Anorexia nervosa: an overview1

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Anorexia nervosa: an overview 1

Meir Gross, M.D.                                                               This brief overview of anorexia nervosa, which includes a
                                                                            description of the history, behavioral and medical symptoms, med-
                                                                            ical complications, and treatment, emphasizes the importance of
                                                                            obtaining a thorough history to establish an early diagnosis in
                                                                            patients who do not have the usual physical appearance of emacia-
                                                                            tion characteristic of this disorder.
                                                                            Index terms: Anorexia nervosa
                                                                            Cleve Clin Q 50:371-376, Fall 1983

                                                                              T h e first detailed report on anorexia nervosa was pub-
                                                                           lished by Richard Morton in 1689, in which he described
                                                                           two patients whom he defined as suffering from "nervous
                                                                           atrophy." He described the symptoms of lack of menstrual
                                                                           periods, reduction in eating, followed by constipation lead-
                                                                           ing to severe thinness and overactive behavior. About two
                                                                           centuries later, in 1874, William Gull in England 1 de-
                                                                           scribed the same syndrome coining the name "anorexia
                                                                           nervosa" since he believed it was due to a nervous morbid
                                                                           mental state of the patient. At about the same time in 1873,
                                                                           E. Charles Laseque in France 2 published a description of
                                                                           the same condition referring to it as "anorexia hysterique,"
                                                                           based on emotional disturbances and changes in thinking
                                                                           defined by him as intellectual perversion.
                                                                              Anorexia means lack of appetite. However, the appetite
                                                                           in anorexia nervosa is usually normal, but the patient tries
  Department of Psychiatry, T h e Cleveland                       Clinic
F o u n d a t i o n . S u b m i t t e d f o r publication M a y   1983;
                                                                           to block or deny hunger to avoid eating. In this regard the
accepted J u n e 1 9 8 3 .                                                 term anorexia is a misnomer. T h e word nervosa suggests

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'372   Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                         Vol. 50, No. 2

a nervous condition, which categorizes anorexia                        to lose weight, they continue relentlessly to the
nervosa as an emotional disorder.                                      point of severe emaciation. When a substantial
   Anorexia nervosa is a somewhat baffling dis-                        amount of weight is lost, they become fearful of
ease with an elusive cure in many cases. 3 It seems                    regaining it and will resist any pressure by parents
to have increased in frequency during the past                         or others to eat more. Fear of gaining weight can
few years, 4 possibly because dieting is so popular                    reach phobic proportions.
or anorexia nervosa is recognized more fre-
quently. Recently, anorexia nervosa has become                         Medical complications
a popular subject in the mass media, and it is                            As the disease progresses there is significant
possible that some girls may choose it as a pre-                       weight loss to the point of severe emaciation.
senting symptom to other unconscious underly-                          Adult patients who had been overweight may
ing conflicts. 5 T h e disorder occurs predomi-                        develop wrinkled skin, but this is seen only rarely
nantly in girls at a ratio of 9:1 usually during                       in adolescent anorexic patients due to greater
adolescence. It affects about one in 2 5 0 girls                       skin turgor. Newbornlike hair, called lanugo may
between the ages of 12 to 18 years. Regardless                         appear on the body and alopecia of the scalp may
of its recent popularity, there are still cases that                   occur.
are not diagnosed in time. T h e results of several                       When weight loss is profound, hypothermia
studies show that the mortality rate for anorexia                      may develop, along with bradycardia and hypo-
nervosa is between 14% and 21%. 6 ' 7 Death may                        tension. Leukopenia and hypogammaglobuline-
result from progressive starvation, electrolyte im-                    mia lessen resistance to infection. If there is lax-
balance, or overwhelming infection. If weight                          ative abuse or induced vomiting, hypokalemia
loss becomes severe, hospitalization is required                       may occur, causing cardiac arrhythmias, lethargy
to prevent death. Despite these impressive mor-                        or even cardiac arrest. Initially, weight loss con-
tality figures, there are cases of spontaneous re-                     sists mainly of adipose tissue. This is followed by
covery even without treatment. Conversely,                             depletion of muscle tissues and hypoproteinemia.
other patients, even with intensive treatment,                         Short stature may result especially when the ill-
have episodic relapses regardless of the type of                       ness starts before puberty. If the illness becomes
therapy. In males, anorexia nervosa usually oc-                        chronic and continues beyond age 17 or 18 when
curs as a single episode with full recovery there-                     there is closure of the epiphyses, the patient will
after, especially if treatment is begun early.                         probably not attain full growth.
   T h e typical anorexic girl usually has a body                         Amenorrhea is a common feature and usually
image distortion. She feels fat or overweight even                     occurs before substantial weight loss. 9 Patients
though she is emaciated. She is preoccupied with                       may ask about the possibility of having irreversi-
her size and appearance and frequently looks in                        ble effects from the illness, especially of the re-
the mirror. At times there is preoccupation with                       productive organs. There is no known perma-
only part of the body such as thighs, breasts, or                      nent damage. When the patient regains normal
hips, with the patient claiming they look too big. 8                   weight, she usually commences menstruation al-
   Patients lose weight by reducing food intake                        though there may be a few months delay after
or by eating only food low in carbohydrates or                         return to normal weight. In most cases patients
fat. They may induce vomiting to get rid of food                       should be able to conceive and deliver children.
immediately after meals or may take laxatives,
diuretics, or enemas. Most tend to overexercise                        Changes in personality
in an obsessive-compulsive manner for many                              Changes in personality and behavior are ap-
hours every day.                                                      parent throughout the course of the illness. T h e
   At the onset of the disease there may be evi-                      patient may succumb to feelings of hunger and
dence of a stressful life situation, e.g., conflict in                overeat, usually large amounts of carbohydrates.
the family, environment, school, or peer group.                       After these binging episodes, because of severe
These patients tend to be perfectionistic and                         guilt and fear of gaining weight, the patient may
usually were model children. Surprisingly, only                       induce vomiting (bulimia). Usually, the patients
one third of these patients were overweight be-                       are preoccupied with thoughts of food most of
fore anorexia developed. T h e y may begin dieting                    the day. Many of them undertake elaborate prep-
because of being mildly overweight and adapt                          arations of foods and cook for others, but rarely
obsessive-compulsive eating habits to lose weight                     eat and avoid the dinner itself with the family.
as the primary goal. However, after they begin                        Often, anorexic patients eat alone. They usually

