Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017

Page created by Russell Quinn
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev

         work selection
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Naturally artificial
Installation, variable dimensions, 2017.

Video (HD 1080p, color);
7 sculptures in semi-transparent ABS plastic.

The project references the seven crystal systems in the mineral kingdom and elaborates their
characteristics through the use of 3D printers. To design, model and print such mineral-like
forms is a process that nullyfies the temporal dimension intrinsic to these living creatures that
patiently come into being in nature.

Natural and artificial are both present in the appearance of the sculptures, but a closer exami-
nation reveals the paradoxical co-existence of these properties. Unlike any natural material,
synthetic polymers, with their long degradation process in relation to their short history, upset
the temporal flow of our ecosystem.

The process of reappropriation, through which nature reclaims matter extracted from its body,
is reflected in the artificiality of these polymeric minerals. To lend them a natural resemblance
is a symbolic gesture that restores value to the conscious use of plastic materials nowadays.

In collaboration with Fablab and Museum of Natural history, Genova.
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Audio-video installation, variable dimensions, 2017.

Video (30 min, HD 1080p, color, audio 2.1);
Handcrafted VLF Antenna diameter 1m.; sculpture/structure 100x100x57cm, screen-structure
with rear-projection fabric, black rope, 200x112x5cm; videoprojector, speakers, headphones.

The starting point of the project is the construction of a device able to scan a certain range of
electromagnetic activity, hidden to our senses, and to translate it into an acoustic experience.

The experimental film Antennae documents every step of the project while its main objective
remains to be a visual inquiry on the ambiguous and imposing presence of various antennas in
the urban landscape: to reflect upon the role of these mysterious totem-like structures in the
context of our modern society that reveals itself to be disconnected on a more profound level.
The audio material gathered with the handcrafted antenna serves as a layout for the film as well
as an element that interacts with its visuals, thus translating the dynamics of the hidden sound
frequencies into visible glitch effects.

Antennae won the Full(Y)_grounding residency program of BridgeArt - Noto (Siracusa)
In collaboration with INAF (National institute of Astrophysics) and ERO (Etna Radio Obser-

Teaser [Link]
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Audio installation, variable dimensions, 2017.

Audio track (08:00min, WAV stereo, 6 speaker);
Field recording and soundscape compositing: Genova (live recording), Cumiana e Pontese
(live streaming).

This audio track is composed by field recordings realized through the use of a handcrafted
antenna and mixed together with open-source audio material archived in - website ad-
ministered by Renato Romero and by the community of OPERA ( Permanent Observatory of
Radiosismic Emissions).

Track [Link]
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Audio installation, variable dimensions, 2016.

Audio mono-channel 01:00 min;
Marble plate 35x15x3cm., microphone stand 160cm., modified zeppelin cover, cable, speaker
and player.

The audio excerpt from Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film Teorema is central to this installation in which
history and fiction share a common space. The abbreviation of the author’s initials are engraved
on the surface of a marble plate laying on the ground as a tombstone. Its style and visual impact
recalls the common Italian urban plaque designating Private Property, but this association and
its implied jurisdictional constrains are overcome by the transcendence of sound.
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Bisogna cercare di inventare nuove tecniche che siano irriconoscibili, che non assomiglino a nessuna operazione precedente, per evitare la puerilità, il ridicolo.
Costruirsi un mondo proprio, con cui non siano possibili confronti, per cui non esistono precedenti misure di giudizio, che devono essere nuove come la tecnica.
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Audio-video installation, variable dimensions, 2015.

Video (HD 1080p, color, audio 2.1, 19 min);
Monitor/Projector, audio player, headphones, 20 readymade objects, text (62p).

Nature engulfs.
It alters the morphological characteristics of the place.
There it has been achieved a subtle harmony of spirit and matter:
Two aesthetic configurations that merge and continuously reshape each other.
The cemetery becomes a garden, a forest, an eco-system:
A bed for the dead and a cradle for the life.

MONUMENTVM is an experimental film that is the result of a long-period exploration of
the monumental cemetery of Staglieno. The readymade objects that are part of the installation
have been collected from the ruins left behind the floods which occurred in Genova, 2014.

Video excerpt [Link]
Anto. Milotta / Zlatolin Donchev - work selection 2014-2017
Site-specific project for a supporting structure of the keel ELETTRA, 2015.

Video (1:00min., in loop)
Model in transparent epoxy resin 13x13x7cm, model in white wax 12x12x7cm, black box
12x12x7cm with foldable album.

A wave is caused by a disruptive event in the static conditions of a balanced system. ONDA
is a result of the visual interpretation of such electromagnetic event occurring in the ether of
space-time. Both water and ether are important for the history of the keel Elettra: the former as
a means of transportation for the ship, the latter as a medium for the propagation of the radio-
telegraphic communications carried out on board.

