Page created by Francis Thomas
NISO is a not-for-profit voluntary body,
                                                   dedicated to the promotion of health
                                                            and safety in Irish workplaces


              12 October 2018, Killarney, Co. Kerry

                                                        President’s message
                                                        All Ireland Safety Awards         (ESRI); Prof Dave Snowden,
    IN THIS ISSUE                                                                         Chief Scientific Officer,
                                                        This is a very busy time of the
    Editorial/President’s                               year in NISO and NISG with        Cognitive Edge and Founder
    Message ........................................2   the marking by the                and Director, Centre for
                                                        adjudicators of the All           Applied Complexity,
    NISO/National News..........3-5                     Ireland Safety Awards coming      University of Wales; and
                                                        to a conclusion.                  Darren Sutton, Senior
    IOSH Forum............................6-7
                                                          As the marking concludes,       Partner, RMS Switzerland.
    HSA Forum ..................................8       the All Ireland Safety Awards     Visit our dedicated
                                                        committee will be meeting to      conference website,
    Annual NISO Health                                  review the marking and to, for
    & Safety Conference................9                conduct our quality assurance     further details.
                                                        programme to ensure that the
    New Publications....................10
                                                        correct award goes to the         HSA appoints new CEO              Harry Galvin, president,
                                                                                                                            National Irish Safety Organisation
    Legislation .................................11     correct organisation.             NISO welcomes the
                                                          Following the quality           appointment of Dr. Sharon
    NISO Events .............................12         assurance programme, each         McGuinness as Chief               decision will most likely be
                                                        organisation that entered the     Executive of the Health and       greatly overtaken by the
                                                        awards will receive               Safety Authority. Sharon has      compensation payments,
                                                        correspondence advising           had a very distinguished          legal fees and official inquiry
                                                        whether they have qualified       career in health and safety       costs which will come in time.
                                                        for an award and to indicate      and is the first woman to lead    However, the financial costs
                                                        what category of award they       the Authority.                    pale into insignificance
                                                        are receiving.                      Over the coming months          compared to the suffering of
                                                          The actual award each           the government will be            the women and their families.
                                                        organisation will receive will    preparing the annual budget          My concern on the above
                                                        not be revealed until the night   and we in NISO hope that          issues of the cervical smear
                                                        of the All Ireland Safety         extra funding will be             tests and the reduction in
                                                        Awards Gala Dinner on Friday      allocated for the Health and      resources over recent years in
                                                        12 October in the Great           Safety Authority. Extra           the HSA and indeed cutbacks
                                                        Southern Hotel, Killarney.        funding is required for health    in other fire, health and
                                                                                          and safety with employment        emergency services is that the
                                                        Annual Health and Safety          now at an all time high of 2.2    decision makers deem it good
                                                        Conference                        million and unemployment          financial planning to restrict
                                                        The NISO Annual Safety            down to 5.1%. With fatalities     money for prevention
    Members visit                                       Conference will take place on     averaging one per working         programs.
                                                        the same day as the All           week, additional resources by        History shows that small to download                                 Ireland Safety Awards Dinner.     way of more inspectors and        amounts of money, saved in
    previous copies of                                  The theme of this year’s          workplace inspections are         the first instance, has a habit
    the NISO Update!                                    conference is “Safety: The        needed to prevent injuries and    of producing very large costs
                                                        Heart of the Matter” and we       fatalities.                       in the long term.
                                                        have a very interesting line up                                        I appeal to the government
                                                        of speakers, both national        Funding cuts                      to take a long-term view and
                                                        and international, for the day.   On the health front, we are       fund all areas of safety, health
    NISO Update! is issued                                Speakers include The Hon.       currently seeing the scandal of   and welfare to protect all our
    by the National Irish                               Mr. Justice Frank Clarke,         the cervical smear tests in the
    Safety Organisation
                                                                                                                            citizens and prevent injuries,
                                                        Chief Justice, The Supreme        news. The terrible effects that   ill health and deaths.
                                                        Court; Dr. Sharon                 this has had on women and            The costs of prevention of
    Material printed in NISO Update!                    McGuinness, Chief                 their families are well known.    injuries and ill health is, as all
    is not necessarily endorsed by the                  Executive, Health and Safety      The State is now embroiled in
    National Irish Safety                                                                                                   safety professionals will
                                                        Authority; Conor O'Brien,         large compensation claims         agree, minor compared to the
                                                        Chief Executive, Personal         costing millions. From the        high costs of health care,
    Editorial enquiries to: The Editor,                 Injuries Assessment Board;        outside it appears that some
    NISO, A11 Calmount Park,
                                                                                                                            compensation and other costs
                                                        Dr. Deirdre Gleeson,              years back a decision was         associated with the human
    Calmount Avenue, Ballymount,
    Dublin 12. Tel: 01 465 9760                         Specialist in Occupational        made based on faster testing at   suffering caused by our
    Fax: 01 465 9765                                    Health, Medwise                   lower costs and to outsource      failures.
    Email:                                 Occupational Health               the testing to laboratories          Stay safe.
                                                        Services; Dr. Helen Russell,      outside the State.
    Design & Print: Print Bureau
    Tel: 01 4733 567                                    Research Professor, Economic        Whatever financial savings                            Harry Galvin,                                  and Social Research Institute     that were envisaged by this                           President, NISO

