ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico

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ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
ATLAS Status Report

Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration

              LHCC Open Session
                June 2nd, 2021
ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico

    1. Highlights of Recent Physics Results
    2. Preparation for Run 3
    3. Phase-II Upgrades

02/06/2021                     Inês Ochoa (LIP)   2
ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
Physics Results
ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
Physics Results
    •   The full Run 2 LHC dataset continues to provide a wealth of new physics results:
        •    ~120 results based on the full Run 2 data set so far.
        •    Includes continuous improvements and innovation from combined performance groups.

    •   Since the March LHCC Meeting:
        •    11 papers submitted (or
             accepted) for publication

        •    16 CONF notes

        •    3 PUB notes

    •   Next slides are a few brief
        highlights only…

                                                                                Link to ATLAS Run 2 results

02/06/2021                                       Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                             4
ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
STDM-2018-34 (submitted to JHEP)
        Standard Model Measurements
        WW + ≥1 jets

    •   Fiducial and di erential measurements in
        WW (eνμν) events with at least one jet.
        •    Test of perturbative QCD.
        •    Sensitive to properties of EW boson self-

    •   Top background estimated via data-driven
    •   Results in general good agreement with
        •    σ   d   = 258 ± 4 (stat.) ± 25 (syst.) fb

    •   Constraints derived on anomalous triple-
        gauge-boson couplings.

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ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
        Nuclear modification factor in QGP
        Muons from c-, b-hadrons decays in Pb+Pb collisions

   •   Measurement of nuclear modi cation
       factor, RAA, for muons from heavy avour
       semileptonic decays:
       •     A probe of quark-gluon plasma properties
             and heavy-quark transport.
       •     Measured separately for c-, b-quarks.

   •   246 μb-1 of Pb+Pb collisions and 1.17 pb-1
       of pp collisions at 5.02 TeV centre-of-mass
   •   Measured as a function of muon pT in
       various centrality intervals:
       •     Substantial suppression of muons from c-
             and b-hadron decays is observed, stronger
             for more central collisions.
       •     Stronger suppression for charm quarks at
             low pT.

02/06/2021                                      Inês Ochoa (LIP)                         6
ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
        Top quark production
        Four-top-quark events

    •   Evidence for four-top-quark process with an
        observed signi cance of 4.7σ.
        •    Heaviest particle nal state observed at the
             LHC, sensitive to presence of potential new
        •    Combines previous result (2SSL+3L) with new
             1L and 2OSL channels.

    •   Challenging modelling of dominant background
        coming from top-pair + jets processes.
        •    Dedicated data-driven avour rescaling and
             sequential kinematic reweighing.

    •   BDT discriminant in categories with di erent jet
        and b-jet multiplicity.

    •   Combined signal strength μ  = 2.0+0.8
        corresponding to cross-section 24+7
                                         −6 fb.

02/06/2021                                      Inês Ochoa (LIP)                         7
ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
        Higgs Boson measurements
        H→WW*→evµv production

   •   Measurements of Higgs boson
       production via gluon-gluon fusion (ggF)
       and vector-boson fusion (VBF).
   •   ggF measurement performed in bins of
       jet multiplicity: 0, 1, ≥2.
       •     Dilepton transverse mass as
             discriminating variable.

   •   VBF in events with Njet≥2:
       •     Deep neural network (DNN) to identify
             VBF topology; output as discriminating

   •   Simultaneous t to signal and control
       regions to determine ggF and VBF
       •     In agreement with the Standard Model

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ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
         Higgs Boson pair production

     •   Search for di-Higgs boson production:
         •   Direct probe of the self-coupling of the Higgs
             boson and structure of the Higgs potential.

     •   BDTs in high and low mHH regions targeting
         di erent trilinear coupling strengths:
         •   Signal and background extracted by tting
             analytic functions to the di-photon mass

     •   Observed (expected) upper limit at 95% CL
         on cross-section of 4.1x (5.5x) SM
         •   Up to 5x improvement with respect to 36 fb-1

     •   Limits also placed on production cross-
         section of a narrow width scalar resonance.