Video [Link]

Onda received the contest award of the open-call Elettra by Yacht Club Genova.
Project for a soundproof archittecture, 2015.

A site-specific project conceived during the 3-day workshop The sound identity of places at the
Academy of fine arts of Perugia conducted by Dick Rijken and Tijs Ham (STEIM Amsterdam).

The project revolves around the definition of the soundscape as a dynamic composition of
inherent sound frequencies randomly occurring in a given location, but nevertheless defining
the identity of a place. It proposes a conceptual approach that refuses to intervene in the au-
thenticity of via Mazzini’ soundscape, instead strives to raise awareness to the concert of sounds
belonging to the city: noise is but the lack of characteristic frequencies.

Sentire3 received the contest award of the workshop The sound identity of places in Perugia.
The initial stage of our work is the thorough analysis of the subject and, through a process dedicated to both
research and experimentation, we discover manual and technological possibilities to translate the content of
the matter.

Our distinct approaches to work, one practical-manual and the other technical-technological, cause a short
circuit in the creative flow that spark intuitions able to transcend the limits of the single medium and thus level
the totality of the artwork into one unified vision. To sculpt sound, to model images, to digitize matter are all
symbolic gestures – messengers to the aesthetics of interdisciplinarity and interconnectedness that represent
for us the concept of sensible technology.

Our collaboration began in 2014 when the Ligustic academy selected us to represent it in the residency pro-
gram The sound identity of places organized by the Academy of fine arts of Perugia. This shared experience
revealed parallel poetics in our artistic practice and led us to develop a mutual degree project at the academy.
Eversince, we have been consolidating our synergy of work and this creative process has contributed to both
our individual and collective growth as artists in the last years.

Our attention is directed at the relationship between natural and artificial and, by balancing those two anti-
thetical forces, we evoke a responsible progress in which the individual identifies with the macrocosm. Our
projects develop as a multi-dimensional investigation into the different strata of the surrounding reality and
uncover their poetics in the imprint of an invisible presence.
Curriculum vitae
Anto. Milotta                                                                                                  Zlatolin Donchev
Residence: Via Cesare Cabella 23/2, Genova 16122                                                               Residence: Via Cesare Cabella 23/2, Genova 16122
Place and date of birth: Alcamo (TP) 10/05/1984                                                                Place and date of birth: Pechino (Cina) 15/04/1990
Tel: +39 3342089533                                                                                            Tel: +39 3427670681
Mail:                                                                                   Mail:
Website: [Link]                                                                                                Website: [Link]

Studies                                                                                                        Studies
2016 - Sound mixer and boom operator, Istituto Fassicomo, Genova.                                              2016 - Cinematography, Istituto Fassicomo, Genova.
2015 - Master degree in visual arts, Ligustic academy of fine arts, Genova.                                    2015 - Audio and Video production, APM College, Saluzzo (Cuneo).
2011 - Bachelor degree in visual arts, Brera academy of fine arts, Milano.                                     2015 - Master degree in visual arts, Ligustic academy of fine arts, Genova.
2008 - Painting at Palermo academy of fine arts.                                                               2012 - Bachelor degree in painting, Ligustic academy of fine arts, Genova.
2006 - Sculpture at Florence academy of fine arts.                                                             2011 - Painting at Faculty of fine arts of Veliko Turnovo.
2005 - Arts high school, Trapani.                                                                              2009 - Arts high school Cyril and Methodius, Burgas.
2002 - Polytechnic school, Trapani.
Participations                                                                                                 2016 - Workshop “Art test festival” with Alberto Barberis, curated by DisorderDrama, Museum of contempo-
2016 - Workshop “Art test festival” with Alberto Barberis, curated by DisorderDrama, Museum of contempo-       rary arts Villa Croce Genova.
rary arts Villa Croce Genova.                                                                                  2015 - Internship at studio Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio, Torino.
2014 - Genova “MaXter Program” with A Constructed World and Matteo Rubbi, Museum of contemporary               2014 - “Landscape and memory” – workshop of art and architecture, Valli di Pasubio; with Marco Nereo
arts Villa Croce Genova.                                                                                       Rotelli and Carlo Costa.
2014 - Internship at Pinksummer contemporary art gallery Genova.                                               2014 - “The sound identity of places” - workshop/residence with Dick Rijken e Tijs Ham (STEIM
2014 - “The sound identity of places” - workshop/residence with Dick Rijken e Tijs Ham (STEIM Amster-          Amsterdam) at Perugia academy of fine arts.
dam) at Perugia academy of fine arts.                                                                          2014 - “From theatrical tournée to antropological expeditions” seminar with Marco De
2014 - “From theatrical tournée to antropological expeditions” seminar with Marco De Marinis, Museo            Marinis, Museo dell’attore Genova.
dell’attore Genova.
2013 - Workshop “Free.Q” with Mauro Folci and Simona Barbera, Museum of contemporary arts Villa Croce          Performance
Genova.                                                                                                        2012 - Live Life Genova – performance with Davide Francesca and Silenzio 33 collective.
2013 - Workshop “Palestra” espressiva with Barokthegreat Verona.
2010 - Masterclass Director of performative arts with Loredana Putignani, Brera academy of fine arts Milano.   Exhibition
                                                                                                               2017 - “Antennae” installation curated by Lori Adragna and Valeria Valenza at Tenuta la favola, Val di Noto
Performance                                                                                                    (SR).
2011 - “Natural cycle for artificial flowers” indipendent project at space SP-333 Tribogna (Genova).           Scheduled 2017 “Naturally artificial”, curated by Ginevra D’Oria at Project room Museum of contemporary
2010 - “Radical” indipendent project with Setsuko Kibe at Parco Giovanni Testori, Milano (Bovisa).             art Villa Croce Genova.
2010 - “Gessi Sonori, sindoni digitali” directed by Loredana Putignani, Brera academy of fine arts.            Scheduled 2017 “Monumentvm”, Sala Dogana Genova.

