               social leadership and stakeholder         aligning to ISO 50001. In this regard,
as environmental preservation,              stewardship. Our project and              some of our future initiatives will
institutional strength, gender, and         investment management principles          include:
diversity have a key role in enabling       would be influenced by these values.       • Monitoring and quantifying
sustainable management.                     How we select our partners, suppliers         gas leaks to reduce energy
                                            and customers will also be informed           consumption using a leak
When grappling with the issue of            by our renewed agenda. We are                 detection camera
climate risk, the business cannot only      committed to supporting Trinidad           • Implementing fired heater
be viewed in short five-year horizons.      and Tobago’s Nationally Determined            optimisation to reduce fuel
PPGPL understands that it must              Contributions (NDC) under the Paris           consumption and emissions
create the right balance between            Agreement, so we will dig deeper,          • Evaluating the benefits of using
short-term and long-term priorities.        elevate our outlook, and take bold            inert gases instead of fuel gas in
This would allow it to shape its future     action.                                       storage tanks
rather than reactively trying to fit a                                                 • Retrofitting and replacing
square-pegged strategy within an            We have already championed energy             existing lighting with more
externally defined round boundary.          management within the organisation            efficient lighting and LED lighting
                                            by upgrading our heating, ventilation,     • Determining the feasibility
As PPGPL looks at its risk profile,
                                            air conditioning and cooling systems.         of small-scale utility solar PV
it will not only be focused on the
                                            Upgrades include:                             projects on the plant.
physical manifestation of climate
risk on its asset integrity, it will also
                                            •   Replacement of lighting               Taking bold focused action creates
contemplate transition risks that are
                                            •   Timer-controlled lighting             explosive results (John Di Lemme).
likely to occur as the company tries
                                                operating specific areas              PPGPL intends to do what we must.

MARCH 2021

MARCH 2021

     Where Fuel Meets Food


MARCH 2021


                                                                            As energy sector revenues decline
                                                                            due to a challenging global market,
                                                                            the expenditure of such a significant
                                                                            portion of foreign exchange on
                                                                            imported food has become an
                                                                            increasingly bitter pill to swallow.
                                                                            Concurrently, the need for alternative
                                                                            revenue streams has become more
                                                                            pronounced and urgent.

                                                                            The COVID-19 pandemic also exposed
                                                                            the danger of dependence on
                                                                            international markets for food. At
                                                                            its current rate of food importation,
                                                                            Trinidad and Tobago could suffer
                                                                            tremendously if another extreme
                                                                            event were to force a complete
                                                                            border closure, cripple international
                                                                            trade, or disrupt global food
                                                                            production systems and supply

                                                                            It is with good reason that the United
                                                                            Nations has made food security a
                                                                            priority target under its Sustainable
                                                                            Development Goals (SDGs).

                                                                            ENTER NGC

                                                                            The industries of energy and
                                A country’s sovereignty and capacity        agriculture seem an incongruous
                                for sustainable development are             pairing - it is not immediately obvious
                                severely undercut if it cannot feed         where one can help the other, but
There have been calls in        itself.                                     NGC, together with its subsidiaries,
                                                                            believes it can add value to
recent years for the revival    Agriculture has become a mere               agriculture and food production. Why
                                spectator in the development of             would this company take an interest
of local agriculture and        Trinidad and Tobago with the advent         in this sector, and how exactly could it
                                and subsequent reliance on the oil
greater investment in food      and gas industry. Accordingly, there
                                have been calls in recent years for the
security. Despite having        revival of local agriculture and greater
                                                                            To the question of motivation, NGC
                                                                            and its group members have become
the resources to support        investment in food security. Despite        vocal advocates for sustainability. To
                                having the resources to support food        be a respected business in today’s
food production for both        production for both internal markets        world, one must be attuned to the
                                and an export-oriented industry, the        impact of operations on people and
internal markets and an         country today spends around $5              the planet. Sustainability means
                                billion annually to import over 80% of      constantly focusing on current and
export-oriented industry,       its food.1                                  future impact, and aligning business
the country today spends
                                                                            objectives with the targets of the UN
                                                                            SDGs. A focus on strengthening the
around $5 Bn annually to        publications/english/document/Analysis-
                                                                            domestic agricultural sector fits within
                                                                            the Company's sustainability agenda,
import over 80% of its food.    Tobago.pdf
                                                                            by allowing the organisation to help
                                                                            move the country closer to several
                                costly-food-imports-and-bolstering-         SDG targets (See next page).

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