Assessment of Social Anxiety in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder - panaacea
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Assessment of Social Anxiety in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder Nicole L. Kreiser and Susan W. White, Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech Despite the high prevalence of social anxiety in individ- American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013), it is sta- uals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there is little ted that social anxiety is a hallmark of ASD. Van Steensel agreement on how to best assess such problems in this et al. (2011), in a meta-analytic review of anxiety disor- population. To inform evidence-based assessment, we ders in ASD, estimated that approximately 16.6% of peo- conducted a comprehensive review of research that has ple under 18 with ASD have comorbid social anxiety disorder (SAD). Considerable debate exists regarding the assessed social anxiety in children and adolescents with nosology of anxiety in people with ASD and whether ASD without co-occurring intellectual disability. social anxiety is better characterized as a part of ASD or a Although some evidence in support of the reliability of comorbid disorder (Wood & Gadow, 2010). Despite existing measures exists, there are concerns about overlap in diagnostic criteria between SAD and ASD, inflated estimates of the co-occurrence of social anxiety there is little empirical guidance on how to most accu- because of symptom overlap with ASD diagnostic crite- rately assess symptoms of social anxiety in people with ria, and the diagnostic sensitivity of existing measures is ASD. The uncertain reliability and validity of currently questionable. Recommendations for clinical assessment utilized measures to assess anxiety in individuals with of social anxiety in this population and future directions ASD and the need for the development of measures that for research on this topic, including the development of assess the unique and distinct features of anxiety in indi- new measures, are provided. viduals with ASD (Grondhuis & Aman, 2012; Ollendick Key words: assessment, autism, social anxiety, social & White, 2013; van Steensel et al., 2011) underscore this anxiety disorder. [Clin Psychol Sci Prac 21: 18–31, debate. 2014] Some people with ASD may experience symptoms of social anxiety, although they may not meet diagnostic criteria for SAD. The DSM-IV (APA, 2000) Anxiety is recognized as a common co-occurring specified that symptoms of SAD could not be better problem among individuals with autism spectrum accounted for by a developmental disorder. The disorder (ASD; van Steensel, B€ ogels, & Perrin, 2011; DSM-5 (APA, 2013) currently specifies that when White, Oswald, Ollendick, & Scahill, 2009). Social anxi- symptoms of another disorder, including anxiety ety, in particular, is common among individuals with disorders, are present and fulfill diagnostic criteria for ASD who do not have co-occurring intellectual dis- that disorder (e.g., SAD), the disorder is diagnosed and ability (ID; e.g., Kuusikko et al., 2008; van Steensel considered comorbid to the ASD; however, for a SAD et al., 2011). Indeed, in the recently published Diagnostic diagnosis, symptoms (e.g., fear, avoidance) must not be and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; better accounted for by ASD. Also, some individuals with ASD may not meet diagnostic criteria for SAD Address correspondence to Nicole L. Kreiser, Department of due to lack of interference with daily activities Psychology, Virginia Tech, 109 Williams Hall, Blacksburg, specifically attributable to the social anxiety. In light of VA 24061. E-mail: debate in the scientific community as to whether © 2014 American Psychological Association. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: 18
symptoms of anxiety are a part of ASD or novel class or at work, going to social events, and presentation of ASD, throughout this article, the term participating in extracurricular activities and a lack of “social anxiety” will be utilized when referring to same-age peers may be indicative of the core deficits continuous, co-occurring symptoms of social anxiety, associated with ASD or social anxiety. In some cases, and “SAD” will be reserved for DSM-IV-based (APA, reality-based fears of rejection fuel avoidance of such 2000) diagnosis. situations (Bellini, 2004). Thus, the processes underlying social avoidance should be considered when CAUSES OF SOCIAL ANXIETY IN INDIVIDUALS WITH ASD determining whether symptoms are better accounted There is evidence that the presence of anxiety and for by ASD or social anxiety. Clinicians may be subject physiological hyperarousal contributes to, or exacer- to a “diagnostic overshadowing bias,” or the attribution bates, social disability in ASD (Kleinhans et al., 2010; of symptoms to the previously diagnosed condition Myles, Barnhill, Hagiwara, Griswold, & Simpson, (ASD) rather than a separate but co-occurring mental 2001). In turn, social disability (e.g., severe and disorder, in situations such as this (Grondhuis & Aman, pervasive lack of age-appropriate social skills) appears 2012; Mason & Scior, 2004). Conversely, clinicians to contribute, perhaps directly as well as indirectly via may, in some cases, attribute ASD symptoms to negative interactions with peers and social rejection, to previously diagnosed SAD (Towbin, Pradella, heightened anxiety in social situations (Bellini, 2004). Gorrindo, Pine, & Leibenluft, 2005). This bidirectional, mutually exacerbating relationship Another difficulty encountered in assessing social may be especially relevant for social anxiety among anxiety in individuals with ASD is the possible unique adolescents and adults with ASD without co-occurring presentation of social anxiety symptoms in this popula- ID (Kuusikko et al., 2008). A realistic worry about tion. Social anxiety in ASD may be different from what social failure and negative evaluation from peers has is observed in typically developing individuals (those been associated with greater cognitive ability in youth without ASD; Kerns & Kendall, 2012). Individuals with with ASD, who may have increased self-awareness and ASD may exhibit special clusters of symptoms of anxiety desire for social engagement and friendship, but experi- (Grondhuis & Aman, 2012) due to phenotypic alter- ence social confusion and lack the ability to establish ation of anxiety, possibly related to ASD pathogenic and maintain relationships successfully (Bauminger, processes (Wood & Gadow, 2010). For instance, Wood Shulman, & Agam, 2003; White & Schry, 2011). As and Gadow (2010) have proposed that fear of negative such, individuals’ social deficits associated with ASD evaluation and rejection in social situations, the core may contribute to symptoms of social anxiety, such as cognitive symptom within the tripartite model of SAD increased social avoidance due to realistic fears of (Clark & Watson, 1991), may lead to more severe ASD negative evaluation, rejection, and victimization (Wood symptoms such as increased repetitive, stereotyped, or & Gadow, 2010). rigid behaviors or behavioral problems, such as tantrums Behavioral similarities between social anxiety and and noncompliance, for individuals with ASD. Thus, ASD make distinguishing whether some symptoms the presenting symptoms of social anxiety in people (e.g., behavioral avoidance) are better accounted for with ASD may differ in form from social anxiety as by ASD or are indicative of co-occurring SAD presented in individuals without ASD and may also challenging. Individuals with ASD sometimes evade exacerbate the ASD pathology. Further, because indi- social situations due to a lack of desire to share viduals with ASD often lack insight into their own enjoyment with others or a lack of social reciprocity emotions, thoughts, and internal states (Berthoz & Hill, (APA, 2000). However, social disinterest cannot be 2005; Capps, Yirmiya, & Sigman, 1992; Lainhart & assumed to underlie all social avoidance in individuals Folstein, 1994; MacDonald et al., 1989), they may be with ASD. Some social avoidance and isolation may be unable to identify their own anxiety spontaneously or due to fear of rejection or peer judgment, as is seen in when explicitly asked. Based upon anecdotal evidence, typically functioning individuals with social anxiety they might instead report vague “bad feelings,” describe (Beidel & Turner, 2007). Avoidance of speaking in forms of physiological arousal (e.g., heart pounding, ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL ANXIETY IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER KREISER & WHITE 19
upset stomach), or describe patterns of avoidance of article (Mazefsky, Kao, & Oswald, 2011) that was not certain social situations. found in the aforementioned search was added, as it met inclusion criteria. A total of 46 studies met all cri- PRESENT REVIEW teria (Table S1). These 46 articles used a total of 18 To inform best practice assessment of social anxiety in different measures to assess social anxiety. It is of note ASD, we conducted a comprehensive review of the that although 46 separate studies were identified and published research from the last 23 years on social anx- efforts were made to omit redundant samples by only iety in children and adolescents with ASD. Findings including the most comprehensive, or primary, report related to the frequency of social anxiety and the when multiple reports came from the same