Benefits and Requirements of Vitamin D for Optimal Health: A Review
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Vitamin D Review Benefits and Requirements of Vitamin D for Optimal Health: A Review William B. Grant, PhD, and Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD Abstract Introduction Vitamin D sufficiency is required for optimal There is a growing awareness that vitamin D health. The conditions with strong evidence for a sufficiency is required for optimal health. The role of protective effect of vitamin D include several bone vitamin D in calcium absorption and metabolism for diseases, muscle weakness, more than a dozen bone health is well known.1 Research during the past types of internal cancers, multiple sclerosis, two decades has illustrated the importance of vitamin and type 1 diabetes mellitus. There is also D in reducing the risk of cancer,2-4 multiple sclerosis,5,6 weaker evidence for several other diseases and and type 1 diabetes mellitus.7 A number of reviews conditions. There are good reasons that vitamin on the role of vitamin D and prevention of disease D sufficiency be maintained during all stages of and maintenance of optimal health have appeared in life, from fetal development to old age. Adequate the past 2-3 years,8-21 and several recent conferences calcium intake is also recommended. The current have been devoted solely to exploring the role of vi- vitamin D requirements in the United States are tamin D in health and disease prevention.22-24 Finally, based on protection against bone diseases. organizations in Australia and New Zealand have rec- These guidelines are being revised upward in ognized a sufficiently high prevalence of vitamin D light of new findings, especially for soft-tissue deficiency, even in these sunny lands, to have issued health. The consensus of scientific understanding guidelines for solar UVB irradiation.25,26 appears to be that vitamin D deficiency is reached This article discusses the importance of vita- for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels min D sufficiency at various stages of life as a guide less than 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L), insufficiency in to health practitioners, policy makers, and interested the range from 20-32 ng/mL, and sufficiency in individuals. the range from 33-80 ng/mL, with normal in sunny countries 54-90 ng/mL, and excess greater than 100 ng/mL. Solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) irradiation is Pre- and Postnatal Vitamin D Benefits One of the primary roles of vitamin D is the the primary source of vitamin D for most people. regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption and In general, the health benefits accruing from metabolism for bone health. This role is especially moderate UV irradiation, without erythema or important during pregnancy and lactation because excess tanning, greatly outweigh the health risks, bones develop rapidly during this period. Women with skin pigmentation (melanin) providing much of the protection. In the absence of adequate solar UVB irradiation due to season, latitude, William B. Grant, PhD – Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center or lifestyle, vitamin D can be obtained from (SUNARC) fortified food, oily fish, vitamin D supplements, Correspondence address: 2107 Van Ness Ave., Ste. 403B, San Francisco, CA 94109 Email: and artificial sources of UVB radiation. (Altern Med Rev 2005;10(2):94-111) Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD – Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Research Laboratory, Section of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition Department of Medicine, Boston University Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine Page 94 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Review Vitamin D have less skin pigmentation than men, a finding at- of this hypothesis, mechanisms were investigated in a tributed to womenʼs greater need for vitamin D dur- mouse model,41 and vitamin D receptor (VDR) alleles ing pregnancy and lactation.27 Insufficient vitamin have been associated with risk of type 1 DM.42 The D intake during infancy can result in biochemical VDR bind 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D) disturbances, reduced bone mineralization, slower to its target cells and organs where it performs cer- growth, bone deformities, and increased risk of frac- tain functions. The fact that VDR alleles are associ- ture – the hallmarks of rickets.28 Indeed, rickets has ated with a particular disease gives further support to been reported among breast-fed African-American vitamin D having an effect. In addition, there is an infants in several southern states.29,30 excess summer birth rate for those who develop type The relationship between maternal vitamin 1 DM.43 The most likely explanation is that mater- D/calcium and fetal bone development was reviewed nal vitamin D insufficiency occurs during the second by Specker.31 Most of the papers reviewed reported trimester of pregnancy, a time when the pancreas is an effect of maternal vitamin D status on both mater- likely to develop. Risk of type 1 DM related to vi- nal and infant calcium homeostasis, but did not report tamin D status should be considered when revising whether infant bone mineral density (BMD) was af- vitamin D guidelines.44 fected. Maternal and infant 25(OH)D sufficiency is Low birth weight (LBW) appears to be a con- also linked to significant reduction of risk for mul- sequence of vitamin D insufficiency during pregnancy. tiple sclerosis (MS). Vitamin D is hypothesized to The topic was reviewed by Fuller, who hypothesized reduce the risk of MS by strengthening the immune that insufficient serum 25(OH)D levels disrupted system against viral infections, a theoretical