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Fall 1 9 8 3                                                                                                             Anorexia nervosa                          373

eat slowly, cut their food into many small pieces,                   Table 1.         Differential diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
and do not finish the meal. Some hoard food but                              Malignancy
never eat it.                                                                T u b e r c u l o s i s o f the gastrointestinal tract
   T o suppress hunger, the patient involves her-                            M a l a b s o r p t i o n s y n d r o m e such as s p r u e
self in many activities. Many fear growing up and                            R e g i o n a l e n t e r i t i s ( C r o h n ' s disease)
                                                                             Hypothalamic disorder
facing adult responsibilities and use anorexia to
                                                                             Pituitary tumor
stop the growth process. Many have delayed psy-                              S h e e h a n ' s s y n d r o m e ( p o s t p a r t u m p i t u i t a r y necrosis)
chosexual development to avoid coping with the                               S i m m o n d ' s disease ( p a n h y p o p i t u i t a r i s m )
transition of adolescence. Interest in sex is de-                            Depressive illness
creased, and few anorexic patients are interested                            Schizophrenia
in dating or getting married during the illness.
   It has been speculated that the anorexic patient
fears sexuality and oral impregnation, and that
this is why she avoids eating, believing she might                   life. Refusal to eat conveys the message to the
become pregnant by eating. I have seen hundreds                      parents that there is one area in which they will
of anorexic patients, but have rarely seen a pa-                     not be controlled. Food and eating become the
tient who expressed any conscious or unconscious                     means of a desperate striving for independence
fear of oral sexuality, or who associated any sym-                   and control. T h e dinner table becomes the bat-
bolic sexual feelings with food. It seems that this                  tleground for trials of assertion against the au-
notion has been transferred from one book to                         thoritarian family and establishment. T h e self-
another without any attempt to substantiate it.                      denial of food becomes a symbolic weapon
   Fear of sexuality could be seen as part of the                    against the controlling parents, a weapon to win
fear of growing up. A task of normal adolescence                     trials of gaining separation and individualization.
is achieving independence and separation from                           However, these situations also are the source
parents. T h e separation is achieved by develop-                    of anxieties and frustrations that lead to convic-
ing relationships with other people, especially the                  tion of inadequacy, ineffectiveness, and guilt.
opposite sex. T h e anorexic patient may fear sep-                   Self-denial of food and other pleasures such as
aration, not being able to achieve it and thus not                   rest and sexual satisfaction become the sacrifice
being able to shift her interpersonal relationship                   of a rigid control over the body and what are
from parents to a boyfriend.                                         perceived as evil natural impulses or drives.
   Obsessive-compulsive behavior is characteristic
of anorexia nervosa. Some patients may engage
in elaborate ritualistic behavior with a rigid daily                   Although the disease can be easily diagnosed
routine. T h e y are concerned with orderliness,                    in the late stages (Table I), there may be errors
and become upset if there are changes in the                        or delays in the diagnosis. T h e following case is
order of things that involve them. Many anorexic                    a classic example of the failure to recognize the
patients are perfectionistic. They tend to dress                    symptoms of anorexia nervosa with resulting de-
meticulously although they are never satisfied                      lay in diagnosis.
with their appearance.
                                                                     Case report
   Because anorexics are competitive, many are
excellent students. They try for perfection in                         A 22-year-old white woman was mildly overweight during
                                                                    adolescence. After her marriage at age 18, she started a
everything they do. They are usually preoccupied                    crash diet at about age 19. Six months later her menstrual
with cleanliness. Some of my patients cleaned                       periods stopped, and for about two and a half years she did
house repeatedly daily, whether it was necessary                    not menstruate. She consulted a gynecologist who did an
or not. Patients may spend hours in the kitchen,                    elaborate medical work-up and gave her an injection of
not only cooking for the family, but also cleaning                  progesterone hoping to trigger menstruation. Another
                                                                    gynecologist was consulted and again an elaborate endocrin-
excessively. Such activity serves to keep the pa-                   ological evaluation of hypothalamic function was done; the
tient busy and also consumes calories.                              results were negative. Another attempt by him to induce
   T h e inability to be assertive is typical of many               menstrual periods with hormonal therapy was unsuccessful.
anorexic patients. As children they were almost                     Therefore, his opinion was that the patient had premature
                                                                    menopause. After two years of amenorrhea an endocrinol-
always the best-behaved girls, complying with
                                                                    ogist was consulted who again evaluated the endocrine