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ATLAS Status Report Inês Ochoa, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration - LHCC Open Session - CERN Indico
02/06/2021   Inês Ochoa (LIP)   10
        Exotic Higgs decays

   •   Narrow di-muon resonance search in 16 to
       62 GeV mass range:
       •     Motivated by light pseudo-scalars that couple
             to the Higgs boson and appear in several SM
             extensions (e.g. 2HDM, Higgs portal models).

   •   Signal region de ned by the Higgs boson
       •     Resolution of mbbμμ peak improved via
             kinematic likelihood t.

   •   Boosted decision trees trained per signal
       mass point, for separation against top-pair
       and Drell-Yan backgrounds.
   •   Upper limits at 95% CL on the branching
       ratio of the Higgs boson to the bbμμ nal
       •     Largest excess at di-muon mass of 52 GeV,
             with a global signi cance of 1.7σ.

02/06/2021                                      Inês Ochoa (LIP)                         11
         Long-lived particles
         Disappearing tracks

    •    Search charginos that decay inside
         ID to very soft pion + neutralino:
         •   Disappearing track: at least 4 hits in
             pixel layers, no SCT hits or
             calorimeter activity.

    •    Data-driven backgrounds: from
         combinatorial fakes and charged
         particle scattering.
    •    Sensitive to models with small mass
         splittings between lightest neutralino
         and lightest chargino.
         •   Signi cantly improved sensitivity to
             charginos with natural wino and
             higgsino lifetimes.

02/06/2021                                            Inês Ochoa (LIP)                         12
        Long-lived particles
        Disappearing tracks

02/06/2021                     Inês Ochoa (LIP)                         13
Preparation for Run 3
Preparation for Run 3
        LS2 schedule

    •   LHC Pilot Beam test now assumed to be scheduled for weeks 42 and 43.
    •   Many LS2 maintenance and upgrade activities completed or well advanced.
        •    Most large infrastructure work completed.

    •   Preparation of software, computing and trigger progressing well.

02/06/2021                                      Inês Ochoa (LIP)                  15
         Preparation for Run 3
         Software and Computing (I)

     •       ATLAS is updating its software (Release 22) to overcome the challenges from the
             processing of data and MC events in Run 3.
             •   Includes migration to multi-threading: signi cant decrease in memory usage.

             •   Several improvements and speed-ups in tracking.

     •       Undergoing detailed validations since “feature freeze” last November.
             •   Physics performance groups conducting tuning of algorithms.

     •       Run 2 data and MC will be reprocessed with Release 22, which will allow for combined
             Run-2+3 analyses.


                                                                Total 5137
                    Total 5777

02/06/2021                                            Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                            16
Preparation for Run 3
        Software and Computing (II)

    •    Reprocessing on schedule to start in August:
         •   Release 22 with low crash rate achieved and pushing lower; databases upgraded to Oracle 19c.

    •    Simulation for reprocessing (about to be) launched:
         •   New and much improved ATLAS fast simulation (AF3): will allow for wider adoption of fast simulation
             by analyses.

    •   Grid resources: new and unusual resources becoming available.
         •   We’re able to make use of these very quickly and bene t from the enormous computing power.

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Preparation for Run 3
            Data Preparation, Trigger

        •   Data preparation:
            •   Data quality monitoring and event display software being updated for data quality assessment.

            •   Monitoring tools, event displays, Release 22 reconstruction exercised during milestone (M) weeks:

                •   Data recorded in M-weeks reconstructed at Tier-0 with Release 22.

        •   Trigger readiness:
            •   Run-3 trigger menu preparations in full swing with baseline menu sign o expected in July.

                •   Improved trigger capabilities from new L1 system including new topological selections (L1Topo).

                •   Lower thresholds through optimized selections at L1 and HLT.

                •   Many new ideas to trigger on previously uncovered phase-space (e.g. LLP).

                •   Increased physics output through additional delayed streams and trigger-level analyses.