2     NISO UPDATE! SUM M ER 2018

HSA launches online construction safety course
The Health and Safety Authority            e-learning portal,                    unsafe work practices, and
(HSA) has launched a short,                The course is aimed at construction                       • source relevant information on
interactive on-line course titled “An      contractors: in particular small                             construction health and safety,
Introduction to Construction Safety        contractors and the self-employed. It is                     including the Safety Statement.
for Small Contractors and the Self-        also suitable for employers and                             Contractors seeking to develop a
Employed”. The course has been             employees working in the construction                     safety statement and/or conduct a risk
developed by the HSA with the              sector, key duty holders, or those                        assessment can do so through the
support of the Construction Industry       employing small contractors to carry                      HSA’s free online tool:
Federation (CIF), in order to provide      out work.                                                 where it is tailored for use across a
relevant health and safety information       On successful completion of this                        range of sectors including
to small construction contractors and      course learners should be able to:                        construction. The site guides users
to raise awareness of the importance       • identify key duties under health and                    through the risk assessment process in
of occupational safety, health and            safety legislation,                                    a way that is simple and
welfare in construction.                   • recognise key hazards and risks in                      straightforward.
  The 30-minute course is free and can        construction,
be accessed through the HSA’s              • understand the consequences of                                                     Source:

NISO Midland Region sponsors
Health and Safety Award at SciFest
NISO Midlands sponsored a
Health/Safety award for the best
Health/Safety project submitted to
Scifest in Athlone Institute of
Technology (AIT).
  There were over 200 projects from
40 schools involving 500 pupils at the
AIT run competition.
   The winning project title
‘Investigation of effects of tyre
pressure on stopping distance’, by
students Emma Gowing, Adam Daly,
Eoghan Keenan from Tullamore
College, teacher Noreen Flynn.
  SciFest was the brainchild of the
current SciFest CEO, Sheila Porter.
Arising from her involvement with the
Intel Educator Academy in the United
States, she approached the Institute of
Technology Tallaght (ITT) in 2006          Tullamore students Emma Gowing and Adam Daly receiving their award from Chris McCormack and Dr Sean
with an idea for a local science           Reidy (AIT) and NISO Midlands Branch at the regional Scifest competition held in AIT recently. See their website
exhibition for second level students. A Info on Scifest
successful pilot SciFest science
exhibition was hosted by ITT in 2006       increased to 14 and an additional                         with SciFest. With her husband,
and repeated in 2007. With funding         SciFest was hosted in Northern                            George, she set up a not-for-profit
from the Discover Science and              Ireland. With the numbers increasing                      company, SciFest Ltd, to run the
Engineering programme and Intel            so rapidly it was decided to expand                       SciFest project.
Ireland Sheila Porter was seconded         the SciFest project in 2011 by                              In 2012 the project developed an
from her teaching post in Loreto           introducing two new levels of                             international aspect with participation
College, St Stephen’s Green, to Intel in   participation, school-based                               in the Intel International Science and
September 2007 to work on SciFest on       (SciFest@School) and a national final.                    Engineering Fair (ISEF) in the USA.
a full-time basis.                            In 2012 Sheila’s secondment ended,                     This aspect of the project was further
  The model proved highly scalable         five years being the maximum allowed                      expanded in 2015 with participation in
and cost effective. In 2008 SciFest ran    by the Department of Education and                        the International Environment and
in nine Institutes of Technology (ITs).    Skills, and she decided to resign her                     Sustainability Project Olympiad
In 2009 the number of ITs involved         teaching post and continue to work                        (INESPO) in the Netherlands.

                                                                                                           N ISO UPDATE! SUMMER 2018                      3
Management of Asbestos Containing Materials
on Demolition & Refurbishment Sites
The Health & Safety Authority (the            with a number of sites where evidence          the serious exposure risk to which
Authority) is specifically targeting this     of poor practice or lack of                    employees or others may have been
alert at all duty-holders involved in the     understanding of ACM risk                      subjected and its potential for the
management of demolition or                   management required formal                     development of asbestos related
refurbishment works including Clients,        enforcement action to be taken. This           diseases in years to come such as lung
Project Supervisors for the Design            included the issuing of Prohibition            cancer and mesothelioma. All such
Process (PSDP), Project Supervisors for       Notices that result in the cessation of        incidents are investigated and may
the Construction Stage (PSCS),                work and effective site closure. Subject       result in the prosecution of relevant
Designers (including architects,              to the subsequent carrying out, by a           parties including the Client, Designers,
engineers etc.) and contractors to            competent person, of the required              the PSDP, the PSCS and Contractors
ensure Asbestos-Containing Materials          Refurbishment and Demolition                   depending on the duty holder failures
(ACMs) are correctly identified before        Asbestos Survey (RDAS), some sites             and circumstances involved.
such works take place and are dealt           have incurred substantial clean-up costs         For further information and for
with accordingly.                             and significant project delays.                advice on steps to take to manage
  The Authority has recently engaged            Needless to say, of greatest concern is      ACMs please visit