parents' demands. T h e eventual refusal to eat is                  system. He noted that she was depressed and suggested she
a rather pathetic attempt to become assertive.                      see a psychiatrist. She had been under pressure by her
They feel that somebody has always run their                        husband and his family to become pregnant and finally came

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'374             Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                                     Vol. 50, N o . 2

to the psychiatric clinic. This decision was precipitated by                                              of the American Psychiatric Association lists five
family members who realized that she had already lost too
much weight. When seen, her weight loss was not apparent;
                                                                                                          important criteria. T h e most important of these
she looked well and attractively thin, like a model. T h e r e                                            is the intense fear of becoming obese, which does
was no severe cachexia such as one might expect in anorexia.                                              not diminish even with weight loss. T h e second
Her appearance was not suggestive of anorexia nervosa.                                                    is the distortion of body image. Patients feel fat
Only close family members realized how much weight she                                                    even when severely emaciated. A weight loss of
had lost. It was evident that her menstrual periods stopped
because of loss of weight. History revealed all the obsessive-
                                                                                                          at least 25% of original body weight is diagnostic
compulsive characteristics of anorexia nervosa. She usually                                               of anorexia. If the patient is under 18 years,
avoided eating dinner with her husband; she liked to cook                                                 weight loss from original body weight plus pro-
but never ate with him or other family members. She                                                       jected weight gain expected from growth charts
became very tense, emotionally labile, and depressed.                                                     should be added to calculate the 25% or more.
   Her consultations with the two gynecologists and endo-                                                  Patients show persistent refusal to maintain body
crinologists had been part of the denial process. Uncon-
sciously she probably knew that absence of menstruation
                                                                                                          weight over a minimal normal weight. It is im-
could be due to her successful loss of weight. When anorexia                                               portant to rule out any known physical illness
nervosa was diagnosed, she was able to give up the denial                                                  that could account for the weight loss, such as
and admit to the anorexic habits she had never before                                                      malignancy or gastrointestinal tract disorder
mentioned to a physician. She was willing and motivated to                                                 (Crohn's disease). Loss of appetite due to severe
receive psychotherapy to help gain the necessary weight,
have menstrual periods, and become pregnant. T h e moti-
                                                                                                           depressive illness should also be considered. In
vation to become pregnant had been due to the pressure of                                                  depression there is loss of appetite primarily,
her husband and his family to have a child. T h e marital                                                 whereas in anorexia nervosa the appetite is good.
relationship had already been deteriorating because of her                                                Loss of weight in anorexia occurs regardless of
inability to conceive.                                                                                    the good appetite of the patient, because of the
                                                                                                          attempt of the patient to block or deny it. In
   This case demonstates the importance of care-                                                          schizophrenic anorexic disorders there is often a
ful history-taking. Because the patient did not                                                           bizarre eating pattern. For example, the schizo-
look too thin and in fact was attractive, anorexia                                                        phrenic patient may stop eating to, "starve a
nervosa was never suspected. A good history,                                                              delusional creature in the stomach." Some pa-
including initial weight, could have obviated elab-                                                       tients may binge eat and then vomit but not have
orate endocrinological and gynecological studies,                                                         severe weight Toss. In these cases the diagnosis of
and helped the physicians correctly diagnose the                                                          bulimia may be justified. Only if weight loss in
condition earlier, without hormonal therapy,                                                              the patient with bulimia surpasses 25% of the
which proved to be unsuccessful.                                                                          original body weight is the diagnosis of anorexia
   It is essential that the clinician know the diag-                                                      nervosa justified. In these cases the diagnosis is
nostic criteria of anorexia nervosa. T h e Diagnos-                                                       both bulimia and anorexia nervosa; about half of
tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders # 3                                                        all anorexic patients engage in occasional binging
                                                                                                          and vomiting. 1 1 1 2

