Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane

Page created by Jimmie Contreras
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
Antiquarian Books & Militaria
13 February 2019
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
Antiquarian Book

                                 13 FEBRUA RY 2 019 W ELLINGTON

                                          Wednesday 13 February
                           Session One: Antiquarian Books & Maps - 10am
                                           Lot B1 - B339

                                         Session Two: Militaria - 2pm
                                               Lot 1001 - 1515

Absentee Bidding                                                                    Wellington Viewing
If you are unable to attend the auction you may submit an absentee bid (form at     Friday 8 February 9am – 5pm
reverse or online Telephone bidding can be arranged
                                                                                    Monday 11 February 9am – 5pm
on lots over $500 in value. Note we assume you have recieved a condition report
or inspected the item prior to bidding. To register for this service, contact our   Tuesday 12 February 9am – 5pm
office. Telephone lines are limited and are procured on a first registered basis.
We accept no responsibility if for any reason we are unable to contact you, and
for this reason encourage clients to leave a covering bid.

Buyers Premium
There is a buyers premium of 17% + GST (19.55%) added to the hammer price.
Illustration                                                                        7 Maginnity Street, Wellington 6140
Front cover: 1089 - Distinguished Flying Cross dated 1944, attributed to F/O        PO Box 224, Wellington 6140
James Gavin Easson No.7 Squadron RCAF, in case of issue $2,000 - 2,500
                                                                                    P +64 4 472 1367
                                                                                    F +64 475 7389

Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
Session One
Antiquarian Books
     & Maps

Wednesday 13 February 2019 10am start
            Lot B1 – B339
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
Antiquarian Book Auction Schedule
New Zealand Historical Lot B1 - B63
Maori History & Folklore Lot B64 - B96
NZ Regional Lot B97 - B174
Travel & Exploration B156 - B174
Militaria Lot B175 - B181
Antiquarian Lot B182 - B206
Sporting Lot B207 - B225
Natural History Lot B226 - B240
Childrens & Illustrated Lot B241 - B255
Literature Lot B256 - B289
Transportation Lot B290 - B293
Art Lot B294 - B308
Maps, Prints & Documents Lot B309 - B333
General Lot B334 - B339

This sale includes the collection of the Late Meville Cedric Palmer (1907-1987) who for most of his working
life was with Whitcombe & Tombs. His collection includes rare and early NZ Historical & Regional, Travel &
Exploration as well as British literary volumes, publishers letters etc.

NOTE: Lots without an auction estimate are expected to realise a hammer price of $100 or less

BP Book Plate                                   FB Front Boards                                 ND No Date
BRDS Boards                                     FE Fore-edges                                   ORIG Original
COL Colour                                      FEP Front End Paper                             RB Rebound
DEC Decorative                                  FX Foxing                                       RP Reprint
DJ Dust Jacket                                  G Good                                          PIC Pictorial
ED Edition                                      IMP Impression                                  PL Plate
ENG Engraving                                   INSC Inscription                                PORT Portrait
EP End Paper                                    ILLUS Illustrated                               PUB Published
F Fine                                          LITHO Lithograph                                SIG Signature
FA Fair                                         MRBLD Marbled                                   TP Title Page

5         d un b ar s l o a ne
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
NZ Historical                                      B7                                                B14
                                                   Von Hochstetter, Dr Ferdinand                     Paul, Robert Bateman
B1                                                 New Zealand                                       Letters From Canterbury, New Zealand
McNab, Robert                                      Its Physical Geography, Geology And Natural       With a map of the province. Rivingtons,
Historical Record of New Zealand (2 Vols)          History With Special Reference To The             London, first ED 1857, orig blind stamped red
John Mackay, Govt Printer, Wellington, Vol I,      Results Of Government Expeditions In The          cloth, sunned, spine split.
1908, Vol II, 1914, RP c1973, red buckram.         Provinces Of Auckland And Nelson. J. G.           $100 - 150
$100 - 150                                         Gotta, Stuttgart, 1867, orig blind stamped
                                                   green cloth with embossed gilt oval vignette.     B15
B2                                                 $300 - 500                                        Rhodes, Captain W. B.
Carrick, Robert                                                                                      The Whaling Journal of Captain W. B. Rhodes
New Zealand’s Lone Lands                           B8                                                1836-1838
Being Brief Notes Of A Visit To The Outlying       McNab, Robert                                     Barque Australian of Sydney. Whitcombe &
Islands Of The Colony, George Didsbury,            Historical Records of New Zealand (2 Vols)        Tombs Ltd, first ED 1954, DJ, together with
Govt Printer, Wellington, first ED, 1892, with     John Mackay, Govt Printer, Wellington 1908,       five volumes, including, Back Country Tales
maps, half tan calf, ex General Assembly           brown cloth.                                      by Lester Masters. The Convict Ships. Tavern
Library.                                                                                             In The Town. Old New Zealand, etc.
$100 - 150                                         B9
                                                   McNab, Robert                                     B16
B3                                                 The Old Whaling Days                              Buick, T Lindsay
Robert Carrick                                     A History Of Southern New Zealand From            New Zealand’s First War
New Zealand’s Lone Lands                           1830 To 1840, Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, first        or, The Rebellion Of Hone Heke, W. A. G.
Being Brief Notes On A Visit To The Outlying       ED 1913, green cloth, together with, Old New      Skinner, Govt Printer, Wellington, first ED,
Islands Of The Colony, George Didsbury,            Zealand A Tale Of The Good Old Times and          1926, DJ, also, An Old New Zealander or, Te
Govt Printer, Wellington, first ED, 1892, half     A History Of The War In The North Against         Rauparaha, The Napoleon Of The South by T.
dark green morocco, ex General Assembly            The Chief Heke In The Year 1845, by A             Lindsay Buick, 1911.
Library.                                           Pakeha Maori (Frederick Maning), 1876.
$100 - 150                                                                                           B17
                                                   B10                                               Barber, Laurie
B4                                                 Vogel, Julius                                     Sketches From Early New Zealand
Sheehan, Jack R.                                   The Official Handbook Of New Zealand              Some Nineteenth Century Engravings, pub
Four Volumes on New Zealand Murders                A Collection Of Papers By Experienced             by David Bateman, together with, Petticoat
Famous Murders In New Zealand, The                 Colonists, Wyman & Sons, London, 1875,            Whalers, Whaling Wives at Sea 1820-1920.
Waverley Press, Ltd, Wellington, 1933. The         together with, Old New Zealand A Tale Of          Pleasures of the Flesh Sex & Drugs In
Lora Gorge Mystery And Other Famous                The Good Old Days by A Pakeha Maori (F E          Colonial New Zealand 1840-1915 by Stevan
Trials, 1935, (cover & fly detached) The           Maning), 1863 (lacks covers) Reminiscences        Eldred-Grigg. The Postage Stamps of New
Kaiwarra Mystery And More Famous Trials,           1841-1930 by Arthur Dudley Dodson, second         Zealand Volume IV.
1935, all quarter cloth, pictorial covered brds,   edition, Canterbury Old And New 1850-1900.
and The Maungatapu Mountain Murders,                                                                 B18
1909 RP, green cloth. All ex General Assembly      B11                                               Cruise, Richard A.
Library.                                           Craik, G. S.                                      (Major In The 84th Regt. Foot)
                                                   The New Zealanders                                Journal Of A Ten Months Residence In New
B5                                                 The Library of Entertaining Knowledge,            Zealand (1820)
Loughnan, R. A.                                    Charles Knight, London, first ED 1830, with       ed by A. G. Bagnall. The Pegasus Press,
Royalty In New Zealand                             frontis map of New Zealand explored by Capt       Christchurch, 1957, ltd ed 413/650. Together
The Visit Of Their Royal Highnesses The Duke       J Cook, 1769-77, later cloth binding, front brd   with, Adventure In New Zealand by Edward
And Duchess of Cornwall & York, June, 1901,        detached, spine poor.                             Jerningham Wakefield. Crusoes Of Sunday
A Descriptive Narrative, John Mackay, Govt                                                           Island by Elsie K Morton. Balloon Stacks &
Printer, Wellington, 1902, red cloth gilt, spine   B12                                               Sugar Cane. A Selection From The Writings &
sunned, together with, Exhibition Of               Hempleman, George                                 Speeches of John Robert Godley, first ED
Coronation Robes And Regalia 1953-54, and          The Piraki Log (E Pirangi Ahau Koe)               1863.
The Book Of The Coronation. All ex General         or Diary Of Captain Hempleman, with
Assembly Library.                                  introduction, glossary, illustrations and map.    B19
                                                   Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press,            Bracken, Thomas
B6                                                 London, ND (1910), folding frontis map,           Musings In Maoriland
Gudgeon, Thomas Wayth                              green cloth. Scarce.                              Arthur T Keirle, Dunedin, first ED, 1890, blue
The Defenders Of New Zealand                       $100 - 150                                        cloth gilt, with a tipped in letter headed
Being A Short Biography Of Colonists Who                                                             Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey, (home of Alfred
Distinguished Themselves In Upholding Her          B13                                               Lord Tennyson) insc Lord Tennyson begs to
Majesty’s Supremacy In These Islands. H            von Haast, H. F.                                  thank the author for his dedication of
Brett, Printer & Publisher, Auckland, first ED     The Life And Times Of Sir Julius von Haast        Musings in Maoriland, also with BP of Sir Cyril
1887, orig half burgundy morocco, pic gilt         Explorer, Geologist, Museum Builder.              Ward Bt.
cloth.                                             Wellington, first ED, 1948, blue cloth, no DJ,    $100 - 150
$100 - 200                                         together with, Samuel Butler at Mesopotamia
                                                   by Peter Bromley Maling. Tasman And New
                                                   Zealand. Cruise’s Journal Ten Months
                                                   Residence In New Zealand (1820), RP Ltd ed
                                                   630/ 650. Lost Treasures in Australia & New
                                                   Zealand by Kenneth W Byron.