Exhibition                                                                                                     Collettive
2017 - “Antennae” installation curated by Lori Adragna and Valeria Valenza at Tenuta la favola, Val di Noto    2017 - “Antennae” audio composition, curated by Lori Adragna and Valeria Valenza at C.U.M.O., Noto (SR).
(SR).                                                                                                          2015 - “Elettra” exhibition of finalist projects at Yacht club Genova.
Scheduled 2017 “Naturally artificial”, curated by Ginevra D’Oria at Project room Museum of contemporary        2015 - “Open academy” curated by Pietro Millefiore, Museum of Ligustic Academy of fine arts Genova.
art Villa Croce Genova.                                                                                        2015 - “Via Pasubio” curated by Virginia Monteverde and Marco Nereo Rotelli, Museo degli antichi mestieri
Scheduled 2017 “Monumentvm” curated by Ginevra D’Oria, Sala Dogana Genova.                                     Valli di Pasubio and Space45 Genova.
2012 - “Natub” curated by Dukuna, Space4235 Genova.                                                            2015 - “I AM” curated by Liliana Ladeluca, Sala Dogana Genova and Forte della Maddalenetta Alghero.
2010 - “Dissonanze, impulsi elettrici” curated by Estro, Associazione Estro Bergamo.                           2015 - “Open academy”, curated by Simona Barbera, Museum of Ligustic academy of fine arts.
2009 - “Videoinstallazione Postuma” curated by Flavia Montecchi, Sinergy Art Studio Roma.                      2015 - “Segrete” curated by Virginia Monteverde, Torre di Grimaldi Genova.
                                                                                                               2014 - “Open Academy” curated by Simona Barbera, Accademia ligustica di belle arti.
Collettive                                                                                                     2013 - “Svelamenti” curated by the Festival dell’Eccellenza al Femminile, Palazzo Spinola Genova.
2017 - “Antennae” audio composition, curated by Lori Adragna and Valeria Valenza at C.U.M.O., Noto (SR).
2015 - “Elettra” exhibition of finalists at Yacht club Genova.                                                 Eventi
2015 - “Open academy” curated by Pietro Millefiore, Museum of Ligustic Academy of fine arts Genova.            2016 - Visuals for Wo Land live, curated by Duplex Ride/Wo Land, chiostro di San Bernardo dell’Olivella
2014 - “THE PARTY” Open Maxter, curated by ACW, M. Rubbi and A. Daneri, Museum of contemporary                 Genova.
arts Villa Croce Genova.                                                                                       2015 - Presentation of poetics and artistic research at I AM Sala Dogana, curated by Liliana Ladeluca.
2014 - “Open academy” curated by Simona Barbera, Tecnological campus of Ligustic Academy of fine arts          2015 - “Monumentvm” film screening, curated by Marmeria Studio and Duplex Ride, Sala Dogana Genova.
2014 - “Viadellafucina LAB” exhibition of ideas, curated by K-HOLE Torino.                                       Recognitions
2013 - “Svelamenti” curated by the Festival dell’Eccellenza al Femminile, palazzo Spinola Genova.                2016 - “Antennae” winner of Bridge Art residency program Full(Y)_grounding; presentation of the project at
2013 - “Immagini del contemporaneo” curated by Renato Carpi, Museum of the Ligustic Academy of fine arts         MACRO Roma.
Genova.                                                                                                          2016 - “Antennae - experimental field recording” audio track selected for Ricomporre il paesaggio compila-
2012 - “Gardening” curated by Collettivo Gardening, archivio on-line.                                            tion, curated by Mimema.
2010 - “Mondi liquidi e teatrali” curated by Sonia Patrizia Catena e Statart, Cultural ass. Bertolt Brecht       2015 - “Onda” winner of the Elettra open-call, curated by Yacht club Genova.
Milano.                                                                                                          2014 - “Sentire3” winner of the workshop/residency The sound identity of places, curated by Perugia fine arts
2010 - “Impegno civile e onestà intellettuale come costume morale” curated by Daniela Pacchiana (Statart),       academy.
Ass. Sassetti Cultura Milano.                                                                                    2014 - Painting award “Ravera Oneto - Paesaggio industriale” curated by Franco Dioli, Museum of Ligustic
2010 - “Metamorfosi: el libro como objeto de arte” curated by Enrichetta Cardinale Cioccotti/Marcela Jardón,     academy of fine arts Genova.
San Antoni dels Sombrerers Barcelona.
2009 - “Planete amoureuse” curated by Indira Fassioni, Pomezia Uno Gallery Milano.                               Professional Curriculum
2009 - “In mutante divenire” curated by Anna Epis and Aldo Torrebruno, microRoom                    from 2014 to date - Assistant and collaborator of Anto. Milotta at Museum of contemporary arts Villa Croce
2009 - “Oltremare BLU” curated by Franco Marrocco and Daniela Moro, Vista Palace Hotel Monaco.                   Genova.
2008 - “Aula 8 exhibition at the Brera Accademy” curated by Franco Marrocco e Daniela Moro, Studio Arte          2016 - Assistant of Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio for 16A Quadrienale d’arte, project curated by Luigi
Fuori Centro Roma.                                                                                               Fassi, Palazzo delle esposizioni Roma.
2006 - “Student exhibition”, Florence academy of fine arts.                                                      2016 - Assistant director for Qolalka/Stanze by Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio, Contemporary theater
2005 - “Speri-mentali”, doppia personale at Congress center Marconi Alcamo (TP).                                 Festival delle colline, Torino.
                                                                                                                 2015 - Video production for Cherimus, project Be Sm/ART curated by
Events                                                                                                           2015 - Video projections for Dissolvenze by Gianluca and Massimiliano De Serio, Contemporary theater
2015 - “Monumentvm” film screening, curated by Marmeria Studio and Duplex Ride, Sala Dogana Genova.              Festival Teatro a Corte, Torino.
2015 - “Simenza” curated by Spaziopiù Architetti, Alcamo (TP).
2014 - “Sostenibilità DIY - do it yourself!” Round table discussion on “Art and inovation,” conference hall of
Ligustic academy of fine arts Genova.
2014 - “LOVE” film screening curated by Festival PULSE at eX-forno MAMBO Bologna.
2013 - “Wo-land” visual live, curated by Avant at Spazio Alfieri Firenze.
2013 - “Wo-land” visual live at La Claque in Agorà - Teatro della Tosse Genova.
2012 - “in-sito” stand of space SP-333 for Independents 3 curated by SP-333 Verona.
2012 - “Wo-land ” curated by wo-land collective and SP-333, Tribogna (GE).
2009 - “Osservare i suoni e ascoltare le immagini” visuals curated by ArteRomaEventi Roma.
2009 - “In arte Scopello” curated by Natura/Comune di Castellammare del Golfo, Scopello (TP).
2009 - “Sabbia Night Interferenze di Arte e Cultura” curated by SINISTER NOISE Roma.
2007 - “Repitalà” independent exhibition, Alcamo (TP).

