Best Practice in Police Social Media Adaptation

Best Practice in Police Social Media Adaptation
Best Practice in
                     Police Social Media
Photo: David Adams
Best Practice in Police Social Media Adaptation
© 2012 by COMPOSITE Project

Authors: Sebastian Denef5, Nico
Kaptein8, Petra S. Bayerl11, Leon-
ardo Ramirez5

This research is partially funded
by the European Commission as
part of FP7 in the context of the
COMPOSITE project (contract no.

More Information:

5,8,11: See affiliations on page 7.
    Best Practice in Police                                    The COMPOSITE Project      4

    Social Media Adaptation                                    Our Approach:
                                                               Methods and Limitations    8
    This document describes best practice of European
    police forces in adapting social media. The description
                                                               Best Practice in Police
    of these practices stems from a workshop series and        Social Media Adaptation   12
    other events where police ICT experts met with aca-
    demics and industry experts; and from a study of the       Discussion and Outlook:
                                                               Learnings & Open Issues   30
    Twitter usage of British police forces during the 2011
    riots. Grouped in nine categories, we describe different
    uses and implementation strategies of social media by
    police forces. Based on these examples, we show that
    there have been numerous ways in which police forces
    benefitted from adopting social media, ranging from
    improved information for investigations and an im-
    proved relationship with the public to a more efficient
    use of resources.

2                                                                                             3
The COMPOSITE Project                 Other work packages look into the          ther research, the work package
    Introduction:                                                                                    dissemination of research findings         started out by mapping current
                                                               As part of the European Commis-       and into the transfer of the results       ICT trends bottom-up and identi-
    Studying Organisational                                    sion’s seventh framework pro-         for training and consulting officers.      fied social media as an important
                                                               gramme, the European research         Additional information about re-           issue1.
    Change at European                                         project COMPOSITE (Compara-           cent project results are published
                                                               tive Police Studies in the Europe-    on the COMPOSITE website at
    Police Forces                                              an Union) studies a broad set of                  Studying Social Media
                                                               phenomena to better understand                                                   Adaptation
    The research project COMPOSITE investigates organi-        organisational change in police       The work package ‘Technology Ad-
                                                               forces. Over a period of four years   aptation’, which provides the frame        Social media have been defined
    zational change in European police forces. One specific
                                                               (2010–2014), researchers from         for this report, investigates those        as “internet-based applications
    part of the project focuses on changes related to the      15 partnering organisations (Fig-     aspects of organisational change           […] which [allow for] the creation
    introduction of new information and communication          ure 1, page 7), including universi-   in police forces that are tightly          and exchange of user-generated
    technologies. A trend study revealed, among others,        ties, institutes, corporations and    linked to emerging information             content”2. In only a few years, so-
                                                               police academies, compare cur-        and communication technology               cial media networks have seen
    the topic of social media as a relevant topic of organi-
                                                               rent developments with police         (ICT). Police forces, in all the partic-   an unprecedented adoption rate
    zational change. The broad adoption of social media by     forces in Belgium, the Czech Re-      ipating countries, are increasingly        when compared to other media. As
    the public and the increasing effect that this adapta-     public, France, Germany, Italy, the   confronted with the challenge of           Erik Qualman pointed out: “It took
    tion has in police work, requires police organisations     Republic of Macedonia, the Neth-      adopting a broad range of new ICT          radio 38 years to reach 50 mil-
                                                               erlands, Romania, Spain and the       in order to reduce the cost of main-       lion listeners. Terrestrial TV took
    accross Europe to define and implement strategies for
                                                               United Kingdom.                       taining out-of-date ICT systems            13 years to reach 50 million us-
    social media adaptation.                                                                         and to keep up with and make best          ers. The Internet took four years
                                                               Beyond the context of this report,    use of the rapid technological de-
                                                               COMPOSITE comprises work pack-        velopment. A diverse set of legal,
                                                                                                                                                1 Denef, S., Kaptein, N. Bayerl, P.S.,
                                                               ages to identify environmental po-    cultural, economic and societal is-
                                                                                                                                                et al. 2011. ICT Trends in European
                                                               licing opportunities and threats as   sues increases the complexity of
                                                                                                                                                Policing. ICT Trends in European Polic-
                                                               well as internal capabilities and     technology adaptation for police
                                                                                                                                                ing. COMPOSITE, Deliverable 4.1, Eu-
                                                               knowledge sharing capabilities.       forces.
                                                                                                                                                ropean Commission FP7 Contract No.
                                                               The research also includes dedi-
                                                               cated work packages on structur-      In order to identify pressing issues,
                                                                                                                                                2 Kaplan Andreas M., Haenlein Mi-
                                                               al and cultural changes, the iden-    to compare efforts by the police
                                                                                                                                                chael. 2010. Users of the world, unite!
                                                               tity of the police forces and their   forces and to and share solutions
                                                                                                                                                The challenges and opportunities of
                                                               legitimation as well as leadership    and approaches across Europe as
                                                                                                                                                social media, Business Horizons, Vol.
                                                               practices in police organisations.    well as to identify needs for fur-
                                                                                                                                                53, Issue 1, p. 59-68

4                                                                                                                                                                                         5
Figure 1: COMPOSITE Project Consortium