                                                                                                                    ANT IQUARIAN BO O K            6
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
B20                                                B26                                               B33
Musgrave, Captain Thomas                           Taylor, Rev. Richard                              Reeve, Alan
Castaways of the Auckland Isles                    Te Ika A Maui                                     Lions and Lambs of Wellington
A Narrative Of The Wreck Of The Grafton            or, New Zealand And Its Inhabitants. William      Well Known Citizens In Caricature. L. T.
And Of The Escape Of The Crew After                Macintosh, London, and H Ireson Jones,            Watkins, 176-186 Cuba Street, Wellington,
Twenty Months Suffering, Together With             Wanganui, first ED, 1870, col frontis of New      1932, pic printed soft card wrappers. A very
Some Account Of The Aucklands, ed by               Zealand Flora And Fauna Past And Present          scarce copy.
John J Shillinglaw. Lockwood & Co, London,         $100 - 150
first ED 1866, red cloth. G.                                                                         B34
$100 - 150                                         B27                                               Five New Zealand Historical Volumes
                                                   Shortland, Edward                                 They Came To New Zealand by Marjorie
B21                                                Traditions And Superstitions of the               Appleton, Proof copy, Methuen 1958. An Old
Petre, The Hon. Henry William                      New Zealanders                                    New Zealander Or, Te Rauparaha, The
An Account Of The Settlements of the New           with Illustrations Of Their Manners And           Napoleon Of The South by T Lindsay Buick,
Zealand Company                                    Customs. Longman, Brown, Green,                   Whitcombe & Tomb Ltd, first ED 1911. New
From Personal Observations During A                Longmans & Roberts, London, second ED,            Zealand In The Making by J. B. Condliffe, first
Residence There. Smith, Elder & Co, London,        1856, half dark green morocco, mrbld brds,        ED with sig pub compliments slip to the
first ED 1841, with large frontis folding map &    ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.                     front, DJ. Yesterdays In Maoriland New
two engraved pl as required, orig blind            $100 - 150                                        Zealand In The Eighties by Andreas Reischek,
stamped blue cloth with title in gilt, ex libris                                                     Jonathan Cape, first ED, 1930. Early New
BP of M. C. Palmer, spine sunned and split,        B28                                               Zealand Engineers by F. W. Furkert, first ED
else G.                                            Townshend, Rev. George                            1953, DJ. All with ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.
                                                   A Memoir of the Rev. Henry Watson Fox, B.A.
B22                                                (Copy presented to Rev Richard Taylor)            B35
Wohlers, J. F. H.                                  the front pastedown with a tipped in label        Four New Zealand Historical Volumes
Memories Of The Life Of J. F. H. Wohlers           Presented To Rev R Taylor, Wanganui               Old New Zealand A Tale Of The Good Old
Missionary At Ruapuke, New Zealand,                Missionary Station by the Committee of the        Times by A Pakeha Maori (F. E. Maning) first
translated from the German by John                 Church Missionary Society, March 18th 1850,       ED, 1906. Plume Of The Arawas by Frank O.
Houghton. Otago Daily Times & Witness              orig blind stamped cloth, ex libris BP of M. C.   V. Acheson, second (Popular) ED 1938, pic
Newspapers Company Limited, 1895, two              Palmer. A Unique association copy                 DJ. John Rutherford The White Chief A Story
copies, one green and one dark blue cloth,         $100 - 150                                        of Adventure in New Zealand, ed by James
also, Old England and New Zealand by                                                                 Drummond, ND. Datus A Chronology of
Alfred Simmons, first ED 1879, with a hand         B29                                               New Zealand from the time of the Moa, 4th
written poem & Christmas card by Samuel            Craig, William                                    ED, DJ. Ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.
Gottlieb August of Invercargill & newspaper        Memories Connected With The Early Gold
cuttings and obituary of the same.                 Discoveries In Victoria                           B36
                                                   New Zealand, 1897, with tipped in sepia           Earp, G. Butler
B23                                                photograph of the author sig beneath the          The Gold Colonies Of Australia
Williams, The Right Rev William                    images, numerous other sepia illustrations        Comprising their History, Territorial Divisions,
Christianity Among The New Zealanders              and insc to John Ward on the FEP, half dark       Produce And Capabilities, How To Get To
with six colour illustrations, Seeley, Jackson,&   blue morocco, ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.       The Old Mines and Every Advice To
Halliday, London, first ED 1867, blind             $100 - 150                                        Emigrants, with folding frontis map of
stamped burgundy cloth, spine sunned.                                                                Australia. George Routledge & Co, London,
$100 - 150                                         B30                                               first ED 1852, halfv burgundy morocco, mrbld
                                                   Yates, Rev, William                               brds, EP’s & FE, BP of George Cavendish
B24                                                New Zealand                                       Taylor
Bathgate, Alexander                                lacking prelims and TP, opens at Chapter 1,       $150 - 200
Colonial Experiences                               with tipped in port of Rev Marsden, orig
or, Sketches of People and Places in the           blind stamped cloth.                              B37
Province of Otago, New Zealand. James                                                                Fox, William
Maclehose, Glasgow, first ED 1874, half            B31                                               The Six Colonies of New Zealand
burgundy calf, mrbld FE and EP, ex libris BP       Cowan, James                                      John W Parker & Son, London, first ED 1851,
of William Macadam-Smith and M. C. Palmer.         The New Zealand Wars (2 Volumes)                  large folding frontis map, orig blind stamped
$100 - 150                                         RP, 1955, red cloth, DJ.                          brown cloth, lacking spine strip, ex libris BP
                                                                                                     of M. C. Palmer.
B25                                                B32                                               $100 - 200
Carrick, Robert                                    Grey, Zane
Historical Records of New Zealand South            The Vanishing American                            B38
Prior To 1840                                      Harper & Brothers, New York, first ED 1925,       McKay, R. A. (Editor)
The Otago Times & Witness Newspapers               sig on the back of the frontispiece as usual in   A History Of Printing In New Zealand
Company Ltd, first ED 1903, dark blue cloth,       purple by the author and by 8 of the 10           1830-1940
spine sunned, sig to FP                            Navajo and Hopi Indians who were brought          Wellington Club of Printing House
$100 - 150                                         out in 1926/27 by Paramount Pictures to           Craftsmen, half faux black morocco, comes
                                                   promote The Vanishing Race based on this          with a letter from editor, & other ephemera
                                                   book by Zane Grey, sig incl Chief Seumptewa       including a booklet declaring it The Most
                                                   (Blooming Flower), Nasjah the 11 year old         Beautiul Book Ever Produced In This Country.
                                                   Indian boy film star. The picture shown in        $100 - 150
                                                   Rotorua, Akl & Wgtn attracted large crowds.
                                                   An exceptionally rare, possibly unique
                                                   $500 - 800

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Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
B14               B28