2016 - “Antennae” winner of Bridge Art residency program Full(Y)_grounding; presentation of the project at
2016 - “Antennae - experimental field recording” audio track selected for Ricomporre il paesaggio compila-
tion, curated by Mimema.
2015 - “Onda” winner of the Elettra open-call, curated by Yacht club Genova.
2014 - “Sentire3” winner of the workshop/residency The sound identity of places, curated by Perugia fine arts

Professional Curriculum
From 2013 to date - installations and artwork production at the Museum of contemporary arts Villa Croce:
Aldo Mondino, Mark Handforth, Johanna Billing, Susan Philipsz, Tomas Saraceno, Andy Warhol sul Comò,
Art Situazion, Chaotic Passion, Jackie Saccoccio, Ettore Favini, Thomas Grunfeld, DesertMed, Andrea Botto,
Dino Fracchia, Goldschmied e Chiari, A constructed world, Pino Pascali.

2016 - Installation-work for Art Situazion curated by Maria de Corral and Ilaria Gianni at MACRO Roma.
2015 - artwork production for Cherimus, Be Sm/ART initiative, curated by Savona.
dal 2013 al 2014 - Installation-work at Pinksummer contemporary art gallery Genova.
dal 2013 al 2014 - Teaching and didactic services for Museums of Genova.
2013 - Official photographer for Free.Q Festival “La dimensione dell’ascolto,” Museum of contemporary art
Villa Croce Genova.
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