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Being better informed
FS regulatory bulletin

FS Regulatory Insights
August 2021

In this month’s edition:
• Conduct: FCA sets out priorities in annual business plan
• Diversity and inclusion: Regulators eye policy measures
• Asset management: FCA raises assessment of value concerns
• Prudential: PRA confirms Basel implementation rules
Executive summary                Cross sector                  Banking and capital markets   Asset management            Insurance                      Monthly calendar             Glossary

Executive summary
                                                        Representatives and their principal firms, and      annually. The FCA identified a number of              In other prudential news, the PRA confirmed its
                                                        how asset managers present the ESG                  fundamental issues where firms have not               approach to implementing a range of Basel
                                                        attributes of their investment products. For        conducted the required underlying analysis,           Committee standards. The majority of the
                                                        more details see our At a glance analysis.          and the review findings make challenging              proposals will be implemented as consulted on,
                                                                                                            reading for firms. For more information see our       but in light of industry feedback the PRA is
                                                        Also of relevance to all firms is the FCA, PRA      At a glance briefing.                                 making a number of policy changes. These
                                                        and Bank of England’s joint discussion paper                                                              include the required stable funding factors
         Hannah Swain                                   on D&I. The regulators discuss the introduction     Meanwhile fund managers will have been                under the NSFR, large exposures proposals,
         Director, FS Regulatory Insights               of regulatory reporting of D&I data, as well as a   digesting the FCA’s Dear Authorised Fund              standardised approach for measuring
                                                        range of potential policy measures. These           Manager (AFM) Chair letter, which sets out            counterparty credit risk exposures and                           include board representation targets, senior        some guiding principles on ESG and                    treatment of exposures to Collective
                                                        accountability, remuneration, and the public        sustainable investment. To help build trust in        Investment Undertakings. For more
                                                        disclosure of D&I data and policies. They plan      the sustainable investment market, the                information, read our At a glance publication.
                                                        to apply the measures to all financial services     regulator is putting forward guiding principles to
                                                        firms, incorporating proportionality into any       support AFMs in complying with existing               You can find a range of additional regulatory
                                                        policy developments. The regulators plan to         requirements. It wants to see fund disclosures        insights on our PwC webpage, including the
Welcome to this edition of ‘Being better                consult on more detailed proposals early next       accurately reflect the nature of the fund’s           latest episode of our Risk & Regulation
informed’, our monthly FS regulatory                    year. See our At a glance publication for more      sustainable investment approach, both in pre-         Rundown podcast series, which looks at the
bulletin, which aims to keep you up to                  information.                                        contractual disclosures and in periodic               FCA’s proposals for a new consumer duty, and
speed with significant developments                                                                         reporting. The regulator outlines principles          how the UK’s regulatory framework is evolving
                                                        In the financial crime space, HMT published a       designed to clarify the application of existing       outside of the EU.
and their implication across all the                    call for evidence to review the UK's AML/CFT        FCA handbook rules when designing,
financial services sectors.                             regulatory and supervisory regimes. It also         delivering and disclosing information on ESG-         We hope you enjoy this edition of Being better
                                                        issued a consultation paper which proposes a        focused funds. For more detail see our At a           informed.
                                                        set of amendments to the Money Laundering,          glance publication.
                                                        Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds
The regulators packed a lot of updates into             (Information on the Payer) Regulations (MLRs        In the insurance sector, HMT published a
July ahead of the usual summer slowdown,                2017), to ensure the UK continues to meet           response to its earlier call for evidence on the
including publication of the FCA’s annual               international standards. Firms will need to         Solvency II review. HMT confirms its priorities
business plan. This is an important document            consider the implications of the proposals,         for reforming the legislation, and asks the PRA
for all firms, setting out the regulator’s priorities   particularly cryptoasset firms and those that       to model different options for reform. As part of
for the year ahead. The regulator identifies six        could be impacted by proposed changes to the        this work, the PRA is carrying out a                  Hannah Swain
cross-market areas of focus: fraud, financial           scope of the regime. See our At a glance            Quantitative Impact Study this summer, before         Director, FS Regulatory Insights
resilience, operational resilience, improving           briefing for more information.                      consulting on a package of reforms in early           M: +44 (0) 7803 590553
diversity and inclusion (D&I), enabling a more                                                              2022. The PRA issued a Dear CEO letter                E:
sustainable financial future, and international         In the asset management sector, the FCA             setting out details of the impact study, which
cooperation. Its consumer priorities remain             published the results of its thematic review into   will require firms to model the impact of
broadly consistent with previous years, with an         firms’ assessment of value (AoV) reporting.         potential reform options by October 2021. See
added emphasis on improving outcomes                    The AoV was one of the remedies from the            our At a glance briefing for more information on
through its consumer duty proposals. In                 2017 Asset Management Market Study,                 the Dear CEO letter.
wholesale markets, the FCA plans to increase            requiring firms to assess the value of their UK
its supervisory focus of: Appointed                     funds, and publish their findings for investors

2 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary             Cross sector            Banking and capital markets   Asset management   Insurance   Monthly calendar   Glossary

How to read this bulletin?                          Executive summary                                                                             2
Review the Table of Contents and the relevant
Sector sections to identify the news of interest.   Cross sector announcements                                                                    4
We recommend you go directly to the
topic/article of interest by clicking in the
                                                    Banking and capital markets                                                                   10
active links within the table of contents.
                                                    Asset management                                                                              12
                                                    Insurance                                                                                     14
                                                    Monthly calendar                                                                              17
                                                    Glossary                                                                                      19
                                                    Contacts                                                                                      25

3 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary            Cross sector           Banking and capital markets   Asset management           Insurance                     Monthly calendar             Glossary

Cross sector announcements
In this section:                                                                                Benchmarks                                           EC consults on third country benchmark
                                                                                                FCA and FSB: Push ahead with LIBOR
Benchmarks                                       4                                              transition                                           The EC issued for consultation a draft
Conduct                                          5                                              Edwin Schooling Latter, The FCA’s Director of        Delegated Regulation supplementing the
Financial crime                                  6                                              Markets and Wholesale Policy, spoke on               BMR on 30 July 2021. The paper establishes
                                                      Hannah Swain                              LIBOR transition on 5 July 2021. He reminded         the fees which third country benchmark
Market infrastructure                            7
                                                      FS Regulatory Insights                    participants to continue their active transition     administrators need to pay ESMA for
Prudential                                       7                                              and not to wait for the final policy statement on    supervision as well as the procedure ESMA
Supervision                                      7                      synthetic LIBOR. He also encouraged                  needs to follow to impose fines or penalties on
                                                                                                regulated UK firms, looking to use the so-called     benchmark administrators under its
Sustainability                                   8
                                                                                                'credit sensitive' rates in UK-based business, to    supervision. The consultation closes on
Wholesale markets                                9                                              consider the risks carefully.                        27 August 2021.
                                                                                                                                                     FCA consults on derivatives trading obligations
                                                                                                Separately, the FSB issued a progress report
                                                                                                on LIBOR transition to the G20 on 6 July 2021.       The FCA issued a consultation on proposed
                                                                                                The body encourages regulators to set                changes to derivative trading obligations on
                                                                                                consistent expectations that firms end the use       14 July 2021. The proposed changes would
                                                                                                of LIBOR in new products as soon as                  see GBP LIBOR swaps replaced by OIS
                                                                                                practicable, irrespective of currency or             referencing SONIA. The consultation closes on
                                                                                                geographic location.                                 25 August 2021. Decisions on instruments tied
                                                                                                                                                     to other RFRs are expected at a later date.
                                                                                                FCA updates MiFIR data reporting
                                                                                                The FCA published a brief set of FAQs on
                                                                                                9 July 2021 to clarify MiFIR data reporting
                                                                                                requirements related to transactions or
                                                                                                financial instrument reference data impacted
                                                                                                by reference rate reform. Separately, the
                                                                                                regulator launched an updated and redesigned
                                                                                                LIBOR transition landing page to mark the final
                                                                                                six months of the sterling transition.