B21                B36

B26                B32

       B30   B29     B38

                           ANT IQUARIAN BO O K   8
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
B39                                                B47                                              B55
The Clipper Ship Crusader 1865-1910                Three NZ Department Of Lands Surveys,            Carton of New Zealand Volumes
Built 1865, Broken Up 1910. Memories And           1895, 1900-1901, 1904-1905                       including, Life In A Young Colony. New
Records Of Over Fifty Years Pioneering With        All with folding colour maps and                 Zealand Shipwrecks. Early Fruitgrowing In
Special Reference To Voyages 1874-1879,            charts,together with, The Geology of the         Canterbury. Early Victorian New Zealand. The
Profusely Illustrated, c1928, dark green cloth,    Mikonui Subdivision,1906                         Advance Guard. New Zealand Ghost Towns.
together with The Elingamite And Its Treasure      $100 - 200                                       Rapaki Remembered, etc.
by Wade Doak, uncorrected proof copy, 1969.
                                                   B48                                              B56
B40                                                Various Surveyor Generals                        Carton of New Zealand Volumes
Reminiscences Of A Long Life In Scotland,          Eight Reports Of The Department Of Lands &       including, Station Life In New Zealand.
New Zealand, Etc                                   Survey NZ 1898-1914                              Station Amusement In New Zealand. High
For Private Circulation. Jolly & Braik, Moray      with numerous folding col maps and charts,       Endeavour. At Home In New Zealand. The
Place, Dunedin, 1904, insc to fly leaf reads,      all finely RB in quarter black leather and       Elingamite and its Treasure, etc.
From Jeannie Campbell to Mrs James Small           burgundy cloth with titles and surveyors
St Clair Nov 23/04, dark blue cloth gilt.          names in gilt.                                   B57
The book is the reminiscences of Mr Robert         $100 - 200                                       The Victoria Times Wellington 1841
Campbell, St Clair, Dunedin, as written down                                                        No 1, Wednesday 15 September, 1841, first
by a very intimate friend (L.B.M.)                 B48a                                             newspaper published at Wellington New
                                                   136 Volumes Of The Annual Register,              Zealand. Four pages with p 3 a full page plan
B41                                                1775-1891                                        of The City of Wellington Port Nicholson,
Smith, Stephenson Percy, Surveyor                  Or A View of the History, Politics and           published by Thomas Bluett, The Terrace,
General                                            Literature, half red morocco, ex General         Wellington. General FX, edge wear and small
Department Of Lands And Survey Annual              Assembly Library with gilt crest to covers.      losses, otherwise exceptionally scarce.
Report 1894-95                                     $500 - 1,000                                     $300 - 500
with numerous folding hand col maps and
charts, dec red cloth gilt. John Mackay, Govt      B49                                              B58
Printer, Wellington.                               Four New Zealand Related Volumes                 Shepherd, Winsome
$100 - 200                                         New Zealand Official Year Book 1914. The         Gold & Silversmithing in Nineteenth &
                                                   New Zealand Wars and the Pioneering period       Twentieth Century New Zealand
B42                                                by James Cowan, Volume II. Life And Work         Te Papa Publishing, first ED, 1995, with DJ,
Reports of the Department Of Lands New             Of Samuel Marsden, and, From Tasman to           together with English Goldsmiths And Their
Zealand for the Year 1905-6                        Marsden.                                         Marks by Sir Charles J Jackson.
with numerous folding coloured maps and
charts, John Mackay, Govt Printer, Wellington,     B50                                              B59
red cloth gilt.                                    Scales, Sid                                      Fourth Report on The Postal Service of New
$100 - 200                                         Ten Volumes of Sid Scales Sketches               Zealand 1862-63
                                                   Cartoons from the Otago Daily Times, ex          By The Acting Postmaster-General (Reader
B43                                                General Assembly Library.                        Wood) Printed at Auckland, 1863.
Reports of the Department Of Lands For The
Year 1911-12                                       B51                                              B60
with numerous folding col maps and charts,         Minhinnick                                       Jackson, J. Howard
John Mackay, Govt Printer, Wellington, dark        Selection Of Minhinnick Cartoon Books            Annals Of A New Zealand Family
blue cloth gilt.                                   c19402 and 50s, together with a small group      The Household of Gilbert Mair Early Pioneer.
$100 - 200                                         of other NZ cartoon booklets including, Strike   A. H. & A. W. Reed, Dunedin, 1935, sig ltd ed
                                                   Notes by James Nairn                             177/400, blue cloth, DJ, ex libris BP of M C
B44                                                                                                 Palmer.
Department Of Lands Report 1909                    B52
Report Of Royal Commission On Timber and           Collection Of Vintage Cookery Books              B61
Timber Building Industries New Zealand, with       Including, Mrs Beetons Cookery Book, Mrs         Richter, John August (Late A Missionary
large folding col map, John Mackay Govt            Beetons Cookery, Cooking In War-Time by          Of The Berlin Mission, Queensland)
Printer, Wellington, green cloth, spine title in   Elizabeth Craig, The Daily Mail Cookery          The New Testament
gilt.                                              Book, The New Zealand Garden Dictionary          Printed by Bain & Co, Esk Street, Invercargill,
$100 - 200                                         by J. W. Matthews, etc.                          1877, RB in blue cloth, ex libris BP of M C
B45                                                B53
Thomson, John Turnbull                             von Haast, H. F.                                 B62
The Surveys Of New Zealand 1877-1886               The Life & Times of Sir Julius von Haast A       Craik, George
with numerous folding col maps and                 New Zealand Pioneer                              The New Zealanders
charts,half dark blue calf.                        Explorer, Geologist, Museum Builder. Pub by      The Library of Entertaining Knowledge,
$100 - 200                                         the author, Wellington, 1948, blue cloth, DJ.    Charles Knight, London 1830, with inserted
                                                                                                    facsimile prelims, TP etc, orig p begin at
B46                                                B54                                              Chapter I, RB half dark blue leather.
Four NZ Department Of Lands Surveys                Carton of New Zealand Volumes
1907-1912                                          including, Dusky Bay. Early New Zealand
all with folding col maps and charts, finely RB    Families. The Tattooed Land. Bright Fine
in half leather.                                   Gold. A River Rules My Life, etc.
$100 - 200

9        d un b ar s l o a ne
Antiquarian Books & Militaria - 13 February 2019 - Dunbar Sloane
B7                 B37      B41         B43

       B20          B24      B48a       B208

B33          B33          B295

B180         B46                  B42         B57
                                          ANT IQUARIAN BO O K   10
B63                                        B63                                              B63

B63                                            B68                                                   B74
Frank Sargeson                                 Taylor, W. A.                                         Stafford, D. M.
Three Stories                                  Lore and History of the South Island Maori            Te Arawa
They Gave Her a Rise, Cowpats & Three          Bascands Limited, Christchurch, ND, DJ,               A History Of The Arawa People, A. H. & A.
Men. A unique hand written volume by           together with RP copy of The Coming Of The            W. Reed, Wellington, first ED, 1967, maroon
Sargeson, with original watercolour and ink    Maori by Sir Peter Buck.                              cloth, pic DJ
illustrations attributed to Trevor Moffitt,
bound in quarter leather and hessian with      B69                                                   B75
dec EP.                                        Johnston, Marguerite                                  Phillipps, W. J.
From the estate of the late New Zealand        The Kingdom Of Tane                                   Carved Maori Houses
novelist, playwright and biographer Sir        Turnbull, Hickson & Gooder Ltd, Wellington,           of Western and Northern Areas of New
James McNeish.                                 29pp, plain soft card wrappers with ties, with        Zealand, Dominion Museum Monograph No
$1,500 - 3,000                                 pastedown cover illus. A very scarce copy.            9, R. E. Owen, Govt Printer, Wellington,
                                                                                                     1955, DJ, together with, Maori Artistry by W
Maori History & Folklore                       B70                                                   Page Rowe.
                                               Dittmer, Wilhelm
B64                                            Te Tohunga                                            B76
Best, Elsdon                                   Legends and Traditions of the Maoris, 1970 RP         Three Maori Art Reference Volumes
Tuhoe The Children of the Mist, Volumes        version, padded grey cloth, covers with old           Maori Paintings by Gottfried Lindauer From
One & Two                                      staining.                                             The Partridge Collection. Maori Wood
Published for the Polynesian Society by A.H.                                                         Sculpture by T Barrow. Whaowhia Maori Art
& A. W. Reed, RP 1973, DJ.                     B71                                                   And Its Artists by Gilbert Archey, all with DJs
$100 - 150                                     Cowan, James
                                               Tales of the Maori Coast                              B77
B65                                            Fine Arts (N.Z.) Ltd, Wellington, first ED, 1930,     Hamilton, Augustus
Smith, S Percy                                 grey cloth, together with, He Konae Aronui,           The Art Workmanship Of The Maori Race In
Maori Wars of The Nineteenth Century           Maori Proverbs And Sayings. Guide Rangi Of            New Zealand
Wars Of the Northern against the Southern      Rotorua by Rangitiaria Dennan.                        Fergusson & Mitchell, Dunedin, first ED,
Tribes of New Zealand in the Nineteenth                                                              1896, illus, red cloth gilt with embossed
Century. Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd,                B72                                                   motif strip and title. Rare.
Wellington, first ED 1904, green cloth, ex     Gorst, John Eldon                                     $800 - 1,200
General Assembly Library.                      The Maori King
                                               Paul’s Book Arcade, Hamilton, 1959, together          B77a
B66                                            with two small copies of Polynesian Mythology         54 Volumes of The Journal of the Polynesian
Reed, A. H. & A. W. (Pub)                      by Sir George Grey.                                   Society (1909 onwards)
The Gospels From The New Testament In                                                                Containing the Transactions and
Maori                                          B73                                                   Proceedings of the Society, The Polynesian
First Lilliput ED 1965.                        Skilled Handwork Of The Maori                         Society (Incorporated), half burgundy
                                               Being the Oldman Collection of Maori                  morocco, ex General Assembly Library with
B67                                            Artifacts Illustrated and Described. Memoirs          gilt crest to covers.
White, John                                    Of The Polynesian Scoiety, Volume 14, Second          $500 - 1,000
The Ancient History Of The Maori               ED, The Polynesian Society, Wellington, 1946,
(Vols I, II,III & IV)                          printed pic card wrappers, lower left corner of
George Didsbury, Govt Printer, Wellington,     cover torn off.
1887, red cloth, with port to the FB, spines   $100 - 150
sunned, else G.
$400 - 800