etiologi- calcium homeostasis, leading to intrauterine growth cal factor in MS.45-47 Adequate serum 25(OH)D levels retardation, premature labor, and hypertension, all of during pregnancy appear to reduce the risk of MS, which are risk factors for LBW infants.32 Subsequent as evidenced by seasonal variations in birth rate for papers seem to support the hypothesis that African- those who later develop MS, with spring being the American and Asian-Indian mothers have much high- season of greatest birth rate for MS.48,49 A recent pa- er rates of LBW infants in the United States than do per suggests vitamin D supplementation during preg- European Americans or Hispanic Americans.33-35 This nancy as a way to reduce the risk of fetal inclination may be in part because Hispanic Americans have a toward MS.50 slightly higher consumption of vitamin D than Af- A study in England found birth seasonality rican Americans,36 as well as lighter skin. Also, Ko- was related to later diagnosis of bipolar disorder,51 reans born in winter tend to have lower BMD than strongly suggesting that the risk of bipolar disorder those born in summer.37 can be reduced through sufficient vitamin D intake Children born prematurely are likely to have during pregnancy. The same can be said of anxiety enamel defects in both primary and permanent teeth.38 neurosis, for which there is a very pronounced spring- Maternal vitamin D sufficiency is required for proper time excess birth rate; for example, in New South fetal tooth development,31,39 as well as adequate cal- Wales.52 It is likely several other mental disorders and cium. An additional benefit of sufficient vitamin D birth defects associated with springtime excess birth and calcium during pregnancy is good maternal bone rates will be linked to maternal vitamin D deficiency health. Studies report 2-4 percent bone density losses earlier in pregnancy. during pregnancy that are exacerbated by calcium and vitamin D deficiency.31 Vitamin D during Youth and Maternal and infant 25(OH)D sufficiency Adolescence also appears to greatly reduce the risk of type 1 dia- The primary role of sufficient vitamin D dur- betes mellitus (DM). A study of vitamin D supple- ing youth and adolescence is optimization of BMD. mentation during the first year of life found those re- For example, serum 25(OH)D levels were found to be ceiving the highest amounts in Finland had an odds strongly correlated with BMD for peripubertal Finn- ratio of 0.2 of developing type 1 DM compared with ish girls53 and young Finnish men.54 A study in Boston those receiving no supplements.7,40 In further support Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Page 95 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Vitamin D Review Figure 1. Multiple Sclerosis Case Control Rates (U.S.) and Prevalence Another important role Rates (Australia) versus Latitude of vitamin D during youth ap- pears to be in reducing the risk of MS. A study in Tasmania Multiple Sclerosis Case Control Rates (U.S.) found that children ages 6- and Prevalence Rates (Australia) vs. Latitude 15 years reporting the highest amount of sun exposure, espe- cially in winter, had an odds 200 ratio of 0.31 (95% confidence 180 interval (CI): 0.16-0.59) of de- veloping MS compared with 160 those experiencing less than 140 one hour of sun exposure dai- 120 ly.58 It is well known that the MS Rate risk of MS increases rapidly 100 with increasing latitude. This 80 finding has been demonstrated 60 in Australia,59 Europe,60 and the United States.61,62 Figure 40 1 shows the latitudinal depen- 20 dence for U.S. veterans at the time of entry into World War 0 II and the Korean Conflict.62 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Wintertime serum 25(OH)D Latitude (degrees) values are much more likely to follow a simple latitudinal Multiple sclerosis prevalence rates (age adjusted) for Australia 59 dependence due to the reduced (circles) and case control ratios for veterans of WWII and the number of days during which Korean Conflict for the United States62 (dots) versus latitude. vitamin D can be produced from solar UVB at the higher latitudes.57 In the winter, little if any vitamin D can be made reported that 24 percent of 307 adolescents recruited in the skin above 37° N lati- during an annual physical examination were vitamin tude, and serum 25(OH)D levels reach their nadir in D deficient (serum 25(OH)D ≤ 15 ng/mL), with 14 February or March in the northern hemisphere.57,63 In percent severely vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D ≤ 8 summer, the level of serum 25(OH)D is generally ad- ng/mL);55 the deficiencies were highest among Afri- equate. Summertime UVB irradiation does not follow can Americans. A study based on the National Health a simple latitudinal dependence, due to the higher sur- and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III face elevation and lower stratospheric ozone layer for found adolescents were more likely to be vitamin states west of and including the Rocky Mountains.64 D insufficient, rather than deficient, in low-latitude The best explanation for this latitudinal variation is winter and high-latitude summer populations. There56 strengthening of the immune system, especially in are 4-5 months of the year when vitamin D cannot winter, which can then help prevent viral infections be produced from solar UVB irradiation in Boston at from giving rise to MS.11,19,45-47,65-67 For example, vi- 42.5° N latitude.57 tamin D regulates T-helper 1 (Th1) and dendritic cell function. Page 96 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Review Vitamin D In addition to reducing the risk of MS, vitamin Another benefit of vitamin D is maintenance D is also beneficial for treating the symptoms of MS. of optimal muscle strength. Vitamin D deficiency can Two papers reported higher numbers of MS lesions cause osteomalacia, which is associated with muscle in winter than in summer.68,69 It was suggested that and bone pain.82,83 In one report, of 150 patients at UVB-induced seasonal variations of serum 25(OH)D a hospital in Minneapolis presenting with persis- accounted for the near doubling of MS lesions in tent, nonspecific musculoskeletal pain syndromes the winter versus summer.70 Seasonal variations for refractory to standard therapies, 140 had vitamin D southern California69 were much lower than in Ger- deficiencies (mean 25(OH)D level = 12.1 ng/mL; many,68 supporting the UVB/vitamin D hypothesis. 