4 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary             Cross sector                Banking and capital markets   Asset management            Insurance                       Monthly calendar              Glossary

Conduct                                             The paper is open for comments until 30            provide further data on the result of their            FAQs on vulnerable customer guidance

Regulators to strengthen diversity measures         September 2021, and the regulators plan to         diversity policies considering these wider             The FCA published a number of FAQs
for firms                                           consult on more detailed proposals in Q1 2022.     aspects where possible.                                related to guidance on the fair treatment of
                                                    The BoE will separately consider how to                                                                   vulnerable customers on 19 July 2021.
The FCA, PRA and BoE published a joint                                                                 The proposals follow a joint discussion paper
                                                    develop proposals for FMIs. See our At a                                                                  Common questions covered within the
discussion paper on diversity and inclusion                                                            on diversity and inclusion in financial services,
                                                    glance publication for more information.                                                                  document include how the guidance applies to
(D&I) in financial services on 7 July 2021.                                                            issued by the FCA, PRA and BoE earlier in
                                                    FCA consults on D&I disclosure for listed                                                                 digital customer journeys, how to implement
The regulators discuss the introduction of                                                             the month.
                                                    companies                                                                                                 effective training and further details on ways to
regulatory reporting of D&I data, as well as a
                                                                                                       The consultation closes on 20 October 2021,            adhere to GDPR.
range of potential policy measures.                 The FCA is consulting on requiring listed
                                                                                                       and the FCA says it intends to make relevant
These include board representation targets,         companies to publicly disclose whether they                                                               FCA confirms Handbook changes
                                                                                                       rules by late 2021.
senior accountability, remuneration, and the        have met specific targets for gender and ethnic                                                           The FCA confirmed a number of minor
public disclosure of D&I data and policies.         minority representation on their boards. It        HMT proposes extending SM&CR to FMIs                   changes to its Handbook rules, in Handbook
The overall aim is to drive greater diversity and   issued the proposals in CP12/24: Diversity and     HMT issued a consultation proposing to create          Notice No 90 on 23 July 2021.
more inclusive cultures within the financial        inclusion on company boards and executive          a SM&CR for FMIs on 20 July 2021. The
                                                                                                                                                              FCA writes to Insolvency Service
services sector, in turn creating positive          committees on 28 July 2021.                        proposed regime would closely mirror the
                                                                                                                                                              The FCA published a letter sent to the
outcomes for customers, firms and markets.          The regulator is proposing changes to its          existing SM&CR for other parts of the financial
                                                                                                                                                              Insolvency Service on 20 July 2021. The FCA
                                                    Listing Rules to require listed companies to       services sector, comprising a Senior Managers
The regulators envisage applying the                                                                                                                          highlights its continued focus on monitoring the
                                                    publish such a statement annually on a             Regime, a Certification Regime, and conduct
measures to all financial services firms, but                                                                                                                 quality of debt advice given by regulated
                                                    ‘comply or explain’ basis. The proposed            rules for all staff.
incorporating proportionality into any policy                                                                                                                 entities and its supervisory focus on this area.
developments. The regulators are inviting           targets are: at least 40% of the board should      It would give the BoE, as the FMI regulator,
                                                                                                                                                              FCA finalises rules for funeral plans
views on what firm categorisation may be best       be female, at least one senior board position      new rule-making, supervisory and enforcement
to support this. Options include aligning to        should be a woman, and at least one member         powers similar to those held by the FCA and            The FCA published PS21/8: Regulation of
those used under SM&CR (Enhanced, Core,             of the board should be from a non-white ethnic     PRA in relation to the existing SM&CR.                 funeral plans and CP21/20: Further proposals
Limited) or the Companies Act (micro-entity,        minority background. The regulator is also         The FMIs covered by the proposal are CCPs,             for the regulation of funeral plans on 21 July
small, medium and large).                           proposing requiring companies to publish           CSDs, payment systems recognised under                 2021. Through these publications the FCA
                                                    data on the gender and ethnicity make-up           the Banking Act 2009, and certain service              makes a number of final rules regarding the
Regular reporting of employee data is also          of their board and most senior level of                                                                   extension of the regulatory perimeter to include
                                                                                                       providers to those systems.
being considered. The regulators are                executive management.                                                                                     both the provision and arranging of pre-paid
considering carrying out a pilot data survey this                                                      HMT asks for views on the proposal to create           funeral plans.
autumn, to inform reporting and future policy.      Further, the FCA is consulting on changes to       a regime for FMIs, as well as on how an
They welcome views on which metrics to              its disclosure and transparency rules to require   SM&CR might be appropriately tailored to               The first thing for relevant firms to note is that
include in reporting, acknowledging most firms      companies to ensure any existing disclosure        these entities.                                        the application gateway opens from September
capture data on gender but reporting would go       on diversity policies addresses key board                                                                 2021, with firms operating in this space
                                                    committees, and considers broader aspects of       The consultation closes on 22 October 2021.            requiring authorisation by 29 July 2022 – the
beyond this to include other characteristics,
                                                    diversity. This could include characteristics      HMT says the Government intends to legislate           date at which the funeral plan rules come
such as disability, sexual orientation and
                                                    such as ethnicity, sexual orientation,             for the new regime when parliamentary time             into force.
educational attainment.
                                                    disability or lower socio-economic background.     allows. The BoE would consult on the new
                                                    The FCA also encourages companies to               rules before they came into effect.