  Table 2.               Tests for evaluation of anorexia nervosa
                                                                                                          Medical work-up
G e n e r a l physical e x a m i n a t i o n
H e m a t o l o g i c values i n c l u d i n g h e m o g l o b i n , w h i t e b l o o d cell c o u n t     Since the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa can be
   a n d d i f f e r e n t i a l w h i t e b l o o d cell c o u n t                                       made from observing symptoms and signs pre-
H e m a t o l o g i c values ( c h e m i s t r y ) as S M A - 1 8
                                                                                                          sented by the patient, it is possible to confirm the
S e d i m e n t a t i o n rate
Q u a n t i t a t i v e stool fat
                                                                                                          diagnosis only by taking a good history without
Urinalysis                                                                                                any laboratory tests. However, it is necessary at
P u r i f i e d p r o t e i n d e r i v a t i v e test                                                    times to do some essential tests to rule out other
T h y r o i d f u n c t i o n tests s u c h as T 3 a n d T 4                                              pathology or physical complications due to the
C o r t i s o l , AM. a n d PM.                                                                           anorexia itself, so that the patient may be treated
H e a d C T scan w i t h c o n t r a s t m e d i u m
                                                                                                          appropriately (Table 2.)
Chest roentgenogram
C o m p l e t e r o e n t g e n o g r a m o f the gastrointestinal tract i n c l u d i n g t h e            T h e hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system is
   small b o w e l                                                                                        usually affected in anorexia nervosa patients.
Electrocardiogram                                                                                         There is a decreased secretion of estrogen and a
Pelvic examination
                                                                                                          defective positive feedback release of luteinizing
N u t r i t i o n a l assessment
                                                                                                          hormone (LH) for estrogen stimulus, both at the

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Fall 1983                                                                                                                     Anorexia nervosa                                375

emaciated and weight-recovered states. 13 ' 14 In 10                        Table 3.               Treatment modalities for anorexia
anorexic patients seen at the Cleveland Clinic                                                            nervosa
with a weight loss of 25% to 50% of the original                     1. M e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t : c o r r e c t i n g d e h y d r a t i o n a n d e l e c t r o l y t e im-
body weight, the levels of FSH and LH were low                               balance
in the severe state of the illness. Also, the vaginal                     S u p p l y o f necessary n u t r i e n t s by e a t i n g , nasogastric t u b i n g o r
                                                                             i n t r a v e n o u s r o u t e i n c l u d i n g total p a r e n t e r a l n u t r i t i o n ( T P N )
mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix was
                                                                     2. P s y c h o t h e r a p y : I n d i v i d u a l insight o r i e n t e d (psychoanalytic)
hypoestrogenic, and galactorrhea was absent. 15                                                      Individual supportive
These levels of LH are more typical in prepuber-                                                     G r o u p ( g e n e r a l i n c l u d i n g patients w i t h o t h e r
tal and early pubertal patients. Frisch et al 16 has                                                     problems)
estimated that a body fat content of at least 17%                                                    S p e c i a l g r o u p f o r a n o r e x i a n e r v o s a patients