                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1    2   3
    to reach 50 million people. In less      en that some countries in recent        the public, as increasingly social                                                                                                             4
    than nine months, Facebook add-          years have been adopting social         media changes the relationship                                                                                               10       5
    ed 100 million users.”1 This wide        media platforms and gathered first      between citizens and state agen-
    adoption and the associated influ-       experiences, while others consider      cies. The on-going technological
                                                                                                                                                                                                            8 9
    ence on everyday live make social        doing so, the topic provides a good     change thus requires considerable                                                                                                                      14
    media a highly relevant and press-       field for exchange of best practice.    organisational and cultural chang-
    ing issue for European police forc-      Given that most activities in social    es in police organizations—not only
    es. Given the speed of develop-          media take place in certain coun-       in terms of work practices, but also                                                                                                                                    11
    ment, social media are, however,         tries only, the transferability of      in terms of their relation with the
    still a new topic for the police.        these practices remains an open         general public and the role that
                                             question. It will be part of our fu-    they have in society.
    While all police forces are increas-     ture research to understand if and                                                                                                                    13
    ingly confronted with social media       how culture affects police work on
    in daily operations, the ways and        social media within the forces and      Report Structure
    speed of integration of social me-       for the general public.                                                                                                                                                                                    15
    dia for policing vary greatly. As our                                            This report is structured as follows:
    trend report indicated, selected         The ongoing discussions on social       First, in the chapter ‘Methods and
    police forces in some European           media and policing touches dif-         Limitations’, we will explain the
    countries already make very ac-          ferent aspects. On the one hand,        process and rationale behind the
    tive use of social media. In other       police forces can use information       workshop series and the extrac-
    countries, police forces are still de-   on social media to support their        tion of best practice. We will also                Project Consortium
    ciding on policies how to deal with      investigations. Here, existing pro-     explain the limitations of our ap-
    social media. To this day, there is      tocols for police operations such       proach and of our results at this                  1 Erasmus-University              6 University of Durham,                 12 Fondazione per la Ricerca
    no common social media practice          as surveillance, under-cover inves-     point. Second, we will describes                     Rotterdam, Netherlands             United Kingdom                          sulla Migrazione e sulla
    for European police forces. Conse-       tigations or forensic analysis are      problems and the related practic-                    (Coordinator)                   7 Sheffield University,                    Integrazione delle Tecnologie,
    quently, we have seen a lot of in-       currently being updated and rolled      es that have been applied by po-                   2 University Utrecht,                United Kingdom                          FORMIT, Rome, Italy
    terest in our research and demand        out to cover social media. While        lice forces and the ICT industry for                 Netherlands                     8 Capgemini Telecom Media               13 ESADE Business School,
    to us from the police for case stud-     this kind of social media adapta-       the topic of social media. Third, we               3 Police Academy of the              Defense, France                         Barcelona, Spain
    ies and best practice reports. Giv-      tion requires training, it does not     close this report with the chapter                   Netherlands                     9 Centre National de la Re-             14 Masaryk University, Brno,
                                             constitute a fundamental change         ‘Discussion and Outlook’, to reflect               4 Fachhochschule der Polizei         cherche Scientifique,                   Czech Republic
                                             in the identity of police forces. In-   on the identified practices and to                   des Landes Brandenburg,            Paris, France                        15 University St. Kliment Ohridski,
    1 Qualman, E. 2009. Social Media:
                                             stead, it extends existing practice     put them into the context of on-                     Oranienburg, Germany            10 University Antwerpen,                   Skopje / Bitola, Macedonia
    Fad or Revolution? http://searchen-
                                             to a new field. On the other hand,      going research within COMPOSITE                    5 Fraunhofer-Institut für Ange-      Belgium ticle/2066771/
                                             police forces need to engage the        and beyond.                                          wandte Informationstechnik      11 Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj,
    Social-Media-Fad-or-Revolution [Re-
                                             social media space to interact with                                                          FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany       Romania
    trieved April 11, 2012]

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 7
Trend Analysis                          potential workshop contents with         the trend of social media adapta-
    Our Approach:                                                                                       a number of proposals for each           tion by police forces and the re-
                                                                Our first COMPOSITE report on           trend. This list became part of a        ports in public media about this
    Methods and Limitations                                     technology adaptation, ‘ICT Trends      feedback form on our trend report        aspect. In the following several po-
                                                                in European Policing’, provides the     that we issued to the COMPOSITE          lice academies invited us to partic-
    In our initial trend study, we identified social media      foundation for this work. Grounded      end user board, on which police          ipate in workshops and seminars
                                                                in a series of interviews with ICT      officers from the ten participat-        on this topic. We therefore decid-
    as one of the most relevant topics for a workshop
                                                                experts with police forces and in-      ing countries help to ensure that        ed to start our workshop series on
    series on best practice. Results from COMPOSITE             dustry representatives, the report      the project’s research addresses         this topic and to combine findings
    workshops in Germany, UK and France as well as other        details six trends of technology        questions relevant for the police.       from these external events with
    conferences and seminars across Europe formed the           adaptation of the police forces. It     On the form, we asked police offic-      those from our own workshops.
                                                                lists the integration of IT systems     ers to rank the trends in their cur-
    empirical base to extract practices from. Additionally,
                                                                (1), the adoption of mobile com-        rent and future relevance and to
    a case study conducted during and following the 2011        puting (2), the use of surveillance     rank the workshop topics accord-         Workshop Series,
    UK riots allowed to add insights from a situation where     technologies (3), the application of    ing the need for exchange on a           Seminars & Twitter Use
    British police forces used social media during a crisis     digital biometrics (4), the crosscut-   European level and the interest to       during the 2011 UK Riots
                                                                ting issue of user acceptance (5)       participate in the workshop. Evalu-
    situation. By nature of its methodological design, this
                                                                and the emerging challenge of so-       ating these forms showed that the        Overall, in the period between
    report is limited in terms of its validation and transfer   cial media applications (6) as ma-      topics of social media (i), the use      June 2011 and April 2012, we or-
    of best practice to other contexts. Our report thus func-   jor topics of current and planned       of mobile computing to support of-       ganized three COMPOSITE work-
    tions as a crayon box, a modular toolset, that allows       police ICT projects. In the report,     ficers in the field (ii) and the topic   shops on social media adaptation
                                                                we discussed how these issues           of integrating police ICT systems        and participated in eight other, ex-
    other police forces, researchers and industry to look
                                                                are relevant and thereby pointed        (iii), had the greatest relevance        ternal workshops, seminars and
    for solutions that fit their particular needs best.         to open issues for future research.     and interest.                            conferences.

                                                                In order to deepen our understand-      In addition to the feedback from         The COMPOSITE events:
                                                                ing of these trends and in order to     the end user board, we also re-
                                                                facilitate discussions with experts     ceived requests from other police        »» 1st Workshop on Social Media
                                                                to identify more specific issues to     organizations that underline these          as a Tool for Police Communica-
                                                                be addressed in the second half of      findings. As a public download, the         tion, June 14–15, 2011, Sankt
                                                                COMPOSITE, we organized work-           trend report received wide atten-           Augustin, Germany
                                                                shops on selected topics that bring     tion and we count several thou-          »» 2nd Workshop on Social Media
                                                                together police officers, industry      sand downloads for the file, to this        as a Tool for Police Communi-
                                                                people and academics. To decide         day. This high interest was espe-           cation, November 1–2, 2011,
                                                                on the topics, we created a list of     cially driven by our description of         Manchester, United Kingdom