5 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary            Cross sector                Banking and capital markets    Asset management             Insurance                        Monthly calendar              Glossary

The FCA has made final rules governing               FCA sets out areas of focus for platforms             Other themes include Brexit, calling on firms to        Financial crime
conduct standards, product governance,                                                                     fully consider the impacts on the firm and              HMT puts AML/CFT regime in the spotlight
resolution and compensation, dispute                 The FCA published its platforms portfolio letter      customers, and diversity and inclusion, where           On 22 July 2021, HMT released a Call for
resolution, the application of SM&CR to              on 26 July 2020, setting out its concerns,            the regulator signals this will be a key area           Evidence (CfE) to review the UK's AML/CFT
providers and intermediaries, and reporting          expectations and strategy for supervising             of focus.                                               regulatory and supervisory regimes, and a
requirements. The rules relevant to funeral          platforms.
                                                                                                           FCA’s final rules on investor protections in            Consultation Paper with proposals for
plan providers will sit within a newly created                                                             SPACs                                                   amendments to the Money Laundering,
                                                     Among the themes the regulator calls out are
section of the Handbook, the Funeral Plan:                                                                                                                         Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds
                                                     technology and operational resilience,                The FCA published a final policy statement on
Conduct of Business Sourcebook (FPCOB).                                                                                                                            (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017
                                                     highlighting the IT outages and severe                the changes to its listing rules for certain
While the entire policy statement needs to           operational issues experienced by firms during        special purpose acquisition companies                   (MLRs 2017).
be digested by firms now requiring                   the pandemic due to a surge in trading                (SPACs) on 27 July 2021. The FCA has
                                                                                                                                                                   The CfE follows the Economic Crime plan,
authorisation, significant changes due to            activities. The FCA stresses that it expects          removed the presumption of suspension for
                                                                                                                                                                   which committed HMT to look at the overall
FCA regulation include:                              firms to invest in their systems to ensure they       certain SPACs. Instead, the FCA is providing
                                                                                                                                                                   effectiveness of the regimes, whether key
                                                     keep pace with the growth of their business           an alternative approach for SPACs which are
•     a ban of funeral instalment plan products                                                                                                                    elements are operating as intended, and the
                                                     and remain fit for purpose. It adds that any IT       otherwise required to provide detailed
      which do not always deliver a funeral (after                                                                                                                 structure of the supervisory regime. It will look
                                                     upgrades and migrations should undergo                information on a proposed target to the market
      a certain moratorium period)                                                                                                                                 at issues such as whether the rules relating to
                                                     thorough analysis and testing to reduce               to avoid being suspended.
                                                                                                                                                                   due diligence have become too prescriptive,
•     new standards to ensure the advertising of     incidents and outages that cause harm to
                                                                                                           In order to benefit from the new approach,              whether the current approach helps or stifles
      plans is conducted fairly, which includes a    customers. Firms are also told to have
                                                                                                           SPACs are required to provide additional                innovation, and what supervisors’ role should
      ban on cold calling                            contingency plans in place to deal with
                                                                                                           investor safeguards, including:                         be in monitoring SARs.
                                                     operational disruptions and ensure that the
•     commission payments to intermediaries will                                                                                                                   Alongside the CfE, the Consultation Paper
                                                     plans have been tested, and to expect specific        •   a ‘redemption’ option allowing investors to
      be banned to ensure products represent                                                                                                                       proposes a number of changes to the MLRs.
                                                     data requests about service disruptions on an             exit a SPAC prior to any acquisition being
      fair value                                                                                                                                                   These include exempting Account Information
                                                     ongoing basis. Firms are further reminded of              completed
•     fitness and proprietary assessments will       the importance of the FCA’s new operational                                                                   Service Providers, Payment Initiation Service
                                                                                                           •   ensuring money raised from public
      be required for all firms selling funeral      resilience rules, which take effect in                                                                        Providers, and bill payment, telecom, digital
                                                                                                               shareholders is ring-fenced
      plans to improve governance standards          March 2022.                                                                                                   and IT service providers from the scope of the
      and oversight.                                                                                       •   requiring shareholder approval for any              MLRs as they can be considered low risk.
                                                     In addition, the regulator highlights platform
                                                                                                               proposed acquisition                                Other proposals include: providing
The consultation paper proposes specific             transfers as an area of focus. The FCA
                                                                                                                                                                   supervisors with powers of access to the
rules dealing with the resolution of firms,          welcomes the progress STAR has made on                •   a time limit on a SPAC’s operating period if
                                                                                                                                                                   content of SARs, and implementing the FATF
FSCS protection, structural provisions and           improving transfer performance to date, but will          no acquisition is completed.
                                                                                                                                                                   Recommendation 16 (the so called ‘travel rule’)
several pieces of guidance for both FPCOB            continue to monitor metrics related to transfer
                                                                                                           SPAC issuers unable to meet the conditions, or          for cryptoasset firms.
and PERG.                                            times and focus on firms that are seen as
                                                                                                           those choosing not to, will continue to be
                                                     outliers. In 2022 it will carry out a review of the                                                           Both the CfE and Consultation Paper close for
                                                                                                           subject to a presumption of suspension. The
                                                     progress made and consider whether it needs                                                                   responses on 14 October 2021. Any
                                                                                                           new rules and guidance came into force on 10
                                                     to take further regulatory action.                                                                            consultation proposals that are adopted will be
                                                                                                           August 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                   taken forward through secondary legislation

6 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary              Cross sector             Banking and capital markets   Asset management             Insurance                       Monthly calendar             Glossary