            •   Integration at Point 1 progressing very well, including studies for optimal con guration of multi-
                threaded software.

        •   Remaining Run 3 challenges: data size and trigger rates
            •   Pushing our bandwidth out of Point 1:

                •   Pushing trigger rates and delayed streams as much as possible to make best use of Run 3.

                •   Signi cant commissioning data expected for new L1 systems as they are brought online.

02/06/2021                                              Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                              18
Preparation for Run 3
         Inner Detector

     •       Pixel detector:
             •   Optoboard replacement is complete; new boards work as expected.
             •   Transitioning from LTP (Local Trigger Processor) modules to ALTI (ATLAS Local Trigger
                 Interface); successfully used during M7.

     •       Transition radiation tracker (TRT):
             •   Optimisation work on-going towards a C6F14 cooling leak rate of < ~3 l/day.
             •   Work on-going on TRT ROD FW to move operation limit from 96.5 to 99 kHz, to be
                 tested in M8 run.

     •       Joint Pixel + SCT + TRT technical run performed in late March:
             •   Hardware monitoring, DAQ development, depletion voltage monitoring using cosmics.

02/06/2021                                         Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                      19
Preparation for Run 3
                                                                                               Status of separation
        Tile and Forward                                                                       valves installation on
                                                                                                 Tile LBA and LBC

   Tile Calorimeter
   •   Maintenance work on front-end electronics done.
   •   Cooling system:
       •     Installation underway of isolation valves to increase the
             cooling “granularity”.
       •     Connection of valves almost done on LBA, LBC.
       •     All valves available for EBA, EBC: installation to start soon.

   Forward detectors: successful participation in handshake tests and M-weeks.
   •   AFP (ATLAS Forward Proton):
       •     Time-of-Flight detector approved for installation tentatively by end of August.

02/06/2021                                         Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                                     20
Preparation for Run 3
        Muon Detectors

    •   MDT (Monitored Drift Tubes)
        •    System maintenance and re-commissioning ongoing.

    •   RPC (Resistive Plate Chambers)
        •    Gas leak repair work restarted in March.
             •   (Had stopped due to COVID)
        •    Commissioning of new gas distribution racks started.

    •   TGC (Thin Gap Chambers)
        •    Commissioning of Phase-1 trigger upgrade ongoing

    •   BIS78 (Phase-I MDT & RPC upgrade)
                                                                        RPC gas leak repairs during LS2
        •    Commissioning ongoing.

    •   L1Muon endcap system:
        •    New trigger readout path (with Software-ROD) thoroughly tested in past milestone weeks.
        •    New trigger path commissioning on-going, to be activated with Muon-to-CTP-Interface
             (MuCTPI) in the next milestone week.

02/06/2021                                      Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                          21
Cosmic-ray event during M6

              Preparation for Run 3
              Detector (re-)commissioning

          •   Most of the 2021 “Milestone Weeks” have taken
              place with experts in the ATLAS Control Room
              (M5 February was fully remote)
              •    Covid rules (masks, limited numbers)

              •    Additional remote participants over Zoom (home,
                   o ces, satellite control rooms)

          •   Two such weeks since last LHCC report:
              •    Late-March/early-April and May

              •    Additional integration of Phase-I systems

              •    High-rate running                                          Shifter Training during M7

              •    Data taking

              •    Recovery actions

          •   Additional goals are training-oriented
              •    Shifter and expert training

              •    Re-establish Control Room operations

      02/06/2021                                          Inês Ochoa (LIP)                             22
LHC - ATLAS Communication Tests

           Preparation for Run 3
           Detector (re-)commissioning

       •   Participated in recent LHC-experiment communication tests:
                                                                                           Con guration for 2021 Pilot Beam
           •   Handshake procedures

           •   Hardware signals in both directions (BIS: injection and user permit from
               ATLAS; SMP: stable beams, movable devices allowed)

           •   DIP (beam modes, luminosity values)

       •   Remaining Milestone Weeks in 2021:
           •   Phase-I upgrade systems shifting attention from surface test facilities to P1.