Wood Pellets: Toxic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Following a recent fatal accident, the        risk assessments and ensure                       unit/tank/vessel, even for a very short
Health & Safety Authority (HSA) is            arrangements are in place to ensure               period of time without necessary
issuing an urgent alert to all workers,       safety of employees.                              precautions.
and others, on the inherent toxic                                                            3. NOT ENTER storage unit/tank/vessel
                                              Employers should:
dangers of Carbon Monoxide                                                                      unless fully trained and competent in
                                              1. IDENTIFY where wood pellets are
poisoning associated with Wood Pellets.                                                         confined space entry.
                                                 stored (even if only for a short period
  Wood Pellets, may look harmless,                                                           4. TAKE extreme care during
                                                 of time).
however even when transported or                                                                maintenance, especially when
                                              2. ERECT and maintain asphyxiation
stored in normal conditions, Wood                                                               blockages happen, or when low levels
                                                 warning signs.
Pellets can emit Carbon Monoxide.                                                               of pellets occur.
                                              3. PREVENT un-authorised access.
Unnoticed, the Carbon Monoxide can                                                           5. KNOW that the presence of Carbon
                                              4. PREPARE & implement safe systems
quickly build up to toxic levels.                                                               Monoxide cannot be determined
                                                 of work based on written risk
  Carbon Monoxide will be present                                                               without specialist equipment.
wherever Wood Pellets are transported
& stored. Workers must be informed of         Employees should:                              Wood Pellet storage tanks may also
the significant risk and dangers of           1. ALWAYS Assume Carbon Monoxide               contain augers/screw feeds. Contact
carbon monoxide exposure associated              is present in areas where Wood              with these devices may result in serious
with Wood Pellets.                               Pellets are stored                          injury.
  Employers must identify such hazards        2. NOT ENTER or place their head                 For further information please visit
in their workplace and produce written           into a wood pellet storage        

    Public Consultation Notice
    The Health and Safety Authority has       technical experts who participated in        consequence and risk.
    issued a guidance document which          an Authority working group                     The Health and Safety Authority
    outlines the recommended approach         established under the COMAH Cost             requests comments and observations
    to addressing significant modifications   Review Group. ‘Significant                   (by 5.00 p.m. on Monday 10th
    under Regulation 24 of the Chemicals      modification’ reflects the changes           September 2018) on the draft
    Act (Control of Major Accident            made in the Seveso III Directive and         Guidance Document.
    Hazards Involving Dangerous               introduced in the COMAH                        To access the guidance document
    Substances) Regulations 2015.             Regulations 2015 regarding                   and to make a submission visit
      It has been developed in                modifications to establishments that
    consultation with operator groups and     have implications for major accident