due to be laid in spring 2022. HMT has            Prudential                                        Supervision                                              The FCA’s consumer approach remains
committed to publishing a report into its full    PRA consults on designating investment firms      FCA sets out priorities for the year ahead               focused on issues such as ensuring fair value
review by 26 June 2022.                           The PRA published CP15/21: Designating            The FCA published its 2021/22 Business Plan              in a digital age, enabling effective consumer
                                                  investment firms on 5 July 2021, proposing        on 15 July 2021, setting out its priorities for the      investment decisions, making payments safe
For further information see our At a glance
                                                  minor changes to its policy on designating        next 12 months. The regulator outlines its               and accessible, and ensuring consumer credit
                                                  investment firms. This reflects HMT’s             priorities for consumers and for wholesale               markets work well. In addition, the FCA
HMT clears up amendment to high risk                                                                                                                         stresses the importance of improving
                                                  previously proposed amendments to the             markets. It also identifies six cross-market
countries list
                                                  PRA RAO.                                          areas of focus: fraud, financial resilience,             consumer outcomes through its consumer duty
HMT published a statement on 8 July 2021                                                                                                                     proposals. It also plans to investigate ‘sludge
                                                                                                    operational resilience, improving diversity and
providing further explanation regarding an        The regulator proposes that there will usually                                                             practices’, which make it hard for consumers to
                                                                                                    inclusion, enabling a more sustainable financial
amendment made to the Money Laundering            be six months, rather than three months,                                                                   cancel a product or service online, and to
                                                                                                    future, and international cooperation.
and Terrorist Financing Regulations 2021 for      between the Prudential Regulation Committee                                                                shortly publish its consumer investments
High Risk Countries, to replace reference to      designating an investment firm and it becoming    The FCA sets out how it’s changing its overall           strategy (after launching a call for input in
the EC's list of high risk countries with a new   PRA-regulated. It also proposes that the PRA      approach, by:                                            September 2020).
list of countries defined in the Money            takes into account whether or not an
                                                                                                    •     improving the way it uses data and                 On financial crime, the FCA welcomes the
Laundering Regulations.                           investment firm is a clearing member of a
                                                                                                          technology, so it can identify harm and            proposal to include investment fraud in the
                                                  CCP offering clearing services to other
EC proposes AML/CFT package                                                                               misconduct more quickly                            Online Safety Bill, but says this should go
                                                  financial institutions (that are not clearing
The EC presented a package of legislative         members themselves) when making a                 •     continuing with a targeted litigation              further and apply to online advertisements
proposals on 20 July 2021, to strengthen the      designation decision.                                   strategy, to provide legal clarity where           For more information, see our At a glance
EU’s AML/CFT rules. The package consists of:                                                              needed (as it did with business interruption
                                                  In addition, the PRA deletes any obsolete text                                                             briefing.
a Regulation establishing a new EU AML/CFT                                                                insurance)
Authority; a Regulation on AML/CFT, covering      and makes other minor textual amendments. It                                                               FCA updates on several workstreams
areas such as customer due diligence and          also proposes to change the Definition of         •     challenging firms to focus on consumer             The FCA published an announcement
beneficial ownership; a sixth Directive on        Capital Part to increase the base capital               outcomes, so consumers can make                    containing updates on four outstanding
AML/CFT (‘AMLD 6’); and a revision of the         resources requirement for designated                    decisions in their interests                       workstreams on 16 July 2021. The FCA has
2015 Regulation on Transfers of Funds to trace    investment firms from €730,000 to £750,000                                                                 decided to discontinue its work on assessing
                                                                                                    •     proactively addressing harm at the
transfers of cryptoassets.                        and to denominate it in sterling.                                                                          retirement income advice, as well as diagnostic
                                                                                                          boundaries of the regulatory perimeter.
Market infrastructure                             The consultation closes on 5 October 2021,                                                                 work on business models that potentially
                                                                                                    The FCA’s wholesale market priorities include            benefit from customers not repaying debts.
ESMA issues methodology for assessing third       with the changes taking effect on
                                                                                                    market reform (linked to HMT’s Wholesale                 The FCA has also paused its post-
country CCPs                                      1 January 2022.
                                                                                                    Markets Review), long-term investment funds,             implementation review of SME access to the
ESMA published a methodology on 13 July                                                             and fund liquidity. It also plans to increase its        FOS, along with de-anchoring remedies in the
2021 for assessing whether a third country                                                          supervisory focus of: Appointed                          credit card market.
CCP or some of its clearing services are of                                                         Representatives (ARs) and their principal firms
such systemic importance that the CCP should                                                        (and will consider changes to the AR regime),
not be recognised to provide certain clearing                                                       and of how asset managers present the ESG
services or activities in the EU.                                                                   attributes of their investment products.

7 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary             Cross sector                 Banking and capital markets    Asset management             Insurance                    Monthly calendar             Glossary

FCA confirms regulatory fees                        enable the FCA to prevent harm faster. The           possible social taxonomy, and proposals to           The standards have now been submitted for
The FCA confirmed its fees for 2021/22 in           proposed decisions to be made by FCA staff           amend aspects of the prudential regulatory           the co-legislative process.
PS21/7: FCA regulated fees and levies               include:                                             framework to enhance financial resilience from       EC adopts sustainability disclosure
2021/22 on 16 July 2021.                                                                                 sustainability risks. This strategy follows the      requirements
                                                    •   imposing a requirement on a firm or varying
                                                                                                         EC’s initial Sustainable Finance Action Plan
PRA sets fees and levies for 2021/22                    permissions, by limiting or removing certain                                                          On 6 July 2021 the EC adopted the
                                                                                                         that was launched in 2018.
The PRA published PS15/21: Regulated fees               types of business                                                                                     delegated act supplementing Article 8 the
and levies: rates for 2021/221 on 6 July 2021.                                                           EC launches green bond standard                      Taxonomy Regulation. It sets out the
                                                    •   making a final decision in relation to a
The statement sets out the fee rates to meet                                                             The EC published the proposed European               disclosure requirements around the
                                                        firm’s application for authorisation or an
the PRA’s 2021/22 Annual Funding                                                                         green bond standard (EUGBS) on 6 July 2021.          proportion of environmentally sustainable
                                                        individual’s approval that has been
Requirement for the financial period 1 March                                                             This voluntary standard is targeted at               economic activities for financial and non-
2021 to Monday 28 February 2022. The paper                                                               enhancing the green bond market. It will be          financial institutions.
also contains amendments to the Fees Part of        •   making a final decision to cancel a firm’s       open to any issuer of green bonds, including         TPR sets out climate risk guidance
the PRA Rulebook.                                       permissions because a firm does not meet         companies, public authorities and issuers
                                                                                                                                                              On 5 July 2021 TPR consulted on new
                                                        the FCA’s regulatory requirements                located outside of the EU.
TSC issues report on future regulatory                                                                                                                        guidance for pension trustees and advisers on
framework                                           •   the decision to start civil and/or criminal      There are four key requirements under the            climate-related risks and opportunities. It aims
The TSC published its report on The Future              proceedings.                                     proposed framework:                                  to help trustees of occupational pension
Framework for Regulation of Financial                                                                                                                         schemes meet enhanced TCFD-aligned
                                                    The consultation closes on 17 September              •    Taxonomy alignment: The funds raised by
Services on 6 July 2021, as part of its inquiry                                                                                                               governance and reporting obligations
                                                    2021. The FCA aims to publish a policy                    the bond should be allocated fully to
into the future of financial services. The report                                                                                                             introduced by the Department for Work and
                                                    statement in November 2021.                               projects aligned with the EU Taxonomy.
addresses the issues raised by HMT’s October                                                                                                                  Pensions, which will take effect from 1 October
2020 consultation on the future regulatory          Sustainability                                       •    Transparency: There must be full                2021. The consultation, which closes on
framework which are relevant to the TSC’s           EC launches renewed Sustainable Finance                   transparency on how bond proceeds are           31 August 2021, also includes TPR’s monetary
work.                                               Strategy                                                  allocated through detailed reporting            penalties policy, outlining its approach to
                                                    On 6 July 2021, the EC published its renewed              requirements.                                   imposing penalties for non-compliance.
FCA proposes new decision-making approach
                                                    sustainable finance strategy, which sets out
The FCA issued CP21/25: Issuing statutory                                                                •    External review: All EU green bonds must
                                                    actions for five broad areas: transition finance;
notices – a new approach to decision makers                                                                   be checked by an external reviewer who
                                                    inclusiveness; resilience of the financial system
on 29 July 2021. The consultation paper                                                                       must ensure that the green bonds are
                                                    to sustainability risks; contribution of the
proposes changes to the FCA’s decision-                                                                       aligned with the EU Taxonomy and meet
                                                    financial system to addressing sustainability
making process, which form part of the                                                                        transparency requirements.
                                                    issues; and supporting the development of
regulator's wider transformation under new
                                                    international sustainable finance initiatives.       •    Registration of external reviews with
                                                                                                              ESMA: All external reviewers will need to
                                                    The EC's strategy will result in a range of new
The paper proposes moving certain decisions                                                                   be registered and subsequently supervised
                                                    initiatives including: a possible extension of the
from the FCA’s Regulatory Decisions                                                                           by ESMA to uphold quality and reliability of
                                                    EU taxonomy to recognise a wider range of
Committee (RDC) to the FCA executives.                                                                        services and protect investors.
                                                    economic activities with intermediate
According to the FCA, this would streamline
                                                    environmental credentials, work to explore a
decision-making and governance as well as

