Atypical Metastasis of p16-Positive Tonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinoma to the Pleura: A Case Report

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Atypical Metastasis of p16-Positive Tonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinoma to the Pleura: A Case Report

             Atypical Metastasis of p16-Positive
           Tonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinoma to
                 the Pleura: A Case Report
                 Claude Charles LeRose, DDS, MD,* and Carlos Antonio Ramirez, MD, DDSy

     Incidence rates and patterns of distant metastases of head and neck malignancies are well documented in
     the literature, such that focused management strategies are routinely practiced in anticipation of their
     likely behavior. Head and neck tumors are known to most commonly metastasize to the lungs, skeletal
     system, and liver, generally within 2 years of definitive treatment and in the context of poor locoregional
     control of the primary lesion. Recent studies, however, have shown that human papillomavirus (HPV)–
     positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCCa) tumors display different patterns of distant me-
     tastases than those traditionally described for head and neck HPV-negative SCCa tumors. This finding
     has substantial implications for how patients undergoing treatment of these cancers should be surveilled
     after therapy. This report describes a case of p16-positive tonsillar SCCa with metastasis to a highly unusual
     secondary site in the pleura to show an example of the unconventional patterns of distant metastases
     reported for HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa in the recent literature. We aim to provide a more thorough
     understanding of this case by discussing the pathogenesis of metastatic spread to the pleura and the
     clinical progression generally observed in patients with secondary pleural malignancy. This report goes
     on to investigate how behaviors of distant metastases exhibited by HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa differ
     from those of more conventionally described head and neck HPV-negative SCCa and the implications
     thereof for strategies of post-treatment surveillance of these tumors going forward.
     Ó 2018 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
     J Oral Maxillofac Surg -:1-5, 2018

Incidence rates and patterns of distant metastases of                   undergoing treatment of these cancers should be
head and neck malignancies are well documented in                       surveilled after therapy.
the literature, such that focused management strate-                       This report describes a case of p16-positive tonsillar
gies are routinely practiced in anticipation of their                   SCCa with metastasis to a highly unusual secondary
likely behavior. Head and neck tumors are known to                      site in the pleura to show an example of the unconven-
most commonly metastasize to the lungs, skeletal                        tional patterns of distant metastases reported for
system, and liver,1-3 generally within 2 years of                       HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa in the recent litera-
definitive treatment2,4 and in the context of poor                      ture. We aim to provide a more thorough understand-
locoregional control of the primary lesion.2 Recent                     ing of this case by discussing the pathogenesis of
studies, however, have shown that human papilloma-                      metastatic spread to the pleura and the clinical
virus (HPV)–positive oropharyngeal squamous cell                        progression generally observed in patients with
carcinoma (SCCa) tumors display different patterns                      secondary pleural malignancy. This report goes on to
of distant metastases than those traditionally described                investigate how behaviors of distant metastases ex-
for head and neck HPV-negative SCCa tumors.4-7 This                     hibited by HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa differ
finding has substantial implications for how patients                   from those of more conventionally described head

Received from Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,             Received May 24 2018
Ascension St John-Providence Health System, Detroit, MI.                Accepted June 28 2018
   *Resident.                                                           Ó 2018 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
   yProgram Director.                                                   0278-2391/18/30769-9
   Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None of the authors have any
relevant financial relationship(s) with a commercial interest.
   Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Ramirez:
Ascension St John Macomb-Oakland Hospital, 11900 E 12 Mile Rd,
Ste 210, Warren, MI 48093; e-mail:

Atypical Metastasis of p16-Positive Tonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinoma to the Pleura: A Case Report
2                                                                                            ATYPICAL METASTASIS TO PLEURA

and neck HPV-negative SCCa and the implications                       for extracapsular spread. Eight days after neck dissec-
thereof for strategies of post-treatment surveillance                 tion, robotic radical resection of the right and left
of these tumors going forward.                                        tonsils with inclusion of the right side of the base of
                                                                      the tongue, retromolar trigone area, and pharyngeal
                                                                      wall was performed. The tumor measured
Case Report                                                           1.9  1.5  0.9 cm, with all resected margins histolog-
   A 52-year-old man presented with a right tonsillar                 ically confirmed negative for malignancy. It was staged
lesion, confirmed by previous biopsy findings to be                   as pT1N2cMx.
p16-positive invasive SCCa, and clinically apparent                      The patient had an uncomplicated postoperative
lymphadenopathy in the ipsilateral neck. The use of                   course and underwent an appropriate course of adjunc-
p16 as a surrogate marker to identify HPV-positive                    tive chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Serial follow-
tumors in oropharyngeal specimens has been                            up examinations showed healing of the operative site
reported.8 Fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)                       within normal expected limits with no evidence of local
positron emission tomography (PET)–computed to-                       recurrence or regional lymphadenopathy. The findings
mography (CT) after biopsy showed the presence of                     of soft tissue neck CT and 18F-FDG PET-CT performed
a hypermetabolic mass on the right side of the                        3 months after chemoradiation therapy were negative
oropharynx at the level of the right side of the base                 for locoregional disease recurrence or distant metastasis
of the tongue with 2 hypermetabolic lymph nodes                       (Fig 1).
measuring up to 1.7  1.0 cm representative of meta-                     The patient presented 11 months after treatment
static disease in the right carotid space. No evidence of             complaining of progressive dyspnea with associated
abnormal uptake suggestive of metastasis was noted                    fatigue, generalized weakness, night sweats, anorexia,
within either lung field, the mediastinum, or any other               and an unexplained 30-lb weight loss over the course
distant anatomic sites.                                               of a single month. He appeared to have cachexia and
   The patient’s surgical management was staged into                  dehydration and was noted to have decreased basilar
2 procedures. Bilateral selective neck dissections of                 breath sounds bilaterally. Abdomen-chest CT showed
levels 2 to 5 were performed first, confirming the pres-              bilateral pleural effusions with diameters measuring
ence of metastatic carcinoma in 4 nodes of the ipsilat-               up to 4.3 cm in the left and 2.3 cm in the right pleural
eral neck (3 nodes at level 2A and 1 node at level 4) and             spaces, as well as consolidation at both posterior lung
1 node of the contralateral neck (level 2A). One of the               bases. No evidence of intraparenchymal lung or liver
positive ipsilateral level 2A nodes measured 3 cm in its              metastasis was visible on the scan. Ultrasound-guided
greatest dimension and exhibited extracapsular tumor                  therapeutic-diagnostic thoracentesis was performed,
extension; the remaining positive nodes were negative                 yielding 400 mL of bloody fluid that showed negative

FIGURE 1. Fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET)–computed tomography 3 months after definitive treatment
showing no evidence of intraparenchymal lung metastasis.
LeRose and Ramirez. Atypical Metastasis to Pleura. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2018.
LEROSE AND RAMIREZ                                                                                                                3