11      d un b ar s l o a ne
B78                                                 B85                                               B93
Best, Elsdon                                        The Late Colonel Porter, C .B.                    Beattie, Herries
The Maori (2 Volumes)                               Legends of the Maori                              Our Southernmost Maoris
Memoirs of the Polynesian Society, Volume V,        And Personal Reminiscences of the East            Otago Daily Times and Witness Newspapers
Harry H Tombs, Limited, Wellington, 1924,           Coast of New Zealand. L. M. Isitt Ltd,            Co, Ltd, Dunedin, 1954, printed wrappers,
grey cloth.                                         Christchurch, 1925, frontis port of the author,   together with, Maori Place-Names of
                                                    quarter tan cloth, orange brds.                   Canterbury by Herries Beattie, 1945, and
B79                                                 $100 - 150                                        South Island Maoris A Sketch Of Their History
Cowan, James                                                                                          and Legendary Lore by Canon Stack, 1898.
The Adventures of Kimble Bent                       B86
A Story Of Wild Life In The New Zealand             Jones, Pei Te Hurinui                             B94
Bush, with illustrations, Whitcombe And             Puhiwahine Maori Poetess                          Hamilton, Augustus
Tombs Ltd, first ED, 1911, a very good copy.        Printed at The Pegasus Press, Christchurch,       The Art Workmanship of the Maori Race In
$100 - 150                                          1961, first imprint 250 copies, 32pp, printed     New Zealand
                                                    soft card wrappers. Very scarce copy.             Fergusson & Mitchell, Dunedin, first ED 1896,
B80                                                 $100 - 200                                        267pp, plus 2 further illus pl, half dark green
Butler, Annie R.                                                                                      morocco
Glimpses of Maori Land                              B87                                               $150 - 300
The Religious Tract Society, London, first ED,      Mair, Captain Gilbert
1886, insc to FEP, pic blue cloth gilt. Ex libris   The Story of Gate Pa April 29th 1864              B95
BP of M. C. Palmer.                                 Printed and Published by The Bay of Plenty        William Jenkins
$100 - 150                                          Times Ltd, 1937, printed wrappers, together       Autographs of New Zealand Chiefs
                                                    with, Tales Of Tamati by Ian Mackay, with         Framed list of seven of the 1863 Maori
B81                                                 authors insc in Maori to FEP. Fifty Years In      Touring Party to England with William
Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Buck)                     Maoriland by James T Pinfold, first ED, 1930,     Jenkins, all clearly written/signed by Jenkins
The Coming of The Maori                             all with ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.            the notorious organiser of the trip, in an
Maori Purposes Fund Board, Wellington,                                                                ornate gilt frame.
Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, first ED, 1949, DJ,          B88                                               $100 - 200
ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer                        Taylor, W. A.
                                                    Lore and History of the South Island Maori        B96
B82                                                 Bascands Ltd, ND, first ED (1950), brown          Newman, Alfred K
Duff, Roger                                         cloth, DJ, ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer,          Who are the Maoris
The Moa-Hunter Period of Maori-Culture              together with two Maori related booklets.         Whitcombe And Tombs Ltd, ND, red cloth,
with a foreword by H. D. Skinner. Dept of                                                             together with, Lays Of The Land Of The
Internal Affairs, Wellington, first ED, 1950, DJ.   B89                                               Maori And Moa by Thomas Bracken, 1884.
There is a tipped in typed two p. review of         Menzies, J. H.                                    The Story Of Aotea by Rev. T. G. Hammond,
the book by C. R. H. Taylor of The Alexander        Maori Patterns Painted and Carved                 1924, and Kei Puta te Wairau A History Of
Turnbull Library. Ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.     Deluxe facsimile ED 1975, no 191/750,             Marlborough In Maori Times by W. J. Elvy,
                                                    oblong folio with pl bound in from the orig       1957.
B83                                                 1904 ED following pl 28, with pic brds and
Browne, C. R.                                       slipcase, a near fine copy.                       NZ Regional
Maori Witchery                                      $600 - 800
Native Life in New Zealand. J. M. Dent &                                                              B97
Sons, Ltd, first ED 1929, burgundy cloth,           B90                                               Five South Island Topographical Books
together with, Early Maoriland Adventures           Westra, Ans                                       Hokitika Goldfields Capital by Philip Ross
told by J. W. Stack, with pic DJ. Marsden Of        Washday At The Pa                                 May. Kei Puta te Wairau A History Of
Maoriland Pioneer And Peacemaker by A. H.           The Caxton Press, Christchurch, 1964, with        Marlborough In Maori Times by W. J. Elvy.
Reed, with pic DJ. Ex libris BP of M. C.            orig 8 page publishers note, printed pic          The Trial Of The Maungatapu Murderers In
Palmer.                                             wrappers                                          Nelson In 1866. Quail Island A Link With The
                                                    $100 - 150                                        Past. From The Banks of the Avon The Story
B84                                                                                                   of a River by Robert C Lamb.
Best, Elsdon                                        B91
The Maori As He Was                                 Duff, Roger                                       B98
A Brief Account of Maori Life as it was in          The Moa-Hunter Period of Maori Culture            Sorrell, Paul, (Editor)
Pre-European Days, first ED, 1924, green            with a foreword by H. D. Skinner, R. E. Owen,     The Cyclopedia of Otago & Southland (2
cloth, together with, Where The White Man           Govt Printer, Wellington, 1956, together with,    Volumes)
Treads Across The Pathway Of The Maori by           The Moa When Did It Become Extinct? Maori         Dunedin City Council, 1999, navy blue cloth
W. B. (William Bauske) of Otorohanga,               Traditions And Pakeha Conjectures Four Main       with slipcase, together with six Early Settlers
second ED revised, 1928. Wanderings On The          Schools of Thought One Hundred Opinions           & Historical Association of Wellington
Islands Of Wonders (New Zealand) by Boumil          of Maori and Pakeha collected by Herries          booklets.
Pospisil, sig on TP by the author, first ED,        Beattie, and The Maori by Elsdon Best,
1935. The Toll Of The Bush by William               Volume One, 1924.                                 B99
Satchell, Macmillan’s Colonial Library, first ED,                                                     Chilton, Charles
1905. All with ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.        B92                                               The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand
                                                    Beattie, Herries                                  (2 Volumes)
                                                    The Maoris and Fiordland                          John Mackay, Govt Printer, Wellington, first
                                                    Otago Daily Times and Witness Newspapers          ED 1909, navy blue cloth gilt. Vol I cover with
                                                    Co, Ltd, 1949, blue cloth, together with, Our     old stain else G
                                                    Southernmost Maoris by Herries Beattie,           $150 - 300