8 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary           Cross sector                Banking and capital markets   Asset management   Insurance   Monthly calendar   Glossary

Wholesale markets                                    •   increasing the minimum market
FCA extends relaxation of commodities                    capitalisation threshold for both the
derivatives regime                                       premium and standard listing segments for
The FCA published a statement on 9 July 2021             shares in ordinary commercial companies
extending supervisory easements related to               from £700,000 to £50m
the MiFID commodities derivatives regime that
                                                     •   making minor changes to the Listing Rules,
were originally introduced in December 2020.
                                                         Disclosure Guidance and Transparency
The additional easements mean that the
                                                         Rules and the Prospectus Regulation
regulator will not take supervisory or
                                                         Rules to simplify the FCA’s rulebooks
enforcement action in relation to commodity
                                                         and reflect changes in technology and
derivative positions that exceed position
                                                         market practices.
limits on cash-settled commodity derivative
contracts, unless the underlying is an               The regulator thinks these proposals will
agricultural commodity.                              broaden investor access to companies in
                                                     higher growth sectors by improving flexibility
FCA eyes measures to improve effectiveness
of primary markets                                   and accessibility in the FCA’s listing regime as
                                                     a gateway to the UK’s primary markets.
The FCA published CP21/21: Primary Markets
Effectiveness Review on 5 July 2021, setting         The consultation also includes a chapter
out proposals to enhance the effectiveness of        seeking views on the overall structure of the
the UK’s primary markets. This follows the           listing regime and whether wider reforms
recent UK Listing Review chaired by Lord Hill,       could improve the regime's longer-
and the Kalifa Review of UK FinTech, both of         term effectiveness.
which made specific recommendations for
                                                     Stakeholders have until 14 September 2021
improvements to the regime.
                                                     to respond to the consultation, after which
The FCA’s proposals seek to address the              the FCA will look to publish final rules before
recommendations in these reviews to ensure           the end of 2021. Depending on feedback to the
the UK remains an attractive place to grow and       discussion section of the paper, the FCA may
list successful companies. The consultation          also publish a separate consultation paper on
paper sets out the following measures:               wider reform of the primary markets
                                                     regulatory framework.
•     allowing a targeted form of dual class share
      structures within the premium listing
      segment to encourage innovative
      companies onto public markets sooner

•     reducing the free float thresholds from 25%
      to 10% to reduce potential barriers for
      issuers created by current requirements

9 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary            Cross sector         Banking and capital markets   Asset management            Insurance                      Monthly calendar             Glossary

Banking and capital markets
In this section:                                                                              Conduct                                                between ATMs or bank branches, and/or
                                                                                              FCA resumes Credit Information Market Study            minimum numbers per population in a given
Conduct                                       10
                                                                                              The FCA announced in an update on                      area, would be useful metrics to take forward in
Consumer issues                               10                                                                                                     the form of regulatory rules. This would be in a
                                                                                              30 July 2021 that it has resumed its Credit
Finance                                       10                                              Information Market Study. The regulator says it        bid to maintain cash for consumers who find
                                                                                                                                                     themselves isolated from services.
Payments                                      11    Luke Nelson                               intends to engage with industry and consumer
                                                    FS Regulatory Insights                    groups and complete its analysis during Q3             The final part of the consultation proposes the
Prudential                                    11
                                                                                              2021, ahead of publishing an interim report in         FCA takes sole responsibility for the
                                                               Q1 2022. The interim report will set out the           development, supervision and enforcement of
                                                                                              FCA’s emerging findings (including on lenders’         policy, rules and guidance relating to the
                                                                                              reporting of forbearance) and its early thinking       access of cash.
                                                                                              on any potential remedies.
                                                                                                                                                     The consultation closes on 23 September
                                                                                              Consumer issues                                        2021.
                                                                                              HMT eyes measures to maintain access
                                                                                              to cash                                                FCA and PSR assessment of cash

                                                                                              HMT published its Access to Cash:                      The FCA and PSR jointly published an
                                                                                              Consultation, in light of responses to its Call for    assessment of the UK’s cash infrastructure on
                                                                                              Evidence and alongside an Impact                       23 July 2021. The paper explores the overall
                                                                                              Assessment, on 1 July 2021. HMT is                     cash coverage of the UK, which is determined
                                                                                              advancing both the debate and accountability           to be healthy, along with how some vulnerable
                                                                                              surrounding the continued availability of cash         consumers rely upon cash, cash acceptance
                                                                                              by proposing a number of new policy levers.            trends and an overview of recent innovations in
                                                                                                                                                     the market.
                                                                                              Firstly, it proposes the introduction of
                                                                                              'Designated Firms'. This would be a set of firms
                                                                                              upon which the Government and regulators               Basel Committee finalises SFT amendments
                                                                                              could impose certain requirements related to           The Basel Committee finalised technical
                                                                                              maintaining cash access. These are likely to be        amendments to the calculation of minimum
                                                                                              firms with important status within the UK’s cash       haircut floors for securities financing
                                                                                              infrastructure – such as high street banks, the        transactions (SFTs) on 1 July 2021.
                                                                                              post office and ATM providers.                         The amendments address an interpretative
                                                                                                                                                     issue relating to collateral upgrade transactions
                                                                                              The second proposal relates to geographical
                                                                                                                                                     and correct a misstatement of the formula used
                                                                                              metrics. HMT suggests a minimum distance