findings for malignancy by cytopathology. Fluorine 18                 skeletal system, and liver at rates of up to 52%, 21%,
FDG PET-CT showed extensive lobulated hypermeta-                      and 6%, respectively.1,2 Tonsillar cancers exhibit a
bolic pleural tissue bilaterally, suggestive of diffuse               unique propensity for spread to the liver, showing a
pleural neoplastic disease, and hypermetabolic                        hepatic metastasis rate of 22%.2 Pleural metastases,
perimediastinal nodes along the left main bronchus                    an example of which is described in our report, are
posteriorly and left lower part of the esophagus                      exceedingly rare in the context of head and neck can-
(Fig 2). No hypermetabolic lesions were detected in                   cer and so are under-represented in the literature. In a
the head or neck to suggest recurrent local or regional               clinical study of 779 patients with untreated tumors of
malignancy or within the lung parenchyma to suggest                   the head and neck (243 of the oropharynx), Probert
the presence of pulmonary metastasis. The findings of                 et al1 noted only 4 total instances of pleural metastases,
CT-guided biopsy of the pleural tissue confirmed a final              whereas a postmortem review by Kotwall et al9 of 832
diagnosis of metastatic infiltrating SCCa. Because of                 body specimens with more advanced, terminally staged
the extensiveness of secondary disease, palliative                    head and neck cancers (87 of the tonsillar region) iden-
care measures were initiated and the patient died of                  tified 58 such instances. Neither of these reports spec-
disease 2 weeks later.                                                ified whether the cases of pleural metastases identified
                                                                      were incidences of direct secondary or advanced ter-
                                                                      tiary spread. Reports by Meyer10 and Rodriguez-
Discussion                                                            Panadero et al11 specific to the investigation of pleural
   Clinical studies have reported head and neck tumors                metastasis observed that if secondary spread to the
as showing overall rates of distant metastasis of up to               pleura is to occur, it will most commonly arise from pri-
12%, whereas lesions specific to the oropharynx and                   mary tumors of the lung, breast, ovary, and stomach.
tonsillar region have shown rates of up to 15.3% and                  Only 2 of 107 cases of pleural metastases described in
6.7%, respectively.1-3 Distant metastases from head                   these reports were noted to have originated from pri-
and neck tumors have been shown to generally                          mary tumors in the head and neck.10,11
present within 2 years after definitive treatment,2,4                     In the autopsy review of 52 cases by Meyer,10 the
usually in the context of poor locoregional control of                pathogenic pathway of carcinomatous metastases to
the primary lesion.2 In a clinical report of 5,019                    the pleura has been well described. Regarding tumors
patients with SCCa of the upper respiratory and diges-                that are bronchial in origin, the study found that met-
tive tracts, Merino et al2 showed that only 7.9% of                   astatic spread to the ipsilateral pleura results from
distant metastases occurred in the absence of local                   dissemination of pulmonary arterial emboli whereas
recurrence or regional spread above the clavicles. Pri-               bilateral pleural metastases arise tertiary to initial
mary tumors of the head and neck are reported to                      hepatic metastases. There was no evidence of pleural
spread most commonly to secondary sites in the lungs,                 metastases resulting from lymphatic permeation of the

FIGURE 2. Fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET)–computed tomography 11 months after definitive treatment
showing extensive bilateral lobulated hypermetabolic pleural tissue suggestive of diffuse pleural neoplastic disease.
LeRose and Ramirez. Atypical Metastasis to Pleura. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2018.
4                                                                                 ATYPICAL METASTASIS TO PLEURA