8                                                                                                                                                                                       9
»» Workshop: Social Media at the       For the COMPOSITE events, we             United Kingdom took part in the         experiences in research on ICT ad-      more experienced (Manchester) in        to better explain the issue of non-
        French Police, December 6,          sent out open invitations to our         COMPOSITE workshops.                    aptation, organisational change         using Twitter as a means to com-        adaptation.
        2011, Paris, France                 end user board, police forums and                                                and within and beyond the context       municate with the public.
                                            other police contacts across Eu-         The external events were organized      of policing. We then also contacted                                             For the above reasons, this report
     Participation, presentation and        rope. We specifically invited po-        by the respective police schools        the forces and officers mentioned                                               is not to be confused with a step-
     discussions in other, external         lice officers of all ranks from police   and organizations and ranged            in the report to ensure factual cor-    Limitations                             by-step manual on how to imple-
     workshops and seminars:                forces who either (a) already have       from short trainings and a discus-      rectness and that the published in-                                             ment social media. Instead, we un-
                                            had experience in and could report       sion with young police officers (in     formation is not classified and can     Despite all this careful work, this     derstand individual best practice
     »» CEPOL Conference on Cyber-          on their efforts for the specific top-   Bremen), to a weeklong workshop         be published. We further added to       report and its results, by nature       as subjective records situated in
        crime, Cybersecurity & Social       ic, or (b) were confronted with the      with senior police officers from all    our analysis of social media adap-      of its methodological design, have      their respective contexts that, be-
        Media, Madrid, Spain, June 28-      task to handle the issue in their        across Europe (with CEPOL in Lis-       tation by police forces a case study    limitations. First, despite its title   fore generalization, require further
        30, 2011                            forces and could present their           bon). These events focused on the       of the use of social media for po-      of describing ‘best practice’, the      research. At this point, a best prac-
     »» Workshop “Social Networks” at       challenges and questions. During         different aspects of social media       licing in a large-scale crisis situa-   workshop setting did neither pro-       tice that works in one particular
        the Hesse State Criminal Office,    the workshops, we asked partici-         on a policing context and its differ-   tion. Following our initial workshop    vide the opportunity to validate the    context might not work in another.
        Wiesbaden, Germany, Septem-         pants to prepare a presentation          ent impacts on police work.             on the topic in June 2011, we be-       described practices in their imple-     The presented practices indeed in-
        ber 27-28, 2011.                    and also allocated time for group                                                came increasingly aware of the so-      mentation nor did it allow to thor-     clude sometimes seemingly con-
     »» CEPOL Seminar 95-2011 on So-        discussions on shared issues             For our analysis we took notes dur-     cial media activities of a number of    oughly define the criteria or means     tradictory elements and show that
        cial Media and Policing, October    identified from these presenta-          ing the workshops and collected         police forces across and beyond         of comparison that make a prac-         police forces address common
        24-28, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal       tions. Participation was not limited     participants’ presentations. We         Europe. When, in August 2011, ri-       tice a best practice. Second, the       challenges in different ways. Our
     »» Elective course “Internet and       to police forces or countries rep-       also captured materials and con-        ots started in the United Kingdom,      workshop setting did not allow for      research, at this point, does not al-
        Social Networks”, College of        resented in COMPOSITE; instead           ceptual sketches that were pro-         we captured all messages on the         an extended description of the en-      low us to argue which of the prac-
        Public Administration, Bremen,      we aimed for bringing people to-         duced during the workshops. To          social network Twitter that were        vironmental setting, thus making        tices is better, or if there are uni-
        Germany, November 9, 2011           gether from a variety of countries       produce this report, we aimed at        sent from the police forces in Lon-     it difficult to judge and estimate      versal solutions, at all. While this
     »» International Seminar 4/2012,       and backgrounds. As we could             identifying patterns in problems        don and Manchester as well as a         how transferable and applicable         might seem to contradict the idea
        “New Media and Crime—Crime          only partially fund the workshops,       and challenges related to the three     large number of messages that           a given practice is in a different      of best practice at first sight, our
        on the Internet”, Police College,   participants had to cover their          areas of new technologies; and in       were written by the general public      context. This holds also true for       goal, however, is not to present
        Münster, Germany, January 19,       own travel expenses. We there-           the presented solutions that were       and addressed to the police forc-       the analysis of social media com-       best practice that is universal but
        2012.                               fore chose a number of different         presented to address them. To           es in the respective cities. While a    munication during the riots in the      rather present the variety in best
     »» European Police Congress, Ber-      places for the workshops distrib-        improve the quality of analysis,        publication on this analysis is cur-    United Kingdom, as this case study      practice applied by different forces
        lin, Germany, February 14-15,       uted in Europe to allow for partici-     several versions of the best prac-      rently pending, the results helped      focuses on one particular country       in different countries. Our report
        2012                                pation from different countries. In      tice descriptions were discussed        us to solidify our findings from the    only. Finally, this report builds on    thus functions as a crayon box, a
     »» CEPOL Webinars, “Strategic          total, almost 100 attendees from         among the authors who reviewed          workshops as in the data provided       a selected empirical sample that        modular toolset, that allows other
        Impact of Social Media” and         Austria, Belgium, Canada, France,        and revised them based on their         an empirical, real-world example of     requires further validation and ex-     police forces, researchers and in-
        “Social Media in Policing” April    Germany, the Netherlands and the         different professional and cultural     social media use by police forces       tension to other contexts, in order     dustry to look for solutions that fit
        3, 2012                                                                      backgrounds as well as their own        who had been less (London) and                                                  their particular needs best.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
Social Media as a Source                police can benefit greatly from in-      erators and distinguishes between
     Results:                                                 of Criminal Information                 formation that is available on so-       different levels of interference
                                                                                                      cial media. Information about of-        with the individual’s right of per-
     Best Practice in Police                                                                          fenders and crimes found online          sonal data and intervening in tel-
                                                                                                      has shown to be valuable for police      ecommunications. The framework
     Social Media Adaptation                                                                          operations. Police officers from         also differentiates between differ-
                                                                                                      various forces across Europe re-         ent types of inventory and usage
     From our analysis result the following categories that                                           port that in many cases criminal in-     data accessed by the police to se-
                                                                                                      formation can be found online that       lect the applicable law. For police
     describe best practice in police social media adapta-
                                                                                                      without social media would have          forces there is the need to further
     tion:                                                                                            required a much greater investiga-       educate police officers to perform
                                                                                                      tive effort or would not have been       investigations on social media.
     »»   Social Media as a Source of Criminal Information    The information that is available       available at all. Performing such        While police officers, who perform
     »»   Having a Voice in Social Media                      on social media provides police         investigations in social media ex-       IT forensics or work in the field of
     »»   Social Media to Push Information                    forces a rich source of criminal in-    tends existing policing practice. As     cybercrime, are often organized
                                                              formation for their investigations.     with the existing practice, all police   in specialized departments on re-
     »»   Social Media to Leverage the Wisdom of the Crowd
                                                              These investigations in social me-      operations take place in an envi-        gional or national level, simple so-
     »»   Social Media to Interact with the Public            dia require a legal framework.          ronment that is highly regulated         cial media investigations in open
     »»   Social Media for Community Policing                 Police forces transfer existing         and follows legal procedures. To         sources are about to become
     »»   Social Media to Show the Human Side of Policing     regulations that apply to police op-    perform operations on social me-         standard, no-specialist activity on
                                                              erations in physical spaces includ-     dia, police forces therefore trans-      a local level, as the demand for
     »»   Social Media to Support Police IT Infrastructure
                                                              ing undercover operations to the        fer and apply laws that define their     such capabilities increases and
     »»   Social Media for Efficient Policing                 virtual space. While complex IT in-     current work to the virtual environ-     cannot be handled by IT specialists
                                                              vestigations are often handled by       ment of social media. At the CEPOL       alone. As police officers report and
     We start each category with a short summary and then     special departments on a regional       seminar in Lisbon, Portugal and          as becomes apparent from all na-
     detail the principle with several examples.              or national level, police forces cur-   during workshops in Germany, Axel        tional cyber security analyses and
                                                              rently train local officers for more    Henrichs of the Police Academy           strategies, developing these and
                                                              simple social media investiga-          in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany         more specialized skills appears to
                                                              tions, to handle the high demand        detailed the legal framework that        be one of the major challenges for
                                                              of requests. The complexity and         he developed for social media in-        the years ahead.
                                                              process of how to obtain data from      vestigations as a training material
                                                              social network providers varies for     for police officers. The framework       For investigations, the police can
                                                              the networks.                           clarifies the relation of police op-     make use of open sources that in-
                                                                                                      erations with regulations of com-        clude all information that is pub-
                                                              Investigations performed by the         mercial social media platform op-        licly available. While software in-