10 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary               Cross sector               Banking and capital markets    Asset management            Insurance                       Monthly calendar             Glossary

to calculate haircut floors for netting sets of     of capital, reporting and disclosure                loss given default parameter floors as part of          requirements, information sharing, operational
STFs. They follow a consultation issued in          requirements. The proposals broadly reflected       the UK’s implementation of Basel 3.1.                   resilience and governance. The PRA says it
January 2021.                                       the EU CRR II package but differed in a                                                                     will take a proportionate approach to
                                                                                                        One change that has gone ahead, and is
                                                    number of areas.                                                                                            implementation of the requirements.
Payments                                                                                                reflected in SS11/13, is the need for firms
                                                                                                                                                                This means that where firms are not currently
PSR updates on the NPA delivery                     The majority of the proposals will be               applying the IRB approach to embed an
                                                                                                                                                                meeting the PRA’s expectations, they will be
The PSR issued a policy statement and               implemented as consulted on, but in light of        exposure-weighted average risk weight of at
                                                                                                                                                                given time to do so.
consultation on reducing the delivery of the        industry feedback the PRA is making a number        least 10% for all UK residential mortgage
New Payments Architecture (NPA) on                  of policy changes. These include the required       exposures. These changes need to be in place            In SS5/21, the PRA calls on firms to undertake
29 July 2021. Pay.UK will phase the                 stable funding factors under the NSFR, large        for 1 January 2022.                                     a gap analysis of where they may not currently
development of the NPA                              exposures proposals, standardised approach          PRA removes constraints on shareholder                  meet the expectations set out in the statement
by narrowing the scope of the central               for measuring counterparty credit risk              distributions                                           and share this with their supervisory team, with
infrastructure services contract. The PSR           exposures and treatment of exposures to                                                                     a plan for meeting the requirements.
                                                                                                        PRA released a statement on 13 July 2021
also consults on the related draft                  Collective Investment Undertakings.
                                                                                                        providing an update on shareholder                      For more information, please refer to our At a
legal instruments. The consultation closes on       The material in PS 17/21 is published as near-      distributions by large UK banks. Having                 glance publication.
10 September 2021.                                  final. The PRA plans to publish the final rule      reviewed its approach to shareholder
                                                                                                                                                                EBA updates on intermediate EU parent
Prudential                                          instruments in a subsequent policy statement,       distributions, the PRA judges that banks                undertaking
                                                    after HMT has laid a required Statutory             remain well capitalised and resilient to
Basel Committee reports early lessons from                                                                                                                      The EBA issued its final guidelines on the
COVID-19                                            Instrument. The policies are intended to come       economic shocks. It has therefore removed the
                                                                                                                                                                monitoring of the threshold and other aspects
                                                    into force on 1 January 2022.                       constraints within which it asked bank boards
The Basel Committee issued a report on 6 July                                                                                                                   of the establishment of an intermediate EU
                                                                                                        to determine the appropriate level of
2021 on the impact of Basel reforms                 For more information on the changes and what                                                                parent undertakings (IPU). The guidelines
                                                                                                        distributions in relation to full-year 2020 results,
implemented during the pandemic. The                they mean for firms, please read our At a                                                                   specify how third country groups which are in
                                                                                                        with immediate effect.
preliminary assessment is part of a broader         glance publication.                                                                                         scope of the CRD V requirement should
evaluation of the reforms’ effectiveness.                                                               PRA sets out expectations for                           calculate and monitor the total value of their
                                                    PRA updates IRB supervisory statement               international banks
According to the report, higher quality capital                                                                                                                 assets in the EU, to ensure timely application
and liquidity levels helped banks absorb the        The PRA published an update to SS11/13:             The PRA published SS5/21 International                  of the IPU requirement.
significant impact of the COVID-19 shock.           Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approaches as          banks: The PRA’s approach to branch and
                                                    part of its policy statement PS16/21: IRB UK        subsidiary supervision on 26 July 2021. On the
PRA confirms Basel implementation rules
                                                    mortgage risk weights – managing deficiencies       same day, it also published PS 19/21, setting
The PRA published PS 17/21 Implementation           in model risk capture on 6 July 2021.               out its supervisory approach to PRA-authorised
of Basel Standards, confirming its approach to                                                          banks and designated investment firms that
                                                    As a result of the consultation process, the
implementing a range of Basel Committee                                                                 are headquartered outside the UK or are part
                                                    PRA has decided not to introduce a 7%
standards, on 9 July 2021. It follows a previous                                                        of a group based outside of the UK.
                                                    minimum risk weight on individual mortgage
consultation (issued in February 2021), which
                                                    exposures, nor will mortgage exposures in           In PS19/21, the PRA largely confirms the
proposed new requirements to implement a
                                                    default be expected to carry a 10% average          approach previously consulted on, making a
range of Basel Committee reforms, including
                                                    minimum risk weight. Instead, it will consider      number of changes and clarifications in certain
the NSFR, LCR, large exposures regime,
                                                    the calibration of the probability of default and   areas. These include the implementation of the
counterparty credit risk, market risk, definition

11 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary            Cross sector         Banking and capital markets   Asset management           Insurance                    Monthly calendar               Glossary

Asset management
In this section:                                                                              Conduct                                             merged criteria, resulting in a lack of focus on
                                                                                              FCA finds failings in value assessments by          the specific requirements.
Conduct                                       12                                              asset managers
Funds                                         12                                                                                                  Firms must undertake the AoV at a unit-class
                                                                                              The FCA published the results of its thematic
                                                                                                                                                  level. The FCA found that not all firms
Prudential                                    13                                              review into the ‘assessment of value’ (AoV)
                                                                                                                                                  undertook the AoV at a unit-class level and,
                                                   Andrew Strange                             reporting by asset managers on 6 July 2021.
Sustainability                                13   FS Regulatory Insights                                                                         separately, in some cases firms had not
                                                                                              The regulator identified several fundamental
                                                                                                                                                  considered net performance, or had done so
                                                   andrew                  issues where firms have not conducted the
                                                                                                                                                  for only for one unit class (typically the
                                                                                              required underlying analysis, and has called for
                                                                                                                                                  wholesale unit).
                                                                                              improvements to be made during the next
                                                                                              reporting period.                                   The FCA will revisit firms' efforts in 12-18
                                                                                                                                                  months. It expects firms to have taken on
                                                                                              The FCA found that firms which had clearly
                                                                                                                                                  board its findings and addressed any
                                                                                              defined procedures and metrics for collating
                                                                                                                                                  shortcomings. The regulator says it will
                                                                                              and presenting information to the AFM board
                                                                                                                                                  consider further action then if firms are still not
                                                                                              generally made informed decisions about
                                                                                                                                                  complying with the rules.
                                                                                              funds’ value. However, in some firms, the
                                                                                              information was either insufficient or poorly       See our At a glance briefing for further details.
                                                                                              designed to enable a proper assessment.             Funds
                                                                                              There was also a disconnect between the
                                                                                                                                                  UK regulators maintain focus on fund liquidity
                                                                                              conclusions of the board, and the underlying
                                                                                              data, and on some occasions a lack of               The BoE published a report on Assessing the
                                                                                              sense checking.                                     resilience of market-based finance, which
                                                                                                                                                  includes conclusions from the joint BoE and
                                                                                              The role of independent non-executive               FCA review into open-ended funds.
                                                                                              directors (INEDs) saw mixed results. Many           The regulators have suggested a possible
                                                                                              have been recently appointed and, while many        framework for classifying liquidity for funds,
                                                                                              were well informed, the FCA expected INEDs          as well as setting out considerations around
                                                                                              to provide greater challenge to the process and     the calculation and use of swing pricing.
                                                                                              value in funds.                                     They will consider these conclusions in the
                                                                                              Not all firms had assessed the minimum seven        context of ongoing international work on open-
                                                                                              criteria. Where firms had weighted the criteria,    ended funds.
                                                                                              this led to insufficient focus on certain areas,
                                                                                              notably economies of scale. Some firms also