                                                                                                                      ANT IQUARIAN BO O K           12
B100                                              B107                                             B114
Anderson, Johannes                                Four Canterbury Related Volumes                  Miller, F. W. G.
Place-Names of Banks Peninsula                    They Made Their Own Money The Story of           West to the Fiords
A Topographical History, New Zealand Board        Early Canterbury Traders & Their Tokens.         The History of Western Southland, first
Of Science And Art Manual No 6, W. A. G.          Early Christchurch by R. C. Lamb. The Devil’s    edition, 1954, DJ, together with, 7 other
Skinner, Govt Printer, Wellington, 1927,          Own Brigade A History of the Lyttelton Gaol      volumes including, Mr Explorer Douglas by
together with, Tales Of Banks Peninsula by H.     1860-1920 by David Gee. The Evolution Of A       John Pascoe. Unquiet Earth by Margaret
C. Jacobson, some pages detaches, and             City by J. P. Morrison.                          Alington. The Old Frontier Te Awamutu etc.
Earliest Canterbury by James Hay, 1915.
                                                  B108                                             B115
B101                                              Richards, E. C.                                  Selection South Island Topographical
Sherrard, J. M.                                   The Chatham Islands                              Volumes
Kaikoura A History Of The District                Their Plants, Birds and People, Simpson and      including, Marlborough Place Names. Early
first ED 1966, DJ. Together with four other       Williams Ltd, Christchurch 1952, DJ, together    Christchurch. Birds, Beasts And Fishes. Some
modern South Island regional volumes.             with, Forgotten Island of The South Pacific      Canterbury Churches. Mesopotamia Station.
                                                  The Story of New Zealand’s Southern Islands      Te Raka Land Of Happy Sunshine, etc, etc (12)
B102                                              by Rosaline Redwood, first ED, 1950, red
Hay, James                                        cloth.                                           B116
Reminiscences of Earliest Canterbury                                                               Menzies, Ian H.
(Principally Banks Peninsula)                     B109                                             The Story of Menzies Bay Banks Peninsula
And Its Settlers. The Christchurch Press          Six Canterbury Related Volumes                   Pegasus, first ED, 1970, together with, Jack’s
Company Limited, 1915, navy blue cloth,           The Early Days of Canterbury compiled by A       Hut A Book of Arthur’s Pass by Grace Adams.
spine sunned, together with, Harry Ell And        Selwyn Bruce. Pioneers On Port Cooper            Daybreak In Geraldine County 1877-1952 by
His Summit Road, A History Of The                 Plains The Deans Family of Riccarton by John     A. J. Davey. Early Timaru by F. G. Hall-Jones.
Canterbury Frozen Meat Company Limited,           Deans. John Robert Godley Of Canterbury by
Street Corner A study to mark the thirtieth       C. E. Carrington. Old Christchurch by            B117
anniversary of the founding of the Caxton         Johannes C Andersen. The Story Of                Various New Zealand Regional Volumes
Press.                                            Christchurch New Zealand. Oxford The First       including, Timaru 100 Years Of Postal
                                                  Hundred Years by O. A. Gillespie.                Services. New Zealand’s First Railway Dun
B103                                                                                               Mountain Railway, Nelson. Blackboards And
Smith, A. A.                                      B110                                             Ships Masts A History Of The Lyttelton Main
Printing In Canterbury                            Buick, T. Lindsay                                Schools First Century. Akaroa Canterbury’s
A History of Newspapers And Printing              The French At Akaroa                             Premier Seaside Resort. Puhoi Remembers.
Houses Of The Province From The Earliest          An Adventure In Colonization, New Zealand        Tails Of The Mails Hawkes Bay Centennial
Times, Christchurch Club Of Printing House        Book Depot, Wellington, 1928, DJ, together       Year, 1959.
Craftsmen, 1953, DJ, together with, History       with, Place-Names Of Banks Peninsula by
And Bibliography, Vols 1, 2, & 3, 1948, printed   Johannes C Andersen, 1927, and, Akaroa           B118
wrappers, and Street Corner A study to mark       And Banks Peninsula 1840-1940, Story Of          Wilson, James G.
the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of      French Colonising Venture And Early Whaling      Early Rangitikei
The Caxton Press by R. C. Lamb.                   Activities.                                      Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, first ED 1914, DJ.
B104                                              B111                                             $100 - 150
Ward, Louis E.                                    Seven Canterbury Related Volumes
Early Wellington                                  Purau by Elisabeth Ogilvie, Caxton Press,        B119
prefaced by The Right Hon. Sir Robert Stout.      1970. John Grigg Of Longbeach by P. G.           Interesting Chapters From The Early History
Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, Auckland, ND,          Stevens. Burton Shipley A Canterbury Settler.    Of Wanganui
1928, green cloth.                                By Tram To Papanui. Mount Peel Is A              And Wanganui In 1856. A. D. Willis,
                                                  Hundred The Story Of The First High Country      Wanganui, first ED, 1902, illus, pic wrappers.
B105                                              Station In Canterbury. Old Christchurch by
Howard, Basil                                     Johannes C Andersen. The Torless Papers          B120
Rakiura                                           1848-51.                                         Chapple, L. J. B. & Barton, Cranleigh
A History Of Stewart Island New Zealand, A.                                                        Early Missionary Work In Whanganui
H. & A. W. Reed, Dunedin, 1940, black cloth,      B112                                             (1840–1850)
no DJ, spine sunned.                              Scotter, W. H.                                   H. I. Jones & Son Ltd, Wanganui, 1930, sig
$100 - 150                                        A History of Port Lyttelton                      and insc by Chapple to FEP, and with a letter
                                                  first ED, 1968, DJ, together with, Hospital On   from him also. Scarce signed copy.
B106                                              The Avon. Ex Cathedral A History of the          $100 - 150
Swainson, William                                 Cathedral School Christchurch 1881-1981. All
Auckland The Capital of New Zealand               Aboard Iron Horses To Wakatipu & Shipping        B121
And The Country Adjacent, Including Some          On The Lake.                                     Downes, T. W.
Account Of The Gold Discovery In New                                                               Old Whanganui
Zealand. Smith, Elder & Co, London, 1853,         B113                                             W. A. Parkinson & Co, Ltd, Hawera, first ED,
orig blind stamped green cloth, sunned,           Miller, F. W. G.                                 1915, pic dark green cloth.
spine ends bumped, lacking map.                   West to the Fiords
$100 - 150                                        The History of Western Southland, first ED,      B122
                                                  1954, green cloth, DJ, together with, A          Thomas, M. C.
                                                  Pastoral Kingdom Divided Cheviot, 1888-94.       Yeomen of the South
                                                  The Mair Family by J. C. Andersen and G. C.      Printed by the Southland News Co Ltd,
                                                  Petersen.                                        Invercargill, first ED, 1940, pic soft card
                                                                                                   wrappers. A very scarce copy.
                                                                                                   $100 - 150

13      d un b ar s l o a ne
B67                  B89                  B73


B77           B77a         B80                  B85

B90          B152           B119                      B120

B157          B99                  B160                B159

                                                 ANT IQUARIAN BO O K   14
B123                                               B128                                               B133
Richards, E. C.                                    Guthrie-Smith, H                                   Ross, C Stuart
The Chatham Islands                                Tutira The Story of a New Zealand Sheep            Early Otago And Some of its Notable Men
their Plants, Birds, and People. Simpson And       Station                                            J Wilkie & Co, Ltd, Dunedin, first edition,
Williams Ltd, Christchurch, first ED 1952, DJ,     William Blackwood & Sons Ltd, Edinburgh,           1907, blue cloth. Pioneering In Otago The
ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer, a near fine copy.    third ED 1953, blue cloth, DJ. Together with,      Recollections Of William Ayson, sig ltd ed
                                                   Tales Of The Mails Hawkes Bay Centennial           400/500, c1937. Early Days In Central Otago
B124                                               Year, 1959 by Lester Masters, and Armed            by Robert Gilkison, 1930. Ex libris BP of M. C.
Five Otago Related Volumes                         Settlers 1864-1874 The Story of the Founding       Palmer.
Golden Days Of Lake County The History of          of Hamilton by H. C. M. Norris, signed copy.
Lake County and the Boroughs of                    Ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.                      B134
Queenstown and Arrowtown by F. W. G.                                                                  Hall-Jones, F. G.
Miller, 1949. Mackenzie The Sheep Stealer          B129                                               Historical Southland
Fresh Information Considered by Herries            Six Wellington Related Volumes                     Printed by the Otago Daily Times & Witness
Beattie, 1959. The Book Of The Pioneers            The Merchants Paved The Way by J Halket            Newspapers Co, Ltd, 1945, blue cloth,
Otama, Knapdale, Chatton. 1936. Yesterday          Millar. The Streets Of My City Wellington          together with, Pure Gold And Rough
And Today In Otago 1840-1940                       New Zealabd by F. L. Irvine-Smith. Strait Of       Diamonds Gems from the Scrapbook of a
commemorative booklet. The Port Of Otago           Adventure by Stephen Gerard. The City Of           travelling Watchmaker & Jeweller in Otago &
by A. H. McLintock, 1951.                          The Strait Wellington And Its Province A           Southland by J. B. Hislop, sig by the author.
$100 - 150                                         Centennial History by Alan Mulgan. Old             Littledene A New Zealand Rural Community
                                                   Wellington Days by Pat Lawlor.More                 by H.C.D.Somerset, 1938. Pioneers Of
B125                                               Wellington Days by Pat Lawlor. Ex libris BP of     Martins Bay by Mrs Peter McKenzie,
Selection of Nelson Related Volumes &              M. C. Palmer.                                      Queenstown, 1947. All with ex libris BP of M.
Booklets                                                                                              C. Palmer
Including, The Trial of the Maungatapu             B130
Murderers In Nelson In 1866, R. W. Stiles,         Four New Zealand Regional Volumes                  B135
1924. Footprints The Story of the settlement       Auckland City Of The Seas An Illustrated           Beattie, Herries
and development of the Nelson back country         Account of the Founding and Development            Mackenzie Of The Mackenzie Country Story
districts by J. N. W. Newport. History of the      of the City of Auckland and its Suburbs by A.      Of The Famous Sheep-Lifter
Nelson Institute by C. R. Brereton. Nelson         W. Reed, sig and insc to M. C. Palmer from         Pioneer-Explorer-Sheeplifter, Story Of A
Province 1642-1842 by A. N. Field. Leather         the author, September 1955, maroon cloth,          Remarkable Man, Otago Daily Times and
bound Nelson-College prize book, and five          DJ. Old Christchurch by Johannes C                 Witness Newspapers, Co, Ltd, first ED 1946,
other booklets.                                    Andersen, first ED, 1939, DJ. Natural History      brown cloth, fine copy, together with,
                                                   of Canterbury, R Speight, Arnold Wall and R.       Annandale Past And Present 1839-1900 by H.
B126                                               M. Laing, Honorary Editors, first ED, 1927.        L. Guthrie Gray, Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd,
Four Otago Related Volumes                         Medical Practice in Otago the Early Days by        1901, and Sutherlands of Ngaipu by Alex
Teviot Tapestry A History of the Roxburgh-         Robert Valpy Fulton, first ED 1922., all with ex   Sutherland, first ED 1947, red cloth, DJ. All
Millers Flat District by A. H. H. Webster, 1948.   libris BP of M. C. Palmer.                         with ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.
The Pioneers Explore Otago by Herries
Beattie, 1947. Old Coaching Days Otago And         B131                                               B136
Southland by E Lovell-Smith, 1931, and, In         Acland, L. G. D.                                   Gilkison, Robert
Search Of Central Otago by G Hugh                  The Early Canterbury Runs                          Early Days In Dunedin
Sumpter. Ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.             Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, first ED, 1930,             Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, 1938, blue cloth,
                                                   brown cloth, together with, Peninsula & Plain      DJ, together with, The Story Of Early
B127                                               The History And Geography Of Banks                 Dunedin by A. H. Reed, insc by the author to
Seven Canterbury Related Volumes                   Peninsula And The Canterbury Plains, revised       M. C. Palmer on the fly leaf and TP, blue
Pioneers Of Canterbury Deans Letters               enlarged ED 1966, DJ. Christchurch                 cloth, DJ, with ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.
1840-1854, foreword by Major L. G .D.              Sketchbook, drawings by Unk White, text by
Acland, with DJ. Te Waimate Early Station          M. H. Holcroft, first ED 1968. A Spring In The     B137
Life in New Zealand by E. C. Studholme, 2nd        Canterbury Settlement by C Warren Adams,           Bishop, Walter
ED, 1954, DJ. Old Westland A Thrilling Story       Capper Press RP 1971. Ex libris BP of M. C.        Guide to Wellington & District with Complete
Of The Golden West Coast Of The South              Palmer                                             Map Of The City
Island Of New Zealand Known to the Maori                                                              Printed by Robert Burett, 1882, together with,
as Te Wai Pounamu by E Iveagh Lord, 1939,          B132                                               Alla Fine Del Mondo To The Ends Of The
DJ. Musterer On Molesworth by Bruce                Pyke, Vincent                                      Earth A History of Italian migration to the
Stronach, 1953, DJ. Pioneers of Martins Bay        History of the Early Gold Discoveries In           Wellington Region. Guide to the Oratory
by Alice McKenzie, new revised edition, 1953.      Otago                                              South Kensington, 1893
The Story Of Christchurch New Zealand by           Otago Daily Times & Witness Newspapers
Henry F Wigram, sig on fly leaf by noted NZ        Co Ltd, first ED 1887, purple cloth gilt, spine    B138
economist J. B. Condliffe. Pyramid Valley The      sunned, tipped in newspaper cuttings, ex           Gillespie, Oliver A.
Story of New Zealand’s Greatest Moa Swamp.         libris BP of M. C. Palmer.                         South Canterbury A Record Of Settlement
Ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.                      $100 - 150                                         Published by The South Canterbury
$100 - 150                                                                                            Centennial History Committee 1958, blue
                                                                                                      cloth, DJ.