95% CI: 11.2-13.0).84 Among different ethnic groups, There is also some evidence that solar UVB 16 percent of Asians, 24 percent of Anglo Americans, irradiation/vitamin D during youth reduces the risk of 40 percent of Hispanics and Native Americans, and cancer. A study in the United Kingdom found child- 50 percent of African Americans demonstrate se- hood UV exposure was associated with a large reduc- vere vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D < 8 ng/mL).84 tion in the risk of prostate cancer.71,72 For example, An analysis of walking speed and sit-to-stand times those with frequent childhood sunburns had an odds among individuals 60 years or older reported best ratio of 0.18 (95% CI: 0.08-0.38).71 A study from Aus- performance when 25(OH)D levels were at least 30 tralia reported the risk of developing non-Hodgkinʼs ng/mL.85 Serum 25(OH)D levels less than 20 ng/mL lymphoma (NHL) was inversely correlated with sun have been associated with increased body sway, and exposure, with the strongest effects found for women levels less than 12 ng/mL with decreased muscle and children.73,74 strength.86 Sufficient vitamin D levels in adulthood may Vitamin D Benefits in Adulthood significantly reduce the risk for many types of cancer. Vitamin D levels in adulthood are important The interest in vitamin D as a risk reduction factor for for maintaining BMD. The primary risk factors for cancer began in 1980 when Cedric and Frank Garland low BMD, osteoporosis, and osteopenia include vita- looked at maps of cancer mortality rates in the United min D insufficiency, inadequate calcium intake, lack States and noticed colon cancer rates were lowest in of exercise, and other dietary factors. Serum 25(OH)D the southwest.2 In trying to determine a mechanism, levels have been directly related to bone health in they reasoned that the primary physiological effect of men and women of all ages.75 It was recently reported exposure to sunlight, other than inducing tanning, was that tanners who had robust levels of 25(OH)D (> the production of vitamin D. A few years later they 40 ng/mL) had higher bone density.76 Inflammatory demonstrated, using sera stored for another purpose, bowel diseases (IBD), such as Crohnʼs disease, can that colon cancer risk was inversely associated with reduce the absorption of dietary vitamin D, especially pre-diagnostic serum 25(OH)D levels.3 It was soon with resection of the duodenum and jejunum, sites demonstrated that breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer of vitamin D absorption.77 The decreased vitamin D also had inverse correlations with solar UVB radia- levels and increased risk of osteoporosis in IBD are tion.87-90 By the late 1990s, the mechanisms whereby associated not only with poor absorption of vitamin vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer were fairly well D but also with use of corticosteroids,78,79 which are known91-93 and include facilitation of calcium absorp- also frequently prescribed for the treatment of such tion (colon cancer),93 increased cell differentiation conditions as collagen vascular diseases, bronchial and apoptosis,91 and reduction of both metastasis and asthma, and skin conditions.80 Other medications, angiogenesis.91 Calcium has been shown to decrease including anticonvulsants, heparin, warfarin, and proliferation and induce differentiation in epithelial methotrexate, also contribute to low BMD.81 There- cells.94 In addition, it was discovered that most organs fore, adequate vitamin D and calcium consumption have VDRs and that various alleles of the gene for and exercise should be maintained to combat both VDRs affect the risk of cancer.95-99 Another important primary and secondary risk factors for low BMD dur- discovery was that most organs convert circulating ing adulthood. 25(OH)D to the active hormone, 1,25(OH)2D.100-103 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Page 97 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Vitamin D Review It is now thought that UVB and vitamin D finding that satisfies most, if not all, the criteria for reduce the risk of 17 types of cancer.4,104,105 This de- causality in a biological system given by Hill.113,114 termination was made using cancer mortality rate The most important criteria appear to be: (1) strength data from the Atlas of Cancer Mortality Rates in of association; (2) consistency in results for differ- the United States106 and UVB data for July from the ent populations; (3) generally linear dose-response Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS).64 The gradients; (4) exclusion of possible confounding fac- TOMS data provide a convenient index for vitamin D tors from explaining the observations; and (5) iden- production from UVB irradiation, but are somewhat tification of mechanisms to explain the observations. limited because they cover only one month. Both These criteria are generally satisfied for several can- July UVB irradiation and cancer mortality rates have cers in particular and many cancers in general.4 highly asymmetrical distributions in the United States To be fully accepted by the health policy – UVB levels are highest in