 Equivalent of two passenger                                                                    Personal injury
 planes killed on EU roads                                                                      payouts four
   The weekly number of road deaths                   meet the EU target of cutting road
 in the EU is equivalent to two typical               deaths by half over the decade to 2020.   times higher
 passenger airliners crashing and killing
 everyone on board. A new report by
                                                      Up to now, Estonia and Greece are the
                                                      only EU countries that look on course
                                                                                                in Ireland than
 the European Transport Safety
 Council shows that road safety
                                                      to meet this target.
                                                        For the first time in the 12 years
                                                                                                in UK
 progress in the European Union has                   since ETSC launched its Road Safety
                                                                                                Payouts for personal injuries in
 stagnated for the last four years. The               Performance Index programme, the
                                                                                                Ireland are on average 4.4 times
 organisation says governments need                   organisation will not make its annual
                                                                                                higher than in the UK, an analysis
 strong political will, urgent measures               award for progress and leadership on
                                                                                                of the insurance payouts in both
 and substantial investments in safe                  road safety to any country.
                                                                                                jurisdictions has found.
 infrastructure to reduce the 500 deaths                In a positive development, last
                                                                                                   The analysis was carried out by
 that occur on EU roads every single                  month the European Commission
                                                                                                the government’s Personal Injuries
 week.                                                announced a major new package of
                                                                                                Commission and has been
   The latest Road Safety Performance                 road safety legislation that could
                                                                                                submitted to Business Minister
 Index (PIN) report shows that EU                     prevent more than 2,000 deaths a year
                                                                                                Heather Humphreys, with a series
 Member States are struggling to make                 by the end of the next decade thanks
                                                                                                of recommendations on how to
 a breakthrough: 25,250 people lost                   to tougher vehicle and infrastructure
                                                                                                tackle high insurance costs.
 their lives on EU roads in 2017.                     standards. But EU Member States and
                                                                                                   Personal injury claims generally
 Although road deaths declined by 2%                  the European Parliament still need to
                                                                                                arise from motor, workplace or
 last year, they have decreased by just               approve the proposals, and a range of
                                                                                                public place accidents, or medical
 3% over four whole years since 2013.                 more immediate measures will be
                                                                                                negligence incidents. They can be
   This is substantially short of the                 needed to make significant progress in
                                                                                                resolved through direct settlement
 decrease of 6.7% needed annually to                  the near future.
                                                                                                between parties, through the
                                                                                                Personal Injuries Assessment Board
                                                                                                (PIAB) or through the Courts.
 Health and Safety Authority                                                                       Ireland operates a fault-based
                                                                                                system in relation to injury claims.
 publishes 2017 Annual Report                                                                   The legislative/ constitutional
                                                                                                framework in Ireland is that the
 The Health and Safety Authority has                  Key figures:                              victim of an accident caused by
 published its 2017 Annual Report. The                • Last year the Authority completed a     the negligence of others is entitled
 report provides details on a wide range                total of 9,934 inspections and          to be compensated by the liable
 of activities undertaken from business                 investigations.                         party.
 advice and support through to                        • There were almost 2,000 farm               While it was known that the
 enforcement. During 2017 the free                      inspections and investigations and      payouts for injuries by Irish courts
 online safety tool for small businesses,               over 4,400 carried out in the           was higher, the difference of more, added a further 8,500                      construction sector.                    than four times the average was
 new users.                                           • Inspectors issued 512 improvement       unanticipated.
   Over 30 industry specific guidance                   notices and 547 prohibition notices        According to the report, Ireland
 documents were published with                          after serious breaches were found.      has a very high frequency of
 approximately 360,000 publications                   • A total of 21 prosecutions were         ‘whiplash’ claims, and that
 downloaded from the HSA website.                       successfully concluded, resulting in    ‘whiplash’ compensation levels are
   Almost 25,000 students at post-                      fines of over €2.6m.                    also significantly higher.
 primary and further education                                                                     It is estimated that 80pc of
 participated in the ‘Choose Safety’                    As well as protecting workers the       motor personal injury claims
                         programme and 17,750         Authority plays a key role in             currently reported are ‘whiplash’
                         courses were taken on        protecting consumers. There were 400      related. When compared to the
                         the Authority’s              market surveillance checks of chemical    UK, the whiplash claims are on an
                          eLearning portal.           products on the Irish market,             average three times higher.
                             In anticipation of the   including 200 on detergents to address       The report concludes that soft-
                          UK Exit from the EU         concerns for consumer safety.             tissue injuries account for a large
                           in 2019, advice was          To download a copy of the 2017          proportion of claims by volume in
                           provided to companies      Annual Report visit                       Ireland.
                            on the implications!544RNJ.                            Source:
                            for chemicals supply

         al Rep ort 2017
   An nu
                            chains.                                        Source:

                                                                                                  N ISO UPDATE! SUMMER 2018              5

 “Better-than-ever” line-up
 for IOSH conference
 IOSH 2018, the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health’s annual international
 conference, has a “better-than-ever” line-up, packed with key insights and updates from top
 speakers and an all-new careers zone for those looking to land their dream job.

 Among the speakers at the       commitment to ensuring the     debate, allowing delegates      stage of their career they
 ICC Birmingham will be          safety of the buildings and    to pitch questions to a panel   are at. All of this in a
 Dame Judith Hackitt, who        those who live in them. The    of safety and health            superb, dedicated
 will go through the findings    regulatory system is not fit   experts.                        conference venue. Why
 from her review into            for purpose and does not         IOSH meanwhile has            wouldn’t you want to be at
 building regulations and fire   drive the right behaviours.”   teamed up with The HSE          IOSH 2018?”
 safety, commissioned after        The conference is being      Recruitment Network and           Visit
 last year’s Grenfell Tower      held from 17-18 September. to
 tragedy in London.              Other speaker highlights       to run the careers zone,        book your ticket.
    Dame Judith hopes to         include: Mark Gallagher,       where delegates will receive
 engage delegates on how a       founder and CEO of             specialist advice on how to
 “culture change” can            Performance Insights Ltd       make the next steps in their
 happen in the construction      and Formula One co-            careers.
 industry which will ensure      commentator; Dominic             Sue Bull, IOSH
 people feel safe – and are      Wigley, Group Health,          Conference Producer, said:
 safe – in their homes.          Safety and Security Director   “We are delighted to able to
    She said: “My review has     for Merlin Entertainments      confirm the programme for
 revealed that despite the       Group; Salman Khan, EHS        our conference this year. It
 huge improvements which         Head - Siemens, Midddle        really is better than ever.
 have occurred in the            East, North Africa and           “We have some excellent
 construction sector in          Pakistan; and Ian Hynes,       speakers for plenary and
 delivering safety for the       CEO of Intersol Global.        track sessions and a chance
 workforce, there is nothing       Meanwhile conference         to debate the hot topics. We
 like the same level of          chair, Cathy Newman, will      have something for
 responsibility for or           chair a Question Time-style    everyone, no matter what