12 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary             Cross sector                Banking and capital markets   Asset management              Insurance                    Monthly calendar             Glossary

Prudential                                            Sustainability                                       comprehensible. Firms should disclose                IOSCO has proposed a series of
FCA issues second policy statement on IFPR            FCA launches ESG principles for asset                information to enable consumers to make              recommendations to mitigate these risks,
implementation                                        managers                                             informed investment decisions. Periodic fund         including recommending that regulators
The FCA published PS21/9: Implementation of           The FCA published a Dear AFM Chair letter on         reporting should include evaluation against          increase their focus on ratings and data
Investment Firms Prudential Regime on                 19 July 2021, which sets out some guiding            stated ESG characteristics, themes or                providers, and consider whether they have
26 July 2021. This is the second Policy               principles on ESG and sustainable                    outcomes, as well as evidence of actions taken       sufficient powers to oversee these firms.
Statement on IFPR implementation and follows          investment. The FCA notes that, as the               in pursuit of the fund’s stated aims.
                                                                                                                                                                Other recommendations were targeted at the
the consultation issued in April 2021 (read our       sustainable investment market continues to
                                                                                                           The FCA expects firms to follow the guiding          providers themselves, including encouraging
summary here). The FCA finalises rules related        mature, it has received a number of poor
                                                                                                           principles now when applying for a new fund          their products to be based on publicly-available
to many key aspects of the regime, notably            quality authorisation applications for funds
                                                                                                           authorisation or managing funds on an ongoing        company data where possible, providing
own funds requirements, liquidity, ICARA,             pursuing a sustainable investment objective, or
                                                                                                           basis. It will separately be working with HMT to     transparency around their sources and
supervisory approach and remuneration.                promoting ESG characteristics or themes.
                                                                                                           develop the Integrated Sustainability                methodologies, and ensuring that they identify
The FCA has largely implemented the                   To help build trust in the sustainable               Disclosure Requirements that were announced          and manage any conflicts of interest. IOSCO
proposals as consulted on, but has made some          investment market, the regulator is putting          in the Chancellor's Mansion House speech.            also recommended that financial market
notable changes and provided additional               forward guiding principles to help AFMs comply       Risk framework for ESG rating and data               participants using rating and data products
clarifications in places. These changes and           with existing requirements. It wants to see fund     products                                             conduct robust due diligence on the quality and
clarifications include:                               disclosures accurately reflect the nature of the                                                          any limitations of the product.
                                                                                                           IOSCO consulted on ESG ratings and data
                                                      fund’s sustainable investment approach, both         providers on 26 July 2021. It recognises that
•     amending the calculation of the daily                                                                                                                     The consultation closes on 6 September 2021.
                                                      in pre-contractual disclosures and in periodic       ESG ratings and data providers are a key
      trading flow (DTF) to also apply to firms
                                                      reporting.                                           component of asset managers' investment
      that trade in their own name on an agency
      basis                                           The regulator expects references to ESG in a         decision making process and, therefore, need
                                                      fund’s name, financial promotions or fund            to meet the same level of scrutiny as
•     confirming that any firm with a non-zero                                                             mainstream financial data providers. The
                                                      documentation to fairly reflect the materiality of
      value of average DTF cannot be an SNI                                                                consultation highlights a range of potential
                                                      ESG considerations to the objectives and/or
      firm                                                                                                 risks associated with ESG ratings and data
                                                      investment policy and strategy of the fund. The
•     clarifying that the definition of ‘investment   FCA states that the resources a firm applies in      providers:
      advice of an ongoing nature’ must involve       pursuit of a fund’s stated ESG objectives            •   inconsistent definitions, including on what
      the provision of MiFID investment advice        should be appropriate. The FCA adds that the             ratings and data providers' products are
      (i.e. personal recommendations).                way that a fund’s ESG investment strategy is             intended to measure
                                                      implemented, and the profile of its holdings,
The new regime is due to come into force on 1                                                              •   a lack of transparency over the
                                                      should be consistent with its disclosed
January 2022.                                                                                                  methodology underpinning their products
                                                      objectives on an ongoing basis.

                                                      The regulator wants to see firms make ESG-           •   conflicts of interest
                                                      related information in a key investor                •   inadequate communication between ratings
                                                      information document easily available. That              and data providers and the companies that
                                                      information should be clear, succinct and                are subject to their products.

13 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary            Cross sector         Banking and capital markets   Asset management           Insurance                     Monthly calendar             Glossary

In this section:                                                                              Conduct                                              addresses the potential for PRIIPs being
                                                                                              FCA consults on PRIIPs regulation divergence         assigned an inappropriately low summary
Conduct                                       14
                                                                                              The FCA issued CP 21/23 – PRIIPs –                   risk indicator in the KID, and concerns over
Prudential                                    14                                                                                                   the methodology for calculating transaction
                                                                                              Proposed scope rules and amendments to
Supervision                                   15                                              Regulatory Technical Standards on 20 July            costs. The consultation closes on
                                                    Melinda Strudwick                         2021, setting out proposals to change                30 September 2021.
                                                    Insurance Risk and Regulation Lead        disclosure documents provided to retail              Prudential
                                                           investors under the PRIIPs regulation. The           PRA consults on changes to Solvency II
                                                                                              proposed changes aim to provide more clarity         reporting
                                                                                              to consumers about what the products are, the        The PRA launched Consultation Paper
                                                                                              associated risk, and likely future performance.      (CP11/21): Review of Solvency II: Reporting
                                                                                              The consultation clarifies the scope of the          (Phase 1) on 8 July 2021, proposing changes
                                                                                              PRIIPs regulation, making it clearer that certain    to the Solvency II reporting requirements. The
                                                                                              common features of these instruments do not          PRA’s proposals include:
                                                                                              make them into PRIIPs.
                                                                                                                                                   •   removing the requirement to report a
                                                                                              The FCA is proposing to amend the scope of               number of Solvency II Quantitative
                                                    Anirvan Choudhury
                                                                                              the PRIIPs regime in relation to corporate               Reporting Templates
                                                    FS Regulatory Insights
                                                                                              bonds, confirming which features do not turn a
                                                           debt security into a PRIIP as well as looking to     •   reducing reporting frequency of the
                                                                                              clarify the type of corporate bond that would            minimum capital requirements collected via
                                                                                              normally be a PRIIP. In addition, the FCA                S.28 templates
                                                                                              proposes that legacy products issued before          •   amending a reporting proportionality
                                                                                              the PRIIPs regime came into force have never             threshold to further exempt reinsurance
                                                                                              been PRIIPs and do not require a KID even if             undertakings from reporting template
                                                                                              they continue to be made available to retail             S.16.01 on annuities stemming from non-
                                                                                              investors in secondary markets.                          life insurance obligations
                                                                                              The regulator proposes to amend the PRIIPs           •   expanding the PRA’s modification by
                                                                                              RTS to require written explanation on                    consent to waive certain quarterly
                                                                                              performance in the KID. It suggests replacing            returns, to firms that the PRA
                                                                                              the requirement for presentation of                      designates as Category 3 under its
                                                                                              performance scenarios in the KID with a                  Potential Impact Framework
                                                                                              requirement for narrative information on
                                                                                              performance. The consultation paper also