the southwest and low- establishment, there would likely have to be double- est in the northeast; whereas, the opposite holds for blind crossover studies of vitamin D supplementation many types of cancer. The reason for the asymmetry and cancer outcome. However, given the strength of in UVB irradiation is that, as the westerly winds pre- the evidence regarding cancer and the many benefits pare to cross the Rocky Mountains, the air masses of vitamin D, the authors believe the cancer risk-re- push up the tropopause west of the Rockies, thereby duction potential should be accepted by public health reducing the thickness of the stratospheric ozone lay- bodies, and thereafter guidelines be developed and er. The edge of the ozone absorption band occurs in promulgated. the UVB region (290-315 nm); therefore, variations Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease for which vita- in ozone column amounts affect the UVB transmis- min D can strengthen the immune system by enhanc- sion. ing the macrophage phagocytosis of Mycobacterium Statistically significant inverse correlations tuberculosis.115 TB is often associated with lower se- were found for bladder, breast, colon, esophageal, rum 25(OH)D levels among patients and increased gastric, ovarian, prostate, rectal, renal, uterine can- risk among those with low serum 25(OH)D levels.116 cer, and NHL.4 This study was extended by includ- A recent Peruvian study found VDR alleles were as- ing several additional cancer risk-modifying factors, sociated with response to treatment.117 including degree of urbanization, smoking, alcohol consumption, Hispanic heritage, and fraction of the The Effect of Vitamin D in the Elderly population living below the poverty level, with all data averaged at the state level.104 The additional Population The elderly have a particularly strong need cancers found to be vitamin D sensitive are cervical, to maintain vitamin D sufficiency. Not only are they gall bladder, laryngeal, oral, pancreatic, and Hodg- likely to produce less vitamin D from solar UVB ir- kinʼs lymphoma.104 In most cases the association with radiation because they generally spend less time in UVB irradiation for July is stronger than that for any sunlight than do younger people,118,119 but their effi- other factor. The primary exceptions to this relation ciency of photoproduction is less.119-121 In addition, are cancers strongly linked to smoking. However, in diseases such as cancer and osteoporotic fractures are multi-country comparisons, the fraction of energy de- most likely among the elderly. A study from Turkey rived from dietary animal products is the primary risk reported it was possible to identify risk of vitamin factor for breast107 and colon108 cancer. The link be- D insufficiency in elderly subjects simply by ask- tween diet and cancer risk in such cases appears to be ing about clothing habits and exposure to sunlight.122 mediated through insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF- In countries where some foods are fortified (such as 1).109,110 Dietary factors do not vary greatly within the milk, breakfast cereals, orange juice,123 and some United States. Vitamin D has been shown to counter- breads124 in the United States, and milk and margarine act the growth-signaling effects of IGF-1.111,112 in Canada36), and where many take vitamin supple- Presently, the role of UVB and vitamin D in ments, dietary patterns and supplement consumption reducing the risk of cancer is considered a scientific would have to be questioned as well.125 However, Page 98 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Review Vitamin D Table 1. Health Implications of Various Levels of Serum 25(OH)D 25(OH)D Level (ng/mL) 25(OH)D Level (nmol/L) Health Implications 250 Excess >150 >325 Intoxication in high-latitude countries, serum 25(OH)D levels in An added benefit is reduced tooth loss.139 winter tend to be low.126 Cancer is a disease for which incidence and Vitamin D Recommendations mortality rates generally increase with age and there Having demonstrated the importance of op- is generally a time lag between dietary effects and timal vitamin D at all stages of life, from fetal de- discovery of cancer. A 23-year lag between the in- velopment to old age, dosage recommendations for troduction of Western dietary factors, reduced total vitamin D can be addressed. The most important con- dietary fiber, and colon cancer was found for Japan sideration is serum 25(OH)D levels. The consensus after 1947.127 Exercise is associated with reduced risk of scientific understanding13,14,140-143 is presented in for cancer,128,129 and the elderly generally exercise Table 1. Several studies have found calcium absorp- less than their younger counterparts. The most im- tion and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels plateau portant reason, however, for increased risk of cancer for 25(OH)D levels near 30 ng/mL.140,144-147 Although with increasing age is likely chromosomal changes, the optimal range of 25(OH)D is still the subject of such as aneuploidy (having an abnormal number of debate, it is assumed to be approximately 30-50 ng/ chromosomes) and telomere erosion.130 Telomeres, mL (75-125 nmol/L) or higher.142 Exposure to solar the end caps of chromosomes, are thought to short- UVB irradiation as it contributes to serum 25(OH)D en with each instance of cell division, and the rate levels depends on latitude, time of day, season, frac- of division increases with energy consumption and tion of body exposed, whether one visits indoor tan- body mass index. Also involved are advanced glyca- ning facilities,76 skin pigmentation, body mass index, tion end products and reactive oxygen species.131 Ac- and amount of body fat.148 Non-UVB factors include tive vitamin D induces ovarian cell apoptosis