12                                                                                                                                                                                    13
dustry vendors such as Radian6,       lice forces to follow official proce-   Having a Voice                          To this day, a large number of Eu-     accounts and social media chan-          Fourth, police forces increasingly
     Attensity, Kapow, Palantir, IBM,      dures for international police sup-     in Social Media                         ropean police forces do not make       nels that specifically provide po-       are confronted with the fact that
     SAS, SAP, Oracle (and many oth-       port and it can take long before                                                active use of social media beyond      lice-related information. This is rel-   communication via traditional me-
     ers) provide tools to support the     the requested data can be made                                                  the use of social media as a source    evant in small towns as well as in       dia sources does no longer reach
     combination of information from       available, if at all. Facebook has a                                            of criminal information. There are,    major cities. In Berlin, Germany an      the relevant people. For many po-
     different online sources and in-      team to work with law enforcement                                               however, pressing issues that          unofficial Facebook page with po-        lice operations it is especially rel-
     formation in police databases as      agencies. Facebook collaborates                                                 more and more forces across            lice news lists more than 15,000         evant to provide information and
     well as to analyse the data, some     with police forces across Europe                                                countries describe as their moti-      fans. In the Dutch region Haaglan-       get information from younger peo-
     of the officers we spoke to perform   in international operations, for in-                                            vation for making the first steps or   den an unofficial Twitter feed by        ple. These people simply do not
     these investigations manually, in     stance against child abuse and                                                  extending their activities on social   a self proclaimed police fan lists       subscribe to local newspapers any
     ways that theoretically every citi-   child pornography. When contact-                                                media beyond investigations and        2,500 followers. There is little that    longer and often get their news
     zen could follow.                     ed by a law enforcement agency,                                                 as the key driver for establishing     police forces can do to avoid that       solely via social media. Police forc-
                                           Facebook offers to freeze the us-       While there are many different and      their own ‘police’ voice on social     other players fill the empty spots       es therefore need to have a voice
     For closed sources, such as pri-      ers’ data so that it can be shared      specific ways of using social media     media.                                 aside from being active and be-          on social media in order to be able
     vate messages exchanged on so-        with the police once the official in-   for policing beyond an information                                             coming the most popular source           to communicate with their target
     cial networks, IP addresses that      ternational police support request      source for investigations, they can     First, regardless whether or not a     by themselves. Without a credible        audience.
     identify the computers from which     has been provided.                      be framed under the general con-        particular force chooses to estab-     presence of the police, the space
     users access a social network or                                              cept of using a social media as a       lish a presence on social media,       for rumours and speculations in          Fifth, social media increasingly im-
     email addresses and phone num-        Overall, this type of investigation     communication tool with the pub-        the adaption of social media by        social media is ever growing.            pacts everyday life. Police forces
     bers, the investigation requires      on social media has already been        lic and thereby establishing a po-      normal citizens who discuss and                                                 are confronted with the real world
     the collaboration with social net-    introduced and is currently being       lice presence and voice on social       share issues of their personal and     Third, social media empowers the         effects of social media. Police of-
     work operators. European police       introduced to the forces we spoke       media. While this concept is cur-       professional lives online confronts    normal citizen to perform actions        ficer from across Europe report
     forces report that the interac-       to. While existing legal frameworks     rently being used only in selected      all police forces. Given the broad-    that traditionally would only be         that they are confronted with large-
     tion with social media providers      need to be transposed to social         forces and countries, the largely       ness of this phenomenon, matters       performed by the police. Specifi-        scale parties that were organized
     in their respective countries is      media and police officers will need     favourable public response and          that are relevant for the police or    cally, for search warrants in case       on social media, that stalking on
     not complicated as it follows na-     additional training, the workshops      the largely positive results make       even specifically relate to police     of missing people, the police have       social media has real-world ef-
     tional laws and orders from pros-     and conferences did not bring any       the mere fact that police forces        work will not be excluded from this    been confronted with relatives and       fects, that suicide attempts are an-
     ecution authorities. Getting data     serious problems or deviances to        work on establishing their own          space. Put shortly, no matter if a     friends who use social media to          nounced on social media and that
     from operators outside the nation-    the fore that would put social me-      voice on social media a best prac-      police force chooses to be active      start actions on their own. These        child abuse is increasingly report-
     al boundaries and outside Europe      dia as an additional source of in-      tice in itself.Forces that are active   on social media, police matters are    actions then lack the profession-        ed online. All these and many oth-
     is, however, more complicated. Fa-    formation into question. Indeed,        on social media are able to con-        being discussed, nevertheless.         al experience that the police have       er issues are relevant for the police
     cebook, for instance, as the most     there seems to be great consen-         front a number of pressing issues                                              and it becomes increasingly dif-         and require police forces with com-
     popular network, operates under       sus about the ways in which inves-      that relate to the increasing ubiq-     Second, and in consequence, po-        ficult for normal citizens to distin-    petence in social media that can
     U.S. law. Accessing closed sources    tigations on social media extends       uity of social media and their rel-     lice forces across Europe see          guish trustworthy from non-trust-        listen to citizens on social media
     therefore requires European po-       exiting practice.                       evance in citizens’ lives.              themselves confronted with bogus       worthy information.                      and are also able to speak up. Eve-