New international reporting standard
will drive better health and safety performance
The long-awaited revised occupational health and safety reporting standard, GRI 403, has
been released by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an independent organisation which
has pioneered international sustainability reporting for over 20 years.
The Institution of             Affairs, said: “IOSH             The new Standard              work conditions involve
Occupational Safety and        believes that public           provides best practice for      both prevention of physical
Health (IOSH) has been         reporting of OSH               measuring and reporting on      and mental harm, and
closely involved in the        performance helps              occupational health and         promotion of workers’
development of the new         organisations and their        safety impacts on the           health”.
standard having initiated      stakeholders to have a         economy, the environment          “Prevention of harm and
the call for change via the    better view of when and        and society.                    promotion of health require
Center for Safety and          where attention and              It includes important new     an organization to
Health Sustainability          resources should be focused    features such as leading        demonstrate commitment
(CSHS) in Chicago.             for improvement.               indicators on the               to workers’ health and
  As part of the project         “Standards like this,        implementation of an            safety [and]…to engage
working group, and as an       supporting transparency in     occupational health and         workers in the development,
organisational stakeholder,    operations and supply          safety management system        implementation, and
IOSH rallied its members       chains worldwide, can help     and improved                    performance evaluation of
and OSH professionals          ensure reports are             methodologies for               an occupational health and
around the world to respond    meaningful and comparable      measuring and reporting         safety policy, management
to the 2012 GRI Survey,        and drive better health and    work-related injuries and ill   system and programs that
which informed the work.       safety performance -           health.                         are appropriate to the
  Richard Jones, IOSH          benefiting individuals,          The new Standard states       organisation’s size and
Head of Policy and Public      businesses and societies.”     that “Healthy and safe          activities,” it says.

New course tackles the toll of work-related disease
A new course introduced by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) seeks
to tackle the issue of work-related ill health and occupational disease, which caused almost
26 million lost work days in Britain in 2016/17.
In the UK alone sickness       Through ‘Managing              manager’s job is looking        organisation. By equipping
absence costs the economy      Occupational Health and        after the health of their       all managers with the tools
£100bn each year, £8bn of      Wellbeing’ IOSH aims to        employees. If they can do       to recognise health and
that is due to mental ill-     equip them with the right      that I am absolutely sure the   wellbeing risks in their
health, and presenteeism       knowledge and techniques       employees will perform          environments and how to
(working when unfit to do      to recognise health risks      better, their teams will        deal with them, this course
so) is estimated to cost a     and the range of skills        perform better, and so          forms part of IOSH’s
further £15bn.                 needed to manage people        businesses will perform         WORK 2022 strategy to
   Occupational illnesses      with health issues.            better.                         make the world of work a
can also be fatal.               It is one of the first         “The course sets the right    safer place.
Worldwide, a daily average     courses of its kind            tone at the right time. There     “This is such an
of around 7,600 deaths are     developed specifically to      are a lot of people talking     important part of
linked to work. Recent         help managers look after       about health and wellbeing      occupational safety and
research revealed that 86%     the physical and mental        in the workplace, but I         health today that all IOSH
of these are caused by         wellbeing of their workers.    think some businesses are       people managers will be
occupational diseases rather     Tony Bickerstaff, Chief      struggling with how they go     undertaking this course.”
than accidents.                Financial Officer of British   about addressing it.”             More information on the
   The new IOSH course is      technology-based                 Bev Messinger, IOSH           course can be found on the
targeted at line managers      construction and               Chief Executive, said;          IOSH website:
and supervisors, who have      engineering firm Costain,      “Health, safety and   
critical roles in preventing   said of this course: “An       wellbeing should be a
this from happening.           important part of any          priority in every

                                                                                        N ISO UPDATE! SUMMER 2018       7

 Good Practice Awards 2018
 Have You Entered Yet?
 The Health and Safety Authority is          European stage, winners will receive
 coordinating the European Good              their award at a prestigious ceremony           If you have a good example of
 Practice Awards in Ireland and is now       at the headquarters of EU-OSHA in               managing the risk of dangerous
 seeking best practice examples that         Bilbao, Spain.                                  substances, there’s still time to put
 demonstrate an innovative and effective       Dangerous substances have been on             your entry together. Further
 approach to the management of               the OSH policy agenda across the EU             information on how to enter is
 dangerous substances. The closing           and in Member States for decades.               available at
 date for entries is September 26th and      Although some substances have been              Alternatively contact Gavin
 full details can be found at    banned, restricted or subject to strict
                                                                                             Lonergan, Head of Communications
   The theme this year is “Healthy           regulatory control, dangerous
                                                                                             with the HSA on (01)799 7838 or
 Workplaces Manage Dangerous                 substances continue to be a major safety
 Substances”, entries should                 and health risk in many workplaces.             email
 demonstrate tangible improvements in        Promoting a prevention culture in
 the use and handling of dangerous           workplaces will benefit workers,
 substances that contribute to safe and      management and the environment.
 healthy working conditions.
   Two national winners will be selected
 from the Irish entries (one small
 organisation and one large) and both
 will go forward to the European leg of
 the competition where they will be
 judged against other national winners
 from across Europe. If successful at the