14 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
Executive summary           Cross sector                Banking and capital markets   Asset management           Insurance                     Monthly calendar              Glossary

•     removing the requirement to complete          premium and valuation uncertainties. Firms         Supervision                                          business with technical provisions of over
      templates submitted under the financial       with approval to use TMTP are required to          Regulators propose changes on insurance              £100m, and where the scheme will increase
      stability reporting obligation contained in   recalculate the TMTP after allowing for the        business transfers                                   the transferee’s technical provisions by 10% or
      EIOPA Guidelines on Financial Stability       impact of the sensitivities and specification.     The FCA launched GC21/3: Proposed changes            more, the PRA will utilise its powers under
      Reporting, which in the UK are reported by                                                       to guidance on the FCA’s approach to the             s.166 of FSMA to assess the operational
                                                    The PRA expects firms to ensure that the QIS
      firms with total assets exceeding €12bn.                                                         review of Part VII insurance business transfers      readiness of the transferee, unless it is able to
                                                    data is consistent with the YE 2020 QRTs and
                                                                                                       on 8 July 2021. In addition, the PRA published       satisfy itself of the transferee’s operational
The PRA is consulting on changes to Solvency        to undertake reasonableness checks on the
                                                                                                       Consultation paper (CP 16/21): Insurance             readiness by other means.
II reporting and disclosure in two phases.          direction and magnitude of the balance sheet
                                                                                                       business transfers (IBTs) on 28 July 2021,
The first phase, reflected in this CP, focuses on   movements. In addition, the PRA requires firms                                                          Where the transferee is in run-off, the firm
                                                                                                       proposing updates to its approach to IBTs, to
proposals to reduce the volume of financial         to validate the data and obtain sign-off of the                                                         should be able to demonstrate that it has
                                                                                                       reflect legislative changes following the UK’s
information reported to the PRA with a low          QIS submission from an appropriate individual                                                           considered both its existing risks and risks it is
                                                                                                       withdrawal from the EU.
operational impact. The second phase will be        approved under the SM&CR.                                                                               acquiring over the ‘ultimate time horizon’, until
undertaken over the remainder of 2021, with a                                                          The consultations contain guidance for               the risks taken on are fully run-off.
                                                    The deadline for submitting responses to the
view to consulting on additional proposals                                                             independent experts (IEs) and firms on the
                                                    QIS is 20 October 2021. The PRA will use the                                                            The FCA’s consultation closes on
in 2022.                                                                                               regulators’ expectations in assessing IBTs. For
                                                    data to inform a comprehensive package of                                                               31 August 2021 and the PRA’s consultation
                                                                                                       example, where there are significant changes
This consultation closes on 8 October 2021.         reforms, due to be issued for consultation in                                                           closes on 28 October 2021.
                                                                                                       during the IBT process (e.g. due to the
PRA launches Solvency II Quantitative               early 2022. See our At a glance briefing for                                                            EIOPA consults on supervision of run-off firms
                                                                                                       pandemic or economic fluctuations), the FCA
Impact Study                                        more information.
                                                                                                       expects the IE to have adequately reflected on       EIOPA issued EIOPA-BoS-21/318
The PRA issued a Dear CEO letter announcing         PRA opens application window for                   these in a supplementary report. The FCA also        Consultation on Supervisory Statement on
the launch of Review of Solvency II:                TMTP recalculations
                                                                                                       expects the IE to review and give their opinion      supervision of run-off undertaking on 23 July
Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) on 20 July          The PRA announced on 19 July 2021 that it          on administrative changes affecting                  2021 to specify supervisory expectations to
2021. The QIS is particularly relevant for life     will accept applications from firms to             policyholders, and scrutinise the possible risks     better consider and deal with potential risks
insurers as it focuses on three key structural      recalculate TMTP as at 30 June 2021. In their      associated with the transfer that may impact         stemming from run-off business models. The
components of a life insurer’s balance sheet:       applications the PRA expects firms to              service levels. These include but are not            consultation sets out expectations relating to
risk margin, MA and TMTP.                           demonstrate that a material change in risk         limited to: consumer risks of harm and aligned       investment management, reinsurance, capital
                                                    profile has occurred. The PRA says it would be     mitigants, vulnerable customers identification,      adequacy and conduct of business.
The QIS exercise asks firms on a voluntary
                                                    reasonable for a firm to take a forward-looking    and a detailed report of any migration of
basis to calculate their balance sheets and                                                                                                                 EIOPA proposes that if the standard formula
                                                    view of how its risk profile is expected to        systems or services. Where the IBT scheme
solvency capital ratios under different                                                                                                                     underestimates the SCR, then NCAs should
                                                    evolve as a result of the GBP RFR transition       includes employers' or public liability policies,
scenarios. Within each scenario firms are                                                                                                                   consider using their powers under Solvency II
                                                    to SONIA.                                          the FCA expects the IE to include their view of
required to assume different sensitivities in                                                                                                               to impose a capital add-on. Furthermore,
respect of RFRs (e.g. SONIA +200/-100bps),                                                             the quality of the firm's Employers’ Liability
                                                                                                                                                            EIOPA states that NCAs should require run-off
bond yields (e.g. +200/-100bps) and credit                                                             tracing office, management information,
                                                                                                                                                            firms to limit the amount of reinsurance cession
spreads and downgrades. The QIS scenarios                                                              complaints and execution of claims.
                                                                                                                                                            and/or require firms to incorporate collateral
also include design and calibration                                                                    In addition, the PRA is consulting on two            arrangements or financial guarantees in their
specifications for various components of the                                                           specific proposals for run-off business              reinsurance contracts to mitigate credit risk and
fundamental spread (FS) such as credit risk                                                            transfers. For schemes that involve non-life         ensure policyholders remain protected. From

15 • PwC | FS regulatory bulletin | August 2021
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