Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using

Page created by Sally Harmon
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
essentials for well being
   health ~ happiness ~ comfort

   the art and science of using

    essential oils

positive af firmation
   I am peaceful ~ I am calm ~ I am able to achieve a restful state
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
essentials for well being

    What is aromatherapy?
                                             every day
                                             How does aromatherapy work?
    Aromatherapy is the art and              At the most basic level, aromatherapy works by affecting our sense of smell.
    science of using pure essential oils     Scent connects us with our emotions, feelings, creativity and intuition.
    extracted from natural plants and        A scent can bring us into our body and help us to remember powerful
    flowers. Essential oils are used to      feelings. Beautiful scents can balance our mood, lift our spirits and emotions
    calm, balance and give energy to         additionally, essential oils have been used in medicine to heal the body
    the body, mind and spirit.               when infected by bacteria, viruses and fungi.

    What are essential oils?                 Who uses essential oils?
    Essential oils are obtained from         Aromatherapy is used in the home, workplace, retail environment and
    flowers, plants, trees, shrubs and       in health care. Trained health care professionals are using essential oils in
    roots or from the peels of fruits.       combination with conventional medicine. For instance, an infected wound
    The oils are either steam distilled      or a skin and soft tissue infection may need an antibiotic, but an essential
    or expressed. The climate, weather       oil may also be applied topically as adjunctive therapy. Many essential oils
    and temperature at distillation can      possess antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.
    affect the quality of the oil, which
    in turn will affect the chemical
    structure.                                                                                      Other conditions
    When using essential oils for                                                                   essential oils
    personal and health-related care,                                                               may be useful for
    it is best to use plant parts that are
                                                                                                    include headaches,
    free from toxic chemicals, such
    as pesticides or herbicides. Toxic                                                              gingivitis, sinusitis,
    chemicals applied to growing                                                                    insomnia, support
    plants can react with the oils made
    and create a poor or toxic essential                                                            for the immune
    oil. Sometimes oils are mixed with                                                              system, cold and flu,
    products like alcohol or other
                                                                                                    burns, insect bites
    man-made chemicals to create
    perfumes or lotions. While the                                                                  and various skin
    scent from these products may be                                                                conditions.
    pleasant, the health benefits may
    not be. Look for pure essential oils
    when buying for health reasons.
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
essentials for well being