 Annual NISO Health and Safety Conference 2018
 The Annual NISO Health and Safety             & Founder / Director for Applied            Exhibition of Safety Products and
 Conference and Trade Exhibition will          Complexity, University of Wales             Services
 this year be hosted by the Southern         • Darren Sutton, RMS Switzerland              The Health and Safety Exhibition of
 Region in the Great Southern Killarney,     • Owen Wilson, Gas Networks Ireland           Safety Products and Services is held on
 Killarney, Co. Kerry, on 12 October 2018.                                                 the same day as the conference.
 The theme of this year’s conference is      The Safety Conference is part of a              Leading manufacturers and sellers
 “Safety: The Heart of the Matter”.          series of events:                             of health and safety products and
                                             All Ireland Occupational Safety               services will be there to showcase their
 Safety: The Heart of the Matter             Awards Presentation Dinner in                 latest products and services.
 NISO has invited distinguished speakers     association with Northern Ireland               Visit to view all
 who will present on the theme Safety:       Safety Group (NISG)                           of this year’s exhibitors.
 The Heart of the Matter:                      The All Ireland Occupational Safety
 Enda Campbell, Irish Heart                  Awards Presentation Dinner will               Site Visit
   Foundation                                follow the conference. It will take           Venue: Glan Agua Water Treatment
 • The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Clarke,        place from 19.00hrs onwards at the            Plant, Killarney, Co. Kerry
   Chief Justice, Supreme Court              Great Southern Killarney, Co. Kerry.          Date and Time: Thursday afternoon,
 • Dr. Deirdre Gleeson, Medwise                Join us on this festive occasion to         11 October 2018 (Time: 14.30hrs to
   Occupational Health Services              meet and congratulate the Safety              17.00hrs)
 • Rosemary Keogh, Irish Wheelchair          Awards winners and make new friends.          Fee: Participating in the site visit is
   Association                                 Organisations that have submitted to        complementary for conference
 • Dr. Sharon McGuinness, Health             the All Ireland Occupational Safety           delegates.
   and Safety Authority                      Awards are notified in late August or
 • Bev Messinger, Institution of             early September as to which category          Conference Sponsors:
   Occupational Safety and Health            their award falls into. The winners are       Many thanks to all our sponsors who
   (IOSH)                                    then invited to attend the Occupational       have given us the opportunity to
 • Conor O’Brien, Public Injuries            Safety Awards Presentation Dinner to          promote Health and Safety.
   Assessment Board (PIAB)                   collect their award and celebrate in style.   Gold Plus: Anderco, Intel Ireland Ltd.
 • Prof Helen Russell, Economic &              For more information on the All
   Social Research Institute (ESRI)          Ireland Safety Awards, visit                  Silver Plus: Ayrton Group
 • Prof Dave Snowden, Cognitive Edge                              Bronze: DB Schenker, Roadbridge.

                               NATIONAL IRISH

                                        CONFER ENCE

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     • THE HON. MRNOWDEN, COGNITIVVE EDGE UK                         ER .. E
                                                                          .ENTER TAIN
     • PROF DAVE S TON, RMS SWITZERLAND                         DINNN
                                                                    E T Y C O NF E RE NC E.IE
      • CONOR O’BBRIESSELL, ESRI                                SAF
               I DRE G
       • DR DEIR               IS H W H E E L C H A IR ASSOC.
                      EOGH, IR
        • ENDA CAMPB
                            O R T U N IT IE S AVAILABLE

 New Publications
 Communicating                                                             the use, maintenance and                                         during this period. 75% of those
 Chemical                                                                  examination of vehicle tail lifts                                that suffered fatal quad bike
 Hazards at Work                                                           (tail lifts).                                                    accidents were aged 60 years or
 Information                                                                                                                                older.
 Sheet                                                                     The Health and
 When a chemical                                                           Occupation                                                       HSA Annual
 is delivered to a                                                         Research                                                         Report 2017
 workplace, the                                                            Network                                                          This is the
 hazard                                                                    Information                                                      second annual
 information is                                                            Sheet                                                            report under the
 usually visible on the supply (CLP)                                       THOR (ROI) is                                                    Authority’s
 or transport (ADR) label or for                                           a Health and                                                     strategy for 2016

 deliveries in tanks, it is provided                                       Occupation                                                       to 2018. The                        2017
                                                                                                                                                                     Annual Report

 via a REACH Safety Data Sheet                                             Research network comprising of                                   Authority
 (SDS).                                                                    four surveillance schemes                                        achieved a
                                                                           collecting data on work related                                  challenging and broad programme
 Safe Vehicle Tail                                                         illness (WRI) in the Republic of                                 of work in 2017.
 Lift Operations                                                           Ireland (ROI).
 Sheet                                                                     Quad Bike
 This information                                                          Safety Update
 sheet provides                                                            Quad bike
 basic                                                                     fatalities
 information and                                                           represented 19%
 highlights legal                                                          of all farm
 responsibilities in                                                       vehicle fatalities