sample, it psychometric properties of the most frequently utilized was not verified that all studies utilized completely measures employed to assess social anxiety are unique or nonoverlapping samples. presented. Studies that utilized community or population- A stepwise process was undertaken to identify and derived samples probably provide the most accurate summarize all studies that assessed social anxiety in chil- and conservative estimate of the rate of SAD in the dren and adolescents with ASD without co-occurring population of individuals with ASD. Results from such ID (IQ ≥ 70). The decision to include only those with- studies indicate that between 10.7% (Leyfer et al., out ID was made because social anxiety occurs more 2006; ages 5–17) and 29.2% (Simonoff et al., 2008; often in individuals with average cognitive ability (e.g., ages 10–14) of individuals meet threshold or subthresh- van Steensel et al., 2011). The process began with old DSM-IV criteria for SAD. Additionally, studies searches of three electronic databases: PsycInfo, Medline, utilizing clinical or mixed community and clinical and Google Scholar (1990–April 2013). The following samples that did not intentionally recruit individuals search terms were used: “autism” or “Asperger’s” and with anxiety problems found that between 4% and “social” and “anxiety.” Only studies published in peer- 34.2% of their samples, spanning children and reviewed journals were included in the search, so that adolescents ages 5–18, met threshold or subthreshold the fullest possible reports (e.g., with complete sample DSM-IV criteria for SAD. Many studies included sam- descriptions) were used and to minimize review of mul- ples of quite a wide age range, given that SAD tends tiple reports utilizing the same dataset. After all studies to emerge in adolescence. Mazefsky and colleagues’ were obtained, abstracts were reviewed to determine (2011) clinical sample (34.2% of whom met threshold whether they met inclusion criteria. Studies were or subthreshold criteria) and Simonoff and colleagues’ included if social anxiety was directly assessed, regardless (2008) population-derived sample, both of which of modality of assessment, in individuals with ASD. restricted to individuals ages 10 and over, may provide Studies with samples comprised solely of individuals with the best estimate of the occurrence of SAD in clinical co-occurring ID, studies that included developmentally and population-derived samples with ASD, respectively delayed populations other than ASD, or studies that (i.e., 34.2% and 29.2%). exclusively included individuals ages 16 and older or specified that the sample was comprised of adults (i.e., in Psychometric Properties of Currently Utilized Measures studies without published age ranges) were excluded. Table S2 summarizes the psychometric properties of The references of all studies meeting inclusion criteria the 18 measures of social anxiety identified from the were then reviewed, and additional relevant cited studies literature search. Internal consistency is measured across were obtained. studies with Cronbach’s alpha. When discussing Cron- bach’s alpha, the commonly used rules of thumb to RESULTS describe internal consistency will be utilized (George & The initial literature search yielded 635 published Mallory, 2003; a ≥ .9 excellent, .9 > a ≥ .8 good, articles, 32 of which met all specified inclusion criteria. .8 > a ≥ .7 acceptable, .7 > a ≥ .6 questionable, The reference search yielded 13 additional articles that .6 > a ≥ .5 poor, .5 > a unacceptable). In examining met all inclusion criteria. Additionally, a published rater agreement, interclass correlations (ICCs) will be CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE V21 N1, MARCH 2014 20
utilized, with Landis and Koch’s (1977) qualitative de- & Hepburn, 2012), and with parents reporting signifi- scriptors (ICC > .80 outstanding, .79 ≥ ICC ≥ .60 cantly higher scores than their children (van Steensel, substantial, .59 ≥ ICC ≥ .40 moderate, ICC < .40 B€ogels, & Dirksen, 2012; estimate = .37, p < .001). A poor). Correlation coefficients will be utilized in exam- small association between parent and child on the ining convergent and divergent validity. In describing MASC social anxiety subscale was also found (Renno the magnitude of relationships, Cohen’s (1988) guide- & Wood, 2013). Blakeley-Smith et al. (2012) found lines for the social sciences will be utilized (r ≥ .5 large, that parent-reported child metacognitive ability, but .5 > r ≥ .30 medium, r < .30 small). Not all included not verbal IQ, was significantly correlated with parent– studies reported the specific statistics summarized child agreement on social anxiety (r = .31, p < .01). below, so results are synthesized based on only those In support of convergent validity, or the degree to that were reported. Results are organized by assessment which a measured construct converges with other modality, namely, questionnaires and interviews. constructs it should theoretically be related to, in the one study (Renno & Wood, 2013) that examined the Questionnaires. Questionnaires were the most com- relationship between child- and parent-report on social monly utilized method for assessing social anxiety. A anxiety subscales and SAD severity as rated during total of 34 studies utilized 11 different self-report or clinical interview, the relationship between child- or parent-report questionnaires. The majority of studies parent-report and SAD severity (clinician rated) was utilized a combination of parent- and self-report ques- small regardless of informant. For both child- and par- tionnaires (n = 13), although many also utilized exclu- ent-report, most relationships to similar constructs (e.g., sively self-report questionnaires (n = 10) or exclusively social skills [inverse relationship], ASD traits [both par- parent-report questionnaires (n = 11). Only one study ent-report via questionnaire and diagnostic interview utilized a combination of parent-, self-, and other- and directly observed], insistence on sameness/circum- report (teacher) questionnaires (Kalyva, 2010). scribed interests, behavioral inhibition) indicated small The most commonly utilized questionnaires were to medium convergence; however, there was large con- broad multidimensional screening measures of anxiety vergence with loneliness (White & Roberson-Nay, that contain social anxiety subscales: Multidimensional 2009). Little exploration of the discriminant validity Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC; March, 1998; (i.e., whether theoretically unrelated constructs are n = 9), the Self-Report for Childhood Anxiety Related indeed statistically unrelated) or the criterion validity Emotional Disorders (SCARED; Birmaher, Khetarpal, (i.e., the degree to which measures are predictive of Cully, Brent, & McKenzie, 1995; n = 5), and the concrete criteria in the real world) of social anxiety sub- Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS; Nauta et al., scales within broad-band measures has been carried out. 2004; n = 10). Of studies that reported internal consis- In examining the factor structure of anxiety in chil- tency statistics for social anxiety subscales, reliability for dren with ASD utilizing broad measures of anxiety, parent- and child-report was found to range from there has been conflicting evidence regarding the dis- questionable to good. Cronbach’s alpha for subscales is tinctiveness of social anxiety as a construct separable likely lower than full-scale statistics owing to the com- from other manifestations of anxiety. Hallett et al. paratively smaller number of items included in subscales (2013), in an exploratory factor analysis of the Child (Gliem & Gliem, 2003). In terms of rater agreement, and Adolescent Symptom Inventory (CASI; Gadow & in the three studies examining parent and child agree- Sprafkin, 1994, 1997) with an ASD sample, found that ment, parents tended to report higher social anxiety the two items from the social anxiety screen strongly symptoms than their children did. On the SCARED loaded on a social anxiety factor (.63, .65), and not on social anxiety subscale, moderate agreement was found other subdomains of anxiety (i.e., Generalized Anxiety, between parent and child (ICC = .59), with nonsignifi- Separation Anxiety, Over-arousal), suggesting the dis- cant agreement between parent and child on whether crimination of social anxiety from other subtypes of symptoms met clinical cut-off for social anxiety anxiety and general physiological arousal. However, (v2 = 1.23, p = .27; Blakeley-Smith, Reaven, Ridge, Renno and Wood (2013), in a series of confirmatory ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL ANXIETY IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER KREISER & WHITE 21
factor analysis models, found a lack of evidence of reli- Interviews. A total of 24 studies utilized seven differ- able discrimination among anxiety subtypes (i.e., SAD, ent interviews to assess for SAD in individuals with separation anxiety disorder), although they found evi- ASD. A combination of parent interviews and child dence of the discrimination between symptom domains interviews was most commonly utilized (n = 14), and (e.g., uniqueness of anxiety subscales and ASD severity). several studies utilized exclusively parent interviews Several studies also utilized questionnaires specifically (n = 10). The interviews were primarily semi- designed for the assessment of social anxiety: Social structured (n = 5), and two were structured. The Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A; La Greca & majority of studies have utilized original versions of Lopez, 1998; n = 2), Social Anxiety Scale for existing semi-structured interviews (e.g., Anxiety Children–Revised (SASC-R; La Greca & Stone, 1993; Disorder Interview Schedule–Child/Parent Version n = 2), Social Worries Questionnaire (SWQ; Spence, [ADIS-C/P]; Silverman & Albano, 1996; n = 14)); one 1995; n = 3), Social Anxiety and Anxiety Inventory– these studies administered the interview jointly to Child Version (SPAI-C; Beidel, Turner, & Fink, 1996; parent and child to accommodate for difficulties with n = 3). Internal consistency estimates for these social self-report in this population (White et al., 2013). Sev- anxiety measures for both child- and parent-report ran- eral of the studies that utilized original versions of ged from good to excellent (as range from .82 to .96), interviews specified that to receive a SAD diagnosis, but no data on inter-rater agreement could be found. avoidance had to be better accounted for by anxiety All but one study utilized measures in their original (e.g., fear of evaluation) as opposed to ASD symptom- form. Kuusikko et al. (2008) removed several items, atology (e.g., disinterest in social situations; e.g., White deemed to have overlap with symptoms of ASD, from et al., 2013), and in several studies, exclusionary rules two measures. In support of construct validity of the in DSM-IV with regard to ASD were not applied in altered scales, both the original and revised forms were the diagnosis of Axis I disorders (e.g., Mattila et al., found to strongly correlate with one another. Across 2010; Mukaddes, Herguner, & Tanidir, 2010). Two measures, most relationships to similar constructs indi- studies (Leyfer et al., 2006; Mazefsky et al., 2011) cated small to medium convergence (e.g., social skills utilized an interview that was specifically developed for [inverse relationship], internalizing disorders); however, use with individuals with ASD (Autism Comorbidity there was large convergence with resting lateral frontal Interview Present and Lifetime Version [ACI-PL]; electroencephalography (EEG) asymmetry (Sutton Leyfer et al., 2006). et al., 2005). No studies utilizing social anxiety ques- In terms of inter-rater reliability, outstanding agree- tionnaires reported on the relationship between social ment between interviewer and a clinician (not the inter- anxiety and other unrelated measures, nor did they viewer) and consensus team ratings on severity ratings report statistics related to criterion validity. and diagnosis has been reported (Reaven, Blakeley- In examining face validity, the degree to which a test Smith, Culhane-Shelburne, & Hepburn, 2012; van appears to assess the construct it is intended to assess, Steensel et al., 2012; Wood et al., 2009). In regard to item-level examination of the most commonly utilized convergent validity, aside from the weak relationship questionnaires (i.e., MASC, SCAS, SCARED) shows between semi-structured SAD clinician severity rating that both parent- and self-report questionnaire-format (CSR) and self- and parent-report on questionnaires pre- measures contain items that assess cognitive and emo- viously mentioned, small to medium convergence tional components of social anxiety, but do not contain between SAD CSR and ASD severity (positive relation- items indicative of behavioral avoidance and physiologi- ship with observed impairment, negative relationship to cal symptoms (examples of cognitive components of parent-reported impairment) was found. With respect social anxiety include “I worry about people laughing at to discriminant validity, no difference was found in the me” and “I am shy”; examples of emotional components IQ level of those who met diagnostic criteria for SAD in of social anxiety include “I feel shy around people I clinical interview and those who did not (Mazefsky don’t know well” and “I feel afraid when I have to talk et al., 2011), although it is notable that there was a in front of the class”). restricted range of IQ in this sample (i.e., > 70), CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE V21 N1, MARCH 2014 22
potentially accounting for nonsignificant differences in 2013; Renno & Wood, 2013). Although several inter- this domain. views have been used with this population, at times with modifications made to administration, minimal DISCUSSION information regarding the validity of these clinical The frequency with which social anxiety presents as a interviews has been reported. The only diagnostic clinical problem among adolescents and adults with ASD interview developed specifically for youth with ASD, makes its accurate assessment critical. We sought to the ACI-PL (Leyfer et al., 2006), has been used less determine the psychometric soundness of measures cur- often than other semi-structured interviews, and there rently utilized to assess social anxiety in this clinical popu- have been no studies comparing sensitivity of inter- lation. Several measures have been used for the views with the same sample. assessment of social anxiety in ASD. There is not, how- Reported reliability estimates of the most commonly ever, any measure that has been consistently used and utilized questionnaires and interviews are comparable to demonstrated to have superior (or even uniformly strong) reliability estimates obtained from typically functioning psychometric properties. There is preliminary evidence populations (e.g., La Greca & Stone, 1993; March, that some of the most commonly used measures of social 1998). Although weak parent–child concordance was anxiety in non-ASD children may not be as valid when noted among self-report questionnaires, similarly low used with young people who have ASD (e.g., Renno & parent–child agreement is also noted in non-ASD sam- Wood, 2013). Some investigators have made modifica- ples (e.g., Achenbach, McConaughy, & Howell, 1987; tions to existing measures for use with individuals with Duhig, Renk, Epstein, & Phares, 2000; Renk & Phares, ASD (Kuusikko et al., 2008), and one measure has been 2004). However, it is notable that parent–child agree- developed specifically to assess for comorbid diagnoses in ment on social anxiety among individuals with ASD was individuals with ASD (Leyfer et al., 2006). substantially lower as compared to typically functioning Almost without exception, measures used to assess children with anxiety disorders in one study (van Steensel social anxiety in ASD have demonstrated acceptable to et al., 2012). Additionally, among ASD samples, parent– excellent internal consistency. However, concordance child agreement was substantially lower for social anxiety between parent- and self-report on questionnaires of as compared to other anxiety subscales (i.e., separation social anxiety tends to be quite weak (e.g., Renno & anxiety) and total anxiety (Renno & Wood, 2013). This Wood, 2013), with parents tending to report higher may be due in part to the reliance on self-report and levels of social anxiety (van Steensel et al., 2012), and introspection in assessing social anxiety, whereas some nonsignificant agreement between parent and child in other forms of anxiety have clearer behavioral indicators regard to whether symptoms meet clinical cut-off for (e.g., tantruming upon separation in the case of separa- social anxiety (Blakeley-Smith et al., 2012). There has tion anxiety). Minimal information regarding the validity been very little examination of the temporal stability of of existing measures with individuals with ASD is avail- any of the measures. Moreover, the construct validity able. There is some evidence of convergent validity of of currently utilized assessment measures is unclear. measures of social anxiety, consistent with estimates Although strong concordance was found between dif- reported in the typically functioning literature (e.g., La ferent measures of social anxiety, and social anxiety was Greca & Lopez, 1998; La Greca & Stone, 1993). The moderately to strongly related to other theoretically fairly weak correlations seen across assessment modalities related constructs (e.g., social deficits, loneliness), weak have also been noted in the non-ASD child anxiety liter- relationships between self- and parent-report ratings on ature (Silverman & Ollendick, 2005). questionnaires and severity ratings in structured clinical The largely adequate internal consistency estimates of interviews were noted. In examining the structure of measures suggest that items comprising the various mea- anxiety in ASD populations, there is evidence to sug- sures are assessing some fairly unified construct; how- gest the discriminability of social anxiety from ASD ever, it is not clear whether the measured construct is, severity; however, there is mixed evidence on the dis- in fact, social anxiety as it is expressed in individuals criminability of subtypes of anxiety (e.g., Hallett et al., with ASD. Taken together, the poor agreement ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL ANXIETY IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER KREISER & WHITE 23
between child- and parent-report, such that parents Berthoz & Hill, 2005; Capps et al., 1992; MacDonald report higher levels of social anxiety, the lack of con- et al., 1989), further research is necessary to determine vergence between child- and parent- report in regard to observers’ ability to recognize behavioral aspects of social clinical threshold (e.g., Blakeley-Smith et al., 2012), anxiety in people with ASD (e.g., perspiration, physical mixed evidence of the discriminability of social anxiety restlessness), in light of the typical reliance on others’ from other subtypes of anxiety, and the lack of conver- (e.g., parents) reports (Mazefsky et al., 2011). Research gence between questionnaires and CSRs for SAD sug- has shown that parent-reported symptoms are at least as gests that youth with ASD are perhaps unable to report strongly related to diagnosis as are self-reported symp- their own symptoms on self-report measures at a level toms among children without ASD (Wood, Piacentini, adequate for diagnostic purposes, or the possibility that Bergman, McCracken, & Barrios, 2002). It may be the currently utilized measures are not assessing some of the case that parents of youth with ASD have more insight key features of social anxiety in individuals with ASD. into the social worries and anxiety of the child than does The majority of social anxiety measures that have the child him- or herself. Indeed, previous research has been utilized in this population were designed, suggested that, among clinically anxious children with normed, and validated with typically functioning popu- ASD, parents rate their children with significantly more lations. This is potentially problematic for two reasons: social anxiety than the children themselves express (Gil- Items from existing measures may not fully capture lott, Furniss, & Walter, 2001; Russell & Sofronoff, social anxiety as manifested in individuals with ASD 2005). However, clinicians should be cautious when and/or some of the items on existing measures may relying on parent-report. Parents have limited ability to actually assess behaviors characteristic of the core report on their child’s internal cognitions (e.g., fear of domains of ASD. Such limitations can, respectively, negative evaluation) or behavior in multiple contexts underestimate (fail to detect) or overestimate (lead to (e.g., school or other social contexts), which may be par- false positives) truly comorbid social anxiety in ASD. ticularly important given the influence of social anxiety on peer relationships. An observational measure, in Challenges in the Assessment of Social Anxiety in Individuals which specific behaviors indicative of social anxiety in With ASD ASD are coded objectively, could have great clinical and The assessment of social anxiety in individuals with scientific potential. However, anxiety may not always ASD presents unique clinical challenges. To address lend itself to observation by a third party, and there are difficulty in disentangling symptoms of social anxiety unobservable features of anxiety (e.g., rejection fears) and ASD, some researchers have removed items from that are impossible for another person to report on (e.g., social anxiety measures that overlap with ASD Grills & Ollendick, 2002), much less code accurately (Kuusikko et al., 2008). However, caution must be during brief observations. taken in simply removing items that have overlap with ASD traits. In particular, items related to behavioral Implications and Recommendations for Assessment and Future avoidance have particularly high overlap with ASD. Research However, such items may truly be more indicative of The accurate assessment of social anxiety is important social avoidance due to fear and, as such, more related as, in typically developing populations, heightened anx- to comorbid social anxiety than reflective of ASD. iety has been related to limited social networks, poor Thus, it is important to assess whether social avoidance, self-esteem, and depressed performance in social inter- when endorsed, is related to social disinterest or social actions (e.g., Neal & Edelmann, 2003). In individuals anxiety and fear. This point highlights the need for with ASD, it is likely that social anxiety exerts a similar multimodal assessment for diagnostic purposes and the adverse impact on functioning. Some research has benefit of following brief screening measures with demonstrated that high anxiety covaries with ASD more in-depth examination. severity (more social deficits and core ASD symptoms; Also, given potential difficulties experienced by indi- e.g., Cath, Ran, Smit, van Balkom, & Comijs, 2008), viduals with ASD in accurate symptom reporting (e.g., suggesting that social anxiety may be related to CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE V21 N1, MARCH 2014 24
behavioral avoidance, social deficits, hostility, tantrums, social anxiety research in individuals with ASD is the rigidity, and an exacerbation of speech fluency prob- development and subsequent validation of an empiri- lems (Kelly, Garnett, Attwood, & Peterson, 2008). As cally derived measure designed specifically to assess it has been demonstrated that cognitive behavioral social anxiety as is manifested in this population. A bot- therapy targeting anxiety leads to ASD symptom tom-up approach in selecting items relevant to the decline as well as anxiety symptom reduction (e.g., potential unique manifestation of social anxiety in indi- Chalfant, Rapee, & Carroll, 2007; White et al., 2013; viduals with ASD is warranted. Given aforementioned Wood et al., 2009), the treatment of co-occurring difficulties in accurate self-report in this population and social anxiety may be an important step in addressing low rater agreement seen in existing measures, efforts to common behavioral problems and social deficits in create a questionnaire measure with versions for both individuals with ASD. In clinical practice, it is recom- parent and child and other informants (e.g., teacher) are mended that clinicians regularly assess for the presence necessary. The utilization of other informants may of clinically impairing social anxiety in individuals with inform diagnosis, given that the behavior of children ASD, especially in adolescent clients without ID. and adolescents in social situations may be more clearly Given the prevalence and clinical significance of seen by teachers, who witness the child’s interactions social anxiety in individuals with ASD, the availability with peers on a daily basis. The authors have endeav- of psychometrically sound measures of social anxiety ored to develop an empirically derived self-report that are practical to use for this population is crucial. screening measure of social anxiety designed for adoles- We conclude that more research is needed to examine cents and adults with ASD based upon feedback from the psychometric properties of measures of social anxi- experts in anxiety disorders and ASD and behavioral ety with individuals with ASD. Although several differ- coding of individuals diagnosed with comorbid ASD ent measures have been used across a number of and social anxiety (Kreiser & White, 2011); however, at studies, limited data on the sensitivity and validity present, no information regarding the psychometric of such measures make comparison of findings (e.g., of properties of this newly created measure is available reported rates of co-occurrence) across studies difficult. (measure may be obtained by contacting first author). If It is also notable that while social anxiety tends to such measures are found to be reliable and valid, their emerge in adolescence (e.g., Bellini, 2004; Kuusikko use may help to efficiently identify individuals at risk of et al., 2008), in the present review, only 10 of the 46 clinically impairing social anxiety who require a more studies concentrated exclusively on individuals over the comprehensive diagnostic assessment. age of 10. Although this review concentrated on chil- As the field awaits further research examining dren and adolescents, more research investigating the psychometric properties of existing measures and the psychometric properties of currently utilized measures development and validation of newly designed mea- is needed with adults with ASD in particular. sures, clinicians and researchers should proceed with As has been emphasized in recent reviews of anxiety caution in the assessment of social anxiety in individu- presentation and classification in individuals with ASD als with ASD. Given the questionable psychometric (Kerns & Kendall, 2012; Wood & Gadow, 2010) and properties of existing measures, the potential unique the assessment of anxiety in this population (Grondhuis manifestation of anxiety, and difficulties in self-report- & Aman, 2012; van Steensel et al., 2011), a shift toward ing subjective symptoms in this population, a multi- measure development and validation is needed. Careful method and multi-informant approach to assessment is examination of the psychometric properties, particularly strongly encouraged. The administration of existing the criterion validity, of existing commonly utilized self- and parent-report questionnaires may be a useful assessment tools is essential. Given the inconsistent sup- starting point to screen for potential behavioral, port for the utility and validity of existing measures of emotional, or cognitive indicators of social anxiety. In social anxiety when used with people who have ASD our experience, the adaptation of semi-structured and the potentially unique symptom manifestation of interviews may be necessary (e.g., to accommodate dif- social anxiety in this population, a logical next step in ficulties with accurately reporting on the time-course ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL ANXIETY IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER KREISER & WHITE 25
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