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15
ryday social media use prepares        dia is an effective way to impact      Social Media to                        the police is to publish police-re-    cently in December 2011, the city        tion and advise. In 2011, riots hap-
     for the times of crises, where so-     this space and to provide a cred-      Push Information                       lated information on social media      police of Zurich, Switzerland. While     pened both in different cities in the
     cial media have shown to become        ible source of information. Having                                            accounts that police forces set up     many of the activities of these forc-    United Kingdom and in Vancouver,
     suddenly very relevant. Social me-     a voice on social media has al-                                               and that citizens can subscribe        es in the meantime go beyond pub-        Canada. As we studied the Twitter
     dia helps people to self organize,     lowed preventing online-organized                                             to. Depending on the local popu-       lishing press statements on social       use of the London Metropolitan
     to get and share important, current    events. The voice of the police on                                            larity of different social networks    media, as we will show in the fol-       Police and the Greater Manches-
     and local information. As our anal-    social media receives a high level                                            the police forces that we spoke to     lowing, most of them started in          ter Police ourselves and as we had
     ysis of the UK riots in the summer     of trust that supersedes bogus in-                                            either did so on Facebook or Twit-     this way as their first step of using    representatives from the Vancou-
     of 2011 clearly indicates, during      formation distributed online. Police                                          ter. While there is a wide selection   social media as a communication          ver police at our workshop in Man-
     times of crises police forces highly   forces are able to fight rumours on                                           of networks available, choosing        tool.                                    chester, we can provide accounts
     benefit from established connec-       social media. Search warrants                                                 these most popular networks al-                                                 from both events. All these forces
     tions and trained practices on so-     on social media get a greater re-                                             lows a police force to minimize the    To kick-off this effort initially, the   used Twitter to publish information
     cial media.                            sponse on social media than on         As media consumption, especial-        maintenance efforts while reach-       Greater Manchester Police, the           on their operations and to provide
                                            traditional media. Having a voice      ly with the younger generation,        ing the largest number of people.      Vancouver police and the Zurich          information updates to citizens.
     The experience that police forc-       on social media prepares and en-       shifts from local newspapers, tel-     Additionally, police forces have       city police, have had very posi-         This information has received
     es across Europe have gathered         ables successful operations in the     evision and radio to social media,     been using YouTube channels to         tive responses and could build in-       great interest by the public and all
     strongly indicates that indeed es-     event of large-scale crises. Even in   police forces face the challenge to    publish videos and Flickr for pub-     itial momentum through so called         police forces saw significant rise
     tablishing a voice on social media     cases when police forces makes         disseminate information to these       lishing photos. This type of activ-    ‘tweet-a-thons’ that lasted 24           in their follower numbers (up to
     allows tackling these issues de-       mistakes online, a mutual dialog       audiences and thus increasingly        ity is usually associated with the     hours. During that time, the forces      100,000 for the Greater Manches-
     scribed above. As we will detail on    on social media about how policing     need to use social media if they       communications department of a         published all activities on incom-       ter Police from about 20,000 be-
     the following pages with examples      is and how it should be allows for     want to communicate to certain         force and social media in this way     ing alarm calls and police opera-        fore the riots). For all three forces,
     from police forces in Austria, Bel-    improving policing and increases       citizen groups. Here, social me-       become an additional outlet of in-     tions in Twitter messages in order       the public welcomed this new type
     gium, Canada, Finland, Germany,        the level of trust.                    dia provide the possibility for po-    formation that previously was pre-     to show the public the broadness         of police service. Also during the ri-
     Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands,                                            lice forces to publish news on their   pared for press statements or the      of police operations and tasks and       ots, monitoring the discussion of
     the United Kingdom and Switzer-                                               own without the press as an inter-     website of a force.                    in order to build special attention      the general social media audience,
     land, the first steps that some po-                                           mediate and push this information                                             from the media that further in-          allowed the forces to issue state-
     lice forces have already made have                                            to a large number of readers. Us-      Many forces in Belgium, the Neth-      creased the number of their follow-      ments that were trusted and have
     provided high benefits for them,                                              ing social media, police forces can    erlands and the United Kingdom         ers.                                     shown to be an effective tool for
     have improved the relationship                                                embed their information in the         have published this type of infor-                                              fighting rumours.
     between citizens and police forc-                                             new media channels that citizens       mation since 2009 or 2010. Po-         Pushing information out to a large
     es and have shown to be cost ef-                                              use frequently in their daily lives.   lice forces in Finland, Iceland, and   number of people becomes espe-           By adopting social media as a tool
     ficient, too.                                                                                                        Ireland report similar activities.     cially relevant in times of large-       to push information to the public,
                                                                                   The first and probably most            The Criminal Intelligence Service      scale crises when citizens need          the police can communicate to a
     The following examples indicate                                               straightforward use of social me-      of Austria has established a Fa-       to be informed in time and look          large number of people with rela-
     that having a voice on social me-                                             dia as a communication tool for        cebook presence, as did, very re-      for a credible source of informa-        tively little effort and financial in-