           •   Focus of remaining weeks will be on BIS78, LAr digital trigger, new L1Calo, new L1Muon and NSW.

           •   Re-establishing operation procedures.

           •   Final preparations for start of Run-3 data taking.

       •   Autumn Pilot Beam run provides an excellent opportunity for ATLAS commissioning:
           •   Splashes for detector investigations.

           •   Detector and trigger path timing.

           •   STABLE BEAMS with collisions at low and high rates.

           •   One side of ATLAS in open con guration to allow installation of NSW-C.

02/06/2021                                              Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                                      23
Preparation for Run 3
        Overview of Phase-I Upgrades

    •    LAr Trigger Electronics Upgrade
         •   Increase granularity of signals used in L1

    •    Muon New Small Wheel
         •   Replace innermost muon endcap wheel
             to reduce forward muon trigger rate and
             retain resolutions for HL-LHC.

    •    Trigger/DAQ
         •   Upgrades to trigger to bene t from
             improved LAr and NSW information.
         •   Deployment of FELIX readout system.

                     FELIX                    eFEX                 jFEX   gFEX   MUCTPI   L1Topo

02/06/2021                                           Inês Ochoa (LIP)                              24
TREX installation

            Preparation for Run 3
            L1Calo and TDAQ

   •        L1Calo: integration on-going.
            •   TREX modules have been installed and commissioning
                is well underway, including connections to Phase-I
                readout system.

            •   eFEX: 4 trial modules successfully tested.

                •   Full production delayed due to shortage of components (bu er chip).

                •   Assembly following May 28 PRR, in 2 stages:

                    •   6 modules in June with available components (bringing to a total of 14 boards available in
                        July, out of 24 required for Run 3)

                    •   20 modules when missing components become available in Nov-Dec 2021.

                •   Installation and commissioning starts in July with 50% of the system, end of installation
                    foreseen Q1-22.

   •        FELIX (new readout system, FrontEnd LInk eXchange):
            •   All FELIX PCs installed in USA-15, with exception of NSW-C ones.

            •   In use for LAr Phase-I readout at Point 1, L1Calo in Surface Test Facility, NSW and BIS78 tests.

            •   Stable rmware and development focused on software.

02/06/2021                                               Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                            25
Preparation for Run 3
            Liquid Argon Calorimeter

   •        New LAr Trigger Digitizer Boards (LTDBs):

            •   All barrel LTDBs on the detector or at
                CERN: installation complete for EMBA,
                and close to done for EMBC.
                                                                         ECA   Barrel A

            •   90% of Endcap LTDBs at CERN,
                installation done for side-A; work on-going
                on Endcap C.

   •        Commissioning of full system on-going
            while nishing installation:

            •   Complete Phase-I readout chain validated:                ECC   Barrel C

                data taken with calibration constants
                loaded in reconstruction code.

            •   Backend system installed; work on-going
                on integration with L1Calo system (FOX).

02/06/2021                                            Inês Ochoa (LIP)                    26

             Preparation for Run 3                                                                             NSW-C

             New Small Wheel (NSW)

        •   NSW-A:
            •     Mechanical installation is nished.

            •     ATLAS readiness review on May 5:

                  •   Green light for installation in ATLAS!

            •     Commissioning on schedule:

                  •   Sources of electronic noise understood and addressed
                      ( ltered LV, additional grounding).

                  •   Completion expected next 2-3 weeks.

            •     Installation in ATLAS by mid July:

                  •   Dismantling of obsolete services of former SW-A started;
                      preparation of racks and services for NSW-A in full swing.

        •   NSW-C:
            •     Chamber production: MicroMegas (MM) sectors all at CERN;
                  sTGC at CERN by mid June.

            •     Commissioning just started: 3 sectors mechanically installed.

     02/06/2021                                                Inês Ochoa (LIP)           SW-A service dismantling     27
Phase II Upgrades
Phase-II Upgrades

   •   Inner Tracker (ITk):
       •     New all-silicon inner tracker with |η|
Phase-II Upgrades
    •   Pixel:
        •         Sensors going into pre-production.