through diet, vitamin D supplementation, and use of certain down-regulation of telomerase.132 Telomerase activ- pharmaceutical drugs, such as glucocorticoids.149,150 ity is inversely correlated with telomere length.133 The guidelines currently in place in the Unit- Osteoporotic fractures are of significant con- ed States recommend 5 µg/day (200 IU/day) of vita- cern for the elderly. Several factors contribute to the min D for children and younger adults, 400 IU/day risk of such fractures, including low BMD, muscle for those ages 51-70, and 600 IU/day for those over weakness, and neurological control of balance/neuro- age 70.151 These guidelines are based on maintain- muscular function.134,135 Vitamin D sufficiency, ade- ing bone health. Since 1997, much has been learned quate dietary calcium and related minerals, and exer- cise help reduce the risk of falls and fractures.85,136-138 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Page 99 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Vitamin D Review Table 2. Variation of Serum 25(OH)D Levels with Season and Latitude Location Latitude Population, Summer/ Winter/ Reference age range (y) Fall high, SD* Spring low, SD* (ng/mL) (ng/mL) Miami, Florida 26˚ N Men and 26.8 ± 10.3 23.3 ± 8.4 152 women >18 (males) 25.0 ± 9.4 (females) United States (overall) African- 19.8 15.5 153 American women Caucasian 36.4 26.4 153 women Omaha, Nebraska 41.3˚ N Elderly women 34.2 ± 2.0 27.4 ± 2.7 154 Framingham, 42.5˚ N Men 67-95 39.1 31.6 155 Massachussetts Women 67-95 31.6 24.4 155 Boston, 43.3˚ N African- 16.4 ± 6.6 12.1 ± 7.9 156 Massachussetts American women 20-40 Caucasian 34.2 ± 13.2 24.0 ± 8.6 156 women 20-40 Toronto, Ontario 43.7˚ N Young women 30.4 ± 11.2 23.2 ± 9.6 157 Portland, Oregon 45.5˚ N Men and 24.7 ± 8.0 20.4 ± 7.6 158 women Paris, France 49˚ N Adolescent 23.4 ± 8.0 8.2 ± 2.8 159 males Calgary, Alberta 51˚ N Men and 28.6 ± 9.4 22.9 ± 8.5 160 women 27-89 *SD = standard deviation about the non-calcemic benefits of vitamin D, essen- By one assessment, no child or adult received the tially making these guidelines obsolete. From evalu- recommended vitamin D dose from dietary sources ation of vitamin D consumption among nurses and alone.125 The average summertime serum 25(OH)D male health professionals in cohort and other studies, levels for white adults in Canada and the northern the mean intake of vitamin D at age 50 and older is portions of the United States are in the range of 30- approximately 320 IU/day in the United States, with 35 ng/mL, dropping to 25 ng/mL in winter (Table 2), about 200 IU/day coming from dietary sources.125,136 putting most people in the insufficient range. Page 100 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Review Vitamin D In France, where food fortification with vi- 80 minutes.17,63 Exposure times should be 25-50 per- tamin D is perhaps lowest,161 the wintertime serum cent of the MED. The length of time varies with geo- 25(OH)D level for adolescents drops to as low as graphical location, skin pigmentation, percent body 8-10 ng/mL, clearly in the deficient range. From the fat, and age. average adult vitamin D intake of 320 IU/day and the The best time of day for vitamin D produc- wintertime 25(OH)D level of 25 ng/mL, minus the tion is near solar noon, when the ratio of UVB to UVA value of 8-10 ng/mL from France, the ratio of vitamin is highest. Typically, vitamin D3 can be produced D intake to serum 25(OH)D levels is 0.05 ng/mL/IU/ from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the spring, summer, day. Clinical studies found 500-1,000 IU of vitamin and fall.17 Because UVB radiation occurs at shorter D/day maintains serum levels of 30 ng/mL (0.06 ng/ wavelengths than UVA, it experiences greater attenu- mL/IU/day).123,162,163 Thus, using the clinical value, to ation from atmospheric scatter than UVA. Also, UVB reach the upper end of the optimal range (50 ng/mL) is absorbed by ozone. Thus, the exposure time re- in the absence of solar or artificial UVB irradiation, quired for a given level of vitamin D photoproduction vitamin D intake should be 1,000 IU/day. Levels as is lowest near solar noon. In addition, basal cell car- high as 4,000 IU/day have been demonstrated to be cinoma (BCC) and cutaneous malignant melanoma safe for up to six months.141,164,165 However, there are (CMM) are probably more susceptible to UVA irra- concerns that at higher doses (>1,000 IU/day) over diation than UVB irradiation,170-172 so that minimizing extended periods of time, some adverse effects may UVA rather than UVB exposure may be appropriate. occur, such as increased risk of prostate cancer.166,167 For these two reasons, midday solar UV irradiation, At higher values of 25(OH)D, vitamin D resistance short of erythema, will reduce the risk of both BCC may occur.168 However, modest levels of 25(OH)D and CMM. BCC and CMM are also linked more to (15-25 ng/mL) seem to provide the optimal reduction intermittent UV exposure, such as during a vacation of risk for prostate cancer.166,167,169 in a sunny location, than to occupational exposure, which seems to be protective.173-175 This protective ef- Guidelines for Solar UV Irradiation fect of regular exposure may be via vitamin D pro- Given the importance of vitamin D suffi- duction176 or perhaps through conditioning of the skin ciency for optimal health, and the fact that solar UVB for higher UV radiation. BCC is the most common irradiation is the primary source of vitamin D for form of skin cancer for those with lightly pigmented most people, it is imperative that guidelines for solar skin, whereas CMM is the most deadly. On the other UV exposure be revised in consideration of overall hand, actinic keratosis (AK) and squamous cell carci- health, rather than only for reducing the risk of skin noma (SCC) are more