15      d un b ar s l o a ne
B139                                              B145                                                 B154
Seven New Zealand Related Volumes                 Adams, C Warren                                      Six Volumes On NZ Mountains Etc
Homes Of The Pioneers Pen & Wash                  A Spring In The Canterbury Settlement                Tararua the story of a mountain range by
Drawings By A. J. Mair. West Of The Manulau       With Engravings, Longman, Brown, Green,              Chris Maclean. Tongariro A Sacred Gift,
by Ben Westhead. Tawa Flat and the Old            London 1853, with map (detached), blue               written and photographed by Craig Potton.
Porirua Road 1840-1955 by Arthur H Carman,        cloth, spine worn, cocked, together with,            Glacier Country My Years At Franz Josef by
ltd ed. Yesterdays in Golden Buller by Ella       Crusts A Settler’s Fare by Laurence J                Ralph Warburton. Old Taranaki And Its
Matthews. The Wellington Watersiders The          Kennaway, 1874, The NZ Index 1905                    Mountain. A Land Apart The Mount Cook
Story of Their Industrial Organisation by P. N.                                                        Alpine Region. Titi Heritage The Story of the
Pettit. Masterton’s First Hundred Years           B146                                                 Muttonbird Islands. Etc.
1854-1954 by A. G. Bagnall. The Story of New      Roxburgh, Irvine
Zealand Place Names by A. W. Reed, with a         Wanaka Story                                         B155
sig insc by the author to Melville Palmer on      A History of the Wanaka, Hawea, Tarras and           Ward, Louis E.
the fly leaf.                                     Surrounding Districts, Otago Centennial              Early Wellington
                                                  Historical Publications 1957, blue cloth, DJ,        Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, 1928, blue cloth,
B140                                              together with, The Story of Maungakiekie the         together with the 1975 RP
Guthrie-Smith, H                                  ancient Maori Fortress and Now One Tree              $100 - 150
Tutira The Story of a New Zealand Sheep           Hill. The Stewart Islanders by Olga Sansom. A
Station                                           History of Canterbury, 3 volumes.                    Travel & Exploration
A. H. & A. W. Reed, fourth ED, 1969, cloth gilt
DJ, also, Waterton’s Wanderings In South          B147                                                 B156
America The North-West Of The United              The Cyclopedia of New Zealand, Volume 3              Markham, Sir Clements
States And The Antilles In The Years 1812,        Canterbury Provincia District, printed by            The First Years Work Of The National
1816, 1820, & 1824, Macmillan & Co, 1893.         Horace J Weeks, Ltd, Christchurch, 1903, RB          Antarctic Expedition
                                                  burgundy cloth.                                      From The Smithsonian Report For 1903,
B141                                                                                                   Pages 459-465 (with pl I), Govt Printing Office,
Beattie, Herries                                  B148                                                 Washington, 1904, quarter orange cloth, plain
Mackenzie of the Mackenzie Country                The Cyclopedia of New Zealand, Volume 2              brds, together with, The Swedish Antarctic
Pioneer-Explorer-Sheeplifter Story Of A           Auckland Provincial District, Published By The       Expedition, and The B.A.N.Z. Antarctic
Remarkable Man, Otago Daily Times and             Cyclopedia Company Ltd, Christchurch, 1902,          Research 1929-1931 Expedition
Witness Newspapers Co, Ltd, 1946, together        RB burgundy cloth.
with, Otago Place Names As Bestowed by                                                                 B157
the Pakeha and Jotted down by Herries             B149                                                 Collection of Everest Press Photographs
Beattie, 1948. Early Runholding In Otago,         The Cyclopedia of New Zealand, Volume 5              c1950’s
1947. All with printed wrappers.                  Nelson, Marlborough, And Westland                    from the Himalayan Committee Of Royal
                                                  Provincial Districts, printed by Horace J            Geographical Society And Alpine Club,
B142                                              Weeks, Christchurch 1906, RB burgundy                including, various images of Hillary & Tenzing
Beattie, Herries                                  cloth.                                               together, a group shot of the expedition
The Pioneers Explore Otago                                                                             team, views of Everest from different camps,
A Record of Explorers, Travellers, Surveyors,     B150                                                 John Hunt mapping out plans, a crevice
Bushmen, Seekers of Pastoral Country, Inland      Napier New Zealand The City Beautiful                ladder crossing, Tenzing on the summit, and
Voyagers, and Wayfaring Men, Otago Daily          together with, Wairakei The Unique                   on a ridge at 20,000 feet, Hillary & Tenzing
Times and Witness Newspapers Co, Ltd,             Wonderland Of Thermal Grandeur, 1938, with           coming up the East ridge, Hillary being
Dunedin, 1947, together with, Doubtful            later green cloth outer cover. Ex General            congratulated by the Sherpas after the
Sound by Herries Beattie, 1955. A History of      Assembly Library.                                    descent from the summit to Camp 4, porters
Gore And Surrounding Districts by Herries                                                              on the way to Base Camp, Hillary after the
Beattie, 1962                                     B151                                                 ascent, etc. All unframed
                                                  Five Regional & Historical NZ Volumes                $100 - 200
B143                                              Beyond The Waimakariri A Regional History
Beattie, Herries                                  by D. N. Watkins. Kei Puta te Wairau A               B158
Mackenzie of the Mackenzie Country                History Of Marlborough In Maori Times by W.          McFarland, Alfred
Story of the Famous Sheeplifter, 1946,            J. Elvy. Homes Of The Pioneers Pen & Wash            Mutiny In The Bounty
together with, Mackenzie The Sheep Stealer        Drawings By A. J. Mair. Lake Ellesmere To Te         And Story Of The Pitcairn Islanders, J. J.
Fresh Information Considered, 1959. The           Pirita by Sarah E. W. Penney, and Fire &             Moore, Sydney, ND (c1884), sig and insc on
Attractions Of Te Anau, 1955, and Pioneer         Decay The Destruction of The Large New               FEP by Alfred H Adams, a Bounty
Recollections Mainly of the Gore District ,       Zealand House by Terence E. R. Hodgson.              descendant, pict red cloth gilt.
1956, and Doubtful Sounds, 1955, all by
Herries Beattie, all printed wrappers.            B152                                                 B159
                                                  Howard, Basil                                        Palmer, Captain George
B144                                              Rakiura                                              Kidnapping In The South Seas
Beattie, Herries                                  A History of Stewart Island. A. H. & A. W.           Being A Narrative Of A Three Months Cruise
Far Famed Fiordland                               Reed, Dunedin, ND, black cloth, pic DJ.              of H. M. Ship Rosario. Edmonston And
Historic and Descriptive European Explorers,      $100 - 150                                           Douglas, Edinburgh, first ED 1871, brown
White Whalers, Seamen and Surveyors,                                                                   cloth, ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer.
Travellers and Tourists, and Pakeha Place-        B153                                                 $100 - 150
Names. Otago Daily Times and Witness              Reid, R. C.
Newspapers Co, Ltd, 1950, blue cloth,             Rambles on The Golden Coast of The South
together with Early Runholding In Otago by        Island of New Zealand
Herries Beattie, 1947, and Tikao Talks            Reid & Co, Printers& Publishers, West Coast
Traditions Told By Teone Taare Tikao, 1939.       Times, Hokitika, first ED 1884, col litho frontis,
                                                  dec red and black cloth gilt.