is required for menarche to occur. In our expe-                                                      Assertiveness training group
                                                                                                     Family therapy
rience, even when body fat returned to 17% or                                                        Biofeedback
more, resumption of normal menstrual periods                                                         Hypnosis
occurred from one to six months later and in a                                                       Creative or art therapy
few cases, even longer.                                                                              Recreational therapy
                                                                                                     Behavior therapy (behavioral weight contract)
   Cranial computed tomography (CT) with con-                                                        Vocational rehabilitation
trast medium is recommended to rule out the                                                          Psychopharmacotherapy (medication)
possibility of brain tumor, especially in the hy-
pothalamic area. Occasionally, a brain scan may
show mild brain atrophy in severe anorexia,
which becomes normal as the patient regains a                       ment estrogen therapy in order to prevent osteo-
normal weight level. T h e significance of this find-               penia.
ing is not clear. In a series of 27 anorectic patients
at the Cleveland Clinic who had C T scans, 6
showed mild atrophy of the brain.                                    Treatment
   Roentgenographic examination of the whole                            T h e treatment of anorexia nervosa is compli-
gastrointestinal tract is recommended including                      cated because most of the patients are resistant
upper gastrointestinal series, small bowel series,                   to treatment and refuse to give up their denial.
and barium enema examination to rule out any                         They may also be resistant to any change in their
defect in the swallowing mechanism, ulcer, tu-                       obsessive-compulsive habits; therefore, it is im-
mor, tuberculosis of the gastrointestinal tract,                     portant that the therapist be sensitive to the needs
Crohn's disease, or malabsorption syndrome.                          of the patients, but resist the typical manipulative
Negative findings may reassure the patient that                      behavior of the patient. It is unlikely that one
his or her bowel is normal, and reduce preoccu-                      mode of treatment will be completely successful
pation with possible "obscure illness in the gut."                   in the treatment of this disorder. It is important
   An electrocardiogram is obtained to evaluate                      to tailor the treatment to the specific problem
the heart rhythm, which may be affected by the                       from a variety of modalities (Table 3). T h e best
low potassium blood level. Cardiac function tests                    results are being achieved in a milieu setting of a
done on 12 anorexic patients at the Cleveland                        large medical center in which a special remedial
Clinic showed normal results. T h e evaluations                      program for eating disorders is established. T h e
included electrocardiograms, 24-hour Holter                          therapist in charge of the treatment should work
monitor recordings, systolic pressure response                       with a team in which there is complete collabo-
during exercise, heart rate during exercise, and                     ration among all team members to prevent the
echocardiograms. This study showed that the                          patient from manipulating one therapist against
major cardiogenic risk in anorexia nervosa is loss                   the other. Frequent meetings of team members
of potassium due to vomiting or abuse of laxa-                       are important to assess progress in therapy. 19
tives, causing severe arrhythmias, particularly                         Behavioral therapy is used only if the patient -
ventricular fibrillation leading to cardiac arrest                   is motivated to accept the responsibilities of a
and death. 17 Ayers et al, 18 at T h e Cleveland                     behavior contract. T h e patient is thus able to
Clinic Foundation, recommended skeletal evalu-                       control his or her own eating and face the contin-
ation in anorexic females because of the finding                     gency of the contract whenever unsuccessful.
of significant osteopenia in 6 of 14 such patients.                  T h e contract enables the patient, with the help
This raises the question of the need for replace-                    of a dietitian, to learn how much food is required

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'376         Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                                                                                Vol. 50, N o . 2