 Fatal Workplace Injuries by Economic Sector 2008-2018 (NACE Revision 2)
     Economic sector                                                    2018    2017        2016       2015         2014         2013        2012    2011    2010    2009    2008
     A Agriculture + forestry and fishing                              16+1+2   21+0+1     21+0+3        18+6        30+1         16+5        20+8    22+5    22+7   10+3     20+2
     B Mining and quarrying                                                 0       0            1           2           0             2         1       1       0      2        1
     C Manufacturing                                                        2       1            2           3           3             1         0       2       2      1        6
     D Electricity; gas, steam and air conditioning supply                  0       0            0           0           1             1         0       0       0      0        0
     E    Water supply, sewerage, waste management and
         remediation activities                                             0       0            1           3           0             1         4       3       2      0        2
     F Construction                                                         4       5            9         11            8             11        8       6       6     10       15
     G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and
       personal goods                                                       2       1            2           2           4             3         3       2       4      2        3
     H Transportation and storage                                           2       6            1           4           4             4         1       7       3      6        3
     I   Accommodation and food service activities                          0       1            0           0           0             0         0       1       0      1        0
     J Information and communication                                        0       0            0           0           0             0         0       0       0      0        0
     K Financial and insurance activities                                   0       0            0           0           0              0        0       0       0      0        0
     L Real estate activities                                               0       0            0           0           0              0        0       0       0      0        0
     M Professional, scientific and technical activities                    0       0            0           0           1              1        1       2       0      1        1
     N Administrative and support service activities                        0       0            2           0           2              0        1       0       0      1        0
     O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security        0       4            0           4           0              0        0       1       0      2        1
     P Education                                                            0       0            0           0           0              1        0       0       0      2        0
     Q Human health and social work activities                              0       0            1           1           0              0        1       1       1      1        0
     R Arts, entertainment and recreation                                   2       0            1           1           1              0        0       1       1      0        1
     S Other service activities                                             0       0            0           1           0              1        0       0       0      1        2
     Total                                                                 31      40           44         56           55             47       48      54      48     43       57
     (Source: HSA, correct at 27 July 2018. Note that some accidents may be under investigation and may not have been recorded yet.)

10       NISO UPDAT E! SUM MER 2018

Legislation Update
SI No. 133 of 2018 – Safety, Health       Regulation (EEC) No. 339/93 and          Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 349 of
and Welfare at Work (Mines)               include duties to have proper market     2011) and can be cited together with
Regulations 2018                          surveillance procedures consistent       all previous amending statutory
These Regulations set out                 with EU Regulation 765/2008.             instruments as the European
requirements with respect to safety,        The Regulations provide that the       Communities (Carriage of Dangerous
health and welfare in mines, as           making available on the market of        Goods by Road and Use of
defined in Regulation 3, and replace a    PPE in conformity with Directive         Transportable Pressure Equipment)
range of provisions formerly applied      89/686/EEC continues to be lawful up     Regulations 2011 to 2018.
in the Mines and Quarries Act, 1965       to 21 April 2019.                          These Regulations may be cited as
and in various Regulations made             The Regulations revoke and replace     the European Communities (Carriage
under that Act.                           the European Communities (Personal       of Dangerous Goods by Road and
  The Regulations also retranspose,       Protective Equipment) Regulations,       Use of Transportable Pressure
in relation to mines, the relevant        1993 (S.I. No. 272 of 1993), the         Equipment) (Amendment)
provisions of Council Directive           European Communities (Personal           Regulations 2018.
92/104/EEC2 of 3 December 1992 on         Protective Equipment) (Amendment)          These Regulations shall came into
the minimum requirements for              Regulations, 1994. (S.I. No. 13 of       effect on 3 July 2018.
improving the safety and health           1994), the European Communities
protection of workers in surface and      (Personal Protective Equipment) (CE
underground mineral extracting            Marking) Regulations, 1994 (S.I. No.
industries. The Regulations further       457 of 1994) and the European
provide that the Safety, Health and       Communities (Personal Protective           Dates for
Welfare at Work (Extractive               Equipment) (Amendment)
Industries) Regulations 1997 (S.I. No.    Regulations, 1997 (S.I. No. 81 of          your Diary
467 of 1997) no longer apply to a         1997) cited together as the European
mine as defined in Regulation 3 of        Communities (Personal Protective
these Regulations                         Equipment) Regulations 1993 to
  The Regulations apply to all mines      1997, from 21 April 2018.
where persons work and set out
duties on the owner, operator,            SI No. 197 of 2018 – European
manager and employees at a mine           Communities (Carriage of
with respect to persons at or in the      Dangerous Goods by Road and Use
area immediately surrounding a            of Transportable Pressure
mine.                                     Equipment) (Amendment)
  The Regulations came into               Regulations 2018-07-30
operation on 30 April 2018.               These Regulations transpose the
                                          provisions of Commission Directive
SI No. 136 of 2018 – European Union       (EU) 2018/217 of 31 January 201814         NISO Annual Health and
(Personal Protective Equipment)           amending Directive 2008/68/EC of           Safety Conference
Regulations 2018                          the European Parliament and of the         Great Southern Killarney,
The Regulations transpose into            Council on the inland transport of         Co. Kerry
national legislation the provisions of    dangerous goods by adapting Section
Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the           I.1 of its Annex I to scientific and       12 October 2018
European Parliament and of the            technical progress (insofar as that
Council of 9 March 2016 on personal       Directive relates to the transport of      Trade Exhibition of Health
protective equipment and repealing        dangerous goods by road).                  and Safety Products and
Council Directive 89/686/EEC. These       Commission Directive (EU) 2018/217         Services
Regulations also set out the              gives effect to the changes to the ADR     Great Southern Killarney,
obligations on economic operators in      agreement that came into force on 3
                                                                                     Co. Kerry
relation to these products and the        January 2018.
required conformity assessment              The Regulations also give further        12 October 2018
procedures for PPE. These                 effect to Directive 2008/68/EC of the
Regulations also give further effect to   European Parliament and of the             NISO/NISG All Ireland
Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 of the       Council of 24 September 2008.              Safety Awards Gala Dinner
European Parliament and of the              These Regulations amend for the          Great Southern Killarney,
Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the    seventh time the European                  Co. Kerry
requirements for accreditation and        Communities (Carriage of Dangerous
market surveillance relating to the       Goods by Road and Use of                   12 October 2018
marketing of products and repealing       Transportable Pressure Equipment)