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17
vestment. While not every citizen        Social Media to Leverage                a common police practice, social        and express their general empa-         2010 and was found murdered on         oyfZiN” (GMP). GMP further pro-
     is using social media at all or is a     the Wisdom of the Crowd                 media brings a powerful lever to        thy with the case. Evaluating their     Christmas day. The force in this       moted their crowd sourcing efforts
     member of the popular networks,                                                  this existing practice. Indeed, as      Facebook activities, the Hannover       case used Facebook advertise-          and launched a campaign entitled
     social media encourages sharing                                                  an officer of the German Hannover       police found that useful informa-       ment as a means to ask the public      ‘shop a looter’. Large posters in the
     information across people and                                                    police reports, social media may        tion is usually provided within short   for information and also used You-     city showed the faces of suspects
     networks, so that even citizens                                                  revitalize the instrument of public     time periods after posting. During      tube to show video footage from        and asked people to help with their
     who are not directly subscribed                                                  support in police operations that is    the evaluation period they gained       CCTV cameras, in addition to the       identification. Twitter was used to
     to a police force’s information can                                              currently not effective. For the Han-   useful criminal information in eight    information provided on the web-       announce the campaign. Both
     also receive the updates through                                                 nover police, a review of the cur-      cases for which, interestingly, the     site and thereby could gather crim-    forces provided phone numbers or
     their friends. By using social media                                             rent effectiveness of search war-       normal press announcement did           inal information for the case.         links to their websites where the
     in this way, police forces become                                                rants revealed that there is only       not result in any useful response.                                             public could submit information.
     more independent from the press                                                  very little response to search war-     It remains, however, an open ques-      Beyond individual cases, crowd         In addition, people actively sub-
     and open an immediate connec-            Social media provides police forc-      rants posted in newspapers or in        tion how well this approach would       sourcing has become the central        mitted hints as Twitter messages.
     tion to the general public. As the ri-   es the opportunity to get informa-      public places. On the other hand,       work in the case of more police         tool to identify suspects in the af-   GMP replied to such messages
     ots in Vancouver, Canada and the         tion from the general public. Once      search initiatives initiated by citi-   forces following this approach in       termaths of the 2011 riots in the      and provided a short notice that
     United Kingdom show, this asset          pushing information to selected         zens on social media have shown         the Germany, given that the popu-       United Kingdom. Both forces of         the information had been taken
     can become especially relevant in        audience who can easily further         to have wide impact while the lack-     larity of the forces would probably     our Twitter study, the Metropoli-      into account, often together with a
     crises situations.                       share the messages with their in-       ing professional experience of the      not be as high.                         tan Police (MET) and the Greater       personal thank you note. MET did
                                              dividual groups, police forces are      police. These two reasons, specifi-                                             Manchester Police (GMP) used           not reply to such messages in their
                                              connected to large crowds of peo-       cally, have been the drivers of the     For many forces in the United           Twitter extensively to support in-     feed, leaving open whether this in-
                                              ple who they can ask for informa-       force to start their own Facebook       Kingdom or the Netherlands, pub-        vestigations and to seek informa-      formation had been taken into ac-
                                              tion. Identifying suspects or is-       presence, which they primarily set      lishing search warrants on social       tion on offenders. Both forces also    count. Reflecting their efforts on
                                              suing search warrants on social         up and use to publish search war-       media for daily operations has be-      used the photo-sharing site Flickr     social media in the aftermaths of
                                              media has been highly success-          rants. Even though the force only       come a standard activity and is a       to publish photos of perpetrators      the riots and describing the impact
                                              ful for police forces. The incoming     published a few messages every          common part of an overall social        captured on CCTV. The general          for the investigations, officers of
                                              information does not necessarily        month, they have passed 100,000         media or communication strate-          public was asked to help in the        the MET and GMP stressed the im-
                                              need to be handled digitally, either.   Facebook friends who commonly           gy. For them, cases that receive a      identification of these people. They   portance of using Twitter and that
                                              Instead, common phone communi-          share the police messages with          lot of public attention constitute a    posted messages such as: “New          this type of communication has
                                              cation allows maintaining current       their friends. In the search war-       special challenge.                      CCTV images of people police           been extremely helpful for identify-
                                              procedures to verify the data and       rants the police asks the people to                                             need to identify on our Flickr page    ing suspects. As we learned from
                                              to distinguish between useless          use a regular police phone number       An officer of the Avon and Som- Pls look and      officers of the Vancouver Police,
                                              and useful information.                 to report information, people use       erset Constabulary, for instance,       RT” (MET) or “Can you help iden-       they had a comparable experience
                                                                                      Facebook comment function usu-          reported of the case of Joanna          tify these people? Check our Flickr    in the aftermaths of the 2011 riots
                                              While publishing search warrants        ally as a means to report in which      Yeates, a woman who went miss-          gallery of wanted suspects and         in Vancouver, Canada.
                                              and asking the public for help is       region they shared the information      ing some days before Christmas          call 0800 092 0410

