Artificial neural networks as a tool in ecological modelling, an

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Ecological Modelling 120 (1999) 65 – 73

 Artificial neural networks as a tool in ecological modelling,
                        an introduction
                                          Sovan Lek a,*, J.F. Guégan b
              CNRS, UMR 5576, CESAC-Uni6ersité Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France
       Centre d’Etude sur le Polymorphisme des Micro-organismes, Centre I.R.D. de Montpellier, U.M.R. C.N.R.S.- I.R.D. 9926,
                      911 a6enue du Val de Montferrand, Parc Agropolis, F-34032 Montpellier cedex 1, France


   Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are non-linear mapping structures based on the function of the human brain.
They have been shown to be universal and highly flexible function approximators for any data. These make powerful
tools for models, especially when the underlying data relationships are unknown. In this reason, the international
workshop on the applications of ANNs to ecological modelling was organized in Toulouse, France (December 1998).
During this meeting, we discussed different methods, and their reliability to deal with ecological data. The special
issue of this ecological modelling journal begins with the state-of-the-art with emphasis on the development of
structural dynamic models presented by S.E. Jorgensen (DK). Then, to illustrate the ecological applications of ANNs,
examples are drawn from several fields, e.g. terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, remote sensing and evolutionary
ecology. In this paper, we present some of the most important papers of the first workshop about ANNs in ecological
modelling. We briefly introduce here two algorithms frequently used; (i) one supervised network, the backpropagation
algorithm; and (ii) one unsupervised network, the Kohonen self-organizing mapping algorithm. The future develop-
ment of ANNs is discussed in the present work. Several examples of modelling of ANNs in various areas of ecology
are presented in this special issue. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Backpropagation; Kohonen neural network; Self-organizing maps; Ecology; Modelling; ANN Workshop

1. Introduction                                                     (Ackley et al., 1985), like expert systems (Brad-
                                                                    shaw et al., 1991; Recknagel et al., 1994), genetic
   Ecological modelling has grown rapidly in the                    algorithms (d’Angelo et al., 1995; Golikov et al.,
last three decades. To build his models, an ecolo-                  1995) and artificial neural networks, i.e. ANN
gist disposes a lot of methods, ranging from nu-                    (Colasanti, 1991; Edwards and Morse, 1995).
merical, mathematical, and statistical methods to                      ANNs were developed initially to model biolog-
techniques originating from artificial intelligence                 ical functions. They are intelligent, thinking ma-
                                                                    chines, working in the same way as the animal
  * Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-561-558687; fax: + 33-
                                                                    brain. They learn from experience in a way that
561-556096.                                                         no conventional computer can and they can
  E-mail address: (S. Lek)                              rapidly solve hard computational problems. With

0304-3800/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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66                           S. Lek, J.F. Guégan / Ecological Modelling 120 (1999) 65–73