                                                                                                                       ANT IQUARIAN BO O K          16
B160                                                B166                                              B173
Scott, Captain Robert Falcon,                       Six Samoa Related Volumes                         Ellis, Albert F.
R. N., C. V. O.                                     Samoa And Its Story by James Cowan, 1914,         Ocean Island And Nauru Their Story
Scott’s Last Expedition (2 Volumes)                 printed wrappers. With Stevenson In Samoa         Angus & Robertson Ltd, Sydney, first ED
Arranged by Leonard Huxley, preface by Sir          by H. J. Moors, 1911. History of Samoa by R.      1935, green cloth, insc from the author to A.
Clements R Markham. Illus, Elder & Co,              M. Watson, 1918, silverfish nibbles to prelims.   S. Paterson, Auckland 1935, spine sunned, ex
London, fourth ED 1914, blue cloth, ex libris       Handbook Of Western Samoa, 1925. Modern           libris BP of M. C. Palmer, together with,
BP of M. C. Palmer.                                 Samoa Its Government And Changing Life by         Mutiny of the Bounty and Story of Pitcairn
$100 - 200                                          Felix M Keesing, 1934, and Western Samoa          Island 1790-1894 by Rosalind Amelia Young
                                                    Land, Life and Agriculture in Tropical            A Native Daughter, eighth printing, pub by
B161                                                Polynesia, ED by James W Fox, and Kenneth         Pastor David Nield, 14 Tasman Street,
Peyrouse, M. De La                                  B Cumberland. 1962.                               Wellington, printed by Dawson Printing
Voyage Round The World                                                                                Company, Auckland, 1924, red cloth.
Which was performed in the years 1785,              B167
1786, 1787, and 1788. Printed by J Moir for T       Campbell, John Francis                            B174
Brown, Edinburgh, 1798, folding frontis map,        Frost And Fire (2 Volumes)                        Grant, James
pl and tables as required, ex owners insc and       Natural Engines, Tool-Marks And Chips with        Cassell’s Illustrated History Of India
name to top of TP. Full tree calf, spine title in   Sketches Taken At Home And Abroad By A            Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, ND, dec
red, ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer. A good           Traveller. Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh,        red cloth gilt, together with, 3 volume set of
clean and tight copy.                               1865, blue cloth, together with Ogilvies          British Battles on Land and Sea, and 4
$500 - 1,000                                        Encyclopedia of Useful Information and            volume set of The Seas.
                                                    Worlds Atlas.
B162                                                                                                  Military & War
Murray, Rev. Thomas Boyle                           B168
Pitcairn                                            Six Pacific Island Related Volumes                B175
The Island, The People, And Their Pastor,           A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the      Llewellyn, S. P.
With A Short Account Of The Mutiny On The           South Sea Islands by John Williams, John          Journey Towards Christmas
Bounty. Society For Promoting Christian             Snow, London, 1840, rebacked half calf,           Official History of the 1st Ammunition
Knowledge, London, 1853, , illus orig light         mrbld brds. The Story of the Pacific by           Company Second New Zealand
blue blind stamped cloth, with enbossed gilt        Hendrik Van Loon, RP 1949. A True Tale of         Expeditionary Force 1939-45. War History
ship to front boards                                Love In Tonga told in 23 eng and 337 words        Branch, D.I.A.Wellington, 1949, red cloth, DJ,
$100 - 200                                          by Robert Gibbings, 1954. The Pacific Islands     ex libris BP of M. C. Palmer. Together with,
                                                    A Handbook by McCarron Stewart And Co,            Shell-Shocks New Zealanders in France,
B163                                                Ltd, 1918. Savage Island An Account Of A          private edition for the New Zealand Division,
Ainsworth, W. F.                                    Sojourn In Niue And Tonga by Basil C              published by Jarrold & Sons, London, c1916,
All Round The World An Illustrated Record           Thomson, 1902. Daughters Of The Islands by        and The Bystanders Fragments from France
Voyages, Travels And Adventures In All Parts        Evelyn R Downs, 1944. Also, The Land Of The       By Capt Bruce Bairnsfather.
Of The Globe, Second Series, William                Chinese People, and Climbing & Exploration
Collins, London, half morocco, together with        In The Bolivian Andes.                            B176
two vols of the English Cyclopedia Of                                                                 Gillespie, Oliver A.
Natural History, half calf, mrbld brds, and two     B169                                              The Pacific
other minor volumes.                                Livingstone, David                                Official History of New Zealand in the
                                                    The Life & Explorations of David Livingstone      Second World War, War History Branch, DIA,
B164                                                Carefully Compiled From Reliable Sources.         Wellington, 1952, illus incl maps, red cloth,
Young, John Russell                                 John G Murdoch, London, ND, col litho             no DJ, together with, Medical Services In
Around The World with General Grant (2              frontis (torn corner) and TP by Adam & Co,        New Zealand And The Pacific by T Duncan M
Volumes)                                            full tooled black morocco gilt.                   Stout, 1958,and Australasia The Britains Of
Subscription Book Department, The                                                                     The South, 1903, all ex General Assembly
American News Company, New York, 1879,              B170                                              Library.
brown cloth.                                        Knight, E. F.
                                                    Where Three Empires Meet                          B177
B165                                                Longmans Colonial Library, new imp (1903)         Five WWI & WWII Soldiers Poetry Volumes
Hartwig, Dr G.                                      Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1904,               Sing As We Go The Story Of The Kiwi
The Polar World                                     together with, The Sacred Baboons Of              Concert Party, 1941-43 (2 copies). A Soldiers
A Popular Description Of Man And Nature in          Lomondo by C. L. Harries, 1929, and a group       Spare-time Soliloquy by W. E. Wagener,
the Arctic And Antarctic Regions Of The             of assorted ordanance survey maps, illus          1942. Land of the Fern Verses Grave and Gay
Globe. Longmans, Green And Co, London,              guide books etc.                                  by Lieutenant Charles Stanley Brown, and
New ED 1892, full blue calf, raised spine                                                             Memories Of A Soldier. All ex General
bands, dec gilt cmpts, cover embossed               B171                                              Assembly Library.
School Ship “Conway”                                Livingstone, David
                                                    The Life and Explorations of David                B178
                                                    Livingstone                                       Taylerson, A. W. F.
                                                    Carefully compiled from reliable sources.         The Revolver 1899-1914
                                                    Walter Scott, London, ND, red cloth gilt          together with, New Zealand Cavalcade of
                                                                                                      Antique Arms. Ex General Assembly Library.
                                                    Japanese Postcard Album c1920
                                                    incl hand col studio posed groups of geishas,
                                                    silhouette landscape views include Mount
                                                    Fuji, cityscapes, etc, black lacquered binding
                                                    $150 - 300