likely related to total lifetime cancer and melanoma. UVB irradiation. SCC, although a rarer form of skin The amount of UVB irradiation required cancer, is more deadly than BCC and accounts for for vitamin D sufficiency can be calculated from the most non-melanoma skin cancer deaths in the United amount of vitamin D produced from one minimal States. Thus, sunscreens, which have much greater erythemal dose (MED) – 10,000-25,000 IU of oral protection against UVB than UVA radiation, appear vitamin D.17 If 10,000 IU of vitamin D is produced to protect against AK and SCC but not BCC177 and from exposure of the full body to one MED, expos- CMM.178,179 ing the full body to 25 percent of the MED would In addition, indoor tanning using artificial produce 2,500 IU. In order to achieve 1,000 IU, 40 lamps with a UV spectral output that mimics that of percent of the body should be exposed to 25 percent solar UV radiation reaching the Earthʼs surface near of the MED; if production is more efficient, less of summertime noon at midlatitude (3-5% UVB, 95-97% the body need be exposed. UVA) can also be used to produce vitamin D.76 Lower For pale skin, the exposure time for one MED fractions of UVB, such as 1.5 percent in France and in the summer noonday sun in the southern United Sweden, are associated with increased risk of mela- States is about 4-10 minutes; for dark skin, such as noma.180 However, those who do not tan easily should for African Americans, the corresponding time is 60- not use such lamps since they are less well protected Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Page 101 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Vitamin D Review Table 3. Sources of Vitamin D and a Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages Source Amount Obtained Advantages Disadvantages Fish, fatty, 100-500 IU/serving Fish stocks are being cold ocean depleted;182 fish contain mercury Milk 400 IU/quart Milk associated with increased risk of hip fracture136 and other diseases such as prostate cancer183 and acne vulgaris184 Orange juice 400 IU/quart123 Source of vitamin C; can decrease LDL-HDL ratio185 Bread In process of being Whole-grain cereals developed reduce the risk of chronic disease124, 186-188 Solar UVB 0 (winter in north) The natural way;27 Not always available, risk to 10,000 IU per maintains 25(OH)D of melanoma, skin cancer, day17,63 longer compared to especially with intermittent ingested vitamin D exposure and sunburn175 Artificial UVB 10-minute tanning Generally available Lamps may be high in session yields UVA,180 a likely risk factor 2,000-4,000 IU123, for melanoma171,180 162,163 Supplements 200-1,000 IU Convenient, May contain vitamin A per pill inexpensive (retinol), which in high doses might increase risk of hip fracture189,190 and birth defects191 against free radical formation. Higher fractions of A summary of the advantages and disad- UVB may be more beneficial, but research on this vantages of various sources of vitamin D is given in topic has not been conducted. The vitamin D-pro- Table 3. While solar UVB is the natural way to ob- duction potential of both the sun and artificial UVB tain vitamin D for most people, other sources may sources can be determined by various means.181 be more convenient or have other health advantages. Page 102 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Review Vitamin D However, the disadvantages have to be weighed as Given the smaller U.K. population, the effect of vita- well. min D insufficiency is proportionally greater. The problems regarding vitamin D status in Discussion Europe arise from several factors: (1) the countries Despite the mounting scientific evidence that are generally at higher latitudes; (2) the populations vitamin D sufficiency is required for optimal health, have become increasingly urbanized and spend more and that solar UVB irradiation is the main source of time indoors; (3) vitamin D fortification is minimal vitamin D for most Americans, the recommendations in most European countries198 and recommended regarding vitamin D requirements and solar UVB supplementation levels are too low (200 IU/day),199 exposure have not changed recently. There are signs, resulting in widespread hypovitaminosis D;126,200 and however, that the interest in vitamin D is increas- (4) public health policy guidelines have not yet rec- ing22,192 with subsequent increases in vitamin D re- ognized the importance of vitamin D sufficiency for quirements in the near future.193-195 The obstacles to optimal health.197 doing so have been little profit in selling solar UVB or vitamin D and concern that UV exposure carries Conclusion with it the risk of skin cancer. However, it is noted There is ample and compelling evidence that that the amount of UVB irradiation required for op- a blood level of 30-50 ng/mL is necessary for opti- timal vitamin D levels is not very high and can be mal health. In the absence of adequate sun exposure, achieved with minimal risk of developing skin can- 1,000 IU vitamin D daily for children and adults is cer or CMM. Frequent sunburns are an important risk required to achieve these levels. factor for melanoma175 and BCC,170 and excess UV With the recent announcement that health irradiation is an important risk factor for SCC;170 sun- care expenditures in the United States reached $1.7 burn rates are high in the United States.196 trillion in 2003, accounting for 15.3 percent of the Another impediment to increasing vitamin U.S. gross domestic product,201 more effort must be D dosage recommendations is that traditional epide- made to maintain optimal health and prevent dis- miological approaches have been slow to find inverse ease. correlations between vitamin D and cancer rates. It is becoming increasingly apparent that vita- However, a recent review