lung parenchyma, except for peripheral tumors and          diagnostic yield was increased to 61% when effusion
bronchial carcinomas accompanied by extensive              cytopathology was performed in combination with
parenchymal and centrifugal peribronchial infiltra-        pleural biopsy.12 In our report, initial cytopathology
tion. Meyer also found that metastatic pleural involve-    findings obtained by thoracentesis were negative for
ment arising from distant extrapulmonary primary           malignancy; it was not until biopsy of the pleura was
tumors usually manifests from tertiary spread of estab-    additionally performed that a proper diagnosis of
lished hepatic metastases. More recent studies by          metastatic SCCa was achieved.
Rodriguez-Panadero et al11 and Chernow and Sahn12             Metastatic pleural involvement most commonly
have challenged this finding, noting that pleural metas-   presents with nonspecific symptoms of dyspnea
tases from extrapulmonary primary tumors occurred          and cough in the context of substantial weight loss;
without hepatic involvement in 29% and 30% of cases,       chest pain is noted in only 25% of cases.12 As the
respectively; this is evidence that preceding hepatic      tumor becomes more widespread across the pleura,
metastasis is not essential for pleural dissemination      patients exhibit a characteristic triad of cachexia,
from tumors of extrapulmonary origin to occur. The         peripheral adenopathy, and pleural effusion with
presence of vascular permeation at the level of the        marked hypoxemia.12 The diagnosis of pleural metas-
primary lesion was observed in each of these reported      tasis of any carcinomatous tumor tends to be accom-
cases,11 however, suggesting that perivascular inva-       panied by a terminal prognosis. In their report of
sion is necessary for extrapulmonary tumors to             patients with metastatic pleural carcinoma, Chernow
secondarily metastasize the pleura. In our patient,        and Sahn12 observed a mean survival time after diag-
bilateral pleural metastasis from an extrapulmonary        nosis of 3.1  0.5 months; 52% of patients died within
SCCa of the tonsil was observed without preceding he-      1 month, 82% by 6 months, and 95% by 1 year. The
patic involvement; it was not specified in the surgical    patient in our report died of disease within 2 weeks
pathology report whether perivascular invasion of the      of his diagnosis.
primary tumor was detected.                                   Although our case is consistent in presentation and
   The report by Meyer10 further explained that the        clinical course with the descriptions of pleural metas-
development of pleural effusion in the context of          tases detailed in the literature, it hardly fits the tradi-
carcinomatous pleural metastasis is resultant of tumor     tional behavior of distant metastases expected from
spread to the mediastinal lymph nodes. This descrip-       an SCCa tumor of the head and neck. Recent reports,
tion is congruent with the observation that fluid          however, have suggested that HPV-positive oropha-
outflow from pleural effusions is derived from the lym-    ryngeal SCCa tumors often show patterns of distant
phatics13 and explains why such effusions do not           metastases distinct from those of more convention-
develop in cases of pleural involvement by secondary       ally described HPV-negative head and neck SCCa tu-
sarcomas, which are not usually associated with            mors.      Although     associated      with      superior
lymphatic metastases.10 Our report agrees with this        locoregional control4-7 and overall survival rates,4-6
finding, as bilateral pleural effusions were detected      HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa actually shows a
with PET-CT evidence of hypermetabolic nodes along         higher rate of distant metastasis independent of lo-
the left main bronchus and left lower part of the          coregional control than does HPV-negative
esophagus suggestive of nodal malignancy. Effusions        SCCa.4,5,7 Reports by Huang et al4 and Trosman
from pleural metastases are most commonly serosan-         et al7 showed that distant metastases of HPV-
guineous, although they may occasionally contain           positive oropharyngeal SCCa were detected without
blood,10,12 as in our patient. Bloody effusions result     recurrence at the primary tumor site or regional
from metastatic infiltration of the deep layers of the     lymph nodes at rates of 72% and 85%, respectively.
pleura, where occlusion of small venules causes            HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa also exhibits a
vascular engorgement of the superficial pleural layer      greater propensity to metastasize to multiple organs
and hemorrhage through the endothelial surfaces            and distant sites (eg, skin; brain; skeletal muscle; kid-
into the thoracic space.10 As shown in this report, cy-    ney; pancreatic tail; and nonregional axillary, pericar-
topathology studies of pleural effusion aspirates          dial, mediastinal, and intra-abdominal lymph nodes)
cannot be consistently relied on to rule out the pres-     that are atypical for more traditionally described
ence of pleural malignancy. The report by Meyer            HPV-negative SCCa.4-7 Of particular interest to our
showed only 2 of 14 malignant pleural effusions con-       report is the finding of Trosman et al of 2 cases in
taining cellular material suggestive of neoplasm; in       which HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa metastasized
the remainder of cases, such evidence was scant or         secondarily to the pleura. Studies have shown that
absent. Similar findings were observed in the study        HPV-positive oropharyngeal SCCa may present with
of Chernow and Sahn,12 which reported cytopathol-          distant metastases at longer intervals after definitive
ogy results positive for malignancy in only 25% of effu-   treatment than does HPV-negative SCCa.4-7 Huang
sions related to pleural metastases. This true-positive    et al4 reported that almost all HPV-negative
LEROSE AND RAMIREZ                                                                                                             5

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