17       d un b ar s l o a ne
B188           B192                  B162

B196            B191          B189

 B201                  B161

        B185           B197

                                            ANT IQUARIAN BO O K   18
B179                                              B186                                               B193
Collection Of WWII Booklets                       Circa 1660s Book of Common Prayer                  Knight, Charles (Editor)
including, The Tiger Kills The Story of British   composed book of common prayer, lacks              Old England (2 Volumes)
And Indian Troops With The 8th Army In            prelims and TP, numerous large decorative          A Pictorial Museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical,
North Africa. Roof Over Britain The Official      capitals, The Kalendar printed in red and          Municipal, Baronial and Popular Antiquities.
Story Of The A.A.Defences, 1939-1942. His         black. To the rear The Whole Book of Psalmes       Sangster And Fletcher, London, 1854. half
Majestys Minesweepers. The Battle Of              Collected into English Meeter by Thomas            calf, spine joint split top of Vol II.
Britain. The Eighth Army. The Mediterranean       Sternbold, John Hopkins, and others, printed
Fleet, etc.                                       by S. G. for the Company of Stationers, 1661,      B194
                                                  fully eng page, later half morocco, spine with     Redhead, Thomas W (Trans)
B180                                              part of orig spine strip laid down. Also, The      The Historical Works of M. Adolphe Thiers (4
Thompson. H. K. Jr, & Strutz, Henry (Ed)          Cyclopedia of New Zealand , Volume 5, very         Volumes)
Doenitz At Nuremberg A Re-Appraisal               poor binding.                                      A Fullarton & Co, London, 1845, half navy
(Signed copy)                                     $200 - 400                                         blue calf.
War Crimes & the Military Professional.
Amber Publishing Corp. New York City. ltd ed      B187                                               B195
212/350, sig by Doenitz, blue cloth, DJ,          Farren, R.                                         Clarke, Charles (Trans)
slipcase.                                         The Granta And The Cam                             The Whole Works of Flavius Josephus
$300 - 400                                        from Byron’s Pool To Ely, Drawn And Etched         Printed For The Proprietors And Sold by J
                                                  By R Farren. Macmillan & Co, London, 1880,         Walker and others, London, 1785, rebacked
B181                                              large folio, quarter burgundy morocco, green       half leather, TP ND Preface with edge
Stewart, Col. H.                                  cloth gilt                                         restoration.
The New Zealand Division 1916-1919                $150 - 300                                         $100 - 200
A Popular History Based on Official Records,
Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd 1921, khaki cloth.          B188                                               B196
                                                  Anderson, William                                  Middleton, Charles Theodore
Antiquarian                                       The Works of Lord Byron (2 Volumes)                A New and Complete System of Geography
                                                  With A Life And Illustrative Notes. A Fullarton    (2 Vols)
B182                                              & Co, Edinburgh, ND, finely bound in full          Printed by J Cooke, London, 1777, illus with
Armstrong, John                                   tooled burgundy calf, with 5 raised spine          numerous eng pl and maps, incl folding, full
The Art of Preserving Health                      bands and gilt dec compartments, mrbld FE          orig calf, raised spine bands, TP in red and
To Which Is Added, A Critical Essay On The        & EPs. A very fine set.                            black ink, full page hand written notes on EP
Poem by J Aikin, M.D. Printed For T Cadell,       100 - 200                                          of Vol I.
Jun and W Davies, London, 1795, illus with                                                           $300 - 500
eng pl, half tan calf, mrbld brds, ex owners      B189
insc to FEP                                       Aelianus Claudius                                  B197
                                                  De Animalium Natura Libris XVII                    A Gazetteer Of The World (7 Volumes)
B183                                              Petro Gillio Gallo & Conrado Gesnero               or A Dictionary Of Geographical Knowledge.
Ricdum Funnidos                                   (translators). (Geneve) , Apud Ioann               A Fullarton & Co, Edinburgh, 1856, finely
The Comic Almanack For 1835 & 1839 (2)            Tornassium, 1611, 396pp, full contemporary         bound full red morocco, gilt line, 5 raised
An Ephemeris In Jest And Earnest, Adorned         calf, gilt lines, 4 raised spine bands. A scarce   spine bands and gilt dec compartments,
With A Dozen Of “Right Merrie” Cuts               copy.                                              mrbld FE & EPs.
Pertaining To The Months Sketched And             $600 - 1,000                                       $150 - 300
Etched By George Cruikshank. Imprinted For
Charles Tilt, London, each TP with 12             B190                                               B198
vignettes, half calf, 4 raised spine bands, and   Williams, D. E.                                    Brown, The Rev. John
ex owners name of Harriet Skene on FEP of         The Life and Correspondence of Sir Thomas          The Holy Bible
both, dated 1838 & 1843.                          Lawrence (2 Volumes)                               Containing the Old and New Testaments with
$100 - 150                                        Henry Colburn And Richard Bentley, London,         Notes and Practical Observations by The Rev.
                                                  1831, half calf, mrbld brds, lacking spine         John Brown, Late Minister Of The Gospel At
B184                                              strips and brds detached, together with            Haddington. F. M. Gowan & Son, London,
The Arabian Nights (3 Volumes)                    Thaddeus Of Warsaw by Miss Jane Porter,            ND, full calf, mrbld FE & EPs, red and gilt
Consisting Of One Thousand And One                London, 1845, half calf, and Pilgrims Progress     embossed leather owners label to front
Stories, printed for F. C. and J Rivington, J     finely tooled black and gilt morocco binding.      pastedown of W & J Hickson 1843, family
Nunn, Cadell and Davies and others, London,                                                          geneaology written on FEP.
1821, quarter green calf, mrbld brds, spine       B191                                               $150 - 300
ends frayed.                                      Porter, Miss Jane
                                                  The Scottish Chiefs (2 Volumes)                    B199
B185                                              George Virtue, London, ND, half burgundy           A Form Of Prayer
Baines, Edward                                    calf.                                              Printed by George Eyre & Andrew Strahan,
The History of The County Palatine And                                                               London, 1799, 15pp, unbound with string
Duchy of Lancaster (5 Volumes)                    B192                                               ties, contemporary ink inscription to top of
The Biographical Department By W. R.              Hume, David & Smollett, T                          title. Rare
Whatton. Fisher, Son, & Co, London, 1836,         The History Of England (4)                         $100 - 200
illus, including numerous folding hand-col        From The Invasion Of Julius Caesar to The
maps, genealogical pl etc, half calf, mrbld       Revolution In 1688, Royal Octavo Ed, Printed
brds. A very good rare and complete set.          for C Taylor, Christie & Son, Sharpe & Son,
$500 - 800                                        and others, London 1820, finely bound in full
                                                  tan calf, gilt line, raised spine bands, mrbld
                                                  FE & EPs.
                                                  $200 - 400

19      d un b ar s l o a ne

B200                                               B204                                            B209
Memoires Pour Servir A L’Histoire Naturelle        Baker, David Erskine, Reed, Isaac, &            Baskerville, A. H.
Des Animaux                                        Jones, Stephen                                  Modern Rugby Football
Ouvrages Adoptez par L’Academie Roiale             Biographia Dramatica (3 Volumes)                New Zealand Methods, Points for The
Des Sciences, Avant fon Renouvellement en          or, A Companion To The Playhouse                Beginner, The Player, The Spectator. Gordon
1699. Chez P Gosse & J Neaulme, A La Haie,         containing Historical and critical Memoirs,     & Gotch, London, ND, (1907), red cloth, EX
1729, with eng folding pl, finely RB full tooled   and original Anecdotes of British And Irish     General Assembly Library. Also New Zealand
calf. Rare.                                        Dramatic Writers, etc, etc. Printed for         Rugby Football Some Hints and Criticisms by
$300 - 500                                         Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, And Brown, T        Irwin Hunter.
                                                   Payne and others, London 1812, half green       $100 - 150
B201                                               calf, mrbld brds.
Cooke, G. A.                                       $100 - 200                                      B210
Topographical And Statistical Description Of                                                       Evans, W. R.
The Principality Of Wales                          B205                                            North Island Hunter
Part I North Wales, with folding frontis map of    Helvetius                                       Printed by Swiftcopy Centre Limited,
the principality. Printed for Sherwood, Neely,     Le Bonheur, Poeme, En Six Chants                Palmerston North, 1976, brown cloth with DJ
And Jones, London, ND, c1800, 231pp, plus          Avec des Fragments de quelques Epitres. A       pasted in at the rear, ex libris BP, A very
index pages, half calf.                            Londres, 1772, TP in red and black, full        scarce copy of this self published hunting
$100 - 150                                         original mottled calf, gilt dec spine.          volume.
                                                                                                   $100 -150
B202                                               B206
Burns, Robert                                      Two Part Sets C18th Antiquarian Volumes         B211
The Burns Birthday Book                            comprising, five volumes of The Spectator,      Turner, Samuel
Arthur Guthrie, Ardrossan, ND in a Mauchline       1807 and three volumes of The Dramatick         The Conquest Of The New Zealand Alps
Ware treen binding, the front cover with a         Works Of John Dryden, 1762, all full calf,      T Fisher Unwin Ltd, London, first ED 1922,
sepia view of Princes St Edinburgh and rear        some brds detached.                             turquoise cloth., ex General Assembly Library.
cover with Scotts Monument.
                                                   Sporting                                        B212
B203                                                                                               Wilson, Major R. A.
Jewel, John (Bishop of Sarisbury)                  B207                                            My Stalking Memories
A Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of        Latymer, Lord                                   Pegasus Press, second (enlarged) ED,
Englande                                           Stalking In Scotland and New Zealand            Christchurch, 1963, green cloth, DJ, ex libris
Conteininge an Answeare to a certaine              with illustrations and maps. William            BP of M. C. Palmer.
Booke lately set foorthe by M Harding, and         Blackwood & Sons Ltd, Edinburgh, first ED
Entituled, A Confutation etc. Imprinted at         1935, blue cloth, ex General Assembly           B213
London in Fleetestreate, at the Signe of the       Library. A scarce volume. Also, Angling in      Thomson, Joff A.
Elephante, by Henry Vvykes, 1571, large            New Zealand. By F Carr Rollett                  Deer Hunter
woodcut device on TP, 764pp, plus six pages        $100 - 150                                      The Experiences of a New Zealand Stalker,
to M Hardinge, with old burn marks and small                                                       with 72 illustrations from photographs. A. H.
holes, TP and DED with top edge nibbles and        B208                                            & A. W. Reed, first ED, 1952, DJ, ex libris BP
small silverfish holes, bound in full              Masters, Read                                   of M. C. Palmer. Also. Peaks, Packs, and
contemporary tooled calf, embossed central         With The All Blacks in Great Britain, France,   Mountain Tracks by W Scott Gilkison, sig first
lozenge stamped with HR, fleur de lys etc.         Canada And Australia 1924-25                    ED 1940, light blue cloth
$600 - 1,000                                       Christchurch Press Company Ltd,
                                                   Christchurch, 1928, red cloth, ex General
                                                   Assembly Library.
                                                   $100 - 150

                                                                                                                   ANT IQUARIAN BO O K          20
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