                                                                                      N ISO UPDATE! SUM MER 2018 11

     National Irish Safety Organisation
     Events Diary
     Visit our website to book courses and to stay up to date with
     safety training and events in 2018.

     1. NISO Safe Pass Training:                 Health and Safety Representation          MID WEST REGION
                                                 (QQI L5)                                  Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
       East: NISO Training Centre,
                                                 Duration: 4 days                          Health and Welfare at Work
       Ballymount, Dublin 12
                                                 10-13 September                           Limerick Institute of Technology
       Dates: 3, 17, 24 & 31 August
                                                                                           Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
       Weekly: On Fridays                        Manual Handling Instruction
                                                                                           Commencing: 25 September 2018
                                                 (QQI L6)
       South East: Springhill Court Hotel,                                                 Contact:
                                                 Duration: 5 days (3 days week 1 /
       Co. Kilkenny
                                                 2 days week 2)                            SOUTH EAST REGION
       Dates: 8 August
                                                 17, 18, 19 & 24, 25 September             Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
                                                                                           Health and Welfare at Work
                                                 Risk Assessment Basic Concepts
       South East: Clonmel Park Hotel,                                                     Venue: Waterford Institute of
                                                 (NISO cert)
       Poppyfields, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary                                                 Technology
                                                 Duration: 2 day
       Dates: 15 August                                                                    Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
                                                 18-19 September
       Monthly                                                                             Commencing: 18 September 2018
                                                 VDU/DSE Assessor Course                   Contact:
       South: Clayton Hotel Silver Springs,
                                                 (NISO cert)
       Cork                                                                                WEST REGION
                                                 Duration: 1 day
       Dates: 22 August                                                                    Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
                                                 Date TBC
       Monthly                                                                             Health and Welfare at Work
                                                                                           Venue: GMIT Castlebar Campus
     2. Courses scheduled at NISO             3. Courses and events in the                 Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
        Training Centre,                         regions                                   Commencing: 18 September 2018
        Ballymount, Dublin 12                    EAST REGION

       Manual Handling Basic                     Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
                                                 Health and Welfare at Work
                                                                                       4. National/All Ireland Events
       Duration: half day
       9 August; 6 September                     NISO Training Centre, Dublin 12           55th Annual NISO Health and
                                                 Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk        Safety Conference
       IOSH Managing Safety (IOSH cert)
                                                 Commencing: 18 September 2018             Great Southern Hotel, Killarney,
       Duration: 4 day
                                                 Contact:                     Co. Kerry
       13-16 August
                                                                                           12 October
                                                 MIDLAND REGION
       Safety Representation (NISO cert)
                                                 Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,       Trade Exhibition of Health and
       Duration: 2 days
                                                 Health and Welfare at Work                Safety Products and Services
       20-21 August
                                                 Athlone Institute of Technology           Great Southern Hotel, Killarney,
       Risk Assessment (QQI L5)                  Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk        Co. Kerry
       Duration: 4 days                          Commencing: 24 September 2018             12 October
       27-30 August                              Contact:
                                                                                           27th Annual NISO/NISG Safety
       IOSH Working Safely (IOSH cert)                                                     Awards Gala Dinner
       Duration: 1 day                                                                     Great Southern Hotel, Killarney,
       5 September                                                                         Co. Kerry
                                                                                           12 October.

                  NISO, A11 Calmount Park, Calmount Avenue, Ballymount, Dublin 12.
                  Tel: 01 465 9760 Fax: 01 465 9765 Email: Website:

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