revealed many of the stud- min D sufficiency is required for optimal health; how- ies considered only dietary vitamin D intake, which ever, most people living outside the tropical regions is generally inadequate and represents a small portion do not have serum 25(OH)D levels high enough for of total vitamin D intake and production. Studies that optimal health. Vitamin D is beneficial at all stages of considered measures of total vitamin D intake and life. It is hoped that researchers will increase their fo- production generally found a significant cancer risk cus on the importance of vitamin D for optimal health reduction.105 and reduced risk of many diseases, that public health Although the emphasis in this review is the guidelines will be revised to acknowledge solar UVB effects of vitamin D in the United States, there is also irradiation is more beneficial than harmful, and that a substantial vitamin D insufficiency in the United people should try to maintain optimal serum levels Kingdom (U.K.)197 and many other European coun- of 25(OH)D through a combination of diet, supple- tries. A recent review estimated that the economic ments, and solar and artificial UVB irradiation. burden due to vitamin D insufficiency in the United Several recent reports have found vitamin D States is $40-53 billion per year; whereas, the eco- is beneficial, not only for cancer prevention, but also nomic burden due to excess UV irradiation is $5-7 bil- for those recently diagnosed with cancer. The first lion. It is estimated that 50,000-70,000 U.S. citizens two such reports were from Norway, where it was ob- and 30,000-35,000 U.K. residents die prematurely served those whose breast, colon, or prostate cancer from cancer annually due to insufficient vitamin D. is discovered in summer or fall have a higher survival rate than those for whom the discovery is made in winter or spring.202,203 It was hypothesized that these Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Page 103 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Vitamin D Review observations were related to vitamin D status at the 5. Goldberg P, Fleming MC, Picard EH. Multiple time of discovery, with a higher 25(OH)D level pro- sclerosis: decreased relapse rate through dietary viding an improved prognosis. In a vitamin D supple- supplementation with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Med Hypotheses 1986;21:193-200. mentation study, for those with elevated prostate-spe- 6. Hayes CE, Cantorna MT, DeLuca HF. Vitamin cific antigen (PSA) levels, a dose of 2,000 IU/day led D and multiple sclerosis. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med to an increase of 75 percent in the average PSA dou- 1997;216:21-27. bling time; in other words, PSA levels increased more 7. Hypponen E, Laara E, Reunanen A, et al. Intake of slowly.204 This appears to be in contrast to data above vitamin D and risk of type 1 diabetes: a birth-cohort study. Lancet 2001;358:1500-1503. that indicated vitamin D in high doses might contrib- 8. Holick MF. Vitamin D: a millenium perspective. J ute to prostate cancer. There may be a difference in Cell Biochem 2003:88:296-307. effect of vitamin D at different stages of prostate can- 9. Zittermann A. Vitamin D in preventive medicine: cer development – a subject of ongoing research. are we ignoring the evidence? Br J Nutr In a poster presented at a recent conference, 2003;89:552-572. it was reported that male health professionals with 10. Heaney RP. Long-latency deficiency disease: insights from calcium and vitamin D. Am J Clin early stage non-small cell lung cancer with higher vi- Nutr 2003;78:912-919. tamin D indices (based on geographic location, race, 11. Hayes CE, Nashold FE, Spach KM, Pedersen LB. leisure time outdoor activities, oral vitamin D, and The immunological functions of the vitamin D body mass index) had a higher survival rate than those endocrine system. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) with lower vitamin D indices.205 These results strong- 2003;49:277-300. 12. Holick MF. Vitamin D: importance in the ly suggest that those diagnosed with cancer should prevention of cancers, type 1 diabetes, heart be immediately placed on a vitamin D enhancement disease, and osteoporosis. Am J Clin Nutr program, especially African Americans, who have 2004;79:362-371. Erratum in: Am J Clin Nutr a heretofore unexplained lower cancer survival rate 2004;79:890. than white Americans206 and have a much lower vita- 13. Hollis BW, Wagner CL. Assessment of dietary min D status than white Americans.156 vitamin D requirements during pregnancy and lactation. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;79:717-726. 14. Hollis BW, Wagner CL. Vitamin D Acknowledgments requirements during lactation: high-dose Michael F. Holick received funding from the maternal supplementation as therapy to prevent UV Foundation and the National Institutes of Health hypovitaminosis D for both the mother and the nursing infant. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80:1752S- through grants #M01RR00533 and #AR3696312. 1758S. 15. Grant WB, Strange RC, Garland CF. Sunshine is References good medicine: the health benefits of ultraviolet- 1. Rajakumar K. Vitamin D, cod-liver oil, sunlight, B induced vitamin D production. J Cos Dermatol and rickets: a historical perspective. Pediatrics 2003;2:86-98. 2003;112:e132-135. 16. Vasquez A, Manso G, Cannell J. The clinical 2. Garland CF, Garland FC. Do sunlight and vitamin importance of vitamin D (cholecalciferol): a D reduce the likelihood of colon cancer? Int J paradigm shift with implications for all healthcare Epidemiol 1980;9:227-231. providers. Altern Ther Health Med 2004;10:28- 3. Garland C, Shekelle RB, Barrett-Connor E, et 36;quiz 37,94. al. Dietary vitamin D and calcium and risk of 17. Holick MF. Sunlight and vitamin D for bone colorectal cancer: a 19-year prospective study in health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, men. Lancet 1985;1:307-309. cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr 4. Grant WB. An estimate of premature cancer 2004;80:1678S-1688S. mortality in the U.S. due to inadequate doses of 18. Cantorna MT, Zhu Y, Froicu M, Wittke A. Vitamin solar ultraviolet-B radiation. Cancer 2002;94:1867- D status, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, and the 1875. immune system. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80:1717S- 1720S. Page 104 Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
Review Vitamin D 19. Cantorna MT, Mahon BD. Mounting evidence for 33. Branum AM, Schoendorf KC. Changing patterns vitamin D as an environmental factor affecting of low birthweight and preterm birth in the United autoimmune disease prevalence. Exp Biol Med States, 1981-98. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol (Maywood) 2004;229:1136-1142. 2002;16:8-15. 20. Mosekilde L. Vitamin D and the elderly. Clin 34. Alexander GR, Kogan M, Bader D, et al. US birth Endocrinol (Oxf) 2005;62:265-281. weight/gestational age-specific neonatal mortality: 21. Peterlik M, Cross HS. Vitamin D and calcium 1995-1997 rates for whites, hispanics, and blacks. insufficiencies predispose for multiple chronic Pediatrics 2003;111:e61-e66. diseases. Eur J Clin Invest 2005;35:290-304. 35. Gould JB, Madan A, Qin C, Chavez G. Perinatal 22. Raiten DJ, Picciano MF. Vitamin D and health outcomes in two dissimilar immigrant populations in the 21st century: bone and beyond. Executive in the United States: a dual epidemiologic paradox. summary. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80:1673S-1677S. Pediatrics 2003;111:e676-e682. 23. Calvo MS, Whiting SJ. Overview of the 36. Calvo MS, Whiting SJ, Barton CN. Vitamin D proceedings from Experimental Biology 2004 fortification in the United States and Canada: symposium: vitamin D insufficiency: a significant current status and data needs. Am J Clin Nutr risk factor in chronic diseases and potential disease 2004;80:1710S-1716S. – specific biomarkers of vitamin D sufficiency. J 37. Namgung R, Tsang RC. Bone in the pregnant Nutr 2005;135:301-303. mother and newborn at birth. Clin Chim Acta 24. Cancer Chemoprevention & Cancer Treatment: 2003;333:1-11. Is there a role for vitamin D, 1α,25(OH)2-vitamin 38. Aine L, Backstrom MC, Maki R, et al. Enamel D3, or new analogs (deltanoids)? Bethesda, MD, defects in primary and permanent teeth of children November 17-19, 2004, Sponsored by The National born prematurely. J Oral Pathol Med 2000;29:403- Cancer Institute, NIH, The Vitamin D Workshop, 409. 39. Purvis RJ, Barrie WJ, MacKay GS, et al. Enamel (accessed April 10, 2005). hypoplasia of the teeth associated with neonatal 25. Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral tetany: a manifestation of maternal vitamin-D Society, Osteoporosis Australia, Australasian deficiency. Lancet 1973;2:811-814. College of Dermatologists and the Cancer Council 40. Hypponen E. Micronutrients and the risk of type 1 Australia. (2005) Risks and Benefits of Sun diabetes: vitamin D, vitamin E, and nicotinamide. Exposure. Nutr Rev 2004;62:340-347. Risks_Benefits_Sun_Exposure_MAR05.pdf. 41. Zella JB, DeLuca HF. Vitamin D and autoimmune Accessed March 26, 2005. diabetes. J Cell Biochem 2003;88:216-222. 26. Working Group of the Australian and New 42. Motohashi Y, Yamada S, Yanagawa T, et al. Vitamin Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, Endocrine D receptor gene polymorphism affects onset Society of Australia and Osteoporosis Australia. pattern of type 1 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab Vitamin D and adult bone health in Australia and 2003;88:3137-3140. New Zealand: a position statement. Med J Aust 43. Willis JA, Scott RS, Darlow BA, et al. Seasonality 2005;182:281-285. of birth and onset of clinical disease in children 27. Jablonski NG, Chaplin G. The evolution of human and adolescents (0-19 years) with type 1 diabetes skin coloration. J Hum Evol 2000;39:57-106. mellitus in Canterbury, New Zealand. J Pediatr 28. Pawley N, Bishop NJ. Prenatal and infant Endocrinol Metab 2002;15:645-647. predictors of bone health: the influence of vitamin 44. Harris SS. Vitamin D in type 1 diabetes prevention. D. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80:1748S-1751S. J Nutr 2005;135:323-325. 29. Kreiter SR, Schwartz RP, Kirkman HN Jr, et al. 45. Cantorna MT. Vitamin D and autoimmunity: is Nutritional rickets in African American breast-fed vitamin D status an environmental factor affecting infants. J Pediatr 2000;137:153-157. autoimmune disease prevalence? Proc Soc Exp Biol 30. Weisberg P, Scanlon KS, Li R, Cogswell ME. Med 2000;223:230-233. Nutritional rickets among children in the United 46. DeLuca HF, Cantorna MT. Vitamin D: its role and States: review of cases reported between 1986 and uses in immunology. FASEB J 2001;15:2579-2585. 2003. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80:1697S-1705S. 47. Embry AF. Vitamin D supplementation in the fight 31. Specker B. Vitamin D requirements during against multiple sclerosis. J Orthomolecular Med pregnancy. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80:1740S-1747S. 2004;19:27-38. 32. Fuller KE. Low birth-weight infants: the continuing 48. Templer DI, Trent NH, Spencer DA, et al. Season ethnic disparity and the interaction of biology and of birth in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol Scand environment. Ethn Dis 2000;10:432-445. 1992;85:107-109. Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 10, Number 2 ◆ 2005 Page 105 Copyright©2005 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission
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