Aromatherapy                                  user guide
    Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)         Lemon (Citrus limon)                        Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
    Lavender is noted for its floral scent    Lemon is often selected for                 Tea tree oil is highly regarded and
    and woody undertones and is               its pleasant crisp, clean scent.            one the world’s most researched
    one of the most commonly used             Concentration and alertness may             essential oils for its medicinal
    essential oils in the world today. This   be increased with the diffusion of          properties. The pungent odor
    refreshing and balancing aroma            lemon into the environment. It is           associated with tea tree oil is similar
    is frequently used for relaxation.        also uplifting and sharpens our             to eucalyptus and camphor. Tea
    Other common uses include anxiety,        focus with decision-making. Use this        tree oil is commonly used for skin
    insomnia, burns, infections, wounds,      oil in the morning or afternoon to          infections, wounds, ringworm, cold
    candida and insect bites.                 promote energy levels. Additionally,        sores, acne, mouth/throat infections,
    Therapeutic properties:                   lemon has antiseptic properties.            toenail fungus, athlete’s foot,
    Analgesic, antibacterial,                                                             psoriasis, dandruff and head lice.
                                              Therapeutic properties: Antiviral,
    antidepressant, anti-inflammatory,        antibacterial, astringent, tonic,           Therapeutic properties:
    antifungal, antiviral, antispasmodic      antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic         Antifungal, antibacterial,
    Applications: Inhalation, diffusion,                                                  antiviral, wound healing
                                              Applications: Massage, bath,
    compress, bath, massage and direct        inhalation, diffusion. Always mix with      Applications: Inhalation, diffusion,
    application to skin                       a carrier oil if applying directly to the   compress, direct application to the
                                              skin. Avoid sun exposure after topical      skin. Do not apply to skin undiluted
    Peppermint (Mentha piperita)              application, as this oil is phototoxic.     without a patch test to check for
    Enjoy this refreshing and mentally                                                    allergies and skin sensitivities. May
    stimulating essential oil. Its minty-                                                 use undiluted on skin if no allergic
    fresh scent is easy to recognize and                                                  response is present.
    is frequently an ingredient in gum,
    candy and herbal teas.
    Therapeutic properties:
    Analgesic, expectorant,
    antispasmodic and anti-nausea
    Applications: Inhalation, diffusion,
    bath, massage. Always mix with a
    carrier oil if applying directly to the
    skin. Avoid internal use, especially
    for those with G6PD deficiency, atrial
    fibrillation, post-cardiac surgery and
    on 5-FU chemotherapy.
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)                  Geranium (Pelargonium                    Ginger (Zingiber officinale)          Mandarin (Citrus reticulata)
Try this fresh citrus scent with slightly   graveolens)
                                                                                     When you think of ginger, you         This is one of the gentlest and safest
spicy undertones to lift your mood          Enjoy this herb-like fragrance that      may think about food. Indeed          of essential oils impacting the body,
and stimulate your immune system.           suggests a subtle combination of         ginger is often used in cooking and   mind and spirit. Mandarin offers a
You may recognize this scent if             rose, citrus and woody undertones.       baking. The essential oil of ginger   calming influence promoting restful
you like Earl Grey tea. Bergamot            Geranium’s scent is physically and       offers a peppery, sharp and yet       sleep and is especially good for
mixes well with other citrus scents         emotionally balancing and helps          warm aromatic scent. The warmth       children and the frail elderly. This oil
providing a fragrant, mellow sensory        to reduce stress and anxiety. This       associated with ginger is good for    brings out joy and lifts moods and
experience. It is beneficial for            oil is popular among women for           reducing symptoms such as joint       reduces irritability.
reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety,       hormonal-related problems such as        swelling associated with arthritis.   Therapeutic properties:
depression and acne.                        PMS, fluid retention and menopausal      Ginger settles the digestive system   Anti-nausea, astringent, digestive,
                                            symptoms. Geranium is also helpful       and relieves nausea, including
Therapeutic properties;                                                                                                    diuretic, relaxant, sedative.
                                            for dermatitis, wound healing,           morning sickness.
Antispasmodic, sedative, analgesic,
                                            inflammation, eczema, burns,                                                   Applications: Inhalation, dilution,
antidepressant, tonic, antifungal                                                    Therapeutic properties:
                                            ringworm and insomnia.                                                         bath, massage, compress and direct
Applications: Inhalation, diffusion,                                                 Anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory,       application to the skin with a carrier
                                            Therapeutic properties:                  analgesic, antispasmodic
compress, bath and massage. Avoid                                                                                          oil. Avoid sun exposure after topical
sun exposure after topical application,     Sedative, antibacterial, antiviral,
                                                                                     Applications: Inhalation, bath,       application, as this oil may be mildly
                                            anti-inflammatory, antifungal
as this oil is phototoxic.                                                           massage, compress and direct          phototoxic.
                                            Applications: Inhalation, diffusion,     application to the skin with a
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)            baths, massage and direct application    carrier oil.
                                            to the skin with a carrier oil.
This familiar, sharp and somewhat
pungent scent of eucalyptus is
easily recognized and found in              Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
many over-the-counter drug store            The sharp woody scent of rosemary
products. Eucalyptus oil is effective       conveys a feeling of warmth. This
for symptom relief from the common          stimulating oil is used to increase
cold and sinus congestion by acting         energy, improve mental clarity
as a decongestant. This oil is cooling      and offer an alert state. Rosemary
and increases concentration and             is helpful in relieving respiratory
alertness.                                  congestion and muscular aches
                                            and pain.
Therapeutic properties:
Antibacterial, antiviral and analgesic      Therapeutic properties:
                                            Mild stimulant, analgesic,
Applications: Inhalation, diffusion,
steam bath, compress and massage.
Always mix with a carrier oil if            Applications: Inhalation, diffusion,
applying directly to the skin.              massage, compress, bath and direct
                                            application to the skin with a carrier
                                            oil. Avoid with hypertension and
                                            seizure disorders.
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
essentials for well being

                   Aromatherapy                                                   applications
Scenting a room                                                                   Warm compress                            3 to 5 drops of essential oil in 2 to 4
Scenting an entire room requires a diffuser. A diffuser is a device that gently   A soothing scented compress is           teaspoons of carrier oil. Lavender oil
heats or blows air across the oil and into the room air. Diffusers vary by        easily made by placing 5 drops of        is easy to begin with and provides
manufacturer and it is best to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for use.      essential oil in 3 ounces of warm        a relaxing experience. Carrier oils
One to eight drops of pure essential oil placed on a pad in the diffuser is       water. Stir solution. Dip folded         recommended for this includes
often recommended (less is best).                                                 cotton cloth or washrag into             grapeseed, sesame, jojoba and
                                                                                  solution and wring out. Apply to         sweet almond. Avoid mineral and
Never mix a carrier oil and essential oil together and use in a diffuser.
                                                                                  desired area. Repeat as desired. This    hydrogenated oils.
Create you own special blend by mixing different essential oils together and
then place on the pad in the diffuser.                                            application is wonderful for cramps,
                                                                                  headaches, muscle aches and pains.       Shower
You can save the scent by removing the pad when not in use and storing
                                                                                                                           Create a scented steam room in the
in a plastic bag. To create a fresh scent in a small area, place cotton ball in   Direct inhalation                        comfort of your home when using
small cup and add one or two drops of essential oil. This is a great way to
                                                                                  Inhalation is a very effective method    essential oils with your shower
scent your personal workspace.
                                                                                  to receive the benefits of essential     experience. Place 3 to 5 drops of
                                                                                  oils. Place 3 drops of the preferred     essential oil on the wall or perimeter
                                                                                  essential oil on a tissue or cotton      of your shower stall. The steam will
                                                                                  ball and inhale. Repeat as necessary.    help release the scent. This method
                                                                                  Extend the use and portability of        works well for sinus congestion
                                                                                  the direct inhalation experience by      when eucalyptus oil is selected.
                                                                                  placing a tissue or cotton ball into a
                                                                                  small plastic baggie. Carry the small    Baths
                                                                                  baggie with you in your pocket,          Aromatic baths can promote
                                                                                  purse, gym bag or place on your          relaxation and a sense of well being
                                                                                  desk. This method works well for         and are especially good for stress
                                                                                  sinus congestion, stress and anxiety.    conditions and those with insomnia.
                                                                                  Try eucalyptus for sinus congestion      Additionally, a soak in a tub can be
                                                                                  and lavender or mandarin to reduce       beneficial for skin and inflammatory
                                                                                  stress and anxiety.                      conditions, aches and pains and
                                                                                                                           sore muscles. Mix 5 to 10 drops
                                                                                  Massage                                  of essential oils in Epsom salts,
                                                                                  The ability to create a soothing         unscented liquid soap or milk before
                                                                                  experience for the body through          putting into the water. The oil will
                                                                                  the sense of smell and touch is          bind to the salt, soap or milk and
                                                                                  achieved when using essential oils       then mix with the bath water. Do
                                                                                  with massage. This approach is           not add oil directly to bath water.
                                                                                  ideal for stress, tension and loving     The oil will float on top of the water
                                                                                  touch. For a full body massage, mix      and put you at risk for an eye splash.
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
essentials for well being