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   19
Overall, social media appears to        Social Media to                        other Twitter user. This user then is       answers are not that clear and es-      asked questions about the current      when engaging is such direct com-
     provide a powerful framework to         Interact with the Public               notified of that message and can            pecially engaging in open dialogue      police operation and also general      munication, citizens have shown
     ask the public for help in investiga-                                          choose to reply. In many cases this         is more challenging than simply         questions that touch police mat-       great interest in the interaction
     tions. While the responses, as in                                              conversation, different from email,         following common procedures             ters. They also commented police       with the police and generally have
     the cases of riots, can be numer-                                              takes place publically, so that an-         and officers rely on their skills and   work. As shown by an evaluation        been supportive.
     ous and create a lot data to deal                                              ybody else may choose to read it,           judgment, more than on guidelines       of this interaction by the police in
     with, they have shown to be helpful                                            too. Facebook, too, by default al-          only.                                   cooperation with the University for    Such open dialog also provides a
     and provided critical criminal infor-                                          lows the individual the comment                                                     Applied in Sciences in Business        tool to resolve conflicts and pro-
     mation that could have not been                                                on posts of other users or sim-             For the police, this interactive di-    Adminstration Zurich, Switzerland,     vide direct feedback to police work.
     gathered with traditional means.                                               ply express their appreciation by           alog offers the chance to engage in     the responses were either neu-         In the aftermath of the 2011 riots,
                                                                                    pressing the ‘like’ button. After all,      a dialogue with the average citizen     tral (60%) or positive (40%). Only     the GMP posted a highly contro-
                                                                                    the social media have been named            that they might, typically, have had    a marginal number of messages          versial message on Twitter (“Mum-
                                             For the police, social media has       social for their ability to allow for in-   less contact with. For the citizen,     (
As we will further detail in the prac-   Social Media for                        trends result from arrangements         free to publicly post their own mes-    makes the public aware of his ex-       the best use of social media for po-
     tice descriptions on community po-       Community Policing                      and connections that emerge             sage and only follow higher-level       istence.                                lice work.
     licing and the ‘human side’ of po-                                               spontaneously and are difficult to      guidelines, the headquarters usu-
     licing, social media as means to                                                 control and foresee. This mode of       ally monitor what their local offic-    Jenny George (@GMPHeywood), is          While most activities dealing with
     start an interactive dialog between                                              work usually contradicts with the       ers are posting on social media         a police community support officer      community policing and social me-
     police forces and citizens seems to                                              ways police forces tend to oper-        and in some forces also have ac-        with the Greater Manchester po-         dia understand social media as
     provide a new channel that, while                                                ate. Bound to legal and procedural      cess to their officers’ accounts        lice and one of the more than 50        a tool to support traditional com-
     it also makes the police more ap-                                                frameworks, a strict hierarchy and      and thereby can independently           officers who use Twitter to engage      munity policing, some also under-
     proachable for public criticism, can                                             clear lines of command, police or-      change messages. This monitoring        in their local community. Reporting     stand social media networks as an-
     enhance and increase mutual trust                                                ganisations, traditionally, are or-     also takes place among local offic-     about her work on a mobile phone        other type of community in which
     and understanding between police                                                 ganized top-down.                       ers and thus serves as a means to       and communicating with her local        the police also needs to have a
     forces and citizens.                                                                                                     share knowledge and best practice       community has become a stand-           presence. This type of activity is
                                              Community policing is a concept         For community policing, however,        among each other and to be aware        ard practice during her everyday        sometimes described as “virtual
                                              that suggests a close collabora-        social media can empower the lo-        of current policing matters in other    job.                                    community policing”. Marko Forss
                                              tion between the police, the gener-     cal officer in doing his job. In par-   districts.                                                                      of the Helsinki police, Finland re-
                                              al public, and other organizations      ticular in the Netherlands and the                                              Serge Buitenhuis, a police officer      ports of such activity of their force
                                              to increase safety in society. Polic-   United Kingdom, either social me-       Ed Rogerson is a community po-          of the Haaglanden regional police       and that they currently have three
                                              ing, thus, is not a matter of the po-   dia officers have been appointed,       lice officer of the North Yorkshire     in the Netherlands, reports simi-       officers working full time for virtual
                                              lice alone but rather a joined effort   which are responsible for social        Police, UK. As an early adopter on      lar activities for his force and the    community policing. Starting April
                                              of different public actors. Commu-      media communication in their lo-        Twitter, he publishes messages          use of their Twitter channel (@Pol-     2011, 16 officers from 12 police
                                              nity policing requires officers on      cal communities, or social me-          under the short name “@hotelal-         itie_HGL) and Facebook page. He         stations are additionally involved
                                              a local level to develop a person-      dia have become a standard tool         pha9”. He reports that he is tweet-     emphasizes that these efforts are       in the work. Virtual community po-
                                              al and close connection to citizen      for a community police officer. In      ing when he is out on patrol and        driven bottom-up an that the local      licing takes place on the networks
                                              groups. Social media have been          these cases, local officers, often      what he is investigating. He also       officers are free to explore social     Facebook, IRC-Galleria, Messen-
                                              successfully used by a number of        using mobile computing devices,         published crime appeals, gives          media a tool to support their work.     ger, Hommaforum and Demi. Here,
                                              police forces to support commu-         post messages on social media           crime prevention advice. He pub-                                                the police actively seeks contact to
                                              nity policing. Additionally, police     networks on their own behalf, in-       lished good news stories of po-         Marga van Rijssel, who is running       people online to answer questions
                                              forces have extended their com-         dependent of the communication          lice work and engages in conver-        the Dutch website www.politie20.        and file crimes. The virtual police
                                              munity policing efforts to online       or press officers of their force.       sations with the public that also       nl, which specifically deals with po-   station in 2011, for Helsinki alone,
                                              communities.                            They talk to citizens about their       include games and quizzes. Ed           lice intelligence and complex IT is-    has recorded 246 acts of which
                                                                                      current operations, their wherea-       Rogerson emphasizes that social         sues and thereby also covers the        were about 51 sexual crimes, an-
                                              Social media, by nature, are a bot-     bouts, so that they can be con-         media, comparable to a jacket in        topic social media for police work,     other were 50 “virtual warnings”,
                                              tom-up phenomenon. The individ-         tacted, and post safety remarks         bright colours, increases the vis-      additionally reports of meetings        usually related to bullying each
                                              ual is free to communicate and          when they come across local safe-       ibility of the individual officer and   that are being organized with citi-     other. Overall in Finland in 2011,
                                              connect to other people, larger         ty issues. While these officers are                                             zens in local communities to define     15-20% of all Internet related child

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
sexual abuse cases were reported         bottom-up approaches and lo-          Social Media to Show the                  medium, especially when aim-           a message that received a large        firms these results. Directly after
     through the virtual community-po-        cal initiatives are unimaginable in   Human Side of Policing                    ing for a two-way communication.       amount of public criticism: “It        the controversial message and
     licing group.                            most countries, as they do not fit                                              Here, police officers report that      won’t be long before Jack is help-     their request for feedback, the
                                              with the current practice and hier-                                             they entirely rephrase press an-       ing out, he is training hard. flic.    Greater Manchester Police re-
     In a similar, yet smaller scale ini-     archic work structure in which po-                                              nouncements and use an infor-          kr/p/a19R3N”. “Jack” turned out        ceived numerous questions and
     tiative, Boudewijn Mayeur of the         lice organizations usually operate.                                             mal tone. Additionally, they have      to be a young police dog current-      comments about their Twitter com-
     regional police Limburg Zuid, Neth-      It therefore remains a question                                                 received a lot of positive feedback    ly in training. Discussions ensured    munication. The informal way of
     erlands has opened a virtual office      for our future research if and how                                              when posting contents that are not     and followers asked questions          communication was discussed, as
     in the social network habbo hotel.       such approaches could potentially                                               directly or immediately connect-       about its race and age. Later that     was the problem of having differ-
     In the virtual world that is used by     be adopted by other forces.                                                     ed with current police operations.     evening, after several additional      ent officers writing messages that
     young children mostly, children use                                                                                      Personal messages about an of-         tweets about Jack, GMP also is-        might have different tones. The re-
     avatars to walk around and talk to                                                                                       ficer finishing his shift or handing   sued a video of the dog. On August     sponse was largely positive. Users
     each other. Boudewijn Mayeur has                                               When using social media, police           over to colleagues before going        15th, GMP posted a message in          asked for the continuation of the
     a special virtual character that                                               forces need to choose the tone of         on vacation, receive encouraging       which the shooting star Jack could     more ‘human’ police communica-
     identifies him as a police officer                                             their messages that they use to           feedback. Messages about things        be seen at the anniversary of the      tion approach, showed empathy
     and operates a virtual office with                                             talk with the public. Usually, po-        related to police culture, such as     museum. Our analysis of the fol-       for making a mistake, and were
     opening hours at certain times eve-                                            lice communication is character-          antique photos of police officers,     lowers’ replies shows that the po-     forgiving about the tweet. Users
     ry week at which online users can                                              ized by a formal and impersonal           information about police equip-        lice dog could ease the dialogue       for instance wrote: “Hats off to @
     talk to him. His service is popular                                            tone. Typically, communication re-        ment, other police events also re-     that some hours before had suf-        gmpolice embracing social media.
     and the children talk to him about                                             lates to facts from current opera-        ceive this type of warm feedback       fered from an inappropriate mes-       Someone made a mistake, tweet
     issues within and beyond the vir-                                              tions made in official statements.        by the citizens.                       sage.                                  removed and apology issued. FFS
     tual world. He also establishes a                                              The experience of different police                                                                                      it’s human behaviour”, “@gmpo-
     training program during which he                                               forces shows that social media            The Greater Manchester Police          Beyond such special cases, Stefán      lice everything right, more trans-
     invites selected users who actively                                            not only calls for a different tone,      (GMP), for instance, promoted the      Eiríksson, Chief of the Reykjavik      parency = more faith in you guys”,
     support his work in the network to                                             it also allows police officers to talk    anniversary of their police muse-      Metropolitan police reports that       or: “@gmpolice very useful to keep
     jointly train other police officers in                                         about positive news, emotions,            um and other social events relat-      positive news that in most cases       friends @ daughter in Manches-
     real, physical meetings.                                                       police culture and experiences of         ed to the police. They posted links    would not be distributed by the        ter up to date. Thank you. Makes
                                                                                    daily life. As a result, the public de-   to images showing historic police      press receives lots of attention on    you look more human and part of
     The different and wide usage of                                                scribes and welcomes the police           cars and GMP officers of the past.     social media. Citizens then who        your community.” This closer con-
     social media as a tool for commu-                                              as a human organization that can          Noteworthy among these messag-         are interacting with the police wel-   nection has direct impact on the
     nity policing in some countries,                                               be trusted.                               es that are not directly related to    come the human side of policing.       relationship between the police
     however, should not convey the                                                                                           police operations was the follow-                                             and the general public. GMP offic-
     image that this is common prac-                                                On social media, police forces            ing message that was posted on         Our own study of the UK riots          ers reported that their perceived
     tice in European policing. Indeed,                                             need to adapt both the style and          August 13, 2011 in the aftermaths      about the social media use of the      support in the community benefits
     our workshops indicate that such                                               content of their messages to the          of the riots and the aftermaths of     Greater Manchester police con-         greatly from the approach. Local