        •         4 wafers from ITkPixV1.1 received end of November; probe tests showed
                  that patch to x high current problem works. V2 (production version)
                  expected to be submitted early next year.

    •   Strips:
        •         Sensor production order: rst delivery due in August.

        •         ASICs determine the project’s critical path.

        •         Project entering pre-production (all remaining on-detector elements have
                  had a FDR)

    •   Schedule slippage mainly due to COVID: negative oat 3-4 months for
        strips, 7 months for pixel.
    •   ITk is driving ATLAS schedule beyond LS3 plans.
    Trigger architecture:
    •   Decision imminent on baseline for implementation of tracking at the Event
        Filter level, leading to TDR amendment in the fall.
                                                                                             ITk Strip endcap petal
02/06/2021                                                Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                            30

    •   ATLAS continues to explore the full Run-2 dataset, bene ting from combined
        performance improvements and new analysis techniques.
        •    Now more than 120 results using the full dataset!
    •   Run-3 preparations going well with a lot of work on hardware and software:
        •    Hardware recommissioning and maintenance well on track despite COVID.
        •    Heavy work on installation and commissioning of Phase I components.
    •   Phase II upgrades progressing:
        •    ITk facing schedule challenges.
        •    Important decision to take concerning event lter trigger architecture.

              Looking forward to the start of Run 3!

02/06/2021                                     Inês Ochoa (LIP)                       32

        Four-top-quark production
                                                                •     Event categorisation
    •   Sum of pseudo-continuous b-tagging score

              •   Impact of avour rescaling and kinematic
                           reweighting on HTall distribution.

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        Four-top-quark production

02/06/2021            Inês Ochoa (LIP)                     35
STDM-2018-34 (submitted to JHEP)

        WW+jets measurement

02/06/2021         Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                  36
        Higgs Boson measurements
        Boosted H→bb production

   •   Study of high-pT di erential Higgs production:
       •     Regime sensitive to possible BSM e ects.

   •   Higgs bosons reconstructed as single large-
       radius jet and identi ed with b-tagging:
       •     Method validated in same kinematic regime
             using Z→bb decays.

   •   Main background from multijet production
       modelled with an analytic function.
       •     Top normalisation constrained in control region.

   •   Results compatible with SM expectations
       within uncertainties.
       •     Fiducial cross-sections measured for pTH > 450
             GeV and pTH > 1 TeV.

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        Nuclear modification factor in Pb+Pb collisions
        Muons from c-, b-hadrons decays

02/06/2021                      Inês Ochoa (LIP)                          38
        Higgs Boson measurements
        H→WW*→evµv production

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        Higgs boson pair production

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        Higgs boson pair production

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        H→aa→bbµµ search

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        Disappearing tracks

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        Disappearing tracks

02/06/2021            Inês Ochoa (LIP)                         44

        ATLAS Track Reconstruction for LHC Run 3

02/06/2021               Inês Ochoa (LIP)                           45
Phase-I upgrade
        LAr trigger electronics

02/06/2021                        Inês Ochoa (LIP)   46
Phase-I upgrade
        New Small Wheel

    •   16 sectors per side (8 small + 8 large)
    •   Each sector made of 2 sTGC wedges
        and a Micromegas double wedge.

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Phase-I upgrade

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Phase-II Trigger Architecture

02/06/2021            Inês Ochoa (LIP)   49
Phase-II ITk Strip

                   HCCstar              Hybrid        Powerboard        AMACstar

                                                                                        ITk Strip protptype long-strip barrel module
                            ABCstar (×10)


                  ITk Strip stave                              ITk Strip endcap petal

02/06/2021                                  Inês Ochoa (LIP)                                                                           50
Phase-II ITk Pixel
                                          ITkPixv1 wafer

                                 ITkPixV1 (RD53B_ATLAS)

02/06/2021             Inês Ochoa (LIP)                    51
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