to attain and to maintain a certain weight accept-                                                       3.   B r u c h H . T h e Golden Cage: T h e E n i g m a of A n o r e x i a Ner-
                                                                                                              vosa. C a m b r i d g e , Mass: H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y Press, 1 9 7 8 .
able to the patient.
                                                                                                         4.   B r u c h H . Eating Disorders: Obesity, A n o r e x i a Nervosa and
   Assertiveness training is part of therapy for                                                              the P e r s o n W i t h i n . N e w Y o r k : N Y Basic B o o k s , 1 9 7 3 .
many anorexic patients, which helps the patient                                                          5.   M i n u c h i n S. P s y c h o s o m a t i c F a m i l i e s ( A n o r e x i a N e r v o s a i n
with the process of separation from parents in                                                                C o n t e x t ) C a m b r i d g e , Mass: H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y Press, 1 9 7 8 .
becoming more independent.                                                                               6.   H s u L K G , C r i s p A H , H a r d i n g B . O u t c o m e o f a n o r e x i a ner-
                                                                                                              vosa. L a n c e t 1 9 7 9 ; 1 : 6 1 - 6 5 .
   Art or creative therapy is used to assess the
                                                                                                         7.   H s u L K G . O u t c o m e o f a n o r e x i a n e r v o s a . A r e v i e w o f the
progress of the patient during therapy and also                                                               literature ( 1 9 5 4 - 1 9 7 8 ) . A r c h G e n Psychiatry 1980; 3 7 : 1 0 4 1 -
to help the patient verbalize underlying conflicts                                                            1046.
by drawing and painting or working on craft                                                              8.   B r u c h H . P e r c e p t u a l a n d c o n c e p t u a l d i s t u r b a n c e s in a n o r e x i a
projects. Since patients may deny feelings of hun-                                                            nervosa. P s y c h o s o m M e d 1 9 6 2 ; 24: 1 8 7 - 1 9 4 .
                                                                                                         9.   Fries H . A n o r e x i a Nervosa. New Y o r k , N Y : Raven                                 Press,
ger, satiety, and any other sensations of their
bodies, either internal or external, biofeedback                                                        10.   A m e r i c a n P s y c h i a t r i c Association. Diagnostic a n d Statistical
or hypnosis may help them gain awareness of                                                                   Manual o f Mental Disorders. 3d ed, Washington, D . C . , 1980.
their bodies and also learn to rest and take better                                                     11.   Casper R C , Eckert E D , H a l m i K A , Goldberg S C , Davis J M .
care of their bodies, improving the distorted                                                                 B u l i m i a . Its i n c i d e n c e a n d clinical i m p o r t a n c e i n patients w i t h
                                                                                                              anorexia nervosa. A r c h G e n Psychiatry 1980; 3 7 : 1 0 3 0 - 1 0 3 5 .
body image. Family therapy is an integral part of
                                                                                                        12.   Garfinkel P E , Moldofsky H , G a r n e r D M . T h e heterogeneity
any treatment program, if the underlying con-
                                                                                                              o f a n o r e x i a n e r v o s a . B u l i m i a as a distinct s u b g r o u p . A r c h G e n
flicts are the result of faulty family relations.                                                             Psychiatry 1980; 3 7 : 1 0 3 6 - 1 0 4 0 .
Recently, self-help organizations have begun to                                                         13.   S h e r m a n B M , H a l m i K A , Z a m u d i o R . L H a n d F S H response
operate in several cities around the country. Pa-                                                             to g o n a d o t r o p i n - r e l e a s i n g h o r m o n e in a n o r e x i a n e r v o s a : E f -
tients are involved in activities of helping other                                                            fect o f n u t r i t i o n a l r e h a b i l i t a t i o n . J C l i n E n d o c r i n o l   Metab
patients through their local Anorexic Aid Soci-
                                                                                                        14.   W a k e l i n g A , D e S o u z a V A , B e a r d w o o d C J . Assessment o f the
ety. This type of help is similar to that given in                                                            negative a n d positive feedback effects o f a d m i n i s t e r e d oestro-
other self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anon-                                                               gen o n g o n a d o t r o p h i n release in patients w i t h a n o r e x i a ner-
ymous. T h e growth of the Anorexic Aid Society                                                               vosa. P s y c h o l M e d 1 9 7 7 : 7 : 3 9 7 - 4 0 5 .
as a self-help group is encouraging since part of                                                       15.   G i d w a n i G P . G y n e c o l o g i c a l signs a n d s y m p t o m s in a n o r e x i a
                                                                                                              n e r v o s a . G r o s s M , ed. A n o r e x i a N e r v o s a — A C o m p r e h e n s i v e
their goal is to enhance the recognition of the
                                                                                                              A p p r o a c h . L e x i n g t o n , Mass: T h e C o l l a m o r e Press, 1 9 8 2 , pp
problem by professionals and lay people so that                                                               41-44.
the diagnosis can be made earlier. Usually, the                                                         16.   Frisch R E ,        McArthur JW.                 M e n s t r u a l cycles: Fatness as a
sooner the diagnosis is confirmed, the better the                                                             d e t e r m i n a n t o f m i n i m u m w e i g h t f o r height necessary f o r t h e i r
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