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25
citizens went so far to bring food to   citizens’ and police officers’ every-   Social Media to Support               Social media are not only tools for    pect and collected enough evi-          dramatically during and just after
     the police station to support the of-   day lives. This open communica-         Police IT Infrastructure              police communication; they can         dence to charge him with the mur-       the riots. Hosting images on a sep-
     ficer when working long shifts.         tion appears to improve the levels                                            also become a threat to related IT     der, through Twitter. The carefully     arate server through Flickr helped
                                             of trust that citizens have in their                                          infrastructures. Within minutes, lo-   crafted tweet (“We have charged         ensure their site was not overload-
     And while such more formal evalu-       police forces.                                                                cal news can be virally spread and     Vincent Tabak with the murder of        ed and could run at optimal levels,
     ations of the perception of social                                                                                    become global news. These sud-         Joanna Yeates #joyeates #yeates         thus ensuring the public could still
     media use by police forces are yet                                                                                    den peaks in demand can have a          gain policing information and ad-
     to be conducted for other coun-                                                                                       major impact on the IT infrastruc-     jo”) went immediately viral and         vice.
     tries, the experience of other forc-                                                                                  ture of police forces that they use    spread across the Internet. Using
     es suggest that this is not solely a                                                                                  to communicate with the public         this set of social media platform al-   As these examples show, and
     British phenomenon. The respon-                                                                                       and hinder their ability to commu-     lowed the police to be the central      while these cases are surely ex-
     sible public relations officer of the                                                                                 nicate.                                voice and remain communicating          ceptional, the freely available glob-
     Hannover police, Germany, reports                                               In cases of large-scale crises or                                            even in cases when their own web-       al infrastructures of social media
     a boost in popular image. Beyond                                                in cases of investigations that       For the murder case of Joanna          site was unreachable.                   networks allow police forces to
     the city’s border across Germany                                                receive special attention by the      Yeates during Christmas 2010                                                   handle the peaks in demand and
     the Hannover police is reportedly                                               public, police systems for com-       who first went missing and lat-        This issue is, however, is not only     make them communicative even in
     perceived as a ‘cool’ and up-to-                                                munication with the public come       er was found dead, the Avon and        relevant for smaller forces who         exceptional cases.
     date force. As we will describe in                                              under stress. Increased attention     Somerset Constabulary had to           suddenly see high interest from a
     the description of efficient policing                                           for the information of a selected     deal with high peaks in demand.        national or global community. Dur-
     in greater detail, Stefán Eiríksson                                             force may exceed the geographic       In that case, the public’s interest    ing the 2011 riots in London, the
     Chief of police at the Reykjavik po-                                            boundaries and can go way be-         overwhelmed rented infrastruc-         Metropolitan police (MET), for in-
     lice in Iceland also draws a direct                                             yond the local community that the     ture for the website making it in-     stance used Flickr to publish im-
     connection between the high lev-                                                police force is usually responsible   accessible during peak times. The      ages of suspects. With announce-
     els of trust their force measures                                               for, as local news can be virally     police therefore chose to use a set    ments on Twitter, the photos were
     and their activities on social me-                                              distributed through social media.     of social media networks to pub-       extremely popular. As a social me-
     dia.                                                                            Usually, the IT infrastructures be-   lish important information. You-       dia officer reports, the MET up-
                                                                                     hind Police websites are not able     Tube served as the network to dis-     loaded a first batch of images on
     Engaging in an open dialogue with                                               to cope with the peaks in demand.     tribute CCTV footage and asking        August 9, 2012 at 12pm. Within
     the citizens allows the forces to                                               One successful way of dealing with    the public for information. Also the   12 hours, at the end of the day,
     widen the topics that they com-                                                 the high demands has been the         police actively used Twitter and Fa-   there had been more than 4 mil-
     municate about with the public.                                                 use of various social media sites     cebook to communicate. After a         lion views. For this, even the police
     Communication moves away from                                                   that can better balance high loads    first suspect turned out to be unin-   even reached the limits of Flickr
     being purely related to police oper-                                            in their global infrastructures.      volved, the police therefore chose     and had to distribute the images
     ations and instead touches a larg-                                                                                    to submit the message, when they       so that they would show up. The
     er number of topics that related to                                                                                   had captured the second sus-           MET’s website traffic increased

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                27
You can also read