the spread of computers, these models were sim-               addition of pollutants with the potential of al-
ulated and later research was also directed at                tering climates and poisoning environments on a
exploring the possibilities of using and improv-              global scale. In addition, many ecological sys-
ing them for performing specific tasks.                       tems present complex spatial and temporal pat-
   In the last decade, research into ANNs has                 terns and behaviours.
shown explosive growth. They are often applied                   Recent achievements in computer science
in physics research like speech recognition                   provide unrivaled power for the advancement of
(Rahim et al., 1993; Chu and Bose, 1998) and                  ecology research. This power is not merely com-
image recognition (Dekruger and Hunt, 1994;                   putational: parallel computers, having hierarchi-
Cosatto and Graf, 1995; Kung and Taur, 1995)                  cal organization as their architectural principle,
and in chemical research (Kvasnicka, 1990;                    also provide metaphors for understanding com-
Wythoff et al., 1990; Smits et al., 1992). In biol-           plex systems. In this sense, in sciences of ecolog-
ogy, most applications of ANNs have been in                   ical complexity, they might play a role like
medecine and molecular biology (Lerner et al.,                equilibrium-based metaphors had in the develop-
1994; Albiol et al., 1995; Faraggi and Simon,                 ment of dynamic systems ecology (Villa, 1992).
1995; Lo et al., 1995). Nevertheless, a few appli-               ANNs have recently become the focus of
cations of this method were reported in ecologi-              much attention, largely because of their wide
cal and environmental sciences at the beginning               range of applicability and the case with which
of the 90’s. For instance, Colasanti (1991) found
                                                              they can treat complicated problems. ANNs can
similarities between ANNs and ecosystems and
                                                              identify and learn correlated patterns between
recommended the utilization of this tool in eco-
                                                              input data sets and corresponding target values.
logical modelling. In a review of computer-aided
                                                              After training, ANNs can be used to predict the
research in biodiversity, Edwards and Morse
                                                              output of new independent input data. ANNs
(1995) underlined that ANNs have an important
                                                              imitate the learning process of the animal brain
potential. Relevant examples are found in very
                                                              and can process problems involving very non-
different fields in applied ecology, such as mod-
                                                              linear and complex data even if the data are
elling the greenhouse effect (Seginer et al.,
1994), predicting various parameters in brown                 imprecise and noisy. Thus they are ideally suited
trout management (Baran et al., 1996; Lek et                  for the modelling of ecological data which are
al., 1996a,b), modelling spatial dynamics of fish             known to be very complex and often non-linear.
(Giske et al., 1998), predicting phytoplankton                   For this reason, we organized the first work-
production (Scardi, 1996; Recknagel et al.,                   shop on the applications of ANNs in ecological
1997), predicting fish diversity (Guégan et al.,             modelling in Toulouse in December of 1998.
1998), predicting production/biomass (P/B) ratio              This special volume gathers some of the papers
of animal populations (Brey et al., 1996), pre-               presented.
dicting farmer risk preferences (Kastens and
Featherstone, 1996), etc. Most of these works
showed that ANNs performed better than more                   3. What is an artificial neural network
classical modelling methods.
                                                                An ANN is a ‘black box’ approach which has
                                                              great capacity in predictive modelling, i.e. all the
2. Scope of this particular issue                             characters describing the unknown situation
                                                              must be presented to the trained ANN, and the
  The pressures to understand and manage the                  identification (prediction) is then given.
natural environment are far greater now than                    Research into ANNs has led to the develop-
could ever have been conceived even 50 years                  ment of various types of neural networks, suit-
ago, with the loss of biodiversity on an unprece-             able to solve different kinds of problems:
dented scale, fragmentation of landscapes, and                auto-associative memory, generalization, opti-
S. Lek, J.F. Guégan / Ecological Modelling 120 (1999) 65–73                                  67

mization, data reduction, control and prediction                     work types for a wide variety of tasks. The
tasks in various scenarios, architectures etc.                       BPN is based on the supervised procedure, i.e.
Chronologically, we can cite the Perceptron                          the network constructs a model based on exam-
(Rosenblatt, 1958), ADALINE, i.e. Adaptive                           ples of data with known outputs. It has to build
linear element (Widrow and Hoff, 1960),                              the model up solely from the examples pre-
Hopfield network (Hopfield, 1982), Kohonen                           sented, which are together assumed to implicitly
network (Kohonen, 1982, 1984), Boltzmann ma-                         contain the information necessary to establish
chine (Ackley et al., 1985), multi-layer feed-for-                   the relation. A connection between problem and
ward      neural     networks      learned     by                    solution may be quite general, e.g. the simula-
backpropagation algorithm (Rumelhart et al.,                         tion of species richness (where the problem is
1986). The descriptions of these methods can be                      defined by the characteristics of the environment
found in various books such as Freeman and                           and the solution by the value of species rich-
Skapura (1992), Gallant (1993), Smith (1994),                        ness) or the abundance of animals expressed by
Ripley (1994), Bishop (1995), etc. The choice of                     the quality of habitat. A BPN is a powerful
the type of network depends on the nature of                         system, often capable of modelling complex rela-
the problem to be solved. At present, two popu-                      tionships between variables. It allows prediction
lar ANNs are (i) multi-layer feed-forward neural                     of an output object for a given input object.
networks trained by backpropagation algorithm,                          The architecture of the BPN is a layered feed-
i.e. backpropagation network (BPN), and (ii)                         forward neural network, in which the non-linear
Kohonen self-organizing mapping, i.e. Kohonen                        elements (neurons) are arranged in successive
network (SOM). The BPN is most often used,                           layers, and the information flows unidirection-
but other networks has also gained popularity.                       ally, from input layer to output layer, through
                                                                     the hidden layer(s) (Fig. 1). As can be seen in
3.1. Multi-layer feed-forward neural network                         Fig. 1, nodes from one layer are connected (us-
                                                                     ing interconnections or links) to all nodes in the
  The BPN, also called multi-layer feed-forward                      adjacent layer(s), but no lateral connections
neural network or multi-layer perceptron, is very                    within any layer, nor feed-back connections are
popular and is used more than other neural net-                      possible. This is in contrast with recurrent net-

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of a three-layered feed-forward neural network, with one input layer, one hidden layer and one output
layer. The right-hand side of the figure shows the data set to be used in backpropagation network models. X1,…, Xn are the input
variables, Y1, …, Yk are the output variables, S1, S2, S3, … are the observation data.
68                          S. Lek, J.F. Guégan / Ecological Modelling 120 (1999) 65–73

works where feed-back connections are also per-                Box 1. A brief algorithm of backpropagation
mitted. The number of input and output units                 in neural networks
depends on the representations of the input and
the output objects, respectively. The hidden lay-
er(s) is (are) an important parameters in the net-           (1)   Initialize the number of hidden nodes
work. BPNs with an arbitrary number of hidden                (2)   Initialize the maximum number of itera-
units have been shown to be universal approxi-                     tions and the learning rate (h). Set all
mators (Cybenko, 1989; Hornick et al., 1989) for                   weights and thresholds to small random
continuous maps and can therefore be used to                       numbers. Thresholds are weights with
implement any function defined in these terms.                     corresponding inputs always equal to 1.
   The BPN is one of the easiest networks to                 (3) For each training vector (input Xp =
understand. Its learning and update procedure is                   (x1,x2,…,xn ), output Y) repeat steps 4–7.
based on a relatively simple concept: if the net-            (4) Present the input vector to the input
work gives the wrong answer, then the weights                      nodes and the output to the output node;
are corrected so the error is lessened so future             (5) Calculate the input to the hidden nodes:
responses of the network are more likely to be                     a hj =ni= 1 Wijhxi. Calculate the output from
correct. The conceptual basis of the backpropa-                                                          1
                                                                   the hidden nodes: x hj =f(a hj )=        h.
gation algorithm was first presented in by Webos                                                      1+e−aj
(1974), then independently reinvented by Parker                    Calculate the inputs to the output nodes:
(1982), and presented to a wide readership by                      ak = Lj= 1 Wjkx hj and the corresponding
Rumelhart et al. (1986).                                                                       1
                                                                   outputs: Y. k=f(ak )=            .
   In a training phase, a set of input/target pat-                                          1+e−ak
tern pairs is used for training and presented to                    Notice that k= 1 and Y. k = Y. , L is the
the network many times. After the training is                      number of hidden nodes.
stopped, the performance of the network is                   (6) Calculate the error term for the output
tested. The BPN learning algorithm involves a                      node: dk = (Y−Y. )f %(ak ) and for the hid-
forward-propagating step followed by a back-                       den nodes: d hj = f %(ajh)kdkWjk
ward-propagating step. A training set must have              (7) Update weights on the output layer:
enough examples of data to be representative for                   Wjk (t+1) = Wjk (t)+hdkx hj and on the
the overall problem. However, the training phase                   hidden layer: Wij (t+1) =Wij (t)+hd hj xi
can be time consuming depending on the net-                  As long as the network errors are larger than
work structure (number of input and output vari-             a predefined threshold or the number of itera-
ables, number of hidden layers and number of                 tions is smaller than the maximum number of
nodes in the hidden layer), the number of exam-              iterations envisaged, repeat steps 4–7.
ples in the training set, the number of iterations
(see Box 1).
   Typically, for a BPN to be applied, both a                   Another decision that has to be taken is the
training and a test set of data are required. Both           subdivision of the data set into different sub-sets
training and test sets contain input/output pat-             which are used for training and testing the
tern pairs taken from real data. The first is used           BPN. The best solution is to have separate data
to train the network, and the second to assess the           bases, and to use the first set for training and
performance of the network after training. In the            testing the model, and the second independent
testing phase, the input patterns are fed into the           set for validation of the model (Mastrorillo et
network and the desired output patterns are com-             al., 1998). This situation is rarely observed in
pared with those given by the neural network.                ecology studies, and partitioning the data set
The agreement or disagreement of these two sets              may be applied for testing the validity of the
gives an indication of the performance of the                model. We present here two partitioning proce-
neural network model.                                        dures:
S. Lek, J.F. Guégan / Ecological Modelling 120 (1999) 65–73                       69

1. if enough examples of data sets are available,            sional hyperspace (where n is the number of
   the data may be divided randomly into two                 variables or observations made on each object).
   parts: the training and test sets. The propor-               Formally, a Kohonen network consists of two
   tion may be 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, etc. for these two             types of units: an input layer and an output
   sets. However, the training set still has to be           layer (Fig. 2). The array of input units operates
   large enough to be representative of the                  simply as a flow-through layer for the input vec-
   problem and the test set has to be large                  tors and has no further significance. In the out-
   enough to allow correct validation of the                 put layer, SOM often consist of a two-
   network. This procedure of partitioning the               dimensional network of neurons arranged in a
   data is called k-fold cross-validation, some-             square (or other geometrical form) grid or lat-
   times named the hold-out procedure (Utans                 tice. Each neuron is connected to its n nearest
   and Moody, 1991; Geman et al., 1992; Efron                neighbours on the grid. The neurons store a set
   and Tibshirani, 1995; Kohavi, 1995; Kohavi                of weights (weight vector) each of which corre-
   and Wolpert, 1996; Friedman, 1997).                       sponds to one of the inputs in the data. The
2. if there are not enough examples available to             SOM algorithm can be characterized by several
   permit the data set to be split into represen-            steps (see Box 2).
   tative training and test sets, other strategies
   may be used, like cross-validation. In this                 Box 2. A brief algorithm of self-organizing
   case, the data set is divided into n parts usu-           mapping neural networksLet a data set of ob-
   ally small, i.e. containing few examples of               servations with n-dimensional vectors:
   data. The BPN may now be trained with
   n −1 parts, and tested with the remaining                 Initialise the time parameter t: t= 0.
   part. The same network structure may be                   (1)     Initialise weights Wij of each neuron j in
   repeated to use every part once in a test                         the Kohonen map to random values (for
   set in once of the n procedures. The result                       example, random observations).
   of these tests together allow the performance             (2)     Present a training samplex(t)=
   of the model to be determined. Sometimes,                         [x1(t),…,xn (t)] randomly selected from
   in extreme cases, the test set can have only                      the observations.
   one example, and this is called the leave-one-            (3)     Compute the distances di between x and
   out or sometime Jacknife procedure (Efron,                        all mapping array neurons j according
   1983; Kohavi, 1995). The procedure is often                       to: dj (t)= ni= 1[xi (t)−Wij (t)]2 where
   used in ecology when either the available                         xi (t) is the i th component of the N di-
   database is small or each observation is                          mensional input vector and Wij (t) is the
   unique information and different to the oth-                      connection strength between input neu-
   ers.                                                              ron i and map array neuron j at time t
                                                                     expressed as a Euclidean distance.
3.2. Kohonen self-organizing mapping (SOM)                   (4)     Choose the mapping array neuron j *
                                                                     with minimal distance dj * : dj * (t)=
   Kohonen SOM falls into the category of un-                        min[dj (t)].
supervised learning methodology, in which the                (5)     Update all weights, restricted to the ac-
relevant multivariate algorithms seek clusters in                    tual topological neighbourhood NEj * (t):
the data (Everitt, 1993). Conventionally, at least                   Wij (t+1) =Wij (t)+h(t)(xi (t)−Wij (t))
in ecology, reduction of multivariate data is nor-                   for j  NEj * (t) and 15i5n. Here
mally carried out using principal components                         NEj * (t) is a decreasing function of time,
analysis or hierarchical clustering analysis (Jong-                  as is the gain parameter h(t).
man et al., 1995). Unsupervised learning allows              (6)     Increase the time parameter t
the investigator to group objects together on the            (7)     If tBtmax return to step 2
basis of their perceived closeness in n dimen-
70                              S. Lek, J.F. Guégan / Ecological Modelling 120 (1999) 65–73

Fig. 2. A two-dimensional Kohonen self-organizing feature map network. The right-hand side shows the data set to be used in
Kohonen self-organizing mapping models. X1, …, Xn are the input variables, S1, S2, S3, … are the observation data.