Acne           Energy        Insomnia
                                              solutions and safety
                                              1.  Essential oils are not water-soluble. Avoid contact with eyes. If a splash
Tea Tree       Enhancement   Bergamot             occurs, use a small amount of milk, baby shampoo or a carrier oil to absorb
                             Lavender             the oil from the eye area, then rinse with water for 5 minutes.
                                              2. Wash your hands before and after using essential oils.
Anxiety/       Lemon         Mandarin
                             Roman 			        3. Do not use internally unless directed by a trained health care practitioner.
Relaxation     Peppermint
                                              4. Patch test prior to applying directly to skin to check for allergy.
               Rosemary       Chamomile
Basil                        Sandalwood           To patch test: Mix 2 to 5 drops of essential oil in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil
Bergamot                     Sweet Marjoram       such as grapeseed or olive oil. Put 2 to 5 drops of the solution on the white
Geranium       Fungal                             part of a band-aid and apply to the inner forearm. Remove the band-aid
Lavender       Infections                         after 12 to 24 hours. If no redness or inflammation occurs at the site, you may
Mandarin       Eucalyptus                         move ahead and apply to skin. You do not need to patch test for inhalation.
                             Black Pepper     5. The majority of oils should be mixed with a carrier oil such as grapeseed or
Burns                        Juniper              olive oil. Oils such as tea tree, lavender, petitgrain and German chamomile
               Tea Tree
                             Lavender             may be used straight on the skin if no allergy exists.
Geranium                     Lemongrass
Lavender       Hormone                        6. Medical history is important. Individuals with known kidney or liver failure,
                             Peppermint           history of estrogen-based cancer, seizure disorder, asthma, hypertension,
               Balance       Rosemary
Digestive                                         tachycardia, post-cardiac surgery or receiving chemotherapy need
               Geranium                           to proceed with caution with certain oils and consult a certified clinical
Constipation                 Viral/Cold/Flu       aromatherapy health care practitioner.
Black pepper                 Lemon Peel       7. Photosensitivity may occur with citrus oils causing a sunburn or rash.
Rosemary                     Peppermint           It is best to avoid applying citrus oils to skin exposed to sunlight.
Nausea                       Ravensara        8. Certain oils should not be used with children and pregnant women.
Ginger                       Spike Lavender       Consult with a trained health care practitioner for appropriate use.
Peppermint                   Tea Tree         9. Do not self diagnose. Consult your provider for a diagnosis and work
                                                  with a qualified aromatherapist for clinical use.
                                              10. Aromatherapy is not a substitute for medical care.

                                              Essential oils to avoid with certain conditions
                                              • Hypertension: hyssop, rosemary, sage, thyme
                                              • Seizure disorder: hyssop, sage, fennel, rosemary, spike lavender
                                              • Estrogen dependent cancers: clary sage, fennel
                                              • Asthmatics should use a diluted mixture of essential oils at first
                                                to avoid adverse reactions
                                              • Skin irritants: thyme, cinnamon, clove and birch are examples
                                                of oils that cannot be used directly on the skin
                                              • Pregnancy: Do not use if pregnant unless under the
                                                guidance of a practitioner
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
promoting self care
  mind ~ body ~ spirit ~ energy

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  healthy ~ happy ~ well ~ and filled with loving kindness
Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using Aromatherapy essential oils - health happiness comfort the art and science of using
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