   Since the introduction of the Kohonen neural                  ing data (six papers), population and community
network (Kohonen, 1982, 1984), several training                  ecology and ecosystems (six papers), global
strategies have been proposed (see e.g. Lipp-                    change and ecosystem sensitivity (six papers),
mann, 1987; Hecht-Nielsen, 1990; Freeman and                     fishery research in freshwater and marine ecosys-
Skapura, 1992) which deal with different aspects                 tems (four papers), evolutionary ecology and
of the use of the Kohonen network. In this sec-                  epidemiology (three papers), population genetics
tion, we will restrict the study to the original                 (two papers) and seven remaining papers which
algorithm proposed by Kohonen (1984).                            rather concerned the methodological aspects, i.e.
                                                                 improvement of ANN models in ecological
                                                                 modelling. Some of these papers have been se-
4. Overview of the presented papers                              lected for publication in this special issue. The
                                                                 aim of this special issue, as well as of this first
  During the three days of the workshop on                       workshop, was both to contribute to an im-
ANN applications in ecology, 45 oral communi-                    provement of methodology in ecological mod-
cations and posters were presented. They were                    elling and to stimulate the integration of ANNs
thoroughly discussed by 100 or so participants                   in ecological studies.
coming from 24 countries. The session started                       Most of the papers propose the use of a
with the general review ‘state-of-the-art of eco-                backpropagation algorithm in ANN models.
logical modelling with emphasis on development                   Certain papers suggest improvement by includ-
of structural dynamic models’ (Jørgensen, see                    ing the Bayesian (see Vila et al.’ paper) or radial
paper in the next chapter). Then applications of                 base functions (see Morlini’s paper). Only a few
ANNs in several fields of ecology were pre-                      papers used unsupervised learning to model re-
sented: primary production in freshwater and                     mote sensing data, microsatellite data, or marine
marine ecosystems (seven papers), remote sens-                   ecology data (see Foody’s paper).
S. Lek, J.F. Guégan / Ecological Modelling 120 (1999) 65–73                                 71

5. Future developments of ANNs in ecological                  relationships between variables in ecological data.
modelling                                                     A lot of reports, and especially the papers pre-
                                                              sented in this first workshop on the applications
   In 1992, during the first international confer-            of ANNs in ecology, demonstrate the importance
ence on mathematical modelling in limnology                   of these methods in ecological modelling. The
(Innsbruck, Austria), Jørgensen (1995) presented              second workshop on this subject is programmed
a review on ecological modelling in limnology. He             for November 2000 in Adelaide University (Aus-
noted the rapid growth of ecological modelling                tralia), and is being organized by F. Recknagel
and proposed a chronological development in                   (Email: and S.
four generations of models. The first models cov-             Lek (Email: You are cordially invited
ered the oxygen balance in streams and the prey-              to participate in this meeting.
predator relationships (the Lotka-Volterra model)
in the early 1920s. The second phase of modelling
(in the 1950s and 1960s) was particularly con-                Acknowledgements
cerned with population dynamics. The third gen-
eration started from the 70’s with more                          We would like to express our cordial thanks to
complicated models and rapidly became tools in                Elsevier Science B.V. and to Professor S.E.
environment management, e.g. eutrophication                   Jørgensen for accepting to publish these Proceed-
models. In the fourth generation, more recent                 ings in a special volume of Ecological Modelling.
models are becoming increasingly able to take the             Special thanks are due to the different agencies
complexity, adaptability and flexibility of ecosys-           which have supported the ANN workshop (Cen-
tems into account.                                            tre National de Recherche Scientifique, Paul Sa-
   As the modelling techniques available in the               batier University, Electricité De France, Agence
fourth generation of ecological models, re-                   de l’eau d’Adour-Garonne, Caisse d’épargne
searchers have a lot of methods ranging from                  Midi-Pyrénées, French ministry of Foreign Af-
numerical, mathematical and statistical methods               fairs, the regional council of Midi-Pyrénées,
to techniques based on artificial intelligence, par-          OKTOS).
ticularly ANNs. During the last 2 decades